
Helping Your Daughter When She’s a Teen Mom

What do you do when your teenage daughter comes in and tells you she’s pregnant? Strangling her is not an option.

Parents’ response:

The “real world” is already too harsh for teens and now your baby is having a baby. How you respond will be the factor of your success or failure. He has spent time educating her on abstinence and birth control and it all went out the window. You are wondering what you did wrong. You feel like you’ve done everything right, but now your teenage daughter is pregnant. These kinds of things still happen and your daughter is going to need it more now than ever.

At this point, your parenting shifts from prevention to preparation. Your feelings should be compassion and empathy. She is trying to deal with all the emotions she’s going through and doesn’t understand how to deal with them, but as her mother, you can help her examine and talk about them. Believe it or not, many teenagers try to get pregnant, they simply lack the maturity to make responsible decisions. She is not mature enough to raise a child, she has not experienced life enough to understand what will affect her decisions right away, and the future actions she takes will affect both her and her baby for the rest of their lives. Not only do teenagers lack the experience and maturity, but their brains are not actually fully functional, like their father, you have the opportunity to teach him the skills he is going to need.

Creating a plan:

You may have extensive childcare experience, which is great because you will have the basic skills necessary to raise this child, but have you had the experience of being extremely sleep deprived? What about all the problems that come up with raising a newborn? Only experience can give you the coping skills you will need. Have honest conversations with her. What is your plan? Most likely, she has no idea. Sit her down and help her come up with a plan, the plan should address where everyone is going to live, are you going to allow the father to move? They are going to get married? What about childcare? Is homeschooling an option for her? What is the father’s plan? Are you going to give him monetary support, moral support, what is your position in all this?

Just remember, your teenage daughter has no idea what’s coming, he’s even worse off than she is. As a general rule, children take longer to mature, so all the mistakes you make also have a life-changing effect on you and your family.

Guilty feeling:

Don’t put her on a guilt trip. There is nothing you can do at this time except help her make good decisions. She is now pregnant and, other than putting him up for adoption, she has no options. There is such an important event in her life that you don’t push her away, she needs all the support she can get, even if she acts like she doesn’t care or even happy for the little grandson coming into the world. There are so many things that your teenager is feeling. Teenagers already have the mindset that this word is about them, they simply lack the ability to see into the future, proving once again that their brain is immature and unable to make real adult decisions. Think back to when you were a teenager and made decisions that were about you, right?

Unless you were a teenager, you can’t really put yourself in their shoes, but just thinking about the stupid decisions you made.


Chances are, both you and your daughter are embarrassed now. Most of the time, the adolescent feels embarrassed, especially if she hasn’t told anyone. It’s a scary time for her. Make sure to keep communication open. She really is going to need it. What about your guilt and shame? Of course you are embarrassed that this is happening right under your supervision. You don’t know what you did wrong, this didn’t happen to the “good girls”. In reality, your daughter is the same person she has always been, but she has made some poor decisions. Deal with your embarrassment by talking to your supportive spouse or friend. Don’t blame your teenage daughter.


Studies reported in 2010 found the following.

1. Teen moms are at a higher risk of not finishing their high school education.

2. Less than 2 percent of teen mothers go to college. 3. Babies of teenage mothers are 50 percent more likely to be behind than their peers of the same age.

4. Information on teenage pregnancy can be found on the Internet. Try

5. The CDC suggests that one of the most effective and efficient ways to prevent teen pregnancy is to educate teens at school with the school curriculum.

The role of grandparents:

Let your daughter be the mother. Grandparents often intervene because they want to help their daughter but because she doesn’t know what to do. Offer support, which is your job. Teach her how to take care of the baby and let her learn. You have to make your own mistakes as a mother. You are going to see what mistakes he is making or things he is doing differently than you would. This is your baby and he has to learn to make mistakes or he will ask for help. As a grandparent, this should be one of the greatest joys of your life. Let it be. Have faith in her and, most importantly, keep communication open so she doesn’t mind coming to you for advice.


Grief and loss: speak the truth with love about how to become human again

The pain and loss over my husband’s death left me somehow. I will speak the truth with love, but the truth nonetheless. Going back to being human was something that seemed and was so far from me, I tell you! Finding out what happened to her was worse than the shock I felt when I was a little girl sitting in front of the television and watching Walter Cronkite drop his microphone while broadcasting the news that President Kennedy had been shot to the head! And being so young and had never experienced trauma like that, I could only scream and cry there on the floor in front of that black and white television!

“The network’s coverage of the assassination and funeral of John F. Kennedy guarantees its reputation as the most moving and historic passage in the history of broadcasting. On Friday, November 22, 1963, news bulletins appeared reporting rifle fire. during the president’s caravan in Dallas, Texas. normal programming. ” – Internet.

I was told on the phone about my husband’s impending death, and my legs instantly turned to rubber as my whole body began to shake. I felt dizzy, but I didn’t and how I walked to where he was, I don’t know.

And while I marvel here at how the body works even under extreme stress, it confirms what it says in Psalm 139: 14: I will praise you; for I have been made formidably and wonderfully: wonderful are your works; and that my soul knows it very well.

When you experience a major stressor in your life; Whether it’s the stressor of having to take an exam or experiencing the traumatic death of a loved one, that stress response will kick in. And before you ask, like that little girl, she loved President Kennedy. I could hear my mom who never missed the 6:00 PM news on Channel 12; and other elders talk about him. Also, I remember this speech or at least that part of it; “Don’t ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!”

So when a stressor is captured by the mind, the brain, in short and by definition, undergoes a process called “acute stress disorder.” Acute stress disorder is the result of a traumatic event in which the person experiences or witnesses an event that causes the victim / witness to experience extreme, disturbing or unexpected fear, stress or pain, involving or threatening serious injury , perceived serious injury or death. to oneself or to another person. – Wikipedia.

The acute stress reaction or shock, as we know it, is a psychological and physiological condition in response to a frightening or traumatic event. The initiation of a stress response is associated with specific physiological actions elicited by the sympathetic nervous system, both directly and indirectly through the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine from the adrenal glands. These are the hormones that give you the strength and energy to run; or lift a car of your child. So, a hormone is a chemical substance, formed in an organ or part of the body and transported in the blood to another organ or part where it exerts functional effects; Depending on the specificity of their effects, hormones can alter the functional activity and sometimes the structure of a single organ or tissue or of several vessels. You can fight or run. This is the fight or flight response. Have you heard people wondering how this and that happened in the world? These hormones are responsible for what appears to be superhuman strength, when a person could not do whatever it is they just did otherwise. Whether it’s climbing a flight of stairs in record time or picking up a car, or reaching the other side of town at record speed! In technical terms, an abundance of catecholamines at neuroreceptor sites facilitates dependence on spontaneous or intuitive behaviors often related to combat or flight.

And it can and does happen continuously over and over again when a stimulus is perceived as threatening, a more intense and prolonged discharge from the locus ceruleus activates the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system; which is research done by Thase & Howland in 1995. See why we have to speak the truth with love !!! Pain and loss evoke the response of fear, but oh against love! Love, on the other hand, and your brain, which detects and feels love, releases hormones like dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, oxytocin, the well-being hormones, which have the power to reduce stress and lower blood pressure, according to research from the University of North Carolina. High stress and anxiety are linked to high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and other factors that can contribute to heart disease and weight gain.

We have enough in our daily lives, so let’s love a little more and give our bodies a little rest.

We, all of us as a people historically will not seek help. I want to emphasize that here. Get some help! Look what you are doing to your body! Our organs weren’t meant to have to work so fast and hard all the time. And eventually, if you don’t give your kidneys a break, you’ll deplete them of their cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone, more specifically a glucocortoid, produced by the adrenal gland. It is released in response to stress and a low level of glucocorticoids in the blood. Its main functions are to increase blood sugar through gluconeogenesis; suppress the immune system; and aids in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. And to speak English, get the strength you need to make your body run away from that bear !!!!!

And let’s consider what happens to us if we are constantly in a state of stress and fear. Have you ever heard of diabetes, is someone possibly wondering or perhaps connecting a few dots about its origin? Have you heard of high blood pressure? Yes. And heart disease. Yes, a possible cause, from having to beat so fast under the effects of adrenaline and cortisol released in response to stress. And now dialysis because your kidneys have worked so hard. Now I can tell by studying these facts, there may be a correlation, but you will need to be seen and diagnosed by your doctor. And you may find help relaxing through the treatment modality of your choice, such as: Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy, TimeLine Therapy: Optimum Focus Ionic Foot Bath; to slow down those kidneys. Yes, I am also a STOIC (firmly resisting the response to pain or distress) and I keep to myself when I have problems. Either way, it will be time to recognize when to seek help.

I’ll say here that he did it for me. Not intentionally sought out, but as an aside from releasing fear, anger and sadness in my own NLP refresher class – Neuro-Linguistic Programming from the Tad James Company. This time, I am recounting what happened in Las Vegas!

Yes, we will all have to go through the Grief and Loss processes and hopefully be okay. And since I know that music can convey a message better than anything else, and if any emotions have been aroused here since the earlier part of this post, maybe a video. like mighty clouds of joy; sing “I’ve been in the storm too long!”

Our experience and human potential is a transformative process. We can move from one state to another and give both our psychology and our physiology a little rest. Those little chemicals are really good at what they do. Designed by the best. Now I am through the grace of God and the LOVE of all of you, friends and family alike; Now I can say that I am much better for it. Thank you all !!

Health Fitness

Diet and Exercise: Lose Fat and Sagging With Fun Weight Loss Exercises

Starting a new diet and exercise program? Exercise is vital when you are on a diet – exercise will not only help you feel better, but it will also help you stick with your diet. Exercise doesn’t have to be complicated. You can have fun with your weight loss exercises.

1. Yoga seems simple, but it can change your life

Yoga is an easy exercise that anyone can do. It’s great for weight loss, because it’s not as strenuous as running, but it can still give you a great workout.

Discuss your weight loss goals with your instructor before class. Ask him to show you some pose modifications that will make things easier for you while you are still overweight.

2. Fun with a fitness ball (stability)

If you hate working out, consider working out with a fitness ball. They are inexpensive, you can have fun while exercising with a ball and you will get a great workout. There are many fitness ball exercise programs available on DVD, so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home.

Start out slow. When you first start your ball workouts, exercise no more than 10 minutes. You can build the time that passes slowly until you exercise for 40 minutes each day.

2. Swimming to lose weight

Swimming is another great and fun exercise for weight loss. Swimming is especially helpful if you are over 40, because you are not putting any strain on your joints. As with any form of exercise, start slowly. You don’t have to spend hours in the pool to make a profit. Half an hour is fine. However, make sure you go at least four times a week.

Combining exercise with diet ensures that you will not only lose weight, but look great too. Remember to choose an exercise program that is fun for you. When it’s fun, you’re more likely to keep exercising, and in a few weeks your new exercise regimen will become a healthy habit.

Legal Law

How to use Twitter marketing correctly

Twitter is a powerful tool to help you understand your customers and also because it is mobile friendly. Since most customers are online today, businesses need to maintain online reputation and Twitter’s online reputation management (ORM) is an excellent tool to use. Almost all brands are talked about on social media. A good reputation can be seriously affected by a dissatisfied customer.

Therefore, the onus is on you to listen and respond to the customer intelligently. Another powerful thing about Twitter is that all public tweets are searchable and you can communicate with anyone directly. The “advanced search” option allows you to do that. The time it takes to reach influencers is reduced, simplifying and making more effective through Twitter, compared to conventional media.

TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) effectively integrates Twitter into every phase of your event management to increase your popularity. Many IT companies use Twitter to hire staff. This tool helps you reach out, get involved, and build relationships with people you might not otherwise have had access to.

Therefore, Twitter gives you the best opportunities to make your customers your friends. You will have to aim for this and if you can reach this level on Twitter, you will be able to sell whatever you want!

So take advantage of the potential of Twitter and harness it for your start-up.

Marketing through social media platforms has become the norm these days. One of the effective social media platforms that is used for marketing is Twitter. Organizations can use Twitter marketing in the following ways:

* Online reputation management: Twitter has the ability to solve various problems in real time in very interesting ways. Nowadays, it is really important for an organization to manage its online reputation, as any online content (positive or negative) affects the way people see your business. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are drawn to using Twitter as a platform for online reputation management.

* Event Promotions: Twitter is a powerful tool for gaining exposure when it comes to organizing a physical conference or an online event. Previously, groups planning a festival or other major events had few effective ways to spread the word. But now social media platforms like Twitter in particular have changed that.

* Communication: Twitter is a way to keep your followers updated with up-to-date information about the business. Importantly, it also allows followers to communicate with you. It also leads entrepreneurs to form a business network from different parts of the world, thus benefiting the business. Additionally, it encourages entrepreneurs to generate leads by tweeting about special offers or new products that will help followers gain more information, which could lead to sales.

* Business strategy: many entrepreneurs use Twitter to generate B2B business and consider Twitter as a viable marketing tool. Entrepreneurs also use Twitter as a platform for hiring and sales.