Digital Marketing

How to Nail Social Media for E-Commerce

Your Guide to Ecommerce Social Media Marketing

Having a social media presence is essential for creating and growing brand awareness, driving traffic to your website, and increasing leads and sales.

But your accounts aren’t just platforms for sharing content and engaging with visitors to achieve those goals. From Facebook to Instagram, social media can be a powerful way to market your products and services to your followers.

Canadians are big users of social media. A 2019 report found that 75% of women and 62% of men use it daily. And according to PayPal’s Social Commerce Trends Study, 47% of Canadian users shop on social media and spend an average of $77 per month.

But despite these statistics, many small business owners still don’t understand the value of using these popular platforms to sell. That’s why I created this guide: not only to help you understand how important ecommerce social media marketing is, but also to give you actionable tips to drive traffic, leads, and sales.

Organic Social Selling

First, it’s important to understand that there is a difference between social selling, using paid ads, and actually using a platform as a marketplace.

Social selling means you’re organically connecting with sales prospects and nurturing relationships to hopefully convert them into customers. It’s all about building relationships and credibility naturally by getting to know your potential customers.

You can do this by asking them engaging questions, answering their questions quickly, and always responding to comments or complaints. The more trust and loyalty you build, the better your chances of turning a follower into a paying customer.

For example, one of our clients, Rose Marie Swanson, asks engaging questions to connect with her audience.

Sell ​​on a social media marketplace

However, actually selling within a platform or marketplace is a bit different. It means using the selling capabilities of the platform to actively market your products. Here are two examples.

Facebook Shops

If you have a Facebook Business Page, you can use Facebook Shops. This new feature allows you to add products, organize them into different categories, communicate with customers, and see data about things like views and clicks.

And because Facebook owns Instagram, customers can also access your store on IG. People can find your Facebook Shops on your business Facebook page or Instagram profile, or through Facebook ads or stories.

READ: Sell on social networks without scaring people away

Social media is one of the best marketing tools out there – you can grow and reach a huge audience with content and ads, and the people who like and/or follow you are your fans, so they’re already your objective group.

However, people may resist selling on these platforms. You really have to approach this the right way or you could alienate your audience, causing them to unfollow or dislike you because they expect two-way conversation and engaging content, not to be marketed.

Read more on our website.

Shoppable Instagram Posts

Canada got this cool feature in 2018, which allows businesses to tag brands and products in their organic Instagram posts. Your audience can tap on it to see more details and then click to buy the product.

To take advantage of this feature, you will need to set up an Instagram business account. And, your business profile must be connected to a Facebook catalog.

Use of paid advertisements

In addition to social selling and selling on a marketplace, you can also use ads to drive traffic to your account page or website.

Depending on the type of small business you have, you may choose to run paid ads on:

• Facebook

• Twitter

• LinkedIn

• Instagram

• Google Ads/image ads on the Google Display Network

• YouTube (and video ad placements)

Keep in mind that you don’t have to stick to static images when it comes to using these paid advertising options. By using social media marketing for ecommerce, you can embed video into your ads to make them more engaging.

Within each platform there may be multiple ad options. For example, on Facebook you can choose between carousel ads, slideshow ads, collection ads, Messenger ads…

One example is Canadian grocer, which combines social selling (offering valuable information) with product marketing in its Facebook ads.

It can be challenging to not only understand all the ad formats, but also to set up and manage accounts and budgets. That’s why it often makes sense to hire a professional marketing company for your small business.

No matter why you’re considering social media for ecommerce, it’s essential to spend time and effort to ensure your communications are not only engaging, but empathetic. Learn more about using empathic marketing on our website.

I hope my ecommerce social media marketing guide has given you some inspiration to sell your products and services effectively!

For the success of your business,



How to become a more positive parent

Maintaining good health is much more important and effective than treating a disease later on. Good health requires effort: regular exercise, a healthy lifestyle, wearing seat belts, not smoking, and not abusing alcohol and drugs; in other words, do the “good things” and avoid the “bad things.”

Similarly, raising healthy children is much more important and effective than correcting bad behavior later. It takes effort and commitment to nurture the “good stuff”: loving connections, empathy, getting your needs met. Unfortunately, most of the parenting books of the last two generations have focused on correcting bad behavior and solving problems.

Positive parents work to develop the “good stuff.” They build trust and competence; identify and nurture strengths and talents, maintain loving connections, and create fun, joy, and happiness. Bottom line: positive parents teach, comfort, and play.

When moms and dads (and other caring adults) address their own personal development along with their children’s development, everyone learns and grows. Caring adults can prevent isolation, fear, and anxiety, as well as antisocial, self-destructive, and violent behaviors.

Building a family is like building a house. You start with a vision and plans. So, you build a firm foundation. Step by step, you advance. If you skip any steps, there is recovery work to be done, which is more difficult than doing it “right” from the beginning. With parenting, we can’t turn back the clock. We must start right now, right where we are to do the right thing.

“The panorama”
Positive parenting begins with “the big picture.” Remember the optimistic vision you had when you formed your family. Write it. Embroider it and frame it, or just hang it somewhere you’ll notice it every day. Parents who have shared their goals with me say they want their children to:

• “Be happy and balanced”,
• “succeed,”
• “to be themselves while contributing to the world”,
• “be open and give back to the world”,
• “have high self-esteem and self-esteem”,
• “Be healthy in body, mind and spirit”
• “love to learn”,
• “to be respectful and affectionate”,
• “to be able to express oneself”,
• “to be respectful and affectionate with nature”, and most importantly:

“They don’t have to spend their adult lives reeling from their childhood.”

Clarify your vision. It gives meaning and purpose to your life. You can guide everything that happens day by day and support you in difficult moments. All those “little things” you contribute to the success of the “big picture” goal.

The early years of feeding, washing, dressing, driving, and interacting with children present tremendous opportunities. Make the most of this time to ensure a positive life trajectory for your youth.

“When things go well from the beginning, they will tend to continue to go well and even self-correct if there are minor problems.
But when they go wrong at first, they’ll tend to keep going wrong.”
-Dr. Bruce Perry, author and renowned child psychiatrist

The process

The way we raise our children is largely based on how we were raised, which comes “naturally.”
We have all been hurt and we want to make it better for our own children. We can stop the unintentional repetition of harmful patterns from one generation to the next by learning positive parenting.
“We raise our children so they don’t have to recover from their childhood.”
-Pam Leo, author of Connection Parenting

Positive parenting invites us to examine our own parenting. It requires rewriting the old fear-based “script” we learned during our early years and developing a new love-based approach. This requires determination and patience. When we learn positive interaction tools and skills and develop a different style, we can heal our hearts and souls in the process.

Changing family patterns is heroic work! Those who suffered in childhood can still become wonderful parents for their children. They are renaissance moms and renaissance dads!

Positive parenting is a proactive and uplifting approach based on respect and responsibility. Uses non-punitive discipline by teaching and holding children accountable with kindness and firmness. Uplifting and loving adults reinforce inner strength, resilience, self-esteem, and social and emotional well-being. They bring out the best in each other!

the reward

Here are some of the rewards you’ll reap from practicing positive parenting:
Loving, cooperative, trusting and resilient children.
Deeper connections based on trust and communication.
More satisfaction and fun in good times, and support in bad.
Pride and gratitude as children grow and flourish.

There is no better feeling than knowing that you have raised a healthy family that will always be connected at heart.

Health Fitness

Most gained weight during the pandemic restrictions! How will you lose weight?: 5 things to keep in mind!

A recent study indicated that most people gained weight during the period we were in, self-quarantine, or stay at home, much more, than usual! In fact, he claimed, the average weight gain was about 1.8 pounds per month, and since this pandemic is over a year old, some have gained a significant amount of unwanted weight, etc. Many people, today, believe, finally we are, Seeing some light, at the end of the tunnel, and they are starting to worry about their personal appearance, etc., and are considering how to address this effectively. Every year millions of people turn to a variety of diet plans, around the beginning of spring, in what is often referred to as the swimsuit, etc. mindset. When these factors are combined, if one wishes to lose weight, they must consider the best path forward for them personally! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 things to consider to improve the chances of success in these endeavors.

1. Mindset/attitude: Get checked out, from the neck up, and proceed, with the mindset, to becoming your personal best! Will you commit to proceed, with a positive can-do and willingness attitude, to proactively take charge and maintain the necessary persistence, commitment, and discipline?

2. Affirmations/Self Help: Learn all you can about the benefits of using a well-crafted affirmation list, and commit to using it to help you on your quest to lose the unwanted pounds! How will you use quality, self-help, to improve your chances of success?

3. Food Choices/Eating Habits/Personal Restrictions: Identify your personal eating habits and what foods you choose to eat and prefer, as well as any personal restrictions you have placed on what you are willing to do! For example, for someone who doesn’t eat fish and/or chicken, certain vegetables, and other foods on a regular basis, it makes little sense to try a plan that emphasizes these! The choice we make, how best for us to proceed, often makes the difference between being one of the few, successful dieters, and the rest of us!

Four. General Health/Health Issues and Concerns: Never start any weight loss plan until you first consult your healthcare professional to be sure the approach you select is the right one for you! Getting off the ground, pounds, requires commitment, sacrifice and discipline, as well as reducing any potential, side effects/ramifications.

5. Which approach makes sense to you?: Which diet makes the most sense for you? Will diet and exercise, low-calorie, low-fat, low-carb, or some other approach be the wisest course for you?

If you want to successfully shed unwanted pounds, you must monitor and consider all of the above information. Are you up to the tasks?

Legal Law

Top 10 Ringtones of All Time

Mobile phone ringtones have been around for almost a decade, with the first commercial ringtone services said to have emerged in Finland in 1997. Gradually, they have become an established part of modern life, with some of them they have become front page news over the years. So, looking back at the history of ringtones, which ones stand out as the “greatest hits” or the “classics” of this new type of music format? Here’s an attempt at a top 10 list.

nokia melody

The Nokia Tune, based on a 13-note rendition of “Gran Vals” by Francisco Tárrega, a 19th century Spanish musician, is normally included in all Nokia phones as the default ringtone and has therefore become famous. or infamous due to its popularity. It’s the typical ringtone of the middle-aged businessman who doesn’t have the time or inclination to figure out how to change it.

Mosquito Tone

The mosquito tone or “Teen Buzz” is based on the adaptation of a high frequency sound designed to prevent teenagers from wandering outside the stores, without disturbing the elderly, who cannot hear the sound due to its tone. It began to be used and sold as a “silent ringtone” for teenagers to use, for example in class, without the teacher being able to hear it.

crazy Frog

The “Crazy Frog” ringtone was based on an animation called “The Annoying Thing” by Erik Wernquist, and was made famous by mobile content company Jamba, which heavily promoted “The Crazy Frog” on TV and the Internet. The ringtone spawned a chart hit based on a remix of “Alex F”, which went to number 1 in the UK, Japan, Australia and several European countries.

Nokia Morse Code SMS Alert

Similar to Nokia Tune, Nokia SMS Alert is probably the most famous “SMS Tone” designed to be used for text message notifications. The tone spells out “SMS” in Morse code.

classic telephone ring

With the rise of custom tones many people have decided to avoid them in favor of the classic “ringing” sound of a regular phone. Various surveys over the years have shown that this is one of the most popular shades.

Lord Mixalot

In 1992, Sir Mixalot, a rapper, had a huge hit with “Baby Got Back”, which was re-recorded as a ringtone with the lyrics “Pick up the phone! Pick up the phone! ‘Cause you don’t want to miss this.” call and I can’t lie!” This was one of the first “ringtone remixes” of popular songs to achieve success after being marketed by Jamba, the same company that produced the Crazy Frog ringtone.

R2D2 Ringtone

Ringtones based on the “R2D2” sounds from the movie Star Wars are becoming a popular choice for ringtones. The sounds of R2D2 are a great choice for a ringtone, as they are loud, easy to listen to, and distinctive, but they almost manage to avoid a tack, the novelty feels like some ringtones.

Nokia Death Remix

Based on the classic Nokia Tune, the Nokia remix “Dying” or “Flat Battery” is a humorous take on the classic Nokia Tune where the sound eventually dies out or explodes, giving a nod to the annoyance it can cause when listening. repeatedly.

CTU ringtone

The popular television show “24” features a very recognizable ringtone on the phones in the CTU office complex. The same sound is now marketed as a ringtone for mobile phones and is quickly becoming a huge hit.


When Steve Jobs announced the launch of the iPhone in early 2007, his demo included a ringtone, which quickly became available as a recording on various websites. The ringtone has been described as “tinking holy angels” and was eventually included within the standard set of ringtones on the iPhone.

Lifestyle Fashion

Does an emotional affair mean that a man is in love with the other woman and wants to be with her?

Sometimes I hear from wives who have found out that their husband has had an emotional affair. Most of the time, the husband will insist that nothing physical and inappropriate happened. He may even tell you that he is not attracted to this other woman.

But of course, wives have their doubts about it. Many wives worry that an emotional affair is actually the precursor to a physical affair.

A wife might ask, “Does my husband having an emotional affair with a co-worker mean he is in love with her? I saw an email between them that made me feel uncomfortable, so I went through all the emails between them. It’s obvious that it was an emotional affair. There is no indication that they ever got together physically or outside of work. But they clearly depend on each other emotionally and tell each other things about their families, their marriages, and their hopes and dreams. There are some very personal things in these emails. When I confronted my husband he said they were just good friends. I insisted it was more than that. And then I quoted some of the emails and my husband turned bright red. He was clearly embarrassed and embarrassed and finally got him to admit that it was essentially an emotional and inappropriate affair, so I asked my husband if he was in love with the other woman. And if he wanted something else. His answer was no. , her just enjoyed her friendship and that he is not even remotely attracted to her. I looked her up on the internet, and frankly, she’s not even that pretty. So I want to believe my husband. But it’s difficult. Why would I put all this time and effort into the relationship if it’s just going to be a friendship?”

I understand your preocupation. I agree with you. If a man is satisfying his needs for another person, even if they are not physical or sexual needs, it is going to damage his marriage. And if these needs are met in secret, trust is eroded.

I am by no means an expert. I can only tell you what I see and hear based on correspondence and research. Many affairs begin as emotional ties. The two people have no intention of cheating, but instead grow closer and closer until there comes a point where they have the opportunity or desire to take it even further. This doesn’t always happen, of course, but even once is too many.

Understand the difference between the appropriate and inappropriate employment relationship: I can’t tell you that there are no emotional issues that remain strictly emotional in nature. There are. Sometimes, as time goes on, one or both of them realize that they really aren’t compatible. Or the relationship eventually stops providing the emotional reward. These relationships will usually end naturally and not progress.

And it is possible that two co-workers of the opposite sex are just friends. I have had male mentors in the past. And there was absolutely nothing inappropriate in these relationships. In today’s workplace, people are required to work closely together to do a good job. But sometimes it’s obvious when this crosses the line. And the fact that her husband was embarrassed by the emails could be a sign that she definitely crossed the line. If your spouse is not welcome to listen in on phone calls or read emails between you and your coworkers, then this is a red flag.

Here is another thing to consider. Sometimes people who have had physical affairs will fully admit that the “other person” is not their type. They will admit that the other person is not as attractive as her spouse, but that it was not physical attraction that drew them to the other person, but something else.

People sometimes relate a connection that isn’t just about sex. Or they will tell you that they felt understood and appreciated by the other person. The truth is that people cheat for both emotional and physical reasons. Therefore, just because you are not wildly attracted to the other woman does not always mean that there will not be a physical relationship in the future.

Safeguarding Your Marriage: So how do you make sure this relationship doesn’t get physical? You work on your marriage and try to make sure that your husband feels connected to you. And you try to make sure that he understands what is inappropriate in the relationship and why.

This isn’t always possible, but it’s ideal if your husband can work in another department or with someone else so you don’t always have to be together. If this is not possible, try to meet your husband for lunch and visit him from time to time. Allow the other woman to see you and know that you are a great reality. And encourage your husband to come straight home after work.

Counseling can also be very beneficial here. Anything you can do to make your marriage your preferred place to meet your emotional needs is important. I cannot stress this enough. You cannot control what happens between your husband and the other woman while you are both at work. But you can control what happens between the two of you at home. You can fight for your marriage if that’s what you want.

But to answer the original question, an emotional affair doesn’t always mean that your husband is in love with the other woman. But I think most people would agree that it’s a very legitimate cause for concern. It is not something to ignore. Because sometimes, it’s the precursor to a physical affair if it doesn’t stop.


Main objections to the use of an anti-bark collar

Some disagree with the use of a bark collar. This is because there are significant problems associated with bark collars. Before you consider wearing a collar on your dog, you may want to know what these issues are. This is to help him decide for himself if he has no objection to wearing the necklace.

Critics claim that wearing collars can be cruel. Among all the other concerns, this is the most pronounced. Bark collars work to stop dogs from barking excessively in three main methods. This depends on the type you have, whether it is the ultrasonic type, citronella emitter, or the type that produces electricity. All of them are quite unpleasant for canines.

Collars that give electric shocks are said to be the cruelest. This is due to the pain imposed on the animal. This type is even more inadvisable for small dogs. But it just so happens that collars that produce electrically tend to be more effective compared to the spray or ultrasonic type. Proponents of the bark collar, on the other hand, attest that the electric type only produces a mild shock.

Another concern is improper function of the collar. Usually, anti-bark collars emit measures that prevent dogs from barking in an extreme way. Basically, barking is a dog’s primary means of communication, a way of expressing how he feels, and is essentially his habitual behavior. They are happy, lonely, anxious or angry when they bark. However, barking cannot tell you what they are thinking. And it makes no distinction if they are in a bad or normal way. The use of collars alone can cause psychological problems for dogs, especially when they are fearful or restless.

A bark collar is also not a complete test. Dogs can develop an immunity particularly to sound and scent collars. In other words, they may get used to their collars and then relapse into their old behavior. Dogs are less likely to become immune to electric collars. However, if they become immune, the intensity of the shock may need to be increased. Increasing the shock level can lead to more pain for the dog.

Detractors feel that the collars are quick fixes. This is another important objection to the use of necklaces. Dogs can learn to stop inappropriate barking through formal training. Because some owners are in a hurry and don’t want to spend a fortune on training, they use collars instead. Wearing a necklace would mean having some peace of mind in just a few hours.

Collar supporters have arguments against it. They stress that collars are not strong enough to harm dogs and that they are better options than other methods. In fact, collars are a much better option than surgically removing a dog’s vocal cords or euthanizing a dog.

Dog owners have the final say whether they want to use bark collars or not. If you don’t have a great deal of respect for collars, you may resort to having your dog undergo formal training. If the training is not effective enough, you can opt for anti-bark collars. Find a necklace with complete product information. Choose the one that causes your dog the least pain.


Super Bowl 43 – Beginning of January

The culminating event of the National Football League is by far the biggest soccer game in the world and arguably the biggest event in all of sports in the United States.

The Titans began the season with a perfect 10-0 record before being beaten 34-10 at home by the New York Jets. They’ve bounced back to win their last two games with an impressive 12-1 mark, good for a two-game lead over the Pittsburgh Steelers in the AFC.

In each conference, four division winners qualify for the playoffs along with the two teams with the next best records. If it ended now, the Giants, Panthers, Arizona Cardinals and Minnesota Vikings would be hailed as NFC division winners. The Giants and Cardinals have already clinched their respective division crowns. The Tampa Bay Bucs and Dallas Cowboys would qualify as the two wild card teams. In the AFC, the Titans, Steelers, Jets and Denver Broncos would be crowned division champions if the playoffs started today. The Baltimore Ravens and the Indianapolis Colts would win the final two positions.

Securing one of the top two records in each conference is critical, as the teams that accomplish that task earn byes in the first round of the playoffs. The other four playoff teams in each conference must play a postseason opener to reach the conference semifinals, where the top two seeds will be waiting. As a result, the Giants and Panthers currently have the best chance of reaching Super Bowl 43 outside of the NFC, while the Titans and Steelers look good in the AFC.

The Giants are looking for their second straight Super Bowl trophy. Last season they shocked the New England Patriots, who were unbeaten at 18-0 going into the final game. This year, New England is 8-5 and is fighting for its division title along with the Jets and Miami Dolphins. Missing the playoffs would deny New England a chance to win its fourth Super Bow in the past nine years. Tennessee has never won the NFL’s biggest prize, but the Titans last reached the Super Bowl in 2000, when they lost to the St. Louis Rams.

Three weeks remain in the NFL regular season as all 32 teams continue to battle for playoff position. When the season ends at the end of December, the playoffs will begin the first weekend of January and at that time the road to Super Bowl 43 will really begin.

Tours Travel

New York, New York

The big Apple. The ultimate melting pot. The city that never sleeps. Can you judge a city by the number of nicknames it is given or the popular songs written about it? If the answer is yes, then New York, New York has to be the world’s number one city for tourists and 40 million visitors each year can’t be wrong. It is the American city with the largest population and recognized as one of the largest cities in the world. Since the early 16th century, New York has been a landing place for travelers from around the world, and today many of those tourists come from the GLBT community.

New York is a city rich in gay history and a walk on the wild side of Stonewall is a gay trip back to our future. It’s been nearly four decades since the Stonewall riots and for many who have “come out” since that moment on June 28, 1969, this important piece of gay history may not be well known. On that date, and for several days after, acts of anti-gay police brutality, more specifically directed against drag queens, sparked riots that in turn sparked the start of the gay rights movement and subsequent Pride celebrations. around the world.

This confrontation was a turning point for the gay rights movement around the world, as gay and transgender people had never before acted together in such large numbers to forcibly resist police harassment.

Although the original Greenwich Village landmark of the Stonewall Inn is long gone, its namesake bar, temporarily closed for renovations, stands today on the same site as the original gay bar and hotel at 53 Christopher Street. Just walking down this street, a sense of our gay past is evident, and landmarks like the Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookstore provide information and resources on all that New York has to offer the gay traveler. There’s even an intersection with Gay Street, perhaps named for those who fought so hard for equality at a time when the GLBT community was an underground movement considered indecent, immoral and mentally ill by the vast majority in most countries.

Today, just a few blocks from this historic site on the border between Chelsea and Greenwich Village, is the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center located at 208 West 13th Street. It is the meeting place for approximately 400 gay and lesbian organizations and is perhaps the largest facility of its kind in the world. This is a busy place where community forums, dances, performances, and other events seem to happen constantly. Anyone can visit the center which is open daily from 9 am to 11 pm and provides in-depth information on all things GLBT in New York and is guaranteed a very cheerful welcome. They have a comprehensive tourism welcome pack containing information on resources, bars, publications, entertainment venues and much more. Any gay visit to New York should start here because you will likely end with a very positive gay memory of this mecca.

The island of Manhattan contains three very distinct gay neighborhoods: the East Village, Greenwich Village/Chelsea, and Hells Kitchen. Each one is clearly different, but all contain a variety of bars, clubs, restaurants, resources and attractions to make your visit a very joyful time. Although Greenwich Village is the historic part of gay New York, today most people recognize Chelsea as the true center of the community. Local historians aren’t sure when the brief migration to Chelsea actually occurred, but no one disputes that the Chelsea Gym, Cos and Food Bar were the mainstays that slowly encouraged other gay businesses to move to this village. Today it probably has the largest concentration of gay businesses to be found anywhere in the city. Unquestionably, walking along the 8th Avenue promenade is feeling the pulse and heartbeat of gay and lesbian New York.

The Chelsea district also includes some of the best gay accommodation available, which is also convenient to everything gay and straight New York has to offer its visitors. Weather permitting, you can walk from here to Times Square, Broadway, the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Central Park, and many other well-known city attractions.

An important fact about accommodation in New York is the size of the rooms: small is the universal standard. Whether it’s a house, a store, a park or a hotel room, space is a very limited commodity in Manhattan and very little allows for the luxury of the size you may be accustomed to on your other trips. Perhaps the only exception to this would be the meatloaf found in the many bars and clubs! But there are different kinds of luxury and this is part of what makes this city unique and you soon adjust to being a New Yorker. After all, there’s so much to see and do that you’ll probably find yourself alone in your hotel room for a minimum of hours each day when exhaustion takes over and you have to sleep for a short while.

A very good, reasonably priced, conveniently located accommodation option in Chelsea is the popular gay Colonial House Inn. This is a converted four-story walk-up Victorian building with recently renovated comfortable rooms, a clothing-optional rooftop terrace, a main floor lounge and breakfast room. An expanded continental breakfast is served daily and there is wireless Internet as well as a computer kiosk on the main floor. The staff are helpful, knowledgeable and friendly, always ready to make your visit a perfect experience and hopefully we will welcome you again. No matter how long your stay, this is a city that demands a return visit, if not again and again, then to enjoy it all to the fullest.

Sightseeing in New York is one of the most obvious vacation choices for all tourists, and initially, to get a perspective on the city, it’s best to see the sights from up high. The best-known viewpoint is at the top of the Empire State Building, where Manhattan is a big rug beneath you. However, after a twenty-year closure to the public, the recently reopened Observation Deck at Rockefeller Center offers a view that includes the Empire State Building and is less crowded with shorter lines to access, plus you can reserve a time slot. to ride the elevator to the top. No matter which one you choose, the views by day and by night are spectacular and definitely a photo opportunity like no other.

If you’re looking for a truly memorable experience, then a helicopter tour of Manhattan is a must. Liberty Helicopter operates a variety of reasonably priced tours from two convenient locations and you can choose to see the city by day or by night. This ensures that your visit to New York is exceptional and you will have unrivaled photos in anyone’s collection.

However, any sailor will tell you that seeing land from the water is a unique perspective and when you experience the Manhattan skyline by boat you’ll understand why. NY Waterway Tours offers affordable Harbor and Lady Liberty cruises with all day and early evening departures. However you choose to see this city, it will be unlike anything you have experienced on your previous vacations. There’s magic on the horizon, rising above or below you, and each experience is unique to Manhattan.

There are more than 400 art galleries in New York, but more than worth a visit is the gallery hosted by the Leslie/Lohman Gay Art Foundation, a nonprofit public arts organization committed to providing a forum to promote awareness, appreciation and the preservation of GLBT art. . This is one of the premier galleries showcasing the talented artists in our community and the history dates back to 1969 and the time of the Stonewall riots when gay artists were definitely a subculture even in this cosmopolitan city. Its archives and ongoing exhibitions comprise possibly the largest collections of gay art found anywhere in the world today.

A visit to New York would not be complete without enjoying a Broadway theater production. After all, musical theater has been synonymous with Broadway since the 1880s, and what self-respecting gay person doesn’t enjoy a good musical? At almost any time there are a variety of musicals to choose from and many other off-Broadway gay-themed hit plays or shows. A Night at the Theater is part of the legend that makes New York what it is: the cultural capital of the United States.

There is so much more to this “City That Never Sleeps” and it would take many pages to tell the full story; Hopefully this is enough to tease you into thinking about adding this vibrant and bustling city to your vacation schedule. A weekend, a few days, or an entire vacation is sure to be a satisfying experience filled with joyous memories.

In the words of New York journalist and writer Tom Wolfe (The Right Stuff and Bonfire of the Vanities), “In New York, culture seems to be in the air, like part of the weather.” I think that quote must have included gay culture. Once you experience the unique sensation that is New York, you will understand the meaning of these words.

Spend some time, take a trip back in time, but most importantly, enjoy your time in the world famous Big Apple.


Career Development – Pros and Cons for the Employer

From an employee’s point of view, career development is about continuing to learn to lengthen and enhance your professional skill set. For an employer, career development is about ensuring that employees have the knowledge and enthusiasm to do their jobs to the best of their ability. Companies and individuals benefit from professional development, but since companies often bear the time and financial cost, they must weigh the pros and cons.

Increased employee effectiveness – this is often the reason why most companies undertake professional development activities. Skills learned at school and university can be updated and refreshed as the workplace changes. The better trained employees are to do their jobs, the more effective they will be and the higher their performance will be. Additional training of old staff to improve their skill set is much faster and more cost-effective than hiring new staff.

training cost-An employer must decide if the cost of bringing in a trainer or investing in online learning is worth it to upskill employees. If the required professional development courses are conducted by private companies or require staff to travel, the price of the train may seem greater than the benefit of increased employee effectiveness. Employees should consider online learning. Employees can complete many modules online. Once purchased, modules can be reused with no travel or instructor fees.

Increased employee morale – Being selected for special training can help employees feel special, like they are being recognized and rewarded for their hard work. For this benefit to materialize though, management needs to approach professional development as a reward rather than a punishment for lack of work or skills. This can also have flow-through effects by inspiring other employees to work harder so they can be considered or the next round of career development activities.

Cost of increased productivity – If the business is small or the employee to be trained is an integral part of daily operations, absences due to development days can lead to decreased productivity. When numerous employees are involved in a training session, productivity will surely drop considerably. Employers must decide if this is a reasonable cost when compared to a happy and more effective staff.

Adaptability- the market is always changing. Companies that cannot adapt will be left behind. A flexible company needs people who can quickly cope with changes in job roles, industry standards and practices. Only through continuous learning, contact with other professionals and exposure to new ideas is this possible.

Personnel looking for a new job There is a fear that if employers upgrade their staff to many employees they may seek better employment elsewhere. Studies show that companies with relevant professional development programs generally have employees with higher job satisfaction. People want to do their job well, and professional development enables them to do so.

Home Kitchen

Choosing floors for seniors

Special floors are recommended for seniors for several good reasons. First, older people are prone to tripping and falling, so they need slip-reducing flooring to help prevent these accidents.

Older people may also have back, knee and hip problems who will benefit from flooring that reduces the impact on the skeletal system when walking. Older people can also have incontinence problems, so the floor must be easy to clean to maintain healthy hygienic conditions in the home.

Flooring to help prevent falls

Older people may suffer from problems with balance and depth perception. Weak knees, back, and hips can often lead to very serious falls. Also, older people can suffer strokes and other sudden attacks that can lead to falls.

Falls that cause serious hip and back injuries can have devastating consequences. In some cases, the person never fully recovers and there is a high mortality rate for such people in the years after such accidents due to complications of the injury.

For this reason, it is a great idea to install a special floor for your parents, relatives or older clients. One possibility is to use specially designed anti-slip tiles to provide an extra degree of traction. Modular rubber floors are another great option. You don’t have to remove your current flooring with some of the rubber flooring options.

These rubber floors come in the form of modular tiles that snap together and simply lay over the existing floor. Rubber provides an excellent non-slip surface and also helps cushion the impact on the body when walking. You can choose thicker rubber flooring for seniors who have particularly painful conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis, or for those who are recovering from hip or knee surgery. Thick rubber can also help reduce the severity of injury in the event of a fall.

Many people already use rubber mats in the shower or bath to prevent slipping on the wet surface. Rubber and other types of non-slip tiles can fit perfectly, which is an important safety feature. Older people often slip or drag their feet as they walk, so you want as smooth a surface as possible to avoid tripping.

Benefits of a soft floor

For seniors who fall frequently, a hardwood or ceramic tile floor offers no cushioning. Even if the older person can break her fall, she can still sustain injuries to her hands and wrists.

Rubber flooring provides a softer landing and you can add extra padding under the floor tiles for extra cushioning. Older people often have porous bones that can break with a minor impact, so every bit of protection can mean the difference between a serious injury and a minor injury.

Don’t think about the rubber mats you have in your showers when you envision rubber tiles. They come in varieties that look similar to regular carpeted, hardwood, or ceramic flooring.

In addition to providing high impact protection during falls, soft flooring is also great for seniors who suffer from joint pain and similar ailments. You can select padding of various thicknesses depending on the severity of the condition. The smooth surface helps relieve pain caused by simply walking down the hall, especially during periods of cold weather when rheumatism can be at its worst.

Modular floors are easy to clean.

Older people have incontinence problems and this can lead to complicated accidents. To help ease the cleaning and maintenance process, modular tile flooring is easy to install and remove.

You can easily separate any number of tiles to wash and dry them separately. Once cleaned, they are just as easy to reinstall. When removing the tiles, you can also thoroughly clean the surface below to ensure that no growth of bacteria, mold or mildew occurs.

Carpet tile, vinyl and rubber tile are relatively easy to clean and dry. For urine stains on fabric, you can apply vinegar before soap and water to break down the odor-causing urea. Some floors have color-stable fabrics so you can wash them with bleach to completely remove all stains and odors.

Bleach and vinegar are also great at destroying harmful microbes that can grow on both soft and hard surfaces.

Low or no VOC floors

Many people may not have heard of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). However, studies show that these compounds can cause a host of health problems, from asthma to headaches to pneumonia. Some VOCs can even cause cancer.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), VOC levels in the home can be substantially higher than in the outdoor environment.

Since older people already have enough health problems to deal with, reducing the concentration of VOCs in the home can be of great benefit to them. In particular, you want to avoid the most harmful VOCs like formaldehyde, which can have immediate health effects.

Flooring materials can differ significantly in the amount of VOCs, if any, they contain:

  • Bamboo – One of the best options for attractive hardwood floors, the adhesives used to connect bamboo panels and tiles may contain VOCs. To ensure low or zero VOCs, you should only use bamboo or other materials that meet the E1 standard.
  • Carpet – Many types of carpets contain VOCs, so you will need to be careful when choosing the right product. Again, you can verify that the E1 standard is secure. The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) issues a green label for low or no VOC carpet.
  • cork – Cork uses toxic binders during manufacturing, but these are mostly removed during processing. Choose cork and cork adhesives that display the E1 standard on the label to ensure low VOC.
  • Hardwood – Finish and adhesives used for hardwood floors may contain VOCs. You can check the E1 standard or ask the retailer or manufacturer for information on the VOC content.
  • vinyl and linoleum – All-natural linoleum may have a strong odor after installation due to the presence of linseed oil. However, it has a low VOC content. Similar-looking vinyl, on the other hand, is another matter. Synthetic plastics used in the manufacture of vinyl can emit harmful chemicals for years after installation. You need to be very careful when selecting vinyl to ensure that it is safe for the elderly.


Choosing a senior-appropriate floor will help prevent falls and lead to better overall health and well-being. Soft floors will provide cushioning when even walking is difficult. Plus, tile floors are easy to clean and many are bleach-safe, so you can deal with the toughest stains and odors.