Digital Marketing

5 Great Ideas for a Facebook Contest

All people go crazy with Facebook. That is why you have an advantage over your competitors. However, it is necessary to innovate ways to have a greater advantage. If you’ve had social media training, you should know what to do. Please note that Facebook runs rules. So be careful not to get banned.

We all know that Facebook offers free pages for entrepreneurs. They can showcase what they have to offer and get a lot of followers to like these pages. If you’ve consulted social media experts, they can show you how to stay ahead of your competition.

Why not run a contest to get your followers interested in your products or services? You can have them directly on your site keeping in mind the Facebook policy.

1) Tag to win

If you want your business to be known by many, you can spread the word using Facebook. All you have to do is create a Facebook fan page and upload photos related to your contest. You can use your products that many fans may find interesting. The first to tag these images wins the prize. The contest is nice as Facebook offers tagging features to make it possible. This feature will certainly attract more followers.

2) Snapshot Contest

You can set up a contest that can last for a while to attract fans. You might want them to upload quirky images about experiences that uphold your brand. Those who have the most likes can advance to the next level. You can hire judges to review the winning images based on theme and creativity. This can definitely get the attention of followers, especially when you offer free products.

3) Tips to share

You can open a fan page and have your followers provide advice on how you can improve your products. Let’s say you have a cooking show. You can tell them what the menu of the day is and ask them to suggest tips to make it more delicious. You may want to invite them to your show.

4) Narration

You can have your followers submit images with related stories. This can go a long way if you’ve checked out a social media training. A well written story will definitely have likes. The photo with the most likes wins.

5) Promotions

You want to promote the products you offer. You can invite your followers to try any of your products and get feedback on how it has benefited them. The person with the best comments or likes wins. You may want to give them special offers. This will certainly improve the way you sell your products.

Contests make your brand very popular. Run the most contests to benefit your business. This will also drive more traffic to your site.


Why do husbands risk an affair and then beg their wives not to leave them?

I often hear from wives who don’t understand the divide between the man who begs them not to leave him because of his affair and the man who risked literally everything to have the same affair. The wife often racks her brain to find out what her thought process might have been. Because she seems completely sincere in being desperate not to lose his family now. But what about before? Why was he willing to risk them to go through with the matter?

A wife might say, “Honestly, my head is spinning. I really don’t understand. I have always told my husband that I would never, ever tolerate cheating. He seemed to understand this and emphatically said he would never do that. I believed him. My husband is a man of high integrity He is not in the habit of lying and being deceitful He has been a good husband But he cheated on me with a coworker I really know I am in a club with her and sometimes we would talk about our families My husband had I had to know this. And yet, I was having an affair. I knew full well that if I found out, I would probably take our kids and move out. The other woman also has kids and a husband. Worse than this, in my husband’s company, they’re not supposed to date coworkers.So they were both breaking the rules and there would probably be consequences to their careers if they got caught.Also my husband was very sloppy like he wanted to get caught but when I confront him at the respect, eat out. He chases me around the house sobbing and saying that he can’t stand it if he leaves him and takes the kids. When I tell him that he should have thought of this before, he says that’s the problem, that he wasn’t thinking. But the thing is, my husband is a thinker. He’s not the type of person who doesn’t know what he’s doing. He had to be aware of the risks. I’m sick that he did this. Why would a reasonable person risk everything to have an affair? In reality, he claims that he didn’t even care much for her. He insists that she means next to nothing to him. If this is really true, why would he risk all of this to trick her? I just don’t understand.”

I really understand what you are saying. I had the same questions. I asked these questions of my own husband and of men I interviewed for articles. Although every man, every issue, and every set of details is different, you tend to see the same themes come up over and over again. I will share them now in the hope that something will be useful.

They minimize risk in their own mind in any way they can: If you ask an honest man directly why he risked everything for an affair, you might get a blank stare. Why? Because when you think about it after the fact, the risk is staggering, but at the time you didn’t internalize the risk. In fact, they did everything they could to minimize it in their own mind. That’s why all of this is so perplexing for wives. If most of our husbands sat down and thought about exactly what might happen if they got caught, most of them never would. Because it’s not worth taking that risk. But don’t sit down and really think about it. They tell themselves it will be a one time thing. Or that they can and will finish it very quickly. They tell themselves that their marriage and affair are two different parts of their lives and that they can keep them away from each other.

People who have had affairs describe it as juggling a bunch of balls in the air, constantly keeping both things going. Some even try to break the relationship, but the other person tries their best to maintain it. Many of them are in the process of taking things down when they get caught. At that point, they began to recognize the risk they were taking and began trying to extricate themselves from it. But of course, by then it’s too late and they get caught.

I cannot say that there are not some husbands who are involved in the matter and who want to continue with it even when they get caught. But in my experience, this is not the case with many. Most of them will tell you that if they had sat down and thought, they never would have done it. Most say he would give anything to get it back because he doesn’t want to lose his family. The statistics bear this out, as more marriages survive an affair than those who don’t. In short, most men do their best not to think about risk.

A day-to-day perspective: When I was trying to come to terms with this in my own life, I realized that if we’re all being honest, there are some mind games we all play at risk, but on a much smaller scale. For example, I have a family history of skin cancer. When I carpool, I am in the car (and therefore in the sun) for a long period of time. I know I have to wear sunscreen and most of the time I do. But if I’m in a hurry and I run out the door, there will be times when I’ll think “stop what you’re doing and put on sunscreen. You know you can’t leave your skin unprotected.” But since I’m late and don’t want to be at the end of the line, I’m left without it. This puts me and my family at risk (if I had cancer). I fully know. And yet I push those concerns to the back of my mind and move on. I know this is not an apples to apples comparison. Sunscreen and an adventure are two very different things. But I wanted to point out that we all tend to minimize risks in our own minds. It’s just human nature. This does not excuse her husband, far from it. But I wanted to show the process that goes into the mind games we all play with ourselves. On a larger scale, this is how people risk everything for an affair. They just push risky thoughts to the back of their minds, until they either catch up with them or try to end them.

Health Fitness

Belly Bloat – How To Get Rid Of Bloat Fast

What causes the swelling?

Mainly overeating, eating foods that don’t agree with you, leading to excess gas and constipation. Other causes include menstruation, food allergy/intolerance, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Suffering from bloating is a common but annoying disorder. He feels uncomfortable, lethargic, unmotivated, embarrassed by his bulging belly and the noise it makes, and is sometimes in pain.

Let’s look at how to stop bloating and basic lifestyle changes you can make that are especially effective if you feel bloated after eating.

stop overeating

Eat smaller, more frequent meals for better health and a bloat-free waistline.

Change your eating habits

Eating quickly increases the pressure on the stomach and produces more gas. Sit down, chew your food well, and eat your meals slowly, giving yourself plenty of time to digest the food.

Drinking tea or coffee on the run is just as bad with the excess air that accompanies every sip and gulp. Savor your drinks by sipping them slowly.

Limit sugar substitutes

Sodas, candy, and chewing gum contain large amounts of artificial sweeteners, especially sorbitol and xylitol, which many people find difficult to digest, leading to bloating, gas, and diarrhea. I’d rather have real sugar than substitutes.

cut soda

Bubbles in fizzy drinks cause bloating. Also refrain from drinking excessively hot or cold drinks.

Stop eating junk and processed food

Fried, oily, and high-salt foods cause bloating.

Abstain from carbohydrates at night.

Bread and pasta make you retain water. Avoid eating them at night to be free of puffs the next morning.

Water and lemon juice early in the morning

Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon; accelerates the elimination of waste and eliminates toxins.

Eating foods rich in potassium

Bananas, cantaloupe, mangoes, spinach, tomatoes, walnuts, asparagus, and chopped fresh parsley regulate the fluid balance in your body and prevent bloating.

If you suffer from constipation, eating enough fruits, vegetables and plenty of fiber, such as oatmeal, will improve your digestion and remedy your bloating problem.

drinking water

Water cleanses your system and aids digestion. Instead of alcohol, caffeine, and colas, drink plain water and natural teas.

excess air limit

Do not eat and talk at the same time, drink through a straw, chew gum, or smoke because the excess air that accompanies these activities causes bloating.

Eat foods that are easily digested by your body

Bland foods, such as fish, chicken, soy-based foods, yogurt, and rice, do not affect your digestive system.

Limit gas-producing foods

See which raw vegetables make you bloated, then boil them or don’t eat them. The cellulose in cabbage, peas, and beans is hard to digest and can cause you to bloat.

Other common gas-producing foods include cruciferous vegetables, root vegetables, lentils, prunes, and garlic.


Bloating, along with water weight gain and mood swings, are associated with premenstrual tension. Be sure to get 1,200 milligrams of calcium and 200 to 400 milligrams of magnesium each day. Both nutrients help relieve PMS symptoms, including bloating. If you wish, take Midol which contains a mild diuretic.

Natural medicine

Add turmeric, coriander, caraway, and cumin when cooking.

Naturists claim that teas made from ginger, salty from the mint family, linden lime, peppermint, rosemary, and caraway are effective in relieving swelling.

They may be right because ginger tea helps with stomach upsets and peppermint oil in tea or warm water after a big meal aids digestion.

working out

Walking for 15 to 20 minutes a day moves food through your digestive tract, which reduces bloating and fights constipation. Other benefits include less intense menstrual cramps, elimination of toxins through perspiration, and loss of body fat.

apply pressure

Massaging the abdomen helps to evacuate gases and reduces swelling. Begin by pressing your fingers near your right hip, slide up toward your ribs, move from side to side and down in a circular motion.

Supplements and Home Remedies

Take one digestive enzyme with each meal it provides relief, especially when bloating is the result of a problem with the digestive tract, such as diverticulosis. Get digestive enzymes with the active principles lipase, protease and amylase, in any herbalist. Restaurant owners should actually hand out digestive enzymes instead of after-dinner mints to all customers who selected something other than raw from their menus.

probiotics they are ‘good bacteria’ that help keep you regular and bloat free. Your intestinal tract has many bacteria, some beneficial and some harmful, that play an important role in the functioning of your digestive and immune systems.

Probiotics encourage the growth and replenishment of a healthy microflora. They crowd out bad disease-causing bacteria, yeast, and parasites in the intestines, help digest and absorb food, eliminate waste and toxins by restoring normal, regular bowel function, and maintain healthy bowel function.

Ideally, 85% of your bacteria should be friendly and 15% hostile. Probiotic supplements can be found in capsule, powder, or liquid form, or in foods like kefir and yogurt.

If you don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, take nutritional supplements that contain Dietary fiber especially during the holidays or when celebrating to better manage foods that make you bloated.

Apple cider vinegar helps relieve digestive symptoms and eliminates bloating and pain caused by gas.

Lactobacillus Supplements also help maintain gut health.

Bismuth, the active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, is an element on the periodic table. 100% natural, taken before or immediately after a meal, reduces swelling caused by food allergies and neutralizes the smell of your flatulence.


if you take it antibioticsthat destroy friendly bacteria, also take B vitamins.

Some oral contraceptive pills make your stomach distended, in which case ask your doctor to prescribe a different one.

Once you incorporate these lifestyle changes, they should cure or at least alleviate the swelling.

If your condition persists, let’s see what else it could be and what you can do about it.

food allergy

If you bloat after eating certain foods, keep a food diary in which you write down everything you eat, along with any symptoms that appear. Rotate foods until you identify which foods trigger bloating and avoid them.

Although your food allergy result may not be positive, you may have a food intolerance. Common culprits include yeast, wheat, where gluten causes excess gas to be produced, and milk.

lactose intolerance

This means that your body does not produce the enzyme lactase and your digestive system cannot digest the lactose in dairy products. Then it ferments and forms gases that overstretch the intestine.

How do you know if you are lactose intolerant? Drink a glass of milk. If you experience gas, bloating, or diarrhea, avoid dairy products or drink lactose-free milk.

Yogurt’s active bacteria cultures produce lactase, so if you want to eat cheese without bloating afterwards, add a bowl of yogurt to your morning ritual.

Irritable bowel syndrome

IBS, characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea, may be the cause of your bloating.

Eat more fiber and give up coffee, cigarettes and spicy foods that irritate the colon.

Some people use a detox diet two or three times a year to give their body a chance to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins.


Diabetics often have problems with bloating and diarrhea, especially if they take large doses of metformin or glucophage.

Diabetics with nerve damage to the stomach may notice that food accumulates but is not emptied properly, leading to excessive belching. Medication alleviates this problem.


Although over-the-counter products offer quick relief by suppressing symptoms, the benefits will be short-lived because they don’t eliminate the cause.

Common effective medications like Gas-X, Beano, Phazyme, and Flatulex, when taken with each meal, help break up gas pockets in the stomach, thereby relieving bloating and pain caused by gas.

The pain isn’t actually caused by a bloated stomach, but by abdominal contractions that aren’t timed correctly. When the intestinal wall pulls in different directions it feels like stomach cramps.

Most bloating medications contain enzymes like alpha-galactosidase that help digest the sugars in carbohydrates, the main culprit in indigestion problems.

Pink Pepto-Bismol type products have a salicylate ingredient which is like aspirin. It will relieve some of your abdominal pain, but if that doesn’t agree with you, try Gas-X or Phazyme which contain simethicone.

Activated carbon

Consider using this over-the-counter supplement. When taken with meals, it prevents or at least reduces the amount of gas produced.

It sometimes causes irregular looking stools and constipation, so don’t be alarmed and if it affects the absorption of prescription drugs, take it an hour or two after any scheduled medication.

Tips and Warnings

The bloating and gas pain should dissipate fairly quickly. Otherwise, if it becomes more than a mild discomfort, or is accompanied by bloody or tarry stools, fever, night sweats, or weight loss, see your doctor.

He might suggest a colonoscopy to help diagnose your problem. Hang in there because his colon plays an important role in his life and until it’s resolved, he won’t feel well. Once he determines the medical cause, he will treat you and cure you of your suffering.

Swelling is also one of the main symptoms of ovarian cancer, a “silent” disease that is difficult to detect early.

Although there’s a remote chance that it’s something serious, it’s much more likely that the swelling is a minor inconvenience that you can get rid of quickly by making simple lifestyle changes.

Legal Law

A record free of felonies

If you have a criminal record, it can prevent you from some basic freedoms that can make your life difficult, such as:

(1) Employment

Most job applications and job postings will require you to indicate if you have had a prior felony or criminal charge. Many jobs now have background checks as due diligence by employers. This can limit the jobs you can find for employment.

(2) Voting

If you like to vote and want to have a say in who runs your local, state and federal government, this privilege will be taken away if you have a criminal record. At least for a time.

(3) Ownership of firearms

If you are interested in obtaining a gun permit in order to purchase or carry a gun, this privilege will be prohibited if you have a criminal record.

(4) Sitting on a jury

Having a felony conviction on your record prevents you from sitting on a jury of your peers.

first time offenders

First-time felony offenders in New Jersey may be able to have their felony conviction remain off their permanent record

New Jersey PTI Program / Pretrial Intervention Program

You may be eligible for an alternative to standard New Jersey criminal procedures. This program is for the most part a first time offender program. The objective of the program is based on the early rehabilitation of the offender, to prevent criminal behavior in the future. There are many conditions attached to this program, so it is best to talk to your attorney about the program and whether you might qualify for it.

Reduction of felony charges to a misdemeanor

The prosecutor may be influenced by your attorney to reduce the felony charge to a misdemeanor charge. It is vital that you have experienced representation who knows and understands the legal angles that can help sway the prosecutor. Often the fact that he has no criminal record can be enough. He should talk to his lawyer about whether a reduction might be a possibility in his case.

felony degrees

Qualifications differ by state. Some states make use of numerical grades to represent classifications (for example: capital, life, 1st rating, 2nd grade, 3rd level, or class 1, 2, etc). Others use a bottom-up reporting system (Class A, B, etc.)

extended effects

When convicted of a felony in the US, there may be additional concerns after serving a prison sentence. Some cases:

Deportation if the criminal is not an occupier

Loss of voting rights

You are prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms, bulletproof vests, or ammunition

Disqualification from running for public office

Ineligibility to serve on a jury

Exclusion of obtaining private licenses

Lifestyle Fashion

chemical bliss

Most of us measure happiness as a product of various material factors such as health, wealth, and success. So this means that if we are healthy and successful we must be happy. So why do we suffer from discontent and meaninglessness despite being successful in our career and endeavors? Psychologists and biologists now believe that our biochemistry has a higher level of determining how happy we are and how happy we can become. As Yuval Noah Harari said in his book “Sapiens” that lasting happiness comes only from Serotonin, Dopamine and Oxytocin.

Women, on average, are twice as likely to suffer from depression than men. Their emotions and memory centers are stronger and larger than those of men. If they understand how their brain reacts to external stimuli, they can control their emotions and feelings before responding unreasonably. Being aware of how the centers of your brain work can help you be aware of what’s going on in your head and think rationally without letting emotions get in the way. In the following points we explain the biochemical factors that align with female unhappiness.

1. Tonsil

It is the brain’s center for fear and emotions. A woman’s amygdala is more easily activated by emotional nuances. Her amygdala responds strongly to a stressful or pleasurable situation. This amygdala response activates her hippocampus, which is the brain’s center for memory storage, to label the details of that particular situation, allowing her to remember that particular situation for quite a long period of time.

2. Emotional reflection

Women may feel greater bodily sensations than men. This means that the physical pain or emotions they feel are more intense. These bodily sensations help them track and feel painful emotions. Just watching someone in an emotional state activates similar brain patterns in a woman’s brain, allowing her to stress over a situation that isn’t even her own. This is called emotional reflex.

3. Estrogen and progesterone

Estrogen is the feel-good brain chemical and progesterone is the ‘lazy and lazy’ hormone. Women whose ovaries produce the most estrogen and progesterone are more resistant to stress because their brain secretes more serotonin, a chemical that makes you feel relaxed and calm. Serotonin changes in the body can cause frequent mood swings. Women tend to produce lower amounts of serotonin than men. Serotonin deficiency can cause mental health problems, especially depression and anxiety.

4. Gut feelings

The insula, a region of the brain that processes visceral feelings, is larger in women. As a woman’s brain can easily track bodily sensations, her gut sensations are also intense. She pays close attention to her instincts, reflects on them over a much longer period of time than a man would, on average.

5. Sexual orgasm

The female orgasm creates feelings of intimacy and trust towards the partner. It increases electrochemical activities in the body and releases feel-good chemicals like dopamine, endorphin, and oxytocin. The clitoral nerves communicate directly with the pleasure centers of the woman’s brain. If those nerves are stimulated, they trigger a burst of feel-good chemicals, but if the nerves to the clitoris aren’t sensitive enough, or if fear or guilt interferes with the stimulation, there will be no orgasm. A female brain has to be off to turn on sexually. If she is stressed or angry or if her amygdala is high, it will be difficult for her to orgasm.

6. High cortisol levels

Cortisol, the stress hormone, helps control blood sugar levels and regulate metabolism. But high cortisol levels can trigger changes in the menstrual cycle and cause anxiety and depression. Mood swings and skin changes are also related. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands, and adrenal gland tumors can increase cortisol levels in the body.

There are also some other psychological factors that are related to unhappiness.

• Less maternal care: Children who do not receive enough maternal care are more likely to become stressed and fearful as adults. They are more prone to anxiety disorders than those who receive more maternal care.

• Communication: a woman has larger communication centers in her brain than men. Oral communication is very important for a woman for connection. Connecting through communication activates the pleasure centers in the female brain, prompting the release of dopamine (the feel-good chemical).

• Conflict: Conflict triggers a negative chemical reaction in a woman’s brain. It creates stress and fear. This is why women avoid conflict at all costs. The psychological stress of a conflict is quite intense for a woman.

• Postpartum depression: 1 in 10 women will be stressed after giving birth within a year. It may be due to lack of emotional support, conflicts at home, or previous depression.

Our biochemical system determines our levels of happiness. It has evolved to keep our happiness constant, not too sad and not too happy. We may feel momentary pleasure, but it quickly wears off and we are back to how we were before. But we all have a different biochemical system. People who are born with a joyful biochemical system are blessed with high levels of happiness. They can lose everything and everyone, go through a lot of misery, but they will still be happy. People born with gloomy biochemistry will find it difficult to remain happy even if their life is perfect. It is difficult for us to break free from our biologically determined limits. If we can alter our biochemical system, we can alter our levels of happiness.


The negative relationship between male hormones and EMF exposure

Argentinian scientists have discovered that radiation emitted by an Internet-connected computer placed on the thighs of a male user could affect fertility as a result of DNA fragmentation and decreased sperm motility.

The first research in the world on this subject had been carried out by specialists from Nascentis, which is a reproductive medicine center located in Córdoba, Argentina. This research revealed that sperm motility would be damaged whenever these cells were subjected to radiation from laptop computers. For the purposes of this particular investigation, the experts examined sperm samples from healthy donors with no history of recent ailments. All samples had been split into two equivalent fragments, which were inserted into separate temperature-controlled rooms. One of the subsamples was incubated under a laptop with an Internet connection to reproduce the situations that occur when a man rests a computer on his lap.

Although they agree that further research is needed on this topic, the researchers recommend that men refrain from carrying laptops on their laps, particularly when connected to the Web via Wi-Fi systems. This research provides completely new information about the effects of electromagnetic fields or EMF on human health. EMF concentrations from Wi-Fi devices tend to be drastically reduced compared to those released by cell phones, plus there is much less public interest in the potential health conditions of wireless LAN systems.

The Health Protection Agency establishes that in cases where a person spends 1 year inside a Wi-Fi access point, these people can receive a dose of radio waves equivalent to a cell phone call that would last 20 minutes. . In general, wireless access points tend to be very close to people, but the drop-off within already reduced power over a certain distance will be rapid, in accordance with inverse square law.

However, the results of this research suggest that if a laptop is in operation for an extended period, close proximity to the EMF source could affect hypersensitive reproductive cells in men, leading to DNA damage and reduced motility. of the spermatozoa.

Real Estate

Freon air conditioners will soon be a thing of the past

If you have an old air conditioner or heat pump that uses freon, it’s time to think about making a change. Freon is a chemical coolant, or refrigerant, that facilitates the transfer of heat from one place to another. Known as R-22 in the heating, cooling, and refrigeration industry, Freon has been used for several decades, but not anymore. This is because chemical refrigerants are harmful to the environment, including the O zone layer. And as soon as this scientific evidence was confirmed, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), along with several other environmental agencies from around the world, came together to ratify the phase out of Freon. If you own an older air conditioner, continue reading to learn about phasing out Freon and how it affects the heating and cooling of your property.

freon phase out

Environmental protection agencies around the world enacted a freon phase-out several years ago to eliminate the threat of chemical refrigerants to our surrounding environment, namely our ozone zone layer. With years of hard work, chemical engineers and HVAC specialists were able to create an environmentally friendly replacement for R-22 called R-410A, better known as puron. So, in 2010, HVAC manufacturers stopped producing Freon-dependent appliances altogether and began producing only systems designed to use Puron. Per this removal, Freon can only be used to recharge HVAC systems until January 1, 2020. After this date, Freon will be completely phased out and will no longer be available.

get rid of freon

If you own an air conditioning system that uses freon as a refrigerant, you can expect some difficulties until this coming date in 2020. Since freon is being phased out, the market supply has drastically reduced. This means that Freon is hard to find and very expensive. Recharging your HVAC system will be tedious and expensive for the next four years. And in 2020, you will have no choice but to replace your system with a new one, as Freon will be gone forever. For these reasons and more, it’s important to consider replacing your air conditioner with a newer model as soon as possible. Not only will you reduce energy bills and maintenance costs, but you’ll be much safer for the environment!

Don’t waste your time fixing refrigerant leaks or mechanical problems on an air conditioner that is still using Freon. It is more cost effective to replace your entire air conditioning system and avoid the imminent hassle of using freon. Eventually, you’ll need to invest in a freon-free system anyway, so it’s best to start now!

How to safely dispose of an old air conditioner

When it’s time to replace your old air conditioner with a new one, don’t throw your old air conditioner away. This is not only highly dangerous and illegal, but it is a perfectly good waste of money. This is because you can sell your old appliances to a junk buyer and make a quick cash profit. You can then use this money towards the purchase of your new air conditioner. Before selling your air conditioner to a junkyard, it is important that you first learn how to dispose of R-22 and R-410A refrigerants legally and safely.

To do this, you must hire a certified professional to remove the refrigerants from your old air conditioning unit. Some junkyards have professionals they work with who perform this service for them, while others require the coolants to be removed before they can be accepted. Check with your local junk buyer to see what their requirements are for disposing of an old air conditioner. You can also search for Responsible Appliance Disposal (RAD) organizations in your area if you want to get rid of your appliances without selling them to a junk buyer.


4 Reasons Individual Awards (UEFA "Golden Ball" and FIFA "The best") in football should be scrapped

The Ballon d’Or is an award given by UEFA and France Football magazine, while “The Best” is awarded by FIFA, the ethically questioned referee of the world’s most popular sport. Though prestigious as degenerates, both awards are nothing more than tangible accolades from the writers and pundits (confederation administrators, coaches, soccer team captains, fans, etc.) whose opinions and votes were solicited. At present, both awards have become a selfish first beyond the post, as no one embodies the toxic and political nature of both awards than the recipients of the past decade. Comparisons of soccer players between and within soccer leagues (for these awards) is a guilty pleasure for fans. Like most sports awards, fans will always root for their favorites, but unlike many others, it’s hard to make a statistical case that one player is more valuable than another. The point is that computers are like machines. One part, important as it is, cannot function properly without the other. That makes the award merely a measure of prolific goal scoring, but as any coach will tell you, that’s probably not enough to run a successful soccer team. Comparisons between football players are essentially what makes trading cards, trading cards and fantasy football so popular, but there should be no place for them in an official capacity. And how can we improve what we currently have? The basic truth is that we cannot, unless the awards are suspended due to the following reasons:

Soccer is a team sport – the debate about individual soccer players among soccer fans is fun, but in a team sport with so many leagues, such individuality is impossible to accurately measure. Soccer (as we all know) is a team sport where eleven men from two separate squads of players compete against each other for a trophy or, in modern times, to get a paycheck at the end of it all. All soccer teams require world-class goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders and attackers (with supreme talent) to excel and win at the national level. [EPL, Serie A etc.]continental [CAF, UEFA Champions League] and intercontinental [FIFA Club World Cup] trophies No player or position is expendable or superior to the other as all must work in unison to achieve a common goal. Most of the great attackers of today (and of yesteryear) would probably make terrible defenders and goalkeepers and most of the great defenders and goalkeepers could be terrible attackers and midfielders in the game. It feels wrong to constantly elevate a particular set of soccer players over their teammates because of their position on the field of play. Soccer games are taken ‘in first place’, by the goals scored by the forwards, midfielders, defenders of a team and ‘in second place’, by the (potential) goals of the opposition saved by the defenders and the goalkeeper of that same team. No player really wins a game without anyone’s help, except playing all positions simultaneously, being in their penalty area defending and deflecting opponents’ shots on goal and at the same time running to score all kinds of goals in the box. rival penalty. Most FIFA and UEFA singles winners perform brilliantly when their team’s style of play and passing is tailored to them, giving them freedom like no other team could. Most coaches strive to fit 11 players into the best team instead of having to fit the best 11 players into one team. There is a reason why world-renowned coaches like Arsene Wenger and José Mourinho have categorically scorned and criticized such individual awards in a team-based sport.

Attacking bias: FIFA and UEFA award winners (currently and in the past) are (almost) always players who play close to the opponent’s goal, such as forwards and attacking midfielders, allowing them to score a lot of goals while they rely on their teammates (defenders and goalkeeper) to prevent the opposing team from scoring and winning the game. In football it is widely known and accepted that the attack wins matches but the defense wins titles and trophies. Very few defenders and goalkeepers are recognized for their performance on the pitch and the dirty work they do (so that their attacking teammates in the opposite goal can get the ball to score). It’s pretty disheartening that attackers are so much better paid than defenders and goalkeepers. Goalkeepers are often the least paid on a soccer team, even with the alarming level of scrutiny directed at them, which raises the question of why anyone would choose to be a goalkeeper. No one has really found a way to compare the value of goalies to outfield players, to the detriment of goalies. Should a goal saved by a goalkeeper be treated as a goal scored by a striker? How much should quality defenders influence our judgment of a goalkeeper and how much should quality midfielders influence our judgment of a forward? There is no denying the fact that some players improve the overall quality and effectiveness of certain teams, but even then, such extraordinary players could not win anything for their respective teams if, for example, the goalkeeper spills every shot thrown at him. does the opposition. The beauty of modern football is such that each player (except the goalkeeper) is minimally obliged to score goals at any time, in any way and when it pleases him or (to a certain extent) his coach, which makes the fact The fact that individual awards are only given to offensive players does a lot of damage to their teammates and the sport.

There are no specific criteria in the delivery of prizes: There are no specific criteria in the delivery of individual prizes to players by UEFA and FIFA in the soccer competitions played. Most fans and administrators don’t know which competitions: the domestic league (EPL, La Liga, Serie A), the continental leagues (UEFA Champions League, as all individual FIFA winners are based in Europe) or international tournament (FIFA World Cup) – Player performances have top priority when compiling nominees for FIFA and UEFA individual awards. Although most of the nominees and winners of these awards play for soccer teams that are champions in their national leagues or champions in the UEFA Champions League or champions in the World Cup (in a world cup year) with their countries, some winners of such awards play for clubs and countries that were not champions in national, continental and international tournaments. Lionel Messi won the Ballon d’Or in 2010/2011 (because he scored 91 goals in one year) without winning the Spanish League or the Champions League with Barcelona or the World Cup with Argentina, surpassing other serving players who won at least one of the mentioned competitions

It Breeds Individualistic and Selfish Footballers: In the pursuit of individual FIFA awards, some players forgo teamwork and effort, preferring to play alone on the pitch, to show off (as the fans would say), to the detriment of the team. These players don’t care if the team is winning or losing a game, as long as they score goals, increase their goal tally, and compete for prizes by shooting on goal instead of passing the ball to a higher-ranked teammate, taking each set. -piece – free kicks, penalties, corner kicks – awarded in a game even when they have bad records taking such a set piece. This creates instances where a player wins Ballon d’Or or player of the year awards because he has the most goals in the football season plus 5 or 6 man of the match performances and some impressive ones. Highlight the season reels as your team finishes that season trophyless and second in the competition finals.

In conclusion, if there are to be individual awards (for whatever odd reason), they should be based on objective criteria such as number of goals scored (best striker), number of saves (best goalkeeper) or number of tackles made (best defender) etc. Even that wouldn’t make much sense because, again, scoring a goal is a team effort. No player can score a goal without the help of his teammates. And yes, even solo goals require team efforts. Therefore, it becomes unfathomable why the governing body of soccer, FIFA, would hand out these awards that are destructive to the very nature of the sport that it is supposed to regulate. FIFA shouldn’t lend its name to a beauty pageant.

Tours Travel

How to Get the Best Last Minute Vacation in Europe

Taking advantage of last minute vacations has been the norm if someone wants to take a short break and enjoy most of the attractions located throughout Europe. With most tour operators and hotels cutting their prices to fill their tours and rooms, there are always great deals for last-minute vacations. And the dominance of the Internet certainly helped, as travelers were given free rein to choose the destinations and operators that offer them the best value for money.

When planning a last minute vacation, you must first consider the destination. With many interesting destinations to offer, Europe is a paradise for those looking to spend several days with their loved ones without a care in the world. Travelers can choose to go to various cities such as Paris and London or spend their days walking the streets of Rome, or enjoying the sunny beaches of Spain. There are also secluded spots that cater to those who want to get away from the maddening crowds and enjoy some peace and serenity.

One of the most popular last-minute holidays offered in Europe are group walking tours of some of its fascinating cities. Travelers may have the opportunity to see spectacular works of art in museums in Paris, visit mysterious places in Rome at night, admire the spectacular architecture of London or tour the castles of Madrid and Lisbon. Of course, you can also choose to take guided tours of several of the spectacular churches across the continent, which are also repositories of priceless works of art and religious artifacts.

Outdoor enthusiasts will also have plenty of options to consider for that last-minute vacation. They can brave Iceland’s frigid environment to go whale watching or charter a boat to go fishing in Britain. Birdwatching enthusiasts often head to some of the UK’s cities, while expeditions to the mountainous regions of France, Poland or Switzerland can also be arranged. Europe is also full of numerous wine regions where wine tasting tours are also welcome.

Most last-minute vacations can offer packages consisting of hotel accommodations and excursions, leading to a carefree vacation where all your concerns are taken care of. For the average tourist, these deals are certainly worth it, especially when enjoyed at such a great price. Some of these offer deals mainly for groups, although holidays for the whole family are also offered.

Another way to enjoy a last minute vacation in Europe is to head out to the towns and cities during festivals and holidays. Tours during this time not only provide entertainment for travelers, but also allow them to get acquainted with the cultural aspect of the places they visit. It’s also important to select vacation operators that make travelers’ comforts and needs their top priorities. In this way, travelers are assured of always being in good hands wherever they go.


Self Employed – Work From Home Agents

Freelancers are people who work from the comfort of their home using their computer or laptop and the Internet. It is necessary to have a fast Internet connection to be able to work at home as a freelancer. There is a marketplace for freelancers called oDesk. Whatever you are looking for jobs or talents, you can join them and complete your search. They are securing a guaranteed job for their buyers of services. On the other hand they are offering guaranteed payment for their self-employed. You just have to complete the requirements of their service buyers and you will get paid for each and every job you complete successfully. This is how your professional system works for your freelancers. Their system is very professional and that is why they are receiving new talents every day. Your users are satisfied with the use of your services. Service buyers can manage their agents within a professional official system. Thus, everything will be under control and they will get full control of their jobs. Every day many buyers of outsourcing services post their requirements on their portal. You just have to hire freelancers, manage your work through them and pay them for the result they will be generating for you. There is also a professional rating system available. Both buyers and freelancers can rate each other after completing a successful job. You can easily check your work statistics. You will feel like you are in your office with your work group. You will be able to build your professional team for your IT outsourcing jobs.

business benefits

You will be able to see the history of the freelancers before hiring them from the employment portal. I suggest you check the work history, portfolio, feedback rating and test score before awarding any freelancer for any of your job requirements. Those things will be very important for the freelancer selection section. So, you need to make sure of them when granting freelancers. You can make the payment for the results that you will obtain from the employment portal. There won’t be any paperwork out there. Therefore, you will get many benefits through your independent network. You should take advantage of their professional work teams, because there you will get many benefits for your business. You can hire full-time teams from the portal. It will give you a lot of flexibility and freedom. You will also save a lot of cost using this method. You can pay them by the hour. That means you only need to pay them for the hours they will work. You will only pay for the results you get. You will access global talent by using your network of freelancers. They will give you the opportunity to select and reward talent from all over the web. You can ask freelancers for a live demo of their work before granting them your requirements. They have developed a professional feedback supply system on their website and you will be able to provide your feedback on them using that option directly from their website. If you want to get attached to them, you can follow them on Twitter, Facebook and link.

affiliate marketing

They are providing a fancy marketing system that is really effective for their freelancers. Please note that you must become a member of them before marketing to them as an affiliate of theirs. They will pay you 50 cents for every freelancer you refer to them. They must need to apply for work using that portal. That’s not the end of your commission level. They will also pay you US$50 for every new business you refer to them. They must need to be verified using your credit card with the job portal. They are using the commission pool for their affiliate marketing system. That is a great affiliate marketing portal. That means you will be safe with your strategies using your marketing methods. Once you join them with their marketing system, they will provide you with their professional banners and text links. There will be some affiliate network policies and you are required to uphold them while promoting the job portal from the affiliate portal called commission union.


If you are looking for career opportunities, you should use your portal for career opportunities. You can find many jobs from their job portal. You need to make sure that you have the necessary skills as per the requirements of your outsourcing service buyers. Your outsourcing service buyers post many jobs on your portal every day. So, if you have the right skills, you are sure to get jobs from their job portal. You must pass your test to get more app installs from your portal. The portal offers its freelancers many opportunities for their career. It is recommended to provide proof of skill on your job portal to get more leads from your service buyers. There will be several tests that you will need to pass to maximize the processing of your application. There will be many job categories available on your workbench. The company is transferring money every second to its freelancers. There will be a team room available for work journal and reports. There will also be a team manager available for your console.


They have a great community of freelancers on their website. There you will get a lot of new things that will be beneficial to your career and business. There will be many things you can learn from your community. Their community is very professional and many new agents join them every day. You can discuss your topics according to your needs using their professional community that they have developed for their freelancers. They have developed a snazzy forum in their community for their freelancers. You can take advantage of that by becoming a freelancer of their professional job portal. They have also developed a professional blog called Odesk Blog. You can get updates on their activities from their blog. They will provide you with professional advice on freelancing and outsourcing. There will also be options available for newsletters and fun. They are having a pro shop for their users. They are selling flashy products in their store. Their products are really profitable and available on their website. You can make purchases of their products directly from their store located on their online website.


You don’t need to worry about any of your transaction systems. They will send your earnings directly to your payment processor as per your request. They support various payment methods including PayPal and Money Bookers. They are also providing Payoneer master card services for their freelancers. There will be some small charges for withdrawals of your winnings. So you need to make sure of them while withdrawing money from their independent network. There you will be able to learn about the withdrawal options by direct bank deposit and bank transfer for your payments. They will be providing you with the necessary help with respect to your payments. You need to contact their support team to get the facilities from their support team.