Arts Entertainments

General guidelines for a healthy diet

The main recommendations of healthier eating are to enable good health, by consuming healthy, nutritious and wholesome foods. A good diet is easy to follow and doesn’t require buying books or special foods. A good diet is one that is flexible and can be followed throughout life. A good diet is one that will keep a healthy and fit body. Good nutrition is the foundation of all good health.

The main healthy eating recommendations are:


  • eat a variety of foods each day
  • breakfast everyday
  • eat regular meals throughout the day to ensure you stabilize your blood sugar levels
  • eat 3-4 fruits a day
  • eat at least 5-7 vegetables of different colors a day
  • eat 1 to 3 servings of dark green leafy vegetables every day (these servings should be part of the 5 to 7 vegetable servings)
  • make sure most servings of vegetables each day are raw, although steaming can be done as it keeps the nutrients in
  • try cooking tomatoes in olive oil, which releases the antioxidant lycopene from tomatoes; studies have found that cooked tomatoes (especially if they’ve been cooked in olive oil) have higher antioxidant content than raw tomatoes, although raw tomatoes are still very good for you too
  • eat lean cuts of meat 3-4 times a week – meat is a good source of quality protein
  • eat eggs several times a week – eggs are highly recommended as an excellent source of protein and the yolk is packed with antioxidants
  • eat oily fish (such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna) three times a week; if you are pregnant, there are certain fish (and shellfish) you should avoid: shark, swordfish, sea bass, tilefish, tuna steaks (these are fish that can have high levels of mercury, which can cause health problems for the fetus)
  • eat lots of whole-grain or whole-wheat breads, cereals, or wheat-free alternatives (for gluten intolerance), such as quinoa, tapioca, soy, grits
  • make sure to include plenty of vegetables like barley, lentils, and chickpeas in your diet every day
  • use olive oil, sunflower oil, or canola oil (check that canola oil is not genetically modified; if it isn’t, it will usually say so on the label) when cooking or in salads; the best are cold-pressed oils that retain all their flavor, aroma and nutritional value
  • eat a handful of nuts and seeds every day – they contain essential fatty acids and various vitamins and minerals needed for good health


  • limit intake of sugar and sugary foods
  • limit intake of fried foods
  • limit alcohol consumption: women are advised to have no more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day and men to have no more than 3 alcoholic drinks per day, with at least 2 alcohol-free days per week
  • Limit your intake of processed foods: Most of the nutrients in these foods have been removed by processing, so you’re eating empty calories that do nothing to improve your health.

For more information on health and nutrition, visit