Arts Entertainments

Signs that you haven’t gotten over your ex-wife

Loving a man who has not gotten over his ex-wife can be really painful. You love him without reservation while he loves you half. He may profess his love for you, but you have the feeling that his heart does not fully belong to you. What are the signs that you haven’t gotten over your ex-wife?

I. He feels a lot for her. Whatever it is that separated them, he still has a strong feeling for her. He gets angry and frustrated at the mere mention of her name. He just can’t talk to her without getting excited … she just drives him crazy … a clear sign that he hasn’t gotten over her.

ii. It still bothers him what she did (or didn’t do).A man who has not gotten over his ex-wife will continue to bring up the things (or things) his ex-wife did to contribute to the breakup. You may even angrily blame her for what she did or didn’t do in the relationship.

iii. He wants to know things about your love relationships. A man who has not gotten over his ex-wife will want to know who he is dating, where they are going, what they do together, etc. Any news of his ex-wife’s love interest captivates him … and sometimes he seeks that information through the vine or by looking at her (stalking her?).

iv. You compare yourself to your new love interests. A man who has not gotten over his ex-wife will wonder what she sees in new boys. He’ll keep looking down on his ex-wife’s new guys almost like he’s the best she’s ever had … and nothing will compare to him. He’s not being arrogant … he just can’t believe she’s gotten over him and replaced him in her life as he still had hopes of being with her again.

v. Compares you unfavorably with her. One sign that you haven’t gotten over your ex-wife is that from time to time you mention how well your ex-wife did this or that … sometimes it just slips out of your mouth. He still sees her as a great person … and you’re still not up to the task. In time, he may see your great qualities, but right now he is still in love with his ex-wife.

A man who has not gotten over his ex-wife will still have strong feelings for her that will manifest in his actions and speech.