Home Kitchen

Halogen Vs LED Under Cabinet Lighting

Under-cabinet lighting is a great feature in any kitchen, bringing functional light to desperate countertop space that would otherwise be shaded by upper wall cabinets. Not only is it practical, but the under cabinet lighting also provides a unique and attractive aesthetic to enhance any kitchen décor.

When purchasing under cabinet lighting, it is important to understand what types of lighting are available and the pros and cons of each. The two main sources of light under the cabinet are halogen lighting and LED lighting. While each option installs cleanly and offers generous amounts of light, there are many differences between the two.

Halogen lamp

Before examining under cabinet lighting products, the fundamental characteristics of each type of light source should be understood. Halogen lights work similar to incandescent lights in that they produce light by burning a tungsten filament when connected to a power source. The only difference is that the glass bulb that covers the filament is filled with halogen gas. This allows the glass to stay closer to the filament without melting; thus allowing the size of the bulb to be more compact. The halogen helps to recirculate the burned tungsten atoms back to the filament making it last longer. To ensure that the glass does not melt, it must be thicker to withstand the increased heat load.

For various reasons, halogen lights have been popularly used as an under cabinet light source. They are compact bulbs that last longer; making them an ideal light bulb to mount under a cabinet. Unfortunately, they still consume the same amount of energy as incandescent lights and burn even hotter.

The light emits diodes

LED lights (light-emitting diodes) generate light by emitting photons of energy. This is a purer form of light that does not produce energy in the form of heat. LEDs are created by assembling a semiconductor material such as aluminum gallium arsenide inside a lens connected to a power source. Science is all inside the semiconductor. Through a semiconductor there is a PN junction. When an energy source excites electrons through this PN junction, visible light is produced in the form of photons. The use of LEDs as the light source offers the most efficient illumination. Because no energy is wasted to produce unnecessary heat, it is considered the most energy efficient light source and an ideal light source for under-cabinet lighting.

Comparison of products

The way manufacturers have applied these technologies to under cabinet lighting products reflects the properties of each source. Because halogen bulbs produce so much heat, they are typically mounted on a 120V light bar that also employs an air circulation system to cool the bulb and the cabinet surface. This wastes more energy producing light and the fixture is often bulky and more visible than desired.

The LED lights under the cabinet are drastically more compact. They do not require a cooling system, and because they consume very little power, they are often powered by low-voltage sources. A 12-volt AC / DC adapter can effectively illuminate countertop space below 12 feet or more of cabinets. And because the strips are powered by low-voltage power, installation is simplified. The LED light strips and components can be plugged into a chain of male to female plugs originating from the power supply that simply plugs into an outlet. Low-voltage adapters can also be wired into standard conduit supply, in addition to dimmer switches, resulting in a clean, professional installation with even more energy-efficient capabilities.

When the properties of halogen and LED lighting are compared to each other, it may not be clear why halogen under cabinet lighting ever existed. The answer is simply that LEDs never produced usable amounts of light until recent developments in semiconductor technology. Now that more capable semiconductors are being developed, LEDs are being implemented in many different consumer products in ways that never seemed imaginable.


The New Cougar Dating Trend

After more than 20 years of formal international research on the topic of younger men dating older women, I see that the trend for Cougar dating is changing. I’m excited to see that the last barrier to male / female relationships finally dissolves and it seeks its own level toward permanence. There are still older women who want a child’s toy or an untethered relationship. They may be permanently fed up with looking for something long term, they don’t want to remarry, and they enjoy the freedom of having a friend with benefits where the drama is limited or nil. And that’s okay. As I often say on my Cougar dating site, “There is a lid for every pot.” But what I’m noticing and hearing from both men and women on my site is that younger men who are not “thrill seekers” or inexperienced at Cougar dating and women who have had positive experiences dating younger men and they do not want to go back to date men their age or older they are looking for something more lasting, meaningful and, dare I say it? Permanent.

Yes, my site statistics show that around 90% of women seek love and perhaps even marriage with a younger man. The BBC reported in a documentary that 25% of our neighbors across the pond are happily married to younger men. 30% of older women are open to dating younger men in the United States. Although there are many newcomers to cougar dating, 45% of women who have dated younger men before and do not plan to date men their age or older again. I have come to realize that older Cubs, primarily mature young men in their 20s and 30s or older, are interested in long-term relationships, especially if they have previously dated or been married to older women. Children’s toys (which is what I call the “serial players” tend to be men in their mid-18s and even late 20s who have no experience with women, working under what I have called “The Myth of Stiffler’s mom “or who are thrill seekers with as many women as they can fall prey to them. Yes, Virginia, male virgins in their 30s do exist, and many of them are looking for an older woman to teach them. The interesting thing is that, once they experience an In a well-balanced relationship with an older woman, they are less inclined to suffer from the immaturity, selfishness and lack of life experience of a girl their age or younger. This is when many Boy Toys become become devoted to Cougar dating. As a young Atlanta cub told me, “I wasn’t looking for love. I wanted to hunt as many cougars as I could and just have fun. And then I met this wonderful woman from New York.” He is totally in love ; and I don’t love r great? He went from wanting to work his way up the age ladder to falling headlong into heels with his wife Cougar. I love it when people meet and, as I often say, “there is a lid for every pot.”

As cougar dating is becoming more common in the United States, more and more women are coming out of the closet. I see more women from the Midwest and Southern states joining the site this year over the past year, when most of the members were from bigger cities like Los Angeles. The UK and Canada have historically been “out” and it will be difficult to find someone who has not heard the term “cougar”. Hate it or love it, it’s here to stay, which is why women are starting to embrace it and define it for themselves. It is losing its derogatory connotation and men are discovering that there is no “one size fits all” Cougar. As leopard print myths, female predator gives way to soccer moms, secretaries, bank tellers, lawyers, everyday woman replaces adolescent male fantasy, and women are more comfortable looking at men. 7 years or more younger than them. saying, “Why not?” And more and more young men tell me that they are falling in love with their Cougar women.

Cougar dating integration is leading to global acceptance of this intergenerational dating trend; a trend that is here to stay. My members are coming out of the closet with their friends and family. Actuaries will even agree that statistically speaking it makes sense for an older woman to meet, date, date, and marry a younger man. I recently spoke with a Harvard-trained retired physician who told me that biologically it made the most sense for a woman in her prime to date and marry a man in his prime. Women enjoy being with an attentive, loving, energetic, vital, protective, fun-loving man with less baggage than their older male counterpart. Men love being with a woman who is loving, mature, has a life perspective, knows what she wants, is not needy, insecure, or superficial. The pots have found their lids. The lids have found their pots!

It’s just a natural transition and an easy look at the Cougar crystal ball to see the obvious: There will be more long-term Cougar and Cub relationships and marriages just around the corner. Thrill seekers, however, don’t need to request it.


How to return to Midgar in Final Fantasy 7

To return to Midgar once you’ve left it during Disc 1, you must obtain the Slum Key to Sector 7. This is a relatively simple task, but there are quite a few steps.

First, you will need to assess the situation by learning that there is a problem. Enter Midgar and you will see that the front door is closed. Unless you’re parachuting during Disc 3, you’re in trouble. You will find a closed door and an old man. The old man tells him that the key was lost during a recent excavation. Judging by the fact that there is only one excavation site, we will go there to find more.

Go to a place called Bone Village, which is slightly northeast of the center of the map. Further north than east. Discuss your problem with the foreman and select the option “I want to find a normal treasure”. Now set up your excavators near the northern part of the village and detonate.

At this point I suggest you go fight the monsters on the world map or maybe you could even work towards getting your Gold Chocobo. Whatever you end up doing, be sure to do it for a while. This point, like many others in the game, involves a lot of waiting, so try to make the most of it.

When you arrive later to excavate your finds, you will have to excavate several times, but eventually, you will excavate the key to the slums of Sector 7. This is a key item, so don’t worry about losing it. Now that you have this key, return to Midgar and you will be able to enter through the door that was once locked.

Health Fitness

Strategic Muscle Development for a Calvin Klein Model – Workout Routine

It’s no wonder there is a growing shift away from the bodybuilding mindset. Many people would rather have slim and fit bodies that resemble famous movie models and actors rather than massive bodybuilders. The desire to have a “GQ” look will not only help you look good in a suit, but also on the beach. Oversized gym rats just can’t do that. So what is it about Calvin Klein models that seem to epitomize the “Hollywood look”? What is a Calvin Klein model workout routine that most programs don’t understand?

Strategic muscle building to create the desired look

Take a moment and evaluate the characteristics of a Calvin Klein model. They have a decent amount of muscle mass but very low body fat levels. Your muscles also seem to be constantly in a flexed state that is commonly known as muscle density. I guarantee you that 95% of gym goers work out harder and longer than they do, but they don’t even come close to a visually stunning physique. Is it of good genetics? Do you have an exceptional coach? What if they really have a strategic muscle building program that sculpts the right physique? They need to look chiseled at any time for a photoshoot, so how do they differ from the rest?

Skipping the “big 3” is not a crime

The “big 3” come from fundamental exercises that are pulled from the big magazines and bodybuilding forums. They consist of squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. They do a great job adding batter, but they will ruin the look of a model. Calvin Klein models have a very slim and toned physique. Having excess mass in the hips, thighs, waist and butt will not allow them to model fashionable clothes. Their legs are ragged but they also wear a slim waist. This can be done by omitting the squats and the deadlift. Hard cardio will sculpt a much slimmer lower body without the bulk. Don’t worry, you are not committing a “bodybuilding” crime by jumping on your legs.

Upper body muscle mass to polish appearance

Most of your muscle mass is in your upper body, but with a few exceptions. Calvin Klein models target the upper and inner chest muscles because they will sculpt a square and angular chest. This is why I would suggest ditching the traditional bench press and incorporating only incline. The reasoning behind this is that the lower pecs tend to grow larger and faster than the upper pecs. Paying too much attention to lower chest workouts can cause muscles to sag, which can resemble women’s breasts. The Calvin Klein models also have arms that are a decent size with wide, ragged shoulders. Wide shoulders with tapered waist, creates a “V” in the upper body that every model needs. It is also important to note that these models do not have large cheat muscles. It would be a good idea to skip workouts like shrugs or upright rows. Having a thick neck and traps will hide your broad shoulders and give you a more rounded appearance.

We can’t forget about the six pack

Having a big six-pack separates the men from the boys in the modeling industry. Without a doubt, all Calvin Klein models have impressive abs. Planks and hanging leg raises are very effective at tightening and toning the midsection without the bulk. Planks are the ultimate exercise for a tight abs, while hanging leg raises will polish the “V” between your pelvis. Although it is important to exercise your abs, it is essential to understand that your diet is of the utmost importance. People don’t realize that diet is the key ingredient for weight loss. Keeping your diet in check is “make or break” for a strong six pack. As long as there is excess fat around your stomach, the definition will be hidden. Models understand this, so their efforts go towards maintaining a clean diet.

Feeding Habits

Calvin Klein models don’t eat like big bodybuilders, so they can keep their body fat levels low throughout the year. Focusing too long on abs workouts and not doing enough on the diet will leave you frustrated with the lack of results. You don’t have to eat 6 to 8 meals a day. It can be very difficult to keep calories low that way because people almost always underestimate how much they actually eat. Eating 2-3 meals a day is fine. It is also a good idea to implement fasting 1-2 times a week for additional health benefits and fat loss benefits.

Achieving a model body isn’t just for the rich and famous

Creating a desired look is not as difficult as many people think. The main reason is that too many gym-goers are trying to pack on as much muscle as possible, no matter where you end up. Then they wonder why her body doesn’t look like a model at all. Training this way will never create a Calvin Klein body because it doesn’t focus on building strategic muscles. Adding muscle in the correct areas of the body while keeping body fat down will do wonders for the overall visual appearance. Now that you understand what a Calvin Klein modeling exercise routine consists of, you can determine which areas need work and which ones don’t. Having the flexibility to make adjustments to your body will create the right model look.


37 Random Facts About Cats You Probably Didn’t Know

  1. Most don’t like sweet things. However, I know my cat loves ice cream

  2. When a cat chases its prey, it keeps its head level and its eyes focused.

  3. FOR bezoar is the real name of a hairball.

  4. A group of cats of more than 3 is called “clown. ”

  5. Why do they get stuck in the trees? This is because a cat’s claws curve in the same direction, making it easy to go up but impossible to go down.

  6. It is said that cats can produce around 100 different sounds. Comparing it to a dog that can only produce around 10. #stupiddog #catsrule

  7. Cats could have prevented the Black Plague!

  8. In 1963 the first feline was in space. Felicette he was a french kitten with a nickname of Astrocat. France feels the cat in outer space. She survived the trip.

  9. Approximately 40,000 people are bitten by felines in the United States each year.

  10. Cats are the most popular pet in North America. More than 30% of households in North America have a kitten. “Which means that cats are better than dogs”

  11. The hearing of a feline is extraordinarily better than that of a dog. A cat can also hear sounds that humans could never hear.

  12. A feline can run at a maximum speed of 50 km / h.

  13. When you think your kitty is rubbing against you to be sweet, think again! It actually marks it as its territory by releasing it which is sent to it through the sebaceous glands in its head and tail.

  14. Felines can purr up to 25 times per second!

  15. Most cats give birth to an average litter of one to nine kittens.

  16. Smuggling a cat out of ancient Egypt was punishable by death. When someone was caught smuggling a dog out, the Pharos expelled the person who forced them to take the dog with them. (I just did that last part, it seems right)

  17. The brain of a cat is biologically similar to a human brain and cats have identical regions in their brains that are responsible for emotions. Dog brains were better like carrots.

  18. In Great Britain and Australia, black cats are considered lucky and in America and Europe the black cat is a symbol of bad luck.

  19. The largest domestic cat breed is the main Coon.

  20. The smallest pedigree cat is the Singapura.

  21. Cats can survive falls over 65 feet.

  22. A cat can jump up to five times its own height.

  23. The Turkish van is a kind of cat that really enjoys swimming. This is due to the unique skin layer that makes them waterproof.

  24. The oldest species of cat is called The Egyptian. Mau, it is so old that the name Mau means cat in the Egyptian language.

  25. A cat generally has 12 whiskers on each side of its face and the cat uses whiskers as a way to measure whether it can fit between something. (Dogs generally see if they can fit between something running in front of them, the popular item of choice is usually a car.)

  26. Cats don’t see colors as well as humans. In fact, scientists believe that the grass appears red to cats. (I don’t believe this because I have deuteranomaly color blindness disorder and once bought green pants because I thought they were a light tan)

  27. Cats can spend up to 2/3 of each day sleeping.

  28. A cat’s ability to find its way home is called a “psychic journey.” Experts believe that cats use the angle of sunlight to find their way or that cats have magnetized cells in their brains that act as compasses.

  29. A cat’s jaw cannot move sideways

  30. Cats only meow at humans and not at each other.

  31. A cat lover is called ailurophilia. (Consider me THE Ailurophilia)

  32. Typically, a cat can live up to 20 years, which is equivalent to about 96 human years.

  33. A cat’s normal body temperature is between 100.5 ° and 102.5 ° F. Like humans, you can tell if your cat is sick if its body temperature is outside of this range.

  34. A cat’s nose has a texture that acts like the equivalent of a human’s fingerprint.

  35. Cats only sweat through their paws only.

  36. Cats are so sensitive to vibrations that they can detect earthquake tremors 10-15 minutes earlier than humans.

  37. A cat is called a queen or molly. (What’s the name of a bitch again?)

For more art supplies like this and to shop for yourself and your feline friend, visit our website.


Real Estate

A semi-detached greenhouse is perfect in limited spaces and offers easy access: pros and cons

Attached greenhouse:

Having a greenhouse attached to the side of the house, fence, shed or garage will take up less space than a freestanding greenhouse, this is an advantage.

However, tight-fitting greenhouse models are often less desirable because there are limitations as to where they can be located. They need to go against an existing wall and there is usually more space in a patio or open area.

Sometimes they are overshadowed by the support building, so it is best to place them on a south-facing wall. A greenhouse on a south facing wall will cost much less to heat by acting better as a solar greenhouse in cold months than any freestanding greenhouse, because the most sunlight is collected from the south facing wall of the greenhouse.

However, there are many benefits.

Facilitates access:

The attached conservatory allows direct access from the adjoining building or from your home.

If the plan is to have it attached to your house, another benefit is that much of the solar heat that is trapped in the greenhouse can even be used to partially heat a house.

Or even use the heat from your home to heat the greenhouse through a window or vent.


There are a few things to consider when choosing a location for a slim greenhouse. Whichever building it is attached to can shade the greenhouse in parts of the day, limiting sun exposure.

This is definitely something to consider when choosing the supporting wall where the greenhouse will be built. If the lean greenhouse does not get enough sun exposure, the artificial sunlight provided by the grow lights may be necessary.

If artificial lighting is needed, it is an advantage to place it on a wall, because the electrical connection for the lights may be more available, as well as the water and any other utility connections that may be necessary.

Solar greenhouse:

The attached greenhouse is also a good choice for the hobbyist who relies on solar greenhouse gardening to keep plants and vegetables warm and healthy. The Solar Greenhouse page also has a great video.

The wall, to which the lean greenhouse is attached, acts as a thermal mass for solar heat, basically acting as a sponge for heat, when the temperature cools down at night, the heat from the day sun is radiated back to the greenhouse keeping it quite warm.

Greenhouse ventilation:

Being attached to a permanent structure, air circulation can be limited, limiting the amount of natural ventilation and air circulation.

Restricted space:

The attached greenhouse is perfect for enthusiasts with limited space.

Having a greenhouse on the side of the house or close by will take up less space than a freestanding greenhouse, although the greenhouse is essentially cut in half, there will also be less room to work.

Pros and cons of sloped greenhouses:


  • Easy access to public services (for example, electricity and water connection)
  • Greater insulation and solar heating. (The wall insulates and acts as a thermal mass).


  • Limited space
  • Limited light
  • Temperature control and limited ventilation
Shopping Product Reviews

Your TrapCall Free Trial – What to Expect

Being harassed on your phone can ruin your day, week, or even year, depending on how persistent the nasty caller is. But TrapCall is a service that allows you to unblock and view these mysterious numbers that keep bothering you. You will be able to know who is behind the calls once and for all, so you can put a stop to it. If you’ve ever considered a free trial of TrapCall, here’s what to expect from it.

What can TrapCall do?

When you use a free trial of TrapCall, any phone you own can become a personal detective device. You can get the name and number of the caller, even if they have blocked the call. With so many plan options available, there is even the option for some to log your incoming calls. This is very useful if you receive harassing calls; you can simply record the call and hand it over to the police. Plus, you can block certain incoming calls completely and stop harassment at the source.

What plans are offered?

After the trial period is over, you will automatically continue with the package of your choice, unless you decide to cancel. The Bug Trap plan is the basic plan that includes only caller ID unlocking and the ability to block certain calls. The Mouse Trap Plan has both, plus it also includes 10 voicemail transcripts per month, missed call alerts, and a special caller ID that shows the address of the caller. The most expensive and powerful Bear Trap plan includes all of that plus unlimited voicemail transcripts, as well as the ability to record incoming calls.

By subscribing to the TrapCall free trial, you can test the service before committing to pay for it. Take a couple of weeks to test it out and see if it will do everything you need it to do. Please note that the free trial is only available directly from the official website, so try to avoid ordering from alternative websites as they could be a scam.

Arts Entertainments

Why can’t I forget about my ex-wife? Help moving forward after divorce

It’s 3 in the morning. Silence echoes within the empty house. You know you won’t meet tomorrow’s deadline for that project at work, but you don’t care. This all seems so trivial. It’s been like this for a year. A veil has been covering your perception, your goals, and your aspirations. Only this phrase keeps repeating itself within your mind: “Why can’t I forget my ex-wife?” You keep wondering if you could have done something to save this marriage. You cannot understand why you are sinking deeper and deeper into this vicious cycle within your mind, instead of overcoming it. They say that time heals, but it doesn’t seem like it’s happening to you. Time cannot heal, unless you want to.

For men, healing from divorce is as difficult as it is for women, perhaps even more so. The reason for this is that women express their emotions, but for men it is not that easy. They repress their feelings. They fight to fulfill the role that society imposes on them and this is always counterproductive. The pain inside them accumulates and multiplies to the point that it becomes unbearable.

1. Express yourself

This is the most important thing to do during and long after your divorce. The phrase “men do not cry” cannot be far from the truth. Men cry, but they do it alone. Don’t struggle to hold back your tears in the company of a dear friend.

2. Communicate

Talk about it for hours with your friends and family, if you need to.

3. Avoid mutual contacts by all means

Whatever he says will probably be transferred in a distorted version to his ex-wife and vice versa. This creates an endless gossip circle, completely destroying a man’s chances of recovery after divorce.

If contact with mutual friends and relatives is unavoidable, demand that they not talk to you about this matter.

4. Get it out of your system

There will come a day when you are finally sick and tired of crying. Gather all pictures, letters, and any other reminders and keep them in a safe place out of sight. Stop going to places you went together. If you are the one who got the house, move to a new house or even an area.

5. Avoid bounce relationships

Most of the time, these relationships don’t work. They slow down a man’s healing process after divorce and end up hurting more people.

6. Take a solo trip

Take a trip on your own to a remote and peaceful location with warm weather and calm waters for swimming. It will help you to relax, to realize the beauty that still exists around you and it will give you the opportunity for introspection. All the pain you’ve been through will be in vain if you don’t learn from it.