Tours Travel

Hello from Sicily – A Fantastic Mount Etna Driving Tour

Today was Labor Day in Italy, a huge national holiday that presented the perfect opportunity for a little excursion outside the city: a walk up Mount Etna. So together with Jill, a fellow student of mine from England, we rented a little two-door Lancia for a drive through the countryside. At 50 euros, the rental wasn’t exactly cheap, but we thought it would be worth it to be able to explore the countryside around Taormina.

We had to deal with fueling the car first – our rental car was essentially empty and we were only supposed to put as much fuel in the car as we thought we would use so we could return the car empty as well. Gas stations were officially closed on this holiday and, unlike in North America, there was no option to use a credit card to pay at the pump. The pump, however, had a small slot into which bills could be inserted, and one of the local drivers patiently took his time explaining the system to me.

With enough fuel to cover a couple of hundred kilometers, we set out on our excursion into the countryside. At Giardini Naxos we turn inland towards our first destination: the “Gole di Alcantara”, the Alcantara river gorge that is carved out of black basalt rock. Signs on the country road pointed to the Alcantara Gorge parking lot, so we parked our vehicle and walked into the complex. A simple 20-minute tour to see the river and the strange rock formations would cost 3 euros, while longer tours and river wading tours are also available. We descended several flights of stairs to reach the riverbed from where we got a good look at some of the interesting rock formations. Unless you wanted to walk across the river, there was nowhere to go but back up another set of stairs.

Once at the top we found that if we had taken this entrance we would have been able to see the gorge for free. We were a couple hundred yards from our parked car and there was a small stand on the side of the road that was actually the tourist information booth for this inland area. Two ladies provided us with a variety of brochures and information on the towns surrounding Mount Etna, and I must admit the service was better and more knowledgeable than the tourist office in Taormina, which happens to be a much larger resort.

We decided to explore some of the pretty hilltop villages that are patched against rocky outcroppings, providing an amazing vantage point of the surrounding countryside. Following a sign for a town called Motta Camastra, we turned onto a narrow, winding road that led us slowly to the top of this crag. At the bottom of town was a public parking spot and we figured it was better to park our car there and walk than try to navigate the unimaginably narrow roads that snaked through this small hilltop town.

Just as we had parked our car, a local resident in his fifties started shouting at us in Italian from his balcony and saying hello. It took us a while to realize that he was actually inviting us over to his place for a beer. We gracefully decline and continue our walk. Jill commented that the local Sicilians had shown a marked interest in her and attributed this to her remarkably pale English complexion. After about 10 minutes of walking through small cobbled paths, we reached the main square, which had a bar with about 20 older men sitting outside. Most of them wore caps similar to French berets and were engaged in a lively discussion. There was no woman to be seen.

Our walk continued to the old church and from there we followed a walkway past narrow houses to a viewpoint with views of the entire mountainous area. Sleepy cats lounged lazily on the sidewalk, here and there women watered flowers outside their apartments. The view towards Mount Etna, the Alcantara valley and various mountaintop villages perched precariously against different rocky outcrops was breathtaking.

After Motta Camastra, we decided to explore another of these hilltop villages and, following a beautiful drive through a countryside full of vineyards, we arrived at a place called Rocella Valdemone about 45 minutes later. We parked the car right next to the church in the old town and walked through the square. At the other end of this public square we saw the obligatory bar which again featured around 15-20 older gentlemen fully engrossed in animated discussion. I assumed they were probably talking about football. We got the definite impression that tourists don’t come here very often because we certainly stuck out like a sore thumb and the locals looked at us a bit like we were a novelty. Again, the women were conspicuous by their absence, with the occasional exception of those who were sweeping the pavement in front of the house and then disappearing inside again.

Nature was calling and we asked at the bar if we could use the bathroom. One thing about Italy is that there are very few public toilets, but thankfully the local bars are pretty cool about their facilities being used by non-paying strangers. However, this particular facility was in a pretty deplorable state, and when I left I asked Jill to make sure she didn’t touch any of the surfaces for fear of contracting a horrible communicating disease. The facility got the job done, but it was certainly anything but a shining example of hygiene and cleanliness.

Our driving tour continued with a trip to the mountainous area. The tree cover became sparser and suddenly we were in a mountainous area that must have been 1500-2000m high with a beautiful 360 degree view north and east to the sea and south and west. west towards Mount Etna. Hundreds of local Italian families had their cars parked on small side roads leading to what looked like goat pastures and were having picnics. We didn’t seem to see any tourists, and we realized that this is what Italians do on a holiday in Sicily: picnic in the high mountain areas around Mount Etna…

We had come prepared: before our departure we had bought prosciutto, cheese, fresh rolls, fruit and drinks at the local Taormina supermarket and this was our time for our little picnic. Due to the cold wind blowing on this high mountain plateau, we stayed in the car for lunch, but nevertheless our view through the windshield was simply beautiful.

After a very satisfying impromptu meal, we drove back from the mountains towards Mount Etna, passing a large number of parked cars whose owners had hiked somewhere in this mountainous terrain. At one intersection, a local woman was selling homemade cheeses and sausages, evidence of Italian culinary craftsmanship. We approach a town called Randazzo, with the volcano sheltered majestically in the background that impressed us with its Cathedral of Santa Maria, which was started in the 13th century and rebuilt several times. The bell tower dates from the 18th century, an example of the different styles that make up this imposing church.

We start our leisurely journey around Mount Etna, sometimes right next to Ferrovia Circumetnea, a small-gauge railway that circles Mount Etna for about 90 km between Catania and Riposto. Terraced vineyards stretch out before our eyes, and the drive through small towns like Maletto, Bronte, Adrano, and Paterno was pleasantly uneventful. Once we got closer to the coastal side to the east of Mount Etna, things got much busier. We began to realize that this was in fact a public holiday and all the locals were out and about. The traffic was starting to get crazy. Continuing through Nicolosi, Trecastagni, Zafferana Etnea (where saffron was once cultivated, introduced by the Arabs), we continue through Giarre and Fiumefreedo di Sicilia towards Gardini Naxos, located right on the Ionian Sea.

The traffic in the coastal areas was now huge and along the road that bordered the coast that stretched north of Giarre, thousands of cars were parked, belonging to people who had been enjoying a sunny day on the waterfront. We continue through Giardini Naxos at a snail’s pace. This resort town southeast of Taormina was founded in 735 BC. C. by the Greeks and represents one of the oldest Greek settlements in Sicily. We passed Isola Bella and Mazzaro and took the north entrance to Taormina and got into a huge traffic jam where we sat practically motionless for about 45 minutes, a distance that should have taken us about 5 minutes under normal circumstances. Surely everyone was in the way.

It was a relief to have finally arrived in Taormina as we passed through the tunnel under the city to reach the rental company on the west side of the city. Just as the roads had been full of people, the city of Taormina was now full of people strolling. Thousands of people milled up and down the main avenue, Corso Umberto, literally rubbing elbows with the other walkers. We decided to dine outside the city gates on Via Pirandello, where the foot traffic wasn’t so crazy, and had a nice table on a terrace at Trattoria Da Lino’s, a small restaurant I had already had a couple of chats with. the owners who recognized me and greeted me kindly. From the terrace we had a great view over the northern part of the city and the Ionian Sea below us. After a hearty pasta dinner, we received a little treat: a tasting of Amandola liqueur (made from almonds) on the house, a great way to cap off an exciting day to rest up for another day of Italian lessons…

Arts Entertainments

How to save money on vacation

Going on vacation can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. There are many ways people can book and plan their vacations cheaply, but what about when you’re actually at your destination?

Things can get very expensive very quickly, with travel, activities, eating in restaurants and staying in hotels. But it doesn’t have to be that bad, there are plenty of ways to reduce the impact on your wallet. Here are some varied ideas, suitable for all types of tourists.


Youth hostels: Despite the name, many youth hostels have family rooms. If you imagine a dirty, cramped and noisy accommodation, get those ideas out of your head. Youth hostels are definitely no-frills, but if you do your research in advance, you’ll find plenty that are clean, well-located, and at least soundproof.

House swap: This system has been around for a while now and there are many sites created to cater to those who would rather switch homes with other travelers than pay for a hotel room. Make sure you choose who will trade with you based on good reviewers and trust your intuition.

couchsurfing: Great for the single traveler, not so much for families. Couchsurfing is a relatively new phenomenon. The idea is that you meet people through the web and they offer you accommodation in their home. It’s usually free, though sometimes people will exchange services or gifts for sleeping arrangements. It is also possible for couples to find accommodation, although it is more complicated.

Hotel budget: They are certainly not a romantic or special option, but if you plan to use your hotel room only for sleeping, why pay more? Large hotel chains often have locations in many countries around the world and offer very cheap rooms.

Haggle for hotel rooms: Try calling a hotel to inquire about room availability. Then leave it for a few weeks and call them again; if the room is still available, there’s a good chance they’ll be willing to haggle. You can also do it by email if you hate talking on the phone.


Picnic: This is the easiest, but probably the most work. Just go to any cheap local store and buy food that you can easily prepare. It definitely won’t be a gourmet meal, but it’s cheap and easy and you can eat outside enjoying the people watching. If you find small local delicatessens, you can also make it a little special. Imagine a brie and baguette picnic with a bottle of red wine in Paris, for example. Hmm!

Investigate: By doing your research ahead of time, you can find out which local restaurants and bars they prefer, and hopefully which ones have the lowest prices. Local knowledge is really important if you want to save money, because otherwise you’re unlikely to find places unless you stumble across them. Also, I have always found that the best places are usually hidden and that you would need someone to tell you that they are there.

Go vegetarian: Vegetarian options may seem like a drag to some, but today you have plenty of options. Also, they are always cheaper than meat menus and sometimes even come in much more generous portions!

Shop at sunset: It depends on where you are, but many stores will sell food cheaper at the end of the day, especially if it’s on or past its sell-by date. Baked goods usually go down in price as well. Take a look and you will see.


coupons: Take a look online before you go and see if there are any coupons available for sights or attractions you want to visit. If so, be sure to use them! Also check prices to see if there are any age-related discounts or loyalty plans.

go free: In many cities, you will find free attractions everywhere. For example, in London, most museums do not charge. However, particularly in the summer, it’s easy to have a complete vacation without going to the paid attractions.

Check your schedule: Particularly for events such as plays, shows and concerts, time is an issue. Ticket costs vary greatly. Matinees are usually a good bet and cost a fraction of the nightly price. Otherwise, find out if the night was sold out on standing or cheap tickets. This is the case with many theaters and opera houses, although if you get fixed tickets be prepared for it to be hard on the knees! You can also try staying in the venue right before the show starts; you will often find people trying to unload their tickets due to an emergency or change of plans.


The benefits of a portable air compressor for pilots

Pilots are a rare breed, maybe even weird, and they have an affection for their planes that even a girlfriend or wife could envy. Many pilots live next to a private airstrip and have a hangar behind their house where they can taxi and take off.

Inside these hangars is not only the main aircraft, but also some aircraft projects that are underway. Upon entering the hangar, one of the things you’ll almost always find is a portable air compressor. And, with a little thought, you can understand why.

Portable air compressors provide compressed air to power pneumatic tools and inflate tires, both necessary functions for any serious aircraft owner. Tire pressure will vary by season and can be adjusted based on the type of airport the pilot intends to fly from. Large soft tires work best on grass runways, smaller tires work best on hard surface runways.

Most modern aircraft are covered in aluminum attached to the ribs and spars with rivets that are driven into place with a pneumatic tool. In the typical aircraft owner’s hangar, you’ll find various tools for forming, cutting, and installing aluminum on the aircraft, with the best tools powered by portable air compressors.

Many different types of pneumatic tools used by pilots and aircraft mechanics are necessary for the proper care and maintenance of aircraft, including impact wrenches, riveters, inflation nozzles, cutting tools, air drills, and rotary sanders, to name a few.

When deciding on the right portable air compressor for the hangar, pilots will consider the type and number of air tools they will be using on their projects. Once the compression needs of these tools have been determined, a portable air compressor with 1.25 to 1.5 times the expected maximum airflow in pounds per square inch (PSI) or cubic feet per minute is generally chosen. (CFM).

For example, a pneumatic drill may require only 4 CFM to function properly, while a grinder may require more than 8 CFM to function properly.

Pilots find many uses for pneumatic tools, such as using a pneumatic sandblasting tool to clean spark plugs, an impact wrench to change aircraft wheels, and a spray painter to touch up or paint the plane.

Among the benefits of air tools powered by a portable air compressor is the fact that the tools will last longer, have variable speed and torque control settings, run cooler, present no fire hazard and emit no harmful emissions to the environment. atmosphere.

Another benefit is that pneumatic tools are more powerful and, at the same time, do not require such great effort from the operator as to cause fatigue.

That’s why you’ll almost always find a portable air compressor in a pilot’s aircraft hangar.


How can you receive risk capital?

An effective way to receive the venture capital you need is by selling your business to venture capital (VC) firms. But of course you should never approach those venture capitalists empty handed. Keep in mind that venture capital firms will need to assess the viability of your business, first based on your business plan and second on your business presentation. More importantly, VCS is more likely to venture with you if they see these four important qualities in your business: disruptive technology, potential for rapid growth, well-rounded business model, and high-performing management team.

Assuming you’ve managed to meet those four qualifying criteria, your next task is to curate the negotiation process between your company and the venture capital firm. Present your business plan with more emphasis on the profit-making aspect. Also remember that venture capitalists will only give you that venture capital fund if you will share a piece of the pie, or a percentage of your capital, with them. Therefore, you should be careful about the terms and conditions proposed by the venture capital firm, as that could affect your control over your business in the long run.

The VC rule is simple: if you take our offer, you can have that venture capital fund. Your goal should also be simple: to receive a good offer. And to achieve that, here are the important things you need to prepare.

Write your business plan well.

Starting a business is hard, but so is writing a business plan. All transactions, events, projections, assumptions and SWOT of your business, you should put them in writing in a way that convinces venture capitalists to make money. Venture capitalists want their money back doubled, tripled or more in 3-7 years. Knowing this, you should show in your financial projections that you can at least break even within the first year or two. The rest of your business plan is showing them that your business is worth the investment.

Justify your Capital Expenditure Plan and your Return on Investment (ROI).

While these money matters are already discussed in the business plan, venture capitalists would want to hear you mention the same facts and figures in your ten-minute business presentation. Expect detailed questions like “Why three years for that ROI, why not two?” or be prepared to give your best explanation when told “What you’re asking for is too much (or too little).” If you want to receive that risk capital, you have to be bold in your financial bets.

Focus on growing your business so they can find you.

Venture capital is a huge industry. Venture capital funds are raised by venture capital firms from wealthy individuals, companies, and private investors. Today, the main players in this market do not stop looking for startups and small businesses that can bring them high returns. If they see that your business is selling high, they will approach you with the venture capital funds. So the idea here is this: make your business shine so that venture capitalists can easily find and support you.

Sell ​​your business with complete confidence.

A true entrepreneur knows his business more than anyone. Whether you’re a start-up or a company poised to launch its IPO next month, you can receive that venture capital if you sell your business with a high level of entrepreneurial skills. Once you’re in front of the VCs, consider it your first and last release. So do your best to get your best venture capital offer.

Home Kitchen

Adaptive Eating Utensils for Rheumatoid Arthritis

People with advanced rheumatoid arthritis often experience joint deformities in the upper body that make it difficult for them to complete the basic tasks of daily living. Eating is one of these basic tasks that can be affected by arthritic deformities of the upper body. If you’re one of these people, mealtimes may already be a frustrating time of day for you. Here are some helpful tips to increase your independence during meals.

First, move your arms and hands and see what movements you can use. Maybe you can’t wrap your fingers around a spoon handle anymore, but maybe you can pinch it between your thumb and the side of your hand. Can you move your shoulder? Can you bend your elbow? Can you rotate your forearm so your palm is facing the ceiling? Move each joint and see what kind of movement you have or don’t have. This will help you determine how you should adapt your place during meals.

Then eat a meal and pay attention to what the main problems are while you eat. Decide if the problem that is really bothering you is easy to fix. Maybe the whole problem is that your food slides off your plate and you can’t stop it. Maybe you can’t cut the meat. Maybe you can put the food on your spoon or fork, but you can’t turn your wrist enough to get it to your mouth without spilling it. These are just examples of problems that can occur. You can have these or others, or combinations. Try to determine what is causing the problem and how easy it is to fix it. Having another person help you with this can be a good idea, as another set of eyes may see a problem with a plate, glass, or utensil that you don’t notice.

After evaluating the situation, you are ready to decide what accommodations you might need during meals. Some adaptations are simple and others are specialized. Here are some examples of simple problems and adaptations to correct them:

Problem: Your plate slides across the table and you can’t stop it.
Solution: Place a damp cloth under it, or purchase non-slip shelf liner at your local discount store and place a piece of it under your plate.

Problem: You can’t tilt your glass or cup to drink.
Solution: Use a short straw to drink liquids.

Problem: You can hold on to your cutlery, but it just doesn’t feel secure or sometimes it falls off.
Solution: Buy plastic-handled picnic utensils or similar cutlery that have slightly larger handles. These utensils are easier to grip than traditional cutlery, but they are not specialized and are available at your local discount store.

If your eating problems are more complicated than this, you may need adapted plates or utensils. Thanks to the Internet, these are also readily available. There are many different types of adapted cookware and sometimes the selection can be confusing. Here are some examples of problems and solutions involving adapted dishes and utensils:

Problem: Can’t close fingers around small handled utensils.
Solution: Buy custom utensils with large handles or foam tubes to fit around the handles of the utensils you have. Foam tubes are less expensive, but wear out faster. Large-handled utensils cost more, but are more hygienic and last longer.

Problem: You can’t cut your meat.
Solution: buy a tilting knife. This type of knife is specially designed to allow you to use a rocking motion to cut, rather than the traditional sawing motion.

Problem: Your food slides off your plate and you can’t stop it.
Solution: Buy a plate protector or a plate with a rim. Both elements are designed to prevent food from slipping or falling off the plate.

Problem: He has severe ulnar deviation and can’t hold on to anything.
Solution: buy a universal sleeve. This is a simple elastic band that slips over the palm of your hand. The band has a pocket that will hold the handle of a spoon or fork, allowing you to hold the utensil yourself.

There are many more examples of adaptable utensils available. Adaptable utensils and plates have been designed to overcome almost any obstacle to eating. Many of these devices are available online from Arthritis Supplies, so visit their website at to browse their selection of adaptable plates and utensils.

If determining what accommodations you need for eating is too overwhelming for you, an occupational therapist can help you decide. You don’t need to see an OT for months to do this. Two or three sessions to assess your diet and determine which adaptive devices will work for you should be enough. Check your insurance plan to see if occupational therapy is covered and where an occupational therapist is located in your area. For more information on occupational therapy, visit the American Occupational Therapy Association at

Eating doesn’t have to be a frustrating and humiliating experience. Adapting your utensils and plates can help you regain your independence and dignity during meals, so take a look at your meal schedule and take control today.


Why should you buy a Lexus?

If you see a used Lexus for sale, you’ll want to stop by and check it out. Lexus is a luxury brand known for its longevity and value. The Lexus brand combines innovation and design to deliver a vehicle that gives you incredible performance, speed and handling.

Of course, one of the first questions to ask yourself is whether you’ll be buying a used car or a new one. If you’re on the fence about this, let us present you with a quick stat that can help you make up your mind.

According to the Kelley Blue Book, the average American spent $33,500 on a new vehicle in 2015. In the same year, JD Power reported that the average American spent just over $20,000 on a used car.

When looking at used cars, you always have a wider selection of options within your price range than you do with new vehicles. Also, a new car loses nearly 20% of its value the moment you pull it off the lot and will lose another 10% in value the following year. That’s a lot of wasted money when you think about it. However, a used Lexus will hold the same value when you drive it home, and a Lexus will retain much more residual value than most cars on the market.

When it comes to safety, it’s essential to know that when you get behind the wheel of a car, you and your passengers have nothing to worry about. In the case of Lexus, there is no need to worry as you get plenty of safety features on all your vehicles. And so you can drive with the peace of mind of knowing that you are safe. One of the best safety features in a Lexus is its Pre-Collision System, which is designed to detect, warn and, if you fail to brake, automatically apply braking to prevent an accident from occurring.

bill gates quote “Lexus SC 400 is my favorite car I’ve ever driven.”

The benefit of buying a Lexus is that, over time, the Lexus will hold its residual value much longer than other cars at the same market level. The Kelley Blue Book estimates that a 2015 Lexus will retain 42.2% of its value when it is 5 years old, which is very good. However, there are pros and cons to buying a used Lexus. The upsides are that the purchase value of the Lexus in question will be the same after you buy it and won’t depreciate by several thousand when you drive it home. Also, there is less overall risk with a used Lexus as you can usually tell the condition of a car from the get-go, whereas a new Lexus may need to be recalled after a few months when real problems are spotted. Disadvantages of buying a used Lexus include the lack of a manufacturer’s warranty. Also, the vehicle itself, due to its age, will not be as up-to-date as a new model released this year.

All in all, if you’re looking for a good Lexus, be it an SUV, sedan or other, a used Lexus is just as good or even better as an investment in your car driving experience. Be sure to find the right Lexus for you with all the bells and whistles you could want!

Digital Marketing

Impact of COVID on the future strategies of the retail industry and post-COVID-19 retail

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all globally. Economic growth has collapsed. Many people have lost their jobs and have suffered physically, emotionally, and financially due to this crisis. In just a few months, this pandemic has changed the entire scenario of how business houses and industries are going to function in the future to come.

Let’s talk today specifically about how retailers in India are facing the heat of the crisis and coping to run the business. Tea impact of COVID-19 on retail It is evident, and in addition to this, it has also impacted the health and movement of people.

Effect of COVID-19 on retailers: current, next and future phase

The situation for Indian retailers has worsened due to the pandemic. They face the challenge of dealing with the situation now, in the future and beyond. Right now, we are living in the “now” phase that has seen business come to a standstill.

Today, the basic products such as groceries, medicine and other food stores can operate, but they face many problems. There are several issues that retailers are dealing with including managing customer demand, coping with supply chain issues, following social distancing rules, and maintaining proper hygiene of all employees.

In this pandemic crisis, essential products are affected to a lesser extent compared to other products available on the market. Customers have lost faith in services and have stopped buying anything other than essential goods.

When the industry steps into the “next” phase, they need to make the right strategies to get back on track. Tea post-COVID retail scenario will pose a new challenge to adjust according to new business techniques.

Tea future strategies of the retail industry it will provide a roadmap to prosper well in the market. It will give merchants the challenge to prove themselves and adopt different and effective ways to run their business smoothly.

Problems for retailers in different sectors

1. Employee welfare and management

Right now, the critical issue facing most retailers is managing employee expenses. They must ensure a suitable healthy environment for their personal frontline.

2. Trade and supply chain

With the fear of confinement, the demand for essential supplies has skyrocketed. On the contrary, no one is looking to buy non-essential items leading to hoarding of these things in stores.

The transportation restriction has disrupted the supply chain for essential items, which has increased demand as a result.

3. Brand and customer protection

Retailers are having to deal with massive crowds due to rising panic. They also have to avoid any negative marketing due to the nuisance created by some maniacs. In addition, they need to maintain their image while controlling hygiene standards.

4. Finances

With less demand for products, retailers must regulate the flow of income for salaries and other expenses. They are looking for measures to plan according to short-term liquidity.

5. Technology and security

With an exponential increase in online services, keeping traffic online is critical. With this, retailers need to look into cybersecurity issues. In addition, they have to incorporate advanced technologies to guarantee maximum treatment without contact with customers.

Change in consumer behavior due to COVID-19

A drastic change in consumer behavior due to the pandemic can be observed from the “now” phase to the “after” phase.

Consumers in the “now” stage are busy building up stocks of essential products for the future so they don’t feel shortages later. All food and grocery stores serve the needs of people residing in rural and urban areas.

As consumers enter the “next” phase, daily life will begin to unfold as before, but customers will begin to doubt everything.

Looking at the current situation, we can quickly assess that there will be a change in the purchasing pattern of consumers, as they will be more inclined to buy local brands compared to expensive brands. Businesses need to go digital in every way, making it a secure transaction so customers can have faith.

Top 6 Effective Resiliency Strategies for Indian Retailers

Tea impact of COVID-19 on retail you see the market. Retailers must adopt the new marketing strategies to be well prepared for the “now”, “next” and “beyond” phase to address market needs. Tea future strategies of the retail industry their new consumers will decide.

Retailers have to invest in areas that have a high conversion rate. They must take into account the needs of new consumers who trust them. They not only need to think about the current scenario, but they also need to think about the future and even beyond, when normalcy will finally prevail.

If retailers adapt speed and agility to the current times, they will surely reap the rewards in the future to come.

1. Frugal in managing finances

Financial management will be a very cumbersome task for people across the country. Many of us have suffered from declining jobs, wages, interest payments, and dues around the world. This situation has forced retailers to optimize costs in order to have enough cash flow and margin to survive in this phase.

2. Agile in sustainable thinking

With the COVID-19 pandemic came a lot of uncertainty and no one was well prepared for it. For the retail industry, they must be flexible and adapt to new operating models. The assortment of products must meet the requirement and that is of the utmost importance.

3. Fixed in the supply chain

Retailers need to be very careful to play a proper role in the supply chain. Demands continue to fluctuate in the supply process, but retailers must be vigilant enough to address all types of supply. They have to make a proper plan to deal with all the logistics and inventory so that their business can function in any situation until the whole situation is under control. If the company adopts digitized forms, then it can help make progress. The company has to adopt delivery-based models so that customer demands can be met.

4. Tact in Talent Management

If you want your business to thrive for years to come, you need to become a good leader. Frequently ask your employees about their well-being to build trust in the organization over time. Once everything is back to normal, they just have to retrain to meet the changing demands of the business.

5. Effective in customer retention and management

Retention is going to be the key. Retailers need to make sure they don’t lose their old customers. Regular feedback and quick response to queries will build a level of trust not only in the services but also give them a euphoric shopping experience. They must reflect that adequate hygiene levels are maintained for the safety of all.

6. Responsible for Regulatory and Legal Compliance

There have been various regulations and laws passed by state, central and local governments to ensure the safety of citizens. Complying with all the rules and security measures will cost retailers a lot. It will also hamper your resources. But they have to cooperate with the government because these steps are only to improve the situation. The blockade is being lifted in several stages, so it becomes the responsibility of every citizen to support the government.

As COVID-19 evolves, no one can predict what will happen to the industry due to its effects. This pandemic is an alarming bell for everyone to improve business ways and make business flexible and agile. If this situation occurs in the future, everyone should be prepared enough to handle it. It has forced all industries to focus on digital media so that they have the proper facilities to fight back. This is the time for retailers to take a proper look at the scenario and look for ways to overcome all these crises.

Bottom line

The impact of COVID-19 on retailers cannot yet be estimated. We can only hope that it ends soon. A flexible business strategy and a well-equipped team with all the resources will definitely stand out and survive the current situation. Digitization is certainly the future that we can predict for now!

Health Fitness

The best backpacking routes in Europe

An adventurous backpacking trip to Europe could be the international trip of a lifetime and one to add to your bucket list. I was hesitant when the idea was presented to me, but it didn’t take long for me to change my mind. Some seasoned travelers have promised me that backpacking is the only way to travel, especially if you are looking for beautiful nature, a melting pot of cultures, world famous places and a whole world of adventure. There are few time restrictions when backpacking and unparalleled compared to other ways of traveling. There is no right or wrong way to enjoy hiking in Europe, but here is a sample of our route that worked for us.

1. London
Our first stop was Heathrow Airport because it is connected to public transport that will take you safely to some very famous places. Our first stop was Buckingham Palace and it was even better in person than any picture or video can convey. The royal family home is just as amazing on the outside as it is on the inside. We missed the iconic changing of the guard but I hear it’s spectacular. Be sure to add it to your “while in London list” as well as the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, and Westminster Abbey. They also have historical significance and are must-sees during your city walk.

Trust me on this. Paris, known as the City of Love, is impressive. Take the Eurostar, the underground train from London to Paris. The very idea of ​​traveling under the English Channel is incredible. There is so, so much to experience here. How about the unique Eiffel Tower? My wife and I enjoyed a leisurely picnic lunch (French cheese, wine, and bread) from outside, but my fellow travelers paid a ticket for a panoramic view from the top. Either way, take a photo or two because seeing this iconic tower in person was, to say the least, surreal. We could have stayed on the lawn forever, but when they came down from the top we popped out again to see Notre Dame Cathedral and the Montemartre art district that features the Sacre Coeur Basilica. The architecture alone is incredible. Whether you appreciate art or not, these landmarks will impress you.

3. Rome
This is truly the best place to backpack. It’s packed with ancient history and cultural sights that look like postcard photos, only better. I have read about many of the places that this eternal city has to offer and the fact that we were experiencing it in person was truly captivating. It takes a while to get there, but it’s worth the train ride. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, so take your time and spend more time here, if your schedule allows. One of the must-sees (actually they are all must-sees) is the Colosseum. Walk around, experience the historic architecture and step back in time when the Romans sat and watched gladiators fight in the same arena. Then I recommend visiting the Pantheon, the Vatican, to pray and contemplate Michelangelo’s masterpiece in the Sistine Chapel. If time permits, head over to the Trevi Fountain and toss in a few coins for good luck. Tradition says that one coin is for love and the other is to guarantee that you will return to Rome again. I wish I had time to discuss the many different restaurants. Our policy was to eat where the locals do and live by the old rule, “When in Rome” do as the Romans do. We didn’t have a bad meal.

4. Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre translates to five small towns on the western coast of Italy that look like a colorful boutique of buildings. The towns are Monterosso, Riomaggiore, Vernazza, Corniglia and Manarola and each is an individual marvel. I can’t speak a word of Italian, but it didn’t matter. My senses were able to absorb all the culture and personality offered here. We were surprised by the unique natural cliffs in its National Park that conveniently surround the five cities. It has to be one of Mother Nature’s best creations. It’s perfect for backpackers who don’t always like to be among the crowds of big cities. We boarded a train with a day pass that allowed us to travel between these quaint towns as many times as we wanted. You need to buy a pass to walk too. Staying overnight is probably a good idea. There are a variety of overnight accommodations that offer a good, comfortable and affordable night’s rest. Cinque Terre is a place I will return to maybe without my backpack next time and stay a bit longer.

Germany is fascinating and never fails to impress me. Sightseeing opportunities and landmarks are filled with history, architectural wonders, and even castles. This European country is like no other and the landscape is almost like stepping back in time through an eclectic collection of modern buildings. For example, the famous landmark of the Brandenburg Gate, once a symbol of the division of the country, is not considered quite the opposite, unification. The dark granite pillars create a maze of walking tour and is the perfect place to take photos. The most disturbing but moving place we visited was the underground museum that shows the plight of the Jews when the Nazis were in control. Talk about a difficult time. But Berlin also has a much lighter, more modern side. There are some trendy neighborhoods to explore, some really cool locals to meet, and delicious food to sample. I ordered the vegan cuisine with Vietnamese noodles which was delicious. We then took a walk around a closed airport runway that is now open to the public. There is so much to do and see, but the common denominator of Berlin is that no matter where you go, backpack or not, the sky is the limit for breathtaking sights, sounds, tastes and experiences.

There’s never enough time to explore all of Europe in one visit, so don’t expect to. But I recommend planning where you want to go and leaving enough room for a few unexpected stops along the way. Europe is one of the most interesting continents in the world, and especially interesting when you have your best friends and a backpack.

Lifestyle Fashion

Top five reasons to visit Puerto Rico

Off the coast of Florida, it is where the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico is located. This is one of the most popular destinations for tourists seeking adventure and culture. Take a plane or arrive by boat. There are many activities there for everyone to enjoy. You can experience anything from hiking to diving. You can also gamble in the casinos or experience the nightlife that this tropical paradise has to offer.

The climate on this lush island is very hot. No matter what time of year it is, the average temperature hovers around eighty degrees. Basically, there is only one season and that is summer. This makes it an ideal place for tourism and outdoor activities.

If you like to see beautiful scenery on foot, there are many different trails and parks to visit. Depending on which part of the island you visit will make a difference to the terrain. Take a nice scenic drive around the island. It’s only a hundred miles, so you could easily travel anywhere in under three hours. There are caves to explore by kayak or you can snorkel to see the marine life.

Surrounded by beautiful beaches, there is something for every water lover. A person can spend the day lying in the sun or surfing. Many people enjoy windsurfing. The island also has many lakes and streams for fishing.

Enjoy the nightlife with a moonlight stroll along the beaches. There are many restaurants offering a variety of authentic cuisine. Some places have live music. Salsa is very popular among the people of Puerto Rico. Some places offer lessons to teach visitors how to dance. If you like gambling, you will also find many resorts where you can try your luck at craps, blackjack or slot machines.

When you visit here you should spend some time learning about the history and culture. There are galleries and museums. The forts and colonial buildings are also full of interesting stories about the people who lived there.

You can also attend a festival during your visit. You will learn a lot about the locals by celebrating with them. The festivities include dancing, music, food, and stories. Each town has an annual festival. You can check with a travel agent or do your own research to find out when these events happen.

You can get married in Puerto Rico or spend your honeymoon there. This island is full of romance. The island is full of places to celebrate your wedding. There are the beautiful beaches and the romantic sunsets. Spend the evenings dining and dancing the night away. You can also go to a spa and relax while receiving massages. This island offers many activities for getting married or for newlyweds.

This island has it all. You can spend your days enjoying the lush scenery or one of the beaches. There are many places to eat and enjoy the culture. All this can be done during the year because the weather is sunny and warm all year round. His motto is: Puerto Rico does it better! You need to visit and find out for yourself why.


Teacup Kittens – The smallest kitten in the world

Not all cats advertised as miniature are teacup kittens. Keep in mind that the standard size cat will weigh between 11 and 14 pounds. The standard sized male cat will weigh between 12 and 17 pounds. A teacup-sized female cat will weigh between 3 and 6.5 pounds and the teacup-sized male will weigh between 3 and 7.5 pounds. This is a good rule of thumb to keep in mind when shopping for a cup of tea. Some unscrupulous breeders will try to sell you a cat under ten pounds as a cup of tea when that weight falls within the normal weight range for a standard cat. When buying a teacup, don’t be fooled by a breeder who will try to sell you a dwarf or tell you that any cat under ten pounds is a miniature.

Teacup kittens come in a variety of breeds. These cats are bred to be small by inbreeding. The smallest cat of one breed mates with the smallest cat of another breed progressively in each generation and with each mating a miniature or teacup cat is born. The result of this type of breeding is dwarfism. There are two forms of dwarfism as it pertains to teacups and other miniature animals and they are achondroplastic where the dominant gene will, through mutation, affect the hormones that control bone growth and the primordial that is produced from natural form. At this point, let’s cover the most common breeds of miniature (teacup) cats.

The most popular of the teacup kittens is the combination of Persian and exotic. The MiniPer, a combination of Persian and Exotic, was developed in California by Cher Simmitt. MiniPers are primordial dwarfs and their bodies are proportionate in every way except that they are smaller than standard Persians and Exotics. The MiniPaws are a hybrid and carry the genes for achondroplastic and primordial dwarfism. They are small in proportion and have shortened legs, causing the legs to be somewhat misshapen. They are a good example of dominant gene mutation and its effect on hormones that control bone growth. .

The Napoleon was intentionally developed by crossing a Munchkin with a Persian. They have long coats and beautiful big eyes like Persians. The Napoleon is the newest of the teacup breeds.

The Lambkin was developed by crossing a Munchkin with a Selkirk Rex. They are called Lambkin because of their soft, curly coat that resembles the coat of a lamb. Most miniature or teacup kittens are crosses of Persian and exotic and are the most popular and sought after of all the miniature breeds.

Many people love teacups because they are cute and look like kittens. They are easy to hold and carry and most of them are lap cats. Be careful though, they may be kittens when you buy them, but like all other cats they grow out of their kitten form. After all, they are cats and cats are not kittens forever.