Digital Marketing

The brand story: a story worth telling

Every business has a story to tell

Everyone likes a good story and why not? The stories are entertaining
instructive, entertaining and above all human; connect people
people and companies to customers. The stories are about communication.
and communication is the essence of marketing.

We have at our disposal the greatest communication tool in the world
acquaintance, the Internet, and we are wasting it. Websites are used as if
they were corporate brochures. Techno-experts would even have us
remove its visual and kinetic elements, and turn it into an academic style
magazine to please SEO gurus. We’ve been there and done that.
Search engine optimization is great, but who is going to go to your
website if it is boring to look at and tedious to operate. It’s time to move.

A place of communication for the rest of us

The Web is a place of multimedia communication, and with an increase
bandwidth and high-speed connections we can use it effectively to
send our marketing messages. But communication is a funny thing,
Just because we speak, write, and present information, doesn’t mean we
they are communicating.

Since I am advocating storytelling as a means of delivering your
marketing messages, I’ll illustrate my point, you guessed it, with a
history. In his book ‘Information Anxiety’, Richard Saul Wurman recounts the
following story attributed to U.S. Representative Pat Swindall of

“A woman seeking a divorce went to see her lawyer. The first question
he asked was, ‘Does he have reasons?’

She replied, ‘Yes, about two acres.’

‘Maybe I’m not expressing myself well,’ he said, ‘Do you have a grudge?’

‘No, but we have a garage,’ she replied.

‘Let me try again. Does your husband hit you? she said impatiently.

‘No, I usually get up before him,’ he said.

At this point, the lawyer decided to try a different tactic. ‘Ma’am, are you
Are you sure you really want to get divorced?

‘I don’t want one at all, but my husband does. He claims we have
difficulty communicating.

It’s a great story; offers everything a good story should communicate:
a reinforcement of sight, information, emotion and the truth about the human being
condition. The only thing that would make this story more effective is if
was delivered by a human voice that could add character, emphasis,
and personality

Marketing is nothing more than telling your story in an effective way that
embeds your identity in the mind of your audience, connecting and
communicate who you are, what you do and why your audience
I should be doing it with you. Branding and positioning are results, not
the process.

So tell me a story: it’s all in the delivery

One of the great storytellers of the last forty years is a radio host
and commentator, Paul Harvey. On hay day he had a whole
great storyteller needed to make a memorable impression: the voice, the
cadence, attitude, writing and ‘schtick’.

He presented his comments as if he were reading the newspaper,
even reading the page numbers when he returned from
commercial, “Page Two”. He would elaborate the stories of him introducing the
listener to a character in the most casual way, perhaps referring to
he or she by a diminutive given name. At the end of the story, he
tell him who this person really was and invariably it was someone
famous, and the story he told revealed something unusual or hidden in
the background of this person. Each story had a strong point of view, and
each comment ended with the tagline “…and now you know
the rest of the story.” Paul Harvey’s little radio commentary is a
quintessential example of Sonic Personality ©

“Content is not communication”

Web experts always talk about “content” and how “content is king”.
on the Web, but as Curt Cloninger wrote in his article ‘A Case for Web
Storytelling’ “content is not communication”.

The content stays there until it is proactively delivered, and
plain text content on your website is far from proactive.
Stories must be communicated effectively if you want to deliver your
intended message. Alone, your audience will scan, jump,
misunderstand and generally miss the point you are trying to get across.
The only effective way to ensure that your audience does not misunderstand
the message of your story is delivered in a human voice: one with
character, cadence, accent, language and an attitude that represents
who you are. A well-told story creates expectation and relevance; that
creates image and identity, and focuses on the business promise that you
must comply.

Fakers don’t need to apply

As good as your storyteller is, he or she can’t top a fake. You
You have to be honest about who you are and what you really do. every business
it has a character and an operating ethos. trying to communicate a
message that conflicts with that corporate character is a recipe for
failure. Apple and Dell are good companies, but Apple Computer is
innovative; Dell is not. Walmart and The Gap succeed
companies, but The Gap is cool and Walmart is Walmart. Does not matter how
a company tries very hard, it cannot be something that it is not, and try
it can only create false expectations, confusion, and failure.

A plan to create your brand story

Either you write the story yourself or hire someone to write it for you.
You must first gather the necessary material. The easiest way to
collect material is to create a series of questions that when answered
reveal the story of the brand. Think of the process like an interview.

The Brand Story Interview
1. What was the original vision of the company?
2. Who were the founding fathers of the company?
3. How did the company start?
4. What was the guiding business philosophy?
5. Is there a creative genius or technical wizard behind your vision?
6. What is the big idea behind your product or service?
7. What does your product or service do for your target audience?
8. Is your vision based on the quality, cost, or uniqueness of your
has. products,
b. Services,
against knowledge, or
d. Delivery system?
9. Has your approach changed since the company was founded?
10. What is your vision for the future?

Once the material is collected, it must be put into story form. you are
You are not writing a research paper, nor are you creating ad copy. you are
tell a story, and as such, it should be written as a story. Like
suggested that you are delivering the story using audio, you need to write it down to
the spoken word and not for print. There is a variety of multimedia.
styles that can be used ranging from Paul’s radio commentary style
Ken Burns’ PBS documentary-style Harvey with
accompanying graphics and photographs.

It’s not just the story, it’s how you tell it

If you’ve ever tried to tell a joke you heard from a professional comedian
and he messed it up, you know how important it is to tell a story. It’s not
just the words; is the rhythm, the cadence, the accent, the intonation, the point of view,
and attitude that makes the story funny, memorable, interesting, or

Our previous article titled ‘The Sound of Business’ goes into detail about
how the Sonic Personality© concept delivers marketing and brand messages
Stories in a compelling, inventive, entertaining and memorable way. That
explains the power of the human voice and the need to integrate it
on your website.

The medium is the message

It’s hard to believe that there are companies of any size or
sophistication that they do not have a website, but it is even more difficult to
understand how so many companies with websites have no idea what
the web is.

The Web is often described in technical terms, but in fact the Web is
simply a place designed for communication, a place where
conversations take place, where information is exchanged, and where
transactions are made. If you can accept the idea that the Web
exists to further your communication efforts, then it stands to reason that
Delivering your story is the ‘raison d’être’ of your website. and without him
sound of the human voice, the delivery of emotional connective content,
and the transmission of intelligent, interesting, useful, entertaining and
compelling stories, the web is a wasteland, an uncommunicative place
atmosphere of random confusion.


The ideal gift for first communion.

First Communion is one of the Catholic religious practices that are considered essential as the first step in expressing an act of faith. Most of the children participating in this event are between seven and eight years old. As this is celebrated not only in your family, school and in the Catholic community, it should also be a momentous and meaningful event for them.

Children definitely deserve to receive a special gift to help commemorate this glorious achievement. Here are some First Communion gift ideas that are relevant to this momentous event.

1. Veils/Ties

When First Communion is celebrated, most Catholic communities require children to wear a special outfit on this occasion. Girls are usually required to wear a white dress accompanied by a white veil or gloves. Boys, on the other hand, are often asked to wear long-sleeved white shirts, as the color suggests purity.

2. Rosary Gift Sets

It is also advisable to give rosaries for this occasion, as this encourages children to be religious at an early age. Children can also find it exciting to learn to say their first prayers and feel a closer relationship with God.

3. First communion jewelry

It is also a good option to give First Communion jewelry to children. The jewelry suggests the idea of ​​having this event as something special and meaningful. Wonderful options would be a cross, crucifix, or locket. Sacramental charm bracelets are also good to consider. On the other hand, boys may not appreciate jewelry like girls, so religious medallions instead of bracelets and medallions would be a good choice for boys.

There really are a number of options one can think of when giving a First Communion gift to First Communicants. Still, the best way to make this event more memorable is to help children learn and understand the importance of this event in relation to their lives.

Health Fitness

The Benefits of Fava or Beans for Diabetics

Fava beans, as they are called in the Americas, or broad beans as they are more commonly called in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, have been a part of the diet in the eastern Mediterranean since around 6000 BCE.

They grow in broad, leathery pods, like much larger pea pods. Each pod contains three to eight oval beans.

The term broad bean refers to the larger-seeded cultivars that are grown for human food, while the bean or broad bean refers to the cultivars with smaller, harder seeds that are used primarily (but not exclusively) for animal feed. .

The fava bean is a hardy plant. It can withstand harsh and cold climates.

preparing broad beans

Preparing fresh lima beans can be a bit of a hassle.

When shopping for beans, choose green pods that are firm and do not bulge. The bulging pods can be old and often have a bitter taste.

To remove the beans from the pods, simply run your thumbnail along the seam of the pod to pry it open. Scoop out the beans. They are wrapped in thick white fur that needs to be removed.

You can get rid of the skin by using a sharp knife to make a small indentation along the edge of the bean. This will allow the raw beans to pop out. But this is a lot of hard work… bean by bean!

You can prevent this by putting the beans in boiling salted water and parboiling for about a minute and a half. After that, put the beans in ice water so that they stop cooking. Now you can juice the skinless beans, but still… preparing beans is hard work. It takes about 3 pounds or 1.5 kg of fava pods to get a full cup of beans.

culinary uses

Broad beans are generally eaten when they are young and tender. If planted in early winter, they can be harvested in mid-spring. If sown in early spring they will be ready by mid-summer.

Horse beans, on the other hand, are allowed to fully mature. They are harvested in late fall and can be eaten by humans as legumes, although they are more commonly used as animal fodder.

Beans were an important food in the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean. They were especially popular with the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. Over time they spread along the Nile Valley to Ethiopia, northern India and China.

Beans can be eaten in various ways. For example, you can steam them until tender, then toss them in fresh lemon juice. They are delicious in a mixed green salad. The fava bean puree can be used as a spread on bread or crackers. They are at their best as medammes, which is very popular as a breakfast dish in Arabia. It makes a great lunch.

Making complete medammes is very easy. Fry the finely chopped garlic and onion in a pan with an extremely small amount of virgin olive oil. Once the garlic has softened, add the lima beans and a little water. Bring to a boil and mash the beans with a wooden spatula. Once the goo is very hot, pour it into a bowl and serve with oatcakes (thin sugar-free cookies made from oats).

In parts of Latin America, broad bean puree is used as a filling in corn-based snacks. They are also used whole in vegetable soups.

The beans can also be dry-fried, causing them to open up. You can then season them to produce a flavorful, crunchy snack that is popular in northern Iran, Malaysia, Thailand, China, and Latin America.

The immature pods can also be cooked and eaten. Also, the young leaves of the plant can be eaten, either raw or cooked in the same way as spinach.

How Nutritious Are Fava Beans or Fava Beans?

The simple answer is… very nutritious.

This is what you get in 100 grams of ripe raw seeds:


Energy… 1,425 kJ (341 kcal)

Carbohydrates… 58.29g

Dietary Fiber… 25g




Thiamine (B1)…0.555mg…48%

Riboflavin (B2)…0.333mg…28%

Niacin (B3)…2.832mg…19%

Vitamin B6…0 366mg…28%

Folate (B9)…423 μg…106%

Vitamin C…1.4mg…2%

Vitamin K…9 mcg…9%










μg = micrograms… mg = milligrams… IU = International Units

The percentages refer to the recommended daily amounts for an adult.

As you can see from the above, dietary fiber makes up 25% of lima beans. Another 26% consists of protein.

In addition, broad beans are especially rich in micronutrients such as B vitamins, particularly folate and thiamine. Fava beans are also full of phosphorous, manganese, magnesium, and iron.

Beans are one of the main foods rich in folate (vitamin B9) that exist. Folate helps metabolize your energy, supports your nervous system, and keeps your red blood cells healthy. It is also a must for pregnant women.

Benefits of Eating Fava Beans or Broad Beans

Beans do not directly help diabetics control their blood glucose. But they do help prevent or delay the development of certain adverse medical conditions, many of which arise due to diabetes, such as:

  • hypertension

  • risk of heart disease and stroke

  • weak immune system

  • reduced energy

  • development of osteoporosis

  • poor motor function

  • risk of birth defects

Hypertension… 85% of diabetics suffer from high blood pressure. Studies show that magnesium can lower blood pressure. Beans are loaded with magnesium.

According to a meta-analysis of 12 clinical trials covering 545 total participants, magnesium supplements taken for up to 26 weeks resulted in a small reduction in diastolic blood pressure. But another study showed that better results are achieved when magnesium supplements are combined with magnesium-rich vegetables and fruits.

Heart disease and stroke…high blood pressure and diabetes increase the risk of heart disease and stroke by at least three times compared with the risk among the general population. Therefore, improvements in your blood pressure will reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke.

weak immune system… is another consequence of diabetes. Healthy white blood cells are necessary to maintain a strong immune system because without them, your body is highly susceptible to disease and infection. White blood cells destroy disease-causing pathogens and help eliminate free radicals found in your body.

Copper helps keep your blood cells healthy, and lima beans contain significant amounts of copper, which helps strengthen your immune system.

reduced energy…many diabetics experience a sluggish feeling. This continuous tiredness may be due to a lack of iron which is required to produce hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to cells throughout the body. Broad beans contain significant amounts of iron and their consumption can help to restore your spirits.

development of osteoporosis… can be prevented to some extent with manganese. Manganese helps increase bone mass and helps reduce calcium deficiency. The beans contain significant amounts of manganese. The US National Library of Medicine suggests that consuming forms of manganese along with calcium, zinc, and copper may help reduce spinal bone loss in older women.

Risk of birth defects… can be reduced with folate (vitamin B9). Fava beans contain very significant amounts of folate which, in addition to being excellent for energy, has long been associated with helping to reduce birth defects.

A meta-analysis of research on folic acid supplementation, published in scientific reports by the US National Library of Medicine’s National Institutes of Health in 2015, found a positive association between folate supplementation and a decreased risk of congenital heart defects.

Birth defects often occur during the first few weeks of pregnancy at a time when many women may not know they are pregnant.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the US Public Health Service recommend that all women between the ages of 15 and 45 (the childbearing age) consume 0.4 mg (400 μg) of folic acid every day. days to help reduce the risk of birth defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly.

poor motor function… due to Parkinson’s disease can be relieved by eating beans regularly, according to some studies. Research published in the Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research examined the effects of eating fresh lima beans with their outer husks, lima beans dissolved in alcohol and water, and dried lima beans.

The researchers found that increasing the levels of the amino acids L-dopa and C-dopa in the bloodstream of the broad beans led to a significant improvement in motor performance in Parkinson’s patients, without any side effects.

Side Effects of Eating Fava Beans or Broad Beans

Beans are not the tastiest food on the planet. But spice them up a bit and they are a joy to eat. Most people tolerate them very well.

Some people are allergic to lima beans. However, cooking beans thoroughly can help reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

Eating broad beans can be very harmful if you have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. G6PDD is an inborn problem with your metabolism that predisposes you to a breakdown of your red blood cells. It’s very weird.

This collapse can be triggered by a variety of infections, medications, stress, and some foods such as lima beans. Therefore, if you have G6PDD, you should avoid eating lima beans.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are a class of drugs that have a long history of use in the treatment of depression. These drugs interact unfavorably with other drugs and certain foods, so if you are using these drugs, you should avoid eating lima beans.

Food to go

Despite all of this, it’s a good idea to add lima beans to your diet unless you have a medical condition that may be adversely affected by lima beans or are taking medications that could cause an adverse reaction to lima beans.

But if you can handle them without any health problems, you should take advantage of their potential to reduce your diabetic’s risk of heart disease and stroke, to boost their energy levels and immune system, to help their motor function, etc., by We consume broad beans on a regular basis.

I enjoy a plate of mixed beans with garlic and onion for lunch at least once a week in the form of ful medammes.

Legal Law

The Dirty Little Secret Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know

Most of us are good citizens and buy liability insurance to cover us in case we cause an accident. Some people buy minimal liability coverage and others buy more.

When you buy this insurance, you are buying it not only to comply with the law, but also to protect you and your property in the event you are in an auto, motorcycle or other motor vehicle accident.

Now let’s say you have an accident that is your fault; report the accident to your insurance company; You think your insurance company will cover you according to your insurance policy, right? WRONG!

If you read the fine print in your insurance policy, you’ll notice a lot of language that most non-lawyers wouldn’t understand. The essence of plain language is that by accepting the insurance policy, you agree to cooperate with the insurance company if they decide to litigate, and the insurance company is the one who decides whether to settle a case, not you.

Insurance companies are all about making tons of money and paying as little as possible. Since the advent of legally mandated insurance coverage (Proposition 213 in California), insurance companies have become very arrogant because their coffers are full of their money.

Instead of resolving meritorious claims, they are forcing claims to be litigated in court in an attempt to prevent personal injury attorneys from obtaining fair compensation for their clients. They know full well that personal injury attorneys don’t have as much money to litigate as they do, so their ploy is to starve personal injury attorneys and ultimately make it harder for people injured in accidents to recover. In the end, it is consumers and people injured in accidents who get hurt, while big business makes more profit at their expense.

Even people who cause accidents and have adequate liability insurance to cover the claim are falling victim to insurance companies.

Insurance companies are experts at deception. With their money, insurance companies give money to politicians and run media ads blaming personal injury lawyers for making insurance rates so high. What they don’t say is that the delay in court is because the insurance companies didn’t settle the claims as they should have in the first place.

Now let’s go back to the example of you causing an accident. If the insurance company is unreasonable and refuses to settle a case at or below the policy limits, then you will be dragged down by the legal system. You may have to respond to discovery, appear for depositions, and even take time off to go to trial. This is a long and arduous process that you didn’t think you would have to deal with when you purchased liability insurance. Surprise!

If you lose at trial, the insurance company will in most cases pay the judgment, but guess what; YOU WILL HAVE A JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU ON YOUR CREDIT REPORT and in the court file! Thanks to your insurance company, your credit has just been damaged through no fault of your own.

It’s fair? I assure you that it is not. She paid for the insurance; the insurance company could have settled the case for you within the limits of your policy; instead, they decided to litigate in an attempt to minimize what they have to pay to keep their profits up. They did it without any consideration for your credit report, or without your name appearing in the public record as if you had a judgment against you.

Many insurance companies have in-house attorneys; some use outside attorneys. These attorneys are supposed to do what is best for you. The reality is that they do what is best for the insurance company. This is the latest conflict of interest. Ethically, the attorney the insurance company uses to represent you owes a duty to you, not to the insurance company. The reality is that the lawyer receives his marching orders from the insurance companies.

A worst-case example is the recent Hurricane Katrina disaster. Have you read about all the poor people who are getting screwed over because their insurance companies won’t cover them for the insurance they paid for?

It’s time for America and consumers to wake up and smell the roses. It is not the trial lawyers who are the problem; it’s a big business that wants to screw over the little one so they can make more profit at your expense. Some have made this a political issue. I even heard President Bush talk about tort reform and blaming trial lawyers for the nation’s health problems.

Every time here a wrong reform remember one thing; you’re about to get screwed! Every time your right to recover damages is violated in a court of law, you will be the victim while big business rides the mule!

By Norman Gregory Fernández, Lic., © 2007

Lifestyle Fashion

Do you know your skin type?

What is your type of skin?

You’ve heard rumors about normal, oily, dry, combination or sensitive skin types. But which one do you have?

Your skin performs important functions that allow you to live a normal life, you may not notice it happening, but you can be sure that your skin is doing its part to keep your body healthy. Read on and enjoy the following interesting skin facts.

normal skin type

If you have all or most of the things listed above, then you have normal skin. You can buy cream and gel based products that work for your skin.


Having a sensitive skin type can mean different things to different people. It can be caused by skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema, or allergies. Sensitive skin can easily become inflamed and irritated. Choosing the right skin care for sensitive skin is important because many cleansers and moisturizers contain ingredients that can cause an adverse reaction.


Your face feels and looks dewy and shiny (especially at noon when the oil is at its peak). You tend to have clogged pores and your skin is prone to both non-inflammatory acne (blackheads and whiteheads) and inflammatory acne (pimples and cystic pimples), which appear everywhere.


Dry skin is characterized by a lack of moisture in its horny layer, which translates into tightness and even flaking. Skin looks dull, especially on the cheeks and around the eyes. May lack elasticity, with accentuated fine lines and wrinkles. In more severe cases, itching and burning may occur. Extremely dry skin shows signs of cracks and fissures.


Combination skin occurs when two or more different skin types appear on the face at the same time. Combination skin is generally when parts of the face are dry or flaky, while the center of the face, nose, chin, and forehead (called the T-zone) is oily. Combination skin can also describe conditions where wrinkles and breakouts or rosacea and dry skin are present at the same time.


The skin becomes less elastic and less toned. Wrinkles and furrows form, cheeks are less plump, facial contours lose their clarity, and features are less harmonious.

Use these tips to help your dry skin:

  • Take shorter showers and baths, no more than once a day.
  • Use mild, mild soaps or cleansers. Avoid deodorant soaps.
  • Do not rub while bathing or drying.
  • Apply a rich moisturizer right after bathing. Ointments and creams may work better than lotions for dry skin, but they are often messier. Reapply as needed throughout the day.
  • Use a humidifier and don’t let the interior temperature get too high.
  • Wear gloves when using household cleaning products, solvents or detergents.

Herbal and Ayurvedic medicine online to help keep your skin naturally healthy.


California RFID tracking device is in use for preschool-age children

A federal grant is giving money to California’s Contra Costa County to track preschool-age children using RFID chips. These RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips are a device that tracks the exact location of the item the tag is on. This is used on items like CDs, electronic devices, clothing, and more. Helps prevent theft by activating the doors with alarm if someone were to walk out with an unpaid or non-“degaussed” item at checkpoints. These chips can also be used to track people’s behavior through their personal items. The George Miller III Head Start program in Richmond, California is the first school to adopt this new technology here in California. This controversial chip is not placed inside the human body, but is attached to a sweater that children will have to wear. These shirts will have an RFID chip inside and will be automatically registered by each school gate. This helps them cut costs and keep an “inventory” of the children.

A lot of controversy has arisen along with these chips. Although they seem harmless because they are worn outside the body, parents wonder why this type of security and surveillance is needed for preschoolers. This seems to be above and beyond any type of monitoring necessary for children under the age of five. What the county hopes to benefit from the chip is children’s movements for data collection, automatic attendance and tracking meal times. According to a county official; They are implementing this to reduce the cost of teachers manually tracking this information so they can better serve the needs of their students and have more time to teach them. The question is… how much time do you really save? Do the benefits of this device outweigh the risk and cost/maintenance? What if someone forgets their jersey at home or a chip starts to fail and the system crashes? Then it would do more harm than good, diverting teachers’ attention for an even longer period of time trying to fix the system and manually counting kids who forgot their t-shirt.

It is safe? That is a question from many parents whose children attend this school. After they approved this new program, they did not design an opt-out option for parents who were concerned about this. They have been using this RFID system for a long time in the UK and Japan with small children because they are faster and harder to track. They say it’s great for security, protecting children from being kidnapped and abducted. The other side of the argument says that because these trackers are only embedded in clothing, it would be easy for a child to remove their t-shirt or whatever item of clothing the RFID was attached to and then render it useless for security.

Are these chips a false sense of security for parents and school officials or do they really help teachers have more time to teach their children? Whatever your thoughts on this device, technology has come a long way and it’s only getting better.

Real Estate

Slots Could Be Your Key To Retirement

With a relatively small investment of less than $50,000, you can build a quarter-push path that provides you with a nice retirement income month after month and for years to come. Lots of people are already doing it and you can too. Here is how.

Quarter tappets are around $1300 each for the better quality machines. It’s important that you only buy high-quality, new machines so you don’t experience downtime or repairs. If you buy thirty machines, they will cost you about $40,000 with shipping. You’ll also need coin counters and equipment to count and bag the coins for the deposit, which will cost you about another $1,000. Industry averages show that a one-room pusher will bring about $200 a week in profit, with some operators even making up to $1,000 a week in a good location. To be conservative, I’ll estimate on the low side and say your thirty machines will average $100 per week, split 50/50 with the location owner. This will leave you with a net profit of $50 per week per machine, so multiplied by your 30 machines gives you $1,500 per week or $78,000 per year. Remember that this is a “low end” estimate, so you could easily do much better than that.

Finding locations for your thirty machines isn’t as difficult as you might think. All a store owner needs is about 10 square feet of empty space in which to place the room pusher, which can lead to making a cash profit every week without investment. The best locations are laundromats, convenience stores, truck stops, diners, liquor stores, tobacco stores, pizza parlors, or anywhere else people congregate. He simply offers to install a machine on a trial basis with no obligation and once the profits start to accumulate, the location owner will be happy to let the machine stay. Professional locator services are available to secure locations for you (for a fee) if you are not comfortable finding them yourself.

Once the machines are placed, all you need to do is visit each location on a weekly basis and split the coins in the machine’s capture bucket with the location owner. The catch bucket is a large plastic tub at the bottom of the machine that catches your winnings as they fall from the moving tray. Thirty machines is a manageable route and collections will take about 2 days a week, depending on the size of the geographic area. It’s a great retirement income for a small investment in time and money.


Use your skills to earn money virtually

Earn money online: When there was a world without internet, there was a better world but not a developed world. The world is still stuck in the joyous angles of more peaceful and smart growth, but at least now you can make money online with a click. His career is just a promising resume and a ‘double click’ away. However, there is no commitment to skill and area of ​​expertise. You would need the same qualifications, the same progress to prove yourself worthy of the job you are applying for. The best part of getting a work from home job and making money (making a lucrative career out of it) is that you get to do the work in the comfort of your own home, your own room. Often companies allow flexible work hours and that’s an added bonus because now you can work without wondering or worrying about being a night owl or a morning person. You think you would work better at night, you would be more productive and that’s it. As long as you meet the deadline and show your passion for the job for the employer and he/she is happy and satisfied, everything is fine.

The four different types of pathways that will lead you to an online job and help you earn money are:

  • freelance writer: If you’ve been a closet writer for quite some time and you know it’s time to change humanity with the power of words, then go ahead and join any freelance website and offer a platform for your voice. Put a face to your opinion and work hard so that readers are influenced. There is so much that a creative writer or content writer can do and that scope has only been increasing nowadays.
  • Freelance Graphic Designer: Every company or website or any new organization needs a web graphic designer for their logo, the symbol that would represent who they are. So, it goes without saying that graphic design talent is a high-budget demand, so feel free to pick a freelance website and apply.
  • Blogging like a pro: Do you like to write and spread information about medical conditions? Blogging can be done on any subject under the sun. Actually, there is hope that beginner bloggers will turn it into their own company to earn money by sitting on their favorite comfortable sofa. Monetize your blog on the topic that interests you and you wanted to do something with your passion for it.
  • affiliate marketing: It is considered as the easiest way to earn money from home and all credits to technological advancement. All you have to do is choose a product from anywhere under the web stores and make a promotional call so that once someone buys that product from the link provided by you, you get a commission. Isn’t that too easy? But, you have to learn how to attract people and indirectly compel them to buy it.
Tours Travel

Thinking of visiting Limerick? Get there easily

How to get there: the best routes to Limerick

Limericks central location in the Mid West of Ireland makes it easily accessible from all corners of the country. In addition to its excellent location, Limerick is well connected by public transport. Driving is also a convenient means of travel, as the city is in the path of many of Ireland’s main highways. On top of this, Shannon International Airport is just thirty minutes west of the city, so you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to convenient ways to get to Limerick.

by car

Limerick is situated at the junction of several of Ireland’s main motorways, so driving can be a convenient means of transport. If you’re taking the N7 from Dublin, this easy route will get you into the city in less than 3 hours. The N20 motorway connects Cork to the city in about an hour and a half, and if you’re coming from Galway, take the N6 motorway to the N66 and then the smaller N19, which will take you directly into Limerick.


Irish Rail operates a high-speed commuter rail line from Dublin with seventeen trains running daily from Heuston station. Other cities can also be accessed from these hubs, including Rosslare Europort via Waterford, Cork and Tralee.

All trains arrive at Limerick’s Colbert Station, which is centrally located and is a 5-minute walk from the city center and also serves as the main bus terminal for the city. Thomond Park and Gaelic grounds are 20-25 minutes away. Bus Éireann provides a shuttle service from the city center to Thomond Park for all major matches.

For more information on train times and fares, contact Colbert Station (tel: +353 61 315555).

By bus

Bus Eireann provides bus services between Limerick and the other cities in Ireland. There are regular connections to Dublin (1 hour 15 minutes), Tralee (2 hours), Cork (1 hour 50 minutes) and most other major cities in the region. Bus Eireann also operates the bus service between Shannon Airport and the city centre.

All buses arrive at Limerick’s central bus terminal, Colbert Station, which is also the city’s railway terminus. From the Colbert station, it’s a five-minute walk to the city center. There are tourist information and currency exchange kiosks at the Bus Eireann information desk. For more information on bus times and fares, contact Bus Eireann (tel: +353 61 313333).

by air

Access to Limerick by air is provided by Shannon Airport, the regional air hub. Shannon International Airport is the gateway to the West of Ireland serving many destinations across Europe and the US. This modern and efficient airport has a single terminal, handling all your domestic and international flights. Air travel from the UK is mainly handled by Aer Lingus and Ryanair, which operate frequent flights from major cities. From the United States, Delta, Continental, US Airways and Aer Lingus operate scheduled flights, while flights from Canada are served by Air Transat to Toronto.

The airport terminal has all the usual facilities that travelers may need. In the main terminal area you can find ATMs, four currency exchange offices and a Bank of Ireland branch, as well as restaurants, a newsagent, a gift shop and duty-free shops. An airport information desk, open daily from 06:00 to midnight, is located in the Arrivals Hall to assist you with any questions you may have (tel: +353 61 712000).

Shannon International Airport Transportation

The Shannon Airport Authority operates all car parks at Shannon Airport and offers short-term parking (less than 24 hours) and up to 5 long-term on-airport car parks with over 5,000 spaces available in total. The airport police regularly patrol all car parks. There are separate coach parking facilities for dropping off departing passengers and picking up arriving passengers.

Bus Eireann offers connections from Shannon International Airport to all major Irish cities. These airport buses run frequently from outside the terminal and take passengers to Colbert Station, Limerick, in approximately 30 minutes. The Bus Eireann counter is located in the Arrivals Hall and is open from 08:00 to 16:00 (tel: +353 61 313333).

There is no train service from Shannon Airport. If you hire a car, just follow the N19 from the terminal to the N18 leading to Limerick, which is well signposted and easy to navigate.


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