Legal Law

Six Signs You Have a Good Lawyer!

There are thousands of attorneys in California who appear to have similar education, bachelor’s degrees, and specializations, yet the experience that different clients have with their attorneys are very different from each other.

So how do you know that your attorney is the one to provide you with quality legal representation?

1. Your attorney is not overly confident in the outcome of your case. No matter how experienced and experienced the attorney is, you cannot and should never be sure of the outcome of your case. There are so many facts and circumstances that can come into play as the case unfolds and the nature of our legal system is such that there is simply no way of knowing for sure whether you will win or lose and if you win, exactly how much the other side will recover. .

A responsible legal professional will assure you that they will do their best to represent you as aggressively as possible, but will not make any promises as to exactly how much you will recover and how long the process will take.

2. A good lawyer should not act like an aggressive salesperson. You should not put papers under your hand for your signature telling you that “you are fine and you have nothing to worry about.” Instead, you should explain in simple and understandable terms what you are signing, why it is necessary, and what are the consequences of executing that document. For example, a good attorney will go over your service contract with him, paragraph by paragraph, making sure you understand the scope and limitations of the legal services to be provided to you.

A good attorney will also inform you that you can terminate your contract at any time and seek an alternative attorney and hire a different attorney of your choice at any time.

A good attorney is patient with his clients and makes sure that you have a general understanding of the process and do not make you feel uncomfortable or like you are wasting your time.

3. A good attorney is able to keep in touch with you in a way that makes you feel that your case is receiving the attention it requires. An attorney has a duty to communicate with his client on a constant basis. One of the most common complaints clients report to the California State Bar is that the attorney does not communicate with or return their clients’ phone calls, emails, and letters. Being ignored is a frustrating experience in any setting – professional, social, and especially when it comes to dealing with an attorney. The litigation process is stressful enough and raises many questions or concerns from a client as the case develops that must be addressed promptly. A good attorney is not “too busy” to return your calls and keeps you informed of developments in your case.

4. A good attorney will advise you not only how to process your case, but also whether or not it is worth your time, money, energy, and emotions to pursue it. Every fight isn’t worth fighting for, and sometimes it’s a better idea to walk away for your own benefit, even if the other side runs away and isn’t responsible. An honest attorney will not force you to fight a case just to charge you an hourly rate. He truly works in the best interest of his clients, not only defending their legal rights, but also advising them whether or not it is wise to pursue a case entirely.

5. A good attorney is not too busy to handle your case. A competent attorney will not accept more work than they can do in a quality manner. A good lawyer will not sacrifice the quality of his services for high volume of business because he realizes that your reputation and concern for the cases of his existing clients is his priority.

6. Lastly, your attorney does not present himself as a “typical” attorney. A great lawyer challenges the stereotypes commonly associated with the legal profession: arrogance, greed and flamboyance, and substance abuse. He is friendly, personable and charismatic and you really enjoy working with him / her.

Lifestyle Fashion

Benefits of using straightening hairbrushes

There are numerous ways to keep your hair healthy and shiny. On the one hand, people can choose the right haircut that can complement their facial shape. Apart from that, you can also go for the right hair color to match your complexion. And you can go for the right hairstyle to enhance your appearance. However, there are other factors that are essential to ensure that hair is beautiful.

For women, keeping hair silky and straight is a must. Of course, by having silky hair, they can enhance their appearance and attractiveness. Also, having straight hair can boost your confidence. There are numerous options that can help straighten hair, such as shampoos and other hair products, as well as devices such as straightening irons. One of the most popular hair straightening devices today is a hair straightening brush. By using hairbrushes, people, especially women, can get the following benefits.

Temperature customization

One of the best benefits of using straightening brushes is that you can customize their temperature, ranging from 170 to 230 degrees. By using irons, you have better temperature options. Unfortunately, people make mistakes when adjusting their temperature. As a result, people can damage their hair. By using straightening brushes, you have the right temperature options that can match your hair’s needs.

Anti-burn technology

The next benefit that people can get from using such a brush is its anti-burn technology. Using too much heat can damage and burn your hair. It makes the event worse if you use it daily. Fortunately, brush straighteners have unheated bristles to keep the powerful ceramic heating plate away from your skin and scalp.

Anionic antistatic technology

The hairbrush irons also feature Anion antistatic technology. With this technology, you can say goodbye to frizz and be amazed at how quickly the styler can straighten thick, frizzy hair.

The easiest way to straighten your hair

When using hair straightening products, you should take the time to ensure that you apply the product correctly. Apart from that, you should also prepare your hair by drying it properly. With the use of hairbrush straighteners, you can style your hair in just minutes.

Complimentary adapters

Lastly, you can also enjoy hairbrush irons wherever you are as the suppliers provide free adapters. With this, you can be sure that you can straighten your hair anywhere. Click here to obtain more information.


5 reasons to choose a gold Doodle and 5 reasons not to

Three years ago, my children and I were adjusting to life without their father. They needed someone or something to hug and so did I. So on Labor Day 2007, I loaded the kids into the car, remembered to bring some towels, and headed to Amish country, where puppy prices were in line with what I could get. to pay.

My daughter chose a white one, nestled under the cage. He had named it Labor (in honor of the day) before seeing his new puppy. Labor is still a lovable bug.

My son chose brown, the color of the waffles. She was running like crazy, that’s why it’s hard for me to think of her as a girl. Waffles have always been more active than Labor, perhaps that is why they weigh 20 pounds less.

The towels were helpful – they both got dizzy on the way home. We stopped at the local dog wash and cleaned them up before he let them into my house.

Three years later, do I regret my decision? It’s up to you.

5 reasons to choose a golden Doodle

1. They love to hug. Whether it’s on the floor, the sofa, the bed, or even the bathtub, doodles love to cuddle. My son wanted a lap dog, well, we have one, actually two. Waffles insist on being loved with both hands. She can never get enough.

2. They are friendly with everyone. My dogs have never met a person they didn’t like, nor another canine for that matter. That makes guard dogs poor, but I suppose they could lick an intruder to death. They are all friends, although Labor is wary of grills.

3. They always forgive. Unlike people, gold doodles don’t hold a grudge. They are always happy to see me and live one moment at a time. I wish I could be more like them.

4. They rarely bark. Since my son wanted a lap dog, we almost got a thief. Boy, are we glad we didn’t. Every now and then Labor announces that someone has arrived, but many days go by when I don’t hear a single bark.

5. They are great swimmers. Since both poodles and retrievers enjoy water, it makes sense that gold doodles do too. Although both of my dogs love to wade in a pool or pond, Waffles is a champion swimmer. If I were a hunter, she would be a great bird dog. Instead, I throw a small raft into the underground pool and she dives right behind it, quickly returning to the steps at the shallow end. I never thought that dogs could swim so fast. Maybe it’s your webbed fingers.

5 reasons not to choose a golden Doodle

1. They spilled – a lot. One reason I settled on the gold doodles was because they don’t come off, supposedly. False advertising, I would say. Most of the time I am covered in dog hair. There were a few months towards the middle of winter when the shedding stopped, but I have no faith that it will happen again. It may depend on paternity, but don’t count on a dog that won’t molt.

2. They eat a lot. A 20 pound bag of dog food lasts about a week for my two golden doodles. In addition, we knock them down and feed them table scraps. Pizza is his favorite.

3. They shit a lot. At least now we use all those extra plastic bags.

4. They chew a lot. For the first year or two, make sure you have enough toys to chew on. Otherwise, it will be your furniture, or your command, or in our case, the door frames.

5. They can cause allergies. Another reason I bought these dogs was because they were supposed to be hypoallergenic. Luckily for me they are. But my family and friends think otherwise, and with all the hair and size of the dogs, it can be a problem …

… but I still love them, anyway.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate 2010 – Rebounding or Decline?

Like much of the American economy, the commercial real estate market has fallen in recent years. However, according to Moody’s Investor Service, US commercial retail prices have seen modest increases from November 2009 to January 2010. This is from a record low in October 2009. Is this the start of a recovery for commercial real estate and particularly what’s the trend in the Minneapolis area? The following are opinions given by two real estate agents, who have a combined experience of 45 years in commercial real estate.

What is the current situation in your opinion?

First, it is important to understand that the problems in commercial real estate are not the same as those in the current residential real estate crisis. The residential real estate crisis was caused by a large amount of bad debt allowed by too lax rating standards. There is no such thing as commercial insolvency; Instead, many companies collapsed due to a long and deep recession, thus creating much more inventory on the market. Apparently, the rate of company bankruptcies has slowed down and it appears that most of the companies that are still in business now are going to survive. Many of the larger corporations have actually improved their cash situation. There is no “poisonous” debt that has yet to “get through” like in the case of residential real estate. However, this does not mean that we will not see commercial foreclosures yet due to the economy. The economy must continue to improve so that companies can start investing again. We believe that the worst is over, in fact, for the first time in several months we have seen a bit of user activity (companies looking to buy or lease). Before that, all the activity was from companies looking to sell or lease spaces. This does not mean that we hope things will prosper anytime soon. Even companies that are in good financial shape are more reluctant to make a move right now, because there is still a lot of uncertainty. We see that the buying process is taking much longer and lease commitments are being made for shorter terms than in the past. Many reports we see suggest that money will start flowing back to commercial real estate in late 2010.

What are some of the main factors that could affect recovery?

An important factor is fear. Businesses are afraid to make big changes right now. If the economy continues to improve, we believe there could be a significant pickup in acquisition activity as companies gain confidence. The industrial and retail sector tends to lead the recovery, while the office space tends to follow. We need to see continued strengthening in retail property sales to start moving. There are a significant number of “big boxes” (ie, large retail outlets or distribution spaces) that are on the market right now. Retailers and distributors are going to think hard before purchasing a 450,000 square foot facility. We see that these types of properties are unoccupied for a long time, unless someone comes up with creative ways to use them.

Are there still good “deals” in terms of property acquisition?

Rental rates are still at an all-time low. Even if average prices have risen slightly across the country, we think it should be able to bottom out or very close to minimum rates. Now would be a great time to negotiate some long-term lease rates.

How does Minneapolis / St. Paul compare to the rest of the nation?

While things have slowed down significantly in this region, we are not seeing the devastating situation Detroit is experiencing with the auto industry recession. We also see New York, San Francisco, and Washington DC as hit harder than Minneapolis. The Twin City area has a fair amount of diversity and has a high concentration of businesses in Health and Medical Technology. These markets tend to do better in recessions than other industries. There is a possibility that the Twin Cities will experience a strong economic recovery before many other regions of the country.

When was the last time commercial real estate flourished?

The mid-1990s through the early 2000s were very good times for commercial real estate. After September 11 there was a big recession. Commercial real estate rallied between 2003 and 2005 and was actually booming for the 2 years prior to the October 2008 stock market crash.

When do you think it will start to thrive again??

We believe that the industrial sector of this economy needs to expand significantly so that we can see the type of activity that occurred during the 1990s. The dot-com boom in the late 1990s created a huge expansion in the technology sector. When the industry thrives, the demand for warehousing and manufacturing space increases. Office space continues as growing companies expand their support functions. The jobs created by the industry stimulate the retail industry, which continues to drive economic growth.

The medical technology sector could be a segment that could help commercial real estate in the Minneapolis area. While this area has been weaker of late, the population of the US (and the rest of the world) continues to age and should stimulate increased demand for medical technology and health products. Additionally, the drive to reduce healthcare costs could create increased demand for technology to improve efficiency. The medical industry is one of the few industries where nearly 100% of its manufacturing is still in the US, so a boom in medical technology could create storage, manufacturing space, and storage needs. more office space.

Shopping Product Reviews

What You Should Know About Buying Car Tires

These car tire buying tips can help you maintain your car with a degree of confidence, especially if you don’t have a lot of knowledge about them.

The most important thing to do when shopping for tires is to make sure you are the correct size. Getting them in a size that is not made for your specific car can cause tire pattern tracks to wear out much faster and cost you money. Also, there are tires made specifically for almost all car models.

Information for tire size is also in the owner’s manual and is located on the side of existing tires. If all else fails, ask the person changing your tires what size they are so you know. Then check it yourself to make sure it matches the car tires.

If you can, always buy five new tires at a time. The reason for this is that as tires are rotated, the spare can be worked on to extend the life of all your tires, help them wear evenly, and save you money in the long run. Many times, tire stores have kits for sale when you buy them all together. These are considerable savings. But shop around because a good sale can save you a good deal of change.

It’s also good to know what type of tires originally came with your car. This way, if you change them, it will be easier to back up if your driving experience is adversely affected.

Most cars come with all-season tires. They are good overall tires because they are designed to withstand all types of weather. Of course. If you live in a hot climate like South Florida, year-round summer tires may be better suited to your needs as they have a higher tolerance for heat. But they won’t do well in the winter if you find yourself taking a road trip to Boston in January.

The same principle applies if you live in Maine, for example. It’s okay to get all-season tires made primarily for driving on snow and ice.

If you drive your vehicle off-road, the off-road may be better for you. If you drive more at high speeds, in a sleek sports car, then all-season high performance tires may be more suitable as they are made for that purpose.

Also, keep in mind that tires wear at different rates. For example, high-performance tires, like the ones you see on a Corvette, tend to have a smoother ride to cope with speed and grip requirements. This also results in much faster wear and tear. It’s not uncommon for all-season tires to last twice as long as high-performance tires.

There are several different tires for different styles and riding conditions. So knowing your driving style before buying tires can help you quickly determine what you need.


Body Mass Index: A Motto for Today’s Generation?

With winter rapidly receding for another year, next summer brings with it the promise of longer nights, a warm sun, and an opportunity for children to escape the confines of home and go outside to enjoy playing outside during the long nights of summer. summer.

However, with advances in digital entertainment and along with the fears parents face of letting their children play outside unsupervised, many young people will spend the next few nights in front of the television or video game console rather than running outside. control with your friends. This alarming reluctance to venture outside to play tag, hide and seek, cowboys and Indians, or the current game of choice is widely attributed to the rising tide of obesity in our youth.

So far this year, the media have highlighted this issue when reporting on the health risks of being overweight, not only in children, but also in adults. People classified as obese are much more likely to develop life-changing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and osteoarthritis, to name just a few. Also, from the opposite end of the range, these obesity reports are compounded by the recent ‘size zero’ outcry that has flooded our celebrity-obsessed culture. However, both extremes pose numerous health risks and the current buzzword for evaluating whether you are “too thin” or “too fat” is BMI (body mass index).

The BMI looks at the relationship between your weight and height to assess what your body weight should be. The guide can be used to establish whether a person is of “normal” weight or not; But there have been numerous debates as to whether BMI is an accurate assessment of weight-related health, as not everyone can agree on the point at which someone becomes “healthy” or “unhealthy.” With confusion over what to eat or how much to weigh, are we becoming an image-obsessed society or the possibility of a health crisis when our indulgences finally catch up with us?

For healthcare providers, these lifestyle trends can be cause for concern. If the NHS is struggling to cope with the diseases of an active generation, how will it cope with the consequences of today’s sedentary generation? Some private health insurance providers have jumped on the bandwagon and reward members who lead a healthy lifestyle or have a “normal” BMI by offering a discount on their premiums. Alternatively, loads can occur if your lifestyle is not as healthy or your BMI is a little higher than necessary.

But if the experts can’t agree on what your BMI should be, how can your private health insurance provider be so sure? Health-on-Line, for example, has recognized this confusion and eliminated height and weight questions from its application process. Just tell them your age and what you want to be covered for and you will receive a competitive quote for the same amount, large or small.