
Is a Bavarian Mountain Hound the dog for you?

I had never heard of a Bavarian Mountain Hound before my partner, Anton, broached the topic of getting one. We already had two black Labs, a terrier, and two cats. As far as I was concerned, our animal family was complete.

All of our animals worked. The two farmers worked with Anton during bird season to retrieve pheasants, woodcocks, snipes and ducks. The terrier would catch any rats around our farm and the cats would catch mice and leave their headless carcasses on our front step. Anton, however, felt that there was room for one more animal in our herd; a Bavarian Mountain Hound to help him track down live and injured deer during deer season. Similar to a Beagle in size but reddish-brown in color with a black face, it has a short coat and weighs about 70 pounds when fully grown. Hunters use this breed when tracking deer to shoot or when wounding a deer but still able to run. They are bred to track deer through the mountains of Bavaria and can track an injured deer for miles.

I had a hard time persuading. The animals we already had were expensive and very hard, yet rewarding, work. Bavarian Mountain Dogs are relatively new to Ireland so it was difficult to find other people to ask questions about the breed. I researched everything I could online and while I didn’t find anything objectionable about them, they still didn’t sell me. Because they are a rare breed in Ireland, we knew that if we wanted one, we would have to be on a waiting list. Anton made some preliminary calls and, to his disappointment, he discovered that there were only a handful of breeders in Ireland and that all of his puppies were booked for that year. I was relieved because it meant I had more time to make sure this was the race for us. I had some specific concerns about the breed. First of all, we live in a rural community and had read that they were not reliable without lead if they picked up an odor. We let our dogs run free around our house often and I was afraid a Bavarian Mountain Hound would run too far or worse, chase the neighboring sheep.

We get on with our lives and put the dog out of our minds. A few weeks passed when a breeder from Northern Ireland contacted Anton. He had been disappointed by someone who had booked a male puppy and he wanted to know if we would be interested. We talked about it for a few days and Anton had long talks with the breeder and we finally decided to give it a try. The puppy was eight weeks old when we decided we wanted him. The breeder recommended that we name him now and collect him when he was sixteen weeks old, that way I could do preliminary training with him. He also invited Anton for a day to do some hunting so he could watch his mother and father work. We were both happy with this arrangement and decided to call our newest addition Riley.

A few weeks later, Anton made the long trip to Northern Ireland to pick up Riley. He met his mother Heidi and his father Alfie and spent time with the breeder learning about our new pet. When they got home, I met Riley at the door and fell in love instantly. Lanky and shy at first, he followed me into the living room and climbed onto my lap.

Riley was definitely not what he expected the breed to be. All the research he did before bringing him home was helpful, but he had a lot more to learn. He was adorable, like all puppies, with his big dark face and long clumsy legs. We kept him by our side for the first few days as we had with all of our puppies. Unlike our other pups, Riley was very calm and not prone to the random outbursts of emotion that we had experienced with Labradors and terriers. He loved our company and, unlike the crazy Beagle-type dog he expected, he was lazy and loved lounging by the fire. At night he went to his pen in our shed with the other dogs and didn’t cry or bark. He was a far cry from the separation anxiety all of our other dogs had experienced and, in short, he couldn’t believe our luck.

Our first insight into the negative traits of the breed was a few days after we brought Riley home. He was so calm and didn’t seem anxious about being in the pen at night, so we didn’t think to leave him alone in our living room while we went shopping. We drew our curtains so the cats couldn’t bother him at the window and set off on our short trip. This was a big mistake. When we got back home, I immediately noticed that the curtains were now open. On closer inspection, they were not open. They had been cut in half. Yes, our wonderful, calm and placid puppy was, in fact, a normal puppy after all.

Riley is almost a year old and the Bavarian Mountain Hound is my favorite breed of dog. He is loyal, intelligent, and a fantastic hunting partner for Anton. They tracked many deer together this season and although he is lazy and loves to laze by the fire at home, when he hunts he is dedicated and committed and can go for miles. As he demonstrated by destroying my beautiful curtains, he hates being alone and is very destructive when left alone inside for too long. As I write this, he is curled up next to me with his head on my shoulder. He is fiercely loyal and affectionate towards his owners, as is typical of the breed. He gets along with the other dogs, but he definitely sees himself more as a human than a dog and seeks human company over canine. His hunting instinct makes him chase the poor cats if they get in his way, but he is kind and loving with children. He is not a guard dog, where Labradors and terriers will bark at the house if they hear someone outside, he will barely raise his head from the bed.

If you’re considering adding a Bavarian Mountain Hound to your family, there are a few things you should seriously consider. Do you have an interest in hunting? These dogs are scent driven and it is in their nature to hunt. They enjoy tracking over any other form of play and exercise. Do you have a lot of time to spend with the dog on a daily basis? This breed adores their owners and gets very upset when they can’t be with them. Can you commit to loving and caring for a dog for about fourteen years? If you can answer yes to these questions and decide to adopt a Bavarian Mountain Hound, you will find yourself a loyal and loving companion for years to come. Adding Riley to our family was one of the best decisions we have ever made, I hope this article helps you make the right decision for your animal family.

Real Estate

How to make Granny Flats work for you

With the onset of the housing shortage, many homeowners quickly saw an opportunity to earn extra income by renting out their extra rooms. Some, on the other hand, considered building second homes or extensions to their primary residence, but the only problem was that it wasn’t allowed in most areas. That is, until the government decided to relax the laws on granny flats, allowing them to be built but only if the owners met certain conditions.

Among the conditions established by the Government for the construction of these accessory dwellings, it is included that they can only be built on farms in residential areas, that each residential dwelling can build a single dwelling, that the block being built must not exceed 450 square meters and they must not have more than 60 square meters of habitable surface even with the addition of patios and galleries and that they cannot exist in strata, subdivisions or community property.

Also, they may not be built on vacant land or on property that will be used for commercial purposes and may be attached to the primary residence or be a separate unit on the property. More importantly, they must have clear, unobstructed and separate pedestrian access and if you convert part of your house into an apartment, you must ensure that it has a separate entrance.

Given all those rules and regulations, many went ahead and applied for DAs to build their granny flats, mainly because current times dictate multi-generational living arrangements to be the norm. Children riddled with student debt coupled with elderly parents in need of help have no doubt added to the situation, as has the rising cost of elder care facilities and of course the need for the elderly to still have an appearance. of independence.

To give you an idea of ​​what to expect, real estate experts estimate that you can expect rental returns of around 13% to 20% per year plus principal growth each year. Renting these apartments also offers you tax depreciation benefits of up to $6,000 per year, but the best part is knowing that your investment is not dependent on unpredictable actions, giving you priceless peace of mind.

For starters, the fact that these second homes can increase the home’s resale value and provide a great rental yield are just some of the benefits one can get from building granny flats on their property. For this strategy to work for you, you’ll need to consider the physical limitations of your property, the layout and configuration of your home, the area of ​​the lot, and the proximity of neighbors. You might consider spending anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 to turn your extra bedrooms into a livable residence and this includes adding a bathroom which can double your rental rates.

You can also consider a garage or basement conversion which would be very inexpensive and just add a frame opening for the windows and possibly a new front door if you are considering a garage conversion, but if you are looking for a basement conversion, would be the best. if your home is located on a hill, as the downhill side can be used to add large windows to allow in natural light and ventilation. As long as your spaces are legally habitable, you’re good to go.

The next thing you can do to make sure this granny flat strategy works for you is to make sure you have access to a number of tenants who will want to rent it. You can talk to your local real estate agent to get an idea of ​​the demand for these flats and how many are actually looking to rent or lease one. Take a drive around the suburbs and check out the types of flats in your area and find out how you can offer potential renters better options.

So go ahead and do your research now about the paperwork required to get the ball rolling, check out the demand for these flats and more importantly the cost of building one. In the right location, these flats can provide fantastic returns so you can see some real income to get you ahead.

Shopping Product Reviews

Eight habits that can lead you to poverty

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful but the majority remain poor, even though they all operate in the same economy? Records show that wealth and poverty have coexisted in older civilizations. And it is no different today.

Of course, some people may have certain advantages over others, but it is a known fact that most people who have been successful also had various odds stacked against them, just like everyone else. But they were able to weather the storm and successfully emerged.

I have listed here eight habits that can be responsible for guaranteed poverty. It doesn’t matter what country you are in. As long as you become aware of these eight habits and decide that you are going to do the opposite, success can be assured.


The first habit is procrastination. Procrastination is said to be the thief of time. If you want to be successful, take advantage of opportunities as soon as they come your way, as you may never know when such opportunities will come again if you don’t. Also, strive to set realistic expectations. It is unrealistic to expect success to come too easily and too quickly. Keep in mind that success takes time.


This is a state of not being able to choose between two or more opportunities. For example. One can be talented in sports and music, but find it difficult to choose which one to pursue. Most of the time, people with this kind of dilemma can choose to take both opportunities at the same time, but they end up being average people. To be successful, you must choose to do one thing at a time, as it is better to be a master of your game than a jack of all trades.


Successful people have a duty to always look for new ideas. They are associated with books more than entertainment. They continually seek self-development through the pages of books. If you pay a visit to their homes, something you will surely find is a study library. People who crave entertainment at the expense of knowledge are often doomed to a life of poverty.


A comfort zone is a zone where you do something that allows you to eke out a living. It is called a comfort zone because it is less demanding. He often finds people willing to stay in a low-paying job for more than thirty years and retire poor. This happens due to their unwillingness to step out of their comfort zones.

If you want to be successful, you must be willing to step out of your comfort zone. This does not mean that you should quit your job, but be willing to participate in other commitments that will allow you to generate residual passive income.


Waiting for the right time before committing to a business is waiting endlessly because the right time may never come. Experience has shown that every successful person faces disadvantages. In their case, the time was never right, but they met their challenges with dogged determination. Furthermore, waiting to learn everything about, say, a business opportunity before jumping into it is planning to fail. Successful people prefer to learn on the job. They can certainly fail. But they see failure as an opportunity to learn better ways of doing business.


A closed mind is the surest path to poverty. He who has a closed mind does not see beyond where he is. He is, in fact, oblivious to the opportunities that surround him, even when they are shown to him. Anyone who wants to be successful in life must be open to other opportunities. The essence is to create streams of income. There is a general belief that the average millionaire has at least seven streams of income. If any of these revenue streams go out of business, it will still stay afloat.


Some people are poor and have come to believe that their circumstances are responsible. They spend their whole lives in illusions. They wish they were born in a different country, to different parents, have different relatives, etc. More often here people say: “If I had been born to rich parents or born in such and such a country, I would have already been this or that.” However, that may be correct, but it is a known fact that most successful people never had rich parents who bequeathed them any future and their success was not a fluke.

So what could be responsible for its success? First, they fervently desired success. Second, an action plan was established to meet its objectives. Third, they accepted that success will not be easy, but they were ready to move on.

As Jim Rohn said, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find excuses.” So drop the excuses of circumstance. Wish success and work very hard to achieve your goals. Your destiny is in your hands.


If you want to be rich, you must make your own business. You will never be rich working for someone else. But setting up a business requires a lot of start-up capital that most people can’t afford. This unique factor has kept many people from setting up their own business and has therefore relegated them to a life of deprivation. However, with the advent of the Internet, this has become relatively easier. Currently, you don’t need tons of millions of dollars to become a business owner. There are several online businesses that you can do to be successful.

The problem with many people is ignorance. Also, many want quick gratification. Many people are not prepared to stay in a business for ten or fifteen years. If they don’t have immediate success, they give up. But know now that success takes time. Also know that you can now become an entrepreneur with very little money. All you need to do is research or ask questions of people who are doing business online.


2008 New York Giants preliminary report

In 2008, the New York Giants will defend their Super Bowl title while trying to improve on their 10-6 record from 2007. An average record and still a Super Bowl victory? What a time of low expectations. Who can blame the Giants though? 2007 was supposed to be the year of the undefeated Patriots, as they entered the Super Bowl field with a score of 18-0. The Giants defeated the Patriots in one of the biggest upsets in professional football history. As the 2008 season approaches, you could say the Giants don’t have much to live up to, but they still have a lot to gain. They could win this season and prove that last year’s victory was no fluke or they could take the season off, happy to have robbed the Patriots of their greatest achievement.

However, don’t count on the Giants becoming complacent, as they have played consistently for the past three seasons and have made the playoffs every year. In any case, much of the New York Giants’ success in 2008 will be determined by the draft. For their 84th season, the New York Giants, still led by head coach Tom Coughlin, chose seven athletes they considered the best draft picks available. Did fans and NFL pundits agree?

The first pick in the draft was safety Kenny Phillips out of the University of Miami. He was followed by cornerback Terrell Thomas of the University of Southern California, wide receiver Mario Manningham of the University of Michigan and linebacker Bryan Kehl of Brigham Young University. Finishing out the standard draft picks were linebacker Jonathan Goff of Vanderbilt University and quarterback Andre’ Woodson of the University of Kentucky. Defensive end Robert Henderson of the University of Southern Mississippi was selected after the Giants traded running back Ryan Grant to the Green Bay Packers for an extra sixth-round pick. They would have had another draft pick, but decided to trade him to the Kansas City Chiefs for placekicker Lawrence Tynes.

Entering the draft, the Giants’ greatest need was in the secondary area, so most pundits agree that Phillips and Thomas were the ideal choices for the first round of the draft. Phillips is believed to be ready for a starting position, while Thomas has a promising opportunity somewhere down the road. Manningham has continued to be a subject of controversy both on and off the field. While he has a very unique “Super Mario” style acrobatic ability, he has been enduring some scrutiny for his drug use. He’s the type of player who could sink or rise quickly, in terms of success with the Giants. Kehl and Goff were seen as solid picks, while Woodson and Henderson were seen by some as a bit ambitious. Some fans wonder why the Giants didn’t try to draft an offensive lineman candidate for the entire draft. So as long as the interior line stays healthy and injury-free for the rest of the season, it may not be a problem.

Overall, the Giants’ draft reception was positive as their most crucial needs were addressed. The Giants may not be done stealing Super Bowls just yet.


The five most popular patron saint medals

Patron saint medals are a very popular thing to wear as a necklace or to carry on your person at all times. People feel that the saint protects them, helps them during the day or is simply there to comfort them when they have his medal. Some people simply wear patron saint medals because they are named after a certain saint. Whatever the reason, people all over the world wear these medals and there are some that have become more popular over the years than others.

5.) Saint Patrick – Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. His feast falls every year on March 17 and is a well celebrated holiday by Irish descendants and many others as well. Patrick’s story is eventful, he was captured by Druids when he was only fourteen years old and taken from his home in Britain to Ireland. Patrick prayed most of the day while he was in captivity in Ireland and forced to work there. He became extraordinarily close to God and one day he would escape from Ireland when God told him to flee to the coast. There he met sailors who took him to Britain. Patrick would become a priest while he was home and would also be ordained a bishop. He returned to Ireland to try to rid them of the pagans and Druids who ruled his country. Patrick set out to convert as many Irish people as possible to the ways of Christianity, which was highly successful. A shamrock is typically associated with Saint Patrick because he used it as a way of explaining the Holy Trinity to the Irish. Each leaf of the clover represented God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit.

4.) Saint Thomas Aquinas: Saint Thomas Aquinas is the patron saint of universities and students due to his love of learning and educating others. His feast falls on January 28 every year. Saint Thomas was placed under the surveillance of the Benedictines of Monte Casino in his youth. He learned faster than anyone they had ever seen before and had the patience of an adult individual when he was just a child. Once Thomas was old enough to make his own life decisions, he thought about joining the Order of Saint Dominic. His family didn’t support his decision and it hurt Thomas inside, but he knew he was making the right decision. Santo Tomás studied with San Alberto and was one of the best students that Alberto had. Saint Thomas is remembered as one of the great theologians of the Catholic Church.

3.) Saint John the Baptist – Saint John the Baptist died a martyr like Jesus. He told all of his followers about Jesus and how he truly was the son of God. John was the son of Zachary and Elizabeth, and was conceived despite Elizabeth being quite old at the time. God sent the angel Gabriel to inform Zachary that his wife would become pregnant and that is exactly what happened despite the terrible odds. John is best known for baptizing men and women in the Jordan River, most notably Jesus himself was baptized by Saint John. John knew precisely who Jesus was and was flattered that Jesus came to him to be baptized and not the other way around. Herod was the ruler at the time and he was not a fan of how much power Saint John the Baptist had over large masses of people. He had him arrested on false charges and beheaded for no good reason. He suffered because of his always strong faith in Christianity and in Jesus. Saint John the Baptist is the last prophet of the Old Testament and he was the last prophet before Jesus Christ.

2.) San Miguel: San Miguel is the patron saint of policemen and his feast falls on September 29 each year. Saint Michael’s name is almost always followed by “the archangel” because that is what he is. He was the leading archangel in the battle in heaven between the angels and Satan and his followers. He has always been known as one of the great protectors of the Catholic Church, and for this reason he is the patron saint of police officers. The Greeks used to hold Michael in higher regard than the rest of the archangels due to his heroic actions displayed in the battle against Satan.

1.) Saint Christopher – Saint Christopher died a martyr as did Saint John the Baptist. Saint Christopher died in the 3rd century when he was asked to participate in a pagan sacrifice and refused. A legend of Saint Christopher is when he wanted to please God, so he asked a local hermit what he could do to make it happen. The hermit told him to fast and pray, but Saint Christopher could not fast. The hermit then told him to help people cross a nearby river because many had died trying. He found a little boy who needed help and put him on his shoulders. The boy was incredibly heavy and the water seemed to be moving much faster than Christopher had anticipated. When he reached the other side he was completely out of breath and tired, the boy turned to him and told him that he had just felt the weight of the world on his shoulders and that he was Christ. He let her know that his work was greatly appreciated and quickly disappeared. Saint Christopher is the most common patron saint medal to see because he appears on so many of them. He is shown on medals that include basketball, golf, tennis, gymnastics, cheerleading, figure skating, volleyball, and hockey players.


Rainbow Kisses – How Lesbians Can Thrill You With Rainbow Kisses

Rainbow Kisses

Have you ever thought about trying rainbow kisses? If not, you should! Rainbow kisses are a great way to spice up your relationship, and they’re fun for both parties. Rainbow kisses are not as unusual as you might think. Just be sure to start slowly and build up to the big moment! If you’re shy, you might be embarrassed about the whole thing! Read on for tips on how to make it a huge event!

If you’ve never been able to get a lesbian rainbow kiss, it might not be on your bucket list. Thankfully, lesbians can thrill you with rainbow kisses in many ways, from physical contact to virtual interactions. Lesbians can even thrill you with kisses on the cheeks thanks to the power of queer cultural references. These subtle hints about who you’re kissing can turn heads among straight people, and help queer couples overcome their fears of being sexy.

A Rainbow Kiss is a different kind of sex experience that can be exciting and exhilarating. The name of the kiss comes from the different color that the fluids mix in and make. Although some people feel shy about sharing their bodily fluids with someone they don’t know, the experience adds another level of intimacy to the relationship. Whether you’re shy about sharing your period or you’re looking for a new thrill, you’ll find that this type of kiss is exciting.

Rainbow Kisses – How Lesbians Can Thrill You With Rainbow Kisses

If you love a partner who has different sexy preferences, you might want to try a rainbow kiss. This type of sex can be thrilling because you get to experience cathartic bliss while enjoying fluid play. The secret is to be careful not to hold blood or s*men in your mouth. To perform this type of kiss, it helps to be well-versed about your partner’s body.

A rainbow kiss is the best form of oral sex. You can do it at any time of your period, but remember that timing is everything. If you’re not careful, you might make small cuts in your partner’s mouth while flossing. That could result in a rainbow kiss! However, you should be upfront about your history of HIV and hepatitis, which could lead to problems.

A rainbow kiss can thrill you! Different types of sex offer different thrills, so why not try something new? While many of us do enjoy different types of sex, we must be aware of some health risks that may accompany the exchange of bodily fluids. For this reason, it is best to inform your partner of any medical conditions that you may have, including HIV. Knowing your partner’s HIV status can help you avoid sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and hepatitis.