
The healthiest treats to feed your ferrets

When those sparkly little eyes peek longingly from that adorable fuzzy face, it can be hard to resist the urge to indulge your ferret with whatever tantalizing treat the little trickster is trying to get out of you. But keep in mind that, as with everything in life, moderation is key; no more than 5% of your ferret’s overall diet should consist of treats, and not all treats are created equal. As obligate carnivores, ferrets have very specific nutritional needs that differ from dogs, cats, and especially humans. They cannot eat the same kinds of food or treats that you or even your other pets consume on a daily basis and they remain completely healthy. Ferrets need a high protein, high fat and low fiber diet with the main protein sources coming from meat ingredients. They do not digest fruits, vegetables, grains / cereals, or fiber well, and should avoid sweet / sugary foods that can lead to dental problems, obesity, and an increased risk of insulinoma.

The following is a list of some great options to offer:

1) Meat: freeze dried, cooked or raw (If not already part of your main diet) Chicken, turkey, beef, salmon, organ meats such as liver or chicken hearts, jerky without salt (avoid seasoned or processed meats such as lunch box, salami or bacon).

2) Small animals of prey (If not already part of your main diet) – mice, chicks, quail, rats, rabbits – preferably pre-slaughtered or thawed to avoid harming your ferret.

3) Insects (live / dry) Earthworms. Mealworms. Crickets. Cockroaches Live bait.

4) Chicken or turkey baby food – Ferrets can get addicted to these things! It also works well as a temporary substitute for kibble if your ferret is sick or recovering from surgery and is a picky eater.

5) Eggs: raw or cooked without seasoning (remove the skin)

6) Oils – Salmon, emu, cod liver, extra virgin olive or extra virgin coconut oils.

Vitamin supplements like FerreTone, Linatone, Furatone, FerretLax, Laxatone, Petromalt should be avoided when it comes to healthy ferrets. Vitamin A toxicity can result from too many “tone” supplements.

7) Commercial treats for ferrets – The highest quality treats do not contain sugar or soy ingredients. Here are some good ones:

– Wysong Daily Dream Ferret Treats

– Freeze Dried Stella & Chewys

– Freeze-dried PureBites

The following are also fine in moderation, but are less preferred due to traces of sugar and / or soy:

– N-Bone Ferret Chewy Treats

– Cheweasel edible chew toys

– Foamy Fries from Fuzzys

– Ferret Candy with Natural Brown Chicken Strips

Avoid most “ferret treats” sold in pet stores; many are high in sugar, fruits and vegetables as main ingredients and contain almost no protein.

Do not feed list:

Vegetables, fruits, dried fruits (including raisins), alcohol, sugary drinks or juices, coffee and tea products, garlic or shallots, cereals, dairy products, seeds and nuts (can cause clogging), chocolate, candy, fruit snacks , peanut butter, natural non-ferret chew toys (such as cow hooves, pig ears, or rawhide; can cause intestinal blockages in ferrets), dog or cat treats.

When in doubt, don’t let your ferret eat it, even if he or she wants it! Remember … ferrets will eat a deadly piece of plastic or Styrofoam just as quickly as they will a tasty piece of meat, so they’re clearly not always the best judges of what is or is not good for them. You have to be the smart one in the family and keep them on the safe path to a long and healthy life; even if it means preventing them from eating things that they are absolutely convinced they want to eat. Being the bad cop and limiting your ferret’s treats will pay off when you can enjoy the benefit of the company of a cheerful, bright-eyed bandit for many years to come.

Real Estate

Property rentals in Panama

Investing in real estate in Panama by renting the properties can be very profitable. However, the laws of leasing real estate are old and confusing for foreigners. Here is a summary of Panama’s leasing laws:

The Civil Code of 1917 copied the Spanish Civil Code that regulates real estate leases in rural and urban areas. Private residential properties whose rents exceed $ 150 per month, commercial activities, educational and industrial use are covered by this law.

Law 93 of 1973 controls urban residential leases, subleases, room rentals and furnished apartments up to $ 150 per month. Forty years ago, $ 150 a month was a substantial income. Vacation (vacation) apartments that are rented for more than six months are also subject to this law. Tenants enjoy greater protection against rent increases and evictions than under the Civil Code.

Leases that are excluded from Law 93 include rural properties, old reverted properties in the Panama Canal Zone, fixed daily rate rentals (motels, inns, hotels and pensions), vacation home leases of less than six months, and properties leased from the government.

Since foreigners will only rent properties for more than $ 150 a month, only the rights of the tenant will be covered here under the Civil Code:

Annuities: Both parties can negotiate any monthly rental price and increases they want. Rental contracts are usually in Spanish. When foreigners rent to other foreigners, the contract can be written in Spanish and translated or written in both languages.

Security deposits: A security deposit equal to one month’s rent is sent to the Ministry of Housing, which is reimbursed to the tenant upon expiration of the lease, unless the landlord files a claim for rent owed or damage to the tenant’s property. However, most foreigners are unaware of this requirement and many Panamanians ignore it when collecting deposits themselves.

Duration of the lease: There are no restrictions on the length of a lease. Landlords cannot evict a paying tenant before the lease expires. However, tenants can break any lease with 30 calendar days’ notice.

Utilities: Some utilities and services cannot be transferred to the tenant’s name, such as the condo and water homeowners association fees, which are paid by the landlord and incorporated into the rental rate. Cable TV, Internet, telephone, and electricity may be in the name of the tenant paying those bills. Commercial property bills, such as building maintenance fees, water, and utilities, are generally paid by the tenant.

Triplicate: Prepare the rental agreement in triplicate. The tenant keeps one copy, the landlord gets another copy, while a third copy is filed with the Ministry of Housing, which also holds the security deposit. Again, many foreigners are unaware of this requirement, while many Panamanians simply ignore it and only require copies for the tenant and owner.

Foreign Usually they are asked to provide the first month’s security and damage deposits. A personal Panamanian reference letter is often required. Local bank checks or cash are preferred.

Repair The electrical, plumbing, and structural parts of the building are usually the responsibility of the owner.

Invest In Panama real estate renting apartments or houses can be very profitable. Some foreigners rent to multinational corporations that have regional headquarters here for their executive and visiting employees. Rental payments are often made by bank transfer and some pay by check.

Taxes they are paid by foreigners and Panamanians alike on their rental income. However, there are many write-offs and tax deductions just like in the United States and Canada and in European countries. A homeowner can pay fees for maintenance, repairs, management services, real estate commissions, utilities, and other expenses.

Real estate agent commissions they usually consist of a month’s rent and since there is no MLS in Panama, it is not uncommon to see two or three real estate agents splitting the commission between them. Current law requires paying an ITBMS tax (VAT) of 7% in addition to the commission.

Real estate services On behalf of the tenant generally includes the installation of cable TV, Internet, telephone and electricity on behalf of the tenant if the tenant requests this service.

Hire a competent Panama real estate attorney to advise you on real estate laws, landlord and tenant laws, and taxes before purchasing apartments or houses as investments.

Shopping Product Reviews

How to start programming games

First, learn to code. It is very essential to have an understanding of all the basics related to programming. If you don’t know how to program, I would recommend starting with Python. It’s a wonderful language that strips the programmer of low-level details and allows him to focus on concepts. It is also a very fun language, I am sure you will love programming in it. I picked it up in just 3 days (even though I had prior programming experience).

Once you have chosen a language and know how to program, you must decide in which language you want to program the games. That really depends on the kinds of things you want to do: engine development or game development. Engine developers create the core of the game, the engine, the things that turn on the actual game. If you choose this route, you will have to deal with all the low-level programming details. You should use C or C ++ for this, as most engines are coded in these languages. You must also be very disciplined about memory allocation / deallocation and code optimization techniques.

The other route is to encode the games, using a pre-encoded engine. On this path, you will use an engine created by someone else and use it to create your own game. Usually the engines have bindings in some scripting language (such as python, lua, or ruby) and therefore you can code the actual game in a scripting language. You can focus on game design rather than other low-level details.

Obviously, you can choose to do both: code the engine and the actual game.

At first, I think you’d better wait after you’ve created a few games to decide which path you want to take. In your first few games, it is best to code the entire game on your own. You will learn a lot along the way and you will also be able to decide which path you want to take.

To create games, you need certain additional libraries. If you know how to program, you need to know what libraries mean. They are additional code patches that you can link with your own code. To create games, you will need libraries for graphics, event handling, networking, etc. If you are using Python, Pygame is an excellent library for beginners that provides almost all of this. For C or C ++, you have Allegro and SDL. A simple Google search will give you a list of game programming libraries for your language of choice.

Start playing with the library you have chosen. Read their tutorials online. Learn how to do simple things like rectangles, circles, upload images, etc. Try to do some animations. The fundamental concept behind building an animation is to draw the object, then draw another object of the same dimensions on top of the background color, and then draw the previous object, with its coordinates shifted by the required amount. Of course, if you do this too fast, you can cause an illusion of movement.

After that, make a simple game like Pong or a Tetris clone that uses only event handling and some basic physics (collision detection). Google for the game loop structure, it will help you code the game.

Once you have coded it, move on to a slightly complex game, like a game with 2 tanks fighting. You don’t have to get cute with graphics, just use as many royalty-free images as you can. Try cloning more arcade games like Breakout. To do them, you will have to use something called a level editor, something that is used in almost every game.

After that, try your hand at a game that uses some artificial intelligence, like a pacman clone or a top view soccer game. Both can be implemented using an FSM (Finite State Machine), a concept used for AI in 80% of commercial games. Then try your hand at a side scrolling platformer as a Mario clone.

The games mentioned above, combined, include almost all the concepts used in 90% of the games. To create a game with an eye-catching 3D interface, all you need to do is use an engine to help you do it. It’s just that in the beginning, 2D programming allows you to focus on the most important concepts and also makes your code less complicated. Once you are comfortable, you can opt for 3D games.


The Commie Chronicles – Episode 2

There are so many elements to communism and a communist takeover that the question is, where do you start? On January 6, 2021, when Congress was dismantled by the insurrection that never was, they returned a couple of days later. A false president of the United States was certified as mentally incompetent. And immediately after the announcement is when its communist colors began to wave brilliantly.

You say, ‘Ed, give me a break. How is this possible? ‘There is a World War II poster that I love. It shows a happy young woman waving a flag and says, “You couldn’t get laundry detergent, but you could be brainwashed.” That, my friends, is the tale of the 2020 elections. Let’s look at the first signs.

Brainwashing first appeared during World War II and gained notoriety during and after the Korean War. At the time of its creation, it was an individual thing used with prisoners of war to extract confessions, whether they were true or false. The truth is relative to your goals for the day.

Think back to 2016 when Donald J. Trump shocked the world and became President of the United States. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Barry Soetoro, also known as Barack Obama, filled Washington with communists, and the handover was ready. The baton was to be passed to the anointed, Hillary Clinton. But the Republic spoke and the American people had other ideas. This is where the communists came out of the closet.

The well-entrenched globalist in Washington and the world launched a frontal assault on the symbol of defiance, now President Donald Trump. For the next four years, the truth was nowhere to be found. From Hollywood to the Super Bowl and everywhere else, the man Donald Trump was demonized. All the media in America banned what evil man Trump and his family were. This is how they could brainwash a nation.

The communists own all the public media in the United States, with ten mega-companies controlling everything. You’ve probably never heard of national amusements. It is a private company valued at $ 43 billion that operates 950 cinemas and owns Viacom and CBS. In print, they are owners of Simon & Schuster; among others, on the Internet they are owners of CBS Interactive, and in games, they are owners of GameSpot, Metacritic, c | net and 247-Sports.

And what about Disney worth $ 88 billion? They own ESPN, Lucas Films, Pixar, ABC of everything, most of the cable channels you watch every day, and Marvel in the comic book industry. Then there’s AT&T worth $ 170 billion. They are owners of Time-Warner, they are Internet providers, through the Internet of AT&T and Time Warner, telephone providers and much more. They own Warner Animation Studio, think Looney Toons. On television, they own HBO, CW and Hulu; in print, they own Time, Time-Life, Life, and DC Comics. In video games, they own NeatherStar and Rocksteady, among others. They also own Water Tower Music and Warner Music Group.

Seemingly a small player, Comcast is approaching $ 75 billion. Best known for their Internet service and cable television, they are owned by NBC and Universal Pictures. Another propaganda provider is News Corp. Best known for its Fox News brands. With annual revenues of more than $ 35 billion, they have a massive television and radio programming franchise and own lesser-known print media, including Harper Collins and the Christian publisher, Zondervan.

Sony Corporation is a world-renowned brand with annual revenues of nearly $ 80 billion. An electronics company, it is also involved in the production and distribution of films. Sony Pictures Animation, Starz and several other brands are his. In music, they have more than a dozen brands, Sony Music and RCA are two.

And you don’t need to provide details on the next four, Apple, Amazon, Google, and Twitter. They have Internet communications. This list of all the above companies has combined sales of more than $ 1.2 trillion. And guess what … they are all left communists, BLM, Antifa they support.

We will delve into the communist well in each episode. But when you’re scratching your head over that lifelong friend who suffers from a severe case of Trump disorder syndrome, look no further than the list of propagandists above. They did their job and they did it well.

Until next time … save your brain.