Home Kitchen

Advantages of Kitchen Renovation for DIY Remodeling

There always comes a time when you need to renovate your home, including your kitchen. There are many things that a kitchen renovation can contain, including simply changing the look with a fresh coat of paint, getting new appliances for the kitchen area, or making the entire room much larger than it was originally. Many times, all you need to do is sand the wood cabinet doors or paint over the wood paneling.

Kitchen renovation and remodeling is the most popular type of DIY renovation for homeowners today. This is when the owners will do the renovation themselves. However, how can you be sure that this is also the way to go for your own kitchen?

There are many advantages to DIY kitchen remodeling, however, you need to make sure that you can do the job yourself. This is particularly attractive to people who want to save on renovation work. With the DIY tactic, you can effectively cut your expenses in half. For example, you will no longer have to pay for an electrician, plumber or carpenter. However, the downside of this approach is that it will take you much longer to complete the project. If you have time, maybe you’re on vacation, or you can work weekends after coming home from your day job, this is a great way to spend time at home.

An added bonus of DIY kitchen renovation is being in full control of the entire process. If you hire a professional to do the job, they may not do it exactly the way you want it done. Or you can decide on several changes after you have discussed the costs and ways to proceed with him. In this case, all the work will cost you even more.

Of course, another alternative to saving money is to do part of the work yourself and part to outsource to professionals. You may be good with various tools, but you may need help when it comes to electrical wiring or perhaps plumbing. This way, you can still keep all the work under wraps, save some money in the process, and also get the job done faster and professionally every time.

One thing you should do before you start the whole project is write down all the things you want to do and then see what you can and can’t do or don’t like to do. Also write down any costs you know of, such as additional tool costs, materials to be purchased, items to be replaced such as cabinets, etc. Having a proper plan and guidance set on paper will make your job much easier when it comes to getting started.


Digital Marketing

Ten BE’s to increase your followers on social networks

As a business owner or marketing strategist, social media is an important tool to increase brand awareness, we can see social media as a cocktail, where you can network and have fun. I’ll explain 10 must-haves in your campaign to boost your social media strategy.


According to BBC News, the average attention span is less than 12 seconds, thanks to multiple devices and many distractions it is really hard to stay focused and keep the audience entertained. The only way is to generate interesting content in relation to your service or product, there are a large number of formats according to each channel such as videos, interactive images and useful information applicable to your needs.

The best example is TED Talks, their content is about generating content through guest speakers on the most interesting and trending topics in different industries.


Rule number 1. The more you know about your target, the better your strategy will work. Who are you talking to? What do they do? Why do they buy your product/service? What are they doing? Where they are? What type of content are they interested in?

Netflix knows us well, if you are watching comedy movies, they will recommend others of the same type, the recommendations are powered by machine learning algorithms that analyze your interests and behaviors.


Influencer marketing storytelling is more realistic and followers can feel connected and identified with their day-to-day. Marketers are increasing their budget on influencers thanks to the impact on their audience.

Fiji Water partnered with influencer Danielle Bernstein, who is a fashion blogger who offers exercise videos with her personal trainer. The objective was to highlight the importance of hydration if you want to feel and look good, the name of the campaign is #weworewhat with #bodyworewhat.


We are human beings and even we live in a connected world, we want to feel different emotions in ads and campaigns to take the experience to the next level. The campaigns that manage to connect with your audience are the ones that will last a long time in their minds.

Dove is the brand that takes the perception of beauty as its core strategy, they don’t sell soaps, they sell beauty to women to empower them to gain esteem.

5. BE FUN.

To attract your audience, you must be unique and enjoy this work. Choose a game, a funny quote, a meme, depending on your service or product to grab the attention of your audience.

Test, measure and repeat, you never know how your campaign is doing compared to other campaigns, just do experiments and have them run to see what happens.


Imagine if you just run campaigns and don’t measure their performance, maybe you’re getting the results you want, but you don’t know exactly what’s causing a conversion or working with your audience. With your data, you can optimize your campaign and your offers.

A great example is Amazon, can you imagine this revolutionary business without data? Data gives information and information gives power.


Inbound marketing is a whole strategy to increase traffic to your website and create conversions to get new customers. Content marketing is a part of that strategy, the first step is to identify the pain points of the brand and competitor analysis. Then, create a persona (with the information you have in point 2), create content that offers value to your audience and do it with a CTA (Call to Action) where you can redirect them to a landing page and you can follow up with a sale. strategy.

Chipotle captured gaming fans, chipotle fans with a successful entry strategy on “Chipotle Taste Invaders” featuring a burrito shooting laser tags, fighting additives, and educating the customer about the burrito’s ingredients.


Remember that you need to captivate your audience with your campaign and it is not necessary to only explain the products and services. One of the best campaigns is Metro Trains with “Dumbways to die” with catchy music and cartoon characters that is in the top 10 of iTunes in 24 hours.


And this is a bit related to why influencer marketing is so successful now, the truth is that you will gain the loyalty of your customers and you will retain them with honesty and transparency; if they trust you, you are a winner. Put yourself in a scenario where you are very hungry and there is a new restaurant that someone told you about but you are not 100% sure how healthy it is, then you realized that they cook your food in front of you; that will make you feel confident about how the food is prepared, what kind of ingredients and if it is fresh. The same happens with your company, the more transparent your product or service is, the better your audience will accept it.

One company with many negative comments about the quality of their food is McDonald’s. To attack this, the company creates a transparent marketing campaign called “Our Food. Your Questions” where McDonald’s answers all your questions about its food.


This is my favorite part, seeing the importance of these channels. In those days, we wouldn’t think of Facebook as a form of communication to resolve queries or problems with a brand. Today you can make Customer Service an entire experience by making it as personal as if you were in the store, as long as you are saving the customer time, energy and effort by having a satisfied customer or simply changing their perception if they had any inconvenience. .

The best example is a beautiful response from Lego, who could just reply with a “standard message”, but it was so personalized and unexpected that it went viral on all channels.

Review your current campaign strategy and think about the information above and try to implement it in your own business.


Transition from indoor to outdoor potty training

Many people use an indoor potty for their dogs for some time. Testimony to this is the fact that the pet supply market is now awash with many varieties of indoor dog potties to choose from. To name just a few: Simple Solution Jump Start Pads, Patio Park, Porch Potty, Penthouse Dog Potty, PetaPotty, WizDog, Pet Zoom Pet Park, Ugo Dog, Potty Patch, Pup Head, Pee Wee Portable Potty, and Pet Loo.

Some of these products are developed for people who want a dog that is permanently taught to relieve itself in a designated spot indoors. But, the vast majority of people use an indoor potty for only a couple of months, until a young pup has developed the necessary bladder and bowel muscle control to “hold it” for periods of time between walks. Prior to that, a long-term confinement area, such as a bathroom that is locked or an exercise pen, can be used when you need to leave your puppy for longer than you know he can “hold” in his crate. In this enclosure, the puppy has access to an indoor potty.

Most people faced with the task of making the transition from indoor to outdoor potty training are those with puppies. In this case, the goal is usually for the puppy to go from using the temporary indoor potty to relieving herself exclusively outside. However, we certainly hear from people facing a more daunting challenge; Teaching your small dog who has been potty trained indoors to now also go outdoors or, even more difficult, to stop using an indoor potty altogether and instead only relieve himself when take a walk

When I meet with people for puppy lessons, I often start by asking them what their home training goals are. Those with medium or large sized dogs are usually quite light. They want their dogs to be potty trained quickly when properly walked and not to relieve themselves indoors. People with small breed puppies are often not so sure about their house training goals.

In a perfect world of dog training, people would carefully plan their long-term goals for their dogs before they even bring them home. In the case of choosing a potty spot, they would consider that even if having a small dog in an indoor bathroom seems convenient, it may not be wise to have this as a dog’s exclusive potty area, as in the something could change in your life in the future that makes it preferable for the dog to go to the bathroom outside. This could be (among many reasons) bringing another dog into your family or having a new partner who wants the dog to potty outside. Plus, going for a walk can be such an enriching part of a dog’s life (both physically and mentally) that it’s a shame it’s not part of her daily routine. So while one of the many reasons some people choose a small dog is because of the assumption that it will be easier in some way, it is generally recommended that small dogs be house trained outside, even if they are also teaches them to use an indoor potty for added convenience.

In addition to socialization, building reliable home training skills is a top priority. The good news is that once you help your dog develop a strong habit of pottying in a specific place, he tends to be particular about going to that place. But that also means that once you’ve helped your dog develop the habit of pottying her in a specific spot, it can be a little harder to change that habit once it’s become deeply ingrained.

Teaching your dog (whether a puppy or small adult dog) to relieve himself outdoors instead of or in addition to using an indoor potty will require diligent scheduling and time management on your part. Your main focus should be on giving your dog as few opportunities as possible to be indoors with access to the indoor potty when he needs to relieve himself. Instead, when he knows they need to go, he should take them (it is recommended to take them for the first few weeks, so there are no accidents when going out) outside to an area about 10 feet wide and walk. back and forth for five minutes without speaking to them.

If he doesn’t relieve himself during that time, pick him up and take him back where you’ll hold him for five to ten minutes on your lap before trying again. Make sure you don’t put your dog on the floor as he can relieve himself indoors and this will create a behavior pattern where your dog learns to go outside, sniff and then go back inside to relieve himself. In most cases, this in and out routine requires no more than a few repetitions before outdoor home workout success. However, it is advisable that if this is your first attempt at potty training your dog outdoors, you should probably spend a week or two walking your dog on a leash to his indoor bathroom before beginning the transition outside. This will give your dog a chance to become familiar and comfortable with leash elimination, something many dogs that have been potty trained indoors have not done before.

During this transition period, also be careful not to allow your dog to roam freely in your home, even when you are home. Each time you do this, the dog can continue to practice eliminating indoor pottying, which decreases the chances of a successful outdoor potty break. Instead, when you can’t give your dog your full attention, have your dog on a leash tied securely nearby or resting in his crate, either provide a couple of attractive and safe toys.

If you’re trying to eliminate the indoor potty spot, then be more diligent about it. Once you remove the indoor potty area, your dog may be so conditioned to go indoors that he will seek out other areas and surfaces that are similar to the old indoor potty. These can be doormats or bathroom rugs or newspapers lying on the floor.

It’s also vital not to punish your dog if he makes a mistake indoors. This is unlikely to teach your dog much more than to avoid relieving himself in front of you (the big bad pee-and-poop police!). In this case, your dog will surely hold you as long as possible when he leads you outside on the leash while he is standing nearby.

As you focus your energy on being a diligent manager of dog time in an effort to help your dog learn to relieve himself on a new surface (grass or concrete), in a new and potentially very upsetting environment (outdoors, free), remember that it may take your dog some time to develop a strong new habit. Your dog is counting on you to help him understand the benefit of going to this new place (by offering quiet praise and other rewards), and to help keep him from going to other places you’d rather not.

Health Fitness

Vermilion Cliffs Sand Hills Loop, as bad as you want to be

The land on this “hike” is under the jurisdiction of the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. Do not look or collect here. I see “Tom” was at the Eastern Sand Hills Crack on New Year’s Day 1932. He left his mark on it. So it was not a National Park. LEAVE NO TRACE. At first I left “hike” in parentheses. Michael Kelsey calls this area a hiking area. It’s an indie pathfinding fight from start to finish here. It’s sick, brutal, twisted, disgusting (and rewarding). He loves me. You can do it? You’ll know in no time.

Okee Dokee, Michael Kelsey is the only one writing about this hike, so go ahead and buy his book so you know what mile marker on the highway. 89A on the Arizona Strip to detour onto. He now he throws the book in the trunk and reads this.

Kelsey is almost 70 years old and apparently still walks at a rate of seven miles per hour on vertical inclines. Congratulations Michael, I see you are as dangerous as ever. I bought your new 5th. Edition of “Hiking and Exploration of the Paria River” and the photos are in color! But you’re still dangerous. While kids won’t need inner tubes in this one, they will need a respirator. So not only is this hike as bad as you want it to be, but MK is also as bad as you want it to be. Again, the great thing about this guy is that he goes where no one else goes (and can sometimes get you on the trail, but not on this hike).

Oh, I mean I’m almost 60 years old and this is my second time doing the Eastern to Northern Cracks Loop. I am in excellent condition. It takes me twice as long to do things as Kelsey.

Most 30-year-olds can’t keep up with me.

The walk: 6 hours, and we walked almost non-stop, ten minutes to have lunch. The route # you turn north off of 89A is #1396. The parking lot at Jacob’s Pool is 2 miles north on this sand road. The Jeep came within 1/8 of a mile from Jacob’s, where the last ravine collapsed. Get out of your car! Look north at Vermilion Cliffs. No, not northwest on a wide sand slide. There is a narrower sand slide to the north. That’s right, it’s not scalable. That’s “you can’t climb” lingo. Now just east of this slide of fine sand is a HILL of sand. It is scalable. You’re aiming for the east end of this sand hill. You won’t be able to get your bearings again until you’re on it. We are going to make the loop counterclockwise. You will see why. It’s brutality but easier. Michael is full of blah blah, but never mind Rachel Lee’s old stone house. There are about 50 ancient ruins and they don’t have cabinets. So from Jacob’s walk the old road east along the fence. You are correct about it being washed out when it turns north. You are looking for the main spring as he says. cattail! That’s what you’re looking for! There is only one place with many cattails! Now he speaks of an “emerging hiking trail.” What does that mean? Emerging from your chest as the “Alien”? I once had an album called “Emerge the Litter.” Does it have something to do with the group “The Litter”? No, he is not cairned as he says. About 6 people a year do this hike and they are all “hard core”. It is likely that none of the 6 will appear here exactly when you are here. We don’t need stinky badges. From the belfry head northeast. The hike is brutal here and it doesn’t get any easier. Go home if you can no longer hack the arena and ball bearings. Start early in the morning and you can see the northeast for the sun. Eventually, about an hour from where you parked (at Jacob’s house), you’ll reach the sand hill. Remember you want the east end. There is an intermittent trail here and there on the sand hill and maybe a cairn somewhere. At 1 1/4 hours the trail you should be on crosses a wash out on a huge black rock on the right. Now in a few minutes the trail disappears. Look, this is a hard core independent expedition. The correct way may be to go up the wash “stairs”, but we opted to go up because we were going to have to go up.

If you want to follow me, take the alluvial fan facing clay to the left. Do you want to go home now? The “East Rift” is now obvious to the northeast and points in that direction as well. Directly for me. You are on the right track if you see the lizard petroglyph climbing up the wall to your left. This was at 1 hour 50 minutes. Michael counts 6-7 panels of petroglyphs. There is more than that. The second panel (also left 2 hours) are 6 cute Bighorns. At 2 1/4 hours you’ll see what looks like a dam (there’s also a bunch of dead junipers) as you continue up. You can do it. I am 60 years old. This dam-like thing is what Kelsey calls a “constructed cattle road.” Climb up the wall and take a left on the trail for about 5 feet where it ends. Now straight up again to the top (lots more cool pets). 2 1/2 hours to the top. Of course, Kelsey gets in and goes back to her car just as quickly. What a BS for most mortals! Still, leave a big mound on the edge as you exit (that word again) the rift, in case you get lost and have to go back down.

Whats Next? Stay west along the rim. What is known as walking the flat and easy edge in “Paria River Hiking and Exploring” is anything but. I’m not Jack Kennedy, but I’m pretty sure I can easily walk over the edge. This rim hike is through loose sand, over and under rock formations, through dark routes blah blah. Reach an unused two track trail (Bingo, MK is right at this waypoint) in 1 to 1 1/2 hours from Eastern Crack anyway. It took us 1 1/4 with our 10 minute lunch. On the two-way look over the edge to the west. That is where you will descend. Let me explain something to you. Walking would have been easier about 1/4 mile inland from the rim, but we wanted to keep our Jeep and Jacob’s facing because we have learned NOT TO TRUST MICHAEL KELSEY. If you haven’t made it to both tracks in 1 1/2 hours, head back to your huge cairn and head down Eastern Crack.

Follow the track away from the (north) edge for 5-10 minutes. When you turn directly north away from the rim, you turn directly south. It’s a bit disorienting when you reach the drop down. The three-legged standard trapezoidal petroglyph tells you that you are in the right place. Now, reluctantly, I will give credit to the AUTHOR. He correctly marks the Northern Crack rock art, which will prevent you from thinking you’re lost. The drive to Northern Crack took us 1 1/2 hours! You’ll get for-off “cliff” 3 or 4 times, but you’ll get by. The Ancients did it, I did it, and you will. Security is ever left. You’ll make it because you won’t want to go up Northern Crack again, I’m thinking. I’ve never said “nasty” as often as I did when going down this slide, but you’ll still understand that counterclockwise was the right choice for this hike. Loose, dangerous and demanding. Don’t lose focus here, whether you’re tired or not. Focus on work.

We finally landed at the bottom. Each hiker had a gallon of water at the start. He should have gone. Now the first break in the entire hike happens after 5 1/2 hours. Walk south on the relaxing flat wash. When you come to a fence line, exit the wash on the left. Go through a hole in the fence and walk cross country to your vehicle. 1/2 hour after reaching the wash at the bottom of Northern Crack, you are drinking ice water in your vehicle.

MK did this loop in less than 4 hours. Give me a break. I have been a hiking fanatic for 20 years. The guy is crazy…and he writes hiking books. Maybe I’m in awe of the way he knocks me down. I’ll turn a corner. No, he is crazy.

Oh, never try a hike that Kelsey says took her 7 hours. You have been warned. DON’T BLAME HIM, HE IS JUST “THE AUTHOR”.

Legal Law

5 Great SAT Tips: What to Expect on Test Day

1. Start preparing early

To get the most out of preparing for the SAT, you need to start early. In fact, many National Merit Scholars, who typically score above 2100 on the SAT, start preparing for the PSAT and SAT the summer before they become sophomores so they can make the most of the PSAT they have the option to to take that year. Don’t start wondering whether or not third-order polynomials will be included in the math section last week. Create a plan! If you need more structure or guidance, consider SAT prep classes, private tutoring, or an online course.

2. Dress well

Think about it: someone as flustered as you are likely to adjust the thermostat in the test center the morning of the exam. You don’t want to trust them with your comfort, and shivering while bubbling is a sure way to “leave a stray mark.” Avoid this by layering comfortable clothing so you can easily adjust to your surroundings.

3. Be punctual

The College Board isn’t happy when you’re late for an SAT. For them, being late means arriving after the doors of the testing rooms have closed, between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. In fact, their official policy states that students who arrive late will not be admitted to the testing center. assessment and will have to reschedule to take the test. Of course, there’s a $24 fee for that. It’s okay if you don’t want to reschedule, but the fee you paid to take the exam is non-refundable. That’s $47 wasted. How do you make sure this doesn’t happen to you? Please report no later than 7:45 am, as recommended by the College Board. A few days before the test, map out a route to your test center and make sure you are familiar with it. If you’re particularly bad with directions, you might want to practice getting there, just think of it as something else to study.

4. You are very sleepy…

Falling asleep during the SAT: fail. You could take a nap during one of the five-minute breaks you get, but we doubt it’ll do you any good. Instead, make sure you get a good night’s sleep before the SAT. Caffeine in the morning, whether it’s coffee or an energy drink, can be a good idea, but you should avoid it if you’re not used to it. Too much caffeine can lead to jitters and, ironically, difficulty concentrating.

5. Oops! I did it again…

If you mess up, don’t worry: in 2009, the College Board introduced Score Choice, which lets you select which test scores you want to send to a college on your score report. It is an optional service; if you don’t choose to use it, all of your scores will be included in your score reports. Although it allows you not to disclose low scores to schools when you apply, you should check your institution’s policy on reporting SAT scores; it is often helpful to report all of your scores.

Lifestyle Fashion

Is LB17 Probiotic Capsule Your All-In-One Solution?

Studies show that probiotics have many health benefits. Once you recognize that the benefits of probiotics are specific to each different strain of bacteria, wouldn’t it make sense to get a probiotic “super pill” that contains the most active probiotic strains to maximize benefits? Even as its particular brand name suggests, LB17 is a highly concentrated multi-strain probiotic that provides seventeen strains of viable bacteria (one of the most numerous in a multi-strain probiotic supplement on the market today). It is made using approximately 70 safe and organically produced ingredients that have been fermented over a period of 3 years. These ingredients include seaweed, mushrooms, vegetables, herbs, unrefined grains, grains, and organic fruits.

In the event that you are just looking for a diverse probiotic supplement that provides your body with a wide range of health benefits, this unique formulation could be the probiotic for you. An important consideration is that probiotics must have the ability to survive for a long interval before ingestion, and LB17 has a shelf life of up to three years. Anyone looking for an instant benefit may want to consider that the live organisms (unlike freeze dried) will not require re-energizing as they currently survive alive inside the capsule and can easily go to work after ingestion.

The broad combination of different probiotics in this product could support general wellness or help with a specific health struggle. The reported benefits of this probiotic supplement are help with epidermal (skin) problems, removal of an affliction, including in some cases malignant tumors, or relief of allergy symptoms. Even if it’s just to boost your immune defenses, these probiotics can help.

Case studies indicate that lactobacillus (incorporated in LB17) can help prevent children from getting asthma. A baby’s immunity begins to develop while it is inside the womb. If a pregnant woman takes probiotic supplements before delivery, the newborn baby’s immune process gets a boost, and the health rewards of a strong defense mechanism continue after birth.

End users of LB17 have reported that they feel much more alive, much healthier and full of energy. An increased ability to digest nutrients from food results in increased endurance. People probably think they are eating a healthy eating plan, however, no matter how much food you eat; If the body is unable to process the vitamins and nutrients within food, valuable nutrition is lost. And with newer strains of flu, including avian and swine flu, it’s even more critical than ever to strengthen the immune system so it can make antibodies to effectively kill each of these germs when it can find them.

LB17 Probiotic Capsule is created from live, viable microbial strains. Due to the regular processing methods for many other probiotic supplements, for example freeze-drying, other supplements must be revived and activated before they can be effective within the intestinal system. Since LB17 comes with live probiotics, not in suspended animation, this supplement does not need a reactivation process. It is alive and ready to spring into action as soon as it enters your digestive system.

This information is not intended to replace competent healthcare advice received from a trained healthcare professional. You are urged to seek medical advice for the treatment of any illness or disease. These statements and product reviews are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Other Alternative Pet Carrier Ideas

If you find it too expensive to buy pet carriers for your dog, start looking around your house for possible items that can be used as dog carriers. Just be creative enough to make it look more fashionable. Make sure your dog is comfortable while you take it with you. Also make sure that the carrier you made for your dog is easier to carry.

For small dogs, you can use a large old bag or used as a small dog carrier. Cut some holes in the bag for your dog to breathe. If you are going for a simple look, you can add and sew accessories i.e. beads and ribbons or any craft materials on the bag.

Also, make sure that the small dog crate you made is suitable enough for your dog to be comfortable. You must have enough space for them to move. If the bag doesn’t have a zipper, sew one on. This will ensure that your dog does not jump out or try to get out while she is carrying him.

If you have a wicker basket at home, it can be recycled and used as a dog carrier. If it doesn’t come with a handle, make one and attach it to both ends of the basket. Secure a top cover on the basket as well. Use a soft fabric and sew it into the basket. Just cover half of the basket and leave the other half open. This will ensure that your dog can breathe and not suffocate.

You can also use an old duffel bag as a pet carrier for your dog. Cut off all three sides (one longer side and two of the shorter sides) of the duffel bag and replace it with mosquito netting to ensure your dog has room to breathe. Sew the mosquito net securely so your dog doesn’t tear it.

Recycling old bags or sneakers to use as pet carriers is actually a great way to save money. If you don’t have any craft items available to complement your bags or sneakers, you can always buy them at your local store. It does not cost much.

Real Estate

New Christian Novel Explores Dating, Drinking, and God’s Purpose for Our Lives

Erin Elise Kiu’s new novel, One Transforming Love, tells the story of Aubrey, a twenty-something administrator working in public accounting who has decided it’s time to stop looking for love in all the wrong places and discover the purpose of his life. Aubrey recently moved to San Diego from Chicago, and hopes to find a decent boyfriend and new friends, as well as get over her past mistakes. Although she was raised in a Christian family, Aubrey never really listened in church or understood the concept of what God was calling her to do. She let her drinking and dating distract her, but now she wants to start over and discover God’s plans for her.

Two things happen to Aubrey shortly after moving to San Diego. She starts going to church and talking to her Christian friend, Tina, about God, and meets Jake, an attractive man who lives on the beach not far from her.

Aubrey and Jake start seeing each other and she becomes very attracted to him. Although Jake is eight years older than her, Aubrey enjoys her company and feels they could be a good match. She understands when Jake explains that she is getting divorced, and she is willing to believe that he might be ready for a serious relationship once she gets over her divorce. Like her, Jake obviously wants to start over and Aubrey is willing to give him a chance. After all, Aubrey has made her own mistakes, getting into trouble as a result of drinking too much at a work party that led to her probation.

Unhappy in her job and past relationships, Aubrey tries to create a new life for herself, trying to figure out what God wants her to do with her life and how Jake can be a part of that life. However, the more she tries to seek God and do what is right, the more it seems that the people around her want to lead her astray.

I won’t reveal more of Aubrey’s story, though I will tell readers that this novel has an unexpected happy ending that manages to avoid all the clichés. Throughout the book, I was rooting for Aubrey to find her love and feeling sorry for her when she made a mistake or things didn’t work out the way she wanted, and I was inspired by how she never gave up. Her final decision to turn things over to God and let him find solutions for her realistically comes as a result of her pain and her frustrations.

Author Erin Elise Kiu has created a down-to-earth novel that never indulges in sermons or cornyness. Instead, she describes a situation many young people go through as they try to navigate their lives amid the mixed messages they receive from society and their peers. In many ways, the novel can be summed up in this passage: “Aubrey needed more. She didn’t need more party people in her life, but she didn’t know what she needed.” The purpose of the novel is to explore what Aubrey needs and lead her to answers that may be as surprising to the reader as it is to Aubrey.

The novel is based on solid Christian teaching, and Kiu plants various resources for the reader in the form of books Aubrey reads or blogs he visits. The story describes a modern version of the Christian’s journey that, surprisingly, is not that different from the journeys of Christians in biblical times who tried not to get swept up in the ways of the world as they sought to follow Christ.

I think One Transforming Love is a novel that anyone can relate to. It’s perfect, especially for the teen or thirty-something woman who isn’t happy with her life and wants to find answers to make it more meaningful. It would be a wonderful gift, especially for new Christian women and others seeking God who need to know that they don’t have to live a life that consists of drinking and dating men who won’t marry them. In these pages, they will not only be entertained by the story, but will find solutions to their own spiritual dilemmas.


Penny Skateboard Colors for 2012

Back in March Penny Skateboards released their color options for 2012. The guys at Penny Skateboards did an amazing job with the colorways this year and we’re excited so let’s see what they come up with in the future as they always keep it fresh. and original.

So here’s a rundown of Penny Skateboards’ new full colors for 2012:

Yellow – Yellow – Purple Wheels: Also known as LA Laker’s. This Penny skateboard is for all Lakers fans. They may have gotten out of the NBA Playoffs a little earlier this year, but with this Penny skateboard you can show your support all year long. We’re not actually fans of the Lakers (we don’t hate the Lakers either), but this is by far one of our favorite colorways of 2012.

Orange – Blue – White Wheels: This cream styled cruiser skate takes us back to our childhood. Something about the orange flatbed and blue trucks makes us think of running past sprinklers, barbecuing and rollerblading until dark on hot summer evenings.

Red, Black and White Wheels – “Peppermint Love” features a red flatbed and black trucks that are almost hidden behind the white wheels. This penny skateboard is the perfect choice for traditionalists, fans of primary colors, and lovers of holiday treats. The most conservative of all colors for those who want to stand out… but not too much.

Pink – Purple – Blue Wheels: We’ve heard this board is called “The Barbie” but I think it’s more of a cotton candy style. Pink is Punk just reminds of that and the blue wheels complement the board nicely. This board may have been designed for women, but we believe it is safe for men as well.

Purple – Yellow – Green Wheels: Our hands down favorite of the new colours! They say purple is the color of royalty and this deck is the queen of Penny Skateboards. Pair with the bright green wheels and you have a winner. Not much more to say except this is the first one we were hooked on when we saw the colors of 2012.

Hover – Black – Black Wheels: We weren’t that impressed with this one at first, but the more I look at it, the more I want to rip it off the shelf and take it home. The clean combination of Black and Whiteish looks really sharp and looks even better flying down the street. We really liked this color combination and it’s a solid choice for anyone who isn’t a fan of bright colors.

Blue – White – Red Wheels: Read those colors backwards. Red, white and… wait a second. I thought Penny skateboards were from Australia. They are, but they love the USA so much that they chose to honor us with our very own patriotic Penny Skateboard. The blue is definitely lighter than our US blue, but it’s the thought that counts. Thank you Penny Skateboards for thinking of us. We can’t wait to see the Mexico board next year.

Green, Orange, and Yellow Wheels – I would have liked to see this deck as a slightly brighter green, but the colors definitely work together. The least appreciated part of this deck and I think the entire 2012 line from Penny Skateboards. The orange trucks. How good do those look? I would love to see them on more boards next year.

Rasta – Green/Yellow – Red Wheels: Rasta colors are always a fan favorite and this Penny Skate pulls it off seamlessly and in style. The dash isn’t trying to be something it’s not, it’s just a well-designed tribute to the colors so many of us love. Good job Penny as a Rasta isn’t always easy to pull off.

Overall, Penny Skateboards came out with 9 must-see color combinations. We liked the colors of 2011, but the colors of 2012 are on a whole different level. Well thought out and well executed, pick your favorite and shred today.

Our favorites:

1. Purple – Yellow – Green Wheels
2. Yellow – Yellow – Purple Wheels (aka LA Lakers)
3. (Tie) Orange-Blue-White Wheels and Blue-White-Red Wheels


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