
How to cure hemorrhoids with beer, chocolate and nuts

Now you can cure hemorrhoids with delicious fun foods! What more could you want?

Experts estimate that up to 90 percent of all diseases are related to free radical damage in the body. Hemorrhoids are caused by free radical damage to the region in and around the anus.

Free radicals are a natural byproduct of the body that converts food into energy. However, if there are more free radicals than the body needs, they can become harmful.

Excessive free radical buildup can be caused by stress, smoking, the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, metabolic waste products, toxic chemicals from pollution, pollutants, and/or pesticides in foods and high-intensity/short-period exercise known as distress exercise. .

Free radicals are associated with oxygen molecules that damage cells in the body by stealing electrons. Antioxidants stop the damage by providing the electrons demanded by dysfunctional oxygen molecules. When the body cannot produce enough antioxidants, supplements are needed to keep the body healthy.

Fortunately, there are many foods that provide antioxidant materials for the body, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating a wide range of different types and colors: blueberries, green and red grapes, and deep orange fruits will provide the “free radical scavengers” to neutralize harmful molecules.

Of the many foods, barley is one of the best antioxidants. Barley is used in beer, so drinking beer will help cure hemorrhoids and other diseases.

Similarly, dark chocolate has been shown to be a great producer of antioxidants. Dark chocolate is especially good for the skin. This is why it is useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a skin condition.

Walnuts are another food that helps produce a higher than average amount of “free radical scavengers.” Walnuts are high on the list of antioxidants because they are rich in vitamin E. Walnuts also contain omega 3 fatty acids that have been shown to reduce fat. Excess fat is often associated with hemorrhoid problems.

Now, you don’t have to drink beer to get your share of antioxidants from barley. In fact, you can combine barley, chocolate, and nuts to make delicious cookies. Here is the prescription:

  • 1-1/2 cups organic barley flour
  • 3-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 cup of oil
  • 1/2 cup rice syrup or malt syrup
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 cup of finely chopped walnut
  • 1 cup dark or carob chocolate chips
  1. Place the barley flour in a large bowl. Add the baking powder and mix well. Slowly add the oil and work through the flour with a fork until evenly distributed. Add the rice syrup or malt syrup, the vanilla and the egg. Mix until a stiff dough forms. Add the nuts, chocolate or carob chips and mix until evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  2. Dip a 2-tablespoon measure (like a coffee spoon) in water to prevent the dough from sticking. Use this measurement to place the dough on a greased baking sheet. Dip your hand in cold water and flatten each cookie with the palm of your hand. Bake at 350F for 10 – 12 minutes.

There you go! Now you can get rid of hemorrhoids by eating cookies.

Digital Marketing

Crazed Metaphors: Attics and Brain Boosters

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle regards the brain as an “empty attic”. He recognized the need to fill it with metaphorical furniture, the choices of which are left to each individual. Two important cognitive functions that occur in that attic of yours are listening and being creative. Here are some tips for polishing these two metaphorical pieces of furniture.

“The essence of genius,” according to William James, “is knowing what to overlook.” And author Mitchell Posner urges us to be “ecologists” when it comes to information. Here are exercises to help you “be” when it comes to listening, to help you avoid verbal contamination.

In the center of a blank sheet of paper, draw a circle. Ask a friend to find a dense paragraph from an article. (Or just go on and on about some topic for a few minutes.) Then extract three key words from the verbally inflated paragraph that he or she said out loud. Write those words in the circle. Now that you have the gist of what you heard, use the three words to remember the most important things you heard. Check with your friend to see if she has captured the main points.

This exercise not only sharpens your listening skills, but also your verbal fluency skills. Ask a friend to talk about a pleasant experience and stop unexpectedly after a few minutes. You should take a word from the last sentence spoken and use it to start talking about something that he likes to do. Stop unexpectedly and have the other person continue the conversation using a word from the last sentence you said.

Next, give some thought to the barriers that may impede the listening process. Can you list 20 of them? Then consider which of these you can control. Finally, engage in a dialogue that refutes Dr. Leo Buscagli, who said, “Most conversations are just back-and-forth monologues; the question is, are you really listening to yourself?”

Creativity is the result, to a great extent, of the belief that we are creative. To develop your creative muscles, periodically ask yourself, “What if…?” and “What can this be used for?” Questions.

Convergent responses are typical, expected, logical. For example, if asked how one gets to heaven, he would probably say something like “Follow the golden rule.” However, ask a divergently oriented child this question and you might hear, “Go to hell and turn left!” Or, “You need God’s elevator.” Or, “You need to buy a really big trampoline.”

Think divergently about these questions:

Which number does not belong to the others?
3810 6024 4816 1452

Which letter belongs in the blank space? GEFJASO ____

Which letter belongs in the blank space? OTTFFSS ____

What national holiday do these letters represent?

Think about the symbolism associated with causes and colors. For example, we tie yellow ribbons to trees to show our support for the hostages in Iran. If the director of your organization asked you to create a new ribbon design, what would it look like? What message would he express? Which initials would be significant? What color?

One of the best ways to generate creative possibilities is to put things together that are not normally aligned. (Anne Geddes did this with babies and vegetables.) Make a list of ten disparate items: “peacock” and “eraser,” for example. Then search through those items for a solution to a workplace problem or an improvement to an existing situation.

Remember that Einstein considered imagination to be more important than knowledge. He tries to come up with some unique metaphors to describe his workplace or his neighborhood or his life.

Building those brain cells can be hard work. To offset the fires of cognitive development, it’s okay to indulge in mental “junk food” from time to time. Take heart from Dr. Seuss, who admits this indulgence. “I like nonsense,” he admitted. “Wake up the brain cells.”

Answer: 1-.4816, (if you add the digits of the other three numbers, they add up to 12. 4816 adds up to 19). 2-N. (The other letters are the first letters of the twelve months of the year.), 3-N, again. (The other letters represent the first letters in a counting sequence from One to Eight.), 4- Christmas, because there is no “L” in the list.


The House Cleaning Business Startup Manual – Part III


Spread the word. Let your friends and family know that you have started your own home cleaning business. Ask them to spread the word at work and wherever they go. Personal references can help at this level to get the first clients. Serve the first customers as best you can. These clients can be the basis of make or break. If you treat them like royalty, they may recommend you to their friends. Word of mouth is the most successful form of advertising for small businesses of this type. Word of mouth can take your business further and also help reduce marketing costs.

Business referral program: I already mentioned “word of mouth” advertising. Taking this one step further can really help your business take off. Implement a referral program. Pay customers if they refer new customers to you. This can be in the form of cash or free house cleaning services.

Start advertising in local newspapers: Focus on smaller local community newspapers and less on newspapers in large metropolitan areas. Prices will be much more affordable. A local newspaper in the area where I live is distributed to about 75,000 residential customers (not households). A business card sized ad in a reasonable location costs about $95.00 per week. You can also work only with classified ads. These ads range from $10.00 per week to around $45.00 per week. If you can, don’t go for the weekly run, look for a monthly or quarterly offer. Don’t try to put too much information in a classified ad. Be brief, but easy to understand. Example: “Affordable house cleaning services. No job is too small. Free estimates. (123)-555-1234”

Magnetic signs or decals for your vehicle: If you drive a decent looking vehicle, use it for advertising. If you’re driving a rusty old piece from the ’80s, skip to the next section. Car advertising can be very effective if you follow a few basic rules. It has to look professional. The message has to be short and easy to understand. Don’t drive like a maniac when you have your business advertised on your car. Magnetic signs can be purchased for around $75.00. Decals are available starting at around $25.00. Look at other cars that carry an advertising message to get ideas of what to do.

Flyers: You can print pretty flyers on your home computer, but I recommend spending a little money on professional printing. First design a flyer. Then talk to local print shops for prices. You can also check out printers on the internet like 1,000 flyers (color printing) at will set you back about $125.00 + shipping. Try to overcome that with your home computer. Paper, ink, time and wear and tear will cost you 2-3 times more. How to distribute the flyers? Start by hanging flyers on bulletin boards in supermarkets and coin-operated laundromats. Ask store owners in your area if they are willing to display the brochure somewhere in their store (if applicable).

Do not put flyers on car windows at grocery stores and local businesses. It could violate local laws or owner permissions. Rather spend a morning in large residential areas and walk from door to door and post the flyers on the front door (bring plenty of tape). You can even go one step further and ring the doorbell and drop off flyers in person and mention that you are expanding your services to that area to see if people are interested. DO NOT put flyers in mailboxes, that is against federal law.

Have you ever seen those advertising hangers? Pre-printed door hangers are more or less an extension of hanging flyers on front doors. They are already shaped as a doorknob opening so they can be easily put on a doorknob when passing by. Look online for the best prices or talk to local printers. We don’t endorse a specific store, but we’ve seen prices of around 5,000 door hangers for $189.00.

Business Cards – Business cards can be a very effective marketing tool. Take a look at different websites on the Internet. Often these websites (such as or have online tools for designing your business cards on their website. Always carry business cards with you and use them often to market your business. Keep in mind that it’s a bit more cumbersome to reach a large group of people with business cards compared to using flyers.

Internet – Get a good domain name and build a website for yourself. More and more people are looking for service providers online. It starts when you need handyman and it doesn’t end with finding a reliable house cleaning service. A website and email address also make a good impression on your business cards. Statistics show that many working women buy services at home online while they are at work. Buy a listing online at your local yellow pages. Yellow Pages are still a great way to advertise your business. The online version on the internet is gaining more popularity as compared to the print version and an online listing will help you get more customers.

Health Fitness

9 great tips for walking in the heat

Summer is probably the best time to go hiking, but at the same time, it can often feel like the worst possible time to go out.

Clear skies and long, cool daylight hours draw most hikers, but these long days and skies can burn you in the heat. When the temperature rises, it becomes difficult to stay motivated and calm.

You can still enjoy the beautiful outdoors in the same warm weather. You just need to take a few precautions before you go out.

Don’t let the weather stop you from creating beautiful memories.

Here are some hot weather hiking tips to know before you head out.

1. Check the weather

Don’t assume you’ll be fine on the road. Hot weather comes with many risks. It is important to check the weather forecast before planning a trip.

Humidity can be a sign of rain. Be prepared in advance.

Thunderstorms are also much more likely in hot weather. Stay safe in all situations. So check the weather before you head out.

2. Start early or finish late

Another good way to avoid the heat is to start your trip early in the morning or in the late afternoon or early evening. Skip the midday heat, don’t walk between 11 am and 3 pm Walk during the coolest part of the day. Be an early riser or a night owl.

3. Choose your path wisely

Walking in a shady forest is different from walking in an open mountain pass. Therefore, it is important to choose your path wisely. Your trail should include shaded sections where you can rest for a few minutes.

Try to find a trail that runs alongside a river/running water.

You can get drinking water easily.
You will be able to cool off and refresh yourself.
A trail at a lower elevation is preferred if the weather is going to be hot because a higher trail offers less oxygen and stronger UV rays.

4. Light clothing

On hot weather hikes, try wearing synthetic clothing as you will definitely sweat a lot and moisture wicking clothing can prevent irritation.

You’re better off wearing long-sleeved shirts, hiking pants, and good-quality boots. The more part of your body you can protect from the sun, the happier you will be.

Your boots should be made of breathable fabric so that wet feet are not a problem during your walk. Your clothing should be loose fitting as it will allow better airflow, keeping you cooler.

5. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is key to the success of any outdoor adventure. This is particularly essential when hiking in hot weather.

Your body loses about a liter of water per hour on a regular walk. A challenging ride in hot weather can double that amount. Be sure to replenish, otherwise you will become dehydrated during a hike in hot weather.

6. Eat salty snacks

A walk in hot weather will result in profuse sweating. As water is essential for restoring body fluid levels, it is equally important to replenish electrolytes lost through sweat. The most important are potassium and sodium. They play an important role in managing your energy levels.

Make sure to bring plenty of snacks that contain complex carbohydrates. Stay away from simple carbohydrates like sugary drinks and candy. You can eat energy bars or fruit, as they are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates.

7. Take regular breaks

Continuous walking in hot weather is almost impossible. Your tired body needs a few minutes to relax. Regular breaks also allow your body to cool down and sweat to evaporate.

Put down your backpack, lie down and give your body some much-needed rest. Drink water and eat some snacks to replenish your energy that will keep you going for the next few hours.

You may also want to take off your hiking boots and air out your sweaty feet and socks.

8. Watch out for heat stroke

Be aware of the symptoms of heat stroke. Listen to your body and it will tell you when you can push yourself and when it’s time to relax. Eat when you are hungry, rest when you feel tired.

Common signs of heat stroke

throbbing headache
muscle cramps
disorientation or confusion
Lack of sweating, despite high temperatures.
If you feel any of the symptoms mentioned above, immediately seek shade and try to cool down as soon as possible.

9. Protect your skin

With such hot weather, it is important that you take care of your skin.

Sunburn can damage your skin
They also affect the body’s ability to cool itself, thereby increasing the risks of dehydration.
Apply a sunscreen with an SPF 30+, 30 minutes before going out. Put it under your clothes too.
Wear a hat or head covering to make sure your head and neck area doesn’t get too hot. Apply plenty of sunscreen and sunglasses that block UV rays.
“Prevention is better than cure” is always a good motto to live by.

Always carry a cell phone with you and tell others where you will be hiking. In case you have problems for any reason, you can make a call to get immediate help. So don’t sit around thinking how hot it will be. Plan, prepare well, and get out there!

Legal Law

God is looking for some good men and women: are you one of them?

Years ago, the Marine Corps had a slogan that said, “We’re looking for some good men.” The concept behind the ad campaign was obvious: Not everyone can be a Marine. Training and homework are tough. Anyone who wants to serve in the Marine Corps has to be some kind of tough individualist, willing to take orders, who also works and gets along with others. These same attributes can be applied to people who want to serve God.

Our Heavenly Father has always looked for men and women who are willing to serve him. The sad truth is that he has not always found them. In the Old Testament biblical book of Ezekiel, chapter 22 and verses 23-31, the King James Bible says, “And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, say to him, Thou art the land that is not cleansed Nor does it rain on the day of wrath. There is a conspiracy of her prophets in her midst, like a roaring lion that snatches prey; they devoured souls, they seized treasure and precious things; they made her many widows in her midst. The priests have violated my law, and have profaned my holy things, they have made no difference between what is holy and what is profane, and have made no difference between what is unclean and what is clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. Among them they are like ravening wolves, to shed blood and destroy souls, for dishonest gain.And their prophets have covered them with loose mud, seeing vanity, and guessing lies at them, saying, “This man knows the Lord GOD, when the LORD does not speak. The people of the earth have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have afflicted the poor and the needy; yes, they have unjustly oppressed the foreigner. And I looked for a man among them who would make a wall and stand in the gap before me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I didn’t find it. Therefore I have poured out my wrath on them; I have consumed them with the fire of my anger; I have paid his way on his head, says the Lord GOD.

The twenty-second chapter of Ezekiel is devoted primarily to explaining Jerusalem’s sins, the results of those acts, and God’s punishment for them. It’s a very sad progression of events. The problem begins when the prophets who are supposed to be serving God serve themselves. They do not follow or obey his law. This disobedience soon infected the priests. They also begin to ignore God’s law to the point where people are no longer told what is right and what is wrong. Like many churches today, they create a kind of “do what you want” religion that ignores many biblical teachings and warnings to the local church and the body of believers as a whole.

The corrupt circle is complete when the leaders of the people, having been deceived by the prophets and priests, also begin to go their own ways. They oppress the people to enrich themselves. The poor and foreigners become his easiest targets and the most vulnerable victims of his betrayal. It is amazing to see that God still wants to make things right in the midst of all these bad deeds. All he needs is someone who is willing to “stand in the gap before me for the land.” Unfortunately, he does not find that person.

God was looking for a person who would tell the people the truth based on the laws he gave them. In reality, it was just a simple matter of obedience, but no one wanted to step forward and risk being rejected or punished by those who were not willing to serve God in the way that he taught them. They all just decided to “go with the flow” and not rock the boat. The results were tragic and progressive. The prophets and priests continued to lie, while the leaders of the people continued to oppress them. God turned their own lies and wickedness against them and allowed his enemies to defeat them.

Today we also see a sad progression of events based on the disobedience of those who claim to speak for God. Many Christian pastors, evangelists, teachers, and church leaders have turned from God’s word to false teachings. For example, they no longer teach or practice the fundamentals of the faith that include the divine nature, the virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death, the victorious resurrection, and the visible return of Jesus Christ. They question the inerrancy and inerrancy of the Bible and use corrupted and unreliable versions. They ignore the teaching that people must be born again, confessing their sins to God and accepting Jesus as their Savior. Even some who believe in the second birth deny the biblical teaching that all believers must be active soul winners. The New Testament Bible book of 1 Peter chapter 2 and verse 5 makes this clear in the King James Bible where it says, “You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house and a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices.” acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

Just like the Marines, God is looking for some good men and women to serve. That service begins with your ability to obey the simplest of his teachings. First, you need to become a Christian. If he is not sure that he will go to heaven when he dies, God tells us that he can be sure by accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior. Simply pray to God, admit that he is a sinner and ask Jesus to come into his heart and forgive all his sins. The Bible book of Romans of the New Testament, chapter 10 and verses 9-10 says in the King James Bible: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved, because with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”

Salvation is the first step. Finding a good church to attend and join is next. That church should be a house of God that believes the Bible and honors Christ. Once you find a home in the church, you will need to be baptized in order to join. The Bible teaches baptism by immersion in water. John the Baptist practiced this method and the Word of God gives us an excellent example in the New Testament Bible book of Acts, chapter 8 and verses 26-39 where the King James Bible says: “And the angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, Saying, Arise, and go south by the way that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza, which is desert.” And he got up and went; he was in charge of all his treasures, and he had come to Jerusalem to worship, and he returned and sat in his chariot read the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah). Then the Spirit said to Philip: Come near and join this chariot. And Philip ran to him, and heard him read the prophet Isaiah, and said: “Do you understand what you read? And he said: How can I, unless some man guide me? And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him. The place of the scripture that he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and as a lamb dumb before its shearer, so he opened not his mouth: In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall count his generation? because his life is taken from the earth. And the eunuch answered Philip, and said: I pray you, of whom does the prophet speak this? of himself, or of some other man? Then Philip, opening his mouth, and beginning in the same scripture, preached Jesus. And as they went along the way, they came to a certain water; and the eunuch said: Look, here is water; What prevents me from being baptized? And Felipe said: If you believe with all your heart, you can. And answering he said: I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he ordered the car to stop; and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more, and he went on his way rejoicing.

Once you are a member of the church, you must begin to learn the Word of God. You must do this in two ways. First, by attending services that typically include a mid-week Bible study, Sunday school, and worship service. The pastor and others will teach you the Word. Second, you need to read God’s Word for yourself. Get a King James Version Bible and start with the Bible book of Luke from the New Testament. It is one of the four gospels and is the only one that really explains how John the Baptist and Jesus are related. It also gives us a glimpse into the childhood of Jesus.

Prayer is another important step of obedience that will help you become someone God can use. Pray at least twice a day: when you wake up and just before you go to sleep. Pray for yourself and for others. The New Testament Bible book of Matthew makes it clear that prayer is about asking. In Matthew chapter 7 and verses 7-11, the King James Bible says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds.” and to him who knocks, it is opened. Or what man is there of you, that if his son asks for bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a snake? Then, being evil, you know give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him?

Another important step in serving God is deciding on a title. A ‘tithe’ is ten percent of your income. That may seem like a lot, especially if you don’t make a lot of money. However, God uses that money to finance the local church and allow believers to carry out His Will. He also promises to give back to those who give to him. The Old Testament Bible book of Malachi chapter 3 and verse 10 says in the King James Bible: “Bring all titles into the storehouse, and let there be food in my house, and try me now in this, saith the Lord of hosts, if not I will open the windows of heaven for you, and I will pour out a blessing on you until it overflows.”

God doesn’t ask you to be saved, baptized, go to church, pray, read the Bible or title for his sake, he asks it for your sake! You avoid Hell, grow in faith, and gain trust in the Lord by doing these things. Just as basic training helps recruits become Marines by developing organizational skills and physical fitness, obedience to God’s Word builds spiritual strength and helps prepare a Christian to better serve the Lord. In return for your obedience, God blesses you, watches over you, and is there for you when you need him most. God is looking for some good men and women. If he is ready to serve you, his marching orders are in the Bible.

Lifestyle Fashion

How to Use an Exercise Foam Roller to Release Trigger Points

When I walk into many training areas I now see more and more big balls and foam tubes lying around. I never really got used to wearing them, but I see a lot of people, both men and women and usually older people who are. So curiosity got the best of me so I decided to research what foam rollers are all about.

As I found out, they are used not only by older people, but also by athletes and physical therapists to inhibit overactive muscles. It is a way to stretch, but also to relax the muscles. Athletes use them to release trigger points, which activate muscle tissue by increasing blood flow. And what exactly are trigger points?

They can be described as muscles that cannot relax. The muscles’ mode of action is by contraction, and when they cannot release the contraction, blood cannot enter the contracted part of the muscle. It’s actually quite easy to find these trigger points, as the metabolic activity in these muscles gives off heat and makes them painful to the touch. I’m sure we’ve all experienced these sensations with sore muscles.

The study of trigger points dates back at least 75 years, and we could have referred to them as muscle knots. They can be caused by repetitive movements, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle overexertion, such as trying to lift something you don’t have to try to lift, or staying in an awkward posture or position for a long period of time. Although athletes are more susceptible to developing trigger points, anyone can detect them in the course of everyday life.

So people use foam rollers, massage sticks, and yoga balls to massage these areas, improving tissue quality by breaking down fibrous tissue and increasing blood flow to problem muscles. It’s kind of like going to a message therapist at no cost. When people feel a tight spot, they simply stretch the muscle, promoting faster healing.

But physical therapists now see this tool as more than just treating sore muscles. It is now believed that it can be used on a daily basis to help prevent trouble spots from arising. Using them on the hamstrings, for example, has been found to reduce arterial stiffness, which will lead to better blood circulation to fuel your muscles. By working the hamstring area, one study found significant increases in range of motion in less than ten seconds. It has also been found to increase strength, as various exercises have been devised for its use. Most especially when using a ball, its instability will improve core muscle strength and balance.

If you are just starting out with a foam roller, you may want to start with one that is not very dense. A harder one will probably hurt a lot until the scar tissue breaks down and the muscles start to lengthen. While that’s happening, you can upgrade to a higher brand.


Tips for a healthy dog

Have you ever been to a dog show and seen all those beautiful, energetic, healthy dogs? You may have wondered, what were dog owners doing right to have those cute pets? Well, the answer is that they take very good care of them. And that is the secret of a healthy dog.

1. Give your pet the proper nutrition.

A good diet will always be the main key to your dog’s health. If you’re a first-time dog owner, start researching which foods are safe and also which are dangerous for your pet. You can always cook your own dog food. This way you can ensure that it is safe and good to eat. However, not all of us have the time to do so, so your next best bet would be commercial dog food in the supermarket aisles or at the pet store. Just do some research on this as well to find out which brands are the best. Additionally, there is a growing number of dog owners who are giving their dogs vegan diets. They claim that this is why their pets are more lively and energetic than ever.

2. Give your dog a chance to get some exercise.

Exercise is another factor that contributes to having a healthy dog. Just half an hour or an hour of exercise should be enough, and you don’t have to do it every day. Just a couple of times a week would be enough. And it also depends on your dog’s breed when it comes to the amount of exercise time he needs. For dogs like the terrier type, you may need a larger area for him to run around in and also give him about an hour to fully exercise. For smaller toy dogs, just walk them around your neighborhood for 15 minutes and they should be fine.

3. Periodic visits to the veterinarian.

Your dog’s vet should be able to check your dog regularly. This is to better monitor your pet’s health so the doctor can quickly see if there are any potential health problems. He could then give the best preventative treatments or medications to help keep your dog healthy.

Real Estate

How thieves legally steal identities

So there you are sitting at home, working or who knows where patting yourself on the back because you think you know everything there is to know about protecting your identity. You brag to your family and friends that you know all the tricks of the trade associated with criminal identity theft. That’s right, you won’t become a victim because you know all about the scams and tactics like Dumpster Diving, Repossession, Theft of payments or ID cards, Phishing, Change of address, Pretexts, Remote reading of information, Advertising of fake job offers , Social media browsing, old-fashioned theft, keylogging and 100 more things. Well, all of your knowledge is great for the 20 percent of your personal information that you actually have control over!

When a criminal obtains your Social Security number, name, date of birth, etc. it’s like giving them a gold bar and it’s all over except the screaming in your mind’s eye. Do you really have control of phone lists, memos, policy manuals, event calendars, systems manuals, printouts, disks, organizational changes, and everything else that (despite laws to prevent improper removal of information) the business or company ends up in the trash and landfills constantly. Accept it, you don’t!

So now you have two strikes against you. One, you can control personal information on the home front, which is why you think home front information is more leaky than you think, and two, unless you liquidate everything and leave all businesses in the United States, you have personal data. in the public domain waiting. for the criminal harvest as well. This country has and continues to display your personal information everywhere even though we know that identity theft is the number one white collar crime plaguing its citizens.

Yes, we are making progress with laws, security measures, countermeasures, and consumer awareness programs, but your Social Security number is still available and can be obtained legally and professionally by the average person by criminals, investigators, journalists, and all the rest. font you can think of. The following are just a few examples of how public and private registries expose your SSAN;

Driver’s license summaries – In some states, the SSAN is used for the license number or appears along with the license number. Some states allow the use of an SSAN to be optional, but despite this, only 15 percent of applicants apply for a driver’s license without an SSAN.

Income tax records – Tax records are sometimes made public (commonly in divorces where there are issues of alimony, child support/custody, property division, etc. where tax returns are presented as key evidence, disputes with the IRS they finally arrive in Washington, where the IRS Form 7249-M can list detailed information about the subject’s salary, income streams, assets, and other obligations, a person involved in civil litigation might find their personal tax records. attached to publicly available documents such as pretrial discovery or evidence at trial.) Your tax documents still contain your SSAN/TIN taxpayer identification number.

Application for Employment, Housing and Court Records. – Name, date of birth, SSAN is almost always information required to obtain a bank account, apartment, job, loan, mortgage or credit card. It is not difficult at all for law enforcement, lawyers, investigators, journalists (people posing as the same) to get access/copies of apartment rentals or job applications. Apartment applications are common civil court records that are typically found attached to landlord/tenant case files or personal bankruptcy files and criminal court files as evidence of a motion or affidavit.

Vote Registration Records – Voter registration records in some areas are kept at the local board of elections and are almost always made public. Many contain the SSAN to prevent electoral fraud. This SSAN listing has diminished over the years, but is commonly listed on the oldest records still available.

military records – Military members are identified by their SSAN, and although the Privacy Act of 1974 prevents the government from releasing the SSAN, a request for a person service record could find the SSAN listed on discharge documents ( DD Form 214) filed with the county courthouse.

These are just a few examples of some publicly accessible methods of digging up present person parts or past records of your SSAN, date of birth, full name, and other data being leaked to the public.

I am not trying to be a fatalist, but rather; A Realist If you don’t have the time or expertise to implement measures to protect your identity and that of your family, consider visiting a credit protection service that can implement appropriate measures to preserve your good name, credit, and assets readily available to others. criminals. Like it or not, a good measure of your identity is, in fact, a matter of public record or the result of hacking, the illegal or botched removal of employee records and company or corporate information. You can find some highly recommended criminal detection services on the Internet with an identity theft search.

Shopping Product Reviews

Search Engine Marketing: Maximize the ROI of your online business

Search engine marketing is basically text ads that are usually seen on the right hand side of search engine results or at the top. These are usually called “sponsored results” or “sponsored links”. Typically, webmasters eager to get their website’s links to the top buy these ads from Yahoo! Search Marketing, GoogleTM and others.

Generally speaking, search engine marketing is very similar to PPC (pay per click) advertising. This means that website owners get paid according to the number of clicks on their ads. There is no charge that you are required to pay to display your ads.

Bidding is done for associated keywords. This means that when Internet users submit this related keyword, the advertiser who placed the highest bid for that particular keyword will see their ad displayed at the top along with the search engine results. The bid is for the amount per click the advertiser will pay if someone clicks on their ad. However, even though the highest bidder places his ad at the top, he does not have to pay anything until his ad is clicked.

As soon as the user clicks on the ad link, they are soon directed to the advertiser’s website. The advertiser is then charged the amount for which they placed their bid. This form of search engine marketing is therefore a very profitable method of online advertising if you can get a popular keyword at a cheap rate per click. So you get a good return on investment and at the same time you also get a good opportunity to establish your website name or brand name. Therefore, it is a very effective method of attracting online leads from all over the world.

However, search engine marketing is not as easy as it seems. There are various techniques and strategies that are employed for effective SEM management. Therefore, it is necessary to hire a qualified team of search engine professionals or Internet marketing professionals to achieve targeted traffic and reduced costs to ultimately get the maximum ROI possible.

You can also do this yourself by signing up for Google AdWords, Microsoft ad Center, and others. However, it is advisable to hire professionals for better keyword placement in your ad and for more profitable bids. The experience and knowledge of the ins and outs of search engine marketers help them gain an edge over others in these deals, leading them to land a good deal.

So, what are you waiting for? Hire a team of online marketing professionals for yourself and watch your online sales increase. No hassle, no worries, just an easy and improved ROI, what more could you ask for? Just go ahead and start searching for keywords relevant to your online business and let these experienced professionals follow the bids for a lucrative deal per click on your ad.


World Cup V UEFA Champions League: Which is better?

With the next World Cup set to kick off in June this year, the debate over whether the UEFA Champions League is better than the World Cup has risen to the occasion.

Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho recently said that the Champions League is now better than the World Cup because the teams taking part are at a higher level than the national teams that cannot buy the best players. Former Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson agrees with him.

There is a certain bias in this statement and it is self-serving, as Europeans have long tried to convince the world that Europe plays the best football.

I don’t agree with Mourinho because a comparison between the two competitions and a look at the figures belie his argument.

First: level of play: European clubs have the best players, but also the World Cup. But football is a game and the team with the best players is not necessarily the best team.

The best test we have is the Club World Cup when the winner of the Champions League faces the champions of other confederations and here the Europeans have only won 5 out of 9 tournaments.

The World Cup and Champions League have strong teams and teams with weak squads. But the former has a higher level of football because it has all the best players playing for their respective nations and each country has its own style of play. The teams play with a deep commitment to the flag knowing that the best achievement is winning the trophy and being crowned the best in the world.

On the other hand, in Champions League teams there is a mixture of players from different countries with different styles of play and the players have no connection to the club they represent except for a contract and you can always move to a new club in the next season

For example, with Brazil, Neymar plays in a free-flowing style with the freedom to move around the pitch. But when he plays for Barcelona, ​​he is stuck on the wing and relegated to helping Messi, so he is less effective.

Second, Universal vs City Based: The World Cup spans the globe, including more than 200 countries in Europe, Africa, North and South America, Asia, and Oceania. It showcases the different styles of soccer played around the world, adding to its competitiveness and color.

In addition to this, FIFA now plans to expand the tournament to ensure underrepresented areas such as the Caribbean and Oceana Football Union region a full tournament slot.

In contrast, the Champions League is limited to just 32 cities in Europe and where fan support is largely confined to the city where the club is based.

Third, Popularity: Due to its universality, the World Cup is much more popular. Thus, the 2010 World Cup in South Africa was viewed by every nation and territory in the world, including Antarctica and the Arctic Circle, and was viewed by 3.2 billion people or 46.4% of the world’s population. . The final game was watched by 909.6 million viewers (or more than a billion if those watching away from home in bars and pubs were included).

The Champions League is not even close to those figures. Just 150 million watched the last game of last season (or 360 million if you include those away from home) (Bleacher Report – Why The World Cup Will Always Be Bigger Than the Champions League, by Sam Pilger, February 26 of 2014).

Fourth, more than a game -:

(a) World Cup.

Unlike the Champions League, the World Cup is more than just a game. It is about more than just winning and losing.

It unites countries and cultures (blacks and whites in South Africa, Serbs and Croats in Bosnia) and is for many countries the only chance to give their nation some recognition in the eyes of the world.

The event creates heroes and villains, for example the players who won the World Cup in 1966 are still heroes in England and you don’t get that status by winning the Champions League.

Leave indelible memories like seeing the skills and artistry of the great Pele in 1970, Socrates in 1982 and Maradona in 1986.

The group stage of the World Cup is better than the Champions League because it has more drama as a team must win at least one game and can only lose one to qualify for the next round.

World Cup fever for the upcoming tournament has started to build. A countdown has already started for the day to day. The players fear an injury that will rule them out and feel great pride in wearing the national team shirt as evidenced by the enthusiasm with which some of them sing their anthem before a match. This cannot be matched by the Champions League anthem.

In 1 month every 4 years all peoples and cultures from all over the world converge in one host country where the games are played in a carnival-like atmosphere and the 90 minutes of football is just part of the show.

The World Cup can also confer far-reaching political benefits.

In the case of the 2018 World Cup to be held in Russia, a country caught between the old world of the cold war and the new, the event is expected to welcome Russia and open it to the new world.

Qatar, which will host the 2022 tournament, hopes to use it to optimize its economy for a post-oil and gas world and show that the Middle East is not just a region of instability.

b) Champions League.

It’s about money. An extended tournament that spans 10 months a year to win money; most games are easily forgettable as there are many weak teams like FC Basel or CSKA Moskva.

Every year the same top 10 clubs reach the quarter-finals as the gap between them and the rest is huge and thus comes down to a competition between a richer club against a richer one. In the 2011 final, billionaire Roman Abramovich’s Chelsea were amusingly referred to as the underdogs against mighty Bayern Munich.


The World Cup is better than the Champions League because the level of play is higher, it is more popular and it is more than just a game with more to offer.

A 2006 poem preview of a World Cup tournament describes its impact as follows:

close the shops,
close schools,
shut down a city
stop a war
fuels a nation
break the borders
build a hero
crush a dream
answer a prayer
and change the world
(Football Lens: Why the World Cup is better than the Champions League, by Abe Asher, October 24, 2013).

Roy Hodgson, the current England manager, best describes the difference between the two competitions when he said: “I think most players at the end of their careers would say that going to the World Cup was their finest hour. Not many will say that. “. he was playing in the Champions League group stage against Standard Liège on a Wednesday night” (Bleacher Report, Why the World Cup will always be bigger than the Champions League, etc.).

That is why the World Cup is more than a game and is the quintessential football event.

Victor A. Dixon
March 21, 2014