
Characteristics of high school students

High school students are qualitatively different from younger students. You can certainly “teach an old dog new tricks” by understanding the cognitive and social characteristics of high school students. Using the right instructional strategies to maximize the learning benefits and address the learning challenges of high school students can make all the difference in their success.

Secondary School Cognitive Development

Most high school students have reached the formal operational stage, as described by Piaget. These students can think abstractly and need fewer concrete examples to understand complex thought patterns. Generally speaking, most students share the following characteristics:

  • Need to understand the purpose and relevance of instructional activities.
  • They are motivated both internally and externally
  • He has self-imposed cognitive barriers due to years of academic failure and lack of self-confidence.
  • You may have “locked in” in certain cognitive areas and will need to learn how to learn and overcome these barriers to learning.
  • You want to set immediate and long-term personal goals.
  • Wants to take individual responsibility for learning and progress toward goals

High School Social Development

High school students are experimenting with adult relationships. Generally speaking, most students share the following characteristics:

  • Interested in mixed activities.
  • Desire adult leadership roles and autonomy in planning
  • They want adults to take a primarily supportive role in their education
  • Develop a Community Awareness
  • Need opportunities for self-expression

high school Instructional Strategies

To address the special learning needs of students of this age, Teaching reading strategies utilizes student goal setting and record keeping. Students take responsibility for their own monitoring of progress. For example, the high interest animal fluency passages provide opportunities for students to keep records and monitor progress.

High school students are still concerned about the labeling that occurs when one identifies as a retrieval reader. Labels and stereotypes are imposed externally (by other students and sometimes by their parents), but mostly they are imposed internally (by the students themselves). Years of academic failure, due to lack of reading proficiency, have damaged students’ self-esteem. Many students have lost confidence in their ability to learn. Students have developed coping mechanisms, such as reading survival skills, eg, audio books or peer/parent readers, or problem behaviors, or “Whatever…I don’t care” attitudes to avoid the hard work learning to read well. . Secondary school teachers need to be extremely aware of students’ self-perceptions. Some talking points may be helpful:

  • “Unfortunately, some of your previous reading instruction was lacking; it’s not your fault that you have some skills to work on.” aka “blame someone else”
  • “You can learn in this class. If you come to class willing to try every day, you will improve your reading significantly, I promise.”
  • “I know you’ve tried this before, but this time it’s different.”
  • “You’ll be able to chart your own progress and see what you’re learning in this class.”
  • “Some of my previous students were like some of you. For example, ___________ and he passed the high school exit exam after finishing this class. For example, ___________ reached his grade level in reading and is now in college”. Personal anecdotes provide role models and hope for recovering high school readers. Any successful alumni will provide “street credibility” to the teacher and class.
  • “You’re not in this class forever. As soon as you master the skills you’re missing, you’re out.”
Health Fitness

Get rid of belly fat and experience a healthy life

Losing weight can really be a difficult task. It seems to be a matter of sacrificing something in exchange for something else. You have to give up your regular diet and go the extra mile for your training. Actually, this is not anyone’s fault, since being fat is not only caused by excessive food intake, but also genetic factors, unhealthy lifestyle, and hormonal problems. But whatever the reason, you still need to go the extra mile, especially if you really want to get rid of belly fat.

When it comes to diet, it is best to suggest whole foods during the weight loss process. As much as possible, avoid eating fried foods and it will be much better if you prefer foods that are steamed. Low-fat foods, low-calorie foods, and organic foods that are known to help get rid of belly fat the best should be considered. Experts suggest that oatmeal is the best food for weight loss, however, it should be prepared without salt or sugar. If you don’t like the taste, you can try adding fruits and a little honey instead of sugar. Dairy products like low-fat milk and lactose-free dairy can also help burn belly fat.

Fruits and vegetables are also great for burning fat, as these foods are high in fiber and low in calories. There are also essential fats that the body needs, so it is best to include olive oil and fatty acids like omega 3 from fish in your diet. This should be taken frequently as it will ensure removal of belly fat to better help you with the entire fat burning process. Since you need to maintain a healthy diet, you should reduce your intake of chocolates, ice creams, and chips. Instead, opt for grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Drink plenty of water as this can dissolve fatty substances that can accumulate fat in the body. In the process of burning fat, the eating pattern should also be observed. It is best that you divide your three meals into six. This way, you can eat less at each meal. You should also eat your food at least four hours before going to bed to ensure that the food eaten is properly digested before sleeping. This should be observed as calories are best burned while awake.

Although the diet has a great contribution in the accumulation of fats, this does not mean that you should stop eating food. You still have to eat, but make sure you’re eating the right foods. You should also have the right exercises like abdominal muscle training and cardiovascular exercise that will be better to remove belly fat fast.

In your purpose of getting rid of unwanted fats like those on your belly, you must establish a strong willpower. You must have self-discipline to observe a proper diet and put in extra effort to do the training. You must be sure that your purpose of taking this is not for anyone else but to become healthier.

Legal Law

Procedure for the liquidation of a company in Singapore

If you do business internationally and are located in Singapore, you may have given some thought to the steps you need to take to wind up a company. There may be many reasons for making such a decision, but the fact remains that it is not an easy process and it is helpful to have the help of professionals when necessary.

Procedure to cancel a business license in Singapore

You must cancel your business license when you close your Singapore-based company. If you wish to close your business operations in Singapore, you must do the following:

â— Notify the Accounting and Corporate Regulation Authority (ACRA) to remove your company name from the official register. Please note that this only works if you own a local business. While this is the quickest and least difficult route to take if you want to end business operations, you must meet the following criteria to qualify:

â—‹ Your business must have completely ceased its corporate and commercial operations

â—‹ Business must be debt and tax free from the IRAS standpoint.

â—‹ You cannot owe money to creditors. You also cannot have accounts receivable from customers in the ACRA charge register.

â—‹ You must not be involved in any local or international legal claims or disputes

â—‹ Your company must not be under any regulatory action or disciplinary process

â—‹ Your business must not have tangible assets and/or debts (liabilities) that are outstanding

â—‹ ACRA directors must approve your request to close your business and remove your legal name from the official register.

How to cancel your business license

You must cancel your corporate GST license with the IRAS because your business will no longer need it. Generally speaking, your business will be removed from the official register approximately five to six months after you submit your application, if approved. If you own a sole proprietorship or partnership, you must file the “Cessation of Business” transaction online.

If you own a business (an LLC or LLP), you will apply to ACRA to formally liquidate and dissolve your business. As part of this process, ACRA will assign a liquidator to your company. This professional will manage the formal processes of evaluating corporate assets, closing operations, paying debts and distributing capital to the stock and interested parties. Once you have officially dissolved your business and operations, you will be faced with the following:

â— Termination of employment: You will need to alert your employees that they are about to become unemployed approximately a few weeks before the company officially closes. Many companies (although they are not required) to help their employees find work after their official employment ends. Your human resources department should do the same. You must pay all outstanding wages, benefits, and unused leave time. If you are unsure of the appropriate amount of compensation for your employees, consult your contractual agreements or collective bargaining agreements.

â— Distribution of Corporate Assets: If you own a sole proprietorship, all of your business assets legally belong to you. However, since your business is not protected from liability, your creditors can legally force you to sell these assets to pay off your debts. Any remaining money and/or assets are legally yours.

â—‹ If you own a partnership, the assets belong to you or the business. However, if you sell your business to someone else and that person does not receive repayment of your corporate debts, all of your assets will legally belong to that person. Please refer to Section 44 of the Companies Act for further information and details in this regard.

â—‹ If you own a corporation (company), all assets belong to the company. You do not have the legal right to claim them for yourself. The only outstanding exception occurs if the company has no debts or has paid all debts. In this case, you can legally claim the remaining corporate assets. Also, remember that you must keep official books and records for a maximum period of five years after your corporation has been officially removed from the official register.

License cancellation in Singapore

If you want to cancel your Singapore business license, you need to make sure that your company (corporation) has no outstanding debts or taxes. This includes any outstanding business loans. In this case, you must officially inform your creditors of the future closure of your company. You must also tell them when, how, and to what extent you will finance them. In addition, you can use the services of Global Corporate Advisory Services who have experience in such procedures.

You should seek legal advice to help you determine which creditor claims are legally valid and which are not. You should also make sure that your business does not owe taxes to government agencies. You can determine this using these methods:

â— Go to myTaxPortal to see all your pending and paid taxes. This will include corporate tax and GST.

â— Call the IRAS 24-hour free answering service. You will be able to check the status of your corporate taxes and GST with a representative.

The liquidation of a business in Singapore is involved

As can be seen from the information discussed, it is about liquidating a business in Singapore. If you are thinking of liquidating your company, it is important to hire the services of a global business consultancy so that they take care of the real ins and outs of the entire process. They take the stress out and navigate the intricacies of corporate law to help you close a deal in Singapore.

Lifestyle Fashion

Groom’s Father’s Speech

Everyone loves to hear a moving speech, but when it comes to giving one, many tend to cringe. However, there is no need to be ashamed as none of us are born with the gift of speaking off the cuff. One of the places where you can’t escape your duty to give a speech is at your own wedding, or your son’s, or daughter’s wedding. For a father, the groom’s speech is not the only one that must be personal, humorous and touching. His speech has to be equally well interspersed with a bit of emotion and with. A little advice for his son and a toast to the newlywed couple are essential elements of a father-groom speech. Putting a few lines on “lessons learned” when phrased correctly can be very moving.

Now the important thing is to jot down a few points that you want to add to your speech. Do some research and take a trip down memory lane. This will help highlight some of the best moments of your child’s childhood and adolescence. Call a few close friends and ask them to pitch in as well. Some touching moments and some humorous will make the perfect combination for your speech. As a father’s boyfriend speech it is that you can take some last minute hints from. For that, though, you’ll need to have a pen handy on the big day and take note of what your child says before going on stage.

Once you have an outline, the next step is to prepare a draft. Your wedding speech should start with a short introduction about yourself. No doubt there will be some guests who don’t know you. Keep it brief and then focus on the body of your speech. The body should contain some notable stories about the newlyweds and about them as individuals. You can do it with a little creativity and express yourself well. Use metaphors, some catchy words, and paint a clear picture. That’s what a good wedding speech is all about. It shouldn’t seem like you’re just saying it because you have to. As a speech of the father’s boyfriend is the one who should give an appropriate response. The body of your speech should contain some friendly advice. However, do not make is a marital speech. The couple will have plenty of time to experience married life as the months and years pass.

The conclusion of your speech is what can have a lasting impact on the audience, including the newlyweds. It can end with a love quote or a funny but meaningful story. A few words of thanks to the guests who graced the occasion, the bride’s family, and the relatives and friends who helped plan the wedding are appropriate at the closing lines of her speech. In closing, she extends her wishes to the couple, as she asks guests to raise their glasses in toasts to a lifetime of love and happiness for the newlyweds. A word of advice, don’t compare a father’s speech with what you have to say. Obviously, your child may have a different perspective on some issues.

Don’t forget to practice your speech so you’ll be brimming with confidence on the big day. No sweaty hands, no dry throat, no pounding heartbeat… all it takes is a little preparation.

Real Estate

5 ways to finance your home purchase

When the time comes for someone to consider buying a home of their own and achieving their part of the so-called American Dream and becoming a first-time homeowner, it is important to understand and appreciate some financing options early on. Since most people, especially when they don’t own a previous home, which provides significant funds when sold, need some type of additional sources, for the necessary financing. It is prudent, therefore, since, for the vast majority of people, their personal home represents their single largest financial asset, to discover and understand financing/financing options and decide on the best course of action. for your personal needs and situation. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss 5 ways/options to finance your home purchase.

1. conventional: The most common method is to use the conventional approach. This means qualifying and using a mortgage for these needs. To be prepared, it is essential, at least six months, before beginning the search, to examine, review, correct, improve, and improve your credit report and score. These are usually available either through a bank, mortgage banker or broker, or some other lending institution.

2. Family friends: Some people find it more advantageous to go to their friends and/or relatives to obtain some type of loan, etc., to purchase their house! Obviously, only a few lucky people can take advantage of these types of sources, because most of us have neither the contacts, with these types of funds, nor any willingness to lend you money.

3. Owner – Financed: There are various occasions and scenarios in which a homeowner may be willing to assist or fully finance a purchase. Sometimes, it’s because the home may have been on the market for an extended period, while other times it’s because, holding the papers, may, in some way, benefit the current owner of the property. This approach can be either for primary or secondary funding sources!

4. Balloon Loans: It may be necessary or advantageous to use some type of global loan, instead of a conventional one. This type of financing is generally interest only (rates can vary), for a specified, rather short period, and after that period, you must pay off the principal, in full, or purchase new funds. / financing.

5. Combination: It’s not unusual for someone to use some combination of these approaches/methods. For example, someone who lacks sufficient funds for a down payment, but otherwise has excellent credit, may rely on owner financing to obtain some of the necessary funds and a conventional source for the first mortgage.

If owning a home is meaningful to you, discover your options and learn the best way to proceed for you. An educated buyer makes the best decisions!

Shopping Product Reviews

Insulated Log Cabins: 10 Advantages During Cold Seasons

There are many reasons why people choose to reside in log cabins. One of the main reasons is that people seek to live in the relaxed environments that these cabins can provide. They also have a unique appearance that makes them a great addition to any property and increases land value. There are many benefits to living in these structures. Log cabins have a unique set of features that make them advantageous for living no matter the season. First of all, they provide the inhabitants with protection from the weather elements, making them feel comfortable. Take an example of winter where conditions become harsh enough to cause health related problems. In such cases, a log cabin would come in handy. That is how:


When one builds a house, they see it as an investment and therefore it is crucial for them that the house can withstand external forces. With wood at stake, you are looking for a home that is naturally resistant to weather factors and can therefore enjoy your home for decades. Plus, with the right maintenance practices in place, you can leave the cab to future generations. Studies show that log cabins tend to outlast conventional structures such as concrete houses. The wood can withstand the snowfall and rain that accompany the cold seasons with ease and as such will see little wear due to climate changes. It is for this reason that people who live in cold areas choose to build these structures.

health benefits

Cold seasons come fraught with challenges like illnesses like the flu and the common cold. When you live in a temperature controlled space, you can protect yourself from such conditions. You can also sleep better, thus protecting your health.

minimal maintenance

Cold seasons are accompanied by events such as strong winds, storms, and other factors that can easily affect conventional structures. However, people who live in log cabins need not worry about such challenges. Wood, being a natural material, is stable and can easily withstand external forces. You can see it this way. A tree in the forest can survive storms and other circumstances during its lifetime. It is the same tree that one later cuts down and uses to create a log cabin. Although the tree is dead, its strength does not fade and the resulting logs will give your home the protection it needs. It is recommended that you perform your annual maintenance a few weeks before the start of winter. In this way, you will not need to do any inspection during the season, and if there are damages, they will not be important enough to damage your home. You can comfortably rely on the structural strength of your home.

insulation properties

thermal isolation

One of the reasons why people use wood in home construction is due to its insulating properties. Wood is a poor conductor of heat and as such does not transfer heat from one side to the other. You can see it this way. When it’s hot, temperatures are quite high outside, and this can be very uncomfortable. However, if you were to go into a log cabin, you would find that the temperatures were quite low. The same goes for cold weather. Even though there may be a strong storm right outside your house, wood will not transfer heat from your cabin to the outside. In this way, the interior stays warm, allowing you to be comfortable. As such, you also won’t need to rely heavily on burning wood during cold seasons.

acoustic isolation

In addition to preventing heat from escaping the structure, the logs also ensure that you enjoy sound insulation. In this way, you can have a calm environment as you will not experience disturbance from outside activities.


The best thing about an isolated cabin is that you have the security that what is outside cannot enter and that you are safe inside. Water and other similar elements will not be able to enter as long as you follow the correct maintenance practices.

Energy efficiency

It is quite common to find people relying on heaters during the cold season, and this is due to the need to stay warm during those times. For a person living in a conventional structure, there is a large heat transfer to the outside, which requires more outdoor heat generation. As a result, it costs a lot of money. When it comes to a log cabin, you don’t lose heat to the outside, and this indicates that you don’t need to have a lot of heating equipment in play to stay warm. As a consequence, you end up using less energy. In this way, you reduce your carbon footprint, thus having a positive impact on the environment.

reduced costs

People build log cabins by using high-quality wood, and as such, these structures last for decades. This way, you won’t need another log cabin for a long time, and therefore you can save money that you could have used on later purchases. It is also necessary to point out that maintenance practices in these structures are minimal and little money ends up being spent on these processes. This benefit, along with the energy efficiency of a cabin, results in lower costs in running a log cabin compared to maintaining a conventional structure. As such, if you’re looking to save money, this is the way to go.

natural light

Log cabins come with proper windows to allow light into your space. This way, you don’t have to rely on artificial lighting and can save money as a result.

weather protection

These structures are stable so that they can withstand impacts from external forces. Let’s take an example where a tree was going to fall on a cabin. The logs, being strong, would withstand the pressure without giving way, thus protecting everyone in the house. They also protect you from the low temperatures outside.

Kindness with the environment

These structures are environmentally friendly due to the materials used in construction. Trees emit carbon while they live and using them as logs removes this carbon from the environment. People living in cabins also use less energy and this has a positive effect on the environment.

In addition to all of these benefits, you can expect excellent sales value once you decide to move on from your home!


Ness’s Notes (January 28)

I don’t know if any of you are the same age as me (or FEEL that old), but about FOUR decades ago, Joe Garagiola (I’m assuming he’s the same age if you remember!) wrote a book titled: “Baseball It’s a fun game.” Well, the NBA can also be quite ‘fun’. Consider this. The Nuggets entered last night’s home game with the Clippers on a seven-game winning streak and were 11-2 in January. Marcus Camby, the league’s top rebounder, had missed the team’s last 15 games (the Nuggets were 11-4 without him), but he was ready to return for last night’s game.

So what happens? The Nuggets are OUTSIDED 45-32 and lose, 105-87! Kobe should have been well rested after his 81-point game on Sunday, as the Lakers had a four-day rest before last night’s game with Golden State. However, the man who “never saw a shot he didn’t like or thought he couldn’t make” took just 12 shots in the first three quarters of the game last night! He made just TWO and entered the fourth quarter with a total of just FIVE points! Luckily for the Lakers (but NOT the L.A. punters), someone must have reminded Kobe of who he was, as he scored 25 points in the fourth quarter and overtime as the Lakers ran away with a no-cover win by 106-105.

My free game for Saturday is varsity hoops. Take Va Tech over Wake Forest at 3:00 ET. I have three HUGE plays from CBB on Saturday, my first LEGEND play in BKB since Jan 7th (LEGEND plays were 14-4 on FB season and are 3-1 so far on BKB season!) Plus two plays of 20 *. Since January 20, my 20* plays or more on CBB have gone 5-1 or 83% ATS, so don’t miss my 20* Big-10 GOY or my 20* Big-12 Total of the Year. NBA fans return at 9:00 ET.

The Artest/Peja deal sparked two big line ‘moves’ on Friday night. The Cavs were in Indiana last night to take on the Pacers. With Artest out for Peja (who wouldn’t play) and O’Neal out for up to eight weeks, Cleveland’s overnight line as a one-point favorite didn’t last long. The Cavs closed with a four point favorite and there were more than a few 4 1/2’s around. Final score? Cleveland for FOUR!

Artest made his Kings debut last night in Boston against the Celtics. The Celtics also had big trade news, as a seven-player trade with Minnesota had sent Davis and Blount to the T-wolves for Szczerbiak and Olowokandi. Boston opened as a four-point option in this one, but the game ‘closed out’ at about a ‘pick’, with the Kings even becoming favorites in places. Final score? Boston wins 84-74. Artest scored 15 points on 5-of-14 shooting.

On the surface, the Pistons are ONE team to count on these days, although Detroit bettors lost yesterday when the Pistons moved to 36-5 with a 95-89 win over the Grizzlies. Detroit became the THIRD team in the past 20 years to start with the same five players in EVERY of their first 41 games. The 1999-2000 Pacers did it and so did the 2002-03 Golden State Warriors.

An interesting contrast of those two teams shows this. The Pacers went 56-26 in the regular season that year, reaching the NBA Finals, where they lost to the Lakers (the first title for Shaq and Kobe). As for the Warriors, they went 38-44 in 2003, once again missing out on the postseason (they last made the playoffs in the 1993-94 season).

College basketball dominates the Saturday sports scene. ESPN and ESPN2 and ESPNU will combine to televise NINE games on Saturday, beginning with Cincinnati at Georgetown (ESPN2) and Kansas at Iowa State (ESPN) at noon ET. Saturday’s coverage ends with Texas at Oklahoma on ESPN2 at 9:00 ET. CBS springs into action with Arizona visiting North Carolina at 1:00 ET (Tar Heels are favored by 3 1/2 points with a total of 150).

This past Saturday’s action saw Duke, Florida and Pittsburgh lose, leaving us with no undefeated teams. Long winning streaks still intact, they are of the ‘homemade’ variety. Southern Illinois owns the country’s longest current home winning streak (33 straight), but the Salukis play Illinois State on Saturday. However, both Gonzaga and Illinois (each with 32 straight home wins) play home games on Saturday, with Gonzaga (a 19 1/2-point favorite) hosting 8-12 Portland and Illinois (a 22-point favorite) hosting 7 -11 Purdue.

Ness Notes is available Monday through Friday at 1:00 ET and Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 ET.


Come scegliere i pneumatici per auto giusti per un veicolo specifico

Come scegliere i pneumatici per auto

Gli pneumatici della tua auto sono uno dei componenti più critici in termini di prestazioni, sicurezza e comfort. È importante prendersi il proprio tempo e trovare gli pneumatici giusti per il proprio veicolo.

Pneumatici Auto

La scelta degli pneumatici giusti per la tua auto è essenziale per migliorare il risparmio di carburante, la maneggevolezza e la sicurezza. Ci sono diversi fattori da considerare quando si prende una decisione, tra cui le dimensioni, l’indice di velocità e l’indice di carico dei nuovi pneumatici.

La dimensione di uno pneumatico è generalmente definita da tre fattori: la larghezza del cerchione, il rapporto d’aspetto e l’altezza dello pneumatico. Usando queste informazioni, puoi determinare quale tipo di pneumatico si adatterà al tuo cerchio.

Come scegliere i pneumatici per auto giusti per un veicolo specifico

* Le dimensioni del pneumatico si trovano sul fianco dei tuoi pneumatici attuali o nel manuale del proprietario, nello sportello del carburante o nell’adesivo con le informazioni sui pneumatici.

Si consiglia di sostituire tutti e quattro i pneumatici del veicolo, ma se è necessario sostituirne solo due, è meglio sostituirli sulla ruota posteriore. Ciò ti consentirà di guidare fino alle condizioni dei tuoi pneumatici piuttosto che consumarli in un punto.

Quando si selezionano nuovi pneumatici, è importante scegliere la dimensione e l’indice di velocità appropriati per la marca, il modello e l’anno del veicolo. Gli pneumatici giusti possono aiutare la tua auto a funzionare in modo più efficiente, fornire un’aderenza superiore su superfici bagnate e asciutte e aiutare a prevenire l’aquaplaning su strade bagnate.

Se stai sostituendo tutti e quattro i pneumatici della tua auto, puoi anche selezionare uno pneumatico con una trazione e una temperatura diverse rispetto a quelli esistenti. Ciò aumenterà la capacità dei tuoi pneumatici di aderire alla strada, anche su superfici bagnate e ghiacciate.

Puoi anche scegliere pneumatici con un diverso disegno del battistrada o un diverso tipo di mescola del pneumatico. Queste caratteristiche possono migliorare l’aderenza dei tuoi pneumatici sulla strada, aumentarne la durata e ridurre il rumore.

Ad esempio, uno pneumatico con un battistrada asimmetrico più alto ti aiuta a guidare più velocemente, mentre un battistrada unidirezionale può aumentare la tua aderenza sulle superfici bagnate.

Avere una dimensione e un codice di velocità degli pneumatici adeguati è fondamentale per le prestazioni del tuo veicolo, quindi vale la pena dedicare del tempo all’acquisto di pneumatici sostitutivi. Fortunatamente, queste informazioni sono semplici da ottenere e possono essere facilmente trovate nel manuale del proprietario, nello sportello del carburante o nell’adesivo con le informazioni sui pneumatici sulla portiera del conducente.

Esistono molti tipi diversi di pneumatici sul mercato e ogni marchio può avere le proprie caratteristiche e trucchi unici. Questi possono variare in termini di design, costruzione e prezzo, quindi è importante scegliere uno pneumatico adatto alle proprie esigenze.

L’indice di velocità di uno pneumatico è un fattore chiave per la sua maneggevolezza e sicurezza, quindi è essenziale scegliere uno pneumatico con l’indice di velocità corretto per la marca, la marca e l’anno del veicolo. Uno pneumatico con un indice di velocità inferiore comprometterà la maneggevolezza, la sicurezza e la capacità di accelerazione della tua auto.

Se devi sostituire tutti e quattro i pneumatici, dovresti scegliere uno pneumatico con dimensioni, indice di velocità e indice di carico appropriati per la marca, il modello e l’anno del tuo veicolo. Ciò garantirà prestazioni ottimali, efficienza del carburante e sicurezza.


IT Asset Disposal – Environmental Compliance

An IT asset is any information owned by the company, its hardware or system used in the business activities of that company. The IT asset disposal process can be fraught with risk, but the riskiest element is environmental compliance with federal and state regulations. There’s also the disaster that could strike if company assets were found to be leaking toxic materials into the environment, being processed under unsafe working conditions abroad in a landfill, or falling apart in a landfill. To make sure disposal of your IT assets is compliant with environmental regulations, here are some key facts to know.

When you say “free,” you don’t always mean that

There are IT recycling providers that will offer to take the assets and dispose of them at no cost to the business. When you ask them how they can do this, they may tell you that they will make money selling the assets for scrap. This should throw up a red flag and make you suspicious. When an IT asset material has some scrap value, it’s usually not enough to sustain an environmentally compliant recycling business. If your business has to pay fines for a business that practices poor recycling, those “free” services could cost your business a fortune. So if an IT asset disposal center offers to dispose of your business assets for free, look for another service.

Downstream does matter

Many of these companies have downstream partners that they hand over the assets to for further processing and it’s usually material that they can’t sell. One important thing to keep in mind is that your company is responsible for all IT assets that you have disposed of through the chain of custody. This is from the time it leaves your company to the final disposal site. To make sure that the company you choose is compliant with environmental regulations, you need to make sure that everyone involved is also compliant. Make sure you know where your IT assets are going.


This is the most reliable way to ensure that the company you are considering complies with environmental regulations. Typically, there is no one in your company who has the expertise or time to audit IT asset disposal recycling center practices from start to finish. You don’t have to take their word for it that they and their partners deliver. Ask to see their certification for safe and compliant IT asset recycling, which is one or both of these certificates, R2/RIOS and e-Stewards. To obtain these certificates, they must also monitor their partners and provide documented proof that the disposal of IT assets complies with all standards and laws.


Best Money Investing Tips: Always Do These Things Whether You Are A Beginner Or More Experienced

Are you looking for new ideas on how to invest money? Are you hoping to make improvements to your portfolio? Whether you’re new or consider yourself to have at least some experience, here are some of the best tips for investing money:

• Always review your needs and goals. It does not matter if you are just starting out or have been making investments for several years, you should periodically review your objectives, since needs and circumstances change over time, not only with your own money but with the stock market, the banking industry, interest rates. , savings, etc. Your risk level can go down or up at almost any time in your life.

• It is good to always keep deadlines in mind. Investors in their 20s will be able to keep up for decades to come, and those closer to retirement age will have less time to deal with it. This means that younger investors can afford to put their money in the stock market and wait for it to go up, or in a savings account and wait a couple of decades to rack up thousands in interest. Older investors may want to look into real estate companies or corporate bonds, which are relatively safer than stocks.

• Learn how to protect yourself and how to avoid scams and unsolicited investment offers. Only work with a broker (more on that below) that has a lot of positive reviews and a good reputation. Never share your contact information or respond to an investment promotion without first verifying that it is legitimate.

More of the best tips for investing money

• One of the best money investing tips for anyone is to diversify your portfolio. Obviously, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. However, how much you diversify your portfolio depends on your needs, age, and current financial situation.

• Regarding the broker or brokerage house, always check with their payments and fees. You can simply use an online trading platform with extremely low fees if you feel you are experienced enough to be a bit more hands-on with your trading. Avoid any online broker that tries to charge idle fees. Make sure you understand all the charges so you know exactly what you’d pay before you agree to anything.

You can always get the best tips for investing money the right way by joining the Capitalist Exploits newsletter for top-notch advice, stock picks, money management ideas, and high-quality investment analysis. There are currently another 30,000 investors, many of whom have left positive reviews of Capitalist Exploits. There is a free newsletter to get you started.