Real Estate

How to be super cheated while your house is being repossessed

You’ve seen that bandit sign at the intersection that says STOP FORECLOSURES. Call Mr. Milagro at 555 BIG SCAM. Here is an opportunity. Mr. Miracle, looking a lot like PT Barnum and Elmer Gantry rolled into one, suggests that he transfer his house to her subject to the mortgage. What does that mean? In Florida, it means that he has signed over the deed to his house to Mr. Miracle. He is the owner. It’s from him. You have to move or pay rent. He owns the house but you owe the mortgage. You owe the mortgage. You signed a promissory note when you got the mortgage. You personally promised to return the money. If you don’t, the bank will sue you for lack of knowledge. What is a deficiency judgment? That’s when the bank sues him and gets a personal judgment against him for the difference between how much he owes and how much the house sold at a public foreclosure auction on the courthouse steps when Mr. Miracle didn’t catch up and made payments like him. he said he would.

Oh good. You can always file for bankruptcy unless you have already done so and the bank waits until you have done so to sue you. Do those sentences not expire? Yes they do in twenty years. In Florida the creditor can take your property. take his bank account, garnish his wages, aggravate him for a long time

Wouldn’t it make more sense to get a little more information before turning your house over to Mr. Miracle?

Here’s another idea. Let’s not do anything! Yes, do nothing. Just sit back and wait for the foreclosure auction. It’s not your fault you’re in this situation anyway. It’s the bank’s fault. It’s the realtor’s fault. It’s the government’s fault. Doing nothing is a little better than giving your house over to Mr. Miracle. Ten months for the foreclosure process to take place. His house will be sold on the courthouse steps. It will be sold for pennies on the dollar or the bank will buy it. They will probably sue you for deficiency in judgment. His problems have just begun. .

Write it to Mr. Miracle. That is not a good plan. Do nothing. That’s not much better. What can you do?

Here is a novel idea. Catch up on late payments and continue to make them. I am amazed at the number of people who are being repossessed who are not working. Go to work. Earn some money. Do something below your dignity. Sell ​​something. Sell ​​everything you have. Sell ​​your car. Sell ​​your jet ski. Sell ​​your furniture. Sell ​​your jewelry. Sell ​​your motorcycle. If any of this has payments, sell it first. Collect the money and make the payments. Unless he committed fraud to get this mortgage, he could afford this house when he bought it. Make the payments. Do not take this lying down. If you committed mortgage fraud to get this loan, that’s an even better reason to make the payments. After a foreclosure, a fraud investigation could really make your life miserable. google that,

Many people who come to my real estate school are there to learn how to earn money so they can make payments on their home that is being foreclosed on. Real estate, insurance, legal prepaid, Avon, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef and many other products are sold on commission only. Anyone who wants to make money can learn how to make money selling one of these products. It’s easy to get hired because the recruiter can’t tell if you’re going to work. Almost all products that are sold on commission can only be sold by anyone who works hard. Get that opportunity and earn some money. Make your payments. Most of these products, including real estate, can be sold on a part-time basis. If you currently have a job but need more money, find that opportunity. Make your payments.

Call your mortgage company or bank. Talk to them. Ask them what you can do. They might surprise you. I have heard some amazing stories.

Here is a plan that I am sure will work. Sell ​​your house. If you can’t afford it, sell it. What could be simpler than that. Find a buyer. Get a new mortgage, pay off your mortgage. Your problem is solved. What if your house is worth three hundred thousand and you owe four hundred on your mortgage?

Banks are in business to make money. If your house is foreclosed on, it will probably be sold at public auction on the courthouse steps for $200,000, or the bank will buy it on the courthouse steps. They will then list you with a real estate agent and he will make a commission. They will also pay the normal closing costs of the transaction. They will also have all the normal expenses of home ownership; taxes, HOA due, insurance, maintenance, etc. They don’t want to do that. However, if it is the most profitable option available to them, they will go for it.

Another option for you is called loss mitigation, colloquially called “short selling.” The way this works is that you find a buyer, the best way to do this is to list with a good real estate agent. The real estate agent finds a buyer at a suitable price. Participate in that decision. After all expenses of the sale have been paid, the bank accepts the proceeds of that sale and repays the loan.

Have an attorney represent you and make sure the bank waives your right to a deficiency judgment.

Please understand that you are in a very bad place. It’s going to take a lot of awkwardness to get out. Be good to yourself. Be good to your spouse. Don’t sign any paper you don’t understand. Legal advice is cheap compared to what you can do without it. To think. These are big important decisions.

Shopping Product Reviews

The best selling items to sell on cold winter days

Lots of people shop at swap meets to save money and get great deals, and the cold winter days don’t stop them.

Many people start shopping more at indoor flea markets because they like it hot, but the hardcore flea market shopper will continue to go to outdoor flea markets even when it’s snowing, because they know that since many people are they chickened out and went inside, that leaves all the bargains to them. (Mile High Flea Market in Henderson, Colo., is open year-round — yes, even when it’s snowing — and vendors and buyers are still out as usual.)

Vendors will still offer the usual trade-in fare, used stuff and new stuff, but no matter the time of year, successful flea market vendors will follow the rules: always sell what people want and need.

In winter people do not want swimsuits or shorts or sandals.

They want heavy coats with high collars that can be closed, furry hats that fold down to keep ears warm, and gloves to keep hands and fingers warm.

They don’t want suntan lotion.

They want chemical hand warmers. They want thicker socks and warmer shoes and insulated boots. They want ski pants that the icy wind won’t get through. They want bib-front insulated coveralls.

Air conditioners and box fans don’t sell as well during the winter, but electric heaters do, as do kerosene heaters, propane heaters, propane tanks, and propane hoses.

People will want snow shovels. They’ll want ice scrapers.

They will want to buy bags of rock salt and chemical melting compounds to spread on their sidewalks and steps.

People will also want snow tires. Used snow tires are a hot seller, especially during the early winter months, but they don’t ride as well during the summer months. Most people do not think or buy in advance.

Used tire chains in good condition will also sell well, as will trailer chains.

Cold remedies, cough syrups and cough drops are always sold, but especially in winter.

Shoppers will also be looking for snowboards, inner tubes and other things to have fun with on the slopes.

Many flea markets have their own concessions and will not allow anyone to compete with them. But many smaller markets don’t have concessions at all, and you can sell coffee and hot chocolate quite well.

Just follow the rules and sell what people want and need. Change your inventory with the seasons and success will always be your friend.


World of Warcraft: How to Get the Most Profit from Jewelry Crafting

There are six different Epic Rough Gems in World of Warcraft: Ametrines, Cardinal Rubies, King’s Amber, Eye of Zuls, Dreadstones, and Majestic Zircons. Some of these rough gems, when cut by a jewelry craftsman, lead to huge amounts of gold. There is no reason for you to sell your gemstones for less than they are worth. In this short guide you will find the best selling gem cuts to make and get the most profit out of them!

Cardinal Rubies – This is the most important gem in the game and is worn by almost every character in the game. It is an overwhelmingly powerful gem for melee classes and ranged classes. I suggest you cut this gem in one of three cuts: Fractured, Bold, or Runed.

King’s Amber: A gem highly prized by paladin healers, tanks, and players who enjoy PvP games. Cut this gem in thick, majestic and brilliant.

Dreadstone – This stone is not highly valued by players, however this does not mean that you cannot benefit greatly from cutting this gem into one of the following: Sovereign, Brilliant, Purified, Majestic, or Mighty for all those players who insist that they must match the color of the gem socket on their team.

Ametrine – A gem highly prized by any melee class in the game. Cut this gem only on inscriptions because it is not a very popular gem among other classes.

Majestic Zircon – Only two different types of players value this gem: tanks and PvPers. Fortunately, the spectrum of demand available is wide. Cut this gem into stormy or solid.

Eye of Zul: This is possibly the most hated gem in the entire game! People just don’t like the statistical values ​​that this game provides. However, this is the gem I try to capitalize on the most because of its cost and availability. Split this into: durables or seers for the tanks and launchers in the game.


Common Social Issues Facing Teens Today

Have you ever looked at your teenager and wondered if, for some reason, an unknown hostile being had suddenly taken over their body? I mean, how can such an affectionate, sweet-smelling, cuddly baby suddenly turn into such an angry, hostile child so quickly? Don’t despair. You are not alone.

Many parents and guardians agree that adolescence is possibly the most confusing and conflicted stage of a child’s life. The sheer magnitude of what teenagers have to deal with these days is truly overwhelming. Unfortunately, these problems are not going to go away any time soon. They can even get worse. So what should we do to help them through this testing stage? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of a typical 21st century teenager, look at some of the issues they face, and see what can be done to make life easier for all of us.

Social problems of the modern adolescent

• Group pressure

It is a known fact that man is a social animal. That’s how teenagers are. They want to be like their friends or celebrities, we all went through that stage in one or the other. Peer pressure could actually bring out positive traits in a child. Depending on who they’re “hanging out” with, they might actually be interested in good activities like sports or crafts.

However, when the influence causes the teen to do, say, or act in a way that they would not normally do, then there could be a problem. It could manifest itself in a drastic change in hairstyle or style of dress, musical tastes, etc. A great danger of peer pressure is the deep desire to be accepted or to impress. When the goal is not achieved and the adolescent is rejected even after trying so hard, a great internal conflict is generated that could last a lifetime. This brings us to the next problem.

• Self-esteem / confidence

Your child may feel that the only way to be accepted into the “group” is to act and look like the “group.” If they are accepted into the group, teens will naturally go to great lengths to stay in it. Sometimes even doing things that they have been specifically raised not to enjoy. On the other hand, not being accepted would make them feel inadequate and unwanted. Feelings of doubt and anger would follow. Suddenly lashing out, wanting to be left alone are some signs of rejection and low self-confidence.

• Cyber ​​bullying

Most adults, including myself, have experienced incidents of bullying at one time or another growing up. It’s almost like a rite of passage for school-age children. Unfortunately, technological advances have made it so sinister that not even the authorities can fully protect teens from it. The ease with which even tweens can access the Internet is frightening. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace have made it possible for people who have significant problems in their personal lives to take advantage of young people. Many of these online predators are sometimes decades older than the children they prey on. The internet gives them the perfect opportunity to mask their true identities and many times they get away with these disgusting attacks on teenagers.

• Violence in the media and games

I cringe when I see the kind of games and cartoons available these days. Blood flows freely everywhere and body parts read on the floors. There seems to be no escape, as even the news shows violence on TV. Cartoons that used to be innocent and clean have become an important avenue for depicting acts of violence and beheading. Popular games hardly have a scene without an act of violence from the other. Children are encouraged to take an active part and win by using whatever means are available to “kill” their opponents. You will soon discover that even while playing with each other, teenage siblings or friends often use violent phrases they learned from these media to communicate. They even perform these acts on house pets much to the surprise of their parents. The message being conveyed seems to be “kill, injure and maim” and fast too!

• sexual stress

Sex is everywhere you look and trust me, teens are looking whether they want to or not. The pressure to get rid of her virginity is incredible. Many parents are still uncomfortable having “the talk” with their teens. Children have no choice but to turn to their friends for answers. Too many then end up getting involved in something they really aren’t ready for. It’s no wonder that teen pregnancies and STDs are steadily on the rise each year.

• Substance and alcohol abuse

Let’s be honest. Teenagers want to look good. A cigarette stick, a shot of alcohol and a dose of pills are no longer so difficult to obtain and the age of users is getting younger. Addiction follows quickly. Now it is rare to find a teenager who has not yet tried at least one of these substances. This is a particularly unpleasant and life-threatening hazard if not dealt with quickly.

So what do we do and how can we protect these precious lives in our care?

• Don’t blame yourself if your teen has gotten caught up in negative habits.

• Yelling, screaming, crying, and other outbursts of emotion will not help and will most likely drive the child away from you. Learn to speak to them in a calm and gentle tone. It’s hard when you’re screaming inside, but it works.

• Take the time to understand what your child is feeling, make him realize that you are there for him and always will be, NO MATTER WHAT.

• From a very young age, encourage your children to express their opinions and make small decisions around the house. This helps boost your self-esteem.

• Talk to them about sex as soon as they start asking questions about male and female body parts. Let them know in detail the implications of sex as they grow older.

• Install parental control measures in your access to the Internet and Television.

• Encourage them to bring their friends home. Interact with your friends without judging.

• Treat them with respect.

This article is not exhaustive. There are still many things that teenagers deal with, but with a little care and understanding on our part, we can greatly reduce the effects on them.