
Scavenger Hunt Basics: Important Tips for Planning Successful Scavenger Hunts


The main goal of a scavenger hunt is to send participants with a list of things to find, obtain, photograph, videotape, audiotape, etc. The hope is that as you work together as a team, relationships will develop.

advertising opportunity

Make invitations to your church, business or organization and give them to everyone who participates or interacts with the groups in any way. Or create a small thank you card with your contact information. Participants can give a thank you card to everyone who helps them. Even better, invite them to a party or slideshow where the results will be displayed.

Preparation of item lists

Lists can be as creative and wild as you want them to be. Design your list around a theme or concept:

Ecological, Objects of the Bible, Activities, Food, Canned goods, Item prices, Animal tracks, Footprints, Photos in historic places, People, sounds, clothing, Church members, Camping supplies, Items for the needy, Materials recycled, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, New Years, Halloween, Noah’s Ark Party, old family photos, fruits, vegetables, widgets, posed photos, video, etc.

Protection of participants

1. Don’t let any youth drive: Put adults in charge and don’t allow horseplay on the roads like “Chinese fire drills.” Make sure everyone wears seat belts or take important points off if they’re caught on film without them. You can also do the treasure hunt on foot. You don’t want a participant to die while speeding during your scavenger hunts.

2. Entrants must obey all laws and sponsor instructions.

3. Limit the playing area and place people in strategic places if necessary to ensure the safety of the participants.

4. Make sure each group has a mobile phone and emergency contact numbers.


1. Set a specific point value for each item in the list.

2. Have a penalty point for each minute of delay in reaching the final destination or for reporting back with the items.

3. For video or photo scavenger hunts, award groups extra points for having a company, organization, or church logo on each image. You could also require a Bible, a pet, or some other object in each image. Some groups have even been known to have to bring a large teddy bear or other object (a sofa) to be in every picture.

4. Award bonus points for having everyone in the group as part of the photo or video.

Treasure Hunt Planning: 10 Steps

1. PURPOSE: What is the purpose of your scavenger hunt?
(Is it an icebreaker? To team up? Just for fun?)

2. TYPE: What type of scavenger hunt is it?
(Is it for collecting items? A photo scavenger hunt? A video scavenger hunt? A sound scavenger hunt? Others?)

3. THEME: What is the theme?
(Is it a pirate treasure hunt? A superhero hunt? Aladdin’s magic carpet hunt? Others?)

4. LOCATION: Where will the hunt take place? What are the limits?
(Are you limited to a school or church building? The downtown area? Within walking distance? Site survey to determine potential problems. Get permission in advance from affected businesses and individuals.)

5. LIST OF ITEMS: What items do participants need to collect?
(Based on your purpose, type of hunt, and theme, make a list of items that can be found within the specified limits. Are substitutions allowed?)

6. SCORING: How will points be assigned?
(Are some items worth more than others? Are there points for creativity and quality?)

7. INVITATIONS: Who will be invited to join the Treasure Hunt?
(What should they bring? What should they wear? Tailor the invitations to your theme.)

8. TEAMS: How will participants be divided into teams?

9. RULES: What are the rules?
(Keep in mind the safety of the participants and minimize possible problems).

10. PRIZES: Determine the place and time of the awards party.
(How will the teams present their items to the judges?)

Health Fitness

The best diet to lose abdominal fat: with this type of diet I got a flat stomach and lost 50 pounds very fast

Are you looking for the best diet to lose belly fat? Are you sick and tired of following so many different diets, taking all kinds of diet pills, and exercising for what seems like ALWAYS, and never flattening your stomach or losing a decent amount of weight? I completely feel your frustration! I was going through the same thing once before, and that was until I found an extremely effective program that FINALLY gave me results I never thought possible. Read on for more information.

Dude, I know you want to stop wasting time and get in shape, so I’m going to cut right to the chase here. So, with that said, fad diets, diet pills, and sit-ups won’t help you get a flat stomach or lose weight… contrary to popular belief. Fad diets and diet pills are dangerous and ineffective. Sit-ups will only build the abdominal muscles below the abdominal fat, they do not remove fat.

Now, let’s talk about what works…

You see, the best diet to lose belly fat will be 100% natural but 100% effective. Most companies want you to believe that you have to do something unnatural to stimulate your body to burn fat. Ironically, unnatural methods will actually cause your body to rebel (thus slowing down your metabolism)…go figure! This is what a powerful diet is going to be based on:

1.) Get 100% Proper Nutrition – The body needs ALL types of nutrients to effectively melt stubborn fat. This means that you are actually going to need a lot of carbs and even fat! However, what you need are good carbs (fiber) and good fats (monounsaturated, etc.), and many of those fad diets want you to restrict ANY kind of carbs or fats.

2.) Naturally Boost Metabolism – The diet I decided to follow was mainly based on increasing metabolism. I never knew how important and effective it was to increase your metabolic rate until I started this program. In my first 2 weeks on the plan alone, I noticed a HUGE difference in how fast I was burning fat!

3.) Easy – Listen, with how hard and stressful life is getting these days, the last thing you need is a complicated and expensive fad diet that bogs you down…and then doesn’t even produce significant results! A good and effective program will not only help you lose stubborn fat fast, it will also make it very easy for you. The key to a simple diet is one that is based on simply resetting everything you are currently doing and not doing anything dramatic.

Bottom lineonce i started a program based on the above, i dropped 52lbs quickly, consistently and easily, flattened my belly, got rid of my love handles and lost 4 inches from my waist…in 2 months…PERMANENTLY!

Legal Law

4 Reasons Why Appreciating Poetry Can Save the Planet

It’s a huge statement that poetry can save the planet. However, as a poet and a former teacher, I believe it to be true. Just get out of the “can’t do” box for a moment and pay attention to four reasons why poetry can save the planet.

1. Poetry is the golden honey of all genres of writing and communication. “The crown of literature is poetry. It is its end and goal,” said British writer Somerset Maugham. He added: “Poetry is the highest activity of the human mind. It is the achievement of beauty and delicacy. The writer of prose can only step aside when the poet passes.” It is poetry that tugs at our heartstrings and makes us feel fully alive. Why not approach the teaching of poetry appreciation in schools across America without dissecting its meaning like a frog in biology class? Poetry opens the door to creativity and new ways of thinking about ourselves and our planet.

2. Teaching poetry makes us better readers and writers. If you appreciate poetry, it’s hard not to appreciate good literature. Knowing the tools of a poet from alliteration to symbolism creates in us a deeper understanding of writing that appeals to our senses and sensitivities. When we read online or classic articles on our Kindle, we will know the difference between mediocre writing and great writing. (And, if we’re using a Kindle to purchase books, we’re killing fewer trees.)

3. “Drop Everything and Read Poetry” sessions in schools will increase literacy and reduce the dropout rate. As a classroom teacher in grades 2-6, I introduced my students to the poetry of Shel Silverstein. They loved his poetry and charming and somewhat irreverent drawings. Her words were magical to the ears and eyes; the children laughed and laughed with their teacher instead of at their teacher. A bond of shared trust and appreciation for poetry was formed, leading to the writing of powerful “short” things: class poems and anthologies. The students discovered who they were and what it was like to be a poet. They were found in poems, chapter books, and Judy Blume books. WB Yeats, Irish poet and playwright, wrote: “Out of fighting with others we make rhetoric; out of fighting with ourselves we make poetry.” Poetry helps us make sense of ourselves and the planet.

4. Poetry helps us understand what it means to feel human. By its very nature, it encourages us to be in touch with our feelings. By writing poetry, children sometimes reveal important issues in their lives that would go completely unnoticed unless they were written about. It takes a sensitive teacher to see what is invisible to many others. Children need to write about what hurts them and what they like. Through poetry, students can write about what they are grateful for in life. Here is a poem written by a very grateful 8th grader who happens to be my grandson, Matthew Joseph Feyh:

“I’m thankful.”

I am grateful for everything he has given me.

I am grateful for all my family.

I am grateful for a place to stay.

I am thankful for the warmth every night.

I am grateful for friends who care.

I am thankful for the food to spare.

I am thankful for grandparents who love.

Poetry encourages us to be the best person we can be on this planet, and it can help us save the planet. Dive into some poetry today!

Lifestyle Fashion

The Shaman of Sea Lion Cove

The waves broke against the volcanic rocks that covered the beach at the entrance to the cove. He was alone with the seagulls and the great cloud that hung over the Pacific. A sea lion the size of an adult male had been thrown against one of the rocks in a violent storm. Dry, white bones poked through thick skin, teeth bared, frozen in final agony. This was a hidden spot, few hikers ventured here. Three thousand years ago an ancient people inhabited this coast of Baja California, north of Ensenada. It was easy to imagine the brown bodies of men and women living in this pristine paradise, before these cliffs were shattered by grunting diggers. The community in which he lived and the huge LNG plant, Costa Azul, now covered most of what was once his burial place. I felt a sense of loss.

The messy rock fall was littered with plastic trash, tires, and thick pieces of white Styrofoam marring the beautiful cove. I started a private cleanup and silently wondered if the humans would be better off today. I filled two bags with grass and dragged them up the hill to the car. I felt a bit rushed because I should have been preparing for a local art exhibition and the arrival of Zitacame, a Huichol shaman, whom I had invited to stay at my house.

Zitacame was traveling from southern Mexico to join our art show. He brought the work of the Huichol artisans for whom they are well known; fine beads and sparkling thread art. The powerful symbols and patterns represent a mystical way of life centered around the sacred Peyote plant. The thread images recorded the shaman’s feats of power and ability to fly, as well as travel to many realms of unreality. He was a bit nervous about hosting this man for one night.

It was easy to spot him at the art show. He was wearing a flat-brimmed white hat with red tassels, and his face broke into a smile as we met. His eyes sparkled with seldom-seen joy, and he was missing a few teeth. Zitacame was traveling with Sauleme, also a Huichol, and his wife, Leslie, an American woman. They were all dressed in traditional white cotton with bright pink and red trim. After disappointing art sales, we regrouped in my kitchen. TaTa, an affectionate name for Zitacame meaning grandfather, was quiet and enthusiastically dined. Sauleme in perfect English created a lively conversation about what “white men” needed to learn to save themselves. He said that the Americans had to find the heart of his “Wierarika”.

We did it one night early. I showed them both bedrooms upstairs, and took the sofa in the living room. Everything was in silence. At some point in the night I realized that I was awake. Everything was shades of gray, and there was no light, but he could see. And what I saw could only be possible in a dream. Crawling across the ground toward me was a dark jaguar, a man-thing. I tried to call, but there was no sound. It had to be a dream. I was terrified that it wasn’t. I called again, “TaTa! Help me!” And instantly, a shapeless flourish of white, red, and pink flew into the room. The terrifying form backed away, disappearing into a dark corner. Somehow, I went back to sleep in the dream.

Morning coffee was comforting as I wrote in my journal about the strange experience and what I called Night Walker. TaTa went downstairs for coffee. After a few jokes, I asked him what he thought about the energy in the house. Surprised, he blinked as if the question surprised him. We were joined by José and Leslie and they all spoke at length in rapid Spanish. Sauleme translated for me. I was told that the “creature” was not attached to me or the house, but was “just passing through” and the presence of the shaman caused the Nightwalker to stop and face him. TaTa told us that he had, in fact, been attacked and fought the creature. His admission had just made my dream come true.

I told them about my recent hike to Sea Lion Cove and the destruction of the ancient burial sites. TaTa and Sauleme looked at each other as if to say: “Well, now we understand everything.” They got up with intent, wanting to see the area. We piled into the car to make the trip to the cliffs. Excited, I followed the old Huichol man down the hill to the creek that led to the cove. TaTa produced a thin, straight stick wrapped in green and red thread. Attached to it were two eagle feathers that were left free to move as if they were flying. Called Muwiéri, it was the sacred wand of the Mara’Akame, or shaman. TaTa started down toward the crashing waves. He couldn’t believe his eyes as he literally slid down the field of unstable rocks to the water’s edge. He couldn’t tell that he even touched the rocks. He took out of his bag sacred tobacco, dropped the offerings into the water and murmured his prayers to Grandmother Ocean. Meanwhile, Sauleme knelt in prayer before the body of the sea lion.

Tata handed me the Muwiéri, the eagle feathers fluttering in the breeze. Amazed, I accepted the honor that the gift represented. He told me to get ready. He was to return here and perform a ceremony. He would bring gifts to the ancients. It was important to him that he not try to be “like a Huichol,” but that he make the offering from the heart. He had to apologize for the ignorance and destruction of the sacred of my people. I was going to say I was sorry.


The mining industry develops smart solutions

Today’s mining industry offers large-scale possibilities for testing the latest automotive and connective technologies.

It goes without saying that the process of recovering the natural resources of the planet is hard. In addition to being difficult, it can be harmful to the environment. In these circumstances, human safety is of the highest priority. It is provided by such revolutionary IT systems as: ‘Extreme Wi-Fi’ that is capable of covering vast deserts; autonomous vehicles that take care of extracting vital minerals and rocks without the need for operator action; intelligent communications that warn employees if they approach giant machines and much more. Experts in the field believe that the potential of these systems will help achieve the ambitious goal of the fully autonomous mine site, where the actual presence of humans is not required.

Smart mining facilities

All major mining machinery manufacturers are now developing autonomous best practices to increase efficiency and productivity, reduce costs and reduce emissions without sacrificing safety. Using connectivity and valuable data analytics, they develop the optimal dig patterns on the coal face and enable vehicles to accurately route autonomously. Mining has become the mutual combination of big industry, big data, and big money.

The Underground IoT Provider

One of the most ingenious contributions to smart mines to date is the Smart Rockbolt. Basically, this is the device that creates a clandestine Internet of Things. The global mining industry uses 100 million bolts each year. These tools are used to shore up walls and ceilings during blasting. The concern is that they are quite susceptible. When damaged, they lose their carrying capacity. As a result, there is a risk of deadly collapsed tunnels and cavities.

The innovative Smart Rockbolt was designed at Lulea University of Technology in Sweden and has an impressive list of virtues. It is equipped with sensors that measure vibrations and tension. When connected to 4G or Wi-Fi, it empowers a mesh network with the power of a 24/7 security monitoring system. Also, a single non-rechargeable battery cell can work for years.

The art of geofencing

Geofencing technology serves to keep workers away from dangerous equipment. It is integrated with various microclimate monitoring systems, benefiting from sensors that measure humidity, temperature, sound, and gas levels in the area. In case of any problems, the mining workers and engineers receive the corresponding text messages on their phones. Employees may be warned not to enter an area because the air quality is unsatisfactory or heavy machinery is working. A worker can also send an alert to the control center when help is needed. Another important value of the technology is that it can provide real-time information on the physical condition of workers (eg, blood pressure, heart rate, etc.) through special wearable devices.

The ultra-reliable Wi-Fi

To ensure successful remote operation, connectivity must be seamless. But in the case of open mines somewhere in the high mountain ranges, the task requires a lot of effort. Sometimes the environmental conditions are so harsh that for electronics it’s like going to Mars. But there is such advanced networking equipment with hardened routers that it allows remote mining and construction workers to take advantage of so-called ‘extreme Wi-Fi’ wherever they go.

The need for 5G

Providing reliable connectivity that is flexible and durable enough for underground mining operations is challenging. In order to organize the work of autonomous mining machinery on a regular basis, the connectivity must be of at least the 5G standard. Telecommunications equipment companies have already launched the projects that aim to investigate how to remotely control monster-shaped vehicles. For this reason, distributed radio networks with carefully arranged antennas are being installed in mines to deal with the long underground tunnels and uneven walls.

future mine

Autonomous transportation around the mine is not a dream, but a reality being tested today at the Pilbara iron ore mine in Western Australia. The concept under the great name of ‘Mine of the future’ is being realized with the help of 69 partially autonomous trucks. Other prominent plans include automated drilling and even a fully autonomous long-distance railway to bring ore to market.

In the near future, it is planned to ensure fully remote control of tippers through an electric steering module, installed between the steering wheel and the valve. Additionally, the trucks will use data from onboard sensors as well as digital maps to help navigate around a mine and pinpoint an exact location to unload.

High expectations

Alongside the big behemoths in the form of haul trucks, there are smaller versions of haul trucks in the form of dump trucks that are also used for bulk cargo transportation on a mining site. Autonomous transport solutions for the construction sector have become one of the main concerns of Swedish car manufacturers. Scania tippers therefore represent the company’s ongoing commitment to profitability and sustainability. As an initial result, two Scania’s partner construction vehicles have already demonstrated their autonomous driving capabilities. A distinctive feature of the project is that its ultimate goal is not to eliminate the need for human intervention, but rather to make the driver a key player in competent autonomous transport and unloading solutions.

Shopping Product Reviews

Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3: which is better?

Well, Christmas is just around the corner and I’m sure many of you would like the latest and greatest video game console. But there are so many to choose from now. Which is the best? I don’t want to bore you with a lot of technical jargon, so I’ll just give you an idea of ​​what each one offers so you can make an informed decision. Below are the three most popular consoles on the market today.

So which one should you buy? That really depends on what kind of games you like to play. All of them offer a wide selection of games and even online multiplayer games.

The Wii is fairly new and was released on September 14, 2006. The Wii offers more family-oriented and kid-friendly gaming. And with innovative controllers, you don’t sit around messing around with your joystick. They have Golf, where you actually move your controller to hit the ball. And Baseball, where one player will “throw” the ball with his controller and the other will bat swinging the other controller. There are also many other fun titles, such as Tennis and Boxing. Additionally, the Wii is backwards compatible with GameCube and Nintendo DS. And due to the popularity of the console, more and more games are being added every day.

The Xbox 360 was released on November 22, 2005 in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. A prominent feature of Xbox 360 is its integrated Xbox Live service that allows gamers to complete online and download content such as arcade games, game demos, trailers, TV shows, and movies. The Xbox Live service costs about $50 a year. There is a wide variety of games including role playing games, arcade games, action games, music/dance games and flight simulation. There are also plenty of E-rated games for everyone, like Scooby-Doo! No Mask, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Codename: Kids Next Door, and many others.

The PS3 was first released in Japan on November 11, 2006. A successor to the PlayStation 2 and Playstation, it is backward compatible with both units. The PlayStation 3 features a slot-loading 2x speed Blu-ray Disc drive for games, Blu-ray movies, DVDs, CDs and other optical media. The PS3 seems to be for more hardcore gamers who like shooters, war games, and RPG fantasies, though I’ve seen a few games rated E for everyone. These include Hannah Montana, Little Big Planet, Trivial Pursuit, Cars (from the movie Cars), and various sports games like Tiger Woods PGA Tour, Madden, and others.

Games are not just for kids. Everyone needs to blow off some steam from time to time, or exercise their brain with some strategy or trivia games. Or maybe you just want to get lost in a fantasy and forget about the fucking world we live in. Whatever you like, games can probably give it to you. Even if you just want to talk to someone, with online games that allow you to chat with other players, you can become part of a virtual world without even leaving your living room.


10 Unusual Things That Can Affect Your Quoted Life Insurance Rates

There is a definite time when many of us begin to consider getting life insurance to protect family members and loved ones. It could be after the birth of a child or a catchy insurance commercial that changes your interest. When this time comes, the first thing most people do is get a quick quote online to understand their approximate rates. A more detailed evaluation is presented below. Some elements of this assessment are intuitive (age, health status, smoking, occupation, etc.). There are, however, some other surprising evaluation criteria that subscribers also consider. What…

  1. driving history: Yes, your driving record is important, not only for your car insurance premiums, but also for your life insurance rates. If you were in a DUI accident in the recent past, you are likely to experience significantly higher quoted rates than someone with a clean driving record. Remember that minor violations are removed from your driving record after three years (for insurance purposes).
  2. be happy: Having a history of depression can hijack your life insurance premiums, almost doubling them. Happy people experience fewer health problems and stress and therefore pose less of a risk to insurance companies.
  3. policy date: The policy start date can sometimes be adjusted (also called a retroactive date), which means that in some cases you can benefit from lower premiums (based on your younger age; if you turned 50 this week but your policy rolls back to last month, for example) . Obviously, you will have to pay all premiums from the retroactive point of time, but you can benefit from a lower rate in the future.
  4. Dangerous works (eg specialists, bomb squad members) may put your life at greater risk and therefore lead to higher insurance premiums. Do you think your job is dangerous?
  5. payment frequency: Paying for a life insurance policy annually saves insurers administrative costs and rewards you with lower premiums than if you had paid for your insurance monthly. In this case, however, you’ll need to plan carefully because a high annual fee can create a significant hole in your household budget if you miss the annual premium.
  6. Travel (to dangerous destinations): Some destinations are more dangerous than others and some are very dangerous (war zones, areas with a known history of kidnapping, etc.) Consult an insurance broker or agent to understand how your future plans may affect your insurance coverage. Your policy may be declined or you may obtain a life insurance policy, but it would explicitly exclude the time you are abroad. In some cases, a simplified issuance of a life insurance policy without medical expenses is a solution, since it does not ask questions about travel. However, it is important to know that a simplified issue policy is more expensive than a standard one and its coverage is generally limited to $50,000 – $300,000. You can test this by getting a simplified anonymous issue no medical life insurance quote through one of the many online insurance platforms.
  7. Extreme sports): Being involved in extreme and/or dangerous sports, especially professionally, can affect your life insurance premiums (for example: skydiving, diving, diving). Just like getting insurance while traveling to dangerous places, you need to understand what cases are not covered by your life insurance policy.
  8. private pilot licenses: This one generally falls into a category of dangerous hobbies: licensed pilots (private only) may experience higher insurance rates. When calculating insurance premiums, an insurer will consider both the age and experience of the pilot. This information may not be requested during the initial quoting process, but will be required during the subsequent detailed evaluation.
  9. your citizenship: If you are not a Canadian citizen or resident, you will not be able to apply for a Canadian life insurance policy.
  10. your income: Insurance companies can reject your life insurance policy if your household income falls below a particular threshold, usually $30,000. The reasoning behind this is that insurance does not stretch your budget beyond your capabilities. Keep in mind that you still need to talk to a broker to create a detailed future plan for insurance protection, and brokers who are also financial planners can help you assess your upcoming financial expenses to better manage your needs. It’s a good idea to check with your insurance broker if your income might be an issue before submitting your application. Remember that once you have been denied a life insurance application, it may affect your future applications, as some insurers include in their surveys “have you ever had a life insurance application denied?” Similar to a pilot’s license, this question may not be included in the initial quote questions, but your insurer will ask you later.

As you can see, many aspects outside of your health affect your life insurance quote and policy. You should remember that the underwriting rules (assessment of the application) are different between insurers and therefore it is advisable to work with an insurance broker who deals with numerous life insurance companies and can share their experience with you as you navigate. for this complex process.


A case of mistaken email identity

As far as Facebook is concerned, your email is your ID. This is true for other social networks such as LinkedIn, and is gradually being imposed on many other Web 2.0 services. It actually makes perfect sense for your unique identifier (your “ID”) to be your email: it’s unique by definition, it’s easy to remember, and most services need the email information anyway (for example, to send you a password reset). So combining the ’email’ and ‘username’ fields makes a lot of sense.

Unlike in the past, where users switched emails frequently, we now have hotmail and gmail and personalized accounts that we can take with us when we change jobs or ISPs. Email is private (at least as private as regular mail), and if my bank is comfortable sending me alerts and other information via email, it’s definitely secure enough for the rest of us.

So if the email is meant to be the equivalent of your social security number or identification number (depending on the country you live in), how do we check that the email address we typed in doesn’t contain typos? Most ID numbers have a check digit that acts as a checksum to make sure the ID was spelled correctly. With email, we don’t have that, so you’re emailing the latest Vista joke to your co-worker friend Bill Howards on the Vista team and your finger slips and the email goes to billg@

Or worse, with gmail I received emails belonging to another Aviram that was too slow to catch aviram@gmail before me. Most of these wrong emails range from boring to fun, but today I received a purchase confirmation with the order number, amount, and the last 4 digits of the CC number. Since I “own” the email associated with this account, which prevents me from logging into this guy’s account (having the e-commerce site send the password to “my” email due to my temporary amnesia), and redirect the order to another zip code that happens to be my home?

Sure, he would never do that to a fellow Aviram. But what happens when our possible future Internet ID, our email, is mistyped into some government database and all of our IRS information, special Internet voting code and who knows what else is sent to our alternate identity, the guy? who lives next to us on the keyboard? Not good.

Receiving someone else’s order information is an obvious lesson for websites: be sure to verify the email address. Sending a test email and waiting for confirmation is a good security practice as it not only confirms that the person entered their email address correctly, but also confirms that they did not sign up your mother-in-law for your wonderful daily prank service. for adults as payment. back for the last day of thanksgiving.

Home Kitchen

Great options for your next kitchen countertop remodel

There are several different types of kitchen tiles that you can use to give your kitchen a new and updated look. Understanding what tile material is made of is very important because you want something that not only looks good, but can also withstand daily use and last a long time.

Granite tiles are by far the best option when money is not an issue. It is by far the queen of elegance when it comes to kitchen countertops. You will almost always give your home a higher value with this choice. Over the last decade, the cost of granite, due to its increased use in homes, has become more affordable. Granite will resist heat, requires virtually no maintenance if properly sealed, has an extremely hard density, and will last a lifetime.

Solid surface countertops are solid, seamless, and a good choice because scratches can be sanded away and they are stain resistant. These types of countertops are custom made to your specific taste. They come in a rainbow of colors and patterns that you can choose from. You will need to be careful when placing hot pans and the like on this surface as they can be damaged, also be sure to wipe up spillage to prevent staining. You will find the price of solid surface tops to be in the mid range.

Ceramic tile is one of the most popular and affordable kitchen tiles available. This type of mosaic is very durable, time-tested, easy to install and maintain. Ceramic tiles can be used for floor tiles, countertops and backsplashes, giving them a beautiful contemporary look. You will find that this type of mosaic is available in many different vibrant hues that have a natural elegance and charismatic texture to each selection. Ceramic tile is prone to chipping and cracking, and grout lines can stain, so if this is your choice, be sure to take care of it and clean it often. This type of mosaic varies in price range, especially custom designed pieces that can be very expensive.

Concrete tiles like Arto-Brick come in various size, color and shape combinations that make their presence felt in a variety of kitchen applications. This can be a great option if you have countertops that have unusual shapes. These handmade caps can be shaped on the spot. They offer great durability and unmatched versatility for your kitchen project. Handmade cement countertops provide endless color options that can be stained to your liking and make your kitchen really stand out. Once sealed, your countertops, floors, and walls will be easy to clean and maintain, and will stand the test of time from heat, scratches, and cracks. Because it is mainly custom work, the price may be in the high range.

Marble countertops add a luxurious look to your kitchen, but at a high price. Marble is best used for kitchen islands, smaller countertop areas, or baking centers. This material must be constantly maintained to prevent staining. Sealing it will help prevent it from staining as much. This is a porous material that is susceptible to scratches. You’ll want to reseal your marble tops periodically to keep them looking luxurious.

Soapstone comes in dark gray colors with a very smooth feel. This type of material has been seen in old houses, but today it is making a strong comeback. Soapstone offers deep, rich color with a silky-smooth texture that will darken over time. For the most part, this material is generally stain resistant as long as you regularly maintain it with mineral oil.

Engineered stone countertops are made of quartz particles that stick together. you can choose from a variety of colors. It is a non-porous surface, scratch resistant and very easy to maintain. Since this material is engineered, it does not require any sealing like other natural stone surfaces. You will find that this option is stain resistant.

Stainless steel countertops are a great option for giving your kitchen a contemporary, industrial look and a modern feel all at the same time. Stainless steel surfaces are heat resistant and highly durable, but you need to pay attention to the immediate surroundings which can also become hot due to hot items placed on them. it’s an easy surface to clean and maintain and you’ll find that staining shouldn’t be a problem. Since this type of countertop can be built to your specifications, it can provide a uniform look if that’s what you want. The drawbacks you get with using stainless steel is that it can get damaged by teeth and scratches from putting things on it and cutting into the surface. This is generally an expensive option due to manufacturing.

Health Fitness

Healthy eating: start smart!

Healthy eating habits are imperative to maintaining bodily function and living a disease-free life. To maintain the best lifestyle possible, it’s important to start with a healthier diet. Although starting a new healthy diet is easy, sticking to it can be difficult. The hardest part of the process can be breaking unhealthy habits.

A good way to start eating healthier is to go through your cupboards and refrigerator and toss/give away any UNhealthy foods you find. Stick with your new mindset so you won’t be tempted to snack throughout the day. When you feel hungry during the day, try a healthy snack like carrot sticks, yogurt, fresh fruit, or whole-grain crackers. These are not high in calories or heavy on the stomach.

When you first start your weight loss program, a big step in eating healthier is
Find out which are the healthiest foods for you and how they work in the body. Almost everyone understands that fruits, vegetables, and dairy products are the best foods for the body, but not many understand why. This is where educating yourself comes into play. When you understand how specific nutrients work in the body, you’ll be more likely to make healthy choices. Knowledge really is power!

When preparing to start any new diet or exercise regimen, you should always consult with your doctor. Also, you need to keep your schedule in mind. Plan meals ahead of time. For example, pack your lunch the night before work, top it off with a healthy wrap and some fresh vegetables instead of stopping at McDonalds. Every Sunday night, prepare a menu for the week ahead and stick to it. You’ll look and feel better before you know it.

Start your new program slowly. Take small steps. You can start by replacing a soda with a glass of water a day. Another change could be, instead of stopping for lunch at McDonalds or Burger King, to bring a salad or a tuna sandwich. Starting a healthy diet doesn’t mean you have to stop eating tasty foods. It just means you have to start eating DIFFERENT tasty foods and change your habits… a little.