Health Fitness

How to create healthy meal plans

Do you want your husband to lose weight? Or do you want the family to adopt a better and healthier lifestyle? You have to start by creating some healthy meal plans. It’s best to make about 4-5 meal plans and then rotate them so you get a lot of variety in your meals. Here are some tips for healthy meal plans for your family:

1. When making healthy meal plans, make sure of one thing: breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day, and also the most ignored. Make sure your family eats a healthy breakfast. You can include healthy cereals, sprouts, fresh fruits and juices for breakfast. It is best to have three meals a day and two snacks in between. Eating more may sound unhealthy, but eating smaller portions more often is actually healthier. Increases metabolism and burns more fat. Also, it reduces the tendency to eat out at night.

2. Be sure to include some carbohydrates in healthy meal plans. Although most people think of carbohydrates as bad, your body needs some of them to function properly. It needs some energy to function, and carbohydrates are the source of that energy. You can select whole wheat options like bagels, waffles, or toast. Also, if you have growing children, be sure to include calcium in their breakfast. It’s good for women too. Have a small glass of skim milk or a cup of yogurt. Include eggs at breakfast as they are an excellent source of protein.

3. For the first snack, choose something light and small. But it must be satisfying to keep your family full until lunch. You can eat nuts for energy, but try to avoid fattening ones (like cashews). You can choose almonds and walnuts instead. Also, low sugar flavored water would be a nice addition. Then, for lunch, include a high-protein diet, such as tofu patties, vegetables, and fruit. You can also eat grated cheese along with spinach leaves and a slice of tomato.

4. For the second snack of the day, include a couple of fruits. You can also give them a few slices of cheddar cheese. And if they have a craving for salt, pack some mini pretzels. Plan dinner to be light as they go to sleep afterward. You can eat some fruit, salad and a light protein dish. There should be at least an hour gap between eating and sleeping. In this way, your body will digest the food easily and you will be able to sleep better.

When making healthy meal plans, be sure to prepare enough servings for each food group. Rotate your menus so your family doesn’t complain about a lack of variety.

Legal Law

High School Dropout for Harvard Scholarship – Harvard is not out of reach for those who are willing to reach

When I met the woman I married, she was a single mother of four who had dropped out of high school. She realized that the only way out for her was to get an education. She was willing to pay attention, follow directions, and do whatever it took, and now she’s a Harvard student with a 4.0 GPA. This is her story.

I’ll spare you the story and pick up where she decided to do something with her education.

He worked for the K-12 private school system he owned in the Dallas area, interacting daily with students advancing to top colleges, scholarships, and increased opportunities. One day she came up to me and said, “I want to go to college like your other students.” She had been out of school for over 20 years. She had him contact the last high school she attended and get a transcript.

According to his transcript, he needed about three semesters of work to finish high school. At my school, we train students in accelerated learning using Howard Berg’s speed reading and a package of reading, studying, assessing, and writing strategies that help them do their work better, faster, and easier. She had seen 13- and 14-year-olds graduate from high school and met many of our students who finished college at 18 and 19, and she believed she could do the same.

She had taken all the training and actually taught speed reading, so she was already equipped to move quickly. I packed up the courses she needed to finish and finished her last exam six weeks later. Yes, you read that right, six weeks! Three semesters of high school in six weeks!

Because she was a single mom, she qualified for a whole range of college funds and enrolled in the local community college that fall, fully funded, meaning she had grants to cover everything, including some living expenses, and no loans, nothing. that I had to pay. back.

He passed his freshman year of college with a 4.0.

Near the end of his freshman year, he got a job elsewhere, earning more money, but it didn’t give him time to continue college. At about the same time, things in my life changed. I was divorced, my schools closed as a result, and I was trying to rebuild my school business after the divorce. We stayed in touch and reconnected a few years later. When we spoke, she still had ambitions to finish college.

I got my school back and we got married soon after. She was still working and kept expressing her desire to finish college. We moved to another city and I was well enough in my school business that she didn’t have to work, so she started back at college full-time the next fall.

It took him two years to complete his Associates. In those two years, he earned two full scholarships and maintained a 4.0 GPA. He graduated Summa Cum Laude, with highest honors, and was a member of Phi Theta Kappa, the junior college’s honor society.

We discuss where to go next. He was offered scholarships to many of the local colleges, but one day he looked at me and said, “The great Dr. Beasley should be able to get me into an Ivy League school.”

Comes to mind… Ivy League: Hard to get in, hard to stay, and they don’t accept transfer students. So the challenge was on. I’m pretty good at this stuff because it’s my area of ​​expertise, but I’ve never had a challenge like this: transferring to an Ivy from a community college.

Well, I found an opportunity at Harvard in their Extension School. We apply and fly to Boston for the interview. As she was going through her folder, the lady who interviewed her saw her Phi Theta Kappa certificate and pretty much ended the interview, saying that my wife was qualified for a scholarship and that she should apply. I soon realized that Phi Theta Kappa was pulling a lot of weight.

He applied for and received the scholarship, finishing his freshman year at Harvard with all A’s. Don’t let anyone fool you, Harvard courses are tough and she put in 40-60 hours a week on her courses. She was willing to pay attention, follow directions and get the job done, and she has paid off.

He continues to take courses and hopes to graduate in two more years, taking a little longer because the courses are difficult. Her title will say Harvard University. I told him there won’t be an asterisk at the bottom that says “Community College Transfer.” A Harvard degree is a Harvard degree. No one will be able to take that away from her… and no one will be able to look down on her for her past.

I am very proud of my wife. I share this with you to tell you that it is never too late to get a college degree and that there are many hidden opportunities for those who are willing to do whatever it takes. Even a Harvard degree isn’t out of reach for a high school dropout if he’s willing to pursue it.

Lifestyle Fashion

Key Factors Affecting Dining Room Furniture Arrangement

How you decide to arrange your dining room furniture may depend on the purpose of the piece and the desired theme of the room you want to portray. This can be explained a bit more.

Placement factors

The way you arrange the furniture in your dining room depends on the following aspects:

  • The size, shape and style of the piece, as well as the general layout of the room where it will be placed, are two key factors. This affects the overall result of the exact layout of the room.
  • The topic you have in mind also matters. You will not only decide which table you choose, but also which chairs you select. For example, many people who want to portray a more elegant setting will select a long glass dining table and high-back leather chairs.
  • Availability, of course, is one aspect that can affect the overall arrangement of dining room furniture. However, you may be able to find items that you can special order ahead of time.
  • The materials used to make the items can also be an influence. On the other hand, today most materials are appropriate for interior or exterior use. Wicker is even used indoors quite often.
  • Safety is also another very important issue related to selecting the right dining room furniture. This is especially important when choosing glass models because you want to find glass grades thick enough that they won’t break.
  • Price, of course, is a consideration. However, it is quite possible to find select models of dining room furniture at very reasonable prices. Popular replica models of equal quality are a wise choice today.
  • Current fashion trends may also influence your final decision. Either way, try to find pieces that you know will never go out of style. Also, in the end it is you who should be happy with the choices you have made.

shopping tips

You may want to shop around for a short time before making a purchase. However, no matter how much money you have to spend, you’ll be surprised what you can find. This should give you hope that you can afford to redecorate.

Before you select your dining room furniture set, be sure to measure the space in which you intend to place each item. This will ensure that you select the furniture and accessories that will fit, and also that you will choose the right combination of pieces.


10 wacky reasons to get a pet

Having been a dog owner for most of my life, I would advise any potential owner that dog ownership has its ups and downs.

Still, downsides (for example, too much barking or excessive pooping) aren’t enough to tell.

Here are some plausible, if slightly wacky, reasons to get a dog.

1. A pet is a treat for the eyes.

For starters, dogs are a feast for the eyes. His absolute cuteness just makes you go “aww”.

Cloudy, my little West Highland girl, made me laugh this morning when she climbed into my closet and insisted it was her lair.

The whimsical ways of a dog simply attract you.

2. It keeps you calm.

In addition to its cute appearance, a dog keeps you calm. Looking at it only soothes frayed nerves.

Petting a dog releases endorphins and lifts poor spirits. It also relieves stress.

3. A pet makes a good pillow.

Also, as long as you don’t crush it with your head, a pet makes a great pillow.

Still, it’s comfortable to at least snuggle up next to him.

4. It’s fun.

Aside from pillows, pets are fun, wonderful playmates and companions.

Would a human catch a ball with their teeth?

5. It may help you.

And then pets can help you too. Contrary to popular belief, they make a living.

Use them as doorbells, security guards or pest exterminators.

6. It keeps you safe.

Speaking of being guards, dogs are excellent. A dog is a protective creature and will defend you when necessary. He keeps you safe.

7. A pet is good entertainment.

A dog is also wonderful entertainment. He is an animated creature full of hilarious antics.

My terrier, Cloudy, enjoys competing with my Schnauzer, Misty, to see if he can finish first in a race. I say “bye bye” and Cloudy gets anxious to get past Misty.

He also enjoys picking up strange objects and offering them to me.

8. Helps you make friends.

Like all other pets, dogs help the completely introverted to make some friends. There is no better place to find some than a dog park or even a veterinary clinic with a medical environment.

9. He is not fussy.

To add, dogs are not as picky as humans. Two dogs can fight one day and be great friends the next.

10. He doesn’t ask for much.

They definitely don’t ask for much. Aside from a little grooming or some obedience classes, you don’t have to take it to ballet sessions or choir camp.

Unless your dog is Misty, who howls when she hears the piano.

If you haven’t decided to get a dog, what’s stopping you?

Real Estate

segmented depreciation

I love segmented depreciation. To understand its value and beauty, let’s take a look at what depreciation is.

In accounting, you can write off a certain amount of depreciation as a cost or loss. You see, the IRS considers your assets to be “worn out” and become less valuable over time. For example, if you own a trucking business, you may depreciate your trucks because they wear out and become less valuable. It may be a non-cash expense year after year, but someday you’ll have to replace those trucks.

As we look at our rental property tax deductions, segmented depreciation, or cost segregation as some accountants call it, can work greatly in our favor. You see, the beauty of depreciation when it comes to investing in real estate is that our properties are most likely going up in value.

For years, real estate investors put their properties on a straight-line depreciation schedule of 27.5. But in reality, you may have some assets attached to that property that won’t last anywhere near 27.5 years. Instead, you can depreciate them sooner, like 5 or 15 years.

Here is an example:

You have a duplex valued at $250,000. You could put it on a 27.5-year depreciation schedule, or you could segregate your shorter-lived assets.

If you choose to segregate and do segmented depreciation, you could depreciate $190,000 over 27.5 years, $40,000 over 5 years, and $20,000 over 15 years (for example).

5-year assets are usually things like carpets, appliances, draperies, etc.

15-year assets are things like fences, driveways, patios, etc.

Which method is better segmented or straight line? We’ll see.

If you choose to depreciate the $250,000 over 27.5 years, you will have an annual depreciation of $9,091.

If you choose segmented depreciation, your annual depreciation would be $16,242!

You may have noticed that the $40,000 in 5-year assets will phase out after 5 years and the $20,000 in 15-year assets will phase out over 15 years.

Yes, that’s true, but the reality is that you’ll be replacing those assets anyway, which starts the cycle all over again. You will most likely have to replace the carpets after 5 years in a rental.

So, in most situations, segmented depreciation is well worth doing.

Shopping Product Reviews

Samsung UN40C7000 Review

Pros: Super slim and great looking at its 1.2″ depth with 1″ bezel. Has new rotating quad mount. Its black and deeply good levels range from average to contrast. It contains excellent color saturation and comes with the optional 240/120HZ feature for sports programs. Connectivity options are built into this slim TV including Ethernet and 3D capability for future programming.

Cons: Expensive price for the average consumer, exclusive WiFi Internet TV network. The impregnation on the color screen occurs with a volume that tends to weaken. Unattractive displays of colors, especially blue in the long term.

Description: The Samsung UN40C7000 looks great and appealing to any buyer, but it also comes at a hefty price tag that leaves average consumers only aspiring to own this type of TV. Its features have a slight difference from its predecessors, but there are improvements that can be felt if you have tried previous Samsung models and compare each one. Equipped with Samsung’s advanced and cutting-edge technology, you’ll truly get an immersive viewing experience with 3D at its finest.


– Slim design. With LED Edge Lighting TV, Samsung’s LED cabinets are slimmer and more elegant than ever. When placed on the wall, the overall depth of the assembly and mounting kit is less than two inches for a sleeker, more modern look that is sure to complement any angle.

– 3D enabled. The most popular creation of the year, Samsung’s 3D TV works with 3D-enabled content and features the automatic conversion system that will display 2D content in a more enjoyable 3D viewing.

– Internet access. 3D TVs aren’t just meant for watching shows. You can access the Internet directly where you can see the latest news, weather broadcast and scores updates from your favorite sports program and view social networking sites to interact. Now you can watch movies and video content on YouTube and view images on Flickr, all at the touch of a button. Get no breaks from programs and views on content with scales using the sidebar.

– USB 2.0 film. It allows you to play videos, display photos and listen to music on your TV with the USB 2.0 movie function. Simply connect your digital cameras, MP3 players and USB sticks directly to the HDTV for convenient access to the content you want to watch or listen to.

– Environmentally friendly. This Samsung LED TV consumes 40% less energy compared to similar sized LCD screens which will lower your bills. It is environmentally friendly with its mercury-free construction.

Content Library. It allows you to download movies, games and spend more hours of fun with built-in features and content you can do.


2008 New York Giants

The New York Giants’ 2007 season was their 83rd season overall. His 84th season still makes the Giants a strong contender; as they have bettered their previous records and finished last season 10-6, ultimately winning the Super Bowl Championship against the New England Patriots. They also had some impressive wins last season, defeating the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the winning-streak Dallas Cowboys and the Green Bay Packers. The team became the ninth wild card team in NFL history to reach the Super Bowl and the fifth wild card team to win the Super Bowl.

In 2008, the team will try to defend its Super Bowl title and improve on its personal best of 11 straight wins. What should you watch out for as the Giants head into their new season? There have been some losses that should be taken into account. Linebacker Kawika Mitchell left to join the Buffalo Bills, while safety Gibril Wilson joined the Oakland Raiders, along with defensive tackle William Joseph. Even linebacker Reggie Torbor went to the Miami Dolphins.

However, the team has good news in signings and re-signings. Defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo stayed loyal to New York over Washington and signed a lucrative $6 million contract to remain the team’s defensive mastermind. Other re-signs included punter Jeff Feagles, kicker Lawrence Tynes and running back Derrick Ward. How about new talent? The New York Giants managed to snatch Pro Bowl safety Sammy Knight, as well as former Carolina Panthers quarterback David Carr and linebacker Danny Clark from the Jacksonville Jaguars.

More exciting news came from the NFL draft, as the team scored six college standouts. Kenny Phillips was hired for a security position from the University of Miami, while Terrell Thomas from the University of Southern California agreed to be a cornerback. Wide receiver Mario Manningham heard good things from the University of Michigan, while Bryan Kehl and Jonathan Goff were signed at linebacker, from Brigham Young University and Vanderbilt University, respectively. Other draft picks included Andre’ Woodson from the University of Kentucky at quarterback and defensive end Robert Henderson from the University of Southern Mississippi.

The return of the Super Bowl Champion New York Giants will occur on August 7, 2008 at Ford Field, against the Detroit Lions in the first preseason game and then on September 4, 2008 at Giants Stadium, when the team kicks off the season. . against the Washington Redskins. How do you see the future of the New York Giants? Will they repeat this year?

Fans and pundits remain divided on the team’s chances, suggesting last year’s victory was unexpected. They are currently listed as #4 or #5 by some game odds, behind the Colts, Cowboys and Patriots. Don’t count the Giants out just yet, though, as they have multiple conference wins and Super Bowl wins on their overall record and, as history says, they were still the best team of 2007. It might as well take a David to massacre these New York Giants in 2008.


Vacationing in Kingston, Jamaica? Three Really Cool Places To Visit – A Yardie’s Inside Scoop

Kingston is the capital city of the island nation of Jamaica, the largest of the Windward Island chain in the Caribbean Sea. The bustling metropolis is located in the southeastern section of the island and has a population of 750,000. Tourism is Jamaica’s main industry and source of income, and while most of the island’s visitors are concentrated on the white sand beaches of Montego Bay, Ocho Rios and Negril on the island’s north coast, Kingston can provide a wonderfully wide and unique variety of activities and attractions for vacationers.

Here are three really great things to do when visiting Kingston-town:

1. Buy gallon bottles of fresh coconut water and coconut cakes and candies at the Board of the Coconut Industry store on Waterloo Avenue. They have a soda fountain from the sweet, clear, refreshing, potassium-rich content of the coconut and serve a variety of container sizes. You can even bring your own container. While you’re there, you must visit the Junta museum located just behind the store, which has some really interesting exhibits on the coconut.

2. Eat fish fry and festival (an elongated cornmeal and flour-based fried dumpling) at Jollies restaurant in Port Henderson or Glorias in Port Royal. To do this right on the beach, visit Hellshire Beach, where vendors cook fresh seafood to order in large skillets over charcoal stoves. Our favorite ‘fish and feast’ creators in Hellshire are “Aunty” and “Prendy”. On Sundays there is DJ music.

3. Shop for grocery items at Superplus Supermarket in New Kingston or Megamart on Upper Waterloo Road. The best places to buy items like 100% Blue Mountain Coffee, rum, spices and condiments at “non-tourist” prices.

Just a few of the many things you can do when you want to get a real taste of Kingston. Enjoy!

Tours Travel

Tips for Choosing Gorilla Safaris in Uganda

Uganda, often referred to as “the Pearl of Africa”, is a small country by African standards, yet it is a vibrant destination where you will find warm and hospitable people, outstanding natural beauty and the largest variety of primates in the world, including the mighty gorilla.

Uganda is home to more than thirteen national parks and wildlife reserves and therefore the safari options here are numerous. To help you, here are some tips for choosing gorilla safaris in Uganda.

  • The best time to go on a gorilla safari is outside of the rainy season, which is March to April and October to November.
  • Make sure you book Uganda gorilla safaris well in advance as the required permits you will need are very restricted.
  • One of the best ways to choose a gorilla safari is through personal recommendations and word of mouth. Check blogs etc. to find the most recommended operators.
  • Cost is an important factor when choosing a safari. If you have a higher budget, why not opt ​​for one that includes other activities such as an overland expedition through several countries, visits to numerous national parks, city tours in places like Kampala (the capital of Uganda) and even chimpanzee safaris. .
  • You can also choose a safari based on the accommodation you want to stay at. Although on some holidays you can stay in hotels and hostels, there is nothing better than camping for the best African experience and the opportunity to get closer to nature.
  • Ultimately, your choice of gorilla safaris in Uganda can also come down to how long you want to go. With tours ranging from 7-day gorilla safaris to 112-day overland trips that include a gorilla safari, you’re guaranteed to find one that suits your needs.
Arts Entertainments

How to prevent your wife from leaving? Here are the tips that will do the repair work for you quickly

When your marriage is in trouble and your wife is ready to pack up and leave you forever, it must be a traumatic experience for you, especially if you still love her and want a second chance.

Don’t give up without trying. Now is the time to take immediate action and learn how to prevent his wife from leaving. As the situation is delicate, it is essential to be very careful with how you act and what you speak in your efforts to make her stay.

Make an effort to discover all the reasons behind his anger. – Although the final break may result from the last remembered fight, it is usually not the only reason. The resentment and anger built up over a period of time leads to the breakup and it is in your best interest to find out all the reasons and try to eliminate them before she leaves you.

Stop desperately resisting – Your wife may be harboring a lot of resentment and if you stop her from leaving with a desperate please, she may act more determined. She just allows the circumstances to flow naturally and she tries to buy him time while she tries to identify the root cause of the problem and eliminate it.

Make an effort to understand their side of the story. – It is in your best interest to stop being stubborn and make a sincere effort to understand the situation from their perspective. If you find that she has misunderstood your actions, you can try to clarify your position and clear the air.

Give respect at all times – No matter how frustrated you are with your wife’s behavior and stubbornness, never disrespect her as this will definitely widen the gap in your relationship.

Never anticipate actions and reactions. – Be sure to always approach any discussion with your wife with an open mind. An open mind is the best means that can analyze clearly and guarantee the best solutions.

Involve mutual friends you can trust – Choose friends who are close to your wife and whom she trusts with all her heart to mediate between the two of you. However, you need to make sure that the friends you choose are unbiased and have your best interests at heart.

Marriage Counseling Can Help – Do everything you can to convince your wife to go with you to a marriage counselor. Choose a reputable counselor who is good at her job and gives you a good chance for the survival of her marriage.