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10 Tips to Relieve Sinus Inflammation

If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, it may not be as easy to treat your sinus inflammation. However, acute sinusitis does not usually require any medication and is relieved by natural home remedies. Chronic sinusitis lasts for months and often comes back easily. Doctors often find it difficult to cure chronic sinusitis, as symptoms continue even after taking antibiotics. Some patients are prescribed decongestants along with antibiotics and others are prescribed steroid nasal sprays with antibiotics. However, there may also be a problem with the structure of your nasal passage that results in recurring inflammation of the sinuses; or there may be a growth such as a polyp or cyst that can be treated with surgery.

Here are some natural home remedies to relieve inflammation and other symptoms.

  1. This remedy has been used for centuries and is very effective in relieving sinus inflammation. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil to boiling water and inhale the vapors at a towel store. You can also add mint or apple cider vinegar instead. It is a very good decongestant and helps relieve inflammation and thins mucus.
  2. Prepare a mild saline solution by mixing 1 teaspoon of sea salt in 1 cup of warm water and spray or add 2 drops into each nostril. Saline nasal sprays help relieve congestion and make breathing easier.
  3. Hot peppers like cayenne and jalapeno contain capsaicin, which is a great decongestant. Try to have some jalapeno peppers to drain the mucus and ease the pain.
  4. Apply warm compresses to the sinus areas to relieve sinus inflammation. Or stand under the hot shower and let the hot water hit your sinuses.
  5. Vitamin A helps relieve inflammation and also heals inflamed mucous membranes. Include carrots and apricots in your daily diet.
  6. Regularly irrigate your nasal passages with a neti pot or any other sinus flushing device. Make the solution by mixing a pinch of sea salt in ΒΌ cup of warm water, also add 4-5 drops of colloidal silver and liquid chlorophyll and for this solution in one nostril in such a way that it flows through the nostrils and out for the other. nostril. It not only relieves symptoms but also kills bacteria.
  7. Drink plenty of fluids, including 6-8 glasses of water, soup, broth.
  8. To strengthen your immune system and minimize inflammation, include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. Like tomato soup, broccoli, freshly squeezed orange juice, red and green bell peppers.
  9. Consult an herbalist for the correct dosage and procedure for taking some very effective herbs such as bromelain, echinacea, and barberry. These have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties and are effective in relieving symptoms.
  10. Keep your head elevated on a stack of pillows while you sleep. Not only does this help keep your nasal passages open, it also prevents your sinuses from becoming irritated and inflamed.

These natural remedies help relieve inflammation of the sinuses. However, if you notice green discharge from the nose, fever, redness and swelling around the eyes, see your doctor right away.