Digital Marketing

Types of Social Networking Sites

Social media has become a popular way to share information and content with others. Social networking sites are the sites that host social networks. For those new to social media, it’s good to know what types of social networking sites exist and what each one does.


Probably one of the first sites to allow social interaction, forums have been around for a while. Forums are often made up of people with a similar interest. Users have conversations on a particular given topic and build relationships with each other. They provide a wealth of information on a topic and it’s a great way to share your knowledge.


People like to write in journals, and with the Internet they wanted to share their lives more openly. Originally called web-logs, these personal journals have moved on. Some personal journals still exist, while other blogs discuss a particular niche or interest.


Similar to blogs, this is a micro diary of what’s happening right now. These sites can share what is happening in a person’s life or they can be information that the person wants to share. Major news events are now being posted online via microblogging. The best known microblog is Twitter.

Share photo

Social networking sites are known for sharing information, in this case photos. Users upload their images to photo sharing sites. Instead of having to send individual photos to the family, send a single link. You can tag your photos with keywords related to the image and allow people to comment. Some popular photo sharing sites are Flickr and Picasa.

video sharing

YouTube is the video sharing site that almost everyone has watched. Videos are shared online, keywords are added so people can search for those terms or the title of the video. People can comment if the owner of the video allows it. Like other forms of social networking, it allows for a more personal appearance of the actual user.


Networking has long been touted as an asset in professional circles. Networking allows a person to connect with other people and, through those connections, to meet other professionals that person knows. Professional social networks allow for that kind of opportunity online. Therefore, if you move from his hometown, he can still stay connected to his former co-workers and others in his profession. Linked In is one of the leading professional social networking sites.


After you’ve worked with people for a while, they may become your friends. Then you have friends from church, from your school, and friends you’ve met in a wide variety of ways. Social networking sites are all about being social, so there are sites that simply allow users to keep in touch with people they know. While MySpace was the leader, the current leader is Facebook. It is growing all over the world.


The main purpose of these social networking sites is the exchange of information. If you read a web page that is interesting, informative, or inspiring, you can choose to bookmark it. By doing this you are saying that you like it. Your friends will learn what you liked and can choose to read it. Pages that many people bookmark become popular and lead others to that page as well. Digg, Delicious, and StumpleUpon are very popular bookmarking websites.

other formats

There are other types of social networking sites, some are very similar to the ones mentioned here. Many sites have one main form of socialization and then use the other types as other ways for users to interact. People love to socialize and interact, so this is a growing field with more and more sites.


The trauma of children of addicts and alcoholics

Living with an addict (including alcoholics) [1] it can feel like living in a war zone. The addict’s personality changes caused by addiction create chaos. The family dynamic is organized around the substance abuser, who acts like a tyrant, denying that drinking or using is a problem, while bossing around and blaming others. In order to cope and avoid confrontation, family members usually tacitly agree to act as if everything is normal, not to make waves, and not to mention the addiction. Family members deny what they know, feel, and see. All of this comes at a high psychological cost, often causing trauma, especially for the most vulnerable, children. However, more than half deny having an addicted parent.

Dysfunctional parenting causes codependency

In families with addictions, parenting is unreliable, inconsistent, and unpredictable. There is never a sense of security and consistency, allowing children to thrive. Most experience emotional if not physical abuse and therefore have trust issues and anger about their past, sometimes directed at the sober parent as well. In some cases, the sober parent is so stressed that he is more impatient, controlling, and irritable than the alcoholic, that he may have withdrawn from family life. Children may blame the sober parent for neglecting their needs or failing to protect them from abuse or unfair decrees issued by the alcoholic. In high conflict couples, both parents are emotionally unavailable.

Children’s needs and feelings are ignored. They may be too ashamed to receive friends and experience shame, guilt, and loneliness. Many learn to become self-sufficient and do not need to prevent someone from having power over them again.

Because an addict’s behavior is erratic and unpredictable, the vulnerability and authenticity required for intimate relationships are considered too risky. Children live in continual fear and learn to be on guard for signs of danger, creating constant anxiety well into adulthood. Many become hypervigilant and suspicious and learn to contain and deny their emotions, which are often shamed or denied by parents. In the extreme, they can be so detached that they are numb to your feelings. The environment and these effects are how codependency is transmitted, even among the children of addicts who are not addicted.

family roles

Children often take on one or more roles that help ease tension in the family. Typical roles are:

The hero. The hero is usually the eldest son and the one most identified with a parenting role, often helping with parental duties. Heroes are responsible and self-sufficient. They sacrifice and do the right thing to stay calm. They are good leaders, they are successful, but they are often anxious, driven, controlled, and alone.

the adjuster. The adjuster does not complain. Instead of being in charge like the hero, the adjuster tries to fit in and adapt. Therefore, as adults, they have difficulty taking charge of their lives and pursuing goals.

Pleasure. The appeaser is the most sensitive to the feelings of others and tries to meet the emotional needs of others, but neglects his own. They must also discover their wants and needs and learn to pursue their goals.

The scapegoat. The scapegoat acts out negative behavior to distract the addict’s family and express feelings that he or she cannot communicate. Some scapegoats resort to addiction, promiscuity, or other exaggerated behaviors to distract themselves and control their emotions. When in trouble, parents unite around a common problem.

The lost Boy. The lost child is often a younger child who withdraws into a world of fantasy, music, video games, or the Internet, seeking safety in solitude. Your relationships and social skills may necessarily suffer.

The pet. Also a younger or younger child, the pet manages fear and insecurity by being cute, funny, or flirty to ease family tension.

Adult children of alcoholics and addicts (ACA)

While these roles help children cope with growing up, as adults they often become fixed personality styles that prevent the full development and expression of the self. Roles prevent the authentic communication necessary for intimacy. As adults, deviating from a role can feel just as threatening as it would have in childhood, but it is necessary for full recovery from codependency. Roles can also hide undiagnosed depression and anxiety. Often the depression is chronic and low-grade, called dysthymia.


Many develop traumatic symptoms of PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, with painful flashbacks and flashbacks similar to those of a war veteran. Physical health can also be affected. The ACE (“Adverse Childhood Experiences”) study found a direct correlation between adult symptoms of negative health and childhood trauma. The ACE incidents they measured included divorce, various forms of abuse, neglect, and also living with an addict or substance abuse in the family. Children of addicts and alcoholics often experience multiple ACEs.

second hand drink

Lisa Frederiksen, the daughter of an alcoholic mother, coined the term “Secondhand Drinking” or SHD to refer to the negative impact an alcoholic has on other people in the form of “toxic stress.” It is toxic because it is relentless and children cannot escape. In her own recovery, she made the connection between ACE and SHD and how toxic stress can result in generational addiction, including her own struggle with an eating disorder.

Both SHD and ACE are two of the key risk factors for developing addiction (of which alcoholism is one). The two key risk factors are childhood trauma and the social environment. Given the genetic connection to SHD, a person experiencing SHD-related ACEs has three of the five key risk factors for developing the brain disease of addiction (alcoholism).”

Conversations with her mom helped Lisa forgive her and allowed her mom to forgive herself:

During our conversations, mom identified with five ACEs and that her own mom (my grandmother) had a drinking problem… All of us had long-term exposure to secondhand alcohol use. To be clear, not all ACEs are related to SHD, of course. My mom had two and I had one of those too.

“Mom and I discussed my realization that I had blindly participated in passing on the consequences of my own untreated SHD-related ACEs to my daughters in the same way that my mother had blindly passed hers on to me. And these consequences were not limited to developing alcoholism or alcohol use disorder Consequences of insecurity, anxiety, fear, anger, self-criticism, unclear boundaries, accommodating to the unacceptable, constant worry, and other physical, emotional and quality of life from toxic stress.It was this powerful insight that motivated me to treat my untreated SHD-related ACEs and help my daughters treat theirs.

“The bottom line is that these discoveries helped my mother finally forgive herself in the way I had forgiven her years ago. Not the kind of forgiveness that excuses trauma-causing behaviors, but the kind of forgiveness that leaves of wanting a different outcome. It’s the kind of forgiveness that acknowledges that we were all doing the best we could with what we knew at the time.”

[1] In the recent DSM-5 manual for mental disorders, alcoholism is now referred to as an alcohol use disorder and alcoholics as a person with an alcohol use disorder. Similar changes were made for other substance-related disorders, classified by substance, such as opioids, inhalants, sedatives, stimulants, hallucinogens, and cannabis.

©DarleneLancer 2017

Health Fitness

Pre and Post Workout Strategies for Kettlebell Training

Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition Strategies for Kettlebell Training

The correct nutrition plan and the timing of your food or supplements before and after your workouts are some very important components to consider when training with kettlebells. This article will shed some light on these key factors and discuss some nutrition guidelines, so you can get started when you do your kettlebell training. In addition, it will allow you to recover effectively. One key point to consider is that you always plan for a great workout in the kitchen, even before you set foot in the gym.

If you don’t have the right nutritional strategy for your kettlebell regimen; then you are doing yourself an injustice when it comes to achieving your goals. If you’re exercising when you’re in a starved state, you won’t have enough energy to maximize your fitness gains. If you exercise for a long time without eating, you are limiting your body’s ability to burn calories and maintain the intensity of your kettlebell training. Plus, if you don’t fuel your muscles and replenish your energy stores after exercise, you won’t have essential recovery tools in your arsenal.

What should you eat before your session?

As mentioned above, the main goal of the pre-workout nutrition plan is to begin your kettlebell session in a fueled state and to ensure that all the food you have eaten has been properly digested and absorbed. The last thing you want to do is eat a meal that is very high in protein and slow-acting fats, because they take longer to digest and can make you feel sluggish and rob you of energy. When you eat, blood is redirected to the digestive system to help with the breakdown of food. This essentially removes blood from the skeletal muscles; therefore, it reduces oxygen supply and waste removal during exercise. Therefore, the kettlebell session will be a much more difficult job when you have eaten a meal that is rich in fat and protein. Most of the time, stomach ache joins this scenario when training.

To ensure you are energized when you perform your kettlebell session, eat a meal that is approximately 300-500 calories, high in carbohydrates and fast-acting protein, 2 hours before you begin your session. Try having a small bowl of porridge, whole grains, or even a small yam or sweet potato, as these are a good example of some fast-acting carbohydrates. If you have to eat 5 to 10 minutes before exercising, have half a banana or a small tablespoon of peanut butter along with a handful of almonds.

Staying hydrated is essential for kettlebell athletes because without proper hydration, your body will have a harder time getting nutrients to your muscles, along with oxygen and water to your cells. This will lower your energy levels and make the session much more difficult. Try to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, but don’t overdo it before your workout or you’ll feel bloated and sluggish. A good strategy is to drink your water intake gradually and continuously before starting your workout!

Regarding supplements, you can take a whey protein shake rich in branched chain amino acids 1 hour before training, as this will ensure the following:

They are a catalyst for muscle protein synthesis and then bind together muscle amino acids to create a stronger muscle infrastructure.

They increase insulin levels to facilitate an anabolic environment during protein synthesis. This mechanism allows for the proper balance of nutrition, hormones, and metabolic actions that are essential for building muscle and burning fat.

They improve human growth hormone levels and decrease stress hormone (cortisol) levels. Cortisol is a hormone that breaks down muscle tissue to be used as body fuel. This is very bad news for muscle building and weight loss.

A post-workout nutrition strategy

Taking supplements after exercise is very important to aid recovery along with growth and repair. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAS) are again a great option to consume after exercise; the question is why?

Well, BCAAs are broken down quickly and used in working muscle effectively because they bypass the liver. It is this process within the body that stops post-exercise muscle soreness by blocking muscle damage and increasing muscle growth and repair. Additionally, it increases insulin levels after exercise and this induces an anabolic environment which is a major factor in muscle growth and repair.

They should be consumed within 45 minutes of finishing your session and this is a very important time frame as the enzymes and hormones actively repair and rebuild muscle tissue as well as replenish your glycogen stores. This makes your muscle tissues very susceptible to nutrients and muscle building hormones. You should use a simple carbohydrate like maltodexrin because it raises your insulin levels and this will drive amino acids into muscle tissue. This will also increase your glycogen stores and add a banana or orange to boost your lost electrolyte levels as this will promote your recovery.

The latest studies from 2014 state that BCAAs cannot be absorbed without the help of Whey Protein. Previously, we have been consuming BCAAs throughout the day to further enhance recovery. This could be doing more harm than good. Find a good Whey Protein with BCAAs.

Legal Law

Questions to ask your lawyer at the first meeting

Question One: How many employment law cases have you attempted to complete?

Question Two: What systems do you have to manage my case?

Question Three: How active are you in professional organizations?

These are difficult questions perhaps, but with a little preface to the questions, they will seem perfectly reasonable: “I am a layman. I am trying to select the most qualified and trustworthy attorney. May I ask you several questions about your background?”

Good lawyers will answer your questions with kindness and generosity. If you do not get that reception, it is best to find another employment law professional. But there are also three questions you may find helpful to ask yourself after your meeting with your attorney candidate:

Question 1: Did I feel a positive and trust-inspiring connection with this person?

Question 2: Did I feel that I was heard and that he or she got the essential points?

Question 3: Did I leave feeling like I understood the big picture of what this attorney would do for me, how, and when?

You don’t have to like your attorney to get good results, but it will make the process easier because you’ll be working as a team. This “team” approach to the case is especially true in contingency cases where you and the attorney each have a percentage share in the outcome. A good attorney will want that team spirit and connection just as much as you do. Here are three questions to ask yourself and your attorney before moving forward:

Question 1: Do we communicate clearly and efficiently with each other?

Question 2: Can we laugh and relax even while discussing difficult legal issues?

Question 3: Do we exchange ideas and views on the case freely?

These “team” based responses will give you a preview of how you and your lawyer will respond when there is an unexpected negative turn in the case (and there always is). For example, what if the other attorney uses intimidation tactics or a particular piece of evidence is excluded, or a critical motion is denied, or perhaps a cooperating witness goes missing or changes their anticipated testimony? They must work together at such times to develop new approaches in the heat of the moment.

Here are 3 final questions, perhaps questions at the highest level of assessment:

Question 1: Can my lawyer tell the emotional story of my case?

Question 2: Is my lawyer able to connect well with other people, especially people who are likely to serve on a jury or be a judge in my case?

Question 3: Is my lawyer creative and looking for tactics and approaches that may seem unusual, but give us an advantage against the opposition?

There are no perfect attorneys, just like you won’t be the perfect client with the perfect case. Your goal is to find the best imperfect lawyer you can and be able to work with both the strengths and weaknesses of him or her and her particular case.

Lifestyle Fashion

Taurus Astrology and One of Your True Birthstones: Apophyllite

Happy birthday to all members of the Taurus Tribe! We are moving from Aries energy to feeling more grounded and willing to take care of our physical reality and well-being. Making practical plans and then following them step by step is the Taurus way of life. Of course, the coloring of different Taurus people’s self-expression is due to what else they have in their chart. The house position and aspects of your Taurus Sun will make a significant difference in how you can express yourself as a Taurus.

A Taurus is not like any other Taurus.

For example: I have a late Taurus Sun in the 12th house, as well as my Mercury ruling my Gemini Ascendant. For me, this position of the Sun helps me condense spiritual concepts, like astrology, and make them applicable and useful. I have always had a way with words, although it is definitely more difficult for me to write in English than in my mother tongue German. And I am a meditation teacher and healer that all relates to the 12th house. For me things always have to have some practical application and value.

I think that is also the reason why I love working with the healing properties of gemstones, because they are a very concrete manifestation on the one hand but very transcendent in their connection to the non-physical realm on the other. They can balance us and imbue us with their essence. They can elevate us to higher states of consciousness if we use them for our meditation. Or they can alter our frequency if we wear them in our jewelry with us.

I also love beauty in all its forms: in nature, art, design, people, animals, gemstones and crystals, jewelry. Taurus is ruled by Venus and my Venus is in my 1st house which makes it doubly important to my life. Everything has to be beautiful to me. My room has golden yellow walls and red accents throughout and each piece has a special meaning and beauty to me. How does that work for you? How important is beauty in your life?

Taurus late spring sign

At the end of April, the Northern Hemisphere is free of its winter snows and it is time to attend to the care of the Earth and the planting of crops. In general it can be said that Taurus people are very in tune with the Earth. Due to the influence of Venus, they have a great love for the beauty found in things like art, jewelry, and the natural landscape. They are loyal, patient, and deliberate in working toward their goals, just as farmers should be in tending their crops from planting to harvest. When a Taurus person undertakes a project, they are most likely to complete it! Based on reality and the physical world, they excel in professions such as artist, farmer, the financial sector, and politics.

Taurus likes to be comfortable and often likes to stay at home and make it their castle. My husband is a Cancer Sun with a Taurus Ascendant; he almost never leaves the house. Physical comfort, health, good nutrition, sex and everything that helps to enjoy the world through the senses is important to Taurus.

How Gemstones Can Enhance Your Taurus Experience

Taurus is a feminine earth sign. What better way to celebrate Taurus’s love of beauty and the Earth than with beautiful gemstones, Earth’s hidden treasures?

Gemstones have both physical and metaphysical qualities that can enhance all aspects of your well-being. The perfectly aligned crystalline structure of gemstones creates an energy field that interacts with ours when you meditate on it, hold it, or wear it on your body. In this way, the gemstone can be used to calm you down, give you mental clarity, increase your energy, enhance your creativity, and much more.

The signature of precious stones

Each gemstone has its own personality depending on its planetary composition. We call this the personal “signature” which is specified by chemical composition, hardness, color, translucency and reflection, and crystal structure. Like for example, if we know that a gemstone has iron in it, we know that it is a good stone for all Mars related problems. So whenever Mars has hard aspects, that stone would help balance that friction.

Below is a description of Apophyllite, one of the true astrological birthstones for Taurus, taken from the book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones That Delight the Eyes and Strengthen the Soul.

This time I want to introduce you to a very special and rare gemstone that you may not have heard of yet.

Apophyllite (Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron)

Apophyllite is a very rare, light green, four-sided, diamond-faced crystal found in only one place on Earth, in Poona, India. The Poona mine was closed after a few years of operation due to objections from citizens to blowing up in the middle of their town; therefore this is a very rare stone and good pieces are hard to find nowadays.

I love this stone for its unique giving qualities to the heart. In its naturally crystallized form, it can be set into beautiful pendants and worn directly over the heart. This is a stone for the heart chakra and connects us to Christ consciousness and love in its highest form.

This energy is focused in our heart and connects us with the quality of compassion as a result of realizing who we really are: eternal spiritual beings of love, experiencing ourselves as humans on this earth plane.

Apophyllite’s light color is soft and gentle, almost like a fragrance, and its energy is very subtle, calming and expansive. The longing of the heart is to experience communion and unity with God, with life in all its facets. It is the soul’s longing to melt the shell that surrounds the heart and heal its wounds, and compassion is the natural result of this process.

The planet Chiron represents the wounded healer. Chiron shows us our deepest pain in the birth chart. He shows us where we need to heal ourselves and where we can become healers for others as a result of our own experience. Chiron and Neptune are hand in hand, joining their energies to help us experience the highest truth of love and compassion: this is what we call “Christ consciousness.”

Apophyllite can also generate emotions that are not in line with Christ consciousness or unity consciousness. It can work as a spiritual growth accelerator by helping us cleanse ourselves of pain, anger, jealousy, and fear, all so-called negative emotions, by realigning us with the truth that we are divine consciousness.

This crystal is one of the most powerful healers for the heart and is therefore a stone for healers. It is very beneficial to wear this beautiful and unique gemstone over the heart, or for meditation you can place it on the third eye or heart chakra. It combines very well with Ruby or Spinel, which add other aspects of the heart.

Gemstones can offer you the greatest potential they have

When reading about Apophyllite qualities, you may not have imagined that these are necessarily Taurus qualities. But Taurus is a deeply loving and caring being and can be truly centered in his heart in all of his physical actions. For all of us, wearing an Apophyllite pendant over our hearts can elevate us to the higher consciousness of unity and unconditional love, helping the heart to flourish. And I think that is our deepest desire.

Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.


What are the nutritional benefits of foods rich in L-glutamine?

One of the best ways to revitalize your body for peak performance can be achieved through the therapeutic consumption of foods rich in L-Glutamine. These ingredients provide you with large amounts of this amino acid that serves as a key building block for your body. As it travels through the body, it has various effects due to its conversion into different molecules that provide enhanced nutrition for cells. This is an antioxidant that breaks down harmful substances and provides better transmission of electrical messages that affect processes ranging from metabolism to cell growth. This alternative health supplement is effective in stimulating many reactions in your body. It acts in a gentle way so as not to interrupt normal behaviors.

How foods rich in L-Glutamine help your metabolism

The importance of foods rich in L-Glutamine is beneficial for the health of the whole body. Maintaining your anti-aging desires begins with a new perspective and technique regarding health maintenance that begins at the cellular level. This powerful component can be found in many substances that you consume on a daily basis and that your body needs at certain intervals. When undergoing large amounts of stress or trauma, this amino acid is imperative for healing and building resilience. This organic solution reverses the effects of aging in your body and helps release buildups of substances that slow down cellular processes.

Healthy cofactors associated with foods rich in L-Glutamine

When you eat foods rich in L-Glutamine you are revitalizing all parts of your body in different ways. When you modify imbalances in the body you are allowing optimal health conditions to emerge. The therapeutic use of this natural alternative health supplement increases cellular efficiency so that you maintain high energy levels for all your needs. Ingredients that are high in this powerful antioxidant substance are vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, and parsley. Animal proteins are actually the ingredient that contains the highest amount of this non-essential amino acid for nutritional needs. Eating these proteins allows your immune system to be optimized for health. Foods rich in L-glutamine act synergistically across all of your organ systems, so if there is a weakness or deficiency, you won’t experience the symptoms associated with it.

Scientific examination of the benefits of foods rich in L-Glutamine

Researchers have become increasingly interested in the productivity of this organic substance that strengthens protein synthesis in your body. Due to its healing abilities, they have noticed how it slows down the aging process, starting with decoding genetic information and merely building protein and cellular energy for your body. This ingredient is stored in muscle fibers, is produced by the liver and used by the CNS. Medicinal foods rich in L-Glutamine benefit all its physiological reactions that can decrease the symptoms of the disease, while healing the body internally and preventing the presence of pathological states of being.

Our tips to get the most out of foods rich in L-glutamine

When you want a general feeling of strength and whole-body well-being, this key component of life will improve your level of health. When used in combination with other vitamins such as vitamins B3 and B6, it is able to work synergistically to produce the desired effects in your body. In fact, these nutrients are necessary for the synthesis of this important amino acid that sculpts your body from the inside out. Now your body can absorb the nutrients it needs from food while also breaking down and assimilating its nutrients throughout the body for total body health and wellness.

Real Estate

How to choose the right real estate agent

5 tips for hiring the best local real estate agent

Whether you are looking to sell a home or buy your first home, the services of a qualified local real estate agent cannot be underestimated. These real estate professionals work tirelessly behind the scenes so you don’t see any issues with the entire transaction from offer to closing. Choosing the right real estate agent can be challenging unless you know exactly what to look for in the best agents.

Here are five tips for hiring the best local real estate agents and making your real estate transaction as smooth as possible.

1. The most productive agent in the office

Unlike other businesses where you may not want to work with the busiest companies, in the world of real estate, this is a sign of a professional at work. The real estate agent in the office that makes the most money and closes the most deals is busy for a reason, gets countless referrals, never sits down for a second, and invested full time in growing his business. Just ask your local real estate office who the best agent is and you’ll be off to a great start in finding the best agent to help you with your real estate transaction.

Contact a few local real estate offices and make a list of the best agent for each company. This is a great starting point on your search.

2. Follow an agent on Facebook

Once you have a list of some real estate agents you’re considering, head over to Facebook to narrow down your search. All these agents will have a social media profile, and you can follow them or hide in the shadows and see how they behave online. Instead of diving into questions, search the page for the answers to your questions and see how long it took the real estate agent to respond and how helpful they were with their responses.

If you’re comfortable, ask a question and see how nice the real estate agent is to addressing your issues. Since there is no commitment at this point, you can gather information without pressure before making the decision.

3. Interact with past clients

The best local real estate agents will have a large following on their social media profile pages. This is your chance to gather detailed information without even speaking to the agent directly. Clients who have already worked with a particular real estate agent, whether to sell or buy a home, will offer comments on that social media page for local residents to read.

Send these clients a private message about the realtor, address their concerns, and just ask about their overall experience, both good and bad. This unbiased information can give you a clear picture of exactly what to expect if you do business with this particular real estate agent.

4. Real Estate Agent Accommodation and Awards

Whether you are looking to buy a home or sell your property, time is definitely money in either case. Another way to tell if the real estate agent you’re considering can make quick work of closing a deal is to visit their real estate office’s website or their personal website, and look for awards or accommodations they’ve accumulated over the years. of the years. The National Association of Realtors strives to honor the best Realtors in their region, and those Realtors proudly display those awards any chance they get.

These awards are not given to just any real estate agent, they have to work incredibly hard all year long to earn those accommodations.

5. The Local Chamber of Commerce

When you need to sell a house fast, every day you’re searching for the right real estate agent could be costing you money. One of the ways to get access to the best real estate agent quickly is by simply going to your local Chamber of Commerce to ask about local real estate agents. Not all agents in your area will be listed in the Chamber of Commerce business directory, primarily because they are held to a higher standard that they must maintain throughout the year. These real estate agents represent the area in that directory, so they must perform at the highest level.

The Chamber of Commerce offers residents a free directory or a listing on its website where you can scroll through and identify real estate agents who represent the best in your area.

The best local real estate agents are easy to find if you know where to look. Take the time to work through this list, and you’ll be in the best position to partner with a qualified agent who will work on your behalf to get you to a closing as quickly as possible. Combining a few of these tips will help you find the best real estate agent possible to connect with you emotionally and professionally.

Shopping Product Reviews

Xbox 360 Bundle with Kinect: more games, entertainment and fun

The Xbox 360 with Kinect Bundle is surprisingly cheap. The Kinect is a revolutionary motion sensing device that will allow you to play particular games without the use of a conventional controller, because the controller will be your body. As long as you remain within its motion detection zone, it is capable of accurately detecting every movement you make.

There are many advantages that you can enjoy with Kinect over the traditional use of controllers; however, there are also disadvantages that are fortunately outweighed by the advantages. First of all, the advantages include the fact that you can enjoy a new gaming experience where you play the game through the use of body movements. This will also allow you to get some exercise while having fun playing the game. The only minor drawback is that you need quite a bit of space for it and the motion detection zone is quite small; however, once you get used to it, it won’t be a problem anymore. This game console will allow you to easily enjoy the experience it can bring you; you will also have many games to choose from.

Since the complete set is not expensive, the purchase is worth its price. In the simplest sense, with Xbox 360 with Kinect Bundle, you can enjoy hours of fun at home. Not to mention the fact that the new design has been slimmed down with additions that should help prevent overheating, meaning it won’t end up breaking easily; Plus, it comes with a one-year warranty to further ease your worry. It’s also very easy to set up, even if you haven’t had an Xbox before; Just follow the easy to use manual and you are ready to go.

Simply put, this innovative concept makes you the controller, bringing more fun to your gaming experience. Adventure games that Kinect can be used with are excellent. You will be able to experience simulations of going into space, exploring interesting areas, etc. This will certainly arouse your curiosity constantly throughout the game. It also has a built-in Wi-Fi and has 4 GB of flash memory. Also, it has multiple USB ports consisting of two at the front and 3 at the back. The Xbox 360 with Kinect Bundle is sure to take your gaming to a different level.


Boxing politics, still an inescapable part of the sport

Even in 2015, the back and forth stance is still frustratingly prevalent in the industry.

Boxing is one of the oldest sports in existence and as such carries a lot of history, baggage and, in some ways, old school ways.

There are many unfair and unwanted stereotypes associated with the sport regarding things like corruption and fixing, which in my opinion are totally inaccurate, uneducated and biased insults targeting the sport in the current era of 2015.

I can’t comment on how things were in the past, but what I can comment on is today’s weather and since I started in boxing journalism in recent years.

Sport is now essentially run by global television networks, sports management companies, and sports promotion companies. In 2015, you would no longer get away with mass corruption in any sport: you would get found out.

I’m not saying that nothing unexpected ever happens in sport, I would be naive. But, in my opinion, the same can be said of any professional sport or any professional business.

When money comes into the equation, there will always be unscrupulous people looking to make a quick buck or take shortcuts.

One thing that still doesn’t exist in the game today is boxing politics. In this article I will not name any names for the purposes of fairness, balance and objectivity.

At a time when the sport is really flourishing again and is on its way back into the mainstream media for a variety of reasons, including major TV broadcasters investing in the sport again and the Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao, we’re still seeing a lot of big fights that don’t get done, which is very frustrating.

A well-known observer within the game recently defined the landscape of modern boxing quite well, I thought, “It’s annoying that the big fights we want are the ones we are least likely to see. Welcome to the modern world of boxing do what you want.”. How right she was.

At present, there are still promoters arguing, that has not changed. However, what they fight has. In the past, boxers were almost slaves to less than fair contracts from promoters. All that has changed now.

Promoters work for fighters today and are more motivated by money than ever, because there is possibly less money in the business for them compared to what they used to get out of fighters years ago.

Boxing politics today is dominated by terms and arguments like “Side A vs. Side B”, “we bring more money to the table than you”, “Your fighter doesn’t do the pay-per-view numbers that ours does”etc.

Professional boxing has always been a money business, but now more than ever in my opinion. You’re looking at new age promoters and managers right now, in the time of social media and near-public trading.

This has been combined with the unwillingness of many key old school players to accept modern technologies such as social media and the internet.

Unfortunately, they have had no choice at this stage, but often their egos won’t allow them to engage with the promoters and power players in the game that come from this newer, fresher, more transparent generation of tech drive, where the The customer (the fight fan) expects a better product than ever (the best fighters fighting the best fighters).

The sport of boxing is going through a lot of changes globally right now. Unfortunately, politics will always be there, so is human nature in any business.

But with the way that technology and the internet continue to influence sport, and indeed all of sport, I think the transparency of these policies will continue to surface more and more in the years to come.

Boxing has no choice but to change as many other combat sports products embrace new technology and most importantly put on the best fights.

However, it will. Boxing has been around for a long time and in my opinion it will be back to its glory days before this decade is out.

Tours Travel

F1 race boosts Singapore’s hospitality industry

The Singapore Grand Prix was only resurrected in 2008 after almost 30 years of being dormant. It was previously known as the Formula Libre event during the 1960s. But after Singapore’s independence in 1965, this race held at the Thomson Road circuit was renamed the Singapore Grand Prix. This phenomenon thrived for many years, attracting thousands of fans from different parts of the world.

However, the phenomenon ceased in 1974 due to collaborative issues that bombarded the leadership responsible for the Race. The fatal accidents that occurred in the 1972 and 1973 races aroused the concern of many citizens. These accidents even intensified the complaints received from many people who criticized the inconvenience caused by the closure of main roads, the diversion of transport and the heavy traffic jams during the race.

However, in 2007, the five-year contract signed by Singapore GP Pte Ltd, the Singapore Tourism Board and Bernie Ecclestone marked the return of the Singapore Grand Prix to the spotlight. The race was co-funded by the Government of Singapore, with an investment of S$90 million out of the total cost of S$150 million. The Singapore Grand Prix, Formula One’s first night race, is currently taking place in the Marina Bay area, Singapore. F1 racing cars take to the circuit route in central Singapore.

When the return of the Singapore Grand Prix was first announced in early 2007, thousands of fans and tourists expressed their excitement and enthusiasm for the event. As early as November 2007, hotel packages and hospitality suites were open for booking and immediately got full bookings. Patrick Fiat, general manager of Royal Plaza on Scotts, said the resurrection of the Race would provide a big boost for tourism in Singapore. Fiat also added that this Race was one of the best things that could happen to the country.

It would provide a new brand for Singapore and increase its position in the global market. Fiat was right in saying this because a total of around 110,000 tickets were released for the first Singapore Formula One race. With the flood of tourists, airlines and hotels were the most likely beneficiaries of this phenomenon. Ms. Ng of Pan Pacific Hotel said that this race is extremely encouraging, not only for the hotel, but also for the prospects of the hotel industry in general.

Hotels in the Marina Bay area are said to have the greatest advantage because they provide a very good view of the race from their rooms. Tourists rush to book their accommodation even a year in advance to guarantee their stay and get a good room that provides a perfect view of the race. Other hotels along the route that also provide impressive views of the races are the Ritz-Carlton Millenia, Fullerton, and Swissotel the Stamford. But even if tourists couldn’t get a room at these featured hotels or didn’t buy a ticket to the race, they can still try their luck and catch a glimpse of the race at Suntec City, the Esplanade or Padang theatres.