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Harry Potter – Chamber of Secrets – Printable Trivia Questions and Answers – Round Two

After a long wait, the long-awaited sixth book in the Harry Potter series is finally coming into the movie. The Half Blood Prince will make its screen debut in July 2009.

It seems like a long time ago that the second book in the series hit theaters. Actually, it was released in 2002. How much do you remember from the second movie / book? Can you remember who the house elf was? Or what was the name of Hogwart’s history teacher? Try these questions and see exactly how much you remember.

Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor House, is terribly upset that he has been denied entry to a certain ghost club. What club is it?

A: The headless hunt. According to the club rules, he cannot join because he is not completely beheaded. He couldn’t play polo or juggle his head.

What does Lucius Malfoy accidentally give Dobby that sets him free?

A: Harry’s sock. A house elf is freed if a master gives him clothes. Harry tricks Lucuis into throwing one of his socks at him and Dobby catches him.

When Harry is fighting the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, Fawkes brings him the school sorting hat. What does Harry get out of the sorting hat?

A: a sword. It was Godric Gryffindor’s sword.

For years, people have been trying to find the entrance to the secret chamber that is hidden somewhere in Hogwarts school. Where is the entrance to the chamber of secrets?

A: It is in the bathroom that he is obsessed with moaning Myrtle.

What kind of animal does Albus Dumbledor have as a pet?

A: A phoenix. It is a magical bird named Fawkes.

What kind of monster was in the chamber of secrets? Are they born from a chicken egg, are they born under a toad?

A: In basilisk. They are feared by spiders and have a deadly gaze.

On Christmas morning, Hedwig flies into Harry’s room with a gift from the Dursleys. What is it?

A: a toothpick. They also include a note asking if Harry can stay at the school for the summer break.

Who is the only teacher at Hogwarts who is a ghost?

A: Professor Binns. Teach history.

In the wizarding world, owls deliver the mail. Harry’s owl is a snowy owl named Hedwig. What is the name of the owl of the Weasley family?

A: Errol. He is very old and has trouble with his landings.

Nearly Headless Nick invites Hermione, Ron and Harry to attend the celebration of the 500th day of his death. This is a celebration of the day he died. What day of the year does it take place?

A: October 31. Instead of going to the Halloween party, the three of them go to the dungeons to celebrate with Nick and his ghost friends.

Hagrid has several different pets throughout the Harry Potter series. Probably the most normal of all your animals is your big cowardly dog. What is your dog’s name?

A fang. Hagrid asks Harry and Ron to take care of his duff while he is in Azkaban.

What is the name of Ron Weasley’s favorite Quidditch team?

A: The Chudley Cannons. Its colors are orange and black.

Harry Potter plays the seeker for the Gryffindor house team. Who is the Slytherin team seeker?

A: Draco Malfoy. He gets the job because his father buys new brooms for the whole team.

Ron, Harry, and Professor Lockhart enter the Chamber of Secrets together. While they are in the pipes, Lockhart tries to erase the memories of Ron and Harry. What is the magic word you use?

To forget. Unfortunately for the professor, he uses Ron’s wand which is broken and the spell fails.

Hermione, Ron and Harry drink polyjuice potions. Harry and Ron transform into Crabbe and Goyle. Who is Hermione supposed to become?

A: Millicent Bulstrode. The plan was for Hermione to switch to Millicent, but by mistake, Hermione uses a cat hair in the potion.

Harry and Ron are arrested for arriving at Hogwarts in the flying car. Harry has to spend detention with Professor Lockhart helping him with his fan mail. What does Ron have to do?

A: Ron has to help Filch polish the trophies in the trophy case without using magic.

None of the students are killed by the monster in the chamber of secrets, instead they are petrified. Hermione is protected by the mirror, Mrs. Norris was protected by the water. What kept Colin Creevey safe?

A: He saw the monster through his camera. The monster’s gaze melted the inside of the camera and the film.

Lifestyle Fashion

How to madly wake a woman and make her sick in bed! You can’t afford to lose this!

If you can’t turn a woman on, then you seriously fail in life! But don’t worry, because I’m about to show you exactly what you need to do to create sex magic in your bedroom! You see, turning a woman on is extremely crucial, because if you can’t, you run the risk of not getting it, and also of not being able to make her orgasm! Obviously, you don’t want to be that loser, which is exactly why the following tips are designed for you, and don’t worry … it may be your little secret! Here’s how to turn a woman on …

Mood – Forget all the romantic shit, you don’t need to be ROMEO to turn her on, you just need to be able to create a mood. In fact, here’s a dirty little secret most women don’t want you to know: when she’s emotional, you can BET she’s horny and aroused! You see, women attribute an emotional aspect to their sexual experience and, unlike men, they become more emotionally aroused than visually.

This means that all you have to do to start turning her on is to appeal to her emotions, first by creating a mood. How do you create a mood? Well it’s actually quite easy, you can ask her what her sexual fantasies are, what her goals are, what her dreams are. Then she will feel comfortable with you, because you are engaging her in something, but you are also directing her towards sexual arousal.

The emotions – So what emotions do women mostly have? Well, for the most part, there are 4 emotions that you can choose to appeal to to mentally stimulate her … anger, sadness, happiness, and surprise. Now you wonder what the hell is wrong with me, because the first two sound bad, but let me explain why they can also turn on a woman. You see, you can tease her a little and piss her off a little, and she will start to get turned on. You can also surprise her with a romantic dinner, and then she will definitely feel the mood. You can also create a little discussion, make her sad and then “reconcile” with her by kissing!

You see it’s that simpleBecause once you’ve tuned in to her emotions, you’ve pretty much tuned in to the whole trick for turning a woman on. Driving a woman emotionally into arousal will give you health benefits that most men fail to experience, because once you do, she won’t be able to resist you. Also, once you tap into your emotional side through mental stimulation, it will be extremely easy to achieve an orgasm, because now you will focus on the sexual aspect almost completely.


The responsibilities of keeping hedgehogs as pets

If you are familiar with what hedgehogs look like, you will agree that their unique cuteness alone may make you want to have one. Keeping hedgehogs as pets can be a great experience. They are wonderful and very entertaining creatures. Adopting them is best when they are 6 to 8 weeks old and have already been weaned. When choosing, look for people with bright, clear eyes, a well-rounded body that shows great energy and alertness.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures, which means that they are awake most of the time at night. They spend the day sleeping. If handled correctly and when their spikes are not raised, they are very cuddly and friendly. The quills are a defense mechanism that goes up when they feel threatened. But they are known to have a good temperament. Most house hedgehogs live in cages or aquariums, but with supervision, you can occasionally set them free and run around the house after they have been trained to litter. Hedgehog litter training is surprisingly easy.

If you plan to adopt one, you need to be prepared for the responsibilities that come with caring for it. It may be good to note that if you are allergic to cats, the hedgehog may not be for you. Typical care for a small pet takes time and effort. You will have to clean the pet’s cage, feed it, and spend time bonding with it. You will need to provide their necessities regularly, such as food, a cage, a litter box, and more. It is basically the same as keeping hedgehogs as pets. They like human affection. They are also wonderful swimmers. Give them a shallow pool and they will enjoy swimming in it. They go crazy for hiding their heads, a playtime they enjoy so much. You can give them toilet paper tubes for this. The exercise wheel is something they like too, so put one in a cage for your pet to enjoy.

To help them not get bored with the food you feed them, treat your hedgehogs to their favorite bananas every now and then, like twice a week. It can also serve critters as they are generally insectivores. They feed on snails and worms and insects found in gardens. However, don’t leave them loose in your garden if you use insecticides on your plants. Insecticides for plants can seriously damage them. It is best to be careful buying pet store food made specifically for hedgehogs. These cute balls of fun are prone to parasites. Milk and other forms of dairy products should never be part of their diet because they cannot tolerate them.

For those who want to keep hedgehogs as pets, they should know that to help the animal enjoy playtime, additional space must be provided in the cage. Place partitions inside to make room for sleeping time or nesting needs and some areas for activity time. If you plan to have more than one hedgehog, be sure to provide separate rooms. They like their own space as they are very territorial in nature. An extra limb in their marked area could result in fights that could harm them. You should get one as young as possible and then slowly introduce him to the new partner without stress.

Being calm animals, these creatures make ideal pets for people who live in apartments. Since they are small, all you have to provide is a roomy enough cage as they move around a lot. They make a snorting sound when they breathe and occasionally grunt or screech when scared or upset. Other than that, they are calm and peaceful. If you are the laid-back type and like the company of a pet, then adopting a hedgehog or two as pets may be ideal for you.

Real Estate

The wonders of the mash toilet

The common toilet is one of the most important essentials in any home. However, from the day it was invented, it is also one of the major inventions that have not seen much innovation. However, we are proud to introduce you to the latest common toilet innovation – the 21st century toilet, the macerating toilet.

You may have experienced the day when your toilet doesn’t seem to flush what is necessary. No matter how much water you throw at it, those unidentified floating objects seem to just float there like forever. You may have tried using the plunger in hopes of flushing it out successfully, but to no avail.

Also, there are times when the water seems to drain much slower due to the solid blockage giving you the scare of a possible flood. Worse still is this super gross odor that comes out every time you try to rinse it off. This annoying and irritating odor seems to float throughout the house causing some embarrassment when the odor sticks to places where it shouldn’t be.

The mash toilet is the answer to those annoying episodes of backlogging in the toilet. At first, it looks like the common toilet that we see in all bathrooms. However, it has this innovation that makes the waste is reduced in a smaller way facilitating the discharge to the sewer system.

You have this grinding box attached behind the toilet that dissects the waste and liquefies it. Since the waste is in a liquefied form, the toilet does not clog and does not accumulate buildup. The macerated waste is directed directly to a pump that empties the waste into a soil pile or septic tank. Because the waste is already liquefied, less water is needed for rinsing. This means that you also save a lot on your water bills.

The mash toilet is indeed the answer to your annoying toilet clogging problems. It’s easy to install, you don’t need a contractor to dig a hole or break the wall. It can be installed anywhere in the house without the need for difficult masonry work and without having a sewer pipe nearby. Although it may be more expensive than the regular toilet, the added cost certainly saves you the hassle of struggling with a clogged toilet and the pain of overpriced water bills.

Shopping Product Reviews

Xbox One Controller Preview

With the new systems come new drivers.

We were first surprised by Nintendo’s introduction of the Wiimote. Stunned by Sony’s Eyetoy and played some really competitive matches in Kinect Sports. What the main players want is just your standard controller though. We don’t need motion controls to play; we demand that we have something in hand with thumb levers and triggers. There are no Major League Gaming tournaments for Wii Sports, Right?

Now that I’m at E3 I had to get my hands on a next generation console controller. The first one I got to play with is the Xbox One. Microsoft hasn’t had a perfect track record with controllers – does anyone remember the Duke controller from the original Xbox? Fortunately, this controller is more Xbox 360 than Duke. The first thing you’ll notice is that it looks a bit bigger than a 360 controller. It’s just an illusion; if anything, it felt more comfortable and comfortable in my hands than the previous one.

In my opinion, the most important thing they needed to improve was the D-Pad. The directional keyboard on the Xbox 360 was unresponsive, clunky, and a mess. On the Xbox One version, it’s sleek (in a good way), fast, and makes a delicious click when you apply pressure to the pad. I’m curious to see how well a fighting game will play with this new controller.

Obligations and aura they are the most popular Xbox games; They are both shooters and you have to constantly use both analog sticks. So was there a way to improve on the 360’s already great analog sticks? It sure feels like they do. The analog sticks felt light but sturdy and seemed quite accurate. Dare I say that console gaming is getting close to the precise feel of a mouse on a computer?

Another problem I had with the Xbox 360 controller is the Xbox Guide button. It is located in the upper middle of the controller and you can accidentally hit it. Microsoft decided to make it flat (and therefore harder to press unintentionally) and place it on top of the controller. This was a smart location for the button and I don’t see many people pressing it in the middle of the game.

Along with the various other updates made from the Xbox 360 controller, the triggers also received some love, with a rumble added to each. This sounds absurd, but once you try it out for yourself, you’ll start to wonder why we didn’t have this before. When i was playing Forza 5The power was sliding around a tight corner and you could feel the screeching of the tires on the pavement through the rumble of the trigger. It was subtle and added to the feeling of immersion.

I only have complaints about a couple of things, mostly the left and right bumpers. It seems they made them a little bit bigger and while they were playing Crimson dragon They didn’t exactly feel right when I tried to get out of the way of the projectiles. This could also be a problem with the game, but the buttons themselves were fine. This is not a major problem and I am sure it will take some getting used to.

Overall, I’m very impressed with the way Microsoft updated the Xbox 360 controller to this sexier new model for Xbox One. I really liked the Xbox 360 gamepad and it was true that I was nervous that they might change it. . Microsoft put my fears to rest and I’m happy to say that this is one of the best-feeling drivers of all time.