Real Estate

Renter’s rights and pets: the landlord against his cat

Too often I hear from people who are giving up their beloved family pet because the landlord enacted a new no pet policy, or because they are moving into a rental property that has a no pet policy. Less often, I also hear from owners who allow cats but require declawing.

Before you agree to a rental policy that costs your family, disrupts your life, and harms your pet, there are a few steps you need to take.

know your rights

Did you know that, as a tenant, you have certain rights? Each area will have its own set of rules and bylaws for tenants and landlords, but don’t assume your landlord is following these rules. Make sure you know what your rights are regarding your lease and your pets before you are forced to do anything.

For example, did you know that in Ontario your landlord cannot evict you or force you to get rid of your pet unless it is dangerous, causing excessive noise, damage to the unit or allergy problems? Even if you signed a lease with a no pets agreement, they can’t evict you. No pet clauses are considered invalid under the law and the only way you can be evicted for having a pet is if the Ontario Landlord-Tenant Board determines that the pet meets one of the above criteria. This means that while a landlord may choose not to rent to someone who has pets, once you’ve started your tenancy and moved out, you can’t be evicted for having pets.

Laws will vary depending on where you are, but don’t be intimidated into disrupting your life or the life of your cat when the law may be on your side. To be informed.

Don’t capitulate, negotiate

If local laws do not protect you or your pets, then the next step is not to give up and give in, but to negotiate and educate your owners.

Most owners who do not allow pets or who require cats to be declawed have these policies because they are concerned about property damage. Noise, allergies and crowds in common areas such as the lobby or the façade can also be a factor.

As a responsible pet owner, it is worth trying to educate your landlord on why these policies are wrong and unnecessary. If you can provide reasonable alternatives so the landlord can feel that his interests are sufficiently served, he may be able to convince you to change your rental policies.

  1. Acknowledge their concerns. Be courteous and reasonable and let them know you understand their concerns and respect their desire to maintain a clean and well-maintained building.
  2. Explain normal cat behavior. The people who create the policy may not be familiar with the behavior of cats. Explain that cats can be easily trained to use a scratching post instead of a mat, and that cats instinctively prefer to bury their waste in a clean litter box rather than deposit it anywhere. Explain that cats don’t often scratch walls, doors, or trim, and that even an untrained cat is more likely to scratch a tenant’s furniture than destroy the unit itself. Let them know that you will provide a clean litter box and appropriate surfaces for your cat to scratch on.
  3. Let them know that your cats are spayed/neutered. Explain that spaying/neutering eliminates undesirable cat behaviors that may concern them, such as meowing, marking territory with urine and feces, fighting, and attracting strays to the area. Let them know that these behaviors are typical of intact animals and that theirs have been corrected.
  4. assure them that your cat will be in a carrier or on a leash whenever you are in a public area. Animals running loose can be dangerous and nuisance. Assure them that their cat will be under control at all times.
  5. Explain what declawing is and that it often results in other undesirable behavior. Many people don’t understand what declawing is and have no idea that it can result in even more undesirable behavior, like urinating outside the litter box. Make it clear that declawing is unnecessary and cruel and that if they are worried about the cat scratching them, there are alternatives, such as Softpaws. []that I would be willing to use.
  6. Please provide documentation to support your claims. Please provide supporting evidence from reliable sources to back up what you are saying. Best Friends Network offers many great resources for renters who need to remove their nails: If your landlord requires declawing, talk to your vet; they may be able to provide you with a document or letter that supports your position against declawing.
  7. Offer to pay additional security deposit. Reassure them that while your cat is trained and you don’t expect it to destroy anything, if the cat damages anything in the unit, you will take responsibility for repairing or replacing it. Show that you are serious by offering to pay a higher security deposit.
  8. Remind them that a responsible renter is a responsible renter, and by the same token, an irresponsible renter will cause problems even without pets. Your rental agreement should already cover problem tenants, such as those causing excessive noise, disruption, or property damage.
  9. Offer to provide recommendations on writing a rental policy that allows pets but protects your building and other tenants. If you can do some of the legwork for them, saving them time and effort, they may be more willing to make changes.


your last resort

If your landlord is unwilling to listen or work with you and insists that you get rid of your pets or have them declawed, then you have a difficult decision to make. It may be time to consider moving to a more pet-friendly home, or if that’s not feasible, you may need to re-house your pets. I don’t think declawing your cat is an acceptable compromise.

Ideally, you’ll be able to find a new place that allows pets on your lease. Otherwise, properties owned by individuals may provide more flexibility than large rental companies when it comes to pet policies; At the very least, it may be easier for you to gain access to someone who has the power to make that decision.

If moving isn’t an option and you need to relocate your pets, do your best to find a new home yourself, rather than leave your cat in a shelter. All shelters have a large number of cats and very few adopters, and your cat is at risk of being in a cage for an extended period of time or being euthanized if not adopted quickly. Use all the resources at your disposal: friends and family, community billboards, Freecycle (if your local listing allows it), and Craigslist. You will feel much better knowing that your cat will go to a home instead of a cage and you will have a say in the type of home your cat will go to.

Contact your local governing body that handles landlord and tenant laws and enforce them to create statutes that protect pet owners without compromising the safety and integrity of owners’ properties.

Through responsible pet ownership and proactively promoting understanding through education, we can encourage landlords to establish reasonable rental rules and decrease discrimination against pet owners.

Shopping Product Reviews

Toenail fungus treatment with Acidophilis Beer Soak

This information on natural toenail fungus treatment came to me through a professor of mine during our medical procedures course. I pass it on to you in the hope that people will try this first before resorting to the toxic effects of Lamisil.

Also be aware of claims that a product will cure or treat toenail fungus in a few days or a couple of weeks. From my clinical experience, that is not possible. A nail takes a few months to grow and even up to 6 full months. Nail fungus resides under the nail and a product has to penetrate deep to get to it and then the nail has to grow out before it looks healthy. Therefore, beware of false claims. There are many.

Acidophilus Beer Soak:

The basic premise behind this strange natural toenail fungus treatment is to soften the nails with beer, create an acidic environment with vinegar that is beneficial to good bacteria and deadly to fungus, and then penetrate the nails with bacteria. beneficial to help kill and prevent more. recurrences

Essential Ingredients:

  • Acidophilus sachets containing 125 billion organisms
  • Guinness Stout or any other dark beer.
  • White vinegar
  • Basin big enough for your feet or hands.
  • Weather
  • Persistence and Consistency

Natural Toenail Fungus Treatment Procedure:

  • In tub, for 1 liter of beer at room temperature in a container
  • Add 60 billion acidophilus, which is half a sachet.
  • Add 1 liter of white vinegar
  • Soak clean feet in the solution for 30 minutes before bed or whenever works best for you.
  • When removing your feet or nails from the basin, file your nails with a pumice stone or emery board. Do this once a week. Wash your hands thoroughly afterward to avoid contamination of nail fungus. Also put your feet back in the container for about a minute or so to rinse off the filings.
  • After every 3 days, discard the entire solution mixture and re-prepare according to the formula: 1 liter of white vinegar, 1 liter of black beer and the remaining half of a sachet. This keeps the ingredients of the solution in an active living form. If it’s too old, it won’t work.
  • Repeat for 30 days every day. Don’t skip a day for best results.
  • Do it twice a day for faster results.
  • You can heat the solution by adding boiling water to the mixture before use.

What to look for: As the fungus is eliminated by this natural toenail fungus treatment, you will notice that the new nail growth from the nail bed lightens. This is a good sign. Some people see base cleanliness within a week and some people see base cleanse within a month. It all depends on how fast your nails grow and how often you soak them.

It will take about 3 months for the infected nails to fully grow out. As long as you continue to see the base of the nail come out clean and grow clean, you’re on the right track.

If your feet become sensitive or painful, soak only once a day. Some people have sensitive skin, while others do not. Just dab some great liquid vitamin E or aloe on the sore areas just in case they occur. This is rare.

Make sure to do this toenail fungus treatment every day. Make it routine. Watch some TV, read a book, or do the dishes for 30 minutes. Don’t skip a day. If it does, it may take a little over a month, but keep it up.

If you know your nails grow slowly then consider buying some MSM or Silica 6x cell salts as they have been shown to increase nail growth. If you get gas after taking MSM or eating garlic or get headaches after drinking red wine, then that is usually a sign of molybdenum deficiency. You can get molybdenum at a health food store. Liquid molybdenum is ideal as it is better absorbed.

This antifungal protocol is a great way to help prevent liver damage through Lamisil. Of course, not all people are seriously affected by Lamisil. However, the FDA issued an advisory to physicians: “Both Sporanox® and Lamisil® have been associated with serious liver toxicity, including liver failure and death, including some cases involving patients who did not have pre-existing liver disease or a serious underlying disease. medical condition. As of April 2001, the FDA is aware of 16 cases of liver failure in association with the use of Lamisil® Tablet (including 11 deaths and two liver transplants). These patients received Lamisil® Tablets for the treatment of various dermatological conditions, including onychomycosis.”

If the formula isn’t strong enough, play around with it. Maybe add more acidophilis to the mix, or more vinegar, or more beer. Play with concentrations.

If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them for you.

You can find Acidophilus sachets here along with other helpful products related to the Beer Soak protocol.

I estimated the total cost of this procedure to be approximately $200.00. That’s very inexpensive compared to Lamisil, and much healthier for your liver.

Even if you drink a couple of Guinness Stouts while doing the soak, it may still be safer than Lamisil on your liver. 🙂


7 Qualities of Winning Athletes

All things being equal, what’s different about winning athletes? When elite athletes are competing, the skill gap between the first and last athlete is relatively small. You’ll have to dig a little deeper to understand what separates the top 1% of elite athletes from the rest.

Bryan Bennett, redshirt rookie quarterback for the University of Oregon Ducks, showed the makings of a great quarterback. He was given the opportunity to play in the game against Arizona State University after Darron Thomas was injured. Many athletes have the physical ability, but it takes more than that to get into a close game and win. “I just tried to stay calm and collected and collected and go out and play football and have fun,” Bennett said.

Proper training builds strength and endurance. Mindset strategies improve focus and build confidence. Both components, physical training combined with mental game strategies, are necessary for high performance.

Elite athletes view performance and victory through a different set of lenses. Where elite athletes put their focus and attention is different from average athletes.

1. Motivation – There is a burning desire to be the best you can be. Being good enough is not enough. Elite athletes have a deep need to always improve, taking their performance to the next level.

2. Initiative: Motivated athletes don’t wait for permission to do something. They are the leaders in everything they do, setting the standard for excellence.

3. No excuses: It takes total commitment to be the best. Instead of seeing obstacles as problems, elite athletes approach them as challenges to be overcome. The goal is the main focus.

4. Determination – All challenges have a solution. Elite athletes actively seek opportunities to help them reach their goal. Failure is not an option.

5. Strengths-Based Approach: Focus on strengths. Elite athletes know where they excel and use that to their advantage. Find the best approach based on your strengths. Also develop the necessary skills to minimize weaknesses.

6. Extra Mile: A strong commitment prepares elite athletes to go the extra mile. Even when no one is looking, they continue to strive to be the best they can be.

7. Tough Minded: Athletes are expected to do things that demand them all the time. Tough-minded athletes recognize the discomfort, but don’t let it stop you. Taking risks and getting out of your comfort zone is part of the champion mindset.

A success mindset comes more naturally to some than others. Fortunately, it is not a birthright. Similar to new techniques and skill sets, a champion mindset can be learned. It could have been easy for Bennett to panic, given the circumstances. It was a high pressure situation. When he rose to the challenge, his teammates responded positively to his confidence and ease.

The champion mindset focuses on solutions, not problems. Elite athletes are creative in their approach to challenges and willing to take risks. Bennett was all about results. The solution-focused attention coupled with a positive mindset affected his approach to a challenging game. He found opportunities to play his “A” game. Bennett’s champion mentality contributed to Pato’s winning game.


Ways to Cut Sugar During Passover – Candy Comparisons for Better Choices

Growing up, Easter was always a time of excitement. Not only did we get a new hat or a new outfit (to go to church), but it was the only time of year we got candy. We lived in the desert, so trick-or-treating on Halloween was not on the program. Finding the eggs was a lot of fun, although I don’t remember being that fond of hard-boiled eggs, even if they were well colored.

These days it doesn’t seem like most kids limit their sweets to just Easter, but there are a few ways to minimize excess Easter sugar. One is to buy smaller Easter baskets. Another is to fill those baskets with little toys, movie tickets to your next favorite movie, miniature books, bookmarks, or gadgets that take the place of all that candy.

You might consider persuading your children that you want to do a historical Easter celebration. Chocolate eggs actually date back to the early 19th century, when monks used to distribute sweet yeast buns to children. You can buy dark chocolate bunnies instead of milk chocolate to cut down on the sugar a bit. A milk chocolate bunny weighing about 1.2 ounces has 170 calories, 10 grams of fat and 19 grams of sugar.

An old tradition that you can combine with the new one is to buy yogurt-covered pretzels with the same fruit flavors as the jelly beans, including strawberry and blueberry. (Studies show that cherry, strawberry, and grape are the best flavors for gummy bears.) Yogurt pretzels are colorful and not made from solid sugar. In fact, 7 pretzels are about 130 calories, but they have about 11 grams of sugar and about 6 grams of fat. In the old days, twisted pretzels were said to resemble someone’s folded arms in prayer. Not a bad way to remind children of the religious significance of the holiday.

Originating in the Civil War era, jelly beans are a must, of course. I admitted that I liked the licorice ones better. But having done some research on licorice, I would limit a child’s intake of that flavor. If you’ve filled the basket with other gifts, you don’t need to go too crazy with these sugar-filled, but “required” items. Because they are so small, the damage is much less. Luckily, the gummies are fat-free. You have to eat 41 jelly beans to equal 170 calories with 31 grams of sugar.

Even as a kid, I didn’t find Peeps appetizing. I was never a fan of the flavor or consistency of marshmallows and preferred solid chocolate bunnies. Look for the smallest size possible and buy the minimum. The same can be said for chocolate eggs with marshmallow inside. Each Peep has 29 grams of sugar and 130 calories. Each egg weighs about an ounce and has 110 calories with 14 grams of sugar.

Robin’s eggs are balls of malted milk with a sugar coating. Eight robin eggs have a little more sugar than a single cream egg, which can be very tricky. An Egg Crème has 25 grams of sugar, 6 grams of fat, and 170 calories.

Hopefully, this information will help you make a more informed decision about what kind of candy to buy for your child’s Easter basket. Read the labels on what you buy and try to limit how much your child can eat at one time. More and more studies conclude that sugar is addictive and harmful. As a parent, it’s up to you to lead by example and help your kids moderate their sugar intake.