Digital Marketing

Divorce Statistics

Divorce has become commonplace both in the United States and around the world. According to divorce statistics, an estimated 40 to 50 percent of first marriages end in divorce in the United States. In some countries, divorce rates for first marriages exceed 50 percent. Second and third marriages in the United States have even higher divorce rates. According to statistics, second marriages fail at a rate of 60-67 percent, and third marriages fail at a rate of 73-74 percent.

Divorce statistics show that there are various reasons why marriages fail. According to divorced couples, the number one reason a marriage fails is due to miscommunication or miscommunication. The second most cited reason for divorce is martial conflicts and arguments. Third, many divorced couples say that the infidelity led to the divorce. While these are the top reasons cited for divorce, statistics show that there are several underlying factors that contribute to these trends. These factors include, but are not limited to: age, education, income, religion, and cohabitation.


Statistics show that those who marry in their mid to late twenties are less likely to divorce than those who marry at a younger age, and that this age group tends to be more satisfied with marriage than couples who they marry later in life. For divorced couples under the age of 20, women are more likely to initiate the divorce; while for divorced couples over the age of 20, men are more likely to initiate the divorce.

education and income

Education and income play a role in divorce statistics. Data shows that a married couple with higher education and higher income are less likely to divorce than a couple with less education and lower income.


While various religious denominations show a slightly lower divorce rate of 21 to 34 percent, other data suggests that people with no religious affiliation have a lower divorce rate than people with reported religious affiliations. It has also been suggested that the pastors of local congregations, for various reasons, may not be aware of how many divorced couples are actually in or have been a part of their congregations.


Reports suggest that between 40 and 85 percent of couples who lived together before getting married ended up getting divorced.

Divorce statistics indicate that about a quarter of adults in the United States have been divorced at least once in their lifetime. Characteristics of people who are more likely to divorce include:

or younger at the time of marriage

or less education

or have children from a previous relationship

or cohabitation before marriage

or sexual activity before marriage

Based on divorce statistics, it does not appear that only one factor contributes to a couple’s decision to divorce. Although divorced couples have identified three main reasons as the main causes of divorce, it appears that underlying factors can also contribute to these problems.


Making christening gowns: how I made a dress for my daughter

For many religious families, a christening gown is a highly prized heirloom. From generation to generation, a family member passes it on to the next person who has a child and it will be baptized.

It seems that for parents, only a few items of clothing are precious during the first year of a child’s life. For example: the first outfit that has any kind of meaning is the hospital coming home outfit.

In all cultures of the world, there are traditions surrounding a baptism. However, it is mostly a well-understood idea to introduce the baby to her community: be it the church, a tribe, or even just her family.

The following is a story about a mother making her daughter a christening gown.

I wanted to do something for my oldest daughter that would be special for her whole life. Right before she was born, I decided to make her the dress that she would wear on her christening day.

The pattern that I came to know as “The Tree of Life” seemed appropriate to me since she would begin her spiritual life in the church that day. I bought a bunch of white yarn for typing, as well as a crochet book that gave me ways to make the lace confection she had planned. My husband bought me a tote bag as a gift so he could take my work in progress with him wherever he went. I remember that it was a bright green and yellow bag, lying open at my feet whenever I put it down wherever I went. She went everywhere with me.

So the next six saw me busy working on her dress. She knitted and knitted on the way to work, at home, family parties, and even to gatherings. During breaks at work, he would draw stitch after stitch. Coworkers and family members kept track of progress by measuring it. As the dress got bigger, I found myself explaining to strangers in coffee shops or passers-by in the park about the pattern I’d chosen.

I was halfway through the dress when I had my daughter, Cara. I brought her dress with me and when she was only three hours old, I measured it against her, checking her length. She came home with us and us for every excursion of our outings, including massage workshops for mom and me. The dress was turning into a labor that would never end. Each row took about two hours to complete.

The night before her christening I found myself putting the final touches on the dress. I placed a sparkling lace in front and weaved a light green bow through a centered piercing at the waist. Although the weather was warm, he looked like an angel in the dress he had made for her for so long. He didn’t want it to be, so he only wore it for two hours.

After the christening was over, the dress was never put away for safekeeping or passed around. No, it hung in her closet as a reminder of what it was for. She used it to play dress up when she was three years old. When she was four years old, Cara ella used it in preschool to play the role of princess. She has used it many times since then.

What started out as a whim for me eventually turned into a well-worn outfit. Am I mad that this happened? Not all. It was nice for me to do something for her on my own.

Health Fitness

How to lose weight with a natural diet to lose weight

If you’re one of the many people who grew up eating junk food, then chances are you’re struggling with your weight. Surprisingly, not many people are aware that junk food is one of the main reasons for obesity. The body is simply not capable of handling such foods. Combine bad eating habits with a sedentary lifestyle and you have a recipe for disaster. Read on for tips on how to start a natural weight loss diet.

Now, if you are already obese and want to find a safe method to lose those extra kilos, then what you are looking for is a natural diet to lose weight. This diet plan is perfect for everyone and all you need is a little determination and the will to succeed.

A natural weight loss diet does not involve the use of supplements or pills; rather, it focuses on teaching you how to trade bad food for good, nutritious food. Once the body gets enough nutrition, it will have the vitamins and minerals it needs to effectively detoxify and heal itself.

During the natural weight loss diet, you will be prohibited from eating your favorite junk food such as hamburgers. This also includes foods that use preservatives, foods that are cooked with hydrogenated vegetable oils, and foods that contain refined sugar. What is recommended for a natural weight loss diet are healthy and nutritious foods that are high in fiber and protein? Vegetables, fruits, and organic grass-fed meat are good examples of healthy foods.

Let’s take a look at some of these “good foods.” A natural diet focuses on meats, fruits and vegetables. Acidic fruits like oranges, lemons, sour plums, grapes, and grapefruit will help the body detoxify. They contain a lot of vitamin C, as well as a wide range of other vitamins and minerals. Fruits, including berries, should be eaten regularly. Try to eat only organic, grass-fed meat, as many nutrients are lost if animals are not allowed to eat their natural food.

Raw vegetables are also at the top of the menu; eat as many of them as you want. They contain amino acids, proteins and antioxidants. They are best eaten raw, but you can steam them if you like. You can make a healthy dip and snack on vegetables instead of unhealthy junk food.

Exercise is an important component of a natural weight loss diet. Many like to jog, walk, run, bike, or swim. Try to get your body moving at least once a day, as this will help you burn fat and increase your metabolism.

Also, on a natural weight loss diet, you will be required to drink water regularly. The more the better, so aim for about 8 glasses per day. You can cut this down a bit if you’re eating a lot of watery fruits like watermelons or oranges.

Many fail to lose weight, not because the method is ineffective, but because participants fail to stay motivated or follow strict diet guidelines. So don’t give up! Think about how much better you’ll feel, how much energy you’ll have, and how happy it will be to see yourself at your ideal weight.

Legal Law

An early history of old school jujitsu – Part 1

In the next few days I will write an article on the history of Japanese Jujitsu/Judo prior to World War II. I wasn’t sure where to start, but here I am, so let’s get started.

I’m going to start with H. Irving Hancock, who in the early 1900s wrote several books on the history of Japanese physical training and Jujitsu. I will start with his book Japanese Physical Training written in 1903.

“Later, he studied in Nagasaki, with Inouye San, a Jiu-jitsu instructor in that city’s police department.”

This was the first time I heard of Inouye. Now if we look at Hancock’s other book Jiu-jitsu Combat Tricks written a year later in 1904:

“The exponents of the Tenjin School of Jiu-Jitsu have developed to their greatest possible perfection a style of stopping the punch of the boxer that cannot be surpassed for neatness of execution, effectiveness and speed. It is a feat that applies only to stopping a left hand punch punch by the boxer.”

Before I leave this book, the reason for the two quotes above is:

1.) The mention of Inouye, the Nagasaki Police Department’s jujitsu instructor.

2.) The mention of the “Tenjin/Tenshin” system

You’ll see where I’m going with this later.

Another quote that is very interesting.

“In Japan the complete course of jiu-jitsu requires four years.”

That seems very reasonable, since I’ve read that nowadays it takes about 15 years to receive a Menkyo Kaiden in Tenjin Shinyo Ryu. The question is, why so long? I don’t have 15 years to dedicate myself to an art.

At this point I would like to mention another ancient book on jiu-jitsu, “YABE SCHOOL OF JIU JITSU” written in 1904 by Yae Kichi Yabe. In Yabe’s book he mentions that the system is based on that of “Tenshin”. Also in this book is the “Vital Touches” phase used to describe Atemi or “Ate”!

Professor John J. O’Brien claims that he received his diploma in Jiu Jitsu in 1905 from the Governor of Nagasaki. O’Brien spent ten years as a Police Inspector in Nagasaki. He was responsible for introducing President Teddy Roosevelt to Jiu Jitsu, as well as instructing Colonel AJ Drexel Biddle.

Next we go to Col. Risher W. Thornberry. Thornberry wrote several books on jujitsu from 1905 to 1933. In his first jujitsu book written in 1905, the first page is very interesting. It shows a picture of Prof. Kishoku Inouye, “Nagasaki Police Instructor”. At the top of the page it reads: “Jiu-jitsu: As taught by Professor Inouye to over 2,000 officers and soldiers now on the front lines.” Reference to the Russo-Japanese War.

This book was written only a year or two after Hancock’s book. They both mention Inouye and Tenshin. A definitive connection is beginning to develop.

An interesting quote from Thornberry’s book,

“Jujitsu has a weapon in the form of ‘atemi, or vital touches,’ which can be administered with the thumb, closed hand, elbows, burls, edge of the hand, or even with the head.” Again, the reason for mentioning this quote is the use of the word “Vital Touches”.

Research shows that Thornberry actively taught jiu-jitsu. One of Thornberry’s students was Samuel R. Linck. Linck published a book in 1943 called “COMBAT JIU JITSU”. an excellent book Linck studied with Thornberry in Los Angeles for several years. Linck received a “Master’s Diploma” from Thornberry in “Tenshin Ryu” dated May 6, 1935.

In Linck’s book, he gives a brief history of jiu-jitsu.

“These forms of the art were closely guarded and only taught to the samurai or warrior class, the group now known as the Black Dragon Society.”

Linck taught a man named George Tate. Linck and Tate taught a jiu-jitsu class in Los Angeles. Tate later succeeded Linck as instructor and continued to teach and train Jiu-jitsu. Tate became the jiu-jitsu instructor for the Los Angeles Police Department and later led a class at the LA Judo Club.

Copyright 2003 ©

Lifestyle Fashion

Mole removal after care – 3 tips to keep your skin looking as sexy as possible

Why even worry about mole removal after care?

If you’re considering having a type of surgery or incision on your mole, you’ll also need to know some basic mole removal aftercare ideas. What many people don’t realize is that all it takes are a few tips to help your skin look its best naturally.

Tip 1: remember to moisturize your skin

Depending on the depth of your mole, your skin will have a certain level of sensitivity to the environment. What you should do is drink eight or more glasses of water daily.

It will help your body hydrate naturally and help restore your skin’s structure and cell regeneration. You can also apply a lightweight hypoallergenic moisturizer once a day that acts as an allergy-fighting barrier.

Tip 2: Stay out of the sun too much

A very important fact is that in each mole removal after the care tips, it is always advisable to protect the part of the skin where the mole has been recently removed. Do not expose it to the sun.

If you really need to get out, try to avoid exposing that part because it will easily make your new skin red and burn. What you can do is apply some type of sunscreen on or around your scab..

Tip 3: Eat only skin-friendly types of food

Like the previous tips, internal hydration is important for mole removal after care procedures. Actually foods rich in H2O like vegetables or fruits helps correct skin imbalances. These types of foods with mineral, vitamin and water content will hydrate your skin or previously known mole area and help restore your new beauty and skin health.

Above all, avoid drinking alcoholic or caffeine-based beverages, as they can make your skin or the area of ​​the newly removed mole very sensitive. You see, mole removal after care is simple, but you will have to be disciplined when doing it.


Hotel California meets the Great Gatsby – Music as a teaching resource for literature

The most famous artistic product of the 1920 binge is the book by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby, a novel about a man who tries to recreate an ideal past in a drunken and materialistic present. It’s one of those books that almost everyone has a strong impression of whether or not they’ve read it, making it difficult for many to approach the story with fresh eyes.

If you are a teacher looking for interesting and relevant ways to delve into The Great Gatsby, why not try something like this for the size? The 1920s were to World War I what the 1970s were to the hippy movement. The unprecedented global carnage that followed the so-called “War to End All Wars” turned disillusioned Americans inward, setting their priorities on money, bootleg liquor and partying. Similarly, after the hippies failed to raise world consciousness with peace, love, and patchouli oil, 1970s America drowned its sorrows in disco music, drugs, and polyester pants.

For homework, have your students compare The Great Gatsby to a 1970 song of the same style. Take, for example, The Eagles’ Hotel Californiaone of the best-selling and most recognizable songs of this (or any) era of American history.

Hotel California features some of the most analyzed and memorized lyrics in rock and roll. If the mystery element means a lot to you, you’ll probably be disappointed to hear Don Henley’s two cents: “It’s basically a song about the darker part of the American dream.” Not that a lot of rock stars knew anything about it. In other words, the symbol of Californian prosperity (when it still existed) stands as a microcosm of American decadence in the 1970s.

The “hotel” (wink, wink) California is not a Motel 6. It has mirrored ceilings, patios, master bedrooms, pink champagne, and snooty guests. The narrator can’t help but notice the seductive woman with a Benz, a mind that is “Tiffany-twisted”, and lots of handsome guys following her. He orders wine, to which the captain replies, “We haven’t had that spirit here since 1969.” Since wine isn’t a spirit (and we bet The Eagles have a basic understanding of alcoholic beverages), let’s go ahead and assume that Henley is referring to some other spirit of 69

In a grisly turn of events, there is a beast-slaying ceremony involving “steel knives”, prompting the narrator to “return to the spot”. [he] it was before”. It is only when it is too late that he realizes that he can “review” but “never leave”. involved.

So let’s review: luxury, substance abuse, a beautiful temptress, materialism, violence, living in the past, and being trapped. Reminds you of someone?

As a general rule, music is one of the best resources for teachers because it can be deeply personal and relatable at the same time. Also, the fact that the lyrics are often very open to interpretation means that your students will be putting in a lot more work than they think.

Real Estate

Large property management companies

Choosing the best manager for your property can promote your real estate investment or even ruin it. You find managers everywhere in the market and it’s important to know the good from the bad.

Messaging and branding

The brand and outgoing messages that the company uses are an important factor that can be used to determine what they are really like. To understand them and how they work. So you need to ask questions.


The first thing you need to know is if the company is authorized and recognized by the appropriate body. You need to make sure you know what kind of properties they manage and then get referrals. You should never go through with the deal if the company is unwilling or unable to provide you with the necessary documentation. When you see the documentation, you can comfortably say that their operations are legitimate.

You should also know the following things about the company:

  • How rent is set and collected
  • How are maintenance and repairs handled?
  • If inspections of the property are carried out.
  • Tenant retention and marketing
  • How are tenant and owner funds handled?
  • How do they select tenants?

The other things you should talk to them about include:

  • Your management fees
  • The management contract

This needs to be done with about three companies that you may have shortlisted before you can hire them. You must remain vigilant and not settle for the first company you find no matter how good it may seem. There is really nothing wrong with talking to other companies. Talking with others confirms that the initial preference was the best and you may even have a few more questions. Young never knows, the next company might be better than the first.

If you don’t take the time to talk to others, then you will have nothing to compare yourself to. It’s important to have an idea of ​​how other businesses operate to be sure you’re making the right decision. There are many databases you can use to locate management companies near you.

You should appreciate the fact that finding a manager for an investment you have made is a very important and big decision. You should do extensive research before settling on anyone. There are many qualities to consider when choosing a great organization.

You should try to get referrals from various sources. This is one of the best ways because you will get to know other people’s experiences first hand before choosing. You can get some amazing tips on the entire election process. Since referrals can sometimes be skewed, you need to get them from all corners. If you get the same reference about a certain company, it’s quite possible that it’s true after all, regardless of whether it’s a good or bad review.

Shopping Product Reviews

Snow Globes and Water Globes: Magical Collectibles for People of All Ages

Snow globes and water globes have always been popular with young and old. They are believed to have been created in Europe in the 17th century, possibly as an alternative to the popular and ornate glass paperweights. The main difference between a snow globe and a water globe is that water globes generally do not include “snow.”

They are often done with multiple characters or perhaps an impressive panorama or vacation scene. When you shake or flip the domes, you can see snow falling or glitter covering the designs. Homemade versions are one of the most popular craft projects during the Christmas holidays. It is important to note that children and pets should not drink the liquid from the balloons if they break.

Snow globes and water globes are frequently sought after by collectors and they always make great gifts for children. These clear domes are made of plastic or glass and contain miniature scenes and faux snow that swirls every time you shake them. While contemplating a snow globe, the outside world seems to disappear and you may be drawn to the calm and peaceful winter scene with snow covering the world in white.

These are lovely collectibles. They provide a glimpse into a different world and are capable of transporting us to a different place. Snow globes are quite distinctive and tend to bring out the inner child in us. These ornamental spheres often act as a commemorative keepsake for holiday destinations or special occasions.

They are commonly associated with Christmas and are a beautiful addition to winter decorations. A large number of Christmas-themed snow globes are sold in stores during the Christmas season. Christmas-themed music genres are definitely the most sought-after varieties, as the world’s famous snowy scenes certainly arouse happy memories of the Christmas season. They will usually include Christmas carols as well.

They’re also a great way to celebrate milestones like a new baby or a birthday. They can be further personalized by choosing one that allows you to insert a photograph. They are also available as wedding favors that are likely to be greatly appreciated by your guests.

These prized collectibles are available in different qualities and styles and in a wide range of prices. No doubt, there are numerous Christmas-themed snow globes available in retail stores during the holiday season, but you can also find them based on movies, sports, or any other hobby you choose. Crystal themed musical globes and sports teams are very popular as personal collectibles and gifts. They can be a great addition to your collection of favorite sports team memorabilia.

Most musical varieties are powered by string music systems and use snowflakes made of a white confetti-like substance. Many people collect vintage or vintage musical snow globes from a popular period, or perhaps from their treasured childhood years. Disney character-themed musical balloons are very popular collectibles among young people. Decorate your house with a snow globe and feel the magic!


Use the psychology of operant conditioning to improve your physical condition

How can you trick your mind into thinking it actually WANTS to exercise?

We all struggle with motivation sometimes!

Some people pay thousands of dollars for motivation from a personal trainer. We fear that if we don’t have someone to hold us accountable for our fitness, we’ll let it slide.

What if we could turn our minds into our own personal trainer? Free.

By deepening your understanding of a few simple psychological phenomena, you’ll be able to shift your mind from something that deters you from running… to your biggest motivator.

Your body yearns to run, but your mind says no. How can you trick your mind into thinking it wants to exercise too?

Well, the first thing you have to do is make a plan. Before you can start using psychological conditioning, you must create a tangible training program. Start with small, achievable goals, like going for a run every other night for a week.

Write your plan in list form or write it on a calendar.

Next, it’s time to apply a psychological phenomenon called operant conditioning.

Operant conditioning is a term given to the psychological effect of positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is when we complete an action and are given a reward as a direct result. When we receive a reward, certain parts of our brain are stimulated in a way that encourages repetition of the action.

Having a plan can really help with motivation.

How can having a checklist activate operant conditioning?

Operant conditioning requires an action and a response. In this case, the exercise is the action. You need to create a response for yourself in order to connect the desirable stimulus with the positive action.

Let’s start simple. Make it a habit to cross off each exercise you do from your list after completing it. Just this simple “reward” will draw attention to your success. Repeating this pattern of positive reinforcement action will trigger pleasure in the brain. Eventually, subconsciously, you’ll expect to check off each little accomplishment on your list. Suddenly going for a run is much more of an accomplishment than before.

Maybe the list keepers aren’t as stern and strict as everyone makes them out to be.

They just know how to enjoy. One small check at a time.

How else can you incorporate the action-reward mindset of operant conditioning into your exercise program? Make running part of a more elaborate routine. For example, if you run every Tuesday at 7, reward yourself at 8 by watching your favorite TV show. The mind loves habits, routines and patterns. Eventually, you will feel BAD if you don’t do your usual run.

If you want to take operant conditioning even MORE seriously, you could introduce punishment into your routine. For example, put a jar next to your checklist. Every time you go for a successful run, add a dollar to the jar. But every time you skip an exercise on your list, take out a dollar. At the end of the month, do something fun for yourself, budgeted for the amount of money you collected in the jar.

Realize that a lack of motivation to exercise is something that everyone experiences.

You’re not alone.

And you can beat this laziness!

Now get out there and run!

Tours Travel

No Need to Bet: Best Bets on Las Vegas Travel Deals

In this economy, everyone is looking for ways to pinch pennies. That’s why anyone planning a trip to Sin City is desperate for Las Vegas travel deals…because who can pay full price these days? Here are my favorite tips for doing Las Vegas for less:

  • Become a VIP to get free rooms and other free stuff: If you’re traveling to Las Vegas to gamble, the casinos will love you. High rollers who bet big money end up earning all sorts of free perks from the casino hosts, like free rooms, show tickets, and tasty meals. The problem with this plan is that you have to bet A LOT to earn your free rewards. For those of us who aren’t “whales” at the gaming tables, there are probably some better options for winning Las Vegas travel deals.
  • Book a package deal: Airlines, hotels, and travel sites want you to book your travel expenses early and make sure they’re the ones making the most of your hard-earned money. One of the ways they compete for your money is by offering package deals, where you can book your flight, hotel room, and perks like show tickets and meals, all in one package that costs less than if you paid for each. . piece individually. These packages can be great deals, but like everything else, you’ll save the most money if you buy the best packages to suit your specific needs. Hoping to see Blue Man Group while you’re in town? There is a package that includes tickets to the show, a hotel room and a flight to the city, all together for one incredible price.
  • Mid-week Las Vegas trip: Las Vegas is packed with party crowds on the weekends, and as the laws of supply and demand dictate, that’s when room prices are highest. But if you have the flexibility and free time to travel during the week, you can save a lot of money. The cheapest room rates can usually be found mid-week on Wednesdays, a day that exists as an island as far from the weekend as possible. While the city is a little less busy during the week, there’s still plenty of fun to be had and the rates are much, much lower, so why not head to Las Vegas and party like it’s Wednesday night?
  • Internet Comparison Shop: The web is full of travel sites offering amazing deals and packages. Priceline, Expedia, Kayak, Travelocity and many more… it seems like another travel deal site pops up every day. With such a large group of deal sites to choose from, be sure to browse as many as you can to ensure you get the best deal available for your Las Vegas trip. There are tons of deals out there… but if you put in a little effort, you can make sure you find the best one.
  • Become a Member of a Resort Rewards Program – Almost every resort in Las Vegas has free rewards programs or player clubs that they desperately want their guests to join. When you use one of the cards that casinos give you, you earn points that can go towards freebies and offers later. Many of the resorts in Las Vegas are connected, which means you can use your rewards program card and earn points at multiple properties. For example, the MGM Mirage Players Club card is valid at 12 different resorts, including the new Aria at CityCenter, Bellagio, The Mirage, and The MGM Grand. Rewards program members also receive emails with great deals and exclusive offers, and will often send you personalized offers based on your past activities at their casino. Fair warning though: casinos seek to collect demographic information about you and how you behave when you’re at their casino, which feels a bit “1984”. However, if you don’t mind the slightly Orwellian vibe of the whole thing, these rewards programs are a great way to score money-saving deals.

Even during a recession, Las Vegas isn’t exactly a cheap city, but if you follow my advice, you can save a lot of money… which you can lose at the tables once you hit the casino floor. There are always more great tips for finding the best Las Vegas Air Hotel specials, but if you follow my tactics, you’ll be well on your way to finding great Las Vegas travel deals!