Health Fitness

Do you feel bloated after eating that bagel? Read this!

Are you one of the millions of people who love bagels for breakfast or bread for dinner? Let’s face it, bread is one of the staples in the food chain that has kept consumers hungry for centuries.

So why is there so much talk about the adverse effects of gluten consumption? Bread is supposed to be good for you, right? This may be true for most people, but not for others who experience symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea. Some of my patients even complain of fatigue, weight loss, and perhaps muscle and joint pain. When I dig deeper into your eating habits to determine the cause of your problem, nine times out of ten I find that your symptoms are related to gluten sensitivity.

What is gluten sensitivity and how do you know if you have it? If you are asking yourself this question, you are not alone. Let me explain.

“Gluten” is a family of proteins found in wheat along with oats, rye, and barley. Gluten sensitivity is caused by an immune reaction to gluten. A simple blood test can determine if you have specific antibodies against gluten. An inherited form of gluten sensitivity is called celiac disease and it can affect 1 in 133 people. Celiac disease is often diagnosed by a small bowel biopsy that can reveal physical damage. Other forms of gluten allergy or sensitivity can develop as people age.

What happens if you keep eating gluten?

Some of the symptoms of gluten sensitivity are felt in the digestive tract. Others are more generalized. The body releases chemicals during many immune responses that can cause the vague symptoms of joint pain, fatigue, and muscle pain.

If the gluten-sensitive person continues to eat gluten-containing foods, the body will continue to produce antibodies against gluten. This immune reaction causes physical damage to the lining of the small intestine and makes it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients. This causes diarrhea and weight loss. Left unchecked, the damage can become life-threatening. Fortunately, the small intestine has the ability to regenerate healthy cells and will recover over time if gluten is removed from the diet.

What if you are sensitive to gluten?

Here are some things you can do if you suspect that you may have some of the symptoms described above:

• Consult with your doctor and request a blood test to determine if you are sensitive to gluten.

• Look for foods made with oats, quinoa, rice, corn, millet, and amaranth.

• Prepared foods, such as frozen mac and cheese, will include the gluten content on the package.

• The website for local gluten-free recipes, products, and support groups are available online.

• Ask your market to offer tours that highlight gluten-free items on the shelves.

• Ask your local market to expand gluten-free options.

• Restaurants and cruises often have gluten-free options for pizzas, pastas, and breads.

• With gluten sensitivity becoming more prevalent, it is possible that if you ask for gluten-free food when dining out, other members of your group will ask for it too.

• If temptation is a problem, have the cracker and bread baskets removed after the other guests have served themselves.

Keep your digestive tract healthy!

Once you eliminate gluten and your digestive tract is healing, there are ways to keep it working well. Eat a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables. In the evening, drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of psyllium husk mixed in. This adds fiber and helps remove unwanted material from the body. Yogurt can help restore the balance of your gut bacteria, which is important for digesting food.

The damage caused by gluten sensitivity can interfere with the body’s ability to process food. Your digestive system may need help to regain health. Here are some natural ways to help with healing.

• Take a multivitamin, because a damaged gut absorbs fewer nutrients from food.

• L-glutamine is helpful in healing the lining of the small intestine

• A probiotic supplement can help restore good bacteria in the gut.

• Digestive enzymes can help your system digest food while restoring the natural enzyme balance.

• Fiber, like psyllium and flax, can help the intestines work efficiently.

If you’ve had a gluten sensitivity for months or years, be patient. Give your body time to heal once you eliminate gluten from your diet. Avoid the bakery counter and eat healthy gluten-free foods instead. A gluten-free meal plan can lead you to a delicious diet that is better for your overall health!

Mark Rosenberg, MD

Institute for healthy aging