Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Campaigns: The Best Strategies for Digital Marketing

Online digital marketing is the most vital part of online marketing, which uses online and web-based digital technology such as mobile phones, computers and other electronic media and platforms to advertise services and products. In today’s highly competitive world, all businesses are competing with each other for maximum sales and visibility. All businesses are looking for efficient and cost-effective ways to achieve their goal of reaching the maximum number of customers. They also try different techniques to attract more customers to take advantage of their product or service. This has made digital marketing very popular among business owners.

One of the effective methods for online digital marketing success is search engine optimization, which involves using the right keywords on the website. Keyword research is an important part of this process, which goes a long way in improving the ranking and visibility of the website on the Internet. It makes your website rank higher on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN. There are a number of ways to conduct good keyword research, and here are some internet marketing tips that might come in handy.

There are several online digital marketing channels that you can choose from to advertise your products or services. The most popular are; search engine advertising, paid search ads, video ads, display advertising, video promotion, network advertising and content advertising. All of these channels have their advantages and disadvantages, but it is entirely up to you to decide which is the best channel to advertise your product.

Search Engine Marketing: SEM is a very effective and widely used method of online marketing. It’s a set of networks where you can place your ads, pay per click, and get instant results. For best results, you must have proper keyword research. You need to know the target audience, location, demographics, competition, and various other details before placing your ads. It is important to have high-quality ad copy and relevant URLs. To ensure the quality of your campaign, you need to do keyword research in your business niche.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing – Pay-per-click advertising is an ideal way to reach a global audience. With the help of PPCM, you can easily reach a large audience at the same time. Generally, this method is good for small businesses that have a limited marketing budget. In this method, you only have to pay when visitors click on your ad.

Offline Advertising: Offline advertising is also very effective in online marketing digital channels. Reach small businesses located anywhere in the world. By using offline advertising, you can increase brand awareness, increase your sales and save costs. However, there are some things you should do to maximize the benefits of using offline advertising like; choose the right product and service, promote your business and build an audience for your product. You need to spend more money to reach a large audience.

Keyword Research – It is very important for online marketing campaigns to reach your target audience. You need to choose the keyword that can easily attract the viewers. If your keyword research shows some keywords that can attract an audience, it will be a perfect choice for your website. Also, research the keyword strategy of the competition and make your website unique.

Bus Advertising – A good marketing strategy can attract leads and increase your conversion rate. In bus advertising, you have to follow the strategy to advertise your product. A good example of this strategy is; sending each visitor a coupon for their products. Furthermore, you can also use pop-ups to capture the interest of potential customers.


Taking care of your feet is not child’s play

As the cold winter weather passes and the sunlight begins to peek through the clouds, it’s time for kids to escape the clutches of the television and embrace the playground. Whether it’s playing a game of tag, playing a sport, or having fun in the sandbox, many kids will be active this summer.

However, a day in the sun can end with a day at the doctor’s office if proper safety precautions are ignored. Before the kids take a look at the giant slide in the pool, the oversized toys at the park, or the thrilling rides at the amusement park, prepare them with the right footwear and protect them with proper care.

These tips from the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) could save the bottoms of your child’s feet this summer:

– Observe your child’s gait patterns closely. Does your child have toes that point in or out, knock knees, or other gait abnormalities? These problems can be corrected if they are detected early and treated by a podiatrist.

– Children’s feet change size quickly, so always measure your child’s feet every time you buy new shoes.

– When shopping for shoes, look for stiff material on each side of the heel, adequate cushioning, and a built-in arch. The shoe should be bent at the ball of the foot, not the middle of the shoe.

– Never wear used shoes.

– Limit the time children wear platform or heeled shoes and alternate with good quality sneakers or flats. High top sneakers generally help prevent ankle sprains.

– Do not buy shoes that need an “adjustment” period. Good shoes should feel comfortable right away. For athletic activities, choose shoes that are designed for the sport your child will be playing.

– Never pack new shoes for your children to wear on vacation.

– Walking barefoot on the pavement, the carpet of a hotel or airplane, in the bathrooms of a hotel or in a changing room and near the swimming pool can make your child susceptible to a large number of infections. Always wear a pair of flip-flops or strappy sandals made of soft, supple leather to avoid contracting bacteria or fungi such as athlete’s foot or plantar warts.

– When applying sunscreen, don’t forget to put some on your child’s feet. Also, always remember to reapply.

– The lack of complaints from a young person is not a reliable sign. The bones in the growing feet are so flexible that they can become twisted and distorted without a child realizing it.

– Beware of applying home remedies to children’s feet. Preparations strong enough to kill certain types of fungus can damage the skin. The best thing to do is visit an APMA member podiatrist for treatment.

For more information, visit

Health Fitness

Take time for self care

I’ve been struggling with time management quite a bit since mid-February and I just understood it a bit better. It seems I’m not the only one though!

Many people have told me recently that they feel quite tired and burnt out, very busy but not accomplishing much. I call it “doing the hamster thing.” You know what they do: they run on those little wheels in their cages, going nowhere fast. And that is not a very nice feeling. Believe me I know!

I truly believe that in order to better manage your time, you have to decide what is important to you and what is not. If you don’t decide, you can be sure that other people will decide for you.

If something is important to you, you Will make time for it. She used to say things like, “I don’t have enough time to exercise because I get home from work too late.” One day I realized that this is absolute nonsense. Obviously, he was making work a higher priority than having a healthy and fit body. It’s as simple as that. Hmm…

So this month I want you to take some time to focus on yourself. I can hear all the busy moms saying things like “but my kids need me.” Listen, it’s not a selfish thing, it just makes you a better person. I’m also very impulsive and have hundreds of things on the go, so I know what it’s like. But you can’t give what you don’t have.

There are seven areas in everyone’s life: spiritual, work, financial, family, friends, health/physical and personal. We constantly give and give and because we all lead such busy lives, it’s all too easy for that last section to slip by. Let’s hope that changes soon J

This year I decided that since my personal development is extremely important to me, I need to start scheduling time just for myself. What I’ve been doing is scheduling two nights each month to focus on me. If I find interesting worksheets, quizzes, or eBooks on the internet, I print them out and do or read them in this spare time, too. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I read a book and at that moment I’m too lazy to go get paper and do the exercises. Now I write them down and do all these exercises during my self-care time.

You can enjoy your time pampering yourself with a lovely bubble bath, painting your toenails or reading your favorite book. Or pick up a favorite magazine and read it over coffee and cake in a quiet cafe. Or book yourself in a workshop. I do regular talks and workshops and while I love it, I enjoy hosting from time to time. So every year, I attend at least two workshops.

For all you unstructured people, you’re probably thinking, “where’s the spontaneity?” I’ll do a Dr. Phil and ask you this, “how’s the spontaneity going?” I also tried spontaneity and never seemed to get to the things that were important to me!

I have really found this self-care time very helpful and I know you will too. You will be able to really think about what works for you and what doesn’t. I suggest you buy a nice notebook and write everything down. There is something very special about putting things in writing instead of having it all spinning around in your head.

My sister calls her personal time “Shelley time.” She repeat three times: It is not a sin to have (insert her own name here) _____________ time. Fine!

So do the exercise but more importantly take some action. You are very worth it!

Legal Law

The true lesson of the sadhu’s parable

When it comes to alternative interpretations on a topic, it’s interesting that many business ethics textbooks contain The Parable of the Sadhu, about how these Westerners wrestled with the implications of a sad Indian mendicant Sadhu. In short, the author had been punishing himself for years because on a trip to Nepal to climb the Himalayan mountains, he and other climbers had come across a frozen beggar lying exposed in the mountains. They revived him and left him in a shack, last seeing him throwing rocks at a dog. Thereafter, for years, the author suffered from feelings of guilt, feeling that he should have helped carry the Sadhu to a village two days’ walk away.

What the story does not say, of course, is that the Sadhu had been exactly where he intended to be, doing what he intended to do, when suddenly these Westerners grabbed him and mistreated him, and then turned his presence into a serious moral crisis for him. . themselves. To top it off, they left it to be eaten by a dog; instead of dying peacefully on the mountain, they tear it to pieces and eat it. Not a very happy ending for the Sadhu.


This seems typical of interactions between Americans and the rest of the world. Nowhere did the Sadhu appear to have asked anyone for help. The author interprets the Sadhu’s lesson as “In a complex corporate situation, the individual requires and deserves the support of the group.” The lesson I see instead is: beware of westerners, they might grab you, mistreat you and take you somewhere you have no interest in being taken, to be torn to pieces by the dogs. A Syrian friend of mine sent me a photo of a bumper sticker that is apparently becoming common in the Middle East: “Be nice to America, or we will bring democracy to your country.”


The real question that we should ask ourselves, therefore, before getting involved in the internal affairs of other countries or in the daily lives of other people, is whether what we intend to do is going to help or harm other people. If we assume the answer to that question, then we will continue making the mistake made by the author of the Parable; that everything we do to another person is justified because we are the ones doing it. I suggest that this presumption is itself unwarranted and unjustifiable.

Lifestyle Fashion

The Soy Myth: Does Soy Make You Fat?

Did you know that you could be poisoning your body with high levels of toxins produced by too much soy in your diet? Research has shown that a soy-based diet at any age can lead to a weakened thyroid, commonly leading to heart problems and excess fat. Could this explain the dramatic rise in obesity today?

Are you suffering from obesity or excess weight? If you’re eating a diet rich in soy, you could be taking a serious toll on your health, not to mention sabotaging your weight loss goals.

Most people are unaware of the many powerful chemical toxins that soy contains. One of them is phytic acid, also called phytates. These acids prevent the body from absorbing essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and especially zinc. Unfortunately, soybeans are very resistant to phytate reduction techniques, such as prolonged slow cooking, so removing this toxin is nearly impossible.

Soy also contains powerful enzyme inhibitors. These inhibitors block the absorption of trypsin and other enzymes the body needs for protein digestion, causing severe gastric upset, reduced protein digestion, and can lead to chronic deficiencies in amino acid absorption.

Because of the way today’s soy is made and processed (quick and cheap), it doesn’t matter what kind of products you buy, organic or not. They all carry high levels of toxins and should not be eaten, or only in moderation, as is done in Asian cultures. Contrary to popular belief, soy products have never been a staple in Asian countries. Historically, soybeans were used by the poor in times of extreme food scarcity, and only then were the soybeans carefully prepared through prolonged fermentation to destroy soybean toxins.

The average US vegetarian diet today includes soy in extreme excess of what Asians typically consume; they generally use small portions of soy to supplement their meals. The standard Asian diet consists of more natural products, much less fatty meat, more vegetables, and more fish. Their diets are also lower in chemicals and toxins, since they eat far fewer processed foods (canned, jarred, pickled, frozen).

So if you think that will keep you and your kids from getting fat, think again. These claims come directly from the soy industry, which has led us all to believe in its “health food” qualities. It doesn’t really make sense, especially when we know that farmers feed animals soy to fatten them up and slaughter them as quickly as possible.

Soy also contains copious amounts of isoflavones (phytoestrogens), which actually interfere with the thyroid gland’s ability to make thyroid hormones, leading to weight gain, tiredness, and depression. A diet rich in soy is also rich in isoflavones, and you don’t need much. Just one glass of soy milk a day, said to contain between 30 and 45 milligrams, is enough to suppress thyroid function. And with a weakened thyroid, it will become increasingly difficult for you to lose weight.

It is the isoflavones in soy that are supposed to protect us from heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and the discomforts of menopause. Not so.

But the most alarming and extremely sad effect comes from feeding our babies soy. While everyone knows, breastfeeding is best; mothers today think they are doing their newborns a service by giving them soy-based formula instead of traditional milk-based formula. In fact, it is causing devastating damage to our children.

Babies fed exclusively on soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed on milk-based formula, the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day. The premature development of girls has been linked to the use of soy formula, as has the underdevelopment of boys.

Moms who eat soy during pregnancy also put their babies at risk because isoflavones cross the placenta. This can upset the hormonal balance, especially during the first three months, when male fetuses are at a crucial stage of development and adequate testosterone is absolutely necessary. Other problems associated with both genders fed soy formula infants include extreme emotional behavior, depression, asthma, immune system problems, pituitary failure, thyroid disorders, and irritable bowel syndrome.

In general, there is an overwhelming number of other health problems that can be associated with soyfoods, including: bladder, prostate, colorectal, thyroid, and breast cancer; precancerous lesions; heart disease; type 2 diabetes; malnutrition; stunted growth; flatulence; pancreatic problems; low libido: early puberty; anemia; zinc deficiency; osteoporosis; gut damage; malabsorption and leaky gut syndrome; kidney stones; allergies; infant death; disruption of the immune system; thyroid disease – and the list goes on.

The soybean industry is a powerful multi-billion dollar industry. And the public relations and funding of its advertising as a “health food” is really causing a “health crisis.” Soy is dangerous, for you and especially for your children. Don’t get sucked into their marketing gimmicks.

If you are looking for help with your eating habits or need to lose weight, I can help you. I offer several weight loss programs designed for each individual. No points, no calorie counting, no gimmicks. It’s about the food, not about you.

For more information on these programs and links to additional FREE articles and downloads, visit []. Launching November 2008: Exciting new weight loss eBook and affordable take-home course of study with a complete 90-day step-by-step weight loss plan, including grocery list, menus, supplements, and online support. line.


Fines for DUI in California

When a person is found guilty of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, DUI tickets may be part of their penalty. DUI tickets may be subject to the discretion of the judge presiding over the DUI case. The nature of the fines depends on the type of DUI charge the defendant may be facing. There are two types of DUI tickets, namely criminal tickets and restitution. The former are generally ordered in a criminal case, while restitution is ordered in a civil case. Just as criminal DUI tickets are intended to punish the offender for their crimes, restitution tickets are intended to compensate the victim for personal injuries or other losses as a result of a DUI accident. The state department of motor vehicles can also impose DUI tickets by revoking the offender’s license permanently or for a period of time. DUI tickets also include changes to the insurance premiums paid for auto insurance.

Factors that affect DUI fines include the specific facts of the defendant’s case and the state or jurisdiction where the offense was committed. The DUI fine is determined through the criminal justice system. In addition to DUI fines, there could be jail time, revocation of the offender’s driver’s license, etc. At some point, the offender may be required to complete DUI school, community service, or a drug/alcohol treatment program under the criminal justice system. These programs sometimes reduce DUI fines. DUI tickets are intended to punish a convicted DUI offender and deter him from committing similar offenses in the future.

DUI fines can be increased in a number of circumstances. An attorney can protect her interests in a DUI case. They know the laws that apply to your case and can find ways to reduce DUI fines and other penalties. You should also consider the time that DUI legal proceedings will require and a variety of related costs.

Real Estate

Understand the housing market

You may have been searching the real estate market for some indication as to whether you should buy or sell a home. what should you be looking for? Recent reports are pretty grim. Sales are falling, rates are rising, and the market is slowing down. What does that mean to you?

If you are a seller, you may find it more difficult to sell your home. If you’re a buyer, you may have more to choose from, but a higher interest rate on your mortgage. If you’re in the industry, you could be looking at a potential loss of revenue due to less sales.

If you are smart, you will forget about the market and look at the area in which you are looking to buy or sell.

Many parts of the United States are getting colder. Others are still experiencing booming sales. The market is an endless ups and downs. Your area could be a seller’s market or a buyer’s market.

If you are looking to sell, you can be sure that things are not the same as when you bought your house. Real estate values ​​are up, hopefully. Your neighbors might also have their homes for sale, which means you’re not a rare find in housing.

Or it could be in an area where your house will be the most coveted property in town. You never know.

So are real estate. The conditions that make a market good for a party can change overnight. All it takes is a few more homes on the market or fewer sellers to turn a market around.

Keep an eye on what’s going on in your neighborhood or in the area where you want to buy. Are new families moving in? Are houses selling fast? Are there only a couple of houses for sale? Are improvements being made? Do you see a lot of people looking at houses for sale?

If so, then you might have a good chance of selling your house.

No matter what the market is like, there will be a buyer for a home. It just depends on time and price. If you are in a depressed market, you may find that by making your home attractive, you have a better chance of selling it. In a hot market, your home sells itself.

If you are looking to buy, you should look at your own finances before looking at the market. Determine how much you can afford to spend on a home. Look at what your budget allows you, not what you can stretch. In an active market, you won’t have much room to trade in prime houses. In a slow market, you may find that you have greater bargaining power.

No matter what the interest rates are, there will come a point where you cannot afford to buy a home. Yes, they are up now, but not so much that buying a house right now is unreasonable. They are still very low compared to the rates of a decade or more ago. They are expected to go up, so don’t think they will necessarily go down again anytime soon. Whether you are looking to buy or sell a home, there are many factors to consider. The market in general is interesting, but it won’t really affect your home as much as the neighborhood and area market.


Customer Lifetime Value – The Key to Maximizing Your Profit!

The greatest asset of your business is your Customer,

specifically, its customer lifetime value.

In my many years in Sales and Marketing, I have met many CEOs and

business owners who do not have much idea of ​​what the Customer

Lifetime Value is, much less its importance and the impact that

have on your bottom line. For most of them, the most important thing is

to increase revenue through the continuous acquisition of new one-shot


This is one of the fatal mistakes many business owners make;

It is a sad scenario, but it is also reality. Let me tell you

something: it will cost you 5 times more to attract a new client

to bring back one of his old clients.

I don’t know you personally, but if you’re a smart businessman,

you will understand that every penny you invest in advertising is

Going towards acquiring new customers. You will also notice that

once you’ve acquired customers, you simply can’t afford to leave

they go

So what is customer lifetime value?

Customer lifetime value is defined as the total value, in

monetary terms, of your average customers spanning the entire

period in which these customers are likely to do business with you.

It is the potential contribution of your customers to your

business for a period of time.

This is how customer lifetime value is calculated:

one). Suppose you have 2000 regular customers and these customers

stay with you for an average of two years; for the last two

years, his net profit was $700,000.

Customer lifetime value can be calculated as:

$700,000/2,000 = $350.

What this means is that over an average customer lifetime of

two years, every new customer you could acquire and keep is worth

$350 to you in profit.

2). If you don’t have the actual numbers, you’ll need to

estimate. Since customer lifetime value will have a significant impact

impact on your results, my advice is to be careful and

conservative in his estimate.

Why is it so important to you and your business?

Customer lifetime value is important to you and your business

for the following reasons:

one). Knowing the Lifetime Value of your customers is crucial to

you and your business, as it serves as a reference point without which

you will be groping in the dark.

When you know the lifetime value of your customers, you can

determine how much time, effort, and money you can afford

invest to acquire that customer in the first instance.

In other words, you can invest more today to reap a much larger amount.

profits later down the road as long as your cash flow is healthy

and can bear it.

Every marketing campaign you undertake costs you money as

in addition to reaping benefits such as higher sales, better

corporate image, etc. But how can you be sure that the benefits

Would it outweigh the costs or investments? This is where to know

customer lifetime value is so powerful that it helps you

Determine this before you even launch your marketing campaign.

2). When you realize that customers are actually a

income stream instead of a one-time sale, you can refocus

your marketing efforts.

Instead of constantly striving to acquire more and more new

customers, you can now begin to focus on maintaining your current

customers longer and selling to them repeatedly, in other words,

repeat sales.

You can spend more as you make yourself stronger and more attractive

offers that its competition in the acquisition of new clients now that

they will be your money spinners tomorrow.

This makes sense because you now know that, on average, you will have more

to come back over the years that customers are with you

and therefore could afford to break even or even lose money

now on acquiring new customers.

Start shifting your focus to customer lifetime value and maximize your profit today!

Begin to have a proper understanding of customer lifetime value

because it is key to the success of your business. will allow

you to acquire more customers than your competition through

better and more attractive offers; will increase dramatically

your bottom line through more repeat sales and skyrocket your profits.

Tours Travel

The best hostels in London

London is the place to visit for any backpacker traveling through Europe or anyone in the UK who wants to get away for the weekend (but not go abroad) because there is so much to see and do! Depending on what’s at the top of your to-see list depends on which area you need to stay in, so I’ve put together a guide to three hostels in three different areas of London that are very close to some of the top attractions. From london. .

One of the biggest and most popular tourist attractions in London is Buckingham Palace and the closest hostel to this attraction is the Astor Victoria. As well as being close to Buckingham Palace, it’s also within walking distance of other major attractions including Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, so don’t forget your camera! The Astor Victoria has several mixed and female dorms with showers on all levels that are cleaned twice a day and hot water is available 24 hours a day so it doesn’t matter what time you wake up. The hostel is also home to two fully equipped kitchens and a few communal TV rooms, one even has a projection screen which is great for watching football. Prices start from around £15 for a mixed sleeper and breakfast is included in this price too!

Another popular attraction in London is its museums, especially the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum. Admission to both museums is free and both are located in Kensington, one of the closest (and nicest) hostels being the MEININGER Hotel London Hyde Park. This is a 4 star hostel which won the Visit Britain Hostel Award in 2007. Meininger Hostel has 48 rooms, some rooms have ensuite bathrooms and TV’s! Common areas include a rooftop terrace and an entertainment room containing a PlayStation, TV, and karaoke machine. This is one of the few hostels that has free underground parking! Room prices start from £21 for a mixed dorm and £45 for a twin private dorm.

London is home to one of the UK’s hippest music venues, Brixton Academy. Brixton Academy is quite a ways from central London and if you are seeing a concert at Brixton Academy you should make sure you stay close because the tubes will be closed when the concert is over. One of the best hostels to stay in is Journeys London Bridge which is famous for being in ‘Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ and ‘Snatch’. This is definitely the party hostel where they have live music, movie and poker nights. The Smoking Barrels bar on the ground floor offers discounted drinks for Journey guests and also has a games room with a pool table, dart board and Wii. Journey’s also offers a free continental breakfast to help you recover from the night before! Prices start from £20 for a mixed dorm.

I have only mentioned a few hostels available in London, but there are plenty, so don’t worry if they are booked for the weekend you want to visit. However, if you’re not sure about staying in a hostel, there are plenty of cheap hotels in London, just book early to get that great deal!


The Bitcoin mining game has changed

ASCI or application-specific integrated circuit machines have arrived in the Bitcoin mining market. The first machine arrived at a miner’s home at the end of January, and since then reports of shipped ASCI machines finding their way to miners’ Bitcoin mining rigs have been pouring in.

Since ASCI machines are specifically designed for the task of mining Bitcoin, they are very effective machines at what they are designed to do. High-end ASCI machines have a hash rate per second of over 1 million. A typical CPU running Bitcoin mining software has a hash rate per second of 1.5.

It goes without saying that ASCI machine shipping has been a game changer in the world of Bitcoin. CPUs aren’t even compatible with Bitcoin mining software anymore because a CPU running 24 hours a day probably wouldn’t see a Bitcoin for several years, even if you were mining in a pool.

This trend favors those interested in mining who also have thousands of dollars to spend on expensive hardware, as well as early adopters of Bitcoin mining who have likely made huge profits from their early mining efforts. Those early earnings could then be incorporated into the latest and greatest hardware and platform configuration to continue generating Bitcoins in the future.

Miners running relatively powerful GPUs are the most affected by ASCI development. The difficulty of successfully mining a block of Bitcoin has risen to a level that can cause the cost of electricity to exceed the payout a GPU miner will see in Bitcoin year after year.

All this speculation is strongly tied to the stability of the price of Bitcoin in the future. If Bitcoin stays around the current level of $30, innovation will continue to progress. ASCI has partly contributed to the rally that Bitcoin has seen in the last 2 months. The USD exchange rate for Bitcoin has skyrocketed from $10 to $30. It’s hard to find an investment with that kind of return anywhere on the planet, so it’s only natural that Bitcoin is drawing attention in recent days. But will this attention last? And if so, will it bring more scrutiny and volatility than stability in the young digital currency? In the long term, relative stability is the only trait that Bitcoin must establish if it is to achieve its original goal of being a viable and competitive currency on a global scale.

So will Bitcoin transcend the current label of a speculative instrument? The answer lies in a tangle of variables that cover the broad spectrum of humanity: politics, psychology, finances, fear, freedom, privacy, security… etc. Regardless of the outcome, it’s sure to be a riveting spectacle.