
10 Kingdom Principles for a Successful Marriage

1. Spend quality time together

In a busy world, the days of most of our lives can easily go by without taking the time to communicate with our spouses. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s intentional, but it can become an unannounced repeat that requires a lot of attention. It is important for married couples to spend a lot of time every day to spend quality time together.

2. Listen and communicate with empathy

Listening to each other can be a unique asset to your marriage. The rushes of our lives often prevent marriages from listening to each other with concern and empathy. This also results in failed communication. When we listen lovingly, most of the time we will respond with sympathy. Our communication will also be tailored to the needs of our spouse and not to our own individual needs. Each party in the marriage must put aside her own selfish needs in order to respond to the other’s needs sympathetically.

3. Be thankful and appreciative of each other

Taking the time to say a simple “thank you” for things big and small is often taken for granted. Married couples often become complacent thinking that each other must get the job done without any affection or appreciation. Something as simple as taking out the trash can be rewarding. Picking up dinner from a restaurant to take home can be a delicious reason to be thankful. When we express appreciation to each other, there is a warm feeling inside because we know we care about each other.

4. Let Compassion and Understanding Rule

It is always good to have the person you see as the most intimate to be compassionate and understanding with the most confidential and essential need of others. When things are painful, it will always be appreciated to have a thoughtful and understanding shoulder to lean on. You will become the tide of the soul and the loving friend of the other. Going beyond the call of duty can increase the chances of pleasing each other.

5. Be responsive to the requests and needs of others

Pay close attention to the needs of others. It will show that each other is important in your marriage. Answer the phone when you can. If you cannot answer a call, please answer at the next most convenient time. Avoid having delays to request in your relationship. If there is a task to be done and circumstances will delay it, give feedback to others.

6. Commitment

Be foldable and flexible with each other. Both parties may need to change their ideas or opinions. What may seem right may turn out to be wrong in the future. Take the time to sit down and plan together with an open mind. Remember that in all things you are to love one another.

7. Express your concerns respectfully

Arguments can arise in any relationship. The point is that in marriage each party must practice principles such as not allowing anger to turn into sin. At some point it is better to step away for a moment to think things through carefully before responding. Before you leave, respectfully inform the other party that you would like to discuss it at another time. Try to stay away from yelling and criticism. Avoid lying, threatening and obstructing others. Stay focused on the important things in your marriage by remembering the positive aspects.

8. Take time to share memorable moments

Planned events and spending time together can enhance your memorable moments and make your wedding time special. These landmarks from your lives together can keep your marriage exciting and renewed. Doing these moments together on a regular basis can also add spice to your togetherness on a regular basis.

9. Share projects that are meaningful

Participate in meaningful community events together. For example, if you are both passionate about the environment, join a group that does activities that interest you together.

10. Repent with each other and with God

Above all it is important to be repentant with each other and before God. Saying sorry and saying it’s good for the soul. Always remember that to sustain a successful marriage, both parties must be active, involved, and want a long-term relationship as friends and family.