Digital Marketing

Mobile Game Development Do’s and Don’ts for Mobile App Developers

Evolution of smartphone devices like iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, etc. it has changed the way people think about mobile games before. Developing the same for iOS, Android, or Blackberry devices could be an attention-seeking process, especially if you’ve just gotten into mobile game development. Many experienced mobile app developers, despite having years of experience in developing a variety of mobile apps, fail to develop successful games due to forgetting some of the important aspects of gaming.

Mobile game development has become a vital part of the mobile app development industry due to its immensely growing popularity. If you’re taking baby steps in mobile gaming and want to get off to a strong start, consider the do’s and don’ts below for mobile game development.

• Be aware of the limitations of mobile devices! Many novice mobile developers often forget about the practical limitations of mobile devices while developing mobile games, which ultimately leads to mobile game failure.

• Don’t copy some already popular games! Many developers often copy already successful games to make your first game development process less complex, as it won’t help you get noticed by the target audience. Don’t just blind copy but take an idea from it or take it to the next level with your imagination.

• Please note the screen resolution of mobile devices! It is very important to design games keeping in mind the type of devices available in the market. Android comes in a variety of phones with different resolutions, while the iPhone has a different screen size. So, decide the device first to develop a successful game.

• Don’t forget the importance of proper marketing and promotion! The success of your game largely depends on how you project your creation through marketing and promotion. Planning and coaching marketing strategies early on will help you achieve mobile success.

• Keep in mind who your target audience is and what they expect from your game! First, decide your target audience, whether you want to design the creation for young children or young people, and try to find out what they really expect and want. Try to do some research and feedback for the same.

• Don’t forget the importance of sound! Sound is a key element of the mobile game, so pay much more attention when incorporating sound within it. It must be appropriate and suitable for the type of game you have developed.

• Try to launch your game with a free version so that your target audience will instantly pick it up.

• Don’t overlook the user interface and character design of your creation.

• Get familiar with different game engines and SDKs on different platforms.

So, above we look at some of the do’s and don’ts of mafia game development that every mobile developer should keep in mind when developing games for a variety of mobile devices.

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Homeschooling Children ages three to five and legal requirements

Parents who decide to homeschool their preschool-age children have researched the value of homeschooling their own children. Starting home school at preschool age is a great way to get parents and child used to the idea of ​​learning at home. This is also a great way to make it easy to learn how to teach and organize your homeschool schedule. The child is not used to attending a school; therefore, there is no adjustment period. Also, preschoolers are incredibly easy to teach because they learn primarily by playing.

By creating a personalized preschool curriculum, parents provide a safe environment with interactive toys. Believe it or not, the parent is the child’s first teacher. Children this age imitate everything their parents do by watching, playing, helping, talking, and listening. Reading to children at this age is one of the best ways to develop avid readers. A standardized curriculum is not necessary at this age. Children learn by coloring, cutting out, gluing, counting, singing, rhyming, playing games, playing with clay, playing on the playground, and learning to get along with others. It is important to include some of these activities daily in a relaxed and stress-free way. Children this age need your love and attention more than they need academics and structure.

The key to learning at this age is to provide lots of hands-on projects, particularly with arts and crafts. Many kids in this age group have play dates where they get together with other kids and go to parks, farms, and even shopping. Preschoolers love to be included in everything they do, whether it’s emptying the dishwasher, sorting the mail, and especially baking. Although it may seem that their short attention span does not allow for intense learning, they are learning real life experiences.

Legal requirements:

Homeschooling parents do not have to have an advanced degree. There are some qualifications of successful homeschooling parents: love for their children, understanding of their children, desire to continue learning and growing, desire to spend time with their children. Although it may seem uncomfortable at first, especially if your child has been to a public or private school, teaching will eventually become secondhand. Parents need to learn flexibility and also organization at the same time. Open communication and a strong parent-child bond is key to a successful homeschooling.

Homeschooling is legal in every state in the United States. Each state has its own guidelines for homeschooling. There are also many support groups for homeschooling parents. Some private schools offer homeschooling and/or curriculum support. Several different programs also offer group activities after school, such as sports or science. Friends and family can also help with homeschooling. Sometimes there are cooperative home school groups, where one person teaches math and another parent teaches history.

There are also support groups for parents of homeschoolers who are feeling burned out or frustrated. There is guidance on teaching and teaching classes that parents can take. Continuing education helps parents feel confident in their teaching abilities. But keep in mind that every parent is a teacher at some point, it’s inevitable when you’re a parent.

Parents document their homeschooled child’s progress with tests, some are annual and some are alternate assessments. Keeping records of your child’s daily activities and learning is essential to monitoring your child’s progress. When parents find it difficult to teach a certain subject, they turn to private tutors, online classes, CD tutorials, or community college classes to supplement their studies.

Health Fitness

7 ways to increase calories burned

24 hours in a day. 60 minutes in an hour. 1440 minutes a day. This couch potato burns a minimum of 1,584 calories a day. Probably more like… 1728, since I don’t spend all day sleeping in bed. Apparently just blinking is enough to increase my calorie burn to 1.2, 1.3 calories per minute. On exercise days, I burn between 2,400 and 2,650 calories, depending on the bodybugg(TM) I use. My daughter’s violin teachers always told her: “Only practice on the days you eat.” Clearly, if I want to eat, I need to exercise: every day I plan to eat!

Research has shown that people who fidget lose more weight than those who are calm and still throughout the day. Looking at the data uploaded from my bodybugg(TM), I wonder how brilliant Yahoo came up with the idea to do an entire study in rats, instead of just plugging a few hundred people into this device and telling half of them them, “Go and move.” I increased my calorie burn rate between 0.1 and 0.4 just by turning over in bed, for crying out loud.

But here’s the sad and disappointing news: the calorie burn rate achieved during a training session doesn’t really last, at least for those of us who aren’t particularly inclined, by nature, to fidget. No problem. I know we all want to believe, fantasize, that a good workout increases our sluggish metabolism by a few calories an hour, and that the effect lasts until the next day. The sad truth is, in the hour after Boot Camp this morning at 24 Hour Fitness, I burned about 25 more calories than I did in the hour before I woke up. I attribute those extra calories to driving, talking, walking, and carrying my gym bag.

The good news: Just standing up, making lunch, burned almost 100 more calories an hour!

Does your job make you fat? Surely my job is not helping me lose weight; I sit at a desk most of the day, using a PC. If you have a sedentary job, you have to deal with eight hours of professional rest. So what can we do about it?

1. Put it in a brown bag and exercise during lunch. This helps in three ways: First, you control calories and portion sizes. Prepare your lunch the night before or after breakfast when you are not hungry. Second, you get up and get active. Don’t just wolf down that sandwich at your desk—get up and move. Go to the gym if there is one nearby and get at least 20-30 minutes of intense cardio. Take a walk around the block or around the office building. Third, it saves money, as eating out every day, even eating at the corporate cafeteria, becomes expensive.

2. Park further from the entrance. Even short walks add up. This guarantees you one in the morning and one at night. If it’s sunny in the morning and it’s raining when you leave, you might even have a nice run!

3. Take the stairs. This seems obvious, but the elevators are convenient and… well, isn’t that enough work? No. Take the stairs. If you work on the ground floor, add a few flights of stairs to your lunchtime walk.

4. Sit, stand, move. Try to work on a few squats every time you sit or stand throughout the day. Or rise up on your toes ten times, each time you stand up. Do some push-ups from the edge of your desk or against a wall, or some triceps push-ups in a guest chair (don’t try this on a wheeled chair, whatever you do, or you’ll fall flat on your face). patootie). Use every errand or bathroom break as a cue to get in some exercise.

5. Exercise after work. Take your gym bag and stop at the gym on the way home. If you go home first, you will most likely want to kick off your shoes, relax, and be still. Instead, try sweating it out first, so you can go home, shower, change, and truly relax, guilt-free.

6. Do crunches or leg lifts while watching TV. There is no television for you unless a part of you is in constant motion! (And don’t tell me your arm is in constant motion as it carries the popcorn from the bowl to your mouth. I tried that one. I’ll look at you the same way I do.)

7. Keep track of every bite of food that goes into your mouth. Don’t tell me it’s “too tedious”. I know. Don’t tell me it’s inconvenient to remember. I know. Just do it. Because every one of us who has done it religiously, day in and day out, will tell you that honestly recording every calorie INPUT is almost as important as increasing calories burned if weight loss is the goal. If you want to lose a pound a week, you should be in a deficit of about 3,500 calories a week. If you want to lose two, you should be in a deficit of about 7,000 calories in a week. If you want to lose three, see your doctor first. You don’t want to go below what your body needs, just to maintain vital functions like breathing and circulation. Drink plenty of water, try to pack as much nutritional energy into each calorie as possible, and take a multivitamin.

Legal Law

Calories during sex: how many calories do you burn during a 30 minute sex session?

Most of us assume that anything that feels good can’t be good at all. Well, it’s time to move away from that logic because something that feels good can actually be beneficial to your health. We are talking about sex here, specifically safe sex.

Have you ever heard of the cliché, “Touch heals”? Your body’s chemical composition actually changes when it is affected. Cuddling, cuddling, cuddling, and hugging have the ability to change the chain reaction of chemicals in your body. The results are impressive: strengthened emotional leaps and improved health and general mood.

Does sex play an important role in losing weight and lowering cholesterol levels? If it does. The average number of calories burned during a 30-minute sex session is 150. When you compare it with other activities that you actually do on a daily basis, you will see that you burn more with sex than with the rest. Housework can burn just 111 cal, Yoga 114 cal, and dancing 129 cal. Actually, it is said that sex is a legitimate form of exercise that lowers cholesterol level.

Sex not only burns energy, but also helps improve circulation. The deep breathing and increased heart rate that occurs during a 30-minute session helps increase blood flow throughout the body. It then supplies fresh oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to the brain and other organs. The rate at which waste deposits are removed from your body system is also increased, thus resulting in weight loss and the prevention of fatigue and disease. Finally, you sleep better after a 30-minute lovemaking session. You would sleep longer and more rested due to the soothing afterglow.

Whether you’re making love with your partner, or even during orgasm, you’re actually burning calories and reaping the benefits.

Lifestyle Fashion

Colonix GNC – Should You Buy Colonix Colon Cleanser or Body Cleansing Fiber Supplements at GNC?

The colon is one of the important organs of the human body. The function of this organ is to eliminate toxins and fecal matter formed within the body. When it gets clogged with toxins, it can’t do its job properly. This blockage of the colon leads to many chronic health problems like constipation, diarrhea, irritability, abdominal pain, etc. To overcome these health problems, the best solution is colon cleansing. It’s probably the best thing you can do to your body. It is a process that removes toxins and waste material that accumulates in the colon and intestinal area. But what are the means for colon cleansing?

Colon cleansing is done with colon cleansers and there are many available online and over the counter. One of them is Colonix GNC. Detoxification must be done very carefully. You should only do it for one month straight, otherwise it could hurt you. The success of your colon cleanse depends on the effectiveness of the cleanser you choose. If the detox goes wrong, it can increase health problems.

Ingredients in Colonix GNC:

This body detoxification system is developed by Dr. Natura. It is a combination of 40 different herbs. The best thing is that all these herbs are completely natural. This entire system works in three different parts which include colonix fiber powder, parani vegetarian capsules, and an herbal tea called Kleri tea.

health benefits:

* Helps remove fecal matter and toxins that accumulate on the walls of the intestines.
* Increases the overall energy of your body.
* Helps in weight loss by eliminating undigested food and solid waste.
* Add glow to your skin by purifying your blood.
* It gives a boost to your metabolism and the immune system is also improvised.

Colonix GNC or fiber supplements for body cleansing

The fiber content is always helpful in removing harmful substances from the body. Colonix colon cleanse has certain side effects as it is allergic to some people. It also causes abdominal pain which can uproot some dangerous foods. Therefore, it is advisable to opt for fiber supplements to detoxify the body. Acai Berry Colon Cleanse has fiber content that detoxifies the body without side effects. To get a better idea, you should always consult your doctor before attempting a colon cleanse. It depends on your body type if it suits you or not.


Restaurant reviews from California to New York

There’s no need to look far in California or New York to find one of several fine-dining restaurants. For anyone who is seriously interested in finding a fantastic one for dinner, whether it be with close friends, family, or perhaps that special someone to you.

Sometimes it could be as challenging as looking for a needle in a haystack.

There may be several decent smartphone apps where you can search for restaurants in your neighborhood, but they don’t really provide a detailed selection of food, menus, or photos. In cases like this, you don’t just want a list of restaurants, you need something much better.

It is advisable to find ways to get advances through images, as well as detailed information and price ranges, as well as the different varieties of delicacies that a restaurant offers.

Does your special occasion call for more exciting restaurant options than usual?

Selecting the family-friendly restaurant, fine-dining restaurant, and casual dining destinations is faster as long as you take full advantage of online restaurant guides, which can help you quickly choose exactly what you or others are looking for. In many cases, much more than ordinary names and standard details. You’ll get all kinds of bonuses and information about places to eat with the right information like types of food these places serve, the typical price range for that restaurant, photos, and menus.

In case you are on the business side of the restaurant, as an owner or even thinking of opening one in the near future, you will have a very distinctive narrative. Internet cafe and restaurant reviews mean different things to you and what they necessarily mean to people looking for a place to eat. The strategies are the testimonials to be able to paint the restaurant in the most optimistic light possible. You need the cafeteria, bistro or any trendy place to eat to be able to capture the interest of people who are looking for wonderful restaurants within California or anywhere.

Fundamentally, you should always think about appealing to those people who are looking for exactly what their own eating place offers, it could be a family type restaurant, or perhaps an ancient Greek, Mexican, Native Indian or even Chinese eating place. You need to be able to give people discount coupons so they can come and find what you offer at a lower price. You need detailed ratings or positive reviews for any eating establishment in Los Angeles and also in the San Francisco Bay Area, and you’ll get them when you list your restaurant with the proper tutorial, yes, on the internet.

You have to create and continue to build a positive reputation for the restaurant and ensure that it is recognized by the general public if you want the restaurant to thrive. Those who work in the business today have paid a huge price while surviving in the past economic downturn.

The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter if you’re the best thing to hit the Thai food markets in Brooklyn, if no one has seen you, or even if you’re among the best places to eat in New York, if no one knows where your location is, they will not enter So, hop on the information highway of the world wide web and enjoy the ride of good fortune.

Real Estate

How To Buy Real Estate – Yes YOU CAN!

If you want to buy a home but don’t think you can for any of the following reasons, this article aims to provide you with the right information so you can make smarter decisions and open yourself up to a world of wealth, possibility, and realistic home ownership. Expectations.

The truth is that you are being unrealistic when you believe that the following reasons are true:

I can’t buy a property right now because…

  • I don’t have 20% for a down payment, let alone 5%, let alone 1%.
  • I don’t have money for closing costs.
  • I won’t qualify for a loan (I have bad credit, I don’t make enough money, I can’t prove my income, I haven’t been at the same job long enough, etc.)
  • Market prices are too high now.
  • I don’t want to live in a bad neighborhood and that’s the only place I can afford one right now.
  • I am unable to pay the mortgage payments with my current income.
  • Fill in the blank.

I am here to tell you that you CAN buy a property, regardless of any of the above.

In this day and age, there is absolutely NO reason someone couldn’t own their own home. The strict days of good-paying, stable job loans with excellent credit 20% down are over, replaced by no-down-payment-pre-bankruptcy and declared-income loan programs.

With today’s wide variety of diverse lifestyles comes a wealth of opportunities and programs created for any and all possible situations. Businesses need to make money, and the best way to open up to a broader range of customers is to offer services for each individual’s wide and varied circumstances.

Many lenders today offer little to no down payment programs, bad credit forbearances, and even no proof of employment or salary requirements (in lender parlance, it’s called “stated income programs” where you simply declare your income to the lender without having to prove it with pay stubs, W2’s, etc. This is widely used by freelancers and consultants).

In addition to the myriad programs offered by lenders, there are now government grants and (often free) services available to low-income, low-reserve homebuyers, as well as many first-time homebuyer programs. Government programs and many private loan programs also offer closing cost assistance (costs required upfront to pay lender fees, escrow and title fees, etc.), with some programs requiring the seller to pay most of them.

For a list of government grants, go to (The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) or (The Official US Government Web Portal .). Click on “Benefits and Grants” to access your grants page.

“Okay, that’s great,” you’re thinking, “but the housing market is so inflated right now, even if I could qualify for a loan, how am I going to pay for a house in the neighborhood I want?”

Welcome to the wonderful world of foreclosures, tax auctions, and rehabs (also known as repairs)! It’s a myth that all foreclosures and tax delinquent properties are in poor, run-down neighborhoods. One good thing about foreclosures and tax delinquent properties is their indiscriminateness. They occur in gang-ridden crack neighborhoods, middle-class neighborhoods, and elite million-dollar communities alike.

Another benefit is that they are usually much cheaper than the lowest priced house in the same neighborhood. We all know the difference between retail and wholesale. You could go to the mall and buy a shirt retail for $20, or you could go to the garment district in town and buy the same shirt wholesale for $10, or better yet, with the advent of the Internet, you could do all your Buy wholesale online in the comfort of your pajamas.

The same is true for real estate. If you wouldn’t spend that extra $10 to buy a shirt at retail, why would you spend an extra $10,000 (or usually more) to buy a house at retail?

In the industry, houses that are listed on the market are considered retail. Homes you find through foreclosures and tax auctions are considered wholesale. These are discount homes, available at a low price for a quick sale, usually because the bank or county is simply looking to recoup the money they spent before (and after) the buyer defaulted. This equates to big savings for the educated buyer.

Rehabbing is buying houses that are less than perfect and fixing them up, either to sell for a profit or to keep as a residence. Some people enjoy the challenge of buying a property that needs a complete overhaul (new roof, extensive remodel, structural fixes, etc.) while others prefer a “refinisher,” a home that needs a little touch-up paint here and there. , some flowers planted on the patio, maybe even a new kitchen counter, etc.

Cosmetic fixers are a fun and easy way to earn money. You get to do some artistic handiwork (even if you’ve never done it before) and earn money at the same time. The quick wins you make can roll over to a bigger and better home, you can repeat the process over and over again, moving from a $50,000 home to a $500,000 home in just a few years, and the best part, it’s all! tax free!

Called a “1031 exchange,” the proceeds you receive from the sale of the home may be tax-deferred as long as you continue to buy a home of the same or higher price with the proceeds you make from the sale. Unlike the outright sale of a residence, there are no occupancy requirements or residency time restrictions for a 1031 Exchange. For a residence, federal law states that you must live in the home for 2 of the 5 years of ownership to avoid capital gains tax. You can choose to live in it for 2 years and deposit the earnings, yes, tax free! – or you can choose to turn it around and do a 1031 Exchange – yes, tax deferred!

If you’re sitting around scratching your head, thinking this all sounds like too much work when all you want is simply a home to call your own, there’s a good chance you can find a great deal at the retail market, too.

If you’re convinced, or even a little convinced, that you could buy a home after all, here are a few steps for the average traditional homebuyer.

  • The first step is to find out how much you are willing to spend. Get your finances in order by evaluating your current total monthly income against your current total monthly expenses. If you are paying $800 in rent now, how much more can you pay each month? If you don’t want to pay more than $800 a month, but really can, I urge you to look at the big picture. Is it worth spending a little more per month now to ensure you have an investment that could earn you significant returns a few years down the line? Is it worth investing that $800 a month (and a little more if necessary) into YOUR future prosperity and not your landlord’s? Is it worth living without Direct TV or 100 cable channels or 3000 cell phone minutes in the short term to invest in your financial freedom in the long term? However, be careful not to overstretch. You still want to enjoy your house without cursing it for ruining you. Depending on your financial situation, it may not be necessary to cut costs or put in the effort to buy a home, but if so, what is owning your own home worth to you?
  • The second step is to find the right lender or broker. You need to find a lender/broker to find out how much house you can afford. They will tell you how big a loan you qualify for, based on your income vs. your debt (debt-to-income ratio), approximately how much your monthly payments will be, and how much your startup costs will be, if any.
  • Once you find the right lender, the third step is to find an agent. As a buyer, you do not pay an agent. The agent makes a commission on the seller’s final price. The commission (usually 6%) is split between the buyer’s agent and the seller’s agent (and their broker). If you can, be your own agent. If you find a home you like on your own, you can often offer the seller a lower price, since you won’t have to pay part of that to the agents and can afford to lower the price for you. Sellers often factor in agent commissions when setting the sale price.
  • The fourth step is to know the market. Knowing what to buy, when to buy, and where to buy is key to making money in real estate. Watch the market, talk to agents, sellers, buyers, investors, anyone who might know the neighborhoods that interest you. Be open to neighborhoods you haven’t thought of or heard of. Your agent can also help you with this. If you have found a good broker, he will share with you his knowledge of the market based on his experiences of being in it every day.
  • Know what you want and why. There are numerous ways to make money in real estate. They range from simply buying low and selling high, to rental income properties, buying notes and certificates, the aforementioned ways, and more. Do you want to make a quick and instant million? Or do you want a modest but steady stream of income to feel comfortable with? Or do you just want to buy a house to live in, a house where your children can grow up? Study your options and choose the one that appeals to you regardless of whether you know anything about it and whether you think you can do it or not. Find your niche in the market and follow it.
  • Learn from others who have. If your knowledge is insufficient due to lack of experience, let someone else’s experience guide you. Take courses, read books, talk to other people who have led the way and have achieved success in what you want to do. Don’t listen to anyone who hasn’t done it themselves, especially those who tell you that you can’t. “Borrow” someone else’s knowledge until you gain your own through experience. There are a lot of materials out there to get you started.

Above all, the BEST thing you can do for your success is believe in yourself, believe that it CAN be done, and go out there and do it! Stop wasting time making excuses for why it can’t be done and start using your time more effectively by finding ways that it can be done.


You Can Burn Calories With Nintendo Wii Active Life – Outdoor Challenge

Active Life: Outdoor Challenge rivals Nintendo Wii Fit in burning calories and will definitely help you lose weight. It’s actually a lot more fun than Wii Fit. I have incorporated this into my Nintendo Wii exercise regimen. I exercise three days in a row. I use Wii Fit the first day. The second day I will use Wii Sports Boxing. The third day I will use Active Life: Outdoor Challenge. On the fourth day I’ll either take a break, or play another one of the Nintendo Wii sports games.

While Wii Fit is still the formidable seller of the Nintendo Wii, the Outdoor Challenge comes in second. Not only is it fun, but it also gives you a good aerobic workout. Especially the Timber Trail game, which I use the most with Active Life: Outdoor Challenge. It can keep you running and jumping.

Always consult with a physician before undertaking any exercise regimen and if you have never exercised before. You should also do some stretching exercises before you start playing. One of the problems that the participants have is not stopping when they should stop playing the games. It’s like a real physical exercise. You need to relax before you start playing, or you could succumb to what The New England Journal of Medicine calls acute Wiitis. This injury is generally isolated to the Nintendo Wii due to its realistic simulation with sports.

You’ll be using a Namco Bandai controller mat, which comes with the Outdoor Challenge game and plugs into one of the GameCube ports on the top of the Wii. The mat is a bit more sophisticated than traditional dance mats. The Active Life: Outdoor Challenge mat has six directional arrows and buttons so two players can use it at the same time. The mat is divided into two sets of four button inputs: a blue side and an amber two-person side. For two player events, both players would be on the same mat. One person would take the blue side and the other player would take the amber side. If you want to play single player mode, you need to put your feet on the center point and touch the corresponding buttons by stepping on them. The game only uses one mat. You will not be able to bring your own personal mat for the two person competition.

A good aerobic exercise is the Timber Trail game. In its training setup, the route is straight with few obstacles, so getting to the finish line is simply a matter of running into place as fast as possible. As you progress through the higher levels of the game, chasms and other obstacles are presented that you must jump over, literally jumping into the air, or dodge from one side to another, dodging a set of direction arrows on the mat for the next one. set of arrows. The mat is incredibly more durable than the Wii Fit board – you can step on it and it will stay put. Many people find that if they put a yoga mat under their Outdoor Challenge mat, the mat won’t move. You can literally abuse this mat, something you can’t do with the Wii Fit Balance Board. This game will test your aerobic rhythms. This is my favorite aerobic exercise. You can try as hard as you want.

In addition to the 12 or more mini-games like mine cart, river rafting, etc., there is also a training program that gives you challenges depending on the type of fitness you want to achieve. Most of these are cardio exercises, but because you can really beat the mat up, instead of worrying about breaking it, there’s a good chance you’ll break a sweat.

Tours Travel

Las Vegas on a British budget: is it really possible?

Las Vegas is 10 hours from the UK so it’s not the cheapest place to visit, the flight alone may cost you a big chunk of your budget, but if you do your research you can get there and enjoy all that Vegas has to offer. to offer without breaking the bank. Here are some helpful tips on how to make your budget go further.

When to go

Choose your time of year to visit. November through February, excluding all the obvious holidays, is the cheapest time to visit Las Vegas, since it’s out of season. The weather is cooler, especially at night, but it can still reach 70 degrees, warmer than some of our summer months! If you go to Las Vegas, chances are you’ll try some of the other entertainment on offer instead of soaking up the sun, so it won’t matter too much.

The day of the week you go is also important. The vast majority of visitors to Las Vegas are Americans traveling on long weekends, so hotel prices are higher on Friday and Saturday nights. If you only go for 4 or 5 nights try to avoid the weekend.

how to get there

While a direct flight is the preferred option, these are often more expensive than a one-stop flight, especially if you’re flying from a regional airport rather than one of London’s. So if you’re not in a hurry, check the prices of flights via other American cities. We once got an extra 24 hours in Atlanta courtesy of the airline due to a missed connection!

Where to stay

Las Vegas has over 100,000 hotel rooms, so you should be able to find one that fits your budget. Hotels off the Strip may be cheaper, however what you save on your hotel bill could end up being spent on transportation to The Strip, where most of the action is. Hotels in Freemont Street, Old Town are also a bit cheaper and there is plenty to do in that area. But if you want to stay on The Strip, there are plenty of options to experience a great resort with all its facilities for one low price. For example, when booking several months in advance for mid-week stays in December, you can choose stays at the Stratosphere, Harrah’s, Excalibur, Flamingo and Circus Circus for around £20 a night. Flamingo and Harrah’s in particular are some of the best located hotels on the strip occupying locations in the center of the strip. All of them are hotels of at least 3 stars and have all the facilities you would expect from a large hotel complex along with their own casinos. However, beware of the resort fee. This is a non-negotiable fee of up to £20 per room per night that is added to your bill and covers things such as in-room Wi-Fi.

To do

Most likely you are going to Las Vegas to gamble. On-Strip casinos can be expensive as they have higher table limits, usually $10 a hand, so if you want to play the tables look for happy hours, usually during the day, check out the smaller casinos and the which belong to the lowest budget. hotels, casinos off the Strip and also those on Freemont Street where the limits are lower. If you’re good at poker, a poker tournament can be good value for money, as for an entry fee you can play for several hours.

If you’re in Vegas to party, be prepared to spend a lot of money! Just getting into some of the trendiest clubs can cost around $30 each and once inside, drinks can be expensive. Keep an eye out for deals on quieter weeknights that get you admission and a drink package. Even at the bars on the casino floors, a bottle of beer can cost at least $6 plus a tip. If you want to have a drink but are not bothered by clubs and bars, then the best option is to get served while you play, as the drinks are free! Yes, for the price of a tip of $1 per drink (or less if you prefer, but this usually guarantees a refill) you can drink whatever you want, from beers and wine to cocktails, for free. Of course, there’s a catch, as this only applies if you’re spending money on gambling, which can end up being a lot more expensive than a drink. But if you’re planning to gamble anyway, it’s a good way to combine both activities; Playing low limit slots slowly over a drink is relatively cheap, but don’t get carried away with gambling after a few drinks!

If you like food, Las Vegas will not disappoint. In addition to high-end celebrity chef restaurants, Vegas is also home to the eat-all-you-want buffet. Most hotels offer them for breakfast and lunch. For a single amount you really can eat as much as you want, or should be able to, and the variety of food on offer means there is something for everyone. Try one of the cheaper hotels again, like Excalibur, which offers buffet lunch for around $17. If you don’t feel like eating much, The Pub in Monte Carlo offers $1 burgers and $1 wings, plus buy one and go another free with draft beer during happy hour on weekdays. Note: Prices are correct at time of writing.

One note to remember about food and drink in Las Vegas is that the price is usually quoted before the 8.1% sales tax, so don’t be surprised when the bill comes and it’s more than you expected. Additionally, a 15-20% tip is expected in restaurants, not only for good service, but also as part of the cost. If you want to avoid tipping, go to one of the many fast food restaurants and food courts inside hotels.

These are just a few easy tips to stretch your budget when you’re planning your trip to Las Vegas. If you make these savings, you’ll have more to enjoy when you’re there!


Find the best business online

The best online businesses are run by people who have a high degree of self-control. They also have long-term goals and know what they need to know to run a business that sometimes has multiple employees. They must also have a good sense of financial knowledge so that they can maintain the profitability of the company on an ongoing basis and finance new projects.

Some of the best online businesses are run by people with business degrees. They may have gone to school knowing they wanted to go into business, or they may have had another career field in mind that required business training. However, many internet businesses have been started by people with no business background, giving the general public a good opportunity to start their own successful online business.

You can learn many lessons from the creators of these online businesses. By studying how they started their business and the steps they took to increase traffic to their websites, we can all benefit and use the knowledge to grow our own online businesses.

Some examples of successful businesses include Google, MySpace, and Youtube. Each of these websites were made with the idea of ​​serving the people. Google gives millions of users around the world the ability to find what they are looking for on the Internet. Google has also grown with the times since it started and has improved its user experience by constantly updating the search algorithm and finding new sites. In addition, they have offered users other options for their Internet needs, such as Gmail, Google Docs, Gtalk, and Google News.

Watching Google grow they show a perfect example of constantly expanding to increase the happiness of their audience, with this of course comes more people who love to use Google and become loyal to it, this shows us why it is the largest search engine available. with the best sense of growth.

MySpace was started by a person who wanted to network with friends and family and share their online life with them. By sharing your idea and your website with people, your own idea has been able to inspire millions to share their lives online as well. Everyone seems to be connected in their extended network, and people can share a lot or a little about themselves with their friends and family online. From photos to videos to your favorite songs, Myspace brings individuality to people in the online world.

Another of the best online businesses is YouTube. The founders created this site so that people from all over the world could share their favorite videos. People could easily make a video and upload it to share with millions. You could show some of your individuality, you could teach others or even promote your website. Many people around the world loved the idea of ​​being able to make and share their own videos. You can find entertainment videos, music videos, news videos, and user-created documentaries on YouTube.

Each of these sites had a long-term plan and invested time and money in their business in order to succeed. By studying their business styles and the time and money they invested, we can all learn a little more about starting our own online business.