Tours Travel

Must-see day trips from Sydney

Sydney is more than the Harbor Bridge and the Opera House. Whether you’re a frequent traveler to Sydney or visiting Sydney for the first time, there are day trip destinations from Sydney to enrich your visit. Stay in a city apartment or hotel, sign up for one of the many bus tours, or rent a car and design your own day trip. These are the must-do day trips for your next visit to Sydney.

1. The Blue Mountains – Katoomba and Jenolan Caves

The Blue Mountains are just 50km from Sydney, or around a 90-minute drive, and make a great day trip destination, even if you’re staying in the central business district in a serviced apartment or hotel. You can also reach the Blue Mountains by train directly from Sydney Airport. Located within a World Heritage-listed area, this location offers excellent opportunities for walking, dining, shopping, day spas, and galleries. Katoomba is the main town in the area and boasts spectacular hilly sites. Look out for the famous rock formation, known as the Three Sisters. The Jenolan Caves, about 75 km from Katoomba, are some of the most famous limestone caves in Australia.

2. Hunter Valley – Famous wine region

The Hunter Valley, a river valley located between 120 and 310 km from Sydney (approximately 2 hours drive), is the most famous wine region in New South Wales. Hunter Valley is a popular destination for weddings, conferences, day trips and vacations. Take a cheese and wine tour and learn about growing the vine and making wine. The region is also a foodie’s paradise – be sure to take the time to sit down for lunch at any of the many elegant restaurants and cafes, some of which are attached to the wineries. Visit a gallery and admire the marvelous architecture of the region. There are also day spas and retreats where you can get a relaxing treatment.


Mudgee is a town west of the Blue Mountains famous for its wineries and rich with a gold rush history, heritage buildings and galleries. In June and September there are food and wine festivals. Mudge is a three and a half hour drive from Sydney or a short 40 minute flight.

4. Southern Highlands

You can reach the Southern Highlands after a short two and a half hour train journey from Sydney or a 90 minute drive from Sydney. Located southwest of Sydney, this region is known for its green landscapes, quaint and charming towns, and laid-back lifestyle. Mittagong, Bowral, Picton are just some of the places to put on your list.

5. South Coast

Around a two and a half hour drive from Sydney, the South Coast offers excellent opportunities to connect with the water and marine life. There are over 30 national parks, marine parks and reserves in this region, with a wide variety of coves and bays and opportunities to watch migrating dolphins and whales.

Drive along the Sea Cliff Bridge and onto Grand Pacific Drive. Small towns dot the coast with opportunities to visit markets and try the famous local cheeses. Both Jervis Bay and Batemans Bay have marine parks, while at the Royal National Park and Wadbilliga National Park, visitors can experience pristine forests and connect with wildlife.

6. Port Stephens and Nelson Bay

Port Stephens is approximately two and a half hours’ drive north of Sydney. Larger towns like Nelson’s Bay and Raymond Terrace give visitors the chance to experience the charming pace of a small town, but the area’s other attraction is its pristine beaches and waters, including the beaches around Stockton, Fingal Bay, Shoal Bay and many others.


Latest fashion news: style watch, steal that style!

Many celebrities launch unique fashion styles! We are here to present you with the latest news and fashion ideas.some amazing styles and ways you can make them look stylish and trendy, just like a celebrity!

The clothes you wear reflect the mood you are in and the one you want to project. They represent the person you want to be even if you sometimes feel very different from that image!

Stop feeling like you’re out of style! Stop feeling like your clothes are out of style! Instead, enjoy every second of fashion because now you can be as fashionable as any of the celebrities you want or like!

  • Go all-white and keep it simple with straight hair! You can try to style an A-line skirt with a white top, it can be a cute style.
  • Go Stefani mode and adopt a red outfit! Add some flair by adopting a crop top under your suit jacket!
  • Go dressy with shorts and adopt tall wasted shorts with a classic white shirt and a nice pair of high heels.
  • Adopt skinny jeans with a white shirt, and guess what? A cute and colorful oversized blazer! It will give you a cute style and edgy look.
  • Be unique by adopting flared pants and reliving the sixties, adopt these pants with a nice cropped top and maybe a nice retro hairstyle for long and short hair.
  • Embrace the 90s fashion style any way you feel like it. Chokers are back and this time they look amazing! You can adopt any type of choker you like, be it a simple ribbon or a tattoo-shaped choker, with all the details in black. And for those who love the edgy style, you can choose a rock studded choker, or what we also call, spiked choker necklace. Or you can go for plaid, since they have never been more fashionable than they are now! It is on every piece of clothing for women and men. This fashion trend or style is something universal as anyone who adopts it will fall in love with it! Adopt ponytail holders in your hairstyle design, since they will add volume in the Tina Turner technique.

Whatever celebrity fashion style you decide to adopt, don’t forget to always add your special touch to it!

What will your fashion identity be from now on?


Compensatory Movement Patterns

When a machine moves, the stress on moving components will deteriorate or wear out the machinery. If the alignment of specific segments or moving parts is not ideal, the machine will eventually break down. In contrast to machinery, tension on the moving segments of the human body is necessary, and graduated tension can improve the strength of the tissues involved, two of the advantageous characteristics of the human body. There are upper and lower limits that determine whether or not it will be beneficial to tissue health. Any loss in precise movement can initiate a process that can induce changes that can cause anything from microtrauma to macrotrauma to the tissues involved. I will try to give you examples of common movement impairment syndromes that will create faulty mechanical wear and tear that will eventually lead to pain or dysfunction.


weakness from overstretching


Muscles can become weak when held in a lengthened position, especially when stretching occurs during long periods of rest. For example, the development of lengthened dorsiflexor muscles and shortened plantarflexor muscles in the patient confined to supine bed rest with the sheets pulling downward on the feet, causing additional plantarflexion force and thus , lengthening the dorsiflexor muscles. Another example is the prolonged stretching of the posterior gluteus medius that occurs when sleeping on your side. A woman with a wide pelvis with the upper leg positioned in adduction, flexion, and medial rotation will prove weak in hip abduction, extension, and lateral rotation. The resulting lengthening of the muscle may produce postural hip adduction or an apparent standing leg length discrepancy.

Sleeping lying on the side with the bottom of the shoulder pushed forward pushes the scapula into abduction and leans forward. This position can stretch the lower trapezius and possibly the rhomboids. The upper shoulder may also be susceptible to pulling the scapula forward in abduction position, especially if the thorax is large. This sleeping position can cause the humeral head in the glenoid to migrate to an forward position.

Characteristics of muscles with overstretch weakness include:


1. Muscle-controlled postural alignment indicates that the muscle is longer than ideal.


2. The muscle tests weak throughout its range of motion and not just in its shortened position.


An overstretch weakness can also be caused by straining from trying to lift a heavy object. Remember, strain is a minor form of tear in which the muscle filaments have been stretched or taut beyond their physiologic limit, causing disruption of the Z lines to which the actin filaments attach. These disruptions alter the alignment of the myofilaments, interfering with the tension-generating ability of the contractile elements. Muscle weakness and, in many cases, pain occurs when the muscle is palpated or when resistance is applied during muscle contractions. For example, if the upper trapezius is strained, the weight of the shoulder girdle itself could be too much for the muscle. Pulling the shoulder on the muscle causes it to lengthen and the muscle is unable to heal. A strained muscle may actually be under constant tension, even when it appears to be at its normal resting length. Usually, a strained muscle cannot hold up against gravity when it is placed at the end of its range. Also, the muscle cannot maintain its tension at any point in the range when resistance is applied.

When a muscle lengthens and weakens, its contribution or tension-generating capabilities will change and another muscle will have to take over, creating a compensatory movement pattern. This will eventually become the normal pattern which will then cause future health problems. Therefore, stretching may not always be optimal for relieving pain or muscle spasm. Stretching and applying excessive force to the muscle if it is strained is contraindicated. It is the length of the muscle and the presence of pain that act as a guide to whether the muscle is simply weak from atrophy or from weak tension.

Traditionally, the emphasis is placed on stretching muscles that have become short, but the same emphasis has not been placed on correcting muscles that have become long. Lengthened muscles will not automatically shorten when stretching the antagonist. A client demonstrating Lower Withers Syndrome may have an exercise program that stretches the hamstrings, however this does not simultaneously shorten elongated muscles such as the lumbar extensors of the back. It would be prudent to shorten the lengthened muscle while simultaneously stretching the shortened muscle. This is especially important when the lengthened muscle controls the joint that becomes the site of compensatory movement as a result of the limited movement caused by the shortened muscles. For example, during forward bending, excessive lumbar flexion may occur as a compensatory movement due to shortening of the hamstrings. The best intervention would be to stretch the tight hamstrings but also shorten the back extensors.


Altered recruitment patterns

A person with shoulder pain has excessive shoulder elevation during 90 degree shoulder flexion compared to a person without shoulder pain. The elevation is present even after the patient is no longer experiencing pain. Runners who tend to keep their rear weight closer to the rear foot than to the front of the foot show that they use the hip flexion strategy, which also involves overuse of the tibialis anterior muscle, leading to leg cramps. Conversely, runners who keep their line of weight forward can be seen to use more push with their ankle plantar flexor muscles.

The upper trapezius muscle, which is the upper force-torque component that controls upward rotation of the scapula, may be more dominant than the lower trapezius. Muscle testing may show weakness of the lower trapezius or serratus anterior. One might notice excessive shoulder elevation when abducting the arm. Muscle strengthening might not necessarily change the recruitment pattern. Instructing the client in the correct execution of the shoulder movement using a mirror is just as important as the strengthening exercises you might prescribe.

An individual with an exaggerated back posture who is standing in hip-joint extension has diminished contour of the gluteal muscles, suggesting gluteal muscle weakness. The hamstrings will generally take up the slack in hip extension. The hamstrings are extremely susceptible to an overuse syndrome when they are dominant due to inappropriate involvement of the abdominal muscle, gluteus maximus, or even rectus femoris, as well as the hip lateral rotators.

The TFL (tensor fascia lata) and rectus femoris muscles are more dominant than the hip flexion iliopsoas muscle. In this situation, the client will exhibit excessive medial rotation of the hip. The person usually has a leaning back posture.

The TFL, gluteus medius anterior, and gluteus minimus muscles are more dominant than the gluteus posterior muscle in the hip abduction action. When abducting, the client will substitute with medial rotation and flexion of the hip.

The extensor digitorum longus muscle is more dominant than the tibialis anterior muscle for the ankle dorsiflexion action. The client will extend the toes as the initial movement of dorsiflexion rather than movement of the ankle.


The hamstring muscles are more dominant for the extension action of the knee. When walking or running, once the foot is grounded, the hip extension action of the hamstrings contributes to knee extension. Hip extension to assist in knee extension is commonly used by the person who has weak quadriceps muscles. To reinforce the extension action of the knee, the person slightly flexes the trunk to use gravity to further assist the extension movement of the knee. A similar pattern is seen in the runner who uses the hamstrings to control knee extension. You will bring your knee back toward your body, instead of bringing your body up to your knee as you do when climbing stairs.

When asked to extend the fingers, many people will demonstrate a small degree of flexion at the wrist. This type of compensatory movement pattern occurs most often in people who do a lot of repetitive bending of the wrist, such as typing. As a result of this position of the wrist flexion movement, the flexed joint position and the anterior position of the flexor tendons reduce the carpal tunnel space, which can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.


In summary, mechanical stress on tissues from movement impairment syndromes can cause a wide variety of injuries. The various injuries involved can be degenerative changes in cartilage and joints, ligament strains, joint inflammation, myofascial strains, myofascial tears, tendonitis, bursitis, neuropathic entrapment and compression pain, and adhesions, are some examples. The better you muscle test and identify these compensatory movement patterns, the better you can prevent your clients from getting injured.

Home Kitchen

The uses and styles of the dressing table

How many modern women know what a dressing table is? It sounds pretty daunting just by incorporating the word vain into it. The name arose centuries ago because they contained the items that women wore to look their best. Thus, the rest of the community calls them vain. Due to the invention of bathrooms and closets, these trays were used less and less.

Modern women may not realize that the decorative tray that holds your perfume is called a vanity tray. In recent years they have become a stylish and decorative piece. They range in size from a basic 12 inches to nearly 24 inches. This can be in silver, gold or a painted design. Some are made of metal, others are made of glass and the most common type of this item is the mirrored background. If you’re looking for something more upscale, there are jeweled versions that involve crystal, glass, real emeralds, or diamonds. These fall into definite status symbols.

A dresser is a great place to store your perfume bottles and turn them into a decorative piece on their own. This is especially great for all those perfumes you get for Christmas or birthday gifts that just don’t appeal to you. If you can’t return it, turn it into bedroom art. If you have a mirrored background, be sure to clean it at least once a week. Just basic daily wear and dust create smudges and dirt that is magnified by the mirror itself.

A more popular version of the vanity is to create your own using a photo frame with your favorite photos. This is easily accomplished with a regular wooden picture frame and two cabinet handles. Find the right cabinet handles to match the decor of the person the dresser is being made for. Attach the handles using the hardware that came with them. If they don’t come with screws, ask your local hardware person what size you’ll need. After attaching the handles, insert the photo(s). This makes an original and somewhat homemade gift.

Whether you’re looking for an original type of vanity or something classic and bejeweled, you can find it on sale. Truly a decorative way to keep clutter organized on your bathroom counter or dresser. If you don’t want to use it to organize tools, try hanging a larger tray on the wall for an ornate vanity mirror.