
Information from Commercial Insurance Companies: What Kind of Coverage Does Your Business Need?

Business owners must have some type of insurance. Most states require any business with employees to purchase workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance. Requirements may also vary by industry. For example, a real estate agent with a car is likely to have to pay for commercial auto insurance. If you have a business, you need to make sure it is properly protected against common risks and unforeseen events. Before doing so, it is a good idea to compare the quotes of commercial insurance companies.

The location of your business and the industry you are involved in play an important role in the types of quotes you will get. It is clear that some industries are considered more “dangerous” than others. For example, a business that primarily involves everyone who stays in an office will not need as much coverage as a construction business.

General Business Liability (GLC) may not cover 100% of all possible risks that an organization may encounter during its useful life, but it does generally cover the most common types of risks. Some business owners choose to purchase additional insurance, such as protection against defamation lawsuits and job liability (wrongful termination or discrimination).

And the robbery? Commercial insurance companies generally only offer theft protection for third-party losses for which a business may have some sort of liability. If you want coverage for your commercial property, you may have to pay more to have it included in your policy.

Payment options used by common commercial insurance companies

What kind of payment options do you have? How you will be charged and how you are expected to pay will vary by insurance company. Before deciding on a quote, check and see if you will be able to pay with your preferred method, be it MasterCard, Visa, etc., and if you can pay the full amount annually or just once a month. If you don’t want to pay the full amount, be aware that some commercial insurance companies may charge additional fees for overtime. Not all of them do, however, so take the time to carefully read the payment requirements and the fine print.

Another thing you can do is find out how the claims process works. If you ever need to file a complaint, the process must be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All you should be asked to do is contact the insurance company to make the report, and the representatives should immediately begin their defense. If necessary, your insurance provider will appoint an attorney on your behalf.

Of all the commercial insurance companies, is there one that is truly reliable and offers all of these services at an affordable price? Hiscox Business Insurance reviews are almost always guaranteed to be positive. It is definitely worth considering. Request a quote on the website or call 1-866-283-7545 to speak with a licensed small business insurance agent.

Home Kitchen

4 killer kitchen remodel ideas

There are few things more fun and exciting for a homeowner than taking on a full-scale remodeling project. Kitchen remodel holds a special place in many people’s hearts, so read on for some great ideas on how you might want to design this crucial space in your home.

Mine traditional cultural influences

Several popular kitchen remodel trends of the past few years date back to older decorating eras. Ornate French designs filled with large stone arches, wide open windows, detailed facades, and floral prints, offer many ideas for the kitchen. The traditional English mansion replaces the ornate French style with a stately appearance that incorporates high ceilings, drooping chandeliers, glass cabinets, and bright open layouts.

Perhaps the most viewed traditionally influenced design scheme of the last decade has been the Farmhouse-style kitchen. These kitchens are mainly based on the use of wood, metal and stone. They often feature a combination of heavy stone (like granite) and wood countertops, burnished metal accents, and appliances like refrigerators that are hidden behind antique wood paneling. Unlike French and English influences, traditional farmhouse cuisine exudes warmth.

Use colors!

Most kitchen designs work with a very limited palette. But when coming up with kitchen remodel ideas, it’s important to remember that there’s nothing forcing you to stick with beige, brown, black, and white.

Incorporating slightly neutral colors (like burnt reds that look brown and ultra-dark blues that might as well be black) is a good start, but nothing is stopping you from going further. Light blues and greens, bright reds, oranges and yellows, accents of violet in your trim … all of these colors can easily find their place in a properly planned kitchen remodeling project.

Your kitchen doesn’t need to look like a children’s playhouse, but you don’t need to be a puritan with your designs, either.

Open your kitchen plans

If you have the space, or if you can create the space, then you should consider working with an open kitchen design.

Instead of hiding the kitchen in a corner of the house, tear down the walls and free up space. Many open kitchen designs leak directly into the living room or dining room, making cooking a much more social experience. For the most part, open kitchen designs feature a counter or island that helps provide a small separation between the two adjoining rooms and provides a space for others to sit and socialize with you while you cook.

While most chefs and cooks appreciate the breathing space that open kitchen remodel ideas provide, they are ideal for entertaining and house parties.

Consider sustainable kitchen ideas

There are many ways that you can use your remodeling project to help reduce your environmental impact.

For starters, you can use sustainably harvested wood for your cabinets, countertops, and floors. Bamboo is an increasingly popular and viable eco-friendly alternative to the old wood that many designs traditionally use.

The biggest advantage that you can incorporate into your designs is energy efficient appliances. An energy efficient refrigerator will not only help the environment, it is also known to lower your energy bills to a fraction of their previous costs. Who knew that remodeling could really save you money?


The best electric cars for eco-driving

RECHARGE or RENEWABLE POWER is the motto from now on in the car industry, especially car manufacturing houses aim to develop electric cars and take advantage of government subsidies. For example, Mahindra has e2oPlus and eVerito, while Tata Motors plans to launch an electric version of the Nano, in addition to working extensively with state-owned Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (ESSL) on electric vehicles (EV). It is not just the case for Tata, all players in the automotive sector are willing to change the game using ‘ELECTRICITY’. While many electric cars are driving on foreign roads, Indian roads have yet to see how they move. For now, let’s see which of the best electric cars are already touring elsewhere.

Chevy Bolt EV:

It’s disgusting to see the US-based Chevrolet slowly drift away from the Indian market, but people want it to hit it back with their Chevy Bolt EV. This sleek car powered by 266 pound-feet of torque is said to last nearly 238 miles (roughly 380 kms). Priced at around $ 36,000, this classic Bolt is the prime example of saying that decent things come in small but powerful packages. It’s a solid 5-seater hatchback that has a 10.2-inch infotainment system compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

Hyundai Ioniq Electric:

It looks extremely tall and is a first-class example of first-class features. It has a leather-wrapped steering wheel, comfortable front seats, automatic air conditioning, a 7-inch touchscreen among many other features. It runs nearly 124 miles on a single charge. Priced at less than $ 30,000, the Ioniq is available in 3 variants: plug-in hybrid, electric car, and a traditional hybrid as usual.

BMW i3:

Merge the specs of a luxury car and eccentric design and you have the new BMW i3. 170 horsepower gives it the ruggedness and it comes with a 114-mile range. BMW i3, rightly so, a distinctive style statement costs around $ 42,000. It is expensive, but it is desirable for the simple fact that it is stylish.

Tesla Model S:

If you really love owning an electric vehicle then go for it, it’s beautiful, classy, ​​and totally a real stuff vehicle. Tesla proudly says that this is the car that has the maximum range compared to any of its competitors today. On a single charge, it covers a total of 335 miles. You know what? It also captures 60 mph from 0 in 2.5 seconds. It costs around $ 70,000 and is rightly the best electric car.

Kia Soul EV:

This is another impressive car with a boxy design – it perfectly shows the distinction and style. It has a 93-mile range and is completely spacious and comfortable. It comes with 109HP and can easily accommodate 5 people providing maximum comfort. It is priced at around $ 34,000.

Nissan Leaf:

The Nissan Leaf from now on can be considered the most famous among electric vehicles, as it has its own valid and solid reasons for this. The 40 kWh battery it contains allows a journey of 400 km without interruptions on 1 full charge. It takes 8-16 hours for the battery to charge (depending on the input power capacity). Priced at roughly $ 30,000, this Japanese car also has a sleek design.

Tesla Roadster:

It is powerful, extremely impressive in appearance, high in features, and classy in design. We are not saying what Tesla says and if you don’t believe, you can check it out for yourself. With the highest speed (250 mph) it reaches 60 mph from 0 in less than 2 seconds. Priced at $ 200,000, it even has a removable glass roof.

So with this we end our list and if you have any other good EVs please let us know. And to find out more about Mahindra electric cars, go to AutomotiveMahindra


A Complete Guide to Baby Bathtubs

Bath nests, seats, supports … looking for a baby bathtub can be disconcerting for the new father or the future father. Whether you’re still waiting for a newcomer, or your elbows are sunk in diaper changes and late-night feedings, you will certainly have enough to worry about without having to navigate the complicated world of baby paraphernalia.

So whatever stage you are in, take some of the stress out of your search by considering the key features to look out for; this article will detail them. Keep in mind that you can wear this every day for at least the next few months, so it’s worth investing a little time and money in finding the right product for you and your little one.

First of all, as a new parent, your baby’s safety is likely to be your number one concern. So save yourself endless elbow baths and hesitation by purchasing a bath with a built-in temperature gauge. A water diffuser system is a natural and safe heater that will keep the water at the correct temperature for ten minutes while you wash your little one.

Second, you will want to think about the longevity of your purchase. Many new parents make the mistake of buying something that their offspring will grow out of in a matter of weeks, so it is important to remember that the newborn stage does not last forever. Look for something that is advertised for babies 0-6 months and up.

In order for your purchase to stand the test of time, you will need to allow babies to lie down or sit on it. Check to see if you need to purchase additional supports, mats, or rings to accommodate your growing child. Try to find something from a reputable vendor that has several compatible accessories.

The shape of a tub will vary between providers, and it is generally up to you whether you opt for a more traditional shape or a ‘nest’ in which your baby can lie or sit. It’s a good idea to read product reviews to see what other parents are saying about the different options available.

Many parents opt for something that is easy to store and transport, like an inflatable bathtub. The advantages of this type of model is that they are easy to take on vacation and can be stored after use, but keep in mind that you will have to inflate it every time you want to use it. They usually don’t come with temperature control either.

Bath seats are ideal for older babies 7-16 months and fit little ones once they are seated. These can be used in your existing bathroom and will allow freedom of movement while keeping your child safe. Look for one that is made of silicone for maximum comfort and make sure it has crotch straps to keep them in place.

Many holders now offer freedom of movement and comfort for the little ones. These should have suction cups on the bottom to help them adhere to your existing bathtub or nest. Make sure you find one that is compatible with all types of bathrooms.

To save your back and knees, why not find a support for the bathtub? This will allow you to stand up and wash your child in any room in the house. Some even come complete with a drain pipe, so you won’t have to lift heavy objects or spill water.

Please note that while all of these models and accessories will ensure that your baby has the safest and most comfortable experience possible, they should never be left unattended for even a second. Babies can drown in the least amount of water, so make sure you don’t take your eyes off them and always keep them within easy reach.


Osteoporosis: natural solutions for bone loss

44 million people in the US over the age of 50 have bone problems. 1.5 million Americans suffer fractures due to weak bones. Half of women over 50 will have a bone fracture related to osteoporosis. If you are over 50 you are at risk. Some other risk factors are:

or Over 65

o You experienced a bone fracture after age 50

o A close relative has osteoporosis or has a broken bone.

o Health is bad

or smoke

o Low weight

o Menopause began before age 45

o Not physically active

o You suffer from hyperthyroidism

o Cancer

o Inflammatory bowel disease

o Multiple sclerosis

o Rheumatoid arthritis

So what are the drugs that are prescribed to millions of people around the world to treat osteoporosis? Mainly there are three: Fosamax, Boniva and Actonel. There are others that are given intravenously, but let’s focus on the three most popular.

These drugs are classified as bisphosphonates, which is an ingredient used for many years in fertilizers, soaps, laundry detergents, and industrial lubricants. Fosamax, the best-selling of the three bisphosphonates, is Merck’s second-best-selling drug. It has exceeded $ 4 billion in sales and millions of prescriptions are issued each year. By the way, Consumers Affairs reported in 2007 that Merck set aside $ 48 million for a defense fund against lawsuits related to side effects that for many people are very debilitating.

Actonel is the second most successful drug in this category and, coincidentally, Proctor and Gamble, which makes Actonel, also makes laundry detergent and toothpaste.

Boniva is taken once a month. I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials with Sally Field.

The bisphosphonates in these drugs work by reducing the rate at which our bones lose density. Our bones are broken and then rebuilt, it is their natural growth cycle. When we are younger, our bones build faster than they break down, and of course, as we get older, this process slows down. So these bisphosphonates seem to be doing the job, not really, since slowing bone loss also inhibits new bone growth. Old bones are more susceptible to fractures, the very condition they are trying to avoid. Dr. Susan M. Ott states, “Many people believe that these drugs are ‘bone builders,’ but the evidence shows that they are actually bone hardeners.” She goes on to say that “bones can become brittle with long-term build-up.

Can bisphosphonates used in laundry detergents, fertilizers, and industrial lubricants be safe for human consumption?

Side effects:

The most common side effects of bisphosphonates are gastrointestinal. They include systems such as:

o Cramps

o Nausea

or diarrhea

or constipation

o Inflammation of the esophagus

o Ulceration of the esophagus

o Heartburn

o Difficulty swallowing

The list goes on with a host of other symptoms such as dental problems, blood clotting problems, irritability, anemia, joint problems, muscle pain, vision loss. The absolutely worst side effect is irreversible and is called osteonecrosis, which is the inability of the jaw to heal after dental surgery or tooth extraction. This condition is very painful and can cause ulcers, infections, exposed bones, and sores.

The problem with all these side effects is that other medications are then prescribed to treat them. So we started taking an acid reducer to treat gastrointestinal symptoms, an anti-inflammatory to treat inflammation symptoms, and a pain reliever to treat joint and muscle symptoms.

Is this really the best way to deal with a problem that until years ago was not even classified as a disease? Mayo Clinic in 2006 stated that 37% of women over 50 do not meet true criteria for osteoporosis and are misdiagnosed. Why then the rush to get millions of women to take drugs that are so dangerous?


Osteoporosis is not inevitable. Regardless of genetic risks, most of us can maintain strong, healthy, and fracture-resistant bones throughout our lives. While a certain amount of bone loss can occur with aging, the development of dietary and lifestyle habits that lead to bone loss, regular exercise, getting enough calcium and vitamin D, and other supporting nutrients.

It is important to talk to your doctor about your bone health, as there are many factors involved. Hormones play an important role in this disease, so bioavailable hormone replacement may be an option for you.

Ultimately, the decision about what to do with your bone health is up to you. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and there are many, many resources available.

o Talk to your doctor and get prevention tips and treatment options.

o Thoroughly research medications, their claims of success, and their side effects.

o Learn what foods to eat that will increase your calcium intake.

o Learn how much calcium and vitamin D you need

o Develop an exercise program that is right for you.