Digital Marketing

How to create a hierarchy for phobia desensitization!

In order to desensitize yourself to your fears, you will need to work a program of gradual exposure through eye contact or real life contact with your fear. Most people do this through imagery, gradually exposing themselves to their fear in their mind.

Some people prefer to do real life exposure and others a combination. The method you choose depends on the level of your anxiety, as well as the practicality of confronting your fear in real life.

Facing your fear of shopping at the supermarket or in a crowded place is much more doable than working in gradual steps by flying on a plane or diving into the ocean if you live far from one.

The desensitization process requires the formation of a hierarchy of steps to achieve its goal. Making a hierarchy is the key to success because it will help you face your fear in a gradual and doable way and you will see real progress as you move up the list.

To create a hierarchy, write your fear at the top of a piece of paper and your goal at the bottom of the paper. Divide the steps to complete your goal into at least 8 parts. Each step should be more challenging than the last, and each step should elicit more of a fear-based reaction than the previous step.

one) Let’s say you’re afraid to go to the mall, it’s crowded, confusing, noisy, and overwhelming. Write your fear at the top of the page; Fear of crowded places or going to the mall.

2) Write your goal at the bottom of the page; being able to comfortably go to the mall and buy things.

3) Now that you have your fear and your goal, you need to break the exposure steps into at least 8 parts. Examples of your steps might include:

has) drive to the mall parking lot with your support person. If parking is part of your anxiety and it makes you afraid, try spending more time in the parking lot, first 1 minute, then five minutes, then 15 minutes and so on.

b) Once you’ve mastered the parking lot, get out of the car and walk to the mall entrance with your support person.

against) next time go to the mall with your support person and take advantage of that in increments of time.

d) then go to the stores and spend some time in them in increasing increments. Then you can work on buying things.

The goal is to build your resistance to this exposure and eventually do things without your support person.

You don’t have to expose yourself in real life; You may also become desensitized if you can visualize the sights, sounds, and smells of a shopping mall.

Creating your hierarchy gives you your road map to success. Check off each step as you successfully complete it and note the date you completed it. You’ll feel a real sense of accomplishment and see progress in the weeks and months to come as you work to overcome your fears.


What is a moonwalk?

No, the moonwalk that we are referring to in this article is not a type of dance. A moonwalk can have many different definitions, such as a bouncy house, a moonwalker, or something that jumps, but they are all different words for the same thing.

Moonwalks are the inflatable bouncy things mostly seen at kids’ birthday parties, special events, and company picnics. They are loved by almost every child in America.

You can rent a moonwalk or you can go to an indoor facility where they have lots of them inflated for the kids to jump off. Any of the options is really ideal.

Commercial moonwalks are made of vinyl that is fifteen ounces or larger. They are built to withstand constant jumping and abuse from overexcited children. Non-commercial moonwalks are made of a lighter, flimsier material that may not withstand much use by children. These should not be used at parties where there are more than two or three children present. Children love to jump so much that it is almost impossible to prevent them from participating in a moon walk.

Moonwalks come in so many different shapes and sizes that it’s impossible to summarize them all. Basically though there are three common sizes. There is a ten foot wide, thirteen foot wide, and fifteen foot wide moonwalk available to buy from almost any manufacturer. Make sure if you are renting a moonwalk that you take into account the size of your group. The fifteen foot one is best for larger groups.

You should better understand what a moonwalk is by now. Ask your child what he calls them next time and see if they have a different definition!

Health Fitness

How do I gain weight?

While not as common a goal as losing weight, there are a significant number of people who have weight gain as their goal. The reasons are as varied as people, but can include wanting to gain weight for a sport, wanting to put on a few pounds after rehabbing from an injury, or simply being underweight and having trouble getting on the scale or your doctor has asked you to do so. weight gain.

Before you go on your weight gain journey, I’d give myself up if I didn’t encourage you to visit your Dr. for a checkup first. You may not even be underweight. While I’m not a fan of BMI, underweight is defined as having a BMI less than 18.5. (The media plays a big part in how we view our bodies and you may be just fine in the skin you’re in.) However, there may be medical reasons why you find it difficult to gain weight, and your doctor will be a good place to start. OK, everything approved by your doctor? Then let’s find ways to help you pack on some pounds.

Gaining weight will generally follow the same formula as losing weight, but in reverse. If the calories in have to be lower than calories burned to lose weight, then it stands to reason that the opposite will have the opposite effect, and it does! So the universal scientific formula for weight gain is that calories should be greater than than calories burned.

It seems simple and all you have to do is increase your daily McBurgers allowance, right? Well, not so fast. You want to do this well and in a healthy way, and slowly. So without further ado, here are some tips for your bag of tricks.


1. Determine how many calories you are consuming now and how many calories you need based on your daily activity. You can use a good online tool for this. Whatever the number is, it represents the amount of calories you just need to maintain the weight you’re at (I know, I ended my sentence with a preposition: I’m crazy like that) Now that you know what the number is, you need increase your daily caloric intake by, oh, let’s start with an increase of 500 calories per day. When you gain or lose weight, or change your activity level, or have changes in health, your calorie needs change, so always stay up to date with what your calorie goal is. Food journals are a great tool, especially in the beginning.

2. Try to eat more often-YES! If you eat 3 meals a day, try adding a couple of healthy snacks throughout the day.

3. When you eat your regular meals, increase your portion size. If snack #1 was going to be a yogurt (I know… yuck!), then have 2 yogurts instead. At dinner, have a second serving of vegetables. The goal is to try to increase your portion sizes with each meal.

4. Focus on the good foods. Whole wheat breads are dense and you can cut thick slices and top them with your favorite topping like peanut butter, honey, hummus…mmmm. When picking vegetables, choose those with less water content. Things like cucumbers have a lot of water, so they will make you look fuller while eating them, but you eat fewer calories… you don’t want that… you want potatoes, carrots, corn, etc. The same goes for fruit… go for the densest ones like a banana over an orange (dried fruit is good!)

5. Fats are where they are (my mom said I was always good at rhyming words) Fats are so good because they contain 9 calories per gram, while carbs and protein only have 4 of the losers. TARGET…choose healthy fat. Nuts, seeds, peanut butter, avocados, hummus, oils… all good! And the good thing is that you can add some of these to everything you eat. Cook eggs? Cook them in oil… Toast? Spread some hummus… Got a salad or cereal? Sprinkle on some nuts or seeds and add a little more oil to your salad. You can add healthy fats every time you sit down to eat. Mix some dried fruit into a salad or granola. Top your potatoes with oil or cheese or go crazy and throw some chili on top.

6. Tired of eating? Drink your calories. There are plenty of good healthy meal replacement drinks out there, but why not make your own shake? Make it with milk, fruit, honey… whatever… then sprinkle some seeds. You can also try replacing some of your water intake with juice or the occasional sports drink.

7. Remember, slow gain is best. Gaining your weight too fast only increases the chances that the weight you gain will come from fat mass and not lean body mass. A gain of about half a pound to a pound per week should be your goal.


1. Gain some muscle. You want to make sure that you are adding some lean muscle and that all of your weight gain is not due to fat alone. If you incorporate a resistance routine three times a week (such as bodyweight exercises or weight lifting) then you can gain some lean muscle mass and what’s even better… the increased workload may even increase your appetite… WIN! If you want to gain muscle mass, also add some extra protein to your meals. Protein intake that is too low can cause you to lose body mass, so keep your intake at a healthy level. Beans, peanuts, chicken, tuna… all good!

2. Avoid extra “cardio” type workouts like jogging and just focus on resistance exercise.

3. After exercising, have a light snack that includes protein, such as an egg on toast, whole-grain crackers with cheese, or just a glass of chocolate milk. Protein will be a building block to help repair and build muscle after exercise.

4. Incorporate a stretching routine into your day. Okay, this in and of itself won’t help you gain weight, but with added resistance training, stretching will help keep your body pain-free and keep your body moving properly.


**Tell your friends and family what your goals are so they can get involved and help support you in your goals. Join an online group with other like-minded people so you always have someone to talk to and brainstorm. Don’t discount this – having the right support is key to anything in life.

Legal Law

How to choose the best lawyer or law firm

There is a myth that you are in trouble if you need a lawyer. Well, that’s partially true. Lawyers can really help you solve big problems or even avoid them. However, you may need legal services in everyday situations, such as when buying or selling real estate or a car. A good lawyer is like a good doctor: either you are 100% honest with him or things can get worse. So what are the most important considerations when hiring an attorney?


Good lawyers are expensive. Well, that’s not entirely true. Good lawyers are incredibly expensive. Hourly charges can be just cosmic. Of course, you must clearly understand why you need a lawyer and how much money you can save or get by winning the case. So obviously you don’t need a famous lawyer who never lost a single case, if it’s a $2,000 lawsuit. Yes, winning such a simple case is a piece of cake for an experienced professional, but do you really need to spend a lot of money just to win? Hourly rates and changes generally depend on the complexity of the case and its price (ie how much money is at stake).


Keep in mind that a murder attorney may be helpless in civil court, especially when it comes to monetary claims. Even the best criminal lawyer can lose a simple case involving personal injury claims because he has no experience in this field. Therefore, you should choose a lawyer who is excellent in particular cases. Good lawyers have excellent reputations and personal sites with client recommendations and information about their experience. Many lawyers offer 100% guarantees of winning the case simply because they know they can win. Yes, these specialists can be somewhat expensive, however, having a positive result is what you need, you should not economize.

Maybe no lawyer?

Yes, some matters may not require professional legal assistance. So if you do some good research, you can fix the problem yourself. However, if you know you lack attention to small details, you’d better let the professionals do their job. You can get into big trouble. You better not mess around with the law and the government!

Sure, the easiest way to search for a good attorney is online. As stated above, law firms and individual experts have websites with the most comprehensive information on available services and prices. Finally, back to a simple rule: be honest with your attorney!

Lifestyle Fashion

Leopard Gecko Impaction: Four Things to Keep in Mind!

Impaction in leopard geckos is very common. What this means is that something is blocking your Leo’s gut. This is usually some type of material that is very difficult to digest or not digestible at all. This is very serious and should be avoided at all costs. If left untreated, a shocked gecko will eventually die from starvation or other complications.

What are some of the causes of impaction and is there a way to treat it without having to take my Leo to the vet? In most cases, the main cause of impaction is the loose substrate. Other causes are food, temperature and hydration. Any number of these things can make a gecko sick and have a hard time passing stool.

loose substrate:

This is a gecko breeding area that draws a lot of attention. The bigger question is whether or not to use a loose or solid substrate in your Leo’s cage. The biggest problem with using a loose substrate is the possibility of impacting leopard geckos. Loose substrates, such as sand, gravel or coconut shells, invite your pet to chew. Some bits of sand are swallowed, and since many of these substances cannot be digested, they can cause your reptile to be affected. It’s best to err on the side of caution and not use a loose substrate because of the problems it could cause.


A gecko’s mouth is not very big. When deciding what to feed your gecko, the size of the food should definitely be taken into account. A general rule of thumb is that the prey should be no more than half the length of the gecko’s head. If you feed Leo something that is too big, he may have eaten it, but that doesn’t mean he will have digested it all. This also applies to smaller foods. They can eat a lot of mealworms, but the amount they have consumed can cause a blockage due to the sheer amount. The inability to digest certain things will eventually lead to the possibility of impaction in leopard geckos.


Just like in humans, hydration is very important for successful and healthy bowel movements. Lack of water or inadequate hydration causes the body to extract the necessary fluids from other parts of the body and, in this case, from the digestive system. When water or fluids are drawn from the digestive system, a gecko’s feces become hard and much more difficult to pass. Make sure you have plenty of water available for your pet.


How would you have ever thought that temperature would be a cause of shock in leopard geckos? Your pet is cold-blooded and needs constant warmth to stay alive. This is usually via an under tank heater etc. A gecko’s body temperature has a direct effect on its metabolism. Colder temperatures lead to a lower metabolic rate. This slower metabolic rate causes the gecko to incorrectly digest its food. Ideal temperatures for proper digestion are 92 to 95 degrees on the warm side of the tank. In this way, they can use the heat absorbed through their belly to increase their metabolism and better digest their food.


How is impaction treated in leopard geckos? The most obvious treatment is to take your pet to the vet. They will know exactly how to deal with this problem. If you’re not sure if your Leo is affected, there are a few things you can do at home before visiting the vet’s office.

The first thing would be to raise the temperature on the warm side of the cage to about 97 degrees. Hopefully this change in temperature will boost your metabolism. Another way to treat impaction in leopard geckos is to bathe them in warm water about twice a day. This will usually help soften the stool in your belly. The last thing you can do is place 1 – 2 drops of olive oil on your nose and let it lick it off. This will provide a natural lubrication job as a laxative as well.

As you can see, there are things you can do as an owner to prevent your Leo from being affected. If your gecko is affected, you can try some of the things mentioned above to help the impaction go away.


How to become a high paying dog groomer

There are few things in life more satisfying than finding a job you really like and getting paid well for it. So if you love dogs, why not become a dog groomer? There are two paths you can take to become a hairdresser: go to school or work your way up.

While a mandatory license or certification is not required to become a dog groomer, like any career, credentials count for a lot in the pet grooming industry. Dog owners are not likely to entrust their beloved dogs to you unless you demonstrate the necessary skills to care for their pets.

Like any other profession, the best credentials are the ones you get from school. Attending a pet grooming school gives you the benefit of on-site training and face-to-face feedback from instructors and fellow students. Many states require pet sitting schools to be licensed as vocational schools, ensuring that they maintain certain standards. Just remember that the quality of training varies widely between schools, so be sure to choose the one that best suits your goals.

If school cuts your budget or family obligations too much, or if you just want to make sure you really want to become a hairdresser, you can take an online course or any of the increasingly available home study courses. These courses also work in areas where there may not be a school close enough to attend.

But if you need to get started right away, you can apply to a grooming salon or pet supply store that offers this service and start out as a grooming assistant. It might take you a year of work before you’re even considered for the salon’s grooming program and the pay isn’t that great, but at least you earn while you learn to become a dog groomer.

If you’re a dog enthusiast, you’re probably familiar with several breeds. But a groomer should learn about as many breeds and cuts as possible. The best way is to update yourself with the standards set by the American Kennel Club and check with the National Dog Groomers Association of America, which, by the way, it would be a good idea to be a member of when you start out.

Get the best dog grooming tools and supplies you can afford: dog brushes and combs, deshedding blades, nail clippers and files, nail clippers. Once you have the knowledge and equipment you need to be a dog groomer, you may choose to set up shop in your own neighborhood, take a position at a grooming salon or pet supply store, or offer in-home service.

Do you need one more good reason to become a dog groomer? It’s a great way to break into the $43 billion pet care industry.

Real Estate

Act now on tax reform and save thousands

I have a friend who is a tax attorney. He loves to chat. Whether it’s over the phone, email, Skype, or smoke signals, you’re usually good for three to four calls a week.

I haven’t heard from him since the end of November.

I called his office in the first week of January to see how he was doing. His secretary said that she was at a tax planning conference.

I tried again last week. The same thing. Another meeting of tax lawyers.

I finally sent him a text that had a lead on an urgent tax opinion request. That got me a call back.

The opinion request was mine. He’s on the case.

You see, since the beginning of this year, it seems like all I’ve done is study the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the new law that governs our tax code.

There’s a good reason for my urgency…you’re losing money every day of 2018 that goes by without knowing and acting on new opportunities and threats on the tax front.

If you act now, you can potentially save thousands of dollars in federal taxes this year. The sooner you act, the more you’ll save.

Here are the main things to keep in mind…

Tax Savings for Pass-Through Entities

Conveyors are non-taxable business entities…they “pass through” their profits or losses to their owners for tax purposes. They include limited liability companies (LLCs), partnerships, and S corporations.

Starting January 1, many transfer owners will pay no federal income tax in 20% of the profits of their businesses. That’s right, zip, nothing. For many people, this could mean a big drop in the effective federal income tax rate.

The rules for this gift to conveyance owners are straightforward for people whose taxable income is well under six figures. After that, they get more complicated.

No matter how you look at it, however, the new tax law creates opportunities for giant tax savings.

  • action item: If you’re a lawyer, doctor, or other professional in private practice, seek tax advice right away to see how dividing your business into parts could save tens of thousands on your tax bill.
  • action item: If you are self-employed or operate through an LLC or small partnership, reduce your personal wages to the minimum immediately. That increases the “profit” of your business… the amount from which you can deduct 20% tax-free.
  • action item: Even if you have a job, consult a tax attorney to see if becoming a consultant is right for you. For many, many people, the answer will be yes.
  • bonus tip: Owners of shares in real estate investment trusts (REITs) or publicly traded partnerships (PTPs) pay no tax on 20% of their qualified REIT dividends and PTP income.

Elimination of key deductions

The stated goal of the tax bill passed in late December was to lower tax rates and simplify the tax code. The former was partially achieved, until the cuts expire in 2025, at least, but the latter did not. Instead, the lawmakers included some scattered attempts at “simplification” that could cost you dearly if you don’t prepare for them.

First, when the press began referring to “eliminating SALT” late last year, I thought the Trump administration was going to abandon the Cold War-era nuclear weapons treaties between the US and Russia. The truth was better, but for many of us, not by much.

Starting this year, you can only deduct a maximum of $10,000 of state and local income and property taxes (SALT) from your federal taxes. For most people that won’t matter because the standard deduction for joint filers has doubled to $24,000. But for many people, and not just in high-tax states like New York and California, this will mean an effective increase in federal taxes.

However, lawmakers in an increasing number of states are considering ways around this. You know those inside sections of your local newspaper that cover state legislative issues? It’s time to start reading them.

Second, the new law eliminates all “miscellaneous” deductions…including those for home office expenses. If you are an employee working remotely at the request of your employer, or if you run a small business from home, say goodbye to the business use of your home deduction. In my case, for example, that is a significant tax increase.

action item: Find out if your state legislators and city councilors are considering steps to convert income and property taxes into forms that could be deducted from federal income tax. Let them know what you think!

action item: If you work from home, model the tax implications of the loss of the deduction used by the home-based business. You may be able to rearrange things to compensate, at least partially.

bonus tip: Deductions for unreimbursed employment expenses, job search costs, tax preparation fees, home appraisal fees, casualty and theft losses, gambling losses, many investment fees and expenses, and IRA losses May have been removed, pending upcoming IRS decisions.

Prepare to reduce taxes on your retirement income

If you are not yet retired and earn the correct amount of annual income, I have two action items for you:

  1. If you don’t already have one, open a Roth IRA.

  2. Create a C corporation with your Roth IRA as the sole shareholder.

Shopping Product Reviews

Touch screen digitizer HTC Sprint Evo 4G

The overall appearance of the Sprint Evo digitizer touch screen is quite attractive and customers will definitely like it. The edges are smooth and shiny which really enhances the overall look of this device. The weight of the gadget is less; therefore, you can easily move the device without any problem. It can be easily put in your pocket and you don’t need to worry about anything.

The presence on the screen of the Sprint Evo digitizer touch screen is also very attractive. It is made of anti-scratch material; therefore, it will not absorb any type of dent or scratch. This makes the screen look bright and attractive. The gadget works perfectly without any technical impediment. Users can easily install the device without spending too much time and effort. They just need to follow the instructions written precisely in the guide and can easily install the device.

The touch screen works well without much fuss. The overall maneuverability is adequate and customers have really liked this technical feature. The company also provides a mobile phone repair parts replacement kit along with this device. Users can easily replace the old or worn parts with the new parts provided in the kit. However, it should be noted that it does not have any adhesive or screwdriver and you need to purchase the screwdriver or adhesive for the installation process.

Some customers have a problem regarding the LCD screen tending to break after a drop. It looks exactly like the original part and is also 100% functional. The device fits precisely without gaps. However, you must be very careful when installing the glass screen. It could break if you put too much pressure or weight on it. The ribbon cable has adhesive so it can be easily stuck in place without any problem.

Before you start your sprint evo digitizer touch screen removal, have all your tools ready. The tools you will need are a t5 torx screwdriver, phillips screwdriver, open pry tools, heat gun or blow dryer, and masking tape. Please watch the video or read the instructions on how to remove the touch screen from the digitizer several times to get an idea of ​​how to remove and reassemble the screen. Be careful not to remove any screws when removing them. Place the screws somewhere they won’t roll, preferably a magnetized pad of some sort. For more tips, go to my resource box.


Nutrisystem Vs Buy Lean Kitchen

The other day, I received an email from someone wondering if buying frozen meals like Lean Kitchen or Smart Meals at the grocery store would give you the same weight loss results as the Nutrisystem diet. He perceived that the frozen meals were cheaper, although he suspected that they were not going to give as drastic results. Still, he hoped he could achieve at least some weight loss at the grocery store, and he asked my opinion on that. I tell you what I told him in the following article.

The basic weight loss equation and why Nutrisystem goes further: Everyone knows this, but it bears repeating. You will lose weight if you repeatedly eat fewer calories than you are burning. This equation has been around since the beginning of time and is very simple. However, its simplicity does not guarantee that we will have more success with it. As a population, we are fatter today than ever before, so this may not be so simple after all.

Nutrisystem takes this a step further by bringing ketosis into the equation. Basically, carbs and protein also come into play. In this way, this diet takes what works from both low-calorie and high-protein diets. Foods are designed to be low in calories and carbohydrates, but low in protein. This also sounds pretty basic, but it actually makes your body burn fat much faster. The reason for this is that you are no longer giving it the carbs it used to burn. So instead, you have to rely on your fat stores.

Any diet we are comparing to Nutrisystem should also be able to put your body into ketosis if you are going to have similar results. Therefore, I am going to break down lean cooking in terms of nutrition, calories, fiber, and carbohydrates. For the sake of comparing apples to apples, I’m going to compare two similar foods: Nutrisystem pizza and Lean Cuisine, both of which are popular items.

Lean Cuisine Pizza Nutritional Information: This product has 320 calories, and 80 of them are from fat. In total, it contains 9 grams of fat. There are 17 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber. The most problematic thing for me here is the carbohydrates in it. There are a whopping 42. I find it highly doubtful that you would go into ketosis even with a few of these daily meals. And, if you limited yourself to one, you still have to be very careful during the rest of the day, especially if you are preparing the food yourself.

Nutrisystem Pizza Nutritional Information: This item has only 250 calories, 70 of which come from fat. There are 8 grams of fat. There are 11 grams of protein. But, there are only 28 grams of carbs. This is 14 less and this can make a big difference over time. You’re also saving 70 calories that can add up, too.

Another thing to keep in mind with the Nutrisystem is that you won’t have to be careful or mindful of what you eat for the rest of the day. They balance meals so that you don’t eat more than 1,200 calories per day and consume a low enough amount of carbs and a high enough amount of protein to put you in ketosis. They provide you with food (three meals, a snack, and a dessert). Dinner options (such as pizza) are the highest in calories and carbohydrates. But lunches and breakfasts are light in both. Everything is designed to give you the nutrients you need while making sure you address both equations correctly.

Proof of the effectiveness of a diet: If you’re still not sure which route you want to take, you can get ketone strips at most drug stores. These will tell you if you are in or getting close to ketosis. You can do this after a week or so on lean kitchen meals to see what happens. However, I suspect those extra carbs and calories would add up after a week, but see for yourself. I can tell you from experience that a week of this diet will most likely put you in this place as long as you follow the instructions.

Tours Travel

How French hostels open a window to a different Paris

Cinema has long had a love affair with Paris. From Hollywood’s iconic forays around the Seine with Marlon Brando or American werewolves, to a Russian social satire following a cat’s window linking St. Petersburg to the Eiffel Tower, there’s no shortage of films portraying different kinds of visitors to this city. iconic.

Also, there are many different ways to visit the city in real life.

The independent tourist

One of the attractions of staying in French hostels, as opposed to hotels, lies in their do-it-yourself feel. You feel less detached from the authenticity of life on the streets, which can certainly appeal to the independent tourist. The city is so full of easily accessible cultural delights and hidden gems waiting to be discovered, so staying cheap and wandering around on your own is a great way to get acquainted with this incomparable place.

The cultural investor

The culture of Paris is world famous; there are few people in the world who have no idea what to expect from the people and fashion of the city. Many people travel here for the express purpose of drinking heavily from the cultural wells of this ancient yet truly modern city. The cultural investor is the traveler who avoids galleries and museums and takes snapshots of the Eiffel Tower and the Bastille; For them, French hostels in the city provide an opportunity to meet a variety of international and local visitors who can give them a more multicultural insight into this iconic metropolis.

the adventurous visitor

Many popular images of the City of Love reflect grandeur, class, and high culture. But this is a city with too diverse a history and too broad an energy to be defined so simplistically. French hostels across the country, and especially in the capital, can give you a taste of France’s boldest, rawest, and in some ways, most authentic. The adventurous visitor wants to get their hands dirty. Instead of cloistering themselves in the artificial environment of a luxury hotel, they embrace the real Parisian experience, the complexity of traffic, little-visited suburbs, and the stories behind the roads less traveled.

the nature explorer

Some people may think of a resort in the Bahamas when they think of their ideal vacation, while others may think of a trek to Everest. The natural explorer may not immediately consider Paris’ French hostels an ideal destination, but in fact, the city’s boulevards are ringed by several large parks, many of which are of enormous historical significance. In the Bois de Bologne and the Bois de Vincennes, the nature lover will not find lions, tigers or bears, but will be able to enjoy both the well-cared gardens of the Jardin des Tuileries, the Jardin des Plantes and the Jardin de Luxembourg as well as the wild open spaces anywhere else in the world.