Digital Marketing

You do not own your employee’s social media accounts

Recently, I’ve been noticing more and more that small businesses and groups are “asking” their employees to change their cover or profile photos to the brand of the organization they work for. And, while some managers understand that this is a fine line, others have pushed their teams to help promote the group’s brand.

You know how that happens, right?

First, the team manager gives a request that goes something like this: “Hey, wouldn’t it be great if we helped promote our business and we all changed our cover photos to branding? We happen to have some works of art we created and it would be great if each of you would go ahead and upload it to your social media accounts. It’s a team effort! You don’t have to, but…”

And then you have the first person on the team who goes ahead and changes their profile picture or cover, and the next thing you hear, the manager makes a clear point to acknowledge that team member. I’ve even seen some situations where managers have repeatedly asked, always qualifying it as “not required,” to see if a team member who hasn’t changed their private social media settings intends to do so. You know, not-so-subtle pressure.

This is my suggestion to you if you are a team leader or manager and would like to have some team spirit for the team.

  • Ask once and once only and provide the artwork, if any team member ever wants to help your group spread the word.
  • However, you can do what I do and not ask anything. Period.

Honestly, my marketing team has said to me, “Wayne, let’s ask the team to promote one of our social businesses or companies on social media!”

I’ve never been enthusiastic about the idea, and I’m not sure I ever will.

I think we should have a separation between work and personal, as much as we can. I know some people think it’s “old school” but the reality is that as a leader I understand that if my team has a personal life and the business world doesn’t invade them all the time, they will be happier and productivity will be higher.

There are also some practical and legal reasons not to ask your team to promote your business or group on social media. It’s particularly true when managers question them with the “subtle” pressures that can sometimes occur when they want their team members to support the organization.

  • Employers have the right to ask their employees not to be on their personal social media accounts during work hours. That’s a legitimate request for employees (but not for contract workers, freelancers, or consultants who aren’t salaried staff).
  • Can you demand, however subtly, that your employees support your organization? The short answer is no. don’t Social media accounts are the personal and private property of the owners, in this case, each of their employees. So, just like you can’t require them to give you the keys to their houses, you can’t ask (ie “expect”) them to promote the business on their accounts.

But what if you want to at least make it an option for your team to promote your company or group on their social media accounts if they choose? Yes, you can make your social media art and images available to them, let them know it’s a resource for them if they ever wanted to use it on their accounts, but that’s about it. In some cases, you or your employees may be putting yourself or your employees at legal risk because promoting your business on your social media accounts for commercial gain may violate the social media terms.

The bottom line in the age of social media is that if you want to build team spirit or have an amazing product launch and you want your team involved, you can provide the resources. But you can’t force or pressure them, or do anything more than allow each person to do what they would like to do, in any case, on their personal social media accounts.


Dippity Do – Easter Egg Fun

Easter is just around the corner and one of the great activities to engage in this and every Easter season is to color the Easter eggs. Easter eggs are simple and fun to color; you just need to take note of the following tricks.

Easter eggs usually start out with hard boiled eggs, so buy a dozen or two to color. Gently lower them into boiling water for about 10 minutes. The eggs will cook and become hard. Now just let them dry.

The easiest way to color your Easter eggs is to purchase an Easter egg coloring kit. These kits usually include dyes to paint the Easter eggs in various colors, stencils or stickers to decorate and design them, and an Easter egg holder to allow them to dry easily. Most kits only cost a few dollars and are very convenient.

You can also make your own color dye. You can mix about 1 tablespoon of food coloring with a half teaspoon of vinegar, then add about 1/2 cup to a third cup of water. Now simply dip your Easter egg into the cup of colored water. The longer the egg sits in the water, generally, the deeper and darker the color will be.

Also, you can hand paint your Easter eggs. You can find many watercolor paints or other types of paints to design and decorate your eggs. Even undiluted food coloring usually works. It is important to note that you should not eat any eggs that have had paint used on them.

Creating or decorating your egg is also fun and simple. Once the eggs are hard, you can stick stickers to the egg, use a brush to thinly cover a creative design, or glue construction paper cutouts to the egg. Many people even dress up their Easter eggs in doll or handmade clothes made from cotton or other types of fabrics.

Health Fitness

Type 2 diabetes: the five most harmful refined carbohydrates

Most of the carbohydrate foods consumed today are highly refined and processed. Most of it is plain sugar, but not just table sugar; corn syrup, sweet drinks and different types of candy. Nutrients and fiber have usually been removed as well. Not all carbs are bad for you, but the following are ranked as the worst of the worst…

1. Cakes. While the cakes serve as a tasty treat; cakes, muffins, donuts, and even bagels can cause significant blood sugar problems. These refined carbohydrates can cause a sudden spike. As our body’s blood sugar level rises, the pancreas begins to produce insulin to help cells absorb blood sugar. However, when we consume an excessive amount of refined carbohydrates, we can become insensitive to insulin and it can become less effective in lowering blood sugar levels, leading to type 2 diabetes.

It is best to avoid cakes as they are very high in sugar. If you miss your favorite treat, treat yourself to a homemade stevia treat from time to time and this should help curb any cravings. You can also make a low-sugar chocolate “milkshake” with whole unsweetened coconut milk, raw cacao powder, and half a frozen banana. This can do the trick to satisfy your craving for sweets.

2. Bread. Bread, especially white bread, can cause a spike and then a drop in blood sugar. The bread is also known to contain high fructose corn syrup which can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. It is best to avoid bread and opt for healthier options such as gluten-free wraps made with yucca or almond flour. You can also use lettuce leaves instead of bread when making sandwiches to help prevent blood sugar imbalances.

3. Packaged snacks. Packaged snack foods tend to be high in refined carbohydrates. Foods like crackers, cookies, and even granola bars contain a lot of added sugar. Instead of choosing packaged snacks, choose whole foods like nuts, seeds, half an avocado, along with a piece of fresh fruit.

4. Frozen meals. Frozen dinners are not only known for containing excessive amounts of salt, they are also made with refined carbohydrates like white pasta or white rice. Skip freezer meals and do your best to make as much of your food as possible! In this way, you will know exactly what is in what you are eating.

5. cereals. Breakfast cereals often contain high levels of added sugar. Instead of cereal, choose a whole grain option like rolled oats combined with a healthy fat like almond butter to help stabilize blood sugar.

Refined carbohydrates can be detrimental to our overall health and can make it difficult to balance blood sugar levels. Instead of fancy options, try adding some of the healthy swaps. You’d be surprised how much better you feel both physically and mentally with your blood sugar stabilized!

Legal Law

Sex during courtship and marriage

In this article when I talk about sex I mean sexual relations between a man and a woman. The world today has gone so crazy that sexual relationships are no more honored and respected as they should have been. In most developed countries the level of sexual immorality is so high that it is really cause for concern. I don’t think there is any religion that supports premarital sex, extramarital sex, or any form of sexual immorality. When God created the world, he made the first man and woman and kept them in a beautiful garden to care for and maintain it. He also implored them to multiply and fill the world. Sexual intercourse according to God’s original plan is supposed to be a means of procreation. But today what do we find in the world; adolescents, young people and adolescents practicing premarital sex without fear of consequences.

I do not want to start discussing at length the extent of sexual abuse and immoralities among today’s teenagers because this article is intended for men and mature minds. In this sense, we will be discussing sex during courtship and sex in marriage. Dating Sex – Call it courtship, courtship, friendship, relationship, affair, etc., you are right because these words speak of partnership between two, mostly men and women. Is sexual relations during courtship, friendship or relationship outside of marriage correct? In a concise and direct answer, No.

The Bible says don’t fornicate. In 1 Corinthians 6:18 the bible says “Flee from sexual fornication, No other sin affects the body like this. For sexual sin is sin against your own body.” Any sexual relationship between single people is fornication. Call it what you want to call it, the truth is that if she is not your wife, my boy you are a fornicator and fornication is sin and is not pure before humanity and God. On the other hand, the woman who gives herself to a man who is not married to her is also a fornicator. Most men today say that they cannot marry a woman who they are not sure can satisfy them in her bed, which is why they have sex with her before marriage.

Some say that we are courting each other and that we need to know everything about each other to make sure we are compatible. I’m not against men marrying women they’re compatible with, but sex isn’t the only thing that makes a marriage work after all, you don’t marry her just for sex. Or do you intend to turn her into a sex machine after marriage? Most of the young girls have ruined their destinies and their future due to the word courtship. You give yourself to a man and he makes love to you, then he tells you, I’m sorry, we’re not compatible; I can’t marry you. In the meantime, it has spoiled your femininity and your pride as a woman. Remember that it has not only marred your femininity, it has also led you to sin (fornication) before God.

Extramarital sex: This is another common sin that men and women commit on a daily basis. The Bible says that it is better that we abstain from sexual relations, but where we cannot, we should marry. It is very common today to see married men and women leave their marital homes to have sex with strange men or women. Society abhors this and the Bible calls it sin (adultery). When you are married and still leave your marital home to have sexual relations with another man or woman, you are an adulterer. Another common one these days is the case of married men having sex with young, single women. She calls you her sugar daddy or Aristo and you’re happy.

In this case, the man is an adulterer while the girl is a fornicator and neither society nor God approve of it. On the other hand, you see married women dating young guys who are young enough to be their children and are happy to talk about it openly. She calls herself a sugar mummy and the young man her Gigolo. I pity the young man who does that because he is inviting the wrath of God upon himself. Proverbs 6 verses 27-29 says, “Can a man put fire in his lap and not be burned? Can he walk on hot coals without blistering his feet? So it is with a man who sleeps with another man’s wife. He who hugs her will not go unpunished”.

Sex in Marriage: God ordained marriage and fully supports the institution of marriage. As I said before, God created man and woman and gave them dominion over everything in the world so as to procreate and multiply the world. Sexual intercourse in marriage is the means through which God’s mandate for procreation is carried out. Also in 1 Corinthians 7:3 the Bible encourages sex in marriage and clearly says: “The husband should not deprive his wife of sexual intimacy, which is her right as a married woman, nor should the wife deprive her husband.” . Sex is for married men and women and all religions support it. I don’t think there is any society that doesn’t believe in this.

The couple should try to be available to satisfy each other’s sexual urges to avoid temptation. Sex is not a food that we eat daily, in this sense men should not turn their wives into sex machines either. Most men who commit adultery always give that as an excuse. My wife is not always ready for me when I need her. You have to understand your wife and know when she will be in a better mood. Going outside to engage in extramarital sex is sin and God hates it. I wish all married men a happy married life and encourage all single men to try as much as possible to refrain from sexual intercourse until they are married in order to be at peace with their creator.

Lifestyle Fashion

Remedies for skin problems in bulldogs

English Bulldog also suffers from skin problems. Do not worry because there are home remedies to treat this condition. To determine the allergens, visit the veterinarian. Scabies can be treated with shampoos and creams at home. With the following treatments you can heal on your own:

– Bathe your dog with shampoo containing benzoyl peroxide

– for faster healing and the affected area use Goodwinol ointment

– One of the most effective relievers is Pierce’s All Purpose Nu-Stock. It is also beneficial for

Eat demodectic.

– Use tea tree oil on the affected area

Home remedies for thrush and bacterial infections include:

– Chlorhexamine can be used to treat staphylococcal and fungal skin infections. Bathe your dog in it.

Remember to read the label.

– Apply Monistat or Gynolotramin for yeast infections.

– Bactoderm is normally prescribed by the vet and is used for bacterial infections of the skin

– Panalog- is effective due to the combination of antibacterial and antifungal

– Tresaderm: suitable for ears that have bacterial, fungal or inflammatory infections

– To treat the hot spot, use Gold Bond powder

– To heal hot spots and skin irritation, Calendula ointment is recommended.

– To allow skin irritation to heal faster, shave the fur to allow air flow while feeling comfortable.

– Use Vaseline for dry and irritated skin

– Give your dog medications prescribed by the veterinarian, such as steroids and oral antibiotics.

– For emergencies, use the liquid form of Benadryl (dose: 1 mg per pound, use

Size). Helps in allergic reactions such as watery eyes, paw chewing caused by pollen and

dust and hives.

– Use an Elizabethan collar to prevent your dog from scratching, biting and licking the affected area.

You can also buy herbs in stores to help your dog’s condition. Read the instructions and use for a week and stop using if it gets worse. These herbs are German chamomile flower, burdock root, curly dock root, licorice root, and southern woodgrass.

Apply calendula cream on the rash and gently rub it into the skin. This helps soothe itchy skin. Removing what your dog is allergic to as well, either in his environment or in his diet, will help with his allergies.

A strong immune system is needed for your dog to fight off allergens. Don’t give your dog allergy-triggering foods such as corn, wheat, and yeast. There are a few companies that specialize in bulldog food, including California Natural, Pinnacle Special Diets, Innova, and Royal Canine Bulldog 24. Read the ingredients on the dog food package or follow the raw diets.

Bathe your dog with the insecticide recommended by your veterinarian to kill fleas, ticks and mites. You can also use a medicated shampoo like Chlorhexamine or an ointment like Goodwinol before bathing your dog. If there are any problems affecting the foot area, soak the paws in Epsom salts. Then rub the paws with a mild lotion.

It’s easy to see when a bulldog is allergic to his food or the air: when he keeps licking his paw.

Real Estate

Visibility: A way of thinking about aging and design

As the population ages and more people live with physical disabilities, housing and community development must be re-examined. Inaccessible housing makes daily life difficult for people with reduced mobility due to illness, accident or age. Visitors to inaccessible homes face the danger of falling on the front steps, the worry of not being able to get into the bathroom, and the embarrassment of being carried down the stairs. An affordable, sustainable, and inclusive design approach to integrating basic accessibility features into all new-build housing is a movement known as Visitability.

In 1988, the Fair Housing Amendments Act created affordable units in all new multi-family housing apartments and condominiums with four or more units. In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act greatly increased accessibility to all government and public buildings. But detached single-family homes and row houses, where the majority of the population lives, are the last part of the built environment not covered by federal law. There are no accessibility codes. To this day, private and semi-detached houses continue to be built with the same basic accessibility barriers: steps at all entrances and narrow doors to bathrooms.

In an effort to pass legislation for accessibility in new single-family home construction, Eleanor Smith, the founder of Concrete Change, started the Visitability Movement in the U.S. The movement calls for three basic accessibility needs to be met:

* An entrance without steps on a route accessible from a public driveway or sidewalk.

* Entrances with a minimum free passage space of 32″.

* A half bath on the main floor to accommodate a wheelchair.

If these three requirements are met in the construction of each new home, future adaptations for specialized needs can occur as needed. Visitability features make it easy for people with reduced mobility to visit friends and family and stay active in their communities.


Over the life of a home, 25-60% of all new homes will have a resident with mobility issues. This may be muscle weakness, poor balance, arthritic stiffness, or confined to a wheelchair. 95% of all new homes are built with steps at every entryway and narrow doors to the bathroom. Due to architectural barriers, the risk of falling in love with the homeowner is greatly increased and the success rate of first responders can be compromised during medical emergencies.

In 2005, 1.8 million Americans over the age of 65 were treated in emergency rooms for injuries caused by falls, and 460,000 were hospitalized. 60% of all nursing home residents enter these facilities directly from hospitals after a fall, stroke or heart attack. Since most homes have steps at all entrances and narrow bathroom doors, it can only be assumed that a large number of people do not return home after accidents due to lack of accessibility.

Below is a cost comparison of Visitability built into a new home versus Visitability retrofitted into an existing home. The cost of the nursing home reflects the extreme expense of “doing nothing.” (Maisel, Smith, and Steinfeld, 2008, “Increasing Home Access: Design for Visitability”)

Construction of visitability of new houses

* Stepless Entry on Concrete Slab – Add $100

* Entry above crawl space or basement – add $300-$600

* 34″ door: add $2 to the cost of a 32″ door

* Average cost of visitability features, depending on region: add $98 to $573

* Average cost for Universal Design features: add 1% to total project cost

Modernization of the visitability of the existing home

* Step-less entry -add $3,300

* Expand interior doorway: add $700 per doorway ($22 for a drop hinge)

*Home Elevator: Add $15,000-$25,000

Nursing Home Costs

* Nursing home for individuals: $85,000 per year

* Nursing home for US$122 billion in 2005 (60% of the cost assumed by the public through Medicare and Medicaid)

* Cost of falls among the elderly by US$19 billion in direct medical costs (Maisel, Smith, & Steinfeld, 2008)


Cities and towns across the country are gearing up to help their ever-growing older populations. With affordable senior housing in short supply and the desire of most seniors to remain in their homes, home-based programs are at the forefront: meals on wheels, home health care, hospice care in home, physical therapy at home, transportation from home. But for home-based programs to be successful, basic accessibility must be provided in the home. Visitability in private homes is crucial for the safety and social sustainability of older adults with mobility problems. Without the independence to enter or leave their home or to use the bathroom when needed, older adults can become isolated, depressed, and ill. Visitable homes are necessary for the safety and safety of everyone: older adults, physically disabled, visitors, caregivers and first responders.

In the late 1980s, Eleanor Smith of Concrete Change began lobbying Atlanta homebuilders to incorporate Visitable features into their new homes, but was met with strong opposition. Habitat for Humanity listened and today there are more than 800 Visitable Habitat homes in the Atlanta area.

1992- Atlanta Visitability Ordinance

Atlanta became the first city to adopt a visitability ordinance that requires all builders of new single-family, duplex or triplex homes that receive any financial benefit from or through the city must meet several basic access requirements, including at least one zero step. suitable entrance and interior door widths.

2002- Pima County Inclusive Housing Design Ordinance, Tucson, AZ

Pima County adopted the first ordinance in the nation requiring step-free entry for single-family homes with door openings at least 34 inches wide, lever door handles, reinforced walls in bathrooms for grab bars, over 48″ and 36″ wide aisles throughout main floor.

In 2003, the Southern Arizona Home Builders Association sued Pima County over the legality of the Visitability Ordinance. In a unanimous decision, the Arizona Court ended Tucson builders’ efforts to strike down Pima County’s law requiring minimum access in newly built single-family homes. By 2008, Tucson, AZ had built 15,000 visitable homes.

2004- Visitability Code, Bolingbrook, IL

Bolingbrook initially passed a voluntary visitation ordinance that was unsuccessful with homebuilders. To enforce homebuilders, Bolingbrook enforced the ordinance requiring all new homes to be built to visitability standards:

* A minimum of one zero crossing input

* Entries with 32″ clearance space

* A bathroom on the main floor that will accommodate a wheelchair

Bolingbrook currently has 3,600 single-family homes that can be viewed.

Inclusive Housing Design Act of 2009

US Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-ILL) introduced legislation that would apply visitability standards to all new single-family homes and townhouses receiving federal funds. Currently, 95% of new single-family homes and townhomes built with federal assistance do not incorporate accessibility features, making it impossible for many people with disabilities to live in or visit them. Representative Schakowsky reintroduced the bill in 2010.

Since the introduction of the Atlanta City Ordinance of 1992, more than 50 ordinances of varying quality have been passed across the country. The legislation has resulted in more than 30,000 visitable homes being built for the open market, regardless of whether or not the first occupant has a disability. States whose cities are adopting visitability ordinances or voluntary programs are: GA, FL, TX, VA, VT, MN, NM, KN, IL, OR, KY, NJ, MI, PA, OH.

ICC/ANSI A117.1, the accessibility standard referenced by most building codes in the US, is currently developing a Type C section that includes technical design criteria for visitability. This will provide a model of accessibility that can be adopted in new single-family homes and will clarify the design of a no-step entry, accessible bathroom, and accessible doors. The standard can be referenced by visitability laws and programs, thus promoting uniformity in applications and aiding in their interpretation. Please note that the IBC will not require Type C dwelling units. If a jurisdiction or state chooses to require visitability in single-family dwellings, the Type C unit criteria will be available for adoption as a reference. The 2010 edition of ANSI A117.1 will contain the specifications for Type C (visitable) dwelling units. (Maisel, Smith, and Steinfeld, 2008, “Increasing Home Access: Design for Visitability”)


Jordana Maisel and Edward Steinfeld, Buffalo, NY, IDEA Center and Eleanor Smith, Concrete Change, Atlanta, GA, “Increasing Home Access: Design for Visitability”

related links

IDEA Center:

Concrete Change:

Shopping Product Reviews

Medieval Baebes, Worldes Blysse (1998): Song Meanings and Origins

The Medieval Baebes are the first name on the lips of all music lovers who appreciate an exuberant and intoxicating medieval atmosphere. They have featured prominently on the soundtrack of almost every party I’ve ever thrown. I’m a fierce fan of medieval music, and most of my friends can tell you how I’ve cornered them after a few drinks to tell them the true origins of this or that medieval Baebes song. So I decided it was time to dedicate some of this geeky enthusiasm to the page, get it out of my system, and save my friends from my rantings and rantings.

This series of articles explores the discography of the medieval Baebes, briefly discussing the origins and history of the music they have used to create their classic recordings. This one will focus on your album. Blysse Worldsreleased in 1998.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that Blysse Worlds it actually consists mostly of original music. Of the 16 tracks, 11 of them (Kindly, it all goes back to yesterday, Love Me Broughte, Beatrice, Waylaway, When Thy Turuf Is Thy Tour, Erthe Upon Erthe, passing like this alone, Pearl, Swete Sone, Y how death comes) are original scenes of the poetry of the time. Of the remaining 5, 2 have been aggressively modified. This is hardly a medieval album, therefore.

I haven’t been able to trace the origins of all the medieval poetry used in these compositions, so I’ll skip those clues I don’t have anything interesting to say about. Readers, as always, if you know something I don’t, please leave a comment.

3. Love me brought

The source for these lyrics is the 1372 Middle English book of poetry entitled John Grimstone’s Book of Common Places. It is a love song of Christ to humanity.

4. Beatrix

This is an original scene from an excerpt from Dante’s hells. The language is Tuscan.

5. Ecci Mundi Gaudium

This is a 13th century Anglo-Norman Christmas song and, interestingly enough, its source is the same manuscript that is the source of the Baebes song. save us (the title track of their first album).

7. Dawn

This song is called correctly. kings glories, and was written by the troubadour Guiraut de Bornelh (1138-1215). It is one of the most beautiful of troubadour melodies. The troubadours were the poet-musicians of the south of France, who wrote and sang in Occitan (now a dead language), and are the ancestors of the entire Western tradition of love songs and poetry. I have a great love for this song in particular, and am actually working on a recording of it. So please keep all that in mind when I say I can’t stand what the medieval Baebes did to him. They artificially imposed a 3/4 beat on it, which undermines the beauty of the melody and the syntax of poetry. His pronunciation is bad and his delivery completely emotionless. I encourage you to see other recordings of this beautiful song. You can find many of them on YouTube, although many are instrumental. The Estampie band gives a beautiful interpretation, although very untraditional.

8. When your Turuf is your tour

This is Blake’s original setting of a Middle English poem, designated #232 in Luria and Hoffman’s Middle English Verse Index. The theme is mortality, decay, and the irrelevance of earthly pleasures after death.

9. Erthe on Erthe

This is a very beautiful recording. The lyrics are a Middle English poem that has survived in 24 widely differing manuscripts, the oldest of which dates from the 14th century. This recording represents a version of the poem from around 1440.

10. Passing alone like this

This is a macabre fragment of an English ballad, An excellent ballad of the courtship of a prince of England to the king of Frances’s daughter, and how the prince was disastrously murdered (sic); and how the aforementioned princess later married a Forrester. It tells of the historical events surrounding the courtship of King Ethelwulph of England to Charles the Bald’s daughter, Judith. The ballad was meant to be sung to the Crimson Velvet tune, but this recording features another original setting.

11. The Volta

The Volta is a form of Renaissance dance. If I’m not mistaken, this piece is from a 16th century Italian manuscript.

12 pearl

This text consists of lines 121-156 of the 1,213-line Middle English poem of the same name. The poet is anonymous, but he is generally thought to be the same poet who composed Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and other famous English works. The scene resembles undrentide from the later Baebes album, which I’ll talk about in the next article.

13. Sweet Son

This is a Middle English poem, one of many religious poems of the time dealing with the Virgin Mary in the crucifixion scene. Its source is John Grimstone’s Book of Common Places, 1372, which, as you may recall, is also the source of love me brought.

14. So Spricht Das Leben (Thus Says Life)

This is an amazing 16th century German song where life and death argue over who owns the world. For whatever reason, the Baebes have chosen not to sing most of it, but instead recite it in English translation while traditional music plays in the background. I recommend checking out some other interpretations of this song that are closer to the German original. I love it so much that I may have to create my own version.

15. It’s the end

This is a beautiful late 13th century virelai from the seeker Guillaume d’Amiens. The Baebes have stayed fairly true to the medieval original on this recording.


Nick Halling’s NFL Super Bowl Blog

That might surprise you if you’re a casual NFL player, but it shouldn’t. The Packers are certainly the team in form, and the way they’re playing right now, they’re not only going to win the game on Sunday, they’re going to do it by easily covering the spread. They might even be playing well enough that you’re tempted to buy into the over/under, which seems a bit high to me, given the quality of the two defenses on display. Right, that’s the obvious out of the way. Let’s dig a little deeper and see if we can find a nugget or two to make it a happy Super Bowl.

The Packers thrive on big plays, but they managed just two in Week 17, a 20-yarder to Donald Driver and a 46-yarder to Greg Jennings that helped set up that late-game winning touchdown. Things probably won’t be much different on Sunday. The Bears’ Cover-2 base defense is designed not to allow big plays, so while Rodgers is capable of putting up some decent yards, it probably won’t be easy. Green Bay’s offense is not what the Bears saw in Week 17. The Packers unveiled running back James Starks in the wild-card game against Philadelphia to devastating effect. Starks didn’t run nearly as effectively last week at Atlanta, and the Bears are second overall against the run, so don’t expect him to run amok at Soldier Field. What he does do, though, is bring a semblance of balance to the unit, something the Bears will have to keep in mind.

Check the line on running back James Starks for the Packers. It’s going to be low because the Steelers are the best team in the NFL against the run. More troubling for the Packers, the Starks bubble appears to have already burst. He exploded on the scene in the playoff win against Philadelphia, but in two games since, against Atlanta and Chicago, he has averaged just under 3 yards per carry. He will fight to match that against the Steelers. Even worse news for Starks sponsors is that he gets out of the game in goal line situations, so I don’t think he’s worth it in terms of scoring a touchdown. You’d be better off with the human bulldozer John Kuhn.

So that’s the bad news. The good news for Green Bay is that you can move the ball through the air against the Steelers. Quarterback Aaron Rodgers is playing at a very high level and has a lot of weapons at his disposal. Picking the hot receiver is always the tough challenge when he goes with the Packers. You know Rodgers will get the yardage from him. It’s just a matter of who is at the end of his pass. I have a feeling he’s going to be the obvious suspect, Greg Jennings. Pittsburgh’s scheme puts a lot of pressure on their corners, and as a result, they are often isolated in a single coverage. Their best cover man is Ike Taylor, and I’d be surprised if they had Taylor covering Jennings at all times, though that strategy worked out pretty well for Chicago, which used Charles Tillman that way.

But the weak link is on the other side, and he frequently burns out Bryant McFadden. He’ll need help covering Jennings, and he may not get much. This, to me, is one of the key matchups in the entire game. McFadden alone can’t take on Jennings, certainly not because of sheer speed, and probably not because of his ability to work the wrinkles in one area. Will the Steelers give him any security help? They tend not to. The other option would be to bring in an additional defensive back and play a nickel. It’s an interesting idea – being on nickel almost challenges the other team to run over you. Would the Packers take that bait? How compromised would the Steelers’ charging zone scheme be if they played a lot of nickel? The man in the know is Pittsburgh defensive mastermind Dick LeBeau, and if I had a bug in his office, I’d be cleaning up Sporting Index myself. But I don’t, so I’m going to follow a hunch. I think he’s going to play a lot to try to contain Rodgers and the passing game. Don’t blame me if I’m wrong: LeBeau is the genius, not me!

What really hurts the Steelers’ chances is another injury to their offensive line. Center Maurkice Pouncey, their best lineman by a mile of field, won’t make it after the serious ankle injury last time out. The Steelers keep their fingers crossed, but he has two hopes: slim and none, and Slim couldn’t get a hotel reservation in Dallas last time he checked. That means they’ll have four alternates playing in the Big Game. They’ve won with a makeshift offensive line before, two years ago against the Cardinals, but Arizona didn’t bring the kind of heat the Packers have. They have an almost identical defensive scheme to the Steelers, based on creating errors and turnovers.

Already struggling at tackle, the inside of the line will now be compromised by Pouncey’s absence. Replacement Doug Legursky is a fighter, but he’s not a prolific run blocker, which could be bad news if you think Pittsburgh running back Rashard Mendenhall will be the key to the game. It’s also bad news for Ben Roethlisberger, who will be hit hard and often. Big Ben takes sacks: that’s part of his game. But the Packers have spent this week improving their tackling, to make sure that when they get the big man where they want him, they’ll knock him down. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Ben gets caught six times. Maybe even more so if, as I suspect, the Steelers chase the game down in the second half.

Given the pressure he’ll face, don’t be surprised if Ben is forced to do a lot of reading and checking. You could do a lot worse than having tight end Heath Miller as Pittsburgh’s leading receiving player in terms of receptions, if not yards. However, if Ben has time, he’ll watch out for Mike Wallace, who has the incredible speed to get behind Green Bay’s secondary. One catch could give him more yards than Miller’s five.

I’m also thinking there’s an early touchdown in this one. Green Bay coach Mike McCarthy graduated from West Coast school of offense, which means the first 15 plays are often written in advance. He won’t be surprised if his initial momentum heralds points. That’s also the best time to get to the Steelers’ defense, as LeBeau likes to take a look at what he’s doing in an offense, and then proceed to stop him from doing it.

I’m not sure if the Steelers will score soon or not. Last time, they put together a 10-minute scoring drive in the first series against the Jets. The week before, against Baltimore, they didn’t show up until the second half.

Whatever it is, that will be it for the NFL until September (and hopefully the threat of a player lockout will go away before next season). I hope my songs have helped you gain some pounds. Most of them have been based on sound logic rather than just gut feeling, but as you probably know, there’s very little logic in football at this level. Next season, assuming Sporting Index is still in business, as I have definitely not bankrupted them, I will look to do even better. And yes, I say that every year…

Tours Travel

Puerto Rico

Sandy beaches, sun, music, arts and folklore make Puerto Rico an ideal destination for a vacation. The local population prides itself on its cultural diversity.

A year-round temperature of 75 to 85 degrees makes Puerto Rico an all-season destination. Even though temperatures can rise to around 90 degrees by midday, the cool breeze makes mornings and evenings more comfortable than in many parts of the continental United States.

Puerto Rico is the most accessible island in the Caribbean and is also a major hub for air operations. Tourists flock to the island from mid-December to mid-April. The island’s low season runs from late spring to late fall, when temperatures around 90 degrees prevail in most of the region. Puerto Rican attractions remain strong and vibrant, even in the off-season.

Puerto Rico has special events throughout the year. The most popular events are held during the Fiestas Patronales or Fiestas Patronales, in honor of the patron saint of each municipality. They include religious processions that originated as a Catholic tradition. Usually held in the town square, these festivals are colorful displays of pride and joy, with parades, games, carnival rides, regional food, and live entertainment.

The La Casita Festival presents outstanding musicians and dance groups from Puerto Rico. Painters and sculptors display their work at Puerto Rico Tourism’s “La Casita” Tourism Center in San Juan.

For art lovers, a visit to the Ponce Museum of Art with its excellent collection of European and Latin American art in the Caribbean is a must. The city of San Germán is known for its architectural beauty. San Germán is also the second Puerto Rican city to be included in the National Register of Historic Places. Buildings, monuments, and plazas fill a 36-acre historic area in San Germán.

The island offers a wide variety of sports such as golf, tennis and hiking. Playa Dorado, Playa Cerromar and Palmas del Mar are the main centers of golf, tennis and beach life. For water sports enthusiasts, scuba diving, snorkeling and deep sea fishing off the coast of Condado-Isla de San Juan could be an experience of a lifetime.

Americans flock to Puerto Rico year-round due to its popularity as a pristine tourist destination.

Arts Entertainments

Double standards of being a stepfather

Good Morning America showed an interesting segment on “Mom vs Stepmom” on Friday, April 3. The idea came about after a well-known model, Gisele Bundchen, made an innocent comment about her feelings towards her stepchildren. She simply said that she considers them 100% hers. Why wouldn’t she feel this way? More specifically, why shouldn’t she feel this way? after all she it is married to her biological father. Haven’t we all learned that we should love not only the person we are married to, but also their entire family? That includes children, obviously. In-laws, however, are an exception, particularly the mother-in-law. It seems okay that you don’t like them, or at least not get along with them.

Divorce also seems fine. Oh right, we’re told to only marry once, only marry the person we’re in love with, never cheat on that person, and never get divorced. However, the divorce rate for first-time marriages is 50%. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is 66%, and even higher for marriages with children (families). That is, if the couple even wants to remarry. Many couples are choosing cohabitation (living together/living together) because they don’t *want* to get divorced again. It was so painful the first time that they realized why do it a second time.

These rates themselves reflect a contradiction in the so-called family values ​​of our society. On the one hand, we accept the importance of family values, sticking together, loving everyone, treating everyone the same, and so on. However, on the other hand, we have accepted these divorce/separation rates as fact and they are not likely to change. In fact, someone told me THAT last week: Don’t expect the divorce rate to go down. EVER!! So we have accepted the fact that separation/divorce occurs, as well as the reasons for it, including infidelity.

The stepfamily dynamic, then, is the epitome of conflicting family values, with the stepfather being the biggest victim of double standards. We’re all led to believe that we *can* love whoever we want, and that love *can* last forever if we try hard enough. We’re all led to believe, thanks to movies like Yours Mine and Ours, that we too can have a blended family and everyone will live happily ever after. However, anyone who has been in a stepfamily knows that this is not the case. The reality is that stepparents and stepchildren don’t automatically or instantly love each other just because the adults in the family remarry. In fact, in many stepfamilies (blended families) love doesn’t come until several years later. In other stepfamilies, love NEVER comes. That’s one of the reasons why the divorce rate for stepfamilies is so much higher than the rate for birth/traditional families.

We do not choose who we love. Also, we cannot make another person love us. We choose how we treat people. We should ALWAYS choose to treat people fairly, courteously, and respectfully, which is especially important in stepfamilies. Not instantly loving stepparents or stepchildren is okay as long as you treat them the right way.

Stepfamilies are an example of this. We expect the stepfather to automatically love the biological children by marrying her biological father; however, we do not hold children to the same standard because they are “children.” So if the children try to break up the marriage because they are not happy with having another parent, the stepparent is expected to be the more important person and not be frustrated or upset. Many parents revolve around children hoping to make them happy without understanding that all children want is for their biological parents to get back together, which is not a possibility in 99% of cases. That’s why it’s important for stepfamilies to figure out how to make the new union function like a stepfamily unit.

Then there is the flip side of double standards, as in the case of Gisele Bundchen. She internalized these family values ​​that the Great Society has upheld over the years. She internalized the message and had taken it to heart. She fully intends and hopes to be as good as the biological mother of her stepchildren. In every bone of her body, she believes that she will love her husband’s children as her own and treat them as she would her own children. In that sense, she considers them 100% hers. However, the other side of the same coin is the simple fact that they are not her children. No matter what she does between now and the day she dies… even if she bonds deeply with them, she will never have a biological bond with them. She can never replace her mother. She knows she can’t either and she didn’t expect to try to replace her mother; however, she believes that she can be everything to them that her mother can be. In fact, she can, everything except the level and quality of love (bond) that only exists between a mother and her biological child.

The other factor that was not considered, and is often not known or understood, is how the stepchildren really feel about their new stepmother, the new family, the new environment (neighborhood, house, friends, etc.). The biological mother’s feelings are also not known or understood. Many, many women have a hard time seeing their ex-spouse with a new woman. This is particularly harsh if the new woman is perceived (by her ex-wife) as prettier, younger, better known, or more glamorous. This can be even harder if, God forbid, she was the “other woman” while her biological father was still married. Women more than men can feel very insecure about these qualities in themselves. When they see their ex with a new woman who has these qualities, their insecurities come to the fore. In the minds of many of these ex-wives is that he broke up with her because she wasn’t pretty enough, she was too fat, too thin, too frumpy, not glamorous enough… you get the picture. In reality, those reasons usually have nothing to do with the reasons for the initial breakup. Suddenly, things that didn’t seem like a problem before are now a problem for the ex-wife. This puts the stepmother in a precarious position from the start. It’s a long uphill hike that frequently takes her by surprise, to say the least.