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Planting seeds of greatness with the power of words

Babies start life with a blank page of endless opportunities. We should all be selective about the words we write in a child’s life book. Will we write words of encouragement, love and compassion? Or will we cover the pages with hatred, limitation and resentment?

Have you ever heard someone loudly announce that my son is a terrible two-year-old?

Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker and author says, “Instead of saying the ‘terrible twos,’ say it’s the awesome two, the awesome three, the awesome four, the awesome five, the super six, the awesome seven. And guess where is his or her self-image is because we believe that? That’s right, he or she will have a healthy self-image because that information has been applied and reinforced.”

Words have power! Always start by saying something positive for yourself and others.

How can you do this?

1) Take a second to stop and think before you speak.

2) Say something positive and motivating.

3) Tell them you care about them, believe in them, and love them.

Choose your words wisely.

If the president of the company you work for came up to you and congratulated you with a smile on his face and said, “If you keep working like this, you’ll be president of the company one day!”

Would you be encouraged and inspired to work harder for your boss, the president of your company?

Of course you would!

Positive words of recognition, inspiration, and encouragement make for better employees!

Jim Sundberg played for the Texas Rangers and later the world champion Kansas City Royals as a catcher. When he was growing up in Fresno, California, his father would watch him play baseball and say, “One of these days, you’re going to grow up and be a Major League Baseball player.”

Jim said, “My dad planted in my mind what the future would be.” He planted words of belief, hope and care!

His father planted the seed in his mind when he was a child!

Jim Sundberg and Bill Glass, all football players and NFL stars, ran a prison ministry in one of the prisons. During a break, Jim told Bill, “You know, I’m really glad I didn’t grow up and let my dad down.” Nearby, a prisoner was standing near them and said, “Well, you know what? I didn’t really grow up and let my dad down. I’m exactly where he said he was going to be.”

When Jim Sundberg was a boy, his father planted the seed in his mind that he would be a great baseball player.

The father of the prisoner when he was a child planted in his mind what he would become.

Your words have power. Choose them carefully!

How can you choose your words wisely?

1) Take a second and stop and think carefully before you speak!

2) Say something positive and motivating.

3) Tell them that you care about them and love them.

Plant good seeds of hope and positive words of encouragement.!

Thomas Edison at age 7 was a poor student at school and was called “confused” by the teacher. (Scrambled) His mother was a teacher by training and she decided to take him out of school to teach him at home. Mrs. Edison changed the image of how Thomas saw himself!

Many years later, Thomas Edison said, “My mother was the one who brought me up. She was so faithful, so sure of me, and I felt I had someone to live for, someone I shouldn’t let down.”

Plant positive words (seeds) of success in your children, in your students, in your family and in your employees and they will work harder and happier for you!

A positive word of encouragement can help change anyone’s destiny.

Choose your words “wisely.”

my favorite saying is “every student is a gem in the rough.” Start with that thought and work with your students. Believe that each of your students, on the first day of class, wants to learn your course and wants to learn.

As a teacher, my greatest joy is seeing a student realize their potential and work towards their goal. One day, I received a call from the mother of a high school student. She said, “My husband’s employer recommended him as a violin teacher for my son. I’d rather have a man teach him, but I’ll give it a try.” My son is lazy and stupid..”

I replied, “Please don’t talk about your son like that in front of him or others.”

I agreed to teach her son, if she said “just words of encouragement.”

At our first violin lesson, a young man with multicolored hair, an earring, and strange-looking clothes entered the room. He had his head down and looked unhappy.

We started working on the scales, his solo piece, and the orchestra audition materials for the state orchestra auditions. He was an extraordinarily talented young violinist and I told him so during our first lesson and all the lessons that followed. My honest and sincere words for him inspired and motivated him to do his best work.

At his next violin lesson, a completely different young man eagerly approached my classroom. He had his head up, a smile on his face, and he was well dressed. Because he was investing in himself and his potential, he began to take pride in himself and his work. Every week I saw a transformation in him.

It was our fifth week of lessons, our last lesson before auditions for the state orchestra. I told him how beautiful his playing was and what a good job he would do on the audition. Preparation makes all the difference! “The honest and sincere words that I spoke to him made him bloom like a flower.”

A few days after the audition, he called and said with great pride and a smile in his voice, “I am the concertmaster of the orchestra. I won first place out of more than 40 people who showed up.”

I congratulated him and told him how proud I was of him and that I knew he would win because of his “hard work and determination.” His mother called and said, “Even though you are a woman, you did a good job with him!”

The image that this young man had of himself had changed. Due to the positive inspirational words of encouragement, I gave weekly, and his hard work he began to believe in his abilities! He graduated from high school at the top of his class and went on to college.

The image of how you see yourself is so important!

Words have power.

Many years ago, I received a call from a mother with a 6-year-old boy who was failing first grade. She said that he is “lazy and stupid”. I immediately asked him not to say that to him anymore. She should say “positive and encouraging things” to him!

She brought him over with the violin she had rented and I smiled at her and showed her how to hold the violin and bow, how to read the musical notes on the sheet music, and where to put your fingers on the violin to play her first piece. of music. Every step of the way I told her what a great job she was doing. I told him that he was a smart and intelligent young man.

I asked her mom what usually happens after school. She said, “she plays video games and watches TV.”

I said, “Tell him to practice his violin for twenty minutes after school and then to do his homework for school with Mozart Symphonies softly played in the background.

After completing your work, you can play a video game or watch TV for 20 minutes.

Each week he gained self-confidence as he practiced his violin every day, took violin lessons, and improved on his schoolwork. He started bringing his spelling words for his tests to his violin lesson to review the most difficult words on his list. We would incorporate them into his violin lesson. Every week he would tell her how well he was playing and his smile would light up the room. After three months, his mom said that he is becoming a wonderful student! After a year, he was the most positive, motivated, handsome, and happy young man looking forward to second grade.

What 3 things can you do to say positive words to others?

1) Take a second to stop and think before you speak.

2) Say something positive and motivating.

3) Tell them that you care about them and love them.

The image of how you see yourself is so important!

Words have power. Think before you say something to another person. Make sure the words you speak to others make them feel appreciated and valued.

Always say something positive and uplifting to others.

Words of praise last a lifetime and so do negative words.

What words would motivate you to work harder?

Positive words of encouragement!

Back up before you speak and choose your words carefully!

Choose words that are positive and motivating! Show respect and love!


Tigers: a symbol of royalty

They are the symbols of royalty, strength and beauty and are the national animals of India. We are definitely talking about the tigers. Currently, they fall into the category of endangered animals, as they have been hunted by humans on a large scale for their incredible fur that fetches a larger sum of money and their claws and teeth are decorative elements. The massive slaughter of their beautiful animal has decreased their population to the point that they are on the verge of extinction. There are many wildlife reserves, national parks around the world to save this graceful animal from extinction.

The scientific name of the tiger is tiger panther and belongs to the phylum Chordata and class Mammalia. The order Carnivora and the family Felidae make up the entire direction of the tiger. The tiger is native to South and East Asia and is an apex predator and obligate carnivore. The average body size of an adult tiger is 3.3 m and its body weight can be 300 kg. Tigers can be easily identified by the presence of dark vertical stripes on orange-white fur and lighter underparts. The subspecies that comprises the largest population of the tiger is the Bengal tiger and the largest subspecies of tiger is the Siberian tiger. They are very well adapted to their habitats and can be easily found in the Siberian taiga, open grasslands and mangrove swamps. They create their own territories and love to live alone and hunt a wide variety of animals for food. When their prey is scarce, they do not hesitate to attack humans as well. Of the nine modern tiger subspecies, three are completely extinct and the remaining six share the category of endangered animals. Hunting and fragmentation are the main causes of its population reduction. Tigers form the most popular and charismatic megafauna in the world.

The word tiger has its origin in the Greek word tigers which means arrow and refers to the speed of this animal. Tigers were distributed in Asia from the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea to Siberia and Indonesia in the past. During the 19th century, these animals became extinct from western Asia and were confined to a small portion of the surrounding areas. Currently, the only island that provides refuge to the largest number of tigers is Sumatra. The tiger population is also present in India, China and Southeast Asia. Borneo is famous for harboring only tiger fossils. Tigers prefer to live in those areas where there is sufficient green cover, plenty of prey and water resources available. Bengal tigers have a wide range of habitats. They inhabit moist, evergreen, semi-evergreen forests of Assam, mangrove forests of the Ganges delta, deciduous forests of Nepal, and the spiny forests of the Western Ghats. They are strong swimmers and enjoy playing in cold water and can swim up to 4 miles continuously.

Tigers are believed to have evolved from a cat-like tiger. panthera paleosinensis whose remains have been found in China and Java. These cats are believed to have been present two million years ago in the Pleistocene and were smaller than modern tigers. The earliest true tiger fossils are believed to be between 1.6 and 1.8 million years old. Tigers are the most beautiful among all members of the cat family. They have reddish-rusty to rusty-brown fur coats with a white ventral area and a white tinge surrounding the face and black or dark brown stripes on the reddish-rusty fur. The number of stripes differs depending on the subspecies, but each tiger on average has about a hundred stripes. The stripe pattern is characteristic of each tiger subspecies and is used for subspecies identification. The striped body acts as a camouflage weapon and helps the tiger to remain hidden in the vicinity of the prey and helps to get the prey easily with less effort. Tigers have a white spot on the back of their ears called an ocelli that acts as a social symbol and is found on all big cats. The other demarcated characters of tigers include strong lion-like legs and shoulders that help them grab and pull prey heavier and larger than their own bodies. Body size and body weight differ depending on the species. Tigresses are always smaller than males and males are generally 1.7 times larger in size compared to females. This distinction is found in all tiger subspecies. The tiger’s skull closely resembles that of the lion with certain differences including a longer postorbital region.

There are currently nine recognized tiger subspecies of which three are totally extinct. These include the Royal or Bengal tiger, the Indochinese tiger, the Malayan tiger, the Sumatran tiger, the Siberian tiger, and the South China tiger. These are the tiger species that are present today and are looking for means to increase in numbers equivalent to those that occurred in the past. In 1977, the Chinese government passed a law to ban the mass killing of this royal animal, but it was too late and few subspecies had already faced extinction. Extinct subspecies of tigers include the Bali tiger, the Javan tiger, and the Caspian tiger. Tiger hybridization began in the 19th century when lions and tigers were interbred and the resulting offspring were named ligers and tigons. This practice was first tested in zoos and is under strict control by the Chinese government. Liger is the result of the cross between the male lion and the tigress and the tigón is the result of the cross between the male tiger and the female lioness.

The white tiger is the result of a genetic mutation known as chinchilla albinism. White tigers are really rare in the wild and are bred in zoos due to their popularity. The breeding of white tigers may also be responsible for inbreeding. The white tiger is not actually a subspecies, but rather the result of color variation, particularly in Bengal tigers, with only one white tiger occurring in every 10,000 live births. The gene that carries this type of mutation is a recessive gene and is carried by either parent. Another type of recessive genetic mutation is responsible for the birth of golden tabby tigers that have light golden fur, pale yellow legs, and very faint orange stripes. The population of golden tabby tigers is only 30.

Tigers are actually solitary animals but they have well-marked territories. The range of their territories depends on the availability of prey and the access of females. The territory of the tigress can extend up to 20 square kilometers, but the males have larger territories that can extend up to 60-100 square kilometers. When a young tigress makes her territory, she prefers an area close to her mother’s territory, while young males prefer to make her territories in areas devoid of any other males. The males are very violent and often fight over the females. Terrible violent fights occur between the males, especially when the female is in heat and the death of the weaker opponent can also result in such a fight. Tigers mark their territories by spraying urine, anal gland secretion, also feces. They also roar to defend their territories. Tigers generally feed on large and medium-sized animals including chital, gaur, sambar, deer, wild boar, and buffalo. Sometimes they also hunt leopards, pythons to get their food. Old or injured tigers that cannot hunt often feed on humans, like the tigers of the Sunderbans in India, they are man-eaters. Tigers also feed on vegetation for their dietary fiber and fiber from the Slow Match tree is highly preferred. Tigers prefer to hunt at night either alone or in groups and run at a speed of 49 to 65 kilometers per hour. Of twenty hunts, only one resulted in the death of the prey. When hunting larger animals, they tend to grab the throat with the help of the forelimbs, and the prey dies by strangulation. While feeding on smaller animals, they bite at the nape of the neck, sever the spinal cord, or often pierce the spinal cord.

Mating in tigers can occur during the tear, but the preferred months are November and April. Females are receptive for only a short period and within this period mating should take place. A mating pair copulates very frequently and noisily like other cats and the gestation period is 16 weeks. The number of offspring produced can be 3-4 and each of them weighs 1 kg, blind and defenseless. The tigress participates in the care of the young and the father does not participate in the care of the parents. After five months, the tigress will give birth to another litter if the previous ones are lost. The young after 8 weeks come out of the den and are ready to follow their mother. There is only one dominant pup of either sex in the litter. The cubs remain with their mother for up to two and a half years. Females reach maturity at the age of 3-4 years and males at the age of 4-5 years. Throughout her life, the female gives birth to equal numbers of male and female cubs.

The mass killing of tigers for their fur and the destruction of their natural habitat are responsible for the decline in the tiger population. According to the report, in the early 20th century, the total tiger population of 100,000 was reduced to just 2,000 in the wild. India is believed to be home to the largest population of tigers in the world. According to a report by the World Wide Fund for Nature, of the 3,500 tigers in the world, 1,400 are found in India. A huge project titled Project Tiger was started in 1973 with Indira Gandhi’s efforts to save this royal animal and is running successfully till the present. Many national parks have already been established in India for the conservation of tigers. Not only in India but all over the world steps are being taken to save this beautiful animal from extinction.

Tigers are the symbol of strength and are the source of terror. However, they look dangerous but they make our jungles beautiful. Come, let’s save our tigers from extinction.


Tips to celebrate a wonderful Mother’s Day

Throughout your life, your mother takes on different roles to help and guide you all the way. When you’re a little kid, your mom is your angel, when you become a teenager, she becomes your best friend, and when you’re an adult, she becomes the one who shares secrets. Whenever you were happy, she rejoiced and danced with you. She shared her stress when she had her exams and is a shoulder to cry on when she had a breakup. At every stage of your life, there is one person from whom you can expect to receive unconditional love, and that is your mom.

This Mother’s Day, make your mom feel extra special, and thank her for always being there when you needed her most. This is the time when you can really make her feel like she has the most important place in your life. Make this Mother’s Day celebration the most important of her life. Make her feel like the most loved mother in this world. Here are some tips that can help you celebrate Mother’s Day with your mom.

Ask your mother about her childhood days. Let him speak your heart out for her and take a walk down memory lane. This will help you get to know your mother more closely and will also make her feel loved and special. You can ask your mom about her daycare friends, her teenage friends, her first crush, her first job, the day you were born, and anything else that was really special in her life. You will see your mother’s face shine as she tells you everything that has been close to her heart.

If for some reason you can’t be with your mom on this special day, then send her flowers, chocolates and gifts to make her feel special.

Mother’s Day Gifts She’ll Appreciate

Mother’s Day is a day dedicated to all the mothers in the world and their selfless love. This is an opportunity where you can tell your mom how much you love her and thank her for all her love and support. There are various types of Mother’s Day gifts available in stores. You can get one of them for your mom. But what if we gift her something really special this year that she will treasure for a lifetime?

Instead of buying the usual things, buy something really unusual for your mom. You can add a personal touch to these gifts. The personal touch makes gifts more interesting and special. It would also give a distinctive feeling to your mom and express your love in a special way. In this article, we will discuss some of the common personalized gift ideas that you can use to make your mom swoon.

Generally, it is noted that most of the moms are coffee or tea lovers. This may be one of the best gifts you can give your mom. Get a personalized coffee or tea mug for your mother, with her name printed on it. She will love wearing it all the time and will cherish this gift forever. You can also get some phrases printed on the wall of the mug along with the mother’s name on it. You can decide this depending on the budget of the gift.

In addition to coffee and tea mugs, another great personalized or treasured gift idea is to give her a bracelet. You can go for the metallic ones that are cheap or buy the more expensive ones made of gold and silver. You can also get a nice pen for your mother, with her name engraved on it.

Think about what your mom likes best, her likes and dislikes. Based on this you can base your gift and make the day really special for her.

If your mother loves to read, there is nothing like a good book to give her this Mother’s Day. She can give him a print book and e-books, if she uses the e-reader. Books are a very good gift.