Tours Travel

Humor helps us all cope with the aging process

Time has passed so quickly for me that it worries me! Now, in my early 60s, it seems like yesterday, that I was in the Air Force (on our side), and I was sitting with some friends at the NCO Club, having a beer and listening to the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. stones. And, today (2006), half of the Beatles are gone and those who remain are over sixty years old! That’s scary… isn’t it?

* * *

The following article on humor and aging is presented here for your information/education and was published in the Albuquerque Journal, Mature New Mexico Magazine. It was written by Corky Vann of the Los Angeles Times. In this article, I will quote from the article; paraphrase as necessary; And I’ll give my grain of sand, for what it’s worth!

Article: “When Sandy Moehle received a birthday card that said, ‘Old age is not for sissies,’ her sentiment summed up her feelings about dealing with the physical and mental challenges of aging. It also made her laugh! ‘I’m going to put this saying in my office,’ says Moehle, 59. ‘Some parts of aging are a real pain, but seeing the humor in them makes the process easier to manage.'”

My two cents: I think old age is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone, but we’re all going to have to deal with it…if any of us make it that far, etc. “Does life begin at 60?” (Shut up!) Now that I’m past the 60 mark, I’m getting more and more worried about it! I see other people…the “before” and the “after” and I don’t like what I see. In this society, there are four age groups; the young man; middle aged; the old; and “Wow, you sure look good these days!” I don’t want to go into that last category!

Article: “Steven M. Sultanoff, a California clinical psychologist and former president of the American Association for Therapeutic Humor and a self-described “myrtologist,” says the benefits of laughter are no joke. Learning to enjoy life’s ups and downs reduces stress improves communications energizes relationships and generally makes people feel better.”Studies show that humor can be dangerous for your illness,” writes Sultanoff, who maintains the website ( , which includes an extensive section dedicated to humor related to aging”.

My two hundred: My father and I are as different as black and white. He lived to be 80 years old, and I don’t know how he did it! He never went to a doctor in his life! He was one of those “doctor-phobics”, who is afraid of everything medical…needles; plastic pipes, etc. He was a heavy smoker most of his life, and because of this, he never lived a quality life, because he was always sick of something! My father never exercised. If he were to ask him if he would walk around the block, his response would be, “Why should I walk, when I can drive around the block faster?”

On the other hand, I’ve always taken care of myself… walking and jogging 10-15 miles a week, and “pumping aluminum,” for the last 20 years! I get a flu shot every year; teeth cleaning; a physical exam every year; leave the tuxedo; drink very little; watch my diet and have never taken drugs of any kind! I watch my diet. But, in the future, I worry because it’s probably just my luck that I get hit by a spinach or turnip truck… on my way to the health store to pick up some asparagus!

Article: “Research has clearly indicated that negative thinking and emotional distress lead to illness. Humor changes negative thinking and emotional distress and therefore can be a powerful health intervention.” Research, though limited, indicates that laughing improves the immune system, reduces stress, and builds pain tolerance. Humor has also proven to be a valuable tool for people facing serious illness and medical treatment.”

My two cents: I think everyone will agree with me, that we are all looking for a quality of life! But, how can a person have quality of life, if that person is sick all the time like my father? The name of the game for me is prevention! There are some people who exercise every week by clicking and double clicking…that’s it! Come on… can we talk?

Article: “Forget the concept of ‘it only hurts when I laugh,’ says author and humorist Loretta LaRoche. ‘The truth is… it hurts more when you don’t laugh!’ LaRoche, 62, acknowledges that while poor health, loss of loved ones and other realities of aging aren’t funny, a sense of humor is one of the best coping mechanisms. says LaRoche, who recently released an audiotape titled ‘Growing Old With Humor.’ ‘Find your inner sitcom and make your last act a comedy!'”

My two cents: None of us can turn back the clock! When my wife’s parents were in their 80s, they downsized and moved into an apartment that catered to the elderly and had a medical staff available, etc. And I used to go with my wife to visit her parents, but I didn’t like going there. Her parents were in good shape, but it was depressing to see some of the other old people sitting in a wheelchair… slumped over… with their heads lolling to one side or the other… and no one around! ! They just sat there as if there was no life in the body, and a person feels so helpless because none of us can do anything about the problem!

Feature: A New Book May Help, “Age Doesn’t Matter Unless You’re Cheese: Wisdom From Our Elders,” by Katherine and Ross Petras, is a collection of 350 notable quotes about aging. You won’t find any stereotypical “old man” humor here. Each contributor’s quotes are serious reflections on the aging process, many of which include the title, they are hilarious observations on the ‘golden years’. A couple of examples:

“A stockbroker urged me to buy a stock that would triple every year. I told him that at my age, I don’t even buy green bananas!” Claude Pepper/US Senator

“I have everything now that I had 20 years ago… except now it’s all lower!” gypsy rose lee

Carter Henderson, author of ‘Funny, I don’t Feel Old: How to Flourish after 50’. He says older adults should focus less on the pitfalls of aging and more on what makes them smile…and he works hard to follow his own advice.”

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For those of you who would like more information on senior issues… a good place to start is to go to the website: Suddenly Senior ( (

Bottom line… age is just a number, right? (boo-hoo!) I’ve been really forgetful lately, so I’m worried about getting Alzheimer’s too! If I DO have Alzheimer’s… there will be one positive thing that can come of it… I will be able to hide my own Easter eggs!

Arts Entertainments

Police Fiction – Ten Clichés to Avoid

Crime fiction is big business right now, but there are certain situations that have been overplayed so much that they’ve become genre clichés and everyone knows what to expect next. Here are ten cliches to try to avoid and thoughts on how to subvert cliches if you decide to use them.

policemen and doctors

You can find this perennial favorite in both crime and historical fiction. You’ll see it on ER, NYPD Blue, and cross-genre shows like the X Files. The doctor says “Okay, but just for a minute” or “It’s one touch and you’re done. The next few hours will be crucial” or “It could be minutes, it could be days… you never know with coma cases.” The police usually don’t say anything. They just stand and chew the scenery in frustration.

Mulder and Scully actually spend a lot of their time hanging around hospitals, but it doesn’t show much because the patients aren’t their common criminals or witnesses.

And that’s the way to get around this. Get a new twist and add some tension. Perhaps the patient is related to the police or the doctor. Or maybe the doctor is an amateur detective and knows more than the policeman? But beware of “Dick Van Dyke” syndrome… it takes you into a whole new area of ​​cliché.

the new partner

In this scenario, a veteran cop has to find a new partner after the death of the old one. The novice is either eager as mustard and eager to please, or exhausted by personal problems. He is probably best known in modern times for the Lethal Weapon movies. The writers tried to add some tension early in the series by having Mel Gibson as a borderline case of suicide, and that gave the first film an edge; but was lost on later installations. By the time the fourth movie came around, they had fallen so deeply into a buddy-movie relationship that all of the drama was lost in favor of light comedy.

You need to do some serious subversion if you want to use this situation. People have tried having a dog as a partner in K9, having their mom as a partner in Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot, and having foreigners as friends in the great Arnie’s Red Heat.

Outside of strictly police procedural, we’ve also had the robot friend in Robocop, the ghost friend in Randall and Hopkirk (deceased), the alien friend in Alien Nation, the wizard friend in Jonathan Creek, the ex-military friend in Sherlock Holmes and Poirot. The list goes on and on.

Regardless of how you do it, filling in the blanks is easy in this scenario. What you need is something new. What if they assign the policeman a politician who does a season to meet people? Or, on a completely bland but potentially fun level, how about the schizophrenic cop who happens to be his own friend?

The rookie in the morgue

Once just the province of young students in Quincy, this one now appears on television in the CSI or Crossing Jordan franchise and in print in Kay Scarpetta’s books. There are generally two ways one can proceed. Either the young cop runs off, hands to his mouth, or he stands still, ice cold and distant, while the autopsy proceeds.

Inspector Morse tried to subvert this situation by having the veteran be the squeamish one, but how about having the rookie as the pathologist?

Whatever you do, try not to give the pathologist a chance to be smug and condescending while explaining large portions of the plot. In the UK, this is overdone in Silent Witness and Waking the Dead, and is just a lazy way of moving the story forward.

The curmudgeonly lieutenant chews up the cop

In movies and TV shows, this happens to all leading men, and Clint Eastwood must be tired of it. In the Dirty Harry series, he was rarely outside of his boss’s office.

It usually ends with the lieutenant and cop growling at each other, so what if one of them is completely cool and relaxed? Or what if one of them is deaf?

And if you must write this scene, please don’t use lines like “I’ll have your badge for that” or “I’m not covering for you this time.”

The muddy defense attorney

This was a favorite in NYPD Blue and was guaranteed to go up Sipowitz’s nose. Once you’ve presented the snazzy suit, snazzy hairdo, and briefcase, this guy will inevitably say, “My client has no further comment” or “You had no right to talk to him without me.” Everybody knows the rest.

Again, seriousness is needed to put a new spin on this situation. Could your lawyer be an ex-cop who knows all the moves, or a relative or lover of one of the cops? How about a lawyer defending himself? Or a counterculture advocate covered in tattoos and piercings?

Whatever you do, try to come up with some creative invective. Slimeball, sleazeball, reptile, and shyster have all been overused.

The car chase

Bullitt and The French Connection set the standard, and Gone in 60 Seconds brought it into the 21st century, but this situation has grown tired. There are so many old ladies to avoid, so many road signs to hit, and so many police cars to smash before your audience gets tired.

Over the years, the Bond movies have used just about every possible permutation, so you’ll be hard-pressed to come up with something new. It would be better to add tension in another way.

In an attempt to appear fresh, the chase element has sometimes been dropped entirely in favor of racing against time such as in Speed ​​or Die Hard With a Vengeance. To be successful, you’ll need a good reason for the trip to take place, a disastrous outcome if you don’t succeed, and a few good mistakes along the way.

But beware. Too much carnage and your readers will start thinking of The Blues Brothers. And please don’t make your protagonist drive the wrong way down a one-way street…it’s been done too often.

the shooting

Raymond Chandler’s advice to crime writers still stands. “If your plot is failing, have a man come in with a gun.” However, you must be careful. Too many people still transfer scenes from old cowboy movies almost verbatim to modern cop scenes.

Probably the best recent shooting was on Michael Mann’s Heat. You cared who lived or died, and there was excitement and tension. Therein lies the trick. Make your readers have an opinion, not only about your hero, but also about the other characters. By the end of LA Confidential, we knew everyone involved in the climax, and it was more satisfying to see who lived or died. Lining up one-dimensional people as cannon fodder might work in a Saturday night popcorn movie, but we should aim higher than that.

Gunfights work well on film, but can be a drag in print. Some writers tend to slow things down, especially to take a close look at wounds. Unless you’re careful, it can be read like a medical textbook.

And please, no heads “exploding like overripe watermelons.”

The policeman in the cafe

This was used on Chips in every episode, giving them an excuse to show a motorcycle speeding from a parking lot with loose gravel flying around.

He’s also a favorite in most of the aforementioned buddy movies, and especially Starsky and Hutch. They’ll be in a cafe, reflecting on the reprimand they’ve received from their boss, when a call comes in. The radio plays, giving them the opportunity to attach a flashing light to the roof of their car and go on a car chase, closely followed by a gunfight. Do you see how it is possible to execute one cliché on another? Pretty soon you’d have a whole plot, but would someone buy it?

One way to change this scene could be to have an alternate means for the cops to get the message. Could you have them listen to something on television? Or how about on a cell phone or laptop…there are multiple opportunities for mistakes, misunderstandings or criminal action there, and they haven’t been overstated…yet.

Good Cop / Bad Cop

The interview between the good cop and the bad cop became a cliché almost as soon as the crime novel began. A good example, almost seventy years old, can be seen in The Maltese Falcon. By now, everyone knows the moves and your readers will be bored long before the interview is over. Unless you’re being self-referential and tongue-in-cheek, like in LA Confidential, you’ll never make it.

Cracker tried to completely subvert the interview situation by having it conducted by a psychiatrist who played both cops in one. At The Rock, Sean Connery, as a prisoner, told Nicholas Cage what questions he should ask him. He will have to find something equally innovative if he wants it to work.

How about having two good cops? Or two bad cops? Or maybe there’s a new computer system designed by psychologists to ask the right questions in the right order? How would your cops and your prisoner handle that?

the strange wife

Why do all the fictional cops have relationship problems? This scene always goes the same way. The wife says, “You never see the kids anymore.” The policeman doesn’t say anything, because his mobile phone interrupts. You know the rest.

Cracker is again a good example, as he went through this scene in almost every episode. Pacino performed a variation with his girlfriend on Heat.

Cracker not only has a failed marriage, but is also a gambler and drinker. In recent years, people have been giving cops more and more problems to overcome, culminating in Denzel Washington’s paraplegic investigator in The Bone Collector. He wouldn’t even try to top that.

Why not original? Turn your police into a healthy, stable and happily married man. Now there is a challenge.


The next time you read or watch a police drama, take a look at how many of the above are still in use. All of these can and often do happen in any story…just shuffle the paragraphs, throw in a murder or two and you have an instant plot.

But unless you can subvert some of the cliches, don’t expect anyone to buy it.


The 6 best tools to optimize all your sales funnels

Ready to start building your sales funnels? It seems to me that a lot of people just get lost when it comes to building their funnels. There are a few things you need before you can get started. Here are some of the most popular options when it comes to building free and paid funnels:

Lead Pages – When it comes to creating subscription pages, is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. They’ve scoured and tested a variety of page styles to determine which ones convert best, and make it easy for you to create similar pages for your marketing funnel. The reason people like LeadPages is because it has a drag and drop feature that makes creating your signup pages a breeze. It comes with a $25/month fee if you pay annually, so before you invest, you’ll want to make sure you can get your investment back.

I also recommend OptimizePress, which is another landing page builder. With OptimizePress, you pay a one-time fee of $97 and it’s yours for the year. No monthly payments. You have to renew annually, but the renewal fee is only $34. OptimizePress has signup pages, webinar pages, thank you pages, and it’s easy to work with, just like the lead pages. It’s a choice you have to make financially and which one works best for you.

Instabuilder: Similar to LeadPages, but without the monthly investment. Instabuilder is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to create your own funnels. It includes several funnel templates and a drag and drop page builder that makes it easy to get the look you want.

AWeber – When it comes to an email marketing management system, I choose Aweber. Probably the easiest email manager on the market today, Aweber is the choice for many small business owners, not only because it’s easy to use, but also because it’s affordable. Starting at less than $20 per month for up to 500 subscribers, Aweber offers autoresponders and broadcast emails, list automation, and segmentation, so you can send emails exactly when and to whom you want to add to your sales funnel.

Click Funnels – With the click of a button, you can easily build and create different types of sales funnels, signup funnels, webinar funnels, membership sites, and much more. Click Funnels integrate with your shopping cart, CRM, and email autoresponder. Click Funnels has a 14-day free trial and after the trial you pay $97 per month.

PayPal – The simplest of all payment processors, PayPal allows you to make payments online for a very reasonable fee. You can also use it as a simple shopping cart for your website.

Infusionsoft – Probably the best tool for any business model, Infusionsoft is an all-in-one solution for customer management, funnel setup, mailing list, and even membership sites. It comes at a high-end price, but if you can (and want) to use its full power, then Infusionsoft is worth investing in. However, it is a great investment. It is not for someone who has just started their business. At $199 per month with an initial fee of $999, you would use this tool to take your business to the next level.

You can see that you have many options (and even more that I haven’t mentioned) when it comes to building your sales funnels, but what are the must-haves? At the most basic level, you should have:

A way to create web pages. A simple WordPress website will fill this need, with a little bit of work. LeadPages, Optimize Press, and Instabuilder are nice to have, but not essential, especially if you’re just starting out.

A way to capture email addresses. Aweber is definitely the best option here, but others include MailChimp, Constant Contact, and iContact.

Take your time and start small. Create the sales funnel using tools that don’t cost a fortune. Once you have a few marketing funnels up and running, you’ll be able to see where they can improve and how the tools available can help your sales funnels convert better and run more efficiently.


Implementation of VoIP services in a company

Improving profitability and growing the business are key facets to the success of any company. The achievement of both objectives is generally influenced by a wide variety of factors, including telecommunications. Now that technology has given the world the capability of VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol, it is important for forward-thinking businesses to implement VoIP services into their infrastructure as part of their ongoing efforts to be successful and stay ahead of the curve. competition. While it is true that land lines offer reliable communication systems, VoIP capability is faster and just as reliable. In addition, it also presents some additional benefits.

What is Voice over Internet Protocol?

Voice over Internet Protocol transmits calls over high-speed Internet connections instead of using traditional methods. Rates apply for both local and long distance services. However, the rates are generally the same for local and long distance calls. This fact alone effectively lowers the cost of telecommunications for many businesses once they switch. While there are usually additional fees for international calls, there are usually monetary savings of some kind involved compared to traditional calling services.

What about voice over internet protocol and existing phone numbers?

In most cases, companies converting from landlines to VoIP can keep their existing phone numbers. This not only simplifies the transaction, but also helps maintain a positive flow in business activities. First of all, letterhead, stationery, business cards, etc. of the company will not have to undergo any change. Therefore, no additional cost will be incurred for these types of supplies.

What are the features of Voice over Internet Protocol?

The quality of service with VoIP telecommunications is generally exceptional. Smooth calls with a high quality of service are the norm. The standard features of VoIP services are the same as those found on traditional landlines. Subscribers can access call forwarding, call waiting, voice mail, 3-way calling and much more. One of the benefits of installing VoIP calling for your business is the one-click feature that allows your employees to click to call over the Internet. However, it is important to do your research, as not all VoIP providers offer the exact same features with their stand plans.

What is needed to use Voice over Internet Protocol services?

There are two basic options when it comes to Voice over Internet Protocol settings. Users have the option of purchasing a special adapter that can be used with an existing phone. They may also choose to set up their VoIP service through a computer using a microphone and special software. The choice is personal and will vary from company to company. If the second option is chosen, the software is provided by the specific VoIP service provider that is selected to provide the service. One of the benefits of configuring VoIP to work through the computer is that this scenario frees up the caller’s hands, especially if the microphone is connected to a headset.

What are the main benefits of implementing voice over Internet protocol services?

There are three main benefits when implementing Voice over Internet Protocol services in the workplace: a streamlined work environment, lower telecommunications costs, and a manageable contact list.

An optimized work environment comes automatically when VoIP is implemented in the workplace. VoIP connectivity often reduces the pile of items normally found on workers’ desks. In particular, landlines are being replaced with slim hands-free microphones, freeing up desk space and freeing the hands of callers.

Less expensive telecommunications costs are one of the monetary benefits that result from a transfer of traditional calls to VoIP calling services. Since many VoIP providers offer cheaper rates for local, long distance and international calls, the company can save a lot on their daily telecom costs. Think of how many different entities regularly receive a phone call from your business: customers, prospects, vendors, service providers, and more. That’s a lot of calls, so there’s a lot of potential for big savings when switching to VoIP. As the cost of the business decreases, its profits will increase.

A manageable contact list may seem like a simple benefit at first glance, but it’s not. How many wasted hours are involved over the course of a year when workers have to look up contact information? With VoIP, the contact list is simplified and constantly accessible. Not only that, but all the relevant information related to any individual contact can be stored along with the contact information on the computer, simplifying the work process for employees.

As a result of the main benefits of switching to VoIP connectivity, productivity also increases, leading to new growth and higher profits. Multitasking is much easier when using both hands, so your employees can increase their performance more easily and with less physical stress. How many times have you seen your employees trying to juggle the phone between their neck and shoulder just so they can have both hands free for typing or searching for important papers? With hands-free headsets used with VoIP connectivity, your employees will be able to easily use both hands without straining their necks.

The portability of VoIP is another great aspect of this type of connectivity. VoIP can be taken and used anywhere you have high-speed Internet access. Necessary travel no longer precludes the ability to continue making business calls at company expense. Instead, work continues as usual. In fact, the portability of VoIP makes it easy to transition from a temporary office setup that simply has to be done. There is no interruption in service or productivity results due to work location transfer thanks to the capabilities of Voice over Internet Protocol Services.

Voice over Internet Protocol services are inexpensive to implement within a company’s telecommunications infrastructure. It leads to higher profits, higher productivity and renewed growth. Is there any reason why I shouldn’t switch to VoIP now? None. Leverage VoIP technology today and propel your business into the next wave of the future.

Home Kitchen

The best marble tile colors for your shower

Enhancing the beauty of the home is not just limited to creating stunning front porches or lavishly designed living rooms.

Designing an elegantly designed and designed bathroom or shower room adds extra value to a home and provides an overall aesthetic feel. People these days have not only relied on glossy finishes, but have also dabbled in matte or rustic finishes.

In stones like marble, look for honed and polished marble tiles, which have an old-world look that blends perfectly with the soft look of earth tones. Unlike polished stones, they have irregular shapes and a dull appearance. Whatever the designs, marble tiles perfectly complement a wonderful bathroom.

General applications for marble tiles

Currently, there are a number of natural stone tiles that are used in residential and commercial applications. Marble tiles are typically suitable for general residential and light commercial applications, adding to the aesthetic values ​​of most homes and offices.

However, there is one application that marble is not well suited for and that is for kitchen countertops as the composition of marble fades and depreciates when exposed to acidic materials. The most common residential uses for marble are for window sills, fireplaces, decorative hallways, and bathroom floors. Other bathroom applications for marble include wall cladding, backsplashes, bathtub and shower covers.

popular marble tile designs

The use of marble tiles for bathroom floors and surfaces is essential if your main goal is to create a stylish bathroom. These tiles are available polished, honed or polished. Polished tiles are used to provide more traction, while polished tiles provide a sleeker look, but can become slippery when wet, so bathroom rugs should be placed in critical spots to prevent accidents such as slipping. Polished marble, with its old, rustic look, is also becoming a popular choice for many homeowners.

marble tile colors and

Marble tiles are truly viable tile materials for bathrooms, entryways, fireplaces, living rooms, and dining rooms. These types of tiles are generally used for both interior and exterior flooring applications. Among the many marble tile colors available are white, red, black, mottled and striped gray, pink and green.

For each color listed, there may be some variations and mixes, and they are mostly available at your nearest home decor or hardware store. Floor tile sizes generally range from 305 x 305mm to 800mm free length.

The finish of the tiles can also vary between polished, calibrated or beveled. Natural stones, such as marble and limestone, range in price from $5 to $20 per square foot, and are more common in higher-priced renovations. Glass tile, on the other hand, can cost anywhere from $25 to $50 per square foot, depending on the design.

Marble Floor Tile Maintenance

While marble can create a shiny and elegant look, it requires more maintenance than ceramic tile. Marble is generally a porous material and needs to be sealed once every one to two years, depending on how much the area is used. For example, if you have a steam shower that you use every day, you should seal the tiles more often because the steam and heat could spoil the treatment.

Marble tile –


How To – Diabetic Cooking Tips and Recipes for Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner

Thanksgiving dinner is a great time for good food and family. BUT in most families there are family members who have dietary needs, such as diabetics. Cooking Thanksgiving dinner for a diabetic doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavor. There are simple ways to make food healthier for the diabetic who loves to cook.

*Don’t miss out on the great Diabetic Thanksgiving Recipes at the end!

Tips for cooking diabetic-friendly recipes for Thanksgiving

-Avoid sugar
This may seem like common sense, but sugar can sneak into your kitchen faster than you think.

High-sugar foods often served on Thanksgiving include:

sincere yam

Sweet potatoes

Cranberry sauce

Desserts, cookies, cakes and pies

Small chocolates and sweets placed around the house.


Offer smart desserts with sugar

Consider offering lower-sugar dessert options, such as:

Apple pie with no added sugar and ice cream with no added sugar

Low sugar fresh whip fruit bowl, berries, apples and melons are low sugar fruits

Or considering cooking your favorite desserts with sugar substitutes like Splenda™.

Stay away from carbohydrates

Carbohydrates (carbohydrates) are converted to sugars and processed as such in the body. This means that your body must process chocolate and bread using insulin in much the same way. For a diabetic diet, this means that carbohydrates are almost as bad as foods that are obviously sugar-based, like desserts and sweets.

Carbohydrates to avoid on Thanksgiving are typically foods like:

breads and rolls




Diabetic foods to fill your plate

Protein, vegetables, and low-fat foods are best for diabetics. This includes turkey!

Green beans, corn, carrots, broccoli, and other vegetables


Serve bad foods in moderation

On vacation it’s easy to deviate from your normal diet. Many people splurge at parties or indulge in treats and foods that they normally avoid.

Living a healthy life as a diabetic means that your dietary choices should be manageable for you. Making things too strict could lead a diabetic to abandon the diabetic diet altogether.

During the holidays eat SOME of the foods you like but normally avoid. This can mean a small piece of cake or a muffin or some mashed potatoes and gravy.

The important thing to remember is MODERATION. Take a little, but don’t overdo it.

Tips to keep diabetics healthy this Thanksgiving

-Have the diabetic at your Thanksgiving dinner check their blood sugar throughout the day.

-Offer to serve the plate for your diabetic guest(s) and serve portions according to the tips above: lots of protein and vegetables, low sugar and carbs

-Consider serving foods that fit the above recommendations. While these tips are specific to diabetics, these food choices are healthier for everyone.

-Above all, enjoy the time with your family and friends!

Here is a great turkey and stuffing recipe for diabetics:

Roasted Turkey with Wild Rice, Sausage, and Apple Stuffing


1 cup of wild rice

3 cups of water

1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

1 medium onion, chopped

1 cooking apple, such as Golden Delicious, Gravenstein, or Rome, peeled, cored, and chopped

2 ribs celery with leaves, chopped

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves

A pinch of ground mace or nutmeg

freshly ground black pepper

1/2 pound fresh Italian-style turkey sausage, casings removed

1/2 cup pecan nuts, toasted (see note)

1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley


1 turkey (8 to 10 pounds), fresh or thawed

4 tablespoons unsalted butter (1/2 stick)

2 teaspoons poultry seasoning

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the filling: Combine the wild rice, water, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer until rice is tender and just about bursting, about 30 minutes. (Times may vary depending on the brand of rice used.) Drain and reserve. Adjust one oven rack to the lowest position and remove the other racks. Preheat to 325 degrees F.

Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion, apple, celery, garlic, thyme, mace, remaining 1 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. Cook until vegetables soften, about 5 minutes. Add the sausage, breaking it up with a wooden spoon, and cook until it loses most of its pink color but not so much that it’s dry, about 5 minutes more. Add cooked wild rice, walnuts, and parsley to vegetable mixture. (This can be done the day before).

For the turkey: Remove the turkey parts from the neck and breast cavities and reserve for other uses, if desired. Dry the bird well with paper towels, inside and out. Melt the butter together with the poultry seasoning. Salt and pepper inside the cavity of the bird. Add the stuffing loosely to the cavity and place the bird on a rack in a roasting pan, breast side up, and brush generously with the seasoned butter, then season with salt and pepper. Cover the top of the bird with aluminum foil.

Roast the turkey for about 2 hours without being disturbed. Remove and discard foil. Bathe with the remaining butter. Increase oven temperature to 425 degrees F and continue roasting until an instant-read thermometer registers 165 degrees F when inserted into the thickest part of the thigh, about 20 to 25 minutes more. Remove turkey from oven and cover with foil for 15 minutes before carving.

Note: To toast walnuts, spread them on a baking sheet and toast in a preheated 350 degree F oven until golden brown, about 7 minutes.

Nutritional information

calories 407

Saturated fat 5 grams

Carbs 22 grams

Fiber 3 grams

Protein 42 grams

Unsaturated fat 12 grams

Nicole Anderson offers excellent information on diabetic diets and diabetic recipes at []. Cooking for a diabetic’s health doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice taste. Cook smart and eat tasty food!

Digital Marketing

Obstacles to service recovery

From time to time, your recovery efforts may be blocked by certain actions or inactions on your part or others in your organization. These are some of the obstacles that commonly derail recovery attempts.

Poor or inadequate communication.

Without strong communication, recovery cannot occur when service failures occur. The quality and quantity of communication between you and your customer can be a determining factor in the success of maintaining a customer-supplier relationship. Failure to keep the lines of communication open before, during, and after a transaction or client contact (i.e., in the case of ongoing client situations, such as an attorney working with a client), can lead to breakdowns in communication. relationship. Every effort should be made to constantly update and consult with customers. If they feel neglected or left out, this could lead to further dissatisfaction and loss of business loyalty.

not actively listening

You must take an active role to effectively listen to your customers. You must not only receive data, but also analyze it and act on it. Many service providers go through the motions of listening, however they do not do so accurately or actively. This can send a definite message of “I don’t really care about you.”

Lack of respect for customers.

Closely linked to listening is the issue of respect for the client. Your actions or inactions related to customers and their issue or problem may lead to the perception that you are being rude, disrespectful, or uncaring. An example of little things that can lead to perceived disrespect is keeping an outside customer waiting even though they had a scheduled appointment (ie, at a doctor’s or dentist’s office).

The same could happen to internal clients when you’re late for a scheduled team meeting. In such a situation, you and your organization/department lose when customers complain, dissatisfy other customers, and/or (in the case of external customers) leave a competitor.

Keep in mind that this disrespect may just be the customer’s perception. Still, it is your perception that counts in such cases. The best strategy to avoid such a perception is to stay focused on the customer’s needs and try to avoid dissatisfaction. If a failure occurs, you should move quickly to recover by following these basic steps for service recovery:
1. Apologize, apologize and apologize again;
2. Take immediate action to positively resolve the situation;
3. Show compassion;
4. Provide compensation; Y
5. Follow up to ensure that the customer is satisfied.

inadequate or outdated materials or equipment

Trying to provide excellent service without the necessary tools is frustrating and ineffective. It can also accelerate the deterioration of a customer relationship and destroy trust. For example, you may be calling a customer from a list provided by the marketing department to update an address or to sell new services or products to customers. You may not know that other people have already called the customer, that the customer has already purchased the upgrade from another service representative, or that they received a mail-order request that had a different (and better) offer for the same products and services. Their frustration increases and credibility decreases in such a case. Another example would be inadequate computer software for tracking dates or records that does not allow timely entry and retrieval of information when it comes to customers.

Lack of training

It is very difficult to perform at exceptional levels when you do not have the necessary knowledge and skills. This is especially true in cases where you do not have adequate knowledge of the organization, its products, services and procedures, as well as the interpersonal skills necessary to achieve service recovery. Any time gaps are identified in these or any other areas related to customer service, you should approach your boss with a request for training. This training night can be informal (ie, audio/video tapes, CD-ROMs, self-study courses, Internet courses, or written materials) or formal (ie, classrooms, one-on-one training, or lectures). The format is not as important as the fact that you get what you need to better interact with and serve your customers.

work conflicts

No matter how much you care and want to provide quality service, you may fail if you overcommit or if your organization overextends its human resources. It is impossible to be everything to everyone. When the job schedule creates a situation where it is pulled in too many directions, it is likely to fail. To overcome this potential, constant monitoring of the workload is required. Recommendations to your team leader or supervisor for schedule changes, job sharing, or redeployment of

Health Fitness

Your health in the future

So, is that you today??? Or this???

OKAY! So you’re no longer 25 (or even close?)

So what do you do about it?
Sit back in your chair and accept that you are getting older? There’s nothing you can do about it anyway (shrug) right?
Prayed! – Make every day count!
Penalty fee! – And how the hell do we do that?

This and similar thoughts have been nagging at the back of my minutes for some time and I find it increasingly difficult to sit back and wait for old age and, I swallow hard, to take over. As I read, people tended to do it a long time ago.
Now, aside from any other reason, allowing this to happen is BORING. I get restless sitting on the couch too long, even when I have something creative to do while sitting there.

So naturally, being myself, I started researching as many ideas and suggestions as I could find. And I found so many that I thought I’d pass along a few in case there are others out there who would appreciate some ideas.
Here it goes.

De-stressing: Quite a popular expression these days, but it’s not always easy to do, right? A doctor (Pablo Quintana MD) said in one of his reports that spending even 10 minutes at a time doing something you enjoy can, if you let it, help you overcome some of the stresses many of us feel today.
So what is causing your stress? If it’s medical, you may need to talk to your primary care doctor. But if it’s the stress that can come from managing while living on a shoestring budget; Living alone; meeting few people, perhaps due to moving to a new area; Feeling out of shape, but not knowing how to even BEGIN to correct any of these things, whatever is causing your own personal stress; You can make the difference.
In recent years, I have suffered several of those listed. As well as being at the ‘No Longer a Spring Chicken’ end of the age spectrum, AND a fairly recent widow, I was well aware that I needed to help myself first.
Go ahead and up then, I decided.

The truth about metabolism and calories.

Is there such a thing as metabolism-boosting diets? – NO
Although hot peppers and green tea can bring a short-term boost. A balanced diet with reasonable portions is much more important.

Can exercise speed up your metabolism? -YES
Muscle burns more calories than fat.
Strength training and cardio are good options.

Can Eating Many Small Meals Boost Metabolism? – NO
Try small meals if you tend to overeat at mealtimes.
The number of meals matters less than the total calories consumed.

Is it common to have trouble losing weight due to slow metabolism? – NO
A slow metabolism is rare.
If you’re following all the guidelines but still having trouble losing weight, talk to your doctor.

Low carb substitutes for bread, pasta, rice, potatoes.

bread swaps

A lettuce wrap works great as a taco or hamburger bun.
Chinese cabbage makes a good wrap for sandwich fillings.
Cauliflower is a good base for pizza. Among other delicious things.

pasta exchanges

Shredded spaghetti squash, excellent as spaghetti.
Sliced ​​zucchini or eggplant make great lasagna noodles.
Cauliflower is just as good as pasta with mac and cheese.
Use a vegetable peeler, knife, or spiralizer to turn vegetables into noodles.

potato exchanges

Grated butternut squash can be made into hash browns.
Turnip or cauliflower works well as ‘mashed potatoes’
Jicama (Mexican potato) can be crispy like potatoes
Rutabaga (Swedish) gives body to soups and stews, can also be prepared on rice.

rice exchanges

Cauliflower in rice or in a blender.
Bulgar, quinoa or barley are great substitutes for rice, especially as a side dish or in stir-fries and soups.

Should I add vitamin supplements to my diet?

First check your diet to see if there are any elements missing that you need to add as a supplement. Unless you’re on a really unhealthy eating regimen (fish and chips, burgers and fries, etc. every day), you may already be getting all the vitamins you need. Or you could simply add or remove one or two items to meet your vitamin needs.
But if you are missing any necessary elements, can you add these foods naturally? If not, find a supplement for that section of your diet. But try not to overdo it with multiple supplements that may not be necessary. Also, keep in mind that too many additional supplements can end up in the toilet instead of staying in your system.

Hidden Sources of Trans Fats

One way to gain weight isn’t always obvious, so checking food labels will help, but the following foods may well include that hidden fat.

Baked goods: cookies, cakes and crackers.
Popular snacks: microwave popcorn, potato chips
Fried food, especially in places to eat out and take away.
Dough products, including frozen pizzas and cookies
butter bar
coffee creams
Vegetable shortening – lard, dripping

The term found on packages in the fine print “Partially Hydrogenated Oil” is another name for artificial trans fats.

Another type of unhealthy option, of course, is sugar, which is often used as a condom these days. Some of these hidden sugars, often under different names, are:

• Has syrup – corn syrup, rice syrup
• the word ends in “ose” – fructose, sucrose, maltose, dextrose
• “sugar” is in the name: raw sugar, cane sugar, brown sugar, confectioners’ sugar.

These are also often hidden among the ingredients on the package.
working out
If you’re not in the habit of exercising (as I certainly was), just go for a walk. It doesn’t have to be long, ten minutes is doable for most of us at first. For me it was a very short walk around the block (20 minutes in total) but the return part had a small hill. The first couple of times, I was exhausted when I got back home. But within a week or so, I was voluntarily extending this.
Outdoor walks also expose you to vitamin D, which is good for anxiety problems, sociable, helps you sleep, helps you feel good, helps you focus, helps the immune system, increases creativity, helps control the weight. But remember ‘slip, slap, slide’.
Before starting any exercise plan, discuss your health with your doctor. Weight gain can negatively affect your microbiome, encouraging the types of microbes that get energy from food and help your body store fat, possibly setting the stage for weight gain.
Fiber-rich foods: vegetables, whole grains, fruits, feed the bacteria in the colon; also discourage the growth of some harmful. Probiotics like yogurt and pickled vegetables also help your gut. Getting enough sleep, relieving stress, and exercising can also improve your microbiome. Be careful when taking probiotics, especially if you have some health problems, check with your doctor first. Peppermint oil has been shown to have some beneficial effects.
Regular physical activity can improve your balance and improve or maintain your health and fitness. It could help improve your mood, help manage or lessen the impact of conditions like diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and depression.
So, what are you waiting for? If the weather is dry and not freezing, get out and walk, even if it’s just for 1 minute. I have a friend in a nursing home, in her eighties, who goes out regularly, with her walker, and walks. Even if it’s just around the perimeter of the building. Sometimes I get embarrassed, so I always try to remind myself that…
you are never too old
Recommended for Mature Adults.

Well, being one of the above, I couldn’t help myself, I had to look for more information that would help me have a HEALTHY, hopefully long, life. Here are my findings.
Despite what many of us believe, as we age, endurance, balance, strength, and flexibility are vital to both health and mood.
Fast walking, dancing, etc. improve the health of your heart, lungs and circulatory system. It can also make it easier to mow the lawn, climb stairs, etc.
Strength exercises, including lifting weights, which don’t have to be very heavy, or using resistance bands, can definitely increase muscle strength, which in turn will help carry the groceries or lift the grandkids.
Balance exercises can help prevent falls. Stretching or flexibility exercises can help freedom of movement. Weights will help tone your muscles. Kegel squeezes for other muscles, fast and long (10 seconds) 3 times a day.
Social activities, reading, games, crafts, indoor computer use can also help keep your brain active and in a good mood. A fairly recent experiment with about 30 people found that dancing is not only good for most muscles, but also improves mood. As well as singing in a group, I am in a local choir and we practice weekly for our concerts. Most of us go home excited, so singing works too.
The Mediterranean diet is also useful for controlling our weight.
Try to always keep sidewalks clear, clean up spills right away, invest in good lighting. Find activities like Tae Chi, Yoga, etc. to help improve your balance. It should lower your blood pressure. Good nutrition supports good health, as does cooking with raw, unprocessed foods, thus limiting the hidden sugars in our diet found in so many processed foods today.
Well, those are the results of my research, so far.
But I will continue to spend time finding ways to help myself stay healthy, and even on a shoestring budget, I will figure out how to delay the time when I need help.
SO – Forward and upward for all of us over 25 years old. Did I say 25? Why discriminate? From the age of 21, catch your bad habits early and you are more likely to have a fit and healthy old age. Very good luck and clothes for all of you

Legal Law

An Execution 2013 Free English Speaking Caribbean

As an academic teaching criminal law and writing about the death penalty debate in the English-speaking Caribbean [hereinafter the ESC]I was pleased to learn that there have been no hangings, the form of execution sanctioned by governments of ESC nations, since 2008. I was even more pleased to have recently read Amnesty International’s report that there were no hangings in 2013 and now there are fewer. sentenced to death in the ESC.

Despite higher homicide rates in some ESC countries, such as the Bahamas and Trinidad and Tobago, there has not been a huge “buzz” over more executions, instead there have been calls on the authorities to strengthen the capacity of the police to detect and prevent murders. . There were 15 new death sentences imposed in 2013 at the CES. There were two such sentences in the Bahamas, two in Barbados, at least six in Guyana, and at least five in Trinidad and Tobago. This was not a significant increase from 2012, when at least 12 new death sentences were recorded. No executions were carried out or death sentences imposed in Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guatemala, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname. As of December 31, 2012, no one was known to be on death row in Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guatemala, Saint Lucia, and Suriname. Furthermore, no death sentences were recorded in Antigua and Barbuda.

Amnesty International further reports that two new death sentences were recorded in Barbados. A total of eight men were reported to be on death row there in December 2013. The last person on death row in Grenada had his sentence commuted to life in prison in 2013. No new sentences of death were imposed. death and no one was under sentence of death. At the end of the year. At least six people were sentenced to death and at least 25 were on death row at the end of 2013. Eleven men in Guyana had their death sentences commuted to life in prison during the year.

In 2013, no new death sentences were known to have been imposed in Jamaica. Two men remained on death row at the end of the year, while three people had their death sentences commuted. No new death sentences were known to have been imposed in Saint Kitts and Nevis, while one person was believed to be on death row in late 2013. The last person left on death row in Saint Lucia , Mitchel Joseph, had his death sentence commuted to life imprisonment on 8 July 2013. No new death sentences were known to have been imposed.

No new death sentences were recorded in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, where one person, Patrick Lovelace, remained on death row at the end of 2013. At least five new death sentences were imposed in Trinidad and Tobago and at least 39 prisoners were I knew they were on death row at the end of the year. Two death sentences were commuted to life sentences and national legislation maintained the mandatory imposition of the death penalty.

This is a good trend, fewer people on death row and more people commuting death sentences to life in prison. Much of this is due to the fact that most of the twelve ESC nations still retain the Privy Council in London, the judicial wing of the House of Lords, as their final court of appeal. The Privy Council ruled in 1993 that the gap between sentence and execution cannot be more than five years and that successive appeals usually take longer. If there is no execution of the prisoner within five years of the sentence, the prisoner will have their sentence commuted to life imprisonment.

So we’re seeing fewer hangups on the ESC; Let’s hope that this barbaric practice ends soon with the absolute abolition of the death penalty at the CES.

Lifestyle Fashion

How to continue acne treatment in summer

Acne-prone skin that has been exposed to sunlight can become hypersensitive when using medications including tetracyclines or isotretinoin. Therefore, how to cure acne completely even in summer?

In the summer, people with acne-prone skin should carefully consider before sunbathing. Many acne treatments are photosensitizers: The treatments can trigger breakouts in areas that have been exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays, especially the shoulders, hands, forearms, and face. It’s even worse when we’re wearing a swimsuit. The rashes will appear more and spread to other parts of the body.

What happens if we do not use photosensitizers for the skin when exposed to sunlight? The only solution to deal with these rashes is to protect the skin from sunlight, regardless of medications.

We cannot prevent young men or women from taking some rays. However, it is advisable to follow some prescribed acne treatments. It is highly recommended to apply a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor.


  • Apply sunscreen after every 2-hour period and about 15 to 30 minutes before sun exposure. The ratio of the UVA protection factor must be equal to or less than 2, and the protection must be 50. Prefer an oil-free and water-based one with fragrance to avoid photosensitivity and irritation, the greasy or comedogenic one is not recommended. Sunscreens with mineral filters (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide) capable of reflecting UV rays and sunlight rather than absorbing them are preferable.
  • Two of the most effective sunscreens are a hat and a t-shirt. People who suffer from severe acne will have a higher risk of depigmentation. Therefore, sun protection is especially important.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun and UV booth between 12-16 hours.
  • Moisturize skin several times a day, with an adequate amount of oily moisturizer, and should be non-comedogenic.
  • If possible, continue acne treatment regularly because we will benefit from guidance and follow-up.

Acne treatment possible in summer.

We can continue acne treatment even in summer by taking various precautions.

Treatments based on fruit acids (AHA)

Dermatologists sometimes prescribe fruit acids that include glycolic acid from sugar cane. They are not harmful.

Benzoyl Peroxide Treatments

Benzoyl peroxide in soap (Panoxyl), cream, and gel (Cutacnyl, Effacne, Erylik, Eclaran, Pannogel, Panoxyl) is photosensitizing. Therefore, you should apply them at night and then use the sunscreen during the day.

Warning: Sunscreen is less active in water, so water sports enthusiasts should not follow this formulation.

Topical antibiotic products

Topical antibiotic products, especially erythromycin (Erythrogel, Eryfluid, Stimicin) lotion or gel, or Dalacin T (clindamycin) topical solution and lotion, contain alcohol, irritants, and/or propylene glycol. Apply them at night, and remember to associate them with moisturizer.

Warning: use them for short periods to avoid antimicrobial resistance.

Oral medications for acne treatments less compatible with sunlight

Oral treatments are less compatible with exposure to sunlight.

Zinc based treatments

Using zinc gluconate or rubozinc is less risky in the summer. However, its effectiveness is limited to small acne, with local treatment.

Isotretinoin Treatments

Isotretinoin (Roaccutane, Acnetrait, Curacne, Contracne, and Procuta) are prescribed for brittle skin and severe acne. The medication continues in eight months. It causes a thinning of the skin that ceases to be a UV-VIS barrier. This makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight, causing rapid sunburn other than phototoxicity or photoallergy.

Using broad-spectrum SPF 50 sunscreen is effective in preventing both UVA and UVB rays.

oral antibiotics

We must stop using some oral antibiotics or tetracyclines such as doxycycline due to the significant risk of phototoxicity. So the doctor prefers the preferred zinc salts.

Only a treatment with lymecycline (Tetralysal) with the lowest phototoxic risk can be carried out if the acne is moderate or severe with effective moisturizers and photoprotectors.

hormone treatment

The Diane 35 treatment maintains a risk/benefit ratio favorable to acne after the failure of some antibiotics and local treatment. This treatment is prescribed when there are signs of hirsutism and hyperandrogenism that affect acne and persist after some previous treatments. Also, we do not use it with oral contraceptives.

The composition of Diane 35 does not have any special indication when exposed to sunlight.