Home Kitchen

Advantages and Disadvantages of 5 Popular Kitchen Countertop Materials

Countertops play a crucial role in setting the mood in a kitchen. They also have a functional role to play, serving as a suitable countertop for cooking, baking, prep, and other necessities. Such work surfaces in the kitchen can be made from many materials. Each of them works for different interior environments and has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a look at 5 popular picks for kitchen countertops.

• Granite

Granite is possibly the most used material for kitchen countertops. This speckled granite look displays a beautiful variety of colors and patterns that works great with traditional and transitional themes. Each piece of granite is unique, which is why you also bring this exclusivity to your kitchen when you opt for this material. Also, spatters, nicks, cuts, heat marks, etc. they do not appear on such surfaces and therefore wear is less visible on granite countertops. On the downside, granite needs to be sealed well to prevent staining. The material is also extremely heavy, so it can only be placed on top of strong, sturdy cabinets.

• Marble

Marble is a material that looks and feels rich in any interior environment. Its luminescent surface and unique grain make it an unrivaled choice for traditional homes. The elegance that a marble countertop exudes is unmatched by any other stone. It tolerates heat well and is therefore a suitable choice for pastry and baking needs. However, marble stains easily, even when sealed. It also forms cracks and chips easily. As a result, it becomes less sensible to use marble throughout the kitchen countertop; most homeowners restrict the use of marble to a limited space.

• Zinc

This metal seen in the commercial kitchen is now a favorite in residences as well. This old-fashioned material is a good choice for lovers of metal countertops. Zinc has a smooth, matte appearance and develops a rich patina with age and excessive use. The material is also malleable, making it a great choice for details. The antimicrobial properties of zinc also add to the metal’s appeal on kitchen work surfaces. Zinc can also be easily cleaned by simply swiping a cleaning cloth and a mild liquid. However, metal is expensive. It develops scratches and heat marks easily, which can mar the appearance of the countertop. Acids and liquids can also react with the surface and leave undesirable marks on the countertop.

• Laminates

Laminate countertops are made from a mixture of paper, resins, and particleboard fused together. It has been a popular choice for decades, also due to its considerably lower cost. Today’s laminate countertops are just as stylish as worktops made from any other material. Many upgraded designs mimic real stone, wood, and other expensive materials, but can be installed at a fraction of the cost of the original. Laminate is also easy to clean and maintain, and can also be placed over lightweight cabinets. On the other hand, this material is prone to scratches, burns and some kind of stain. Also, the layer that forms the laminate can peel off with time and use. Laminates also don’t work with the undermount sink and can be difficult to repair or replace if damaged.

• Wood/butcher block

Wood countertops are a classic addition to kitchen spaces. They always retain their freshness and are ideal for country, rustic and country-style kitchens. The warm, natural feel of wood tones invites kitchen spaces. Even if scratches develop, you can buff them or leave them as is to achieve that worn look. On the downside, wood expands and contracts with exposure to moisture and heat. It can also warp or crack if not treated properly. The block should also be oiled to fill in scratches and keep the counter well protected.

In addition to the above, you can use soapstone, engineered stone, recycled glass, pewter, and many other materials in your kitchen countertops.

Digital Marketing

What is Agile ALM?

Application lifecycle management (ALM) is the management of the software application lifecycle from initial development to final release. ALM encompasses all the practices, processes, and tools that help manage the lifecycle of an application from a development and business perspective. Key capabilities of an ALM platform include the ability to manage change management, workflow, source code management, task management, testing and bug tracking, lab management, reporting And the analysis. An ALM platform must also include a central repository for managing all the various types of content created (i.e., code, tasks, roles, requirements, and other artifacts), as well as a system for establishing traceability and accountability across the many creation processes. the ALM platform. locations and types of tools.

Given the complexity and magnitude of the time and resources that a company invests in software development, risk management becomes extremely important. All software development contains inherent risk, as software development is not based on mathematical or physical certainty, but is based on innovation, discovery and art. Unlike a manufacturing system where processes can be automated, the software development process cannot be translated into a one-size-fits-all solution. It is impossible to predict each and every one of the variables that could affect a software project from the beginning.

In the past, development teams have relied primarily on the “waterfall” approach to managing ALM. However, like the manufacturing assembly line, the waterfall method is a “linear” approach in which product requirements are gathered up front and the development process follows a predefined sequence of events, from coding to completion. testing, quality control, and then launch. The risk of following this type of approach is that it increases the risk of project failure. By the time the final product is released, it may no longer be relevant to the market it was designed for.

To reduce the risk of project failure, software development teams are constantly looking for ways to improve both the process and technology of software development. No software system is so simple that all development can be completely programmed from start to finish in a linear fashion, which is why we are seeing a shift in the market towards “Agile ALM”. In a nutshell, both the ALM and Agile communities are focused on improving the current state of software development. While ALM approaches the challenge from a technology standpoint, Agile focuses on improving the “process.” Due to the common goals and synergies of ALM and Agile, we expect multiple Agile ALM vendors to appear in the market in the next 1-3 years.

Unlike the “linear” waterfall method, agile teams use an “iterative” or “check and adapt” approach to ALM to address the changing requirements, complexities, and risk factors that will arise throughout the software project. . Scrum, the most popular implementation of the Agile movement, has seen exponential growth in recent years for both large- and small-scale development projects, and is now rapidly expanding its footprint in the enterprise. The success of Scrum, for the most part, is due to its focus on enabling the creation of “high-value features” as well as efficient collaboration between self-organizing teams. Teams using Scrum see Scrum as a benefit because they realize business ROI sooner, minimize project rework, and accelerate product innovation.


The Secrets to Growing Big, Healthy Pumpkins

Growing your own pumpkins is so much fun. Watching the vines grow, the flowers bloom and the little gourds form is really exciting. They require 6-8 hours of sunlight a day, rich soil improved with compost, and plenty of room or something to climb on. They are extremely easy to grow and can sprout from your compost, without any help from you. The variety, well, who knows, it depends on what you bought in the supermarket and the seeds that went to the compost. They do have some weird traits and it can be very frustrating when the vine is extremely healthy and you only get male flowers. It can also be extremely devastating if you think you’re going to get a pumpkin and find that it has fallen. Why do you wonder, what happened, what am I doing wrong? My answer is – probably nothing. Pumpkins are known for not producing fruit.

Pumpkins belong to the Cucurbita genus and the Cucurbitaceae family which includes squash, watermelon, rock melon, butternut squash, cucumbers, and squash. The word pumpkin originates from the word “pepon”, which is Greek for “big melon”. It is classified as a vine and needs a lot of room to grow. Pumpkins are monoecious, meaning they have both male and female flowers on the same plant, so you only need one plant to produce fruit.

preparing the ground

Pumpkins like a soil pH between 6 and 7.2. If your soil is on the acid side, I suggest adding a little lime and if it’s on the high, alkaline side, then you can bring it down by applying sulfur. To prepare the soil for pumpkins, I suggest you incorporate a lot of compost and cow or sheep manure. A good handful of blood and bones plus potash will do the trick. Pumpkins are an annual crop and need rich organic soil, so they can grow quickly and produce fruit before the winter chill sets in. The soil also needs to drain well and if your soil is clay I suggest you mound it with a good quality loam. This will raise its roots above the clay and poor drainage.

Locating your Pumpkin

Pumpkins need a lot of space and can soften other plants if left unchecked. Now, if you have a small garden and don’t want to be overrun by the triffids, I suggest growing them next to a fence or shed or putting up a trellis and training the tendrils. The good thing about tying them down is that it keeps the fruit off the ground from pests like slugs and snails and diseases like mold. If space is not an issue, let them roam. You will see that you have a floating sea of ​​large pumpkin leaves enveloping your garden. If they get into any mischief, cut them off, it won’t hurt them!

propagation of pumpkins

The best time to plant pumpkin seeds is in spring, when soil and air temperatures are warming. If you start them in the vegetable garden, the soil temperature should be at least 20°C for germination and the air temperature 22°C. You can start them in pots in a greenhouse if you like, but the garden soil should still be over 20°C when you plant them. They do not like cold or frost.

When planting the seed directly in the garden, make a mound about 1/2 meter wide and plant 3-4 seeds about 4-5 cm deep. Depending on the warmth of the soil, they should sprout within 7-10 days. When the baby seedlings have 4-6 leaves, pinch off the weaker plants and leave the stronger ones. If you don’t remove the weakest ones, the mound will be overcrowded and none of the pumpkins will thrive. If you don’t want to ignore them, replant them somewhere else in the garden.

Favorable conditions

Pumpkins are grown in the summer, they need 70-120 days before they are ready to harvest and that is usually in early to mid fall. Pumpkins don’t like scorching temperatures and will die down and stop growing. They have shallow roots, wilt easily and so it is important to prepare the soil with plenty of compost and animal manure to help increase the soil’s water-holding capacity. If the soil holds its water, then it is available for the plant to replace the moisture it is losing through its leaves. Pumpkins don’t like to be water stressed and they don’t like the flood and famine irrigation regimen. You can make them split. They like even watering and the best time is in the morning. If you water at night and the leaves get wet, powdery mildew may appear. Pumpkins do not like the wind and must be protected from it. Heat and strong winds can cause woodiness, making the squash very unpalatable to eat. It is also believed that too much wind can cause scarring of the meat.

The vine takes about 10 weeks before it begins to produce flowers and the males come first. They are on long, thin stems (called pedicels) and there are many more than females. If you look inside the male flower, you will find a long, thin structure called a stamen that produces pollen. The female flowers have a shorter pedicel and sit closer to the vine. If you look inside the female flower you will see the stigma which is where the pollen is received. The ovary is at the base of the petals and is where the seeds develop.

Fertilize the ovary

The flowers only open for 1 day; Just before sunrise, the flower petals begin to unfurl and open over a 4-hour period. At noon they begin to slowly close and by dusk they have closed permanently. Pumpkins are pollinated by insects, especially native and honey bees, so it’s important to encourage them into your garden. It is common for the ovary of female flowers to swell and begin to look like a pumpkin is forming. But disaster, it turns brown and falls off. This happens because it has not been fertilized due to lack of bees. There are several things you can do to encourage them:

  • Do not use systemic sprays (poisons that are absorbed into the plant and can last for several weeks), as many of them kill bees when they eat flower nectar.
  • plant french lavender Lavanduala denaturedIt blooms almost all year.
  • Plant Lots of Iceland Poppies – Honey Bees Love Them
  • Provide water to the bees, they will tell their friends and more bees will visit.

Now, if the weather has been brutal, either too hot or too cold, and you notice there aren’t many bees buzzing around, you can try fertilizing them yourself. There are 2 methods, pollinate by hand using the male flower or using a toothbrush. To hand pollinate, pick male flowers, remove the petals, and then apply the pollen to the stigma of the female flowers. I tried the toothbrush method once, where you gently brush the toothbrush over the stamen, then gently brush it over the stigma, but it didn’t work. I suggest you try the first method.

To save seeds from harvested pumpkins, store them for a month, then scoop out the pulp, wash it, and dry the seeds on a paper towel. Then store them in a clean, dry glass jar in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight. It’s also a good idea to label the bottle with the variety of pumpkin and date. I guarantee that if you don’t you will have forgotten in a while, what variety it is.

Pumpkins are famous for cross-pollinating with each other, so to ensure they are true to type, save seeds from a variety grown in isolation. You may need to hand pollinate it to ensure there is no pollen contamination.

Why is my Pumpkin not producing Fruit?

I mentioned earlier that pumpkins are notorious for not producing fruit and there are many reasons for that.

  • Pumpkins are sensitive to weather and temperature. If it’s too hot, too cold, too windy, or too rainy, you may not get fruit. I suggest you try hand pollination, especially if temperatures are above 30°C. Remember, if the weather is eradicant and temperatures fluctuate widely; then many plants close, until conditions become more suitable.
  • Seeds less than 3 years old are believed to produce more male than female flowers.
  • Lack of insects in your garden. Bees, ants and other insects are vital in the pollen transfer process. If they are not present, the pollen will not be transferred to the female flower, so there will be no gourds.
  • Heavy rains can damage the pollen, which means that even if it is transferred by insects, it will not fertilize the flower and therefore will not bear fruit.
  • One trick to try to encourage more female flowers is to cut off the apical (aka terminal) bud (upper growing point) and encourage lateral (lateral) growth.
  • When preparing the bed, be sure to incorporate some potash (it encourages blooms) and don’t put in too much nitrogen, for example. blood and bone, causing excessive leaf growth.

Plagues and diseases

There are the normal pests like slugs and snails that attack the leaves. You can try removing them by hand, especially after rain, or use a snail trap with beer in a glass jar half sunk into the ground. They come in, get drunk, and get drunk. There’s also the circle of finely crushed eggshells, which you place around each plant they hate to crawl on. There is a new pot product, which is a copper strip that goes around the pot. There is also a spray to repel them but I have not tried it.

If you have problems with caterpillars, I suggest you use an organic spray called Dipel, the active ingredient of which is bacillus thuringiensis. It will not harm you, your children, your pets or other beneficial insects. Long-lasting pyrethrum is also good for sap-sucking insects like whiteflies and aphids, but it also kills caterpillars.

When it comes to ladybugs, there are good ones and bad ones. The bad guys are known as the spotted 28 and they eat the leaves, so you have to be careful with them and pick them up by hand.

The disease that pumpkins are most prone to is also powdery mildew and it can spread very quickly in hot, humid conditions. To try to control this disease, cow’s milk can be used, sprayed on the leaves every two weeks with a solution of 1 part cow’s milk to 10 parts water. The good bird ladies are identified by yellow and black bands and will eat mold, so don’t kill them. I also recommend watering in the morning, not watering from above but at ground level to prevent spores from splashing onto the leaves.

Harvest and storage

The best part of growing pumpkins is harvesting them. You have seen them grow, you have nurtured them, they have not contracted pests or diseases and then you think, I do not know when to harvest them. Well, it takes about 3-4 months, they should be a nice color, sound hallowed when you touch them, and the skin should be hard and not show any indentations if you press your fingernails against them. It is very important that you cut them with at least 5-10 cm of the stem attached. This prevents mounds from getting into the gourd and helps lengthen its shelf life.

Choosing the right storage space is essential if you want pumpkins out of season. It needs to be well ventilated, out of direct sunlight and cool. It also needs to dry and not get wet. The squash should also be healthy, with no breaks in the flesh and no signs of mold. If there is, eat it immediately, it will not be stored.

The last piece of advice to help them grow healthy and strong is to feed them fortnightly with a potash drink and liquid manure. It can be cow manure, sheep manure or liquid from worms.

For pumpkins to grow successfully, they need rich organic soil, full sun, good weather, and regular moisture. If you follow these simple guidelines and the weather is even, not too hot and not too cold, you’ll have beautiful, healthy pumpkins that you can store, eat, and eat when it’s out of season.

Health Fitness

Sleep is the neglected necessity of life

asleep. Many refer to him as the cousin of death. We live in a society that screams “STAY AWAKE or don’t get caught sleeping.” Sleep implies that you are going to miss something, you are not concentrating or you are not paying attention. Even taking naps equates to laziness. “Who sleeps in the middle of the day? You’re not a baby.” there is the thought no time to sleep or can’t afford to sleep.

People deprive themselves of sleep, but it is an obligation of life. Sleep deprivation is sometimes used as an interrogation technique. Lack of sleep can put a strain on your physical and mental health that can basically be torture.

How crazy is that? Something as natural as sleep can cause delusions, anxiety, or even depression. To think that sometimes the lack of sleep comes by our own hand and we will justify this self-punishment.

Believing that by losing these necessary hours of rejuvenation we will achieve success. The culture drills into your head to keep working, pushing and moving because hard work pays off, but guess what?

“Sleep is a necessity not a luxury”

Sleep is a necessity, not a luxury, and for you to be your best, you need to rest. You can get used to sleep deprivation juggling your life, career, family, and other necessary activities, but eventually, sleep deprivation catches up with you. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 9 hours of sleep for adults ages 26 to 64, but 6 to 10 hours can also be considered sufficient amounts of sleep. The same recommendation is for young adults ages 18-25.

I know what you’re thinking, oh I can’t sleep that much or I don’t need to sleep that much. Others are wishing they could sleep, period.

There was a time in my life when I didn’t sleep and when I slept I never rested. I couldn’t separate myself from the day and my problems became a tangled knot. I decided this had to stop because I was mentally drained and tired. I discovered ways to get my snack time back.

I put myself on a schedule

I set a schedule and tried to stick to it. I made a list of duties or responsibilities that I needed to accomplish on a daily basis. Of course, there are times when I had to be flexible, being careful not to show up with too many obligations. If I didn’t complete something, I wasn’t hard on myself. I did my best to use my time more efficiently, for example, I made phone calls during breaks or searched online for information I needed for other projects. It felt good to see the progress by checking off the items I accomplished throughout the day.

Invested in hot yoga

We all know that doing physical activity helps you release those endorphins that make you feel good; so I already had an exercise regimen, but by incorporating hot yoga I maximized the benefits. He was so relaxed at the end of each session. Not only did my stress level decrease, but there was also a significant change in my blood pressure. I felt refreshed like I had a detox and this got me ready for bed.

I stopped taking phone calls after 9 pm

I am an individual who has the gift of words. When I communicate with friends and family, sometimes those phone calls can last for hours. They are extremely entertaining, but can sometimes be overly stimulating depending on the theme of that particular night. Anyway, to eliminate being too nervous to sleep, I decided to put my phone on silent. It prevents you from being tempted to answer the phone, check emails or any other social network.

Prepared myself and my environment for the bed

It’s like when you go to a hotel and the bed looks so inviting with pillows and a nice duvet. Those beds look so impressive and attractive. I do that same environment in my house. I make my bed with pillows and everything. My bed is attractive and cozy. I differ from hotels because I took my TV out of my room. That may have been drastic, but for me, it set the stage for sleep.

Giving your body the rest it needs to tackle tasks gives you mental clarity, improves functionality, improves your mood and decreases irritability and restlessness, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

I am one of those people who require my full 8 hours of sleep. Now, I grant that I don’t hit my full hours every night, but I do have rest nights allotted.

I am by no means a sleep expert, but I am a sleep advocate. Also, I enjoy offering tidbits of information to my neighbor or wife. There are a plethora of techniques or medications (holistic, over-the-counter, or prescription) that you can do or take to promote sleep.

Although it is impossible to sacrifice sleep, sometimes to achieve a goal I suggest you find some kind of balance. Think about it!

Legal Law

Recent Trends in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery in Denmark

Plastic and aesthetic surgery in Denmark, or “plastik og kosmetisk kirurgi”, as it is called in the local language, is gaining more and more popularity in the country. It is just one of countless manifestations of the drive for health and fitness. The economic boom experienced by the country, in recent years, has also made the affordability factor less of a consideration. The indulgence in cosmetic beautification has gripped young and old, both men and women, and has touched towns, cities, and the countryside, all alike.

Already some 320,000 Danes have undergone surgery, in other words, 8% of the total adult population of Denmark, and the numbers are expected to rise even more. The latest research indicates a projected increase of 20% to 30% in the coming years in the number of Danes seeking cosmetic surgery. Interestingly, one in five women over the age of 17 are actively considering cosmetic surgery, while one in ten women have already had cosmetic surgery. Eighty percent of all Danes find the notion of cosmetic surgery totally acceptable. Currently, about 30,000 cosmetic surgeries are performed each year throughout the country.

What is even more fascinating is that men make up a significant proportion of all cosmetic surgeries performed in Denmark. One in three Danes who has undergone or is contemplating cosmetic surgery is a man. Five percent of the adult Danish male population, around 100,000, have been under the knife, and between 15% and 25% of patients in cosmetic and plastic surgery clinics are men, many of whom are varieties. metrosexuals.

The types of plastic and aesthetic surgeries in Denmark that generate the most interest from patients are related to breast, eyelid, nose, liposuction, laser hair removal, abdomen and stomach treatments and, last but not least, face lifts.

The rise in interest in cosmetic surgeries is putting pressure on the Danish public health system in several ways: (i) the brightest cosmetic and plastic surgeons are defecting to private practice, thus reducing the talent pool within the public domain ; and (ii) the costs of certain plastic and aesthetic surgeries performed in private hospitals are still being paid for by the public system, such as eyelid surgery, breast reduction and obesity surgery, where patients can easily state that the surgery is necessary. for healthy functioning. of the body, and not due to cosmetic concerns. Under Danish law, all cosmetic surgeries must be privately funded by individuals, however this gray area of ​​interpreting what is cosmetic versus what is essential for the healthy functioning of the body has begun to tax the budget danish public. Given the recent surge in interest in cosmetic surgery, this problem is bound to get worse. In all likelihood, the Danish public health system will have to stand firm and refuse to pay for such gray area surgeries. If this happens, it is clear that the demand for cosmetic surgeries in private hospitals will increase even more and, therefore, waiting times. To illustrate, one of Copenhagen’s most famous private hospitals, Hamlet Privathospital, has tripled its cosmetic surgery revenue in the last six years. However, the waiting period, in certain cases in private hospitals, can be up to two and a half months, from the initial consultation to the actual treatment.

Traditionally, cosmetic surgery has never been fully covered by health insurance, either in Denmark or in most of the world. And therefore, as is well known, it can be an expensive undertaking. The cost of plastic and cosmetic surgery in Denmark is high. To cite some examples of private hospital prices:

(i) Eyelid Surgery: Varies from DKK 7,000 to DKK 13,000 (USD 1,100 to USD 2,100)

(ii) Breast reconstruction: the surgery can cost more than DKK 65,000 (USD 10,800);

(iii) Liposuction of the stomach: DKK 21,500 (USD 3,500);

(iv) Laser hair removal: DKK 12,000 (USD 2,000)

(v) Hair transplant: ranges from DKK 40,000 to DKK 350,000 (USD 6,600 to USD 58,000)

The high cost of plastic and aesthetic surgery and the significant waiting periods have caused a notable growth in medical trips to other countries where the cost of the same treatment is lower and, therefore, more affordable for Danes. Popular treatment destinations include Turkey, Poland, and Hungary. An increasing number of Danes have also started to travel to Asia, where they can reap the benefits of excellent surgical treatment at the most competitive rates, combined with the option of making the trip a pleasure trip and vacation. Now, given the waiting lists for cosmetic surgery even in private hospitals in Denmark, it is only natural that Danes continue to travel abroad for treatment.

India may well be the next destination for medical tourists from Denmark. The cost of medical treatment in India for foreigners is one of the cheapest in the world, if not the most competitive. In Asia, it outweighs the cost advantages of even Thailand and Singapore. The quality of treatment is world class, second to none and on par, if not superior, in cases, to treatment available in the United States and the United Kingdom. In 2002, the number of foreign patients who traveled to India for treatment was 150,000. In 2005, the same figure was closer to 500,000. Traveling to India for medical treatment is gaining momentum: India is a rapidly growing hub for tourism offering the wonders of India’s resplendent cultural richness with the magic of India’s natural beauty. Patients can now also combine trips to India for medical treatment with a unique and satisfying vacation.

For more information on medical tourism in India, please refer to the information below.

Important details:

Poonam Mathur – Denmark Consultant: [email protected]

Medical Tourism to India: http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com

International Patient Experiences: http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com/international.php

Contact number: Mobile: +45 2986 2501; +45 39 67 03 97

Lifestyle Fashion

Seven tips to optimize your results with the Maxiglide straightening iron

Sleek, sleek hair is as attractive now as ever, which is why the popularity of ceramic hair straighteners like the Maxiglide straightener is greater now than ever. Getting the best results with the Maxiglide straightener requires following some basic rules just like any other hair styling tool. Here are seven rules I follow to achieve the best results with Maxiglide.

  1. If you have washed and conditioned your hair, make sure your hair is completely dry before using the Maxiglide straightener. There are differing opinions on whether a flat iron works best on damp or dry hair. Personally, I’ve gotten better results with flat irons on dry hair. So that’s my recommendation as a general rule.
  2. Straighten hair in sections. Pin your hair up and work your hair into sections. This will help achieve a more even application. You’ll maintain more control and work through any difficult areas if you focus on small sections of hair instead of trying to make quick, wide strokes to cover more ground in less time. Make sure you work evenly and that each area of ​​your hair receives the same amount of flat iron.
  3. Thoroughly brush each section of hair before using the Maxiglide straightener. Your hair should be free of tangles and knots as much as possible. Even though you have the benefit of Maxiglide’s detangling pins, don’t neglect some real brushing. Pre-brushing minimizes the chance of snagging tangled hair that some women have commented on Maxiglide.
  4. Use the correct temperature setting. Maxiglide allows you to adjust the temperature according to the type and texture of the hair. Fine hair or hair that has been chemically treated should use a lower temperature setting (1-4). Coarse, coarse hair should use the highest setting (5-10). Applying the proper amount of heat straightens hair while minimizing hair damage.
  5. There have been more than a few complaints about detangling pins snagging and breaking hair. Avoid clamping and squeezing plates. Ceramic plates and detangling pins will do the work for you. So loosen your grip and be gentle with her hair. If the problem persists, switch to the flat plate and apply a detangling spray.
  6. Protect your scalp from burns. Never use the burst of steam feature with less than 3 inches or 10 centimeters of hair to work with. The steam shot system for which the Maxiglide straightener is known is very useful for smoothing dry, frizzy and brittle hair. Administering one or two bursts of steam is usually enough to soften the hair. Another safety tip: keep your fingers away from the edges of the iron when applying steam.
  7. The other reported complaint against the Maxiglide hair straightener is that the results are short-lived, especially in humid climates, and that the hair has a way of puffing up or puffing up. If your hair goes into rapid decompression shortly after using Maxiglide, use a detangling shampoo and conditioner that has a moisturizing effect on the hair and apply a detangling product or hairspray such as Tresemme hairspray.

Using the Maxiglide straightener for the first time may seem intimidating, but you’ll get the hang of it with every use. Following these tips will maximize your results and prevent problems with the Maxiglide straightener.

Maxiglide seems to work better on certain hair types than others, and in the end, your own experience with Maxiglide will largely depend on your hair type and texture. If you’ve followed the recommended steps and still don’t see the results you expected, contact Maxiglide Support for a refund.

Real Estate

The Power of “Non-Taxable Debt” for a Real Estate Investor

Isn’t it great that there are so many ways to get financing for real estate investment projects today? That’s important since sellers want to get paid for their houses when they sell them…right? Now, just because there are what seems like endless sources of funds doesn’t mean those funds are easy to get… or when you can get them… they’re easy to pay for. The borrower is required, in many cases, to “jump through hoops” to end up with the funds he needs. Credit Approval, Appraisals, LTV/ARV… and they still don’t usually get it. All they need is “skin in the game”.

Good debt vs. bad debt

Most real estate investors are familiar with the expression “Good Debt vs. Bad Debt.” The problem is that most don’t fully understand the difference. My daughter knew the difference when she was 8 years old. I remember when we went to lunch and she went from asking me to do “more and less” to doing story problems. So, in the interest of “training her early in life,” I gave her story problems involving business. she would accidentally Learn about everything from expenses to earnings… including the differences between good and bad debt His understanding was so complete that he could recite the definition and, more importantly, explain it when asked.

Unfortunately, today we are not taught any of this in school. We are taught to be spenders/savers instead of investors/entrepreneurs. In other words, we are never taught how “money works”, but we are certainly taught how to “work for money”. Knowing the difference between good and bad debt isn’t brain surgery, but the negative effects of ignorance can be enormous. The difference is very simple. Bad debt costs you money, good debt makes you money. Yes, it is that simple.

What the banks know that we don’t

Banks are well aware of the difference. Just look at the difference between what they “pay” you (and I use the word “pay” very loosely) for your deposits, and what they “charge” you when they “sell” your credits. Understand that the business of banks is to sell credit. They also know and understand the saying: “Own nothing, but control everything.” They live for it. The fun thing is that with the use of non-taxable debt, the real estate investor can do the same thing. They can almost become their own bank.

Bad debt costs you money, as the net result is that you end up with less than you started with. Good debt makes you money because the net result is that you end up with more than you started with. In business, you are comparing profits and expenses. In our personal lives, we’re comparing income to, well, “Income Substitute”…sometimes referred to as Credit Cards.

Obvious examples of Good Debt would be things like SF rentals, multi-family rentals, commercial properties, and other appreciable cash flow assets. Examples of bad debt would be the credit cards mentioned above, boats, RVs, etc. The value of our own house is not an investment. It does not generate money for us, it costs us money to build it. Now, if we take advantage of it as a loan, it becomes debt… what kind of debt depends on what it is used for. Keep in mind that I’m not saying we should all go out and refinance our homes, withdraw the equity and invest. If you decide to do that, you don’t have my blessing. You are putting your home at risk. Not intelligent. Particularly as there are many other safer ways to obtain funds to invest.

The Power of Compounding… Duplication on Steroids

Banks understand all this. They leverage their assets/deposits into credit/debt. That is, credit to them and debt to you. They own nothing and, in fact, can take advantage of credit, actually selling you “virtual money” at many times the “face value” of your asset on deposit with them. This topic is for another time. For this discussion, understand that the bank is exploiting the power of Duplication. In reality, they are taking advantage of what Albert Einstein called the “Greatest Invention of the 20th Century”… compound interest. He went further by stating that those who understood it (banks) live off those who don’t (the rest of us).

Do you want a very powerful example? start with a penny… only 1 cent. Then, for the next 30 days, double it. So day 1 would be 2 cents, day 3 would be 4 cents, day 4 would be 8 cents, and so on. Do it on paper. It will have a much bigger impact on you. Which is the answer? Try it. You’ll be surprised. What you will be seeing is an example of Composite at its finest.

So how do we as real estate investors do the same? Can we do the same? The answer to the second question is a resounding Yes! The answer to the first question is, you guessed it, with the use of non-taxable debt.

The Power of Debt with No Lien… Compounded on Steroids

How do you ask? Easy. First, remember that the typical financing used in real estate investing is bond-capable debt. There’s a link of some sort on the asset… the property we’re buying. When we use non-taxable debt, there is no lien on the property. In fact, there is no link to the property. This is important. This is what makes this work. This is what makes us our own bank. How?

What’s the first thing that happens at closing, after the mountain of paperwork is signed? The answer is that the seller’s original lender is paid. In other words, the Link is paid. The seller doesn’t even see the money. Wouldn’t you like to at least touch it when selling… even for a minute? How about doing more? How about being able to re-use that over and over? If you can. That answer was for all those who read this and say “you know you can’t”. Here’s why… and how.

Let’s take a look at typical property financing. First, a loan is taken out and we purchase and rehab the property. We turn the house around, and when we sell it, we do two things: 1) We return the original financing (link); 2) We make a profit (hopefully). Now, to move forward, we need to get new funding and deal with the “App Triplets” again. You know, new Application, Appraisal and Approval. All expensive, slow and without guarantees.

Now, if it were a non-taxable form of debt, we wouldn’t need to pay back the money we borrowed… at least not right away. This also means that instead of just walking away with our profit to use, we walk away with all proceeds from the sale. Selling a house for $75,000 with $50,000 in taxable debt and walking away with only $25,000… profit. Sell ​​that same house with unencumbered debt, and we’ll walk away with the full $75,000…less closing costs. What would you rather do?

Turn “bad debt” into “good debt”

Well, before I continue, I need to respond to all the readers who say “I still have to pay the debt”. In fact, I have upcoming monthly payments that are usually very high due to the nature of the terms in most NLDs. So what I do is fund a cash reserves as part of the NLD. Tea cash reserves is your silent partner whose sole role is to make the monthly payments until you can build your system to be self-supporting and self-sufficient. Combine the earnings from the first few flips and buy/rehab a second “Flip House”, which will also reuse those funds over and over again as there would be no debt on that second house…you bought if for all the cash. The idea is to NEVER use the principle for anything other than the cost of the next Flip House. You are working with two “inverted houses” now after that second inverted.

Flip these two houses, combine the two winnings and buy/rehab a third Flip House. Again, you will reuse the costs of the three houses to buy/rehab the next 3 Flip Houses online. You now have three lines of Flip Houses. no matter how many times you try to spend the principle… they keep giving it back to you. Now, this is where the real fun begins.

While you have been developing your system, your cash reserve is shrinking to nothing. So, it’s about time you gave it back, don’t you think?, and “buy” more time. Keep in mind that these payments you’re making from the cash reserve are actually paying off the debt… or it doesn’t work, so when you’re calculating how much to put in the cash reserve, keep that in mind. Now for the real fun.

As I said, the cash reserve is “no more”, so pay it back…with one of the winnings from one of the three flip houses. What do you do with the other two benefits? Purchase/rehab a “holding house” for cash flow…with all the cash. Then continue flipping the three Flip Houses, over and over again, using the “earnings only” to buy more houses with “Cash Flow”, with everything in cash, occasionally repaying the cash reserve until the debt is paid off. .. and you are completely debt free.

The story of the tape… Einstein was a pretty smart guy

Question #1: How many times do we pay for these funds?

Answer: Ounce… we just didn’t pay it all back at once, as we would have if it were bond-capable debt.

Question #2: How many homes can we use these funds for (remember, we’re only going to pay them once)?

Answer: I don’t know. I’ll let you know when I stop reusing them.

We become our own bank. We are now leveraging our own money for ourselves, at no additional cost. Every time we repurpose these funds, at no additional charge, we drive down the cost of debt per household. This means that we have also just calculated the initial cost of this type of financing. insignificant.

Einstein was right. Composing is a beautiful thing. When combined with non-taxable debt, it can be a “gold mine” for real estate investors.

Shopping Product Reviews

How to Record Xbox 360 Games: Protect Your Video Games

Most people assume that if they want to copy their own video games, they can do so as they would a music disc or movie, however this is not the case, while the methods used are similar, you will need to use a different program. to copy your own video games.

The reason people would probably want to copy their games is to protect them from harm. Video game discs can be easily damaged, I should know if I did it many times, now I don’t have to worry because if I damage a game, I know I already protected it by backing it up before.

To copy an Xbox 360 game, you’ll need a computer, some blank discs, specialized copying software, and the original game you want to copy. Chances are you have most of the above except the copy software. You can get this software online for a small fee.

Once you have selected the software and purchased it you simply need to install it on your computer system, once you have done this double click on the icon which should be sitting on your desktop. This will load your software, then tell the software that you want to copy an Xbox 360 game, and then insert the original game disc when needed. After the computer has read the original game disc, you will be prompted to insert the blank disc and the Xbox 360 game will be burned to this disc.

In a matter of minutes, you would have created a perfect backup console game that is ready to play for hours on end.


How to Find the BEST Online Betting Sites

BEST Online Betting Sites

The best online betting sites are those that offer a variety of options. Sports betting is a growing market with an ever-growing number of options. Whether you’re a sports fanatic or just a casual bettor, there’s a betting site that’s right for you.

If you’re a sports betting fan, it’s crucial to understand how to find the best betting sites. Thankfully, the Internet has made the process easier than ever before. Sports betting sites offer a wide variety of betting options, including in-game betting, prop bets, and more. Some of the best betting sites offer unique options, too.

When selecting a betting site, remember that your first bet can be risk-free, up to $500, and that it’s only refundable if you lose! Some sites offer contests with nominal prizes that can draw a large number of users. Some sites also boost odds on specific bets in favor of the bettor. These enhanced returns must be wagered through the site. Whether you’re interested in a single team or a complete league, be sure to choose a site that’s reputable.

How to Find the BEST Online Betting Sites

Betting sites can also vary in terms of how easy they are to use. Some offer an experience that suits beginners, while others cater to experienced’sharp’ bettors. Online gambling can be fun and easy, so finding a sportsbook that fits your needs is crucial.

Despite the fact that sports betting is illegal in Alabama, it’s still becoming a popular choice for American sports fans. In 2012, 3.45 billion U.S. residents placed bets on major sporting events, and the number is steadily increasing. A massive community of sports fans wants to be able to take advantage of these opportunities. Many people are doing just that – by signing up with major sports betting sites.

Licensed sportsbooks offer great customer service and a range of wagering options. Legal online betting is possible in 26 states. Different states have different laws governing sports betting, and a number of others are preparing to legalize the sport. To ensure your safety and security, choose a licensed sportsbook that offers customer service.

Legal Online Sports Betting – Legal and Safe! Sports betting is legal in most states. Nevertheless, some offshore betting sites are illegal and therefore should be avoided. Legal online betting sites adhere to strict rules and regulations to protect customers. A good betting site will also offer free bets.

Betting odds are the numbers that represent the likelihood of the outcome of a game. They can be in the form of how many points the winning team will score, the number of goals scored by each team, or a combination of these factors. There are three basic types of betting odds, including American, European, and British. Each type has its own payout structure, which means that understanding how the odds work in betting can be an important skill to have.

The odds can be presented in many different ways, including decimal or fractional odds. However, it is important to remember that the method is not a factor in your winning or losing. You should use whatever method you feel most comfortable with when calculating odds.


What Size Skid Steer For Mulcher Is Right For Your Needs?

Skid Steer For Mulcher

Whether you are using a skid steer for landscaping, forestry, or other projects, you will want to know what size skid steer is right for your needs. There are many different models available, so finding the best one will depend on your individual preferences. Bobcat is a top brand that offers several different skid steers.

When choosing a skid steer for mulching, it’s important to consider its size and weight. A 60-inch mulching head is considered to be an average size. The cutting width for these attachments can vary from 50″ to 84″. You’ll also need to consider how much weight the attachment can lift. Some brands have counterweights or other options to balance out the weight.

Another popular choice for mulching is the disc mulcher, a forestry tool that is similar to a brush cutter. These machines are made to cut down trees and other tall plants. While disc mulchers are ideal for mulching trees, they’re not the best choice for tall grass. The blades of a disc mulcher are 36 inches in diameter, and they reach high speeds. They’re not equipped with an anti-kickback system, so they may not work in certain situations.

A mulching skid steer can be used for a variety of applications, and choosing the right model for your needs is essential. It should not only produce the most mulch in the least amount of time, but also be reliable and reduce your labor costs. To make sure you’re getting the right model for your needs, you need to consider the size and weight of your skid steer.

What Size Skid Steer For Mulcher Is Right For Your Needs?

Another popular option is the Fecon RK6015 mulcher head, which fits most standard skid-steer loaders and Avant-style wheel loaders. It features an integrated cooling system and a built-in radiator. It is also universally-mountable and is compatible with most skid steer models. And with a 1465 pound attachment, it is an ideal choice for mulching work.

In addition to the standard mulcher, you can also choose an attachment with disc features. This type of mulcher is ideal for cutting down thick brush, clearing out stumps, and mulching standing trees. This type of mulcher can process six to eight trees at a time. This attachment is incredibly versatile and will allow you to tackle almost any job with ease.

The TMG-SFM60 Skid Steer Forestry Drum Mulcher is another option. It is equipped with a hydraulic axial piston motor and 40 heat-treated alloy teeth. It can even tear down stumps to ground level. The 60″ working width of this unit makes it extremely efficient and destructive.

There are different safety features to choose from, and they will help protect the operator and others around the work site. Some attachments have chains or hydraulic doors to help deflect debris to the ground and protect the operator from airborne debris.

A skid steer mulcher can be used for various projects, from clearing land to clearing brush. It’s ideal for clearing large areas, including those that have become too tall for regular mowing. It can also be used to remove unwanted bushes and saplings. For example, a mulcher can be used for clearing land for farming or disaster sites.