Home Kitchen

5 home improvement projects to improve the resale value of your home

If you’re planning to put your home on the market anytime soon, you’ll want to do everything you can to increase the value of your home. At the same time, you don’t want to spend so much money on home improvements that you don’t enjoy a return on your investment. To that end, here’s a look at five home improvement ideas you might want to implement to get more for your home.

Home Improvement #1: Energy Upgrades

A growing number of home buyers are looking for homes with energy efficient features. So anything you can do to make your home “greener” will make it more attractive to potential buyers. Some steps you can take to improve the energy efficiency of your home are to replace your windows, roof, doors, and windows. Adding additional insulation will also be attractive to potential buyers.

Home Improvement #2: Apply Fresh Paint

Applying fresh paint inside and outside the house will give it the face lift it needs to attract potential buyers. A fresh coat of paint will not only refresh the look of your home, but it’s also an inexpensive way to update your home while making it more attractive to a wider range of buyers. Just be sure to use neutral colors when repainting your home, as unusual colors will only appeal to a small segment of the population.

Home improvement #3: Update the kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the home. Therefore, updating it is one of the keys to increasing its value. Simple upgrades like installing new cabinets and hardware, a granite sink, new countertops, and energy-efficient appliances will go a long way toward attracting buyers and increasing the value of your home.

Home improvement #4: Update the bathroom

The bathroom is usually the second most important room for potential buyers. So you want to make sure your bathroom spreads out and catches those who turn it. Remodeling the bathroom with a new sink, faucet, countertops, cabinets, flooring, and light fixtures are great ways to make it more attractive. If you only have one bathroom and space allows, you may want to consider adding an additional bathroom as well.

Home Improvement #5: Add a Deck

Adding a deck is a relatively inexpensive upgrade, but expanding your outdoor space with a deck is a great way to increase the value of your home while increasing its overall curb appeal. Whether you use treated lumber from a composite material, you will likely recoup most, if not all, of the cost of laying a new deck.

Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing: Reward vs. Risk: When Preparation Meets Opportunity

It is true that the way we do business is being radically defined and even as we speak we are being affected by the pressures and influence of social media. If you haven’t noticed, your competitors are getting ahead of you as they redefine themselves through social media.

This form of communication and interaction has altered the way marketing has worked for decades. It’s a roller coaster development and it’s a very exciting evolution in the way we all do business and interact with each other, however it presents problems for many companies because, in just the blink of an eye (ie a few years ), communication has changed. from a one-way conversation to a two-way discussion on ALL social media platforms.

If you have NOT yet embraced the new paradigm, as a way of doing business, not only will you fall behind your competition, but more importantly, you may not be able to last the distance.

Now before we worry, your business may not need the power of social media and its influence, impact, breadth and depth of business are unquestionable. If so, you are one of the chosen few or you may be retired and the idea of ​​work is a distant echo.

Yet for most of us, this social media process has forced businesses to ponder vague and mysterious questions about how they should interact and converse with customers. This issue was raised by a couple of pioneering companies in their struggle to ensure that employees don’t damage the brand and don’t limit interaction.

Google is one such company where it attempts to cater to the needs of its employees with the now famous “Friday off day” as part of its creative drive to encourage employees to do whatever they want on that day. Many innovative methods and ideas emerged, including the concept of Gmail. Have you also seen in the latest news that Google has agreed to pay the spouse of any Google employee half of the employee’s salary for the next 10 years in the event of death? A generous and innovative way to keep staff retention as high as possible.

One of the big questions may well be, what can our business or industry do on social media? When we saw what the #Cairo hashtag contributed to the Egyptian uprising, I think we all saw that social media is NOT going away and that we better educate ourselves about it, if we want to use this methodology of social interaction, rather than be used. For this.

If we align our business or companies with multiple social media presences, we must have a good idea and understanding of our message, our brand, what we offer, our target market, and a genuine desire to connect with those people, customers, clients with sincerity. and generous attitude.



Acid Reflux Throat Symptoms

affecting the throat

Acidic juices that are pushed into the esophagus from the stomach cause acid reflux in the throat. The affected throat is irritated by the presence of acid contained in partially digested food regurgitated from the stomach. Persistent acid reflux can cause symptoms in the back of the throat or pharynx leading to sore throat and voice problems. These laryngopharyngeal symptoms, unlike the typical heartburn associated with GERD with which a person can easily identify, can catch the sufferer off guard and are therefore known as silent or atypical reflux.


Symptoms of acid reflux in the throat include excessive accumulation of phlegm or mucus in the throat, causing frequent throat clearing resulting in hoarseness or sore throat, a lump in the throat, choking sensation, and wheezing. A nagging feeling remains in the throat of a stuck coating or food. The problem is particularly pronounced in the morning. The voice does not remain natural and sounds slow. For people severely affected by acid reflux from the throat, there may be cases of pneumonia or laryngeal ulcer. This results as a consequence of an injury to the esophagus caused by the partially digested acidic juice. If reflux goes untreated for a long time, it can even lead to cancer of the esophagus or throat. The longer the disease persists, the greater the scarring of the vocal cords. Crying and irritable children can indicate that they suffer from acid reflux in the throat that causes respiratory problems, swallowing difficulties, choking, pneumonia and asthma.

things to avoid

Heartburn affected throat and vocal cords require ongoing treatment to heal. Symptoms of acid reflux in the throat are aggravated by throat lozenges and cough drops that contain eucalyptus oil and menthol, since in addition to causing irritation in the throat, they stimulate the stomach to secrete more acid. Other things that can aggravate the situation are mouthwashes, breath fresheners, chewing gum and hard candy.

Health Fitness

Cycling to lose weight

The bicycle is one of the best tools to use to burn calories and lose weight. A 145lb woman riding 1 hour at about 12 MPH will burn about 500 calories, speed up to 16 MPH and calorie burn will increase to about 835 calories per hour.

You can increase your calorie burn by doing sprints from time to time during the trip.

Since it takes 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat, then about 4 hours of cycling at 16 MPH will burn about enough calories to burn 1 pound of fat.

Cycling is very low impact, so it doesn’t stress your joints like running does.

Cycling can be done indoors on a stationary bike in bad weather with little or no change in calorie burn.

Personally, I find indoor cycling on a stationary bike boring, but some find it quite satisfying and there are now simulation machines that make it feel like you’re going for a ride instead of just riding a bike. Some of these work with a trainer and increase resistance when going up hills and offer a variety of courses to keep you from getting bored.

You can use the bike to run some errands and at the same time burn some calories that you would never have had the chance to do otherwise. Using a small bike trailer increases the amount of calories burned as well as offering more opportunities for errands since you can carry much more and that allows you to expand the errand you can run.

What I mean by that is that with my trailer I can load up to 100 pounds. of groceries or tools or whatever. I took the purchases of the week from the supermarket. Climbing a 100lb load, even up a small hill, will put a lot of extra resistance on the pedals and improve leg strength.

Most people think of cycling as a full cardiovascular workout, but that’s not always true. Taking your bike uphill, especially with the added load of a trailer, will definitely increase your leg strength and will also be a great way to strengthen your core.

If you ride BMX or Mountain Bike, you’ll also build some upper body strength and burn a lot more calories than if you just ride casually.

Depending on the type of cycling you plan to do, some preparation may be required and will depend on the type of bike you want to buy.

You should check with the local store, they are usually very helpful. Yes, they want to sell you a bike, but most shops realize that they want to make you even happier and if they sell you something that doesn’t fit you, you won’t come back. Since they need your repeat business to stay in business, they will almost always go to great lengths to make the bike you buy the bike you will ride.

There are some general rules here, but they don’t always fit perfectly as each individual is different.

Buy a road bike if you want to lose weight, get fit, ride in a group, and enjoy the speed and agility of road cycling in general. If you do that, also check with the store on how to get into your local bike club or group and have fun getting in shape. I am a member of the Pecan City Pedalers in Albany Georgia and also have contacts in clubs all over the United States. I really enjoy the road bike.

Buy a comfort or hybrid bike if you’re only interested in exercise and don’t mind riding alone, don’t mind speed, but just want to burn calories and get fit. These will usually have narrower rims so they will go a bit faster. They are kind of a cross between a mountain bike and a road bike.

Buy a mountain bike if you live in an area where there are a lot of back roads that aren’t paved, road bikes and hybrids don’t handle loose gravel and grass as well as mountain bikes.

Cruises are fine, not my choice though. That was the main type of bike that existed when I was a kid. These are sort of the single speed bikes like we had in the 50’s and 60’s. They would be fine for riding around town, but can be really rough on the hills.

BMX Cruisers or 20″ for racing. BMX racing can be done at any age and after the first few laps on the track you will either love it or hate it. Most kids love it, adults not so much. Personally , I enjoy it and love it.riding and even racing my grandkids.It gives a great workout and after 3 motos (1 race) I feel like I’ve gotten a good workout.

If you try BMX, rent a bike or borrow one, most tracks have them on the track and will rent or loan one for a practice run. Once you have tried it you will have to decide for yourself if it is for you. BMX Racing is not for everyone, but everyone is welcome to try it out. I think it’s a lot of fun, but maybe when I’m older (I’m only 57) I’ll think differently.

Lifestyle Fashion

How long should you wait before texting your ex boyfriend?

When you ask for relationship advice, many people will no doubt tell you to avoid texting your ex boyfriend if you want him back. However, this advice is rather vague. You’re probably wondering how long you have to avoid texting your ex boyfriend in general and how long it would take to get him back, among other things.

Sure, it can be hard to find the answers to these thoughts. After all, no one can calculate how long it would take to win someone’s heart back. However, it is safe to say that it could take some time, so you will need to be patient throughout this process.

Naturally, you will also have to consider the fact that we are all different. So the time it would take for one guy to get over a bad breakup might be shorter than the time it would take for another guy to get over it. This is because some people can deal with mental and emotional trauma easily, so they can simply forget all the negative emotions involved in the breakup and move on. On the contrary, other people collapse when faced with pressure.

In other words, it would be impossible to guess how long it would take for your ex boyfriend to get over his breakup. You just have to trust the saying that time can heal all wounds, regardless of who the person is and what the circumstances are. So, just give your ex some time to start thinking rationally before you text your ex boyfriend hoping to win him back.

As your ex tries to recover from your breakup, take some time to find out more about yourself and come to terms with your current life and the breakup itself while you’re at it. However, to be successful in doing this, it would be better to keep yourself busy rather than just moping and moaning in a corner.

In general, you really should try to stay happy right now. Make sure you surround yourself with positive people and do relaxing things that keep you in a good mood at all times, for example.

Also, before you text your ex boyfriend back, it might be smart to ask your mutual friends what the mood of your ex boyfriend is. If you do things right, things will surely look good in your future and you should have no problem getting your ex back through text messages.


What exactly is the new Apple iPad?

For those who don’t have the slightest idea what the new buzz in the tech market is all about, here is a brief introduction to firstly elevate and then satisfy your curiosity about it.

For starters, Apple’s new iPad is an 8×10-inch touchscreen tablet that resembles a magazine in size and feel, and is available in three models to connect via Wi-Fi and three models that can connect via Wi-Fi. to network. Internet through an arrangement of 3G wireless and Wi-Fi from AT&T.

The software used in the iPad is the same as that used in Apple’s popular iPod Touch and iPhone. This software has been called iPhone OS by Apple and is famous for being among the most enviable operating systems that have been designed for applications with touch screen devices. Unlike conventional operating system software designed to work with the keyboard and mouse, the iPhone’s operating system simply responds to touch input and is usually capable of managing one application at a time.

If you’ve ever had the chance to use the iPod Touch or the iPhone, the iPad is likely to be very familiar from your briefest encounter with the piece. Many of the features built into iPad are similar to services offered by iPhone, such as maps, email, video, apps (apps designed by Apple) for browsing the web, YouTube, music, photos, and more. In addition to these, you can add an incredible array of more apps to your iPad to maximize its potential by connecting iTunes to it through your computer using an included cable or using the built-in App Store software. In case you already own these apps through the ownership of Apple’s iPod Touch or iPhone, you can simply transfer them to your iPad.

Real Estate

The best foods for arthritis

Arthritis broadly refers to a form of joint inflammation, and some of the most common symptoms of arthritis are pain, stiffness, and swelling in and around the affected joints.

The two most common forms of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the tissues of the joints. This results in bone erosion once the cartilage between the joints is damaged.

Osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear on the body’s joints, both large and small.

The most vulnerable body parts that can be affected by arthritis are the feet, hands, back, and knees, and the disorder can be accompanied by weight loss, difficulty moving the joints, and poor sleep.

Diet is the most important remedy to boost the immune system and also reduce inflammation around the joints.

Let’s review some of the foods that are most beneficial for arthritis:

1. Omega-3 Fats

Omega-3 fats play an important role in relieving arthritis pain. These work by reducing inflammation and also the rate of production of enzymes that cause cartilage erosion.

Some of the best sources of Omega-3 fats are walnuts, hemp seeds, and flax seeds.

two. Green Tea

If you normally consume black tea, you may choose to switch to green tea for its cumulative benefits. Green tea is known to be very helpful in reducing pain and lessening symptoms associated with arthritis, and it works in multiple ways to allow one to alleviate the condition.

o Epigallocate-3-gallate, an antioxidant found in green tea, reduces rates of inflammation.

o The antioxidants present in green tea also work to prevent cartilage erosion, allowing joints to hold together longer.

o Similarly, these antioxidants help prevent the chemical chain that causes joint damage

3. Olive oil:

Oleocanthal is a natural compound present in olive oil. This, along with the monounsaturated fats present in the oil, prevents the inflammation of arthritis.

Another mechanism by which olive oil helps control arthritis is by ensuring effective weight control. Excess weight puts extra pressure on your joints, which is why it is always recommended to use olive oil instead of vegetable oil when cooking.

Four. Beta-cryptoxanthin

Beta-cryptoxanthin is a very powerful antioxidant, and some of the best sources of beta-cryptoxanthin are pumpkin, mandarin orange, papaya, and kale. This particular antioxidant has been shown to be very effective for the prevention of arthritis.

Another very important source of beta-cryptoxanthin is orange juice, and one should drink a glass of orange juice every day to reduce the risk of developing arthritis.

Adequate consumption of arthritis treatment would relieve pain and reduce joint damage, while improving a person’s quality of life. Omega-3 fats, green tea, olive oil, and beta-cryptoxanthin are some of the best foods for arthritis.

Shopping Product Reviews

Play MKV Videos on DVD Player

MKV is a video format that is an open standard tool for encoding audio, video, and subtitle files into a single file. This is the most widely adopted format by publishers due to its open source, open licensed nature, and the features it includes to deliver quality in all media encodings. The Internet is the largest forum for sharing these types of files. It is capable of encoding high definition video and audio content with superior featured applications. It can be played on MKV player.

Internet is the most adopted forum for sharing such files. MKV videos are common on the internet today and are available for download on various websites. Most of the time, these videos are in HD quality and are available on hundreds of torrent websites and forums on the Internet. It is possible that you have downloaded such videos from different forums and your hard drives have multiple videos in the same format. Watching the movies that are in HD quality on the big screen LCD screens is a definite choice. You may always prefer to watch and play the videos on the DVD player which only supports DVD as well as you may want to make the DVDs of such movies to play in the car with the DVD player.

To enjoy your favorite videos on large LCD screens and enjoy music on the go, you may need to convert these mkv files to DVD. DVDs contain HD quality video in VOB format. To play your videos on DVD player, you not only need to play and convert the videos into VOB format, but also need to burn these files to the DVDs so that they can be played easily. Another reason to make DVDs is that the memory locations of hard drives are too empty. High-definition videos take up a lot of hard drive space. It is possible that having too many HD movies in MKV format on your hard drive can limit space utilization. In all this situation, it is the best solution to make DVD of your videos which are in MKV format.

To perform such a task, you must perform a dual task. First is the conversion from MKV format to DVD compatible format which is VOB. Second, is the recording of the converted videos on the DVDs? To perform both tasks effectively, you may need to have a professional application for this purpose. The application tool should include the conversion utility as well as a DVD burning utility.


The dish: foals are for chumps

Am I reading this right?

Do sportsbooks have the Indianapolis Colts at 10-1 to win the Super Bowl? And 4-1 to get to the Super Bowl? You mean there’s still someone out there who will bet on Indy?

That, my friends, is shocking. There is absolutely no way in the fucking world for the Colts to make it to Miami, let alone win a title this year. I know the pundits have been adamant that Indy can’t stop the race this season. I know you’ve seen everyone from Maurice Jones-Drew to Travis Henry to Ronnie Brown to Ron Dayne go crazy on them in featured packs over the last couple of months. I know you think Peyton Manning has a very tough road ahead of him if he’s going to score enough points to get through this 11-man tackling matchup going through a defense. But I don’t think you have a serious enough understanding of exactly how bad this defense is against the Colts’ run.

No team since 1985 has allowed as many rushing yards as Indianapolis. No one. Equipment. That’s another 652 possible team seasons, and the Colts allowed more rushing yards per game, 173, than each of them. Clearly, that is historically bad. Do you want to go back even further? In the 16-game era (that is, since 1978) exactly nine teams have had worse run seasons than the 2006 Indianapolis Colts. Nine. There have been 849 team seasons played from 1978 onwards. In exactly nine of these team seasons, one team allowed more than 173 rushing yards per game, a percentage of just over 1%. Here are the dirty nine, along with their rushing yards allowed per game, and their final win-loss record:

1978 Buffalo Bills: 201.8 games, (5-11)

1980 New Orleans Saints: 194.1 games per game, (1-15)

1978 Baltimore Colts: 188.1 games per game, (5-11)

1981 New England Patriots: 184.4 games per game, (2-14)

1979 Green Bay Packers: 180.3 games per game, (5-11)

1985 Houston Oilers: 175.9 rypg, (5-11)

1981 Seattle Seahawks: 175.4 games, (6-10)

1984 Houston Oilers: 174.3 rypg, (3-13)

1983 Houston Oilers: 174.2 games per game, (2-14)

Heck, technically we could even consider defending against the historically poor run of the Houston Oilers from 1983 to 1985 as a team, right? Anyway, look at those win-loss records. The fact that the Colts actually went 12-4 this year is a testament to both the sheer excellence of the offense and the fact that the AFC South is some kind of pathetic agglomeration of football teams. As if that wasn’t evidence enough that the Colts aren’t going anywhere fast, here are the Super Bowl entrants from the 16-game era, with their regular season rushing yards per game allowed:

2005 Pittsburgh Steelers: 85.5 rypg over Seattle Seahawks: 114.5 rypg

2004 New England Patriots: 98.3 rypg over Philadelphia Eagles: 118.9 rypg

2003 New England Patriots: 89.6 rypg over Carolina Panthers: 107.6 rypg

2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers: 97.1 rypg over Oakland Raiders: 90.8 rypg

2001 New England Patriots: 115.9 rypg over St. Louis Rams: 85.9 rypg

2000 Baltimore Ravens: 60.6 rypg over New York Giants: 72.3 rypg

1999 St. Louis Rams: 74.3 rypg over Tennessee Titans: 96.9 rypg

1998 Denver Broncos: 80.4 rypg over Atlanta Falcons: 75.2 rypg

1997 Denver Broncos: 112.7 rypg over Green Bay Packers: 117.3 rypg

1996 Green Bay Packers: 88.5 rypg over New England Patriots: 93.9 rypg

1995 Dallas Cowboys: 110.8 rypg over Pittsburgh Steelers: 82.6 rypg

1994 San Francisco 49ers: 83.6 rypg over San Diego Chargers: 87.8 rypg

1993 Dallas Cowboys: 103.2 rypg over Buffalo Bills: 120.1 rypg

1992 Dallas Cowboys: 77.8 rypg over Buffalo Bills: 87.2 rypg

1991 Washington Redskins: 84.1 rypg over Buffalo Bills: 127.8 rypg

1990 New York Giants: 91.2 rypg over Buffalo Bills: 113 rypg

1989 San Francisco 49ers: 86.4 rypg over Denver Broncos: 98.8 rypg

1988 San Francisco 49ers: 99.2 rypg over Cincinnati Bengals: 128 rypg

1987 Washington Redskins: 104.9 rypg over Denver Broncos: 126.1 rypg

1986 New York Giants: 80.9 rypg over Denver Broncos: 102.6 rypg

1985 Chicago Bears: 82.4 rypg over New England Patriots: 103.4 rypg

1984 San Francisco 49ers: 112.2 rypg over Miami Dolphins: 134.7 rypg

1983 Los Angeles Raiders: 99.1 rypg over Washington Redskins: 80.6 rypg

1982 Washington Redskins: 105.1 rypg over Miami Dolphins: 142.8 rypg

1981 San Francisco 49ers: 119.9 rypg over Cincinnati Bengals: 117.6 rypg

1980 Oakland Raiders: 108.1 rypg over Philadelphia Eagles: 101.1 rypg

1979 Pittsburgh Steelers: 106.8 rypg over Los Angeles Rams: 124.8 rypg

1978 Pittsburgh Steelers: 110.9 rypg over Dallas Cowboys: 107.6 rypg

Average rushing yards per game allowed by all these teams? 100.5 yards per game. Average rushing yards per game allowed by winners? 95.3 yards per game. And the losers? 105.7 yards per game. (It’s worth noting that the team that allowed the fewest defensive rushing yards per game in the regular season won 20 of these Super Bowls and lost just eight.) era of the game? The ’82 Miami Dolphins (142.8 rypg), and that was in a strike year, with just nine regular-season games.

Drop it, Indy. There is no way.

How crazy was that Boise St. game over Oklahoma? I’m still smiling. were you looking Can you believe it touches the great Boise St.? Clearly, Oklahoma didn’t cover … did that make it a successful game, business-wise, for the books?

BoDog Bookmakers, BoDog.ws: Considering everything that happened in the last 3:00 of regulation and overtime, the Fiesta Bowl was one of the best bowling games in recent memory. I think every television in the building here was on the game, and every eye was definitely mesmerized by the heroism of Boise State. The hook-and-swing play on the 4 and 18 clearly surprised the Sooners, and the TD pass on the 4 and 2 with Zabransky on the move had Oklahoma scratching its head, ultimately resulting in a profitable situation for the house. , and a bit of glory and history for Boise.

Apparently, Nick Saban is out as the Dolphins’ head coach after just two seasons, and on his way to Alabama. What do you think this means for Miami and for Alabama?

BDB, BoDog.ws: Well, for Miami it means starting over from scratch. It was Saban who brought in Daunte Culpepper, and whoever the new coach is will need to solidify the quarterback position as his number one priority. It can be a difficult role to take on, especially considering that Ricky Williams may be back in Miami. Finding a good balance between him and Ronnie Brown will be key to the new man’s success. On the other hand, for Alabama it means they get the high-profile, higher-paid coach they’ve been looking for. We’ll have to see how long it will be before Alabama returns to the top of the SEC. However, with Saban’s coaching skills and conference knowledge (since he previously coached at LSU), he should be poised to return Alabama to national prominence.

What is the betting public’s view of the college football national championship game…in favor of Ohio St. or Florida? and how is the handle?

BDB, BoDog.ws: Pre-Ohio State vs. Florida game, the action has been balanced, with almost identical amounts wagered on both sides of the ball. Right now the handling is low, but most of our action happens in the 48 hours leading up to the game. We expect the action to be fast and heavy once the other bowling games are complete. Once the public starts betting, the house hopes to be a big fan of Florida.

I’m surprised the Colts are a seven-point favorite over the Chiefs. How many rushing yards do you think Larry Johnson will have in that game? And in which of the Wild Card games do you think he will win an underdog?

BDB, BoDog.ws: The Kansas City/Indianapolis line opened with Indy the seven-point favorite. So far, astute bettors haven’t caused the line to move. Sportsbooks across the board seem to be holding steady at seven points in the early days leading up to the game. The betting public should hold this line steady, as enough people know the weakness exhibited by the Colts’ run defense. By all accounts, Larry Johnson should have a career game against the Colts. The bruised running back is averaging 26 carries per game, and that number should increase to 30 against the worst run defense in the league. Kansas City will need to ride Johnson to win this game. To beat Indianapolis, you have to keep Manning off the field as much as possible. The best way to do this is to control the clock with a solid time-consuming running game. The Colts can only hope that 2005 Pro Bowl safety Bob Sanders can return from arthroscopic surgery on his right knee, which kept him out of 12 games this season. Sanders has been seen practicing in recent days, and he is expected to start as long as the swelling in his knee can be controlled. Coach Tony Dungy has stated that Sanders cannot solve all of the team’s defensive problems. However, when he plays, the Colts are clearly a different team. The defense plays faster, more aggressively and with more confidence. In terms of total yards for Larry Johnson, if he can get more than 25 carries in the game, you can reasonably expect him to rack up more than 130 yards, depending on the impact of Sanders. Unfortunately, the Wild Card game that could see an underdog win is Dallas at Seattle. With injuries wearing down Seattle’s starting cornerbacks (both Ken Hamlin and Marcus Trufant are out), Terrell Owens and Terry Glenn are in a good position to have big games. Seattle will be hard-pressed to stop Dallas’ passing attack, especially on big plays. This could potentially lead to an unfortunate upset for the ‘Hawks.


Finding the Best Student Accommodation in Plymouth

Best Student Accommodation in Plymouth

When looking for student accommodation plymouth, you have several options. First, you can go for shared flats in the city center. They are located near the universities and the most popular leisure areas. In addition, you will have access to the sea and port. These shared flats typically cost PS 410 and up.

In addition to having ample space, some studios offer a separate kitchenette and bathroom, making them ideal for single people. You can also find studios in student buildings. Many student houses consist of several studio flats that are self-contained. This will give you more privacy but also save you money.

In addition to studio flats, you can also find student halls. These halls provide an immediate community for students, and some have in-house laundry and maintenance facilities. Additionally, these student houses are located in close proximity to the university, which makes them convenient for students. Some of them also feature an outdoor courtyard and on-site laundry facilities.

Another option for affordable student housing is Lipson. This area is located a few minutes walk from the University. It’s also close to a supermarket and is home to many cafes. It also has a study room and common room. It has several options, including one-bedroom studios and two-bedroom cluster flats. The Classic Studio room, for example, features a large wall-mounted TV and en suite bathroom. In addition, it has its own kitchen. The rooms are bright and spacious.

While choosing between shared and studio flats, it’s important to consider the location. If you’re looking for student accommodation in Plymouth, the central location will make it more convenient for you to get around town. You’ll have easy access to public transportation and the city centre.

Finding the Best Student Accommodation in Plymouth

When looking for a student flat in Plymouth, remember to keep your budget in mind. The cost of living in Plymouth is relatively inexpensive compared to other English cities. An average student will spend between 750 and 800 pounds per month on their rent and other expenses. Plymouth is a great place to study, so be sure to check out your options.

If you’re looking for affordable student accommodation in Plymouth, make sure to choose a location with a good nightlife. You’ll want to be near attractions, like Smeaton’s Tower and Plymouth Hoe. This city has a fantastic theatre scene and a variety of bars and restaurants. There are also plenty of waterside activities that you can take advantage of.

Marvell House is an attractive student development with 39 high-end studios. Each studio comes with double beds and en-suite bathrooms. The units also boast modern appliances and high-speed internet. The building also offers laundry facilities and a central courtyard for residents to enjoy. If you invest in this development, you’ll see a profit almost immediately.

If you’re a parent, you can take care of the property management. This is an excellent option for investors, as PBSA developments can generate a high rental yield. Some PBSA developers even offer day-to-day management support, which will be a big plus in your rental income.