
Origin of “Cajun” Fried Turkey

While preparing for this year’s Thanksgiving festival, where I will be serving a delicious fried turkey, I became interested in the origin of the succulent treat.

What is fried turkey?
“Frying whole turkeys is kind of the southern version of making fondue. You have a lot of your friends, you poke around in a pot of hot oil with some chopsticks, and then you pull out your dinner.” Justin Wilson, of Cajun food fame, remembers first seeing deep-fried turkey in Louisiana in the 1930s.” — Something Different: Deep-Fried Turkey, Beverly Bundy, San Luis OfficeNovember 24, 1997 (Food p. 4)

What is a deep fried turkey you ask? Injected with marinade and cooked in peanut or other vegetable oil at 350 degrees F, fried turkey is anything but greasy. The frying process seals in the juices creating flavorful meat and flavorful, golden skin. Incredibly juicy on the inside and wonderfully crisp on the outside, the explosion of flavor and contrasting textures have made it a favorite for barbecues, block parties, tailgating, holiday banquets and casual wedding receptions.

It seems like I first heard about frying turkey about 15 years ago, then all of a sudden everyone and their brother was doing it. So what caused this sudden phenomenon?

Roots in the southern United States
Fried turkey has its origins in the southern United States, namely Louisiana. I’ve heard there are some restaurants in South Louisiana that have made it popular by injecting whole birds with a Creole-style marinade and then dipping them in hot peanut oil. However, there had to be something bigger to get the word out, regional restaurants simply don’t have the reach to change a tradition as entrenched as roast turkey.

I thought maybe it was the new accessibility of large fryers like the original Kamp Kooker marketed by Home Depot, or was it a favorite of celebrity chefs like Emeril?

Why is it called Cajun if it isn’t?
I started doing some research on the internet and although I only spent a few hours it seems that no exact year, restaurant or person is connected to this particular style of cooking turkey. There is evidence that fried turkeys were cooked outdoors for large popular events (family reunions, benefit dinners, church dinners, etc.) in the early years of the 20th century.

Commonly thought of as a Cajun tradition, I couldn’t find any direct links to the Acadian-Cajun culture. In fact, I’ve found that food historians generally agree that fried turkey has its roots in Bayou (Louisiana/Texas) Creole cuisine. Recipes then migrated from Louisiana/Texas to Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia (peanut oil) and Washington DC before branching north to Seattle and Vancouver.

The power of Martha Stewart
So here seems to be the magic bullet. I found where Martha Stewart is credited for bringing the recipe to mainstream America in the early 90’s:

“Fried turkey has been all the rage for at least the last decade in New Orleans, and long before then it was a tradition in the bayou and throughout the South. Like many vainglorious culinary crazes before it, the national renown of fried turkeys can be traced directly to Martha Stewart, who brought them out of regional obscurity and into her magazine in 1996. “—It’s treacherous, but so tasty; Fried Turkey Fans Take the Chance, Annie Gowen, Washington Post, Nov 22, 2001 (p. B1)

If this is the case, it seems that Martha may have created an entire industry. A typical setup that includes all of the turkey fryer accessories can easily run $200-$300. I would say those people and the peanut oil people owe Martha a big thank you.

Digital Marketing

10 creative strategies to promote your website

Do you have a website or blog where you post content every day but still can’t get enough visitors?

Have you just created your first blog and are eager to try all the ways to promote it?

This article introduces the 10 smartest and most effective strategies you can use to promote your blog and instantly attract visitors who are genuinely interested in your niche.

1. Stop tweaking/modifying your blog

Do you spend too much time tweaking your blog to give it the right feel? Let me tell you that the overall design doesn’t matter to your audience as much as your content. Instead of tweaking your blog from time to time, focus on creating new, engaging, and informative content for your readers and keep them coming back for more.

2. Create pillar content

Producing quality content is one of the biggest challenges for bloggers because creating high-quality content on a regular basis is not easy. Good content has a powerful impact on your audience, so it’s important that you take the time to create the high-quality pillar content that can cement your blog’s reputation. Pillar content refers to a series of posts that represent the best content on your blog. It includes all the great posts that you will refer new visitors to for their usefulness.

Great content serves as a go-to source for good, informative messages for your audience within your particular industry. Pillar posts provide important support to your blog and are considered to be a very important component or building block of your blog. When you start promoting your blog, pillar content will serve as bait to attract more traffic.

Once you have your blog set up, the first strategy you should implement is to create relevant posts and fill your blog with really new but interactive information.

3. Do not focus too much on monetizing your blog

Many new bloggers create blogs to earn money. While there is nothing wrong with making money, putting too many banner ads on your blog can be too distracting for your audience. If there are too many of them, they can make your blog look really ugly and can actually drive your visitors away from your blog. Still think this could be a great way to promote your blog? I bet not. In fact, you need to focus on building your email list and targeted pixel list. Both will help you get what you are desperately looking for, more visitors and more money by retargeting your visitors through paid ads.

4. Research your niche and find out who and what matters

A very important step that you need to take before starting your blog is to thoroughly research your niche. You should need to know all the ins and outs of your niche and know who is important, for example who are the influencers, the big ones and the small ones who contribute to the niche in their own capacities. You should make a list of all the competing sites, channels, podcasts, influencers, communities, and groups that are working within your particular niche. It’s easy with SE Ranking’s competitor research.

By doing so, you will have an important reference file of all your competitors within your niche. You will be able to see what they are doing and talking about and also all the items they are putting up for sale and the products that are popular with your audience.

5. Reach your audience

Once you have your blog well set up and great content to engage your audience, start promoting your blog. Pull out the detailed list of all the influencers, big and small players that you have created before starting your blog. Keep an eye out for small players, because you need them for blog promotion. You can start by offering them testimonials, case studies, or even a blog post that they are interested in publishing. It is important that you start a one-on-one relationship with players big and small. By contributing to other people’s sites by commenting and sharing your work on your blog, they will begin to recognize and connect with you.

6. Become an expert in your niche

Whether your niche is SEO, digital marketing, content marketing, or any other, you should not only gain extensive knowledge about your niche, but also present it in an interactive and engaging way through your blog. Your future audience is waiting to read content that addresses them and their needs. It is the power of your expert writing and analysis that will help you engage your audience.

7. Post comments

Commenting on blog posts and participating in various forums and social groups is often seen as a way to get backlinks. But if done right, no such problem will arise. Always post comments on blog posts only when you have something meaningful and informative to add. Make sure you use your own name to do it, and not your brand. Get involved in niche groups and influential communities on social media. Present yourself as an authority in your niche and genuinely help people. Don’t just leave links.

8. Create an interactive conversation flow and recognize your readers

When creating content, make sure it’s engaging enough to get your audience talking. Your posts should ask your audience questions and encourage them to answer or share their own similar experiences. Your audience may talk to you through blog comments or email, make sure you acknowledge and respond to them. This will encourage ease of interaction.

9. Monetize your site

When it comes to making money from your blog, take a proactive approach as it can drive organic traffic. When you offer a product or service on your site, you can attract your target audience. By creating a profit funnel, you can not only generate more leads, but also a lot of income in the coming months.

10. Use paid or sponsored media

The use of paid or sponsored media is a viable option and an effective strategy for blog promotion. It includes blog promotion via Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Promoted Tweets, YouTube Pre-Roll Ads and much more. These social networks can drive an incredible amount of traffic as well as hundreds of potential customers to your site.

When you follow the strategies discussed above to promote your site, you will not only be able to increase traffic to your site, but also generate income from it. Remember, promoting a site or blog is not a difficult task. It just takes a little time and an understanding of what works. Implement one strategy at a time and see the difference.

Health Fitness

How to lose weight fast by focusing on better health

There are basically 2 ways to lose weight fast.

To lose weight fast, you’ll need to either decrease your calorie intake or increase the rate at which your body burns the calories you consume.

To lose weight fast you need to do some type of activity that burns more calories than your usual daily routine.

This may be something you don’t want to hear, but adding exercise to your daily routine is the fastest way to start burning more calories.

Altering or modifying your daily routine to include calorie-burning activities will also help, but weight loss will be slower.

An example would be taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator.

Park further away from your workplace so you have to walk more to and from work.

The above are 2 simple adjustments to your day that will help you burn more calories and see a gradual decrease in your body weight.

However, if you want to lose weight fast, you’ll need to increase the amount of work you’re doing by taking those walks several times a day, walking faster or running to work, and taking the stairs.

Obviously, that’s not a desirable activity first thing in the morning because we’re usually dressed for work and can’t afford to shower after we get to our workplace.

So some type of exercise that allows you to burn more calories in a short period of time is the most desirable option if you want to lose weight fast.

Trying to lose weight quickly simply by dieting can slow down weight loss. When you lower your calorie intake below what your body needs to maintain a healthy state, your metabolism will begin to slow down to help support the nutritional needs of your vital organs.

Basically, your body starts to shut down, so it can survive on the number of calories you’re consuming. This is how bears and other animals hibernate in the winter and survive.

Adding exercise to your day will burn more calories and speed up your metabolism by increasing your lean muscle mass. Increasing your lean muscle mass will help you burn more calories even at rest by boosting your metabolism.

How much exercise is required to lose weight fast?

Consider that 3,500 calories equals one pound. So if you want to lose a pound a week, you would have to burn 500 calories a day for 7 days or decrease your calorie intake by 250 calories and burn 250 calories.

If your goal is to lose two pounds a week, you’ll need to reduce your calorie intake by 1,000 calories or combine the calorie reduction with activity that burns more calories and increases your metabolic rate.

Trying to lose weight fast with exercise and reducing the calories you consume is the best option.

If you’re consuming an average of 3,000 calories per day, then lowering your calorie intake by 500 calories and engaging in exercise that burns 500 calories should help you lose about two pounds per week.

Losing a pound a week or even two pounds a week doesn’t sound like much; however, this is a weight loss you should be able to maintain as long as you follow your diet and exercise plan.

If you haven’t been exercising for a while, trying to do too much too soon can lead to fatigue, muscle pain, and even injury. This will only set you back and delay the achievement of your weight loss goals. Not quickly achieving your weight loss goals can result in frustration and loss of motivation to keep exercising and watching your diet.

You didn’t gain that excess weight overnight, and it will take some time for you to lose it and keep it off in a healthy way.

The first step in your quest to lose weight fast is knowing how much you want to lose and how long you have to lose it. A little advance preparation will increase your weight loss success in a short period of time.

Losing 1 to 2 pounds per week is a reasonable goal for healthy weight loss.

If you want to lose 10 pounds for an upcoming event, you’ll need to start your weight loss program at least 10 weeks in advance.

Keeping a diary for 1 to 2 weeks of the foods you eat and how many calories those foods contain will give you a good idea of ​​your average daily caloric intake. This will also make it easier to see where you can cut back on portions or eliminate snacks that add significant calories to your daily intake.

It may not take you long to see where you’re consuming at least an extra 500 calories per day and didn’t realize it.

Include your daily activity in your diary. Write down what you did from the time you got out of bed until you went to bed at night.

The goal is to find ways to add calorie-burning activity to your daily regimen without interfering with other daily tasks that require your attention.

By keeping a diary, you’ll have a clearer picture of how adjustments can be made to how you eat, what you eat, and eliminate unhealthy calories that make you look fat and overweight.

You’ll be able to identify activities that can be modified to burn more calories or find time you didn’t know you had that would allow you to walk, run, or exercise for 15, 30, or 60 minutes a day.

To get and stay healthy, it’s recommended to engage in some type of activity that gets your heart rate up to about 70 percent of your intended maximum for at least 30 minutes three times a week. Your predicted maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age multiplied by 0.70 (220 – age in years x 0.70). So if you are 30 years old, your ideal heart rate would be 133.

The above is just a recommendation and is not something you should try to accomplish on day one of your weight loss plan. Make it your long-term goal.

The key is to start doing something and over time you will begin to experience gradual weight loss, look more toned and feel healthier. This progress will keep you motivated and committed to your weight loss program.

By sticking with some type of exercise program and monitoring your calorie intake, you’ll be better prepared the next time something comes up that makes you want to lose an extra 10 pounds so you can wear those clothes you haven’t worn in years. He will know what he needs to do because he now knows how his body is going to respond to changes in his diet and daily activity. Your body will already be used to doing some exercise, so you won’t risk setbacks from injury and frustration.

Get started, today, by focusing on the following:

1.) Where are you now? diary to find out what your average day looks like in terms of calories in, calories out, and activity level.

2.) Be more active – where and how you can change your daily activity to burn more calories.

3.) Time management – Find a time when you can add exercise to your day, even if you have to include the family.

4.) Set Goals – how much weight you want to lose and how much time you have to do it.

5.) Plan – Create your weight loss plan based on your knowledge that cutting your calorie intake by 250 per day and burning 250 calories per day will help you lose one pound per week.

6.) Reward – stay motivated and reward yourself for even the smallest progress.

7.) Do It For His Health – There are many reasons why each of us wants to lose weight. Make exercising and eating healthy every day your main focus. Getting healthy and staying healthy will result in healthy weight loss that doesn’t come back when you least expect it.

Before starting any exercise program, talk to your doctor.

Being overweight is a risk factor for heart disease, and the last thing you want to do is start exercising or doing another activity that could cause a heart attack.

On a more positive side, exercise and weight loss will help protect you from developing heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or having a stroke.

If your primary care doctor says it’s okay, start your exercise routine by simply walking briskly or with some low-impact exercise that’s easy for beginners. Starting slowly will help build your confidence and lessen any muscle soreness you may experience when you first start.

Remember, if you focus on getting and staying healthy, weight loss will come.

Legal Law

PPP 2020 What you need to know

Things are constantly changing with the PPP and here are PPP updates that you’ll want to make sure you fully understand as it will affect your forgiveness process and your money.

  1. There are 2 requests for forgiveness PPP. The updated PPP Loan Forgiveness Application and an EZ PPP Forgiveness Application.
  2. Among the changes to the PPP in recent weeks are the SBA extending the period from 8 weeks to 24 weeks, reducing payroll costs from 75% to 60%, and establishing a safe harbor for businesses that have not been able to return. to the level of business activity prior to COVID-19.
  3. The revised PPP loan forgiveness application includes changes to apply FTE from the date of application versus waiting until December 31, 2020. However, it is recommended that you do not wait until the end to apply. Apply as soon as you have spent the dollars and meet the various requirements; which vary depending on whether you are using the 8-week or 24-week option.
  4. Borrowers who received PPP loans before June 5, 2020 can choose to use the original 8-week period or the new 24-week period.
  5. The new EZ app can be used by those:
    1. That they are self-employed and have no employees,
    2. They did not reduce the wages of their employees by more than 25% or reduce the number of hours of their employees or
    3. Those that experienced reductions in business activity and did not reduce their employees’ wages or salaries by more than 25%.
  6. The new week 24 allows for maximum loan forgiveness at $46,154 per employee versus $15,385 for week 8. NOTE: Schedule C taxpayers cannot increase their owner’s compensation during the 24-week period to that level. It is still a high of $15,385 for the 8-week period (8/52 of 2019 Net Income) and $20,833 for the 24-week period (2.5/12 of 2019 Net Income). It’s the fine print here that will catch some, so be sure to visit your accounting professional.

Check out these 2 resources for more information:

  1. United States Department of the Treasury website here.
  2. New PPP application released here.

Many have already passed the 8-week point and banks are still not accepting forgiveness applications. The SBA was quick to award funds and kept the rules very vague, but almost every week we learn more and more details. They have yet to give firm guidance to lenders so that they feel comfortable opening the discharge process. We are hoping for the end of July 2020, but it may take until August before we can start applying.

No one knows if they will continue to review and revise the PPP forgiveness process or if we will start seeing banks accepting forgiveness applications as soon as some PPP recipients have already completed the 8 week period. The key is to apply sooner rather than later once you’ve spent the dollars within the guidelines and the banks have opened for forgiveness applications. Don’t wait unnecessarily, as you may find the ongoing changes unfavorable…it’s hard to tell.

The keys for the forgiveness process to run smoothly are:

1. Have good accounting records.

2. Make sure you read the fine print on what you can spend the money on.

3. Keep copies of bank statements and bills to provide documentation your lender is likely to want.

4. If you don’t have a good relationship with an accountant, now is the time, as they are more valuable than ever.

Lifestyle Fashion

Omega-3 Supplements Fight Candida Overgrowth

Yeast infections are more common than you think; in fact, they are often the underlying cause of popular illnesses like ADHD. The organism generally responsible for these infections is candida, a type of yeast that can be found in the gastrointestinal tract, mouth, and genital area. There are several natural ways to combat the overgrowth of this bacteria, such as reintroducing “good” bacteria and taking omega-3 supplements.

Normally, the growth of candida is kept in check by the good bacteria. However, certain factors such as antibiotic use, a depressed immune system, and a high-sugar diet create an environment that allows candida to thrive. When this happens, the candida transforms into tentacle-like fungal spores that damage the intestinal wall and mucosal tissues. Candida can also produce a toxic gas that penetrates the damaged intestinal wall and enters the bloodstream. Through this passageway, they can reach various parts of the body and create candida colonies outside the intestine. Such areas include the joints, muscles, and sinuses.

Candida symptoms generally fall into three categories. If you experience these symptoms, you may have a yeast infection.

Category 1: Leaky Gut Toxicity

  • muscle bread
  • Migraine
  • food allergy

Group 2: damage to the endocrine system

  • Athlete’s foot
  • Cystitis
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Thrush
  • bread stamp
  • ear infection
  • Asthma
  • Water retention
  • Sinusitis
  • chronic fatigue

Group 3: intestinal problems

  • Flatulence
  • Diarrhea
  • swelling
  • itchy anus

Treating a yeast infection involves reintroducing “good bacteria” such as bifido bacteria or lactobacilli into the intestine so that they can once again become the dominant bacteria. These bacteria can also restore food absorption and efficient digestion, helping you recover from any nutritional deficiencies caused by the candida infection. However, bacteria alone will not solve the problem; You’ll also need to make dietary changes. The easiest way is to avoid consuming sugar, yeast, and simple carbohydrates, which candida thrives on. Eat only fresh food and drink plenty of clean water.

Omega-3 supplements with the omega-6 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) also have certain properties that can cause yeast infections. Once in the body, these fatty acids are converted into leukothrins and prostaglandins, which enhance immune cell response and regulate hormones. Its anti-inflammatory benefits also relieve joint problems and irritable bowel-type symptoms caused by infections.

Stress is a factor that aggravates the symptoms of candida infection. Omega-3 fats can improve your brain’s response to stress, balance your mood, and neutralize the negative effect of the stress hormone cortisol.

Another reason to take omega-3 fats and GLA supplements is nutritional deficiencies caused by candida overgrowth. Low levels of vitamins and minerals prevent the body from absorbing and using the fatty acids you consume. Some studies suggest that candida overgrowth is linked to low levels of omega-3 fats. When you supplement your recovery plan with omega-3 fatty acids, you can overcome the problems posed by poor absorption of nutrients in a gut full of unfriendly candida bacteria.

You can get EPA from fish oil supplements and GLA from evening primrose oil extract. Look for a supplement that has both EPA and GLA for easy consumption.


Alzheimer’s Whisperer – 5 Keys

The Alzheimer’s Whisperer has the unique ability to communicate with, care for, and comfort a person with Alzheimer’s while preserving their own well-being.

First it was The Horse Whisperer, then The Dog Whisperer and The Ghost Whisperer. I wonder when we’ll see The Cat Whisperer. While waiting, I met a unique individual in the world of dementia: the Alzheimer’s Whisperer. He provides quality care without guilt and without losing himself.

The Alzheimer’s Whisperer demonstrates five keys to care:

1. know how

Learn as much as you can about Alzheimer’s from organizations like the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, Steps & Stages, and the National Association of Family Caregivers. He draws the wisdom of others through support groups, educational offerings, and online chats. If you’re employed and don’t have time for the above, read books and informational materials to find out what to expect.

2. Compassion

With knowledge, you can better accept the reality of your loved one’s condition. Exhibits increased compassion by coping with disruptive behaviors and anticipating needs.

5 KEYS to becoming the Alzheimer’s whisperer






The Alzheimer’s Whisperer recognizes that caregiving is a temporary but life-changing journey made by very special people.

3. Committed

She is committed to providing quality care, despite her intermittent tears and joy. She takes advantage of the continuum of care (adult day care, home care, respite care, assisted living, or skilled nursing care) and turns to others to help make her job easier. In the tradition of the great animal whisperers, she weighs the value of a pet in bringing joy to her loved one.

4. Empathy

Every day, and sometimes every hour, visualize how you would want to be cared for if the roles were reversed. This allows him to enter fully into the world of his loved one without losing himself.

5. Unconditional love

By developing the first four keys, you experience an open heart that elevates your own life’s purpose and meaning in ways you could never anticipate. Despite the challenges, he feels strength.

What better gift can a caregiver share with someone with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia than practicing the five keys from The Alzheimer’s Whisperer?

Real Estate

How To Choose A Wedding Photographer: 10 Tips For Selecting Wedding Photography

You want your wedding photographer to capture everything that makes your day special, to capture it at its best, to deliver photos that live up to your expectations. Here are 10 tips for selecting wedding photos you can live with throughout your new life together.

  1. A reputable wedding photographer must have a physical location. It is important to have a physical location where she can find them when she needs them and where she can meet them safely. Traditional wedding photography studios build trust within the community and with their clients. If your wedding photographer doesn’t have a local address (other than a PO Box) that they can share with you, that’s a good reason not to trust them. They may work out of their house, but do you know where it is? An office or physical study is essential for them to be reliable. Would you be willing to have a random stranger come to your house or for you to come to your house? It is safer and more reliable to choose a wedding photographer with a studio or office that you can visit and where you can find your photographer.
  2. A good wedding photographer should help your day run smoothly. In addition to a dedicated wedding planner, your photographer is the only provider who will spend the entire day with you. A good wedding photographer should make things easy for you. They should solve problems. Your wedding photographer must be flexible. They must be able to adapt and thrive in difficult situations. Learn more about their skills and ask about a difficult lighting scenario, bad weather or other catastrophe and find out how they’ve handled it in the past.
  3. You need your wedding photographer to focus on you. When you meet a wedding photographer for the first time, do they ask about you, get to know you and find out what you want? Or do they only talk about themselves and what they do? Find a photographer who is willing to take the time to get to know you so you know they understand you and your needs. This is the best way to find out if they are right for you.
  4. Your wedding photographer must be knowledgeable and helpful. They should offer suggestions on what options you have for different things, give advice on scheduling and setup, be full of ideas, and be ready to make your day and your planning easier. A good photographer is great at planning. Your photographer should work with you prior to an engagement shoot to select clothing and location. Your wedding day photography should be scheduled as part of your day and not as an afterthought. Photography doesn’t have to be an inconvenience – it can be a fun and integral part of your day.
  5. It may sound strange, but not all wedding photographers are the same and not all photographers are suitable for all clients. If your wedding photographer meets you and finds out what he’s looking for and then tells you that he doesn’t think he’s a good fit for you, it may be surprising, but it’s nothing personal. Wouldn’t you rather be a professional and be honest about this than try to change to suit your needs? Sometimes photographers find that what they specialize in is not what a client wants. Photographers don’t want to make you unhappy, and if a wedding photographer thinks you might be happier with a different style of photography or a different situation, we’ll tell you before you book so you won’t be disappointed later.
  6. Price is NOT the most important factor when choosing a wedding photographer – you definitely get what you pay for. Photography is like anything else in life: you get what you pay for. It is not logical to think that you can hire someone for little or no money and get the same results that you would get if you had spent twice what you paid. Price is normally a factor when it comes to quality. The photographers that charge the most are often backed by their reputation, their brand and their experience. You must also understand that your photographs will become the lasting memory of your wedding day. There are two things you should spend money on for your wedding, it should be your venue and your photography. People probably won’t remember the food, you’ll only wear your dress once, and most other things aren’t big investments anyway (flowers, music, makeup). You will look at your wedding photos regularly, perhaps even every day, for the rest of your life. Shouldn’t your wedding photos be great?
  7. Your wedding photography studio must be insured and licensed as a legal business. Many places actually require insurance from the providers that work there. Camera equipment is expensive and you need to make sure your photographer is fully insured by a reputable insurance company to make sure you are protected. Many photographers are just individuals with cameras and maybe a nifty website. Make sure your photographer is backed by a legitimate and legal company.
  8. Your wedding photographer should have a backup team and a backup plan. Required: Cameras with two memory card slots that can be written to simultaneously in case one card fails, backup cameras and lenses, a data backup plan that includes off-site backups, and a disaster plan. Protect your investment. If your photographer only has a camera, it is not enough.
  9. Multiple photographers with your package are much better for you than having just one. Your wedding photographer should have multiple photographers on staff in case someone gets sick or God forbid injured. A lone photographer can’t be in enough places at once to possibly adequately cover a wedding day. For all but the smallest weddings, the wedding photographer must have at least one photographer and one assistant/second photographer. Anything less and you’ll miss important moments, angles and opportunities.
  10. Your wedding photographer should NOT throw you a photo disk and disappear after the wedding day. Some photographers will sell you a disc of high-resolution photos, give them to you and that’s it. Your wedding photographer should provide value-added services and products after your wedding day, such as photo books or albums, photographic prints, and wall art. Other services to look for include studio screenings and screenings, retouching and editing services, and gift options. A photographer shooting for a record will give you a result that is a completely different set of photos than a photographer shooting with an album in mind or to create a work of art. You’ll get a better selection of photos from a fine art-focused photographer and an heirloom album than one who will shoot and burn a disc for you and call it a day. Do you really want to spend time and money designing your own album? Probably not. Make sure your photographer gives you personal use rights to the images, but you don’t need raw files or ultra-high-resolution photos if your wedding photographer designs an amazing photo album for you, he gives you a disc of JPG digital negatives and offers printing, artwork, and design options after the wedding. Consider what you really need and talk to your photographer about what they offer.

If you choose a wedding photographer that you get along with, whose portfolio or sample photos you enjoy, who offers the products you want, and who you feel you can trust, your wedding photography experience should be a positive one.

Photography is one of the most important decisions you will make for your wedding, and you owe it to yourself and your future legacy to invest in selecting a good wedding photographer instead of the cheapest photographer you can find.

Shopping Product Reviews

Yorkies and poisoning – Symptoms and treatment

Prevention is the best way to avoid a poisoning incident. Learn about the dangers to your Yorkie and have emergency medical treatment supplies on hand. I suggest keeping a home emergency medical kit on hand and stocked in case of any type of emergency.


There are 2 types of poisoning to be aware of: contact poisoning (on the skin or eyes, etc.) and internal poisoning (ingesting a toxic or harmful substance). For contact poisoning, the symptoms are usually burning, itching, redness, swelling, or other obvious signs of skin irritation or chemical burns. Symptoms of internal poisoning in Yorkies are varied, depending on the substance ingested. Generally, the symptoms are vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and related symptoms.


If you need emergency assistance, see your vet as soon as possible. If that’s not possible, you can do your best to treat at home. The first step is to identify the specific substance your Yorkie has been in contact with; this will help in treatment.

For a contact poisoning, you must completely wash off any poison. Do this by flushing the area that was in contact with the poison for 30 minutes with plenty of water. Then give your Yorkie a full bath with lukewarm water. Even if the substance your Yorkie came into contact with doesn’t irritate the skin, you should thoroughly wash the area; your Yorkie could lick the area and ingest some of the poison.

For internal poisoning, the best thing to do is usually to induce vomiting as soon as possible after the substance has been ingested. DO NOT induce vomiting in the following cases:

– your Yorkie has already vomited

– there is evidence of neurological involvement (stumbling, shortness of breath, etc.)

– your Yorkie is unconscious

– if your Yorkie has swallowed something sharp that could lodge in the esophagus or could

rip the stomach

– if the poison ingested is an acid, alkali, cleaning product, household chemical, petroleum product, or any substance labeled “Do not induce vomiting.” In these cases, the substance could cause throat burns and vomiting could create more damage. Instead, go to the vet as soon as possible and give your Yorkie milk or water at the rate of 30 ml for every 6 pounds of body weight.

If you have determined that you must induce vomiting, the best way to do this is with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution at 1/2 teaspoon per 5 pounds of body weight (a good thing to have in your emergency medical kit) . Repeat the dose every 15 to 20 minutes, up to three times, until your Yorkie vomits. Walking after each dose is given may help to further induce vomiting.

DO NOT use Ipecac unless specifically directed by your veterinarian. Ipecac can be dangerous in dogs.

After your Yorkie vomits, it is important to prevent further absorption of any remaining poison in the stomach. You can do this by giving it activated charcoal or a mixture of milk and egg whites.

The most effective treatment is activated charcoal, which you can get in 5-gram tablets. ½ tablet per 5 pounds of body weight is the typical dose. There is a liquid activated charcoal product available, but it is very messy and difficult to get into a Yorkie without the aid of a stomach tube. Therefore, obtain the tablets for emergency use at home and keep them in your Yorkie’s emergency medical kit.

If charcoal is not available, you can give a mixture of milk and egg whites to coat the stomach and prevent absorption of the remaining poison. 1/8 cup of milk and 1/8 cup of egg whites per 5 pounds of body weight is the dosage. Use a plastic syringe to administer the mixture inside your Yorkie’s cheek.

After any home treatment, see your vet as soon as possible for further treatment.

What is poisonous:

The list of things that are poisonous to dogs is very long, and I am going to try to list as many as I can.

Household and environmental hazards:

– Common pain relievers such as Advil (ibuprofen) and Tylenol (acetaminophen)
-Other human drugs, both over-the-counter and prescription (if in doubt, induce vomiting)
-Rodent poisons such as anticoagulants and hypercalcemic agents
-Poisonous baits such as rodents and snails
-Garbage – particularly rotten food contaminated with mold or bacteria
-Most household chemicals such as cleaning products, deodorants, hair dyes, mothballs, nail polish, etc.
-Petroleum products such as gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, etc.
-Lead (can be found in things like fishing weights, some paints, linoleum, drywall, batteries, and other products)
-Zinc (found in post-1982 pennies, hardware, nuts and bolts, and other things)
-Toad and salamander poisoning: Colorado River Toad (native to the Southwest and Hawaii), Marine Toad (native to Florida), and California Newt (native to California)

Food Hazards:

-Chocolate (as little as 4 inches of bakery chocolate can be lethal to a Yorkie)
-Raisins and grapes (as little as 1 ounce can cause kidney failure in Yorkies)
-Macadamia nuts (as little as 1/2 ounce can cause temporary paralysis in a Yorkie)
-Garlic (1/2 teaspoon can destroy red blood cells in a Yorkie)
-Onions and Onion Powder
-Active yeast and raw bread dough
-Wild Cherry
-Balsamic Pear
-japanese plum
-Coffee grains
-Leaves and stems of tomato and potato
-Pear and peach kernels
-Fungi (if they are also toxic to humans)
-Xylitol (an artificial sweetener found in some sugar-free gum)

Plant Hazards:

Indoor plants that can be toxic:

arrowhead vine
asparagus fern
Bird from paradise
boston ivy
calla lily or arum
creeping charlie
creeping fig
Crown of thorns
Dembcane (diffenbachia)
elephant ear
emerald duke
Heart Leaf (Philodendron)
species of ivy
Jack in the pulpit
jerusalem cherry
marble queen
mother in law plant
parlor ivy
easter flowers
mom jar
Pothos or Devil’s Lily
red princess
wavy ivy
Saddle Leaf (Philodendron)
spider mom
Divided leaf (philondendron)
sprangeri fern
tuberous begonia
umbrella plant
weeping fig

Outdoor plants that can be toxic:

american yew
angels trumpet
azalea (rhododendron)
balsamic pear
bird of paradise bush
bittersweet woody
horse chestnut
Gold button
castor bean
Dutch offenses
english holly
English Yes
ground cherry
horse chestnut
indian tobacco
indian turnip
japanese plum
woody larkspur
marriage vine
may apple
mezcal bean
orange mockup
monkey pod
moon seed
morning glory
nux vomica
poison hemlock
put grass
rain tree
skunk cabbage
sunburnt potato
tomato vine
water hemlock
western black locust yew
wild cherry

More help:

If your Yorkie has possibly been poisoned and you’re not sure what to do, the ASPCA has an Animal Poison Control Center available 24 hours a day. Their hotline number is (888) 426-4435. There is a $60 consultation fee per incident, and the fee may be applied to your credit card. There is also excellent information on their website at


Chase Betting Systems (also known as Dog Chase Betting)

If you are an experienced sports bettor, you know the old adage, that if you chase your losses, you will lose your shirt and surely blow your account. Time to throw all that nonsense out the window and learn for the first time that chasing your losses is the best possible scenario. In order to make money using a chase betting system, you need three elements at your disposal:

1. One hundred funds (or account balance)
2. plan
3. A strong stomach to carry out the plan

The old adage says that: he who chases his losses will burn his funds. This is true only if you don’t have a real plan, a strong stomach and a decent bankroll. Let me explain. The old adage comes from the player who bets $100 on Team 1 to win today. Team 1 loses, so tomorrow the player bets $200 on team 2 to win (he thinks he can’t lose twice in a row and more team 2 is a sure thing). Team 2 loses, then on day 3 bets their remaining funds on team 3, loses, and within three days their funds go bust. The old adage is true, for this player… not for you.

You will see that a chase system uses simple math to ensure that you never lose money. However, you have to make sure that you are betting the right amount and you have to have the guts to go through with this program. The system is easy to follow regardless of the sport you are betting on and whether you are chasing a specific team or a sport in general. In 2007, the AFSB completed a study of the NHL’s prosecution system focusing on the Montreal Canadians. The system worked like this: on day 1, you bet $25.00 on Montreal, if Montreal lost, the next time Montreal played you bet $50.00 on Montreal, if Montreal lost again, and on the next game you bet $100, 00 to Montreal, if Montreal lost that game, then $200.00 was wagered on Montreal and so on until Montreal either wins or runs out of money. Once Montreal wins the system resets and the next time Montreal won $25 Montreal was bet on their next game, if they lost then Montreal was bet $50 on the next game, however if they won then on the next game $25 was wagered. bet on Montreal.

This simple system won us $1,210.00 in the NBA Playoffs in 2007 (see our article on absolutely free sports betting regarding the NBA dog chase system). We used this system again in the 2008 MLB playoffs and got $1,373.00.

In the 2010 NCAA basketball season we are using this system in a more generic way. We are playing a Dog-Chase and a Favorite-Chase which is not team specific. Click on our Free Picks link to see the details of the 2010 NCAA Basketball Chase System hard at work.

To ensure your account doesn’t get busted, we recommend that you only wager 1/4 of the normal amount you play per game. For example, if you wager $100 per game, then under a chase system you only need to wager $25.00 per game. This is why:

The chase system is based on the premise that you shouldn’t be able to wrongly handicap a game for seven days straight. If you are betting $100.00 per event in a chase system and you are wrong 7 times in a row, then you will be betting $6,400.00 on the seventh game ($100, $200, $400, $800, $1,600, $3,200, $6,400). To protect yourself, you must bet 1/4 of the normal amount; in our examples, we assume that 1/4 would be $25.00 per event ($25, $50, $100, $200, $400, $800, and $1,600).

Let’s examine the power of the Chase system. Let’s examine a player who bets on 14 games (1 per day, over a 14 day period) and this player doesn’t do so well, wins 6 and loses 8. Example 1 below shows if he just bets $100.00 per game to a normal price. -110 per game. Example 2 shows the same player with the same results, however he bets $25.00 on a Chase system.

Example 1 – Sports bettor who wins 6 bets and loses 8
betting $100.00 per game, one game per day
Game 1: Winner, $91.00
Game 2: Winner, $91.00
Game 3: Loss -$100.00
Game 4: Loss -$100.00
Game 5: Loss -$100.00
Game 6: Winner $91.00
Game 7: Loss -$100.00
Game 8: Loss -$100.00
Game 9: Winner $91.00
Game 10: Loss -$100.00
Game 11: Winner $91.00
Game 12: Loss -$100.00
Game 13: Loss -$100.00
Game 14: Winner $91.00

This player is 6-8 and lost $254.00 over a two week period.

Example 2 – Sports bettor who wins 6 bets and loses 8
wagering $25.00 per game (with chase rules), one game per day
Game 1: Bet 25 and win $23.00, so on the next game:
Game 2: You bet 25 and win $23.00, so on the next game:
Game 3: Bet 25 and lose -$25.00, so on the next game:
Game 4: 50 is bet and loss -$50.00, so on the next game:
Game 5: Bet $100 and lose -$100.00, so in the next game:
Game 6: Bet $200 and win +$182.00, so on the next game:
Game 7: Bet $25 and lose -$25.00, so on the next game:
Game 8: Bet $50 and lose -$50.00, so in the next game:
Game 9: You bet $100 and win $91.00, so in the following game:
Game 10: Bet $25 and lose -$25.00, so on the next game:
Game 11: You bet $50 and win $45.00, so on the next game:
Game 12: Bet $25 and lose -$25.00, so on the next game:
Game 13: Bet $50 and lose -$50.00, so in the next game:
Game 14: Bet $100 and win $91.00

This player is 6-8 and WON $105.00 over a two week period with a losing record.

Obviously you can use this system in any way you want, here are some possibilities:

(1) Equipment specific. In 2007 in the NHL we only used this system betting on Montreal. If Montreal lost we doubled up in the next game, if they won then in the next game we went back to where we started.

(2) Specific position: In 2010, we are playing a dog and a favorite every day in NCAA basketball, if the dog loses, then we duplicate a different dog the next day, if the dog wins, the next day we go back back to our starting point. (The same is true for our favorite system)

(3) Specific position within a series: In the 2007 NBA playoffs, we played the dog during a series, so the dog could be Team 1 in game one vs. Team 2, but then Team 2 could be the dog in game 2. We play the dog no matter who we played in the previous game.

You have to be careful, there will be a point where you find yourself betting more than you have ever wagered before on a game, however when that game skyrockets your winnings skyrocket. Please don’t bet your normal unit, bet 1/4 or less.

If you’re skeptical, check out our 2007 NBA Dog-Chase article, check out our 2008 MLB Playoffs results, or just click the Free Picks link on our website and see how the system works in 2010. Once you see how well it works, you’ll be addicted.


5 quick tips to improve public speaking skills

Public speaking remains one of the biggest fears people have, and even seasoned public speakers are always looking for new tips, tricks, and ideas on how to improve their public speaking skills. Whether it’s something you’ve always been terrified of or you’re looking to prepare for a specific upcoming event, you can use the following public speaking tips to start moving in the right direction.

  1. Always practice: Practicing really does make a big difference. You want to rehearse out loud and practice not only the message, but also your voice projection, timing, and breathing. This will also help with your overall comfort level. When you really know the material, it will be much easier for you to deliver the speech or presentation.
  2. Visualize: Do a little visualization, imagine yourself giving your speech and doing a fantastic job, speaking loudly, confidently and clearly, and being well received. Visualization techniques have been shown to improve confidence and performance.
  3. Be positive: People aren’t rooting for your failure, so don’t start down that path mentally. Be positive in terms of what you are thinking and how you think you are doing. Also, don’t draw attention to the “negatives,” like forgetting what you’re saying or being nervous. Just go ahead and get your train of thought back.
  4. Focus on the message: Don’t think about how many people are listening to you, who they are, or why you’re up there. Instead, just think about what you’re saying. Focus on the message and let the rest fade away. Again, as mentioned above, the more familiar you are with your material and the more practiced you are, the easier it will be.
  5. Watch videos: Watch videos of presentations given by other people who you think did a great job. What made them so effective? Was it his level of eye contact or audience engagement, the tone of his voice, his confidence, hand gestures, or anything else? Observe and learn from others, and take note of what you want to do for yourself. You’ll get some inspiration and a few tricks that you can start incorporating instantly. Also, try recording yourself in a practice session and then watch the footage. You’ll see where you might want to improve, and you may also feel relieved that you were so much better than you thought.

While many people can successfully improve their public speaking skills on their own, for many others, a speech-language pathologist can provide a superior, long-lasting solution by addressing any potential root problems or conditions and providing confidence, clarity and comfort in general.

Whether it’s a speech at a wedding, a problem with work, or a general desire to simply improve your quality of life and your ability to deal with any public speaking situation you may encounter, it may be time to consult with a speech therapist. and get more information. about how he or she can help.