Home Kitchen

Down Under Laundry Room: 10 Easy Ways To Update Basement Laundry Rooms

Does your basement laundry room feel like a dungeon?

The average person spends six hours a week doing laundry. That’s the equivalent of 13 straight days of nothing but laundry! It’s no wonder there’s a trend toward upgrading laundry spaces.

While upstairs laundry is becoming the standard, many people still have to trudge down to the basement to get work done. But you can make laundry more enjoyable (or at least less boring) by setting up the room with respect for both form and function.

First let’s address the function part of the equation. What activities do you need to do in this space? In what order are these tasks completed? Here’s a list to get your brain going:

    • transport of clothes
    • sort clothes
    • pretreated laundry
    • Clothes folded and hung
    • Iron clothes (yes, some people still do this!)
    • Hand wash (and air dry) delicate garments
    • Sewing and craft activities.
    • gift wrapping station
    • Storing laundry supplies

Now that you know what needs to be accomplished in this space, think about the form. After all, the laundry room is a space where you can really get creative! While a lively décor doesn’t necessarily make doing laundry fun, it will make time seem to go by faster. And you’ll be surprised how little it costs!

  1. Clean up! Before you start, create a clean canvas. Clutter – If you have it, you need to remove it. Then clean it up like your mom is coming to visit and sleep in the basement. If her basement is still in its original form, consider painting the walls and floor a light, neutral color. Keep items off the floor as much as possible.
  2. Falls and stairs! Consider adding a laundry hopper to help with transporting clothes (albeit in a way!). This is especially useful if there are people (and you know who they are) who don’t get their “dirty” where they belong on a regular basis.
  3. Define the laundry space. Is your laundry area floating in the middle of the room or tucked away in a corner? Set some limits. Add colorful FLOR interlocking carpet tiles to define your laundry space. You can make it the size you need and in the colors you want. Not only is it a great design element, but it’s gentler on your feet.
  4. A place for everything, and everything its place. Create a mobile cabinet with built-in storage by adding casters to the bottom of a vanity cabinet. Use this movable space divider to help define your space in an otherwise spacious room. Check your local DIY store for irregular or discontinued items for a good deal.
  5. Make it happen. Buy three large laundry baskets to sort your clothes into light, medium, or dark. Make decorative signs to indicate which is which. Or just write on them with a marker – whatever will get the job done!
  6. Know when to fold them! Get a discontinued kitchen island at a great price and use it as a folding table. Not only will it be a more comfortable height for your back, but you’ll also get extra storage underneath! And why not add a couple of bar stools for crafting or just hanging out? Optional mini fridge.
  7. Hang out. Hang a pole over or near the “folding island” to hang items as you fold them, or get a coat rack on wheels. If you hang up your shirts while they’re still slightly damp, you’ll have a much easier time ironing them. Use hanging dividers to separate clothing by owner to keep items organized.
  8. Brilliant ideas. Don’t skimp on lighting. Use a combination of overhead and task lighting to make sure you can see what you’re doing. If you have basement windows, clean them and dress them with light curtains that let in natural light.
  9. make it fun! Add a whimsical element, such as a colorful “Leave your dirt here” sign with an arrow pointing toward the laundry sorting area. Find nifty cabinet knobs with a laundry theme. Add a tip jar for loose change found in the wash. Use colorful containers to store supplies. You can find many inexpensive plastic containers at dollar stores. Use your imagination! But avoid small chatchke items that collect dust (and spiders).
  10. Think green. Add an indoor tree to add life to the space. Maybe a nice, durable rubber tree or a fake ficus.

Still not excited about laundry? Add a stereo or TV to help pass the time. Chaka Khan’s “I’m every woman” might just do the trick!

Digital Marketing

Purpose and benefits of dashboards

Dashboards continue to garner a lot of attention in most organizations, not just because of their visual appeal, but because they help organizations communicate strategy, monitor and adjust strategy execution, and provide feedback to everyone.

Let’s break this down in simple terms.

Dashboards, in the simplest terms, are a collection of different reports, all on one page or view. Now let’s refine this statement. These dashboard reports contain high-level summary information rather than detailed transactions. For example, in traditional reports, you’ll see a detailed list of orders or invoices in an ordered format, totals, and subtotals, while dashboard reports contain mostly aggregated information, such as current month order totals, current month total invoices, profit this month, total cost for this month. If you notice, the common term here is total (sum, aggregate, or high-level) view. Now you can display these numbers as they are or represent them in beautiful graphs.

Once you have the base information you want your users to see, you display it in an appropriate format on the dashboard. Some of the information is better suited to be in a tabular format, and some of it may only make sense in a line chart or stacked bar chart.

“If you don’t have goals, you don’t have anything”

Now smart companies want to grow their business and one thing they often ask is how did we do it and how can we improve? So they try to attach goals to these numbers. For example, if last year in July, if the order total was 10,000 and if it has historically been growing at a 30% rate, then they would like to see a 30% jump in total orders for July of this year. This is known as “key performance” monitoring. They would like to visually see whether or not the total orders reached the goal. One way to see this visually is through an Indicator where the indicator can clearly indicate if you met the goal or not. If the indicator is green, it is met and if it is red or yellow, there are some issues that need to be investigated.

So when something is not right, users would like to know more about the details. This act of finding more details is known as “DRILLING”. In the exercises, users would like to see a detailed list of all orders or some other information so they can investigate.

Simply put, your dashboard becomes your first interface to the information in your system and is therefore very productive for end users to analyze.

Here are some types of boards with their purpose and benefits

Finance Dashboard Benefits – Monitor Income, Profit, Loss and Expenses

HR Dashboard Benefits: Monitor employee activity, workforce growth, expenses, and more.

IT Dashboard Benefits: Monitor system activity, this can include database monitoring, server monitoring, memory metrics, etc.

Inventory Dashboard Benefits: Monitor inventory levels, item and warehouse information, orders, etc.

Health Fitness

home workout routine for ectomorphs

There are three main body types to consider when evaluating strength or fitness goals. The ectomorph, the endomorph and the mesomorph. This article will primarily deal with the ectomorph frame, which we’ll be familiar with as one who tends to be long and lean, possesses a high metabolism, a large appetite, and finds it difficult to gain weight. In the world of bodybuilding many people refer to this build as the “hard gainer”, however in truth it would be better to refer to the ectomorph as a “different gainer”.

So are you an ectomorph and want a good workout at home? Well, a good workout will depend entirely on your goals. The first thing with any routine is to establish your goals, after all, without a planned destination, how will you plan the route?

Ectomorphs want to get fat and some simple truths that can help you. The first truth concerns calorie counting. I mean, you should! The simple fact is that if you take in more calories than you regularly expend, your body will have more energy potential for growth. The first part of your routine then is the diet. This comes before supplements like whey protein too!

Your diet should consist of five or more meals a day, in smaller portions and never leaving more than 2-3 hours between meals. I am an ectomorph and I had to get used to spending a lot more money on food. It’s unavoidable if you’re training hard anyway and certainly unavoidable if you want to train and gain mass.

The key to a good ectomorph diet is a balance of good fats, complex carbohydrates, and protein. Simple carbs are good right after a workout. Do a lot of research on your own about the different foods that are good for an ectomorphic diet.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, what kind of training will get an ectomorph good results? For dough, the answer is the same as for everyone else. One must use large amounts of weight with low repetitions to increase muscle size. If you want to get stronger and more athletic (instead of just bigger), just lower the weight and increase the reps. This is a good idea if you are not doing any other form of exercise.

Action cannot always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. {Benjamin Disraeli}”

There are two basic types of elevator, the isolation elevator and the compound elevator. The first focuses on a small set of muscles, such as the biceps in a bicep curl. The second works many muscle groups and a good example would be the weighted squat or even all Olympic lifts. The compound lift is always recommended for ectomorphs who are looking to build muscle, they will be working their entire body and especially targeting the large muscle groups like the buttocks. gluteus maximus muscles which will cause a slightly higher hormonal response from your body.

Legal Law

5 Smart Beauty Tips For Men – Guaranteed To Create A Killer Look Brimming With Sex Appeal

Do you qualify to be called the new “ubersexual” man? If you spend time looking for men’s beauty and grooming tips and invest money to look good, now you are one of them. The trendy “ubersexual” man takes control and exudes confidence Add to this ultra-sleek masculinity and you’ve got yourself an incredible look, guaranteed to get any girl he wants.

Smart Men’s Beauty Tip #1

Never neglect your skin. Grab some good quality men’s skin care products and start using them daily. Get some basic products suitable for your skin type for your quick, easy and simple 3-step skin care routine like:

  • Facial cleanser for men to thoroughly cleanse your face and help fight blackheads and acne
  • Masculine tonic to close the pores and control the shiny nose area
  • A smoothing moisturizing face cream for men, preferably with mineral oil, if your skin is very dry.

Smart beauty tip for men #2

Now is the time to step up your grooming routine with one of the most important beauty tips for men. Now you have access to products to improve your appearance and fight wrinkles and old age. Not just for women anymore, men can also reverse the aging process by applying an anti-wrinkle cream for men, specially developed to treat unwanted wrinkles. Invest in a good quality anti-wrinkle eye cream to make fine lines around your eyes less visible and reduce puffiness.

Smart beauty tip for men #3

Keep those lips soft and KISS-WORTHY! Trust me, girls don’t want to kiss a man with rough, dry, chapped lips. He’s not nice, guys, he’s not nice at all. Always apply a lip balm with the necessary SPF sun protection.

Smart beauty tip for men #4

Keep your smile and teeth bright. First impressions count! New state-of-the-art laser teeth whitening methods are now available. There are no excuses to keep your teeth white as pearls and your smile sparkling! If you can’t afford the laser, try other teeth whitening methods suggested by your dentist. Don’t waste time or money on self-applied teeth whitening products or kits, they just DON’T WORK!

Smart Men’s Beauty Tip #5

Get some of the latest sexy, elegant and simply divine men’s fragrances and their smell will make your knees weak. There are so many men’s fragrances available that it’s very easy to choose a fragrance that suits your personality, style, and occasion.

Take some time and look at these beauty tips for men. Get the men’s grooming products you need and soon you’ll be the hottest guy looking amazing and oozing with sex appeal.

Lifestyle Fashion

Six sexy tips for shaving your sensitive bikini area

Each and every woman has her own “style” in the bikini area. Regardless of whether you prefer the nude Brazilian look, the “runway”, or just clean edges, we all experience the occasional nuisance and discomfort from razors, bumps and ingrown hairs. There are certain shaving techniques, before and after shave products that will help, if not eliminate, that painful and itchy “plucked chicken” look. Here are some tips for a healthy and safe shave “down there.”

1. Exfoliate: Gently scrub your bikini area before shaving to remove dead skin that can cause pore clogging and post-shave irritation. You can use a scrubbing cloth or a regular body or facial scrub. Exfoliating this area regularly will help prevent further irritation, ingrown hairs, and skin sensitivity.

2. Wait until the end of your shower and use a natural oil-based shaving cream: For sensitive skin in the bikini area, there is a basic shaving technique that experts say works for everyone. Most experts suggest waiting until the end of the shower to shave. After soaking the skin, hairs and skin become softer, allowing for a close, smooth shave. Apply an emollient-rich cream-based shave containing hemp seed and argan oils to add moisture and protection during the shave.

3. Shave with hair growth first, then against the grain: Pubic hair is coarse, and the skin in that area is most prone to irritation. Start by shaving in the same direction that the hair grows. Then, if you want a smoother, completely hairless look, shave against the grain and rinse. This technique can be used on all body hair, but usually the finer hair on the legs and arms can be shaved against the grain from the start. It is best to use a new razor every time you shave your bikini area.

4. Gently Pat Dry: After you finish shaving, pat skin dry, do not rub. Rubbing with a towel irritates the skin and should not be done regardless of whether the skin is freshly shaved or not. You should also try to stay away from heat to avoid sweating for 24 hours after shaving to avoid itchiness and ingrown hairs.

5. Apply an All-Natural Aftershave – Apply an aftershave that contains all-natural ingredients. Tea tree oil-based products are particularly effective for the recently shaved or waxed bikini area. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It is a very effective natural remedy against countless skin ailments, infections, cuts, scrapes, burns, insect bites, skin blemishes, etc.

Using tea tree oil will help heal and renew your skin, allowing you to shave more often and maintain a close shave with minimal irritation. Look for a product that combines tea tree oil with more emollients, vitamin E, and oils rich in Omega 3, 6, 9 such as hemp seed oil, avocado, rosehip, soybean, jojoba, and apricot oil to moisturize and protect freshly shaved skin. These types of aftershave oils are also great for after waxing.

6. Stay Away From Products Containing Harmful And Irritating Ingredients: Freshly shaved skin that’s as sensitive as your bikini area easily absorbs any product you might apply, so it’s important to avoid harsh or irritating chemicals. Be sure to avoid pre-shave and post-shave products that contain mineral oil, dyes, propylene glycol sulfates, acetylsalicylate (which is potentially toxic and is present in many shaving products), phthalates, or parabens.


Calculate nights for California child support

California parents who are separating or divorcing must work with the court during the process to establish custody and child support. Under California support guidelines, visitation and parenting time have a direct influence on how much child support is paid or received. Using an inaccurate parenting time total may result in unfair or inaccurate payments.

California parenting time

Each state has slightly different methods for determining parent-child visitation. In California, the total time spent with children is the annual percentage of parenting time.

For example, if the non-custodial parent spends every other weekend and half of all holidays plus four weeks of summer, it would total 20 percent of the year. Adding just two weeks puts the percentage at 24 percent. Half days, extended overnight visits, and other long non-overnight visits also contribute to total parenting time.

Counting parenting time

Once the divorcing parents agree on a custody schedule, it’s time to count visitation hours to establish child support. There is no one way to do this, but some methods are easier than others and produce more accurate results.

Parents should count all hours in parenting time when they will be with the children. This total is then divided by 8,760 hours. The answer is the percentage of timeshare needed for the California support formula.

Ways to Calculate Parenting Time in California

There are three ways to count parenting time:

  1. Estimate
  2. count manually
  3. custodial schedule software

Estimating timeshare percentages means that parents use various California visitation tables. These charts provide visitation scenarios with entries such as “Alternate weekends plus one night per week” and then a corresponding percentage, such as “28.49 percent.” Estimates can take the time and frustration out of counting actual hours, but are generally inaccurate when compared to the actual time spent. Estimates also typically do not take non-traditional weeks into account, such as holidays, vacations, illnesses, special events, or third-party weather.

Counting manually provides a more accurate number than estimating. Parents can view parenting hours and add up all parenting time hours. Every visit counts, whether it’s during a weekday, vacation, or other visit. It can be time consuming to count hundreds of hours in a year, and counting manually increases the risk of human error and addition errors. If the schedule changes for even a few days, it can affect the total, so parents need to start over.

Custody scheduling software allows parents to create a custody schedule on the computer, with time shares accurate to the hour. As parents create the schedule, the program counts all visiting hours for each parent. If parents make a schedule change, the count is automatically recalculated. Custody software allows parents to know exact visitation totals quickly and accurately.

Shopping Product Reviews

Love poem – Love challenges

Introduction to love poem

This poem about love is a romantic story about two people who were in love but had not admitted their feelings for each other. Once they had a chance to express themselves, they both realized that they had been repressing their emotions and avoiding experiencing a loving relationship that has great potential for it to develop into a deeper state of love.

Once he confessed his love for her, and she confessed her love for him, both of them were filled with such joy. She went and told his best friend and she was so excited to celebrate these special moments with him. She was jumping in her room, dancing with joy because she couldn’t help herself. She had finally found a loving relationship that made sense to him, where he can fully be himself and feel accepted and appreciated for his true self, and not for what he looks like and what he possesses. It is a feeling that no one can take away from him and her. It’s almost like divine magic. Shift your entire paradigm of reality to a more loving, caring, and passionate one. It is true that love can work miracles. To be in love!

Now read the poem below to experience the emotions I mentioned above.

Love poem – Love challenges

Lying in my bed, I don’t know what to do

I told my best friend all about you

It’s quarter past twelve, I can’t sleep

I can almost hear, my heart is beating so deep

Staring at the ceiling, just thinking of me

How I wish you were here, alone, by ourselves

I picked up the phone, I can’t control myself

I want to hear you moan, alone

I’m reading the message you sent yesterday.

You said it’s me, you’re in love today

And my heart was filled with so much joy

I was dancing in my room, like a teenager

Then a voice in my head spoke to me

Said no one can take this, away from me

A moment of silence took over my being

Taking my breath away, because I’m finally seeing

The vision I had before this moment

It was just a fragment, of a sea so vibrant

And I’m not looking back, with the same set of eyes

Because there is much more, that love defies

Written by Adrian Nour Jamal

call to action


The 5 Best Investments for Beginners

The adage goes something like “the best time to start investing is now”. For some beginners, this can be laborious, considering the volumes of information on the best investment with guaranteed returns. Other beginners will think that this is an easy way to make a quick buck and jump headfirst into the markets.

This publication is for the hobbyist investor who is ready to make a strategic decision to hedge their investment against exposure to unsustainable risk, but with enough freedom to pursue conservative capital gain-generating opportunities and learn the ropes of the trade while doing so.

Aside from a theoretical understanding of how the financial markets work, it is imperative that a beginner have a realistic idea of ​​the different strategies that investors employ when looking for opportunities in the markets.

The following is a detailed explanation of the top five investment approaches suitable for beginners:

  1. ETFs

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) offer a less rigorous opportunity to participate in the stock market. As a beginner, investing in ETFs is ideal because an ETF groups together various assets, including individual stocks, commodities, and bonds, and the performance is compared to an index. ETFs allow you, as an investor, to trade multiple assets commonly as if they were a single stock. ETF diversification allows beginners to access a broad portfolio of stocks and bonds that provide comfort and reduced risk. Consequently, the flexible nature of ETFs allows an investor to trade flexibly, with the option to buy and sell at any time during normal business hours.

  1. Investment funds

Mutual funds are ideal pooled investment vehicles for beginners due to their two main characteristics. First, a beginner can access the services of a professional trader on behalf of the fund manager despite the modest amount of capital, some as low as $25. Second, the investor is exposed to minimal risk because mutual funds, like ETFs, invest in a diverse portfolio of asset classes of stocks, commodities, and bonds across different markets and industries.

  1. individual actions

After a detailed analysis of an individual stock’s past performance and prevailing facts, individual stocks can offer a stable investment opportunity suitable for beginners. However, care should be taken to ensure that investing in a particular stock does not alter your portfolio’s risk tolerance level in the event of a negative turn of events. Markets are not always predictable.

  1. Certificate of deposit

Depositing money in a bank for a specific term with a fixed and guaranteed capital return plus interest is a good investment opportunity for a beginner. The certificate of deposits is insured and therefore the principal plus interest is guaranteed to the investor at maturity. However, it is important to understand that access to this money is limited during the stated investment term and may incur fees or loss of interest upon withdrawal.

  1. High Yield Savings Account

This investment also involves saving for the sole purpose of interest capital gains over a specified period of time. Unlike the certificate of deposit, however, the interest is not fixed and therefore interest is based on prevailing market rates. However, the funds in this account are more liquid, therefore easily accessible.


Selecting a Gym: 10 Tips for Choosing a Great Gym


If you choose a gym on the other side of your town, will you be able to stay motivated and make an effort to visit it regularly? Probably not. Particularly on those days when your determination is minimal and your work schedule is more than busy. Ideally, the location of a good gym should be somewhere between your home and work. Having a gym in the area will reduce your stress level, keep you working out, and save you a lot of travel time.


Joining a gym can be a great financial investment. Gym membership fees are not to be taken lightly and are often the main reason people choose a specific gym. Cheap gym memberships may seem like a much better option at first, but could be a poor choice if these gyms can’t meet your needs. The same goes for the more expensive fitness gyms. You may be paying too much for what you’re getting. Also, many gyms will require a registration fee. You can just wait for a special offer to save on these rates, but you can also talk to the staff. Suggest that you are considering several other gyms as well, and find out what kind of offer they can present to you right away.


Gym amenities and fees go hand in hand. If you don’t plan on using much of the facilities the gym offers, you may be overpaying. Alternatively, if you like a decent sauna or bath after your regular workout, a less expensive gym without those amenities may not be right for you. Be sure to find out what the gym facilities are and how often you will be using them. Modern facilities can be a good way to get their attention to sign up, but you need to make sure that you’ll need everything the gym has to offer. If you need specialized facilities, such as free car parking, group classes or group classes, see if they are included in your membership or if you need to pay more for them.

affiliate contract

There is an excellent gym agreement to safeguard your own interests and those of the gym. Find out how the staff interacts with you and if they can be aggressive. If they expect you to join in on the act, walk away. Ideally, you should take the written agreement home, read it carefully, and think about it. Find out how long the written agreement is valid for and if there are any hidden fees. Will your agreement transfer automatically? Make a deal with the staff, see it as a sport, and you can often get significantly lower rates. Ask to test the facilities before signing a binding agreement, but be careful about any documents you need to sign. Less reputable fitness centers might hand you a contract saying it’s a form for “liability purposes.” Always look at the terms and conditions of your membership agreement.

Opening hours

Will your favorite gym be open during the hours you might be thinking of working out? Many people exercise in the morning, some prefer the afternoon hours, and there are gyms that are closed on weekends. You want to find a gym that fits your hectic schedule. Otherwise, you’ll be paying for a gym that you can’t access at times that work best for you.


Great gyms have good staff, who are supportive, warm, friendly, and knowledgeable. The staff should answer all your questions, help you develop fitness routines, and even spot you during training sessions. Be sure to ask about their credentials and see how they treat you as a potential new member. In case you’re having a hard time getting your questions answered beforehand, be skeptical about how you’ll be treated once you’ve signed up for the gym. Kindness is a great benefit. A depressed facial expression as a welcome to your gym can drain all your energy.

regular members

The important thing is that you choose a gym where you feel comfortable exercising. You should not feel uncomfortable, threatened or confused. Find out what kind of people work out at the gym of your choice. Are they really your favorite kind of people? If you want to work out intensely, you won’t like a gym where friendly chat is on the agenda. If you like meeting new people, you’re better off going to a gym where there’s a great personal atmosphere and where people interact with each other effortlessly. In case you don’t like co-ed gyms, you can choose a women-only or men-only gym near you.

gym equipment

Whenever you visit a gym of your choice, be sure to take a look. What exactly do you notice? Are there enough machines, weight plates, and hand weights for everyone? Make an effort to find out if members are waiting in line for fitness equipment and exercises they like. Some gyms are famous for using time limits on cardio equipment. If you intend to do a lot of cardio, this time limit will not be good for you. If you are a really serious bodybuilder or want to become one, make sure that the available dumbbells, weight loads, and weight plates meet your desires.

Watch out

There is absolutely nothing worse than a gym with no hygiene requirements. You’ll want to join a gym that has clean fitness equipment, locker rooms, bathrooms, and toilets. Look around you on your initial visit. Are there enough towels to clean the gym equipment after each use? Also make sure that staff members enforce these requirements. While you’re there, take a look at the locker room, showers, and restrooms. If you don’t appreciate what you’re looking at, you can bet your money that hygiene rules are not followed at that club.

good friends

Check in with people you’re friends with and ask them where they’ve been keeping fit and if they’re happy. Often times, your friends and people you already know can give you great insight into great community gyms and point you to gyms to avoid.


SEO Tips and Tricks for Joomla Websites


I would like to write an article on SEO tips and tricks. I’m sure my SEO techniques work well enough, but if you can improve them, please let me know. Everyone knows that the real key to good SEO after your site is properly ‘optimized’ is new content, but these are my top tips for Joomla website SEO. I hope you find it useful:

keyword research

Use Google to help you find keywords associated with your business. When you type words in the search bar, Google suggests other keywords that you could use. The Google Keyword Tool is a great resource for finding keywords for your business. It allows you to analyze a word to see how many people are searching for that word on a monthly basis in a regional area.

Personally, I think it’s better to optimize for keyword phrases rather than individual words, as people are more likely to specify their searches on ‘web designer Melbourne’ rather than just ‘web designers’.

Google prefers to show its customers more localized returns by displaying local search returns on a map in the right column. When you scroll down, the map actually hovers over the paid ads.

google places

If you don’t have a Google account, it’s worth creating one to access all the tools Google has to offer. For your account page, you can create a Google Places listing for your business. You can add business hours, payment terms and the categories you want to be found for and it’s free. Everything counts.

Browser Page Titles

Each web page must have its own unique browser page titles and must not be longer than 70 characters. Include keywords in your browser’s page title. In Joomla, the browser page title is controlled by the menu or its page/item title. If you are creating a menu item to link to a single page, you can control the browser page title by clicking Menus.

Select the link to edit

Click ‘System Parameters’ and enter the keyword-rich page title in the Page Title field.

If you are viewing an article that is in a category, the browser page title is taken from the title of the page you are viewing.


Make sure each page has H1, H2, and p tags. Remember to include keywords in your page titles. When setting up a Joomla site, I prefer to use K2 to create my pages/elements and write my page titles on the page using the H1 tag. There must be only one instance of an H1 tag on the page; otherwise it looks like spam.


Each image should have an ‘alt’ and ‘title’ description so search engines know what it is. Make sure your images are optimized before uploading them to your website to ensure faster load times.


This is easier to do once you have a few pages on your site. When writing articles, link the keywords in your text to other relevant pages, a bit like Wikipedia. This makes it much easier for people to navigate your website by having to go to the menu and search for information. Internal links are also ranked, as well as some external links to your site.


When you’re looking for backlink sites, you really want PR1 sites. These are Page Rank 1 sites that allow you to write to their blogs or create an account where you can add a backlink. Remember that the anchor text is the most important part of the backlink as it needs to be descriptive and include your keywords. The link would probably work better if it linked directly to the page that the anchor text refers to.

Example: Web Designers Melbourne

Ideally, you want your backlink to be placed on an ‘important’ page on a well ranked site. Do not use backlink farms. Your website will take a nosedive if you do. Build backlinks slowly over time and be patient.

SEO friendly URLs in Joomla

When creating your Joomla site, it is best to use search engine friendly URLs. If your server is Apache, you will need to rename a file on your server. In the root folder find htaccess.txt and change it to .htaccess

If an .htaccess already exists, I usually delete it and rename the htaccess.txt and use it.

When you have done that, login to your Joomla website and go to:

Site/Global Settings

Make sure the ‘Site’ tab is selected and you will see the SEO settings on the right.

Search Engine Friendly URLs – Yes

Use Apache mod_rewrite – Yes

Add suffix to URLs – No

Press Save.

Now all your urls will have easy to read urls.

Articles / Items

When writing an article (or item in K2), you must fill in the ‘Metadata Information’. The description box is the short description that people see when they search for pages on Google, so write it neat and concise. The ‘Keywords’ field is self-explanatory. Add keywords and phrases separated by commas.

In the Robots field enter: ‘index, follow’

In the Author field enter: Your name and keyword. It can’t hurt.

Don’t forget the H1, H2 and alt tags when writing your article.

Site Map

When your site is ready, you need to create a sitemap.xml file. Search Google for xml sitemap builder and you’ll find a site that will help you create one of these. When complete, download the sitemap.xml file to your computer and upload it to your server. Now sign in to your Google account and click on Webmaster Tools. Add your site to your Google Webmaster Tools

Submit your sitemap to Google

The best way to submit your site to Google is not through a submission URL, but through their webmaster tools. Click ‘Diagnostics’ in the left column. Then click ‘Get as Googlebot’. Here you can add his home page and any other key pages on your site. Google will find your other pages, but it’s good to tell them about your key pages.


Your site should have a robots.txt file that tells visiting search engine robots which pages to view.

This is mine as an example:

User Agent: *

Allow: /sitemap.xml

Allow: /index.php

Allow: /index.html

Allow: /index.htm

User Agent: *

Disallow: /akeeba-backups

Disallow: /cgi-bin

Do not allow: /logs

Disallow: /plugins

Disallow: /tmp

Disallow: /xmlrcpc

Disallow: /admin

Disallow: /cache

Do not allow: /editor

Disallow: /help

Disallow: /includes

Do not allow: /language

Disallow: /media

Disallow: /modules

Do not allow: /templates

Do not allow: /installation

Google analytics code

Sign in to your Google account and go to Google Analytics. Create the correct analytics code and place this code in your index.php file just before the tag. This way, you can keep track of the search terms people use when they land on your site along with a lot of other information.

Submission to many search engines

If you want to submit to many search engines, a good site to do so is http://www.addme.com. Just fill in the details and you’re done. Some submissions need to be confirmed.

Business directories

Directories can help with backlinks to your site, as well as pushing people to your site from those directories. Do a quick search of local business directories and submit today.

keyword density

The Addme website also has an excellent ‘Keyword Density’ checker. Here you can analyze your site’s keyword density and adjust your article writing according to what you want to optimize for. Your keywords should appear for 10% of the length of your article. That is, 10 instances for every 100 words. You just have to be smart in the way you write so it doesn’t sound contrived.

I think that’s it. If you have any other top SEO tips, please let me know.

