Digital Marketing

Latest Metrics for Small Business Owners to Measure Your SEO Success

Let’s face it: SEO is not easy for any business. It gets even more complicated when you have limited money, time, and resources. According to the latest Cluth survey, “more than 36% of small businesses already have an SEO strategy and 23% plan to develop one.”

To maintain and develop a long-term SEO strategy, it is important for small business owners to understand the best way to measure their SEO success. As a small business owner, if you are looking for ways to get your SEO strategy working, here are three SEO success metrics that can help.

  1. Traffic Retention

  2. Quality of backlinks

  3. Conversion rate

Let’s see below how these three metrics can help you measure SEO success.

  • Traffic retention to measure quality search audiences

All companies want to attract the attention of quality traffic to their website. Here Google Analytics plays a crucial role. It is one of the effective measures to know what type of audience you want to target and what type of audience is visiting your website. There are two metrics in particular that can help small business owners decide the quality of their search traffic. These are: scroll depth and bounce rate.

  • While scrolling Depth determines how far your visitors scroll down to specific web pages. If they scroll down the entire page, it means your audience is interested in reading your topic.

  • Bounce Rate refers to those search engines who visited a single page of your website but then left your site without navigating to other pages.

  • The quality of backlinks defines the impact of inbound links

The quality of a backlink is measured by the total number of site links with high domain authority. To know the quality of the backlinks used on your site, you need to make sure that they are relevant and supported by new domains that can have more impact.

Although you can’t control all the links that come to your website, you can drive the quality of those links through your reach to guest posting. Make sure your goals include websites that offer domain authority, a new audience, and website relevance.

3. The conversion rate provides information on the effectiveness of the SEO strategy

Conversion rates play an important role in measuring small business performance metrics.

It lets you know how well you are achieving SEO goals, along with the extent of success.

SEO success depends largely on generating as many leads as possible. The conversion rate is the total number of website visitors who are converting to your leads. By tracking this, small businesses can easily measure the impact of their SEO on their revenue.

Wrapping the post

Every business needs context and time to measure and achieve SEO success. By understanding the proper metrics to measure SEO success, you are sure to lead the race and become a winner.

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Healthy food from week 23 with leftover idea

Healthy meal of the week: Pulled Pork, Baked Beans, and Corn on the Cob

Healthy leftover idea: Pulled pork burritos

We haven’t used the Crock Pot in a while, so here’s a great meal that takes less than 5 minutes to prepare, but tastes wonderful given you have 6-8 hours to let the pork roast cook. Interesting, this pulled pork is cooked in root beer and then mixed with BBQ sauce and tastes great. Give it a try and let us know what you think. Plus, leftover pulled pork burritos make a great travel meal when at work or on the go.

Necessary equipment

– Crock Pot (slow cooker)

– 2 pots for cooking

– large mixing bowl

Preparation time

– 5 minutes

Time to cook

– 6-8 hours


(6-8 servings)

– 2-3 pounds boneless pork shoulder

– 1 can of baked beans

– 3-4 ears of corn

– 20 oz. root beer

– 6 tablespoons barbecue sauce

– seasoned salt

For pulled pork burritos

– Reduced fat tortillas

– grated mozzarella cheese

– cilantro

– 1 white onion

– 1 lemon

– sliced ​​olives


1. If necessary, remove any rope / bow / net if any and rinse the roast in cold water and then place in a clean container. Add 1 tablespoon of seasoned salt spreading it all over the outside and then use a tenderizer or two forks to pierce the meat repeatedly on all sides.

two. Place in a dry crock pot, add 20 oz. of root beer, cover and simmer. Set the timer for 6 to 8 hours, or if you want to set it on high, just cook for 4 to 6 hours.

3. With about 20 minutes left on the timer, start cooking beans and corn. Simply open the can of beans and add the contents to the pot over medium / low heat, cover and stir occasionally.

Four. For the corn on the cob, bring enough water to boil to cover the amount of corn to be cooked. This sample meal used mini corn on the cobs. Once the water is boiling, add the corn and simmer for 10 minutes.

5. When the pork is done, carefully remove the meat from the crock pot and place in a large mixing bowl.

6. Add 1/3 cup of the liquid broth from the crock pot along with 6 tablespoons (more or less to your liking) and mix well with forks.

7. Serve adequate servings of pork, beans, and corn. Enjoy!

Healthy leftover idea: pulled pork burrito

These are great travel meals, especially since they are all rolled up ready to eat. If there is any pulled pork left, prepare yourself for a delicious lunch that you can enjoy the next day.

Chop up some cilantro, white onion, open a small can of sliced ​​olives, some grated mozzarella cheese, lemon / lime juice, and your favorite hot sauce. Now it’s just a matter of adding a bit of everything to one side of a tortilla, wrapping tightly and squeezing, carefully rolling in a piece of aluminum foil, and voila!


Disability claim denials, is this the wrong time to be disabled in America?

14 million Social Security disability applications were denied in a single decade, between 2000 and 2010, while the percentage of denials increased from 34 percent to 65 percent. Is this the wrong time to be disabled in America?

Please note the following headlines:

Federal disabled traffic jam The Washington Times

Soldiers risk bankruptcy while waiting for benefit checks Associated Press

Disability claims can be difficult to collect Wall street journal

It’s time to prevent billions of dollars in disability benefits from being unnecessarily denied.

Does the safety net for the disabled have holes?? If more than 60 percent of Social Security disability claims are denied initially, then why did 63 percent approved at the hearing stage? What causes the return? Unfortunately, 39 percent of claimants give up before determining whether they will be successful in the appeal process.

In 1999, 1.2 million Social Security disability applications were filed (48 percent of 579,000 were rejected). In 2009, ten years later, 2.8 million Social Security disability applications were filed (and 65 percent or 1,830,530 were rejected). The number of disability claims more than doubled, while denials tripled. In one year, more than $ 23 TRILLION dollars of annualized benefits were lost. That’s 1.8 million Americans who not collect the benefits to which they thought they were entitled.

Based on the 2010 average payment to those who qualify, that represents more than $ 19.5 million in monthly benefits that will not be paid. Annualized, $ 23 + trillion dollars per year is an overwhelming amount of disappointment.

Many initial disability claims are denied for simple errors and omissions that have absolutely nothing to do with the claimant’s disability status. Think about what it’s like to wait 17 months to find out that you didn’t answer a question. Then you can wait another 17 months after you’ve added a simple answer. There has to be a better way. Those facing claim denials are filing an unprecedented number of appeals that further strain the already damaged system. With an average of almost 17 months waiting for a judge to hear your appeal, what is happening in the meantime?

There are currently three-quarters of a million Americans trapped in Social Security disability arrears. Not being able to pay his bills causes enormous mental anguish in the man of the house. The state of marital relations in these situations deteriorates rapidly. Soon our divorce courts will experience the same kind of backwardness that the Social Security Administration faces.

Is this the wrong time to be disabled in America?? Private insurers don’t pay tens of millions of dollars in disability benefits. More than 40 states jointly investigated how an insurer handles their disability claims. Another state established a system to scrutinize the handling of each Claim rejected. What led to the drastic change in the handling of disability claims? Or has something changed and there is more adverse publicity?

As reported in USA Today … 22,500 Veteran PTDS disability claim (is denied ace personality disorders. How is it possible that a personality disorder is diagnosed, assuming it existed before military service, when psychological evaluations are not performed prior to induction?

According to data obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, more than 25 percent of Iraqi and Afghan veterans seeking care at the VA have PTSD. And this statistic does not include mentally ill veterinarians who have not received treatment at the VA due to the stigma associated with PTSD. Meanwhile, families receive social assistance and food stamps. Mortgages are being foreclosed. Drugs and alcohol interrupt any hope of family harmony. Homelessness Happens! Suicides begin to claim lives that the battlefield did not take.

A very simple but insurmountable hurdle is the application process itself. The VA has a long history of bureaucracy. The disability claim form itself is a 23 page document. How many vets are used to 23 pages of paperwork? The word “bullying” comes to mind as one reason many veterans will never file a claim. A claim for the benefits for which they were eligible.

Each year, TRILLIONS of dollars in disability claims will continue to be denied from Insurers, Social Security and the Veterans Administration. It is imperative that claimants understand how to properly file a long-term disability claim, “getting it right” the first time and dramatically improving the likelihood of receiving benefits.

The US Census Bureau recently projected a 75 percent increase in the population 65 and older by 2030. That will bring the number of Americans 65 and older to 69 million, more than 20 percent from the total population. The aging of the population brings with it an automatic growth of the “TSUNAMI” disability. Since the Americans with Disabilities Act requires disability insurers to continue disability coverage for those 65 and older, an older workforce guarantees more claims.

We have not seen any valid creditable source that has identified any reason for the increasing rate of claim denials or what we will call “deterioration” of disability claims. Therefore, I can offer what I believe is happening in the backroom of the insurance claims departments.

Americans currently face the highest level of unemployment we have experienced in the last three decades. The current state of the economy has impacted our American workforce in disastrous proportions. There is a natural escalation in the incidence of disability claims with rising unemployment.

Mortgages are foreclosed at an unprecedented rate. Several states have started denying previously valid claims as Medicaid budgets have become overwhelming. Is it any wonder that the cost of health care, and not being able to afford it, is the leading cause of foreclosures?

To continue, we now have causes of disability that did not exist two decades ago. Carpal tunnel and chronic fatigue syndrome are being diagnosed more than at any other time in our history. When we add fibromyalgia to the new list, we have an evolving problem that is creating a nightmare for disability insurers. These are known as “self-reported” disabilities because there are no specific medical tests that can diagnose these conditions. It is easy to understand how disability claims examiners can be wary of “self-reported” symptoms. This makes it an onerous process for those who are actually negatively effective by one of these conditions to collect the benefits to which they are entitled.

In short, we now face a dramatic increase in 20 percent of the population in an older age group. They are still working with an increasing incidence of disability. Unemployment further exacerbates the problem. And adding new causes of disability and our society in litigation results in more UNCOVERED PROMISES.

Allan checkoway

Copyright 2011

Health Fitness

Riding a bike: How long to lose weight?

If you have chosen a bicycle as a means to be more active, fit and healthier, then you have chosen well. Riding a bike is one of the most effective ways to lose weight, but it’s important to do some work before you see any progress. But how much effort should you really put in before losing any significant weight?

Well-planned workouts will help you maximize your time on your two wheels. Pedaling harder will make you lose weight faster, but like everyone else, it’s important to consider gradual progress. Start slowly, and as your health gradually improves, you can intensify your workouts, gradually too.

Light workouts are the starting point. Levels of intensity of physical activities can be measured in other ways, such as oxygen consumption; but heart rate is the most widely used method. Mild or low intensity would mean that your heart is working at approximately 40% to 54% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) or 200 beats less than your age. Your heart rate is 68 to 92 beats per minute (bpm) and other physical signs are the absence of sweating, unless it is hot and humid weather and there is no noticeable change in your breathing pattern. With light cycling, you will burn between 300 and 500 calories per hour, depending on your weight. One pound is lost for every 3,500 calories burned. So with light cycling, you will tend to lose a pound in 7 to 10 hours.

Moderate cycling is when your heart beats between 55 and 69 percent of your MHR or between 93 and 118 bpm. Here, you will notice that you will sweat for about 10 minutes after your workout and that your breathing is deeper and more frequent. This will help you burn about 400 to 600 calories or a pound in about 6 to 8 hours.

For vigorous or high intensity cycling, your heart will beat between 70 and 80 percent of your MHR or more than 119 bpm, you will start to sweat after 5 minutes of training, and your breathing will become fast and deep. With vigorous cycling, you will lose a pound in about 4 to 6 hours.

Know that if your bike is light or vigorous, it will still burn energy and this will serve your purpose. The more intense and prolonged your exercise, the more calories you burn and the more weight you lose.

Legal Law

Does Thoreau’s civil disobedience have any lessons to teach us in today’s world?

Henry David Thoreau wrote Civil Disobedience in 1849. Although Thoreau’s work in general was underrated at the time, this particular work became enormously influential in the following century.

One of Thoreau’s main points is that a government is made up of people within that government. It is useless to complain and complain about the government, because that government is you. You have chosen it. It is a government for the people, by the people. Thoreau believed that the main purpose of a government is to defend morality and justice for its citizens. If a government acts unjustly, then it is the fault of the people and the only course of action is to change it.

Thoreau wrote this essay when slavery was a hot topic, and slavery is a prominent topic throughout this work. Thoreau thought slavery was wrong, and a government that behaved immorally by allowing it was not a government that acted in their best interests. Because of this, he refused to pay taxes as a demonstration of his idea of ​​civil disobedience.

For refusing to pay taxes, Thoreau was imprisoned. It was then that he pronounced his famous phrase: “Under a government that imprisons unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.”

Thoreau says voting is not enough. You don’t think majority rule is the best way to do things. Compare this process to that of a neighbor who has cheated you of a dollar. Would you go door to door collecting signatures saying your neighbor should return your dollar? Would you vote among your neighbors? Would you stand on the side of the road with a sign urging people to honk if your neighbor returned the dollar? No, you wouldn’t do any of these things. You would demand your dollar back, and if he refuses, you will never do business with him again. Thoreau says this is how we should approach our interactions with the government.

When you hear the term “civil disobedience”, you may think of Martin Luther King, Jr. or Gandhi. This is for good reason. These men were influenced by Thoreau’s work and used the principle of civil disobedience to completely change the way their respective societies operated. Martin Luther King saw the injustice. I knew that if we waited for people to vote for African Americans to have the same rights, they might never get them. So he organized bus boycotts and urged people to disobey. The results speak for themselves.

Civil disobedience is not about anarchy or disobeying authorities on its own. It’s about loving the government and doing your best. Above all, Thoreau teaches that if there is something you don’t like about our government, then take action and change it!