Digital Marketing

Importance of editing in film production

What is editing?

Editing helps to put all the shots in a proper sequence so that the movie comes out as a whole whole unit. Editing is so important that it can actually make or break your entire movie. The editor is a creative professional who works with the story, pacing, dialogue, music, and the actors’ performances to make the film a cohesive whole.

Editing is done in post production studios which include dubbing studios and editing studios. Post-editing also involves color correction, which is actually a very important step in the entire movie production process and makes a world of difference.

Importance of editing.

It gives the perfect flow to the movie. – A movie can be amazing in all its aspects like actors, performances, scenes, songs etc. but due to various reasons, its flow is often interrupted. It may be due to the lack of dates of the actors, some technical problem or any other similar problem. A film editor is responsible for arranging shots in an organized and fluid way, and therefore for containing the desired flow. The film editor works with the producer, director, and cinematographer to achieve that perfect flow on film. Editing studios are the perfect place to edit as they are equipped with all the necessary tools and techniques.

Help change scenes. – The transition of scenes plays a very important role in a movie. The transitions have to be placed at the perfect moments to achieve proper fluidity and maintain the desired rhythm of the film. Lack of a proper transition can give you a fast-paced, nervous mess that nobody likes.

gives cutting option – Cutting the scenes at the appropriate place is also an important task in editing. It requires perfect timing as the cuts need to be smooth and provide the ideal flow to the movie. Cutting the scene too early or too late can ruin all your hard work. Therefore, time is critical!

Sound editing and color correction. – Sound editing involves adjusting volume levels and synchronizing video clips with audio clips. It should be smooth and elegant as it can evoke emotions in the audience while watching the movie. Dubbing is done in dubbing studios to expel any unwanted sound. Color correction makes your videos attractive and stylish and is very important for video quality.

The role of editing is paramount in video production as it combines sounds and visuals in an excellent way and makes the audience feel emotionally connected to the film. A masterpiece that evokes emotions can be created with the help of professional video editing that everyone appreciates!


How to get your friends to play Truth or Dare instead of other party games

Normally, when you have your friends gathered at your party, you can’t immediately suggest playing Truth or Dare. Also, you should No Meet them at the door and challenge them with a challenge right away!

Actually, there is an exception where you could. If your friends are close enough and have played Truth or Dare with you at the party regularly, you could use this as an original party theme for a change and start all over.

But overall, it elegantly presents the game from another perspective.

The easiest way is to watch a Truth or Dare video together with your friends. This can be any cool and funny video you’ve found on YouTube. Then just challenge someone in the group, like the bravest ones, to a soft truth and then a soft dare.

Everything can go from there. Prepare yourself by looking up some videos on YouTube before the party starts. When everyone is settled in for the party, just show the video! Everyone loves to watch a funny video when they’re sitting down at a party, so this can lighten things up a bit.

When you’re discussing this challenge and the mood seems to be heating up, just drop a challenging comment along the lines of

“Would you never do that? I know you’ve done worse!”

Challenge them out of the blue with any ridiculous challenge: “I dare you to take off your shoes and socks and put your socks on the face of the person sitting next to you!”

Don’t be too harsh and check the person’s shoes and socks beforehand.

Use fun and daring ideas like

  • “I dare you to eat seven marshmallows at once”
  • “I dare you to empty that glass of beer in one go”

If the person is still hesitating, allow them a way to back off and suggest a Truth question.

Without actually saying you’ll play a teen game like Truth or Dare, you’ve just convinced everyone to play truth or dare in a light-hearted way.

Finally, when you make everyone laugh hilariously at some stupid action, they will start demanding more: “give me a challenge!“Some people can pitch a good idea for a challenge, and you can give it to the next person in the group, thus involving everyone.

Be sure to prepare yourself to have some fun, sassy ideas and embarrassing, truth-revealing questions ready, and then the ball will start rolling.

Health Fitness

Advantages of abdominoplasty

Although a tight abdominal area is a common aesthetic goal, many women and men find it difficult to achieve, even with a commitment to strict diet and exercise. Certain factors such as extreme weight loss, pregnancy, age, and heredity can make toning the abdominal area more of a challenge. Tummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty is a viable option for people who want a flat, well-contoured abdomen. This body contouring treatment will give you the model body you’ve always wanted. The benefits of this incredible plastic surgery procedure are more abundant than most people realize.

Repair the Abdominal Area

For many people, pregnancy or extreme weight loss can stretch the skin on the stomach. When this happens, a tummy tuck can be performed to repair the abdomen and remove loose skin. Skin can also lose its elasticity as people age. This popular plastic surgery procedure will give you a healthy-looking body contour.

Increase your confidence in yourself

If you have a physique that you are not proud of, it can prevent you from living your life to the fullest and participating in certain activities. Many tummy tuck patients feel better about themselves after undergoing this procedure. They feel more secure in their daily lives.

improve your appearance

Do you feel self-conscious in bathing suits? A tummy tuck offers many cosmetic benefits. This procedure will remove excess fat and skin from your stomach, reduce your waistline, tighten your abdominal muscles, tone your abdomen, and reduce your overall weight. It will give you a flatter abdomen and a leaner, more sculpted physique. You will look fit and fabulous after undergoing this cosmetic surgery procedure.

get rid of stretch marks and scars

Are you embarrassed by stretch marks on your stomach? Many people have stretch marks on their stomachs due to weight loss or pregnancy. Stretch marks occur when the skin and muscles are stretched and no one enjoys looking at them. Stretch marks can be erased with a tummy tuck surgery. This surgical procedure can also get rid of unsightly scars in the abdominal area.

lasting benefits

The duration of the results of this body contouring treatment is limited by how well you take care of yourself after surgery. The results of this plastic surgery can last for many years. Living an active lifestyle will protect the benefits of your surgery. It is also worth noting that many patients find that their tummy tuck gives them the motivation to live a more active and healthy lifestyle.

Whether it’s loose skin, stretch marks, scarring, or excess fat in the stomach area, a tummy tuck can help you achieve the stunning look you want. Everyone wants to look sexy and a tummy tuck will help you achieve that goal. A flat stomach will also give you a youthful appearance that you will love. If you want firm abs and a slimmer waist, schedule a personal consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon today. You’ll be glad you did!

Legal Law

Martial Arts & Self Defense: Is Your Martial Arts Belt Giving You A False Sense Of Security?

Just because the sign in the window of a martial arts school says “self defense,” that doesn’t mean that’s what you’re getting. More than just that colored sash or belt around your waist means you’ll be able to hold your own when the time comes!

How can I say this? Easy. I can say it because…

I have been involved in martial arts and the study of self defense for over 30 years!

I can also say this because as a former police officer, undercover investigator, and bodyguard, I had to use what I learned from various teachers who were supposed to be teaching self-defense skills. And I found out, through the “school of hard knocks”, what works and what doesn’t: who was right and who was full of it!

Let me just say that there is a big difference between learning the historical techniques, skills, and lessons that have been passed down from the master warriors of the past, and learning how to use those skills to protect yourself from some deranged and/or brutal assailant who wants to beat you up, break you, or destroy you. kill you For most, however, the differences are hard to see. Perhaps that, the ignorance and inexperience of the average student, is what makes it easy for a self-defense expert to teach you the things he does!

Here is another example that may convey the idea.

When I was in the military, we regularly participated in training exercises to practice the procedures and tactics we would need in a real war. And, during these exercises, these “play battles,” there would always be these fellow soldiers, they’re in every unit, running like John Wayne. They were always talking tough, walking around with their chests puffed out, and yelling things like “Come on, right now!” And, “I’m ready to kill a communist for mommy,” and other such nonsense.

But do you know what these guys were doing on the plane I was on, on the way to the real thing? They were the ones who cried and prayed, and stammered for fear of dying.

Nope! We were ALL afraid of dying!

The difference is that many of us have already accepted that this could happen. When we were on field maneuvers, during training, we would focus on getting the job done. Instead of running around and trying to convince everyone else that we were Rambo or some super soldier, we did our job, trained and learned from our instructors, especially the ones who had actually “been there.”

Did we complain that our muscles ached or that we were training in the freezing rain with a cold? your bet. But we did it anyway.

Do we complain and wish bad things would happen to our leaders because we were dragging ourselves in the mud and doing things we didn’t understand or didn’t want to have to do? Absolutely. But then again…we made them.

Unfortunately, many martial arts students do the same. Regardless of rank, they run around the dojo pointing out each other’s mistakes or showing off their skills, rather than contemplating how those skills would fit into an actual attack, against an opponent not of their school or style.

And, instead of avoiding the possibility of getting hit, or having sore muscles, or paying for classes, like those people with excuses, hoping to become the next victims, do it. Am I saying you have to like something? Hell no! In fact, I would think you’re crazy if you “like” getting hit, kicked, or have your joints cut, etc.

But that is not the goal of training. Just like my experience in the military, the point of training is to have to put up with all of those things… and keep doing what you have to DESPITE it!

Self defense is a mentality. It is a way of thinking about conflict in a way that:

  1. Recognize that there is danger and that you have a choice. being a victim or being able to face it for what it is: painful and deadly. You don’t have to like many aspects of training, just like you don’t have to like paying for car insurance. But, if the unthinkable happens, you’ll be glad you had it!
  2. assess the situation so that proper techniques can be used
  3. Apply the principles and concepts of “energy conservation” and avoidance – this means not fighting at all if it is not necessary. And, if you do, do the minimum necessary to cause the least damage and neutralize the situation with the least wear on yourself. Y…
  4. Consider more than the situation and recognizes the possibility of further conflict or consequences as a result of their actions. Whether it’s from the law or your friends at the bar, it’s important to understand how you can deal with the situation you find yourself in, without causing trouble with the law or in other areas. It’s also the knowledge and understanding that if you go around showing off your skills, there may be someone watching you who now knows how to beat you!

Remember: your belt only says that you have learned certain skills. And, whether or not it is taught in your program or by your teacher, your they are responsible for understanding how to best use those abilities against different attackers and types of attacks: in a real world situation.

If you don’t know, ask. And even if you get an answer, ask someone else! You need options, not just skills.

And you need to know your skills AND understand the practical application of those skills in a real situation…

  • Under pressure…
  • With just gross motor skills, and…
  • against someone who is NO I’ll let you do it to him if he can help it!

Don’t fall into the same trap and “game” that most martial artists (including black belt instructors) fall into. Never forget that…

  • It’s a self-defense situation, not a combat with rules!
  • You’re going up against an experienced attacker who won’t let you do your cool moves on him.Y…
  • Your attacker won’t care about your belt, skills, or confidence level. Because…

… if he has chosen you as a target – He already thinks he has the upper hand!

Lifestyle Fashion

Do you feel cursed? How to get rid of Bad Mojo with DIY techniques!

Some days can be challenging, but if you have more ups and downs than ups in a 3 week period, chances are there are stale or “negative” energies that are keeping you from achieving the little things in life. Left unchecked, all that negativity can fester and start manifesting worse than an unexplained appliance breakdown! The signs of the evil eye or spiritual work being done against you are pretty much what you would expect:

Nightmares (especially recurring ones), feeling exhausted, depression, paranoia, financial problems, unsettling vibrations in the house, hostility towards/from loved ones, accident proneness more than usual, restlessness, general malaise. Sometimes you will find yourself reflecting on every embarrassing moment you have felt in life, almost before you wake up in the morning with your hair still stuck to your pillow!

The most common form of spirit attack is, in fact, the “evil eye”, and it is also the easiest form of malice to operate because you don’t have to be a card-carrying witch to use it.

There are varying degrees of evil eye attacks… the most feared is the dreaded Mal’occhio. Not everyone can perform this version of the operation with ease, and an aspiring warlock would need to be well trained to administer it. With this in mind, according to my experience, it is the common mistake of jealousy that most of us have to deal with.

How it works is simple: thought creates and directs energy!

If your thoughts are emotionally and willingly focused enough on one event to make it happen, good or bad, that reality will seek to manifest!

It also works towards the effectiveness of the curse. In other words, if you believe that you are cursed, or that someone you know has “rooted” or cast the evil eye on you, too much attention will give negative energy an extra hand in dominating and ultimately defeating you ( or in his worst season, taking you out!). As dangerous as these episodes can be, there are ways to eliminate most, if not all, of the negative energies coming your way from the occasional bad smell!

The first step in combating green eye jealousy is to consider the source and get away from that person or group, such as not getting involved in their life, more particularly their PROBLEMS! You may have to go as far as unfriending some people from your favorite social network! I’m talking about the people who call you every 5 minutes miserably complaining about how everything is wrong with their life and how lucky you are that everything comes easy for you (yes, you can almost hear it in their voice!).

The next step I would recommend would be the 3C’s… Clean, Clean and CLEAN!


Clean yourself by taking a bath in Holy Water or Sea Salt, for at least 7 consecutive days. There are many things you can add to your bathwater to get rid of bad influences, but we’ll stick to the basics here. Sea salt is available at most dollar stores these days, but if you don’t have it ready, kosher salt or at least table salt will do.


After adding a handful of salt to your bathwater, I suggest reciting a protection prayer in accordance with your religious belief system. Psalm 23 is great for this, but even saying a heartfelt prayer in your own words is great!


Burn incense throughout the house, these can be of the variety of sticks found at most dollar stores or Wal-Mart. Sage is good for this, but you can use any floral scent like rose or a woody scent like sandalwood. Both are traditionally used to create sacred spaces and to “raise” the vibrations in a room. It’s also a great idea to break at least one window or door in every room to “hunt down the evil” and get it out of your house quickly.


Rearranging some rooms in the house, mainly the living room and bedroom, is said to help “confuse evil so it doesn’t go back to where it was put away.” A good mopping with a bucket of ammonia water (failing that, a mixture of water, white vinegar and salt with a squeeze of lemon juice) all over the house is HIGHLY recommended while burning the incense. This is invaluable, especially if the jealous bug has been in your house recently, trying to get you out of conversation and out of a cup of coffee!

Start from the TOP most floor of the house and work DOWN from the BACK of the house to the FRONT door. If you have rugs or rugs throughout the house, simply fill a dollar store spray bottle with your mop water and spray the areas you can’t mop. Let spray sit on carpeted areas for about 15 minutes, then vacuum over it. After vacuuming, empty the vacuum bag or canister outside your home into a trash bag. Leftover mop water should be poured down the toilet. You can also clean flat surfaces, such as countertops and tables, using the spray bottle method.

The last thing you should do is keep burning a white candle, with the names of your family members carved on it, anointed with olive oil. This needs to burn for at least 7 days after you’ve started your cleanup project. If your candle burns out completely before the 7 days are up, simply anoint another one and light it instead!

In fact, I would get used to lighting white candles at least once a month for spiritual protection.

Speaking of protection issues, my next article will continue on preventing the evil eye as we build an attuned “mojo” amulet or bag for personal psychic protection.

If you continue to have problems beyond 2 weeks after performing your cleanse, I suggest you consult with an experienced spiritualist or magic practitioner to ensure there are no extreme magical practices directed against you or your loved ones.

That’s all for now, gang! I’ll be sharing more information in the coming weeks!

Health and Spirit!


False Imprisonment in the State of California: It’s More Than You Think

Most of the time, when people think of false imprisonment, they think of people being falsely arrested by the police. Most people are unaware that non-police officers can be responsible for unlawful imprisonment in many different circumstances.

The purpose of this article is to give a brief synopsis of the civil tort of unlawful detainer in the state of California.

A basic definition of false civil imprisonment is; “a person who intentionally detains another within the bounds of a fixed area, without the consent of the detained person and without a privilege that may excuse the conduct.”

For example, let’s say a man locks a woman in a room without her permission. This would be a classic case of unlawful civil imprisonment.

Another example would be a person holding something of value for another person with the intention of keeping it in a certain place and without the consent of the person whose valuables are in possession.

False civil imprisonment could also include a person grabbing another without their consent and holding them so they can’t get out.

There are many other examples of false imprisonment that I can provide, however the above examples are meant to give you an idea of ​​what the civil tort of false imprisonment is in the state of California.

A key element of the false imprisonment civil tort is that the detained person must reasonably believe that they cannot leave. Reasonable is a legal term of art used in the legal world. What reasonable basically means is: what a reasonably prudent person would do or believe in similar circumstances.

Another key element of the false imprisonment error is that the person doing the imprisonment should not have the privilege of doing so.

Examples of privileges that would allow one person to hold another within the confines of a fixed area are: merchants investigating shoplifting; civilians who have witnessed a felony, and placing the person who committed the felony under citizen’s arrest; or police officers who have probable cause to believe a crime has been committed.

As with other intentional wrongs, victims of unlawful imprisonment are entitled to not only compensatory damages, but may also recover punitive damages. (Punishment)

By Norman Gregory Fernández, ESQ. Copyright 2006

Real Estate

Fort Lauderdale Residential Real Estate – Home Sales Are Highest Ever!

Fort Lauderdale Real Estate Condos

As 2005 comes to a close, Florida’s busiest real estate market in history shows no signs of cooling off. I am pleased to report that research shows that home sales in 2005 were the highest ever recorded.

Called the “Venice of America,” Fort Lauderdale is filled with beautiful canals that meander through million-dollar properties. Part of the charm of this city is its mix of old and new architecture. For new residents, there are single and multi-family homes, condominiums, beachfront homes, and apartments available.

Did you know that Fort Lauderdale is becoming a 24-hour city with diverse residential housing and excellent educational, cultural, business, and entertainment opportunities? Driven by beach renovation, Riverwalk development, and huge infrastructure investments by the city and

Broward County, business is booming, and not just the tourism business.

Fort Lauderdale condos and hotel condos

Fort Lauderdale’s early redevelopment projects generated recognition, inspired community pride, and began to redefine the city as an emerging center for business, culture, leisure, and recreation.

Today, Fort Lauderdale is going through another major redevelopment. The main players are world-renowned names like Donald Trump and the W hotels (from Starwood hotels). These names investing in Fort Lauderdale beach hotel condominium developments are an indication of Fort Lauderdale’s status as a city to watch. The popularity of the Fort Lauderdale beach drew visitors from all over the world. For hotel condominiums in the area, the current session occupancy rate is over 90% and year-round is around 72% and growing.

Investors have been buying new condos and houses in Fort Lauderdale. Last year, residential real estate in Fort Lauderdale appreciated more than 30% and the forecast for next year is 21.9% according to CNN. New construction projects on the beach in Fort Lauderdale include, world-class Trump International Hotel Condo Resorts (Trump International Hotel is ranked #1 in the US), W Hotel Condo in Fort Lauderdale (the Fort Lauderdale fastest growing in the world), St Regis Hotel Condo, Las Olas Beach Club (will be Fort Lauderdale’s only beachfront condominium residences).

As a leading Fort Lauderdale real estate agent, I have great confidence in the Fort Lauderdale real estate market and major players investing heavily in the area would confirm my belief. Fort Lauderdale homes, condos, new construction, pre-construction are excellent and safe investments.

Whether you are purchasing real estate for personal use or investment, this is a great area to enjoy a lifestyle like no other.

Andrew James, Fort Lauderdale real estate agent

real [email protected]


Shopping Product Reviews

What is 3D and why does your car GPS need a 3D view?

3D is becoming popular nowadays, it is everywhere in our daily life, no matter in a movie like Avatar, or 3D games, PSP or Samsung 3D TV at CES. Not even say in the commonly used car GPS. So what is 3D and why does your car GPS need the newest 3D view map feature? Now I would like to introduce you to this new technology and give you kind advice to follow.

3D computer graphics (as opposed to 2D computer graphics) are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric (often Cartesian) data that is stored in the computer for the purpose of performing calculations and generating 2D images. Said images can be for later visualization or for visualization in real time.

You can see how the Avatar movie is so much in fashion all over the world as it is a fully 3D movie. 3D is a movie that enhances the illusion of depth perception. Derived from stereoscopic photography, a special motion picture camera is used to record images viewed from two perspectives (or computer-generated images generate both perspectives), and special projection hardware and/or glasses are used to provide the illusion of depth when watching the movie.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation technology that provides precise time and location data through the use of 24 Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging (Navstar) satellites. Each satellite completes one orbit around the Earth every 12 hours. They are positioned at an altitude that allows them to cover the same ground once every 24 hours (minus four minutes).

Car GPS is one of our necessary in-vehicle tools, but why does your GPS need a new 3D view?

1. You can see a more vivid map and watch videos like in the cinema even when you are driving in the car when you use a 3D view GPS. It will be a very pleasant browsing experience for you.

2. The 3D view represents one of the most important features of the new technology. Therefore, your GPS does not need to be updated in the future at least 5 years.

3. Together with the built-in legal map, you can get more accurate location information and better understanding. Like Eonon GPS DVD, it has a built-in map of Europe, USA or Australia.

4. You can also choose to view your map in 2D view. It is your choice when you want to make a small change at some point.

So when choosing a great top GPS for your beloved car, don’t forget to take this 3D feature into account!


How to impress your girlfriend with your knowledge of organic beauty products

Society expects men to be more sensitive and open about their feelings. We should also take more interest in the things that our wives or girlfriends care about (according to the advice of the experts – Dr. Phil and co.). With this in mind, the goal of this article is to give you enough information about organic beauty products so that you can have a meaningful discussion on the subject.

If you can have an intelligent discussion about organic beauty products with your wife or girlfriend (and her friends), you’ll certainly impress them. Beauty products encompass everything that women use to look more beautiful for the men in their lives. These products would include hair care products, skin care products, eyeliner, blush, and a whole range of other cosmetic products. To avoid confusion, we’ll stick to beauty products as a group and not individualize.

First of all, you need to know what organic beauty products are. In short, they are products that are made from natural or organic ingredients, such as plant extracts and fruit extracts, with no chemicals or synthetic derived ingredients used in the manufacturing process. Organic products are biodegradable and therefore will not have a negative impact on the environment.

Second, you need to know why women would want to wear organic makeup or skin care products. The answer is that most non-organic cosmetic products available today contain dangerous chemicals and synthetic ingredients. Your skin absorbs up to 60% of what is applied to it, and chemicals or synthetic ingredients in non-organic cosmetics can pose a health threat.

Third, you should know what are the benefits of using organic cosmetics. There are numerous benefits, but the most important are:
• It is safe to use and beneficial for your health.
• It can be used on all skin types and for all ages (including babies).
• Only natural organic ingredients are used to make these products.
• The products contain minerals and vitamins that nourish and protect your skin.
• Most skin care products contain moisturizers and natural ingredients that protect the skin from the sun.
• Most manufacturers of organic beauty products do not test their products on animals.
• Skin irritations and allergies are minimized due to the absence of chemicals in these products.

Finally, you need to know a little more about how to choose the best organic product. Cosmetic manufacturers can legally use the terms “natural” and “organic” on their product labels, even if the products are not 100% organic. Read a product label carefully and make sure that all listed ingredients are organic in nature. Manufacturers can have their products certified 100% organic by governing bodies, and certified organic products are the best bet.

Now you can hold your own in any conversation about organic beauty products. Go out and surprise your wife or girlfriend with her sensitivity and knowledge of organic cosmetics, organic hair care and organic skin care. Good luck!

Tours Travel

poker artwork

There are many talented artists offering a wide variety of poker artwork. From originals to limited edition prints, there are poker paintings depicting scenes from old poker movies to abstract artwork featuring today’s poker celebrities.

Darci Faulkner’s art is widely collected and has been honored with many national awards. Her poker artwork is a testament to her talent and commitment to tackling new and challenging subjects. While many artists adopt a style and stick with it, Darci is always looking for something new and challenging herself to learn. Darci’s poker art work, which includes a series of celebrity poker paintings, combines digital technology and her expertise in traditional painting. Reflecting an influence from the genre developed by Andy Warhol and Peter Max, her style takes a whole new approach of combining the image of various celebrities to capture a specific moment in time. “I was looking for a way to do something with my artistic background and my knowledge of computer technology and I found it.” Not unlike her poker artwork, characteristic of Darci’s divergent styles, her sports paintings have been described as a marriage of the styles of Norman Rockwell and Leroy Neiman.

He is always exploring new techniques and avenues to create new images and works that combine his endless curiosity, knowledge of technology and love of colour… lots and lots of colour!

Kathy Womack, the artist behind the celebrated Women and Wine series, is now adding poker artwork to her resume. Her proven success with the Women and Wine series made her the perfect candidate to capture the sport and excitement that is offered in the art medium of poker with the recent rise in popularity of poker. Kathy started out as a newspaper fashion illustrator in the early 1990s. As she began the transition to CGI, the need for illustrators lessened. Seeking a more creative outlet, Kathy put down the newspaper, picked up her paintbrushes, and began to make a name for herself. Just five years later, at age 32, she opened the Kathy Womack Gallery in downtown Austin, Texas. Now, with the imminent opening of a Houston location and her sights set on Las Vegas in the near future, she is on her way to becoming one of the most successful entertainers of her time.

LeRoy Neiman is probably the most popular sports artist in the world, followed only by younger artists Stephan Holland and Richard T. Slone. Neiman produces about six different screen prints a year, usually priced from $3,000 to $6,000 each. Annual gross sales of new screen prints exceed $10 million. In addition to being an internationally renowned sports artist, Neiman has created works of poker art inspired by his experience of traveling the world visiting the world’s largest casinos.

Neiman’s poker artworks and gaming paintings include: Baccarat, Baden-Baden, Black Break, Casino, Chemin de Fer, Desert Inn Baccarat, Gaming Table International Poker, International Roulette, Pool Room, Roulette, Roulette II, Salle Privee – Monte Carlo, Stud Poker, The Game, The Game of Life, The Green Table, Vegas Blackjack and Vegas Craps.

Neiman produced much of his early work for Playboy magazine, for which he still illustrates on a monthly basis.