
The lesbian stepmother

There are some things that I fight about with my partner; in fact, we’re so much alike that on the rare occasions we do fight it’s exhausting and confusing. The most popular topic of discussion is our parenting differences.

I never want my love to feel incapable or incapable, but the conflict comes when I, too, struggle with my own insecurities as a parent-in-training. There are no manuals that come with children, all parents have to help them are templates passed down to them from their own parents and caregivers. The blended family has even more challenges, whether as a straight or LGBT family, having a new member in the family is a difficult adjustment.

The lesbian stepmother, what does that mean? Sometimes women fall in love with women who already have children, either because they were conceived from a previous heterosexual relationship, or from a previous lesbian union, or through adoption. Regardless, when a woman falls in love and enters into a relationship with a mother, she is not only committing to her but to her children.

Children are often faced with the burden of their parents’ past; that is why it is difficult to accept a new member of the family. Children often deal with residual feelings of loss and abandonment. They are trying to understand situations outside of their

control but for which they feel directly responsible. The reason children feel responsible is due to the developmental stages that humans go through; when we are young we are self-centered. This means that everything children feel is directly related to them, so they believe they have control and the power to change things.

According to some sources, stepfamilies take about two years to stabilize. The journey to a healthy family can be challenging and overwhelming, yet the rewards are wonderful and joyful.

If your children were conceived in a heterosexual relationship, you must make it clear to your children that it was not their fault and that they were not responsible for the termination of the relationship. Sometimes family therapy is needed to communicate this message clearly to children and allow negative emotions to come out in a safe environment.

Children often have the belief that their parents will get back together, even years later. This causes friction with a new partner and could lead to resentment in the child if left untreated. That’s why it’s important to practice patience, all the time! Nothing is more annoying to me than couples who force their children to adapt to their times, forgetting that it is the duty of parents to first meet the needs of their children.

There are a few important steps when dealing with a new step-parent in a lesbian relationship:

  • Have your partner gently develop a relationship with your child or children, perhaps first as a friendship.
  • Avoid giving your partner a disciplinary role at first, as trust and attachment need to be developed.
  • Keep your partner out of the conflicts you have with your ex.
  • Neither of you should speak negatively about your ex in front of your children; he is hurtful and extremely harmful. Regardless of what your ex does, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to act like them to prove something. Have your own standards when dealing with conflict, and that includes keeping your children as far away from such negative communication as possible.
  • When enough time passes, allow your partner to be the mother. That means giving up some of her motherly duties. Let her take control to build a mothering role with her child. For example, in my house we alternate nights to tuck our son into bed. We have our own bed rituals and ways to soothe her so he falls asleep.
  • As a stepparent, you need to develop your own independent relationship with the child, perhaps even share a similar interest. My partner loves the outdoors, and when it comes to swimming, fishing, and gardening, we both have fun (I’m the indoor mom! Who likes to read and draw).
  • Don’t discuss parenting in front of your children, it’s confusing and they will feel like they have to take sides.
  • Don’t force your child to call his partner “mom” or any other maternal nickname.
  • Allow your partner to have parental responsibilities, such as picking up the child from school or preparing lunches. In my house, my partner makes the school lunches, because our baby says the best about her but I tell the best stories about her.
  • The most important thing is that you are patient with each other and remember to be consistent in what you say and do. Children are sensitive and if the pattern of daily life changes, anxiety increases.

Being a parent is hard, but I feel like being a step-parent is even more challenging. It takes strength to often swallow your pride and change for a child or children without guarantees that it will be positive or lasting. However, I ask you to stay focused on the present, keeping in mind the goal you want to achieve with your new family and being grateful for all the steps you take with them by your side.

Alex Karydi – The Lesbian Guru

Dedicated to my beautiful partner and daughter, who never fails to make me smile. Love you.


Why We Wear New Clothes at Easter: A History of Tradition from a Fashion School Perspective

Many of us can remember our parents dressing us in new clothes every Easter so that we could parade around the neighborhood with the best of us. It was a fun tradition to wait (or avoid, as some fashion-phobic kids were known to do), whether we went to church or not. But where does this tradition come from? A look at history shows that its origins are not what one would expect. And examining custom from the point of view of a fashion school, we see how changes in retail patterns have altered its meaning.

Origins in other cultures. Although we associate wearing new clothes in spring with the Easter holiday, the tradition dates back to ancient times. Pagan worshipers celebrated the vernal equinox with a festival honoring Ostera, the Germanic goddess of spring, and believed that wearing new clothes brought good luck. The Iranian New Year, which is celebrated on the first day of spring, has traditions rooted in the ancient pre-Islamic past. These traditions include spring cleaning and the wearing of new clothes to indicate renewal and optimism. Similarly, the Chinese have celebrated their spring festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, by wearing new clothes. It symbolized not only new beginnings, but also the idea that people have more than they possibly need.

christian beginnings. In the early days of Christianity, newly baptized Christians wore white linen robes at Easter to symbolize rebirth and new life. But it was not until the year 300 d. C. that wearing new clothes became an official decree, as the Roman Emperor Constantine declared that his court should wear the best new clothes at Easter. Eventually, the tradition came to mark the end of Lent, when after weeks of wearing the same clothes, parishioners discarded the old dresses for new ones.

superstitions. A fifteenth-century proverb from Poor Robin’s Almanac said that if one’s clothes at Easter were not new, one would be unlucky: “At Easter, let your clothes be new; or else you are sure to regret it.” In the 16th century, during the reign of the Tudors, it was believed that unless a person wore new clothes at Easter, moths would eat the old ones and evil crows would nest around their houses.

Post Civil War. Easter traditions as we know them were not celebrated in America until after the Civil War. Before that time, the Puritans and the Protestant churches saw no good purpose in religious celebrations. However, after the devastation of the war, churches saw Easter as a source of hope for Americans. Easter was called “The Sunday of joy”, and the women changed the dark colors of mourning for the joyful colors of spring.

the easter parade. In the 1870s, the tradition of the New York Easter Parade began, in which women dressed in their newest and most fashionable clothes walked between the beautiful Gothic churches on Fifth Avenue. The show became one of fashion design’s premier events, a precursor to New York Fashion Week, if you will. It was famous throughout the country, and poor or middle class people watched the parade to witness the latest trends in fashion design. Soon, clothing retailers took advantage of the parade’s popularity and used Easter as a promotional tool to sell their clothes. By the turn of the century, the holiday was as important to retailers as Christmas is today.

The American dream. By the mid-20th century, dressing up for Easter had lost much of the religious significance it might have had, and instead symbolized American prosperity. A look at vintage clothing ads in a fashion school library shows that wearing new clothes at Easter was something every healthy American family was expected to do.

attitudes today. Although many of us may still wear new clothes at Easter, the tradition doesn’t feel all that special, not because of any religious ambivalence, but because we buy and wear new clothes all the time. At one time in this country, middle-class families shopped only once or twice a year at the local store or through a catalog. But in the last few decades, retail options have skyrocketed. There is a Gap on every corner and countless Internet merchants allow us to shop 24/7. It’s no wonder young people today listen to Irving Berlin’s song “Easter Parade” and have no idea what it means.

It is interesting to see where the tradition of wearing new clothes at Easter began and how it has evolved over the years. However, even with the changing times, the custom is sure to continue in some form. After all, fashionistas love having a reason to shop.


The Secrets to Growing Big, Healthy Pumpkins

Growing your own pumpkins is so much fun. Watching the vines grow, the flowers bloom and the little gourds form is really exciting. They require 6-8 hours of sunlight a day, rich soil improved with compost, and plenty of room or something to climb on. They are extremely easy to grow and can sprout from your compost, without any help from you. The variety, well, who knows, it depends on what you bought in the supermarket and the seeds that went to the compost. They do have some weird traits and it can be very frustrating when the vine is extremely healthy and you only get male flowers. It can also be extremely devastating if you think you’re going to get a pumpkin and find that it has fallen. Why do you wonder, what happened, what am I doing wrong? My answer is – probably nothing. Pumpkins are known for not producing fruit.

Pumpkins belong to the Cucurbita genus and the Cucurbitaceae family which includes squash, watermelon, rock melon, butternut squash, cucumbers, and squash. The word pumpkin originates from the word “pepon”, which is Greek for “big melon”. It is classified as a vine and needs a lot of room to grow. Pumpkins are monoecious, meaning they have both male and female flowers on the same plant, so you only need one plant to produce fruit.

preparing the ground

Pumpkins like a soil pH between 6 and 7.2. If your soil is on the acid side, I suggest adding a little lime and if it’s on the high, alkaline side, then you can bring it down by applying sulfur. To prepare the soil for pumpkins, I suggest you incorporate a lot of compost and cow or sheep manure. A good handful of blood and bones plus potash will do the trick. Pumpkins are an annual crop and need rich organic soil, so they can grow quickly and produce fruit before the winter chill sets in. The soil also needs to drain well and if your soil is clay I suggest you mound it with a good quality loam. This will raise its roots above the clay and poor drainage.

Locating your Pumpkin

Pumpkins need a lot of space and can soften other plants if left unchecked. Now, if you have a small garden and don’t want to be overrun by the triffids, I suggest growing them next to a fence or shed or putting up a trellis and training the tendrils. The good thing about tying them down is that it keeps the fruit off the ground from pests like slugs and snails and diseases like mold. If space is not an issue, let them roam. You will see that you have a floating sea of ​​large pumpkin leaves enveloping your garden. If they get into any mischief, cut them off, it won’t hurt them!

propagation of pumpkins

The best time to plant pumpkin seeds is in spring, when soil and air temperatures are warming. If you start them in the vegetable garden, the soil temperature should be at least 20°C for germination and the air temperature 22°C. You can start them in pots in a greenhouse if you like, but the garden soil should still be over 20°C when you plant them. They do not like cold or frost.

When planting the seed directly in the garden, make a mound about 1/2 meter wide and plant 3-4 seeds about 4-5 cm deep. Depending on the warmth of the soil, they should sprout within 7-10 days. When the baby seedlings have 4-6 leaves, pinch off the weaker plants and leave the stronger ones. If you don’t remove the weakest ones, the mound will be overcrowded and none of the pumpkins will thrive. If you don’t want to ignore them, replant them somewhere else in the garden.

Favorable conditions

Pumpkins are grown in the summer, they need 70-120 days before they are ready to harvest and that is usually in early to mid fall. Pumpkins don’t like scorching temperatures and will die down and stop growing. They have shallow roots, wilt easily and so it is important to prepare the soil with plenty of compost and animal manure to help increase the soil’s water-holding capacity. If the soil holds its water, then it is available for the plant to replace the moisture it is losing through its leaves. Pumpkins don’t like to be water stressed and they don’t like the flood and famine irrigation regimen. You can make them split. They like even watering and the best time is in the morning. If you water at night and the leaves get wet, powdery mildew may appear. Pumpkins do not like the wind and must be protected from it. Heat and strong winds can cause woodiness, making the squash very unpalatable to eat. It is also believed that too much wind can cause scarring of the meat.

The vine takes about 10 weeks before it begins to produce flowers and the males come first. They are on long, thin stems (called pedicels) and there are many more than females. If you look inside the male flower, you will find a long, thin structure called a stamen that produces pollen. The female flowers have a shorter pedicel and sit closer to the vine. If you look inside the female flower you will see the stigma which is where the pollen is received. The ovary is at the base of the petals and is where the seeds develop.

Fertilize the ovary

The flowers only open for 1 day; Just before sunrise, the flower petals begin to unfurl and open over a 4-hour period. At noon they begin to slowly close and by dusk they have closed permanently. Pumpkins are pollinated by insects, especially native and honey bees, so it’s important to encourage them into your garden. It is common for the ovary of female flowers to swell and begin to look like a pumpkin is forming. But disaster, it turns brown and falls off. This happens because it has not been fertilized due to lack of bees. There are several things you can do to encourage them:

  • Do not use systemic sprays (poisons that are absorbed into the plant and can last for several weeks), as many of them kill bees when they eat flower nectar.
  • plant french lavender Lavanduala denaturedIt blooms almost all year.
  • Plant Lots of Iceland Poppies – Honey Bees Love Them
  • Provide water to the bees, they will tell their friends and more bees will visit.

Now, if the weather has been brutal, either too hot or too cold, and you notice there aren’t many bees buzzing around, you can try fertilizing them yourself. There are 2 methods, pollinate by hand using the male flower or using a toothbrush. To hand pollinate, pick male flowers, remove the petals, and then apply the pollen to the stigma of the female flowers. I tried the toothbrush method once, where you gently brush the toothbrush over the stamen, then gently brush it over the stigma, but it didn’t work. I suggest you try the first method.

To save seeds from harvested pumpkins, store them for a month, then scoop out the pulp, wash it, and dry the seeds on a paper towel. Then store them in a clean, dry glass jar in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight. It’s also a good idea to label the bottle with the variety of pumpkin and date. I guarantee that if you don’t you will have forgotten in a while, what variety it is.

Pumpkins are famous for cross-pollinating with each other, so to ensure they are true to type, save seeds from a variety grown in isolation. You may need to hand pollinate it to ensure there is no pollen contamination.

Why is my Pumpkin not producing Fruit?

I mentioned earlier that pumpkins are notorious for not producing fruit and there are many reasons for that.

  • Pumpkins are sensitive to weather and temperature. If it’s too hot, too cold, too windy, or too rainy, you may not get fruit. I suggest you try hand pollination, especially if temperatures are above 30°C. Remember, if the weather is eradicant and temperatures fluctuate widely; then many plants close, until conditions become more suitable.
  • Seeds less than 3 years old are believed to produce more male than female flowers.
  • Lack of insects in your garden. Bees, ants and other insects are vital in the pollen transfer process. If they are not present, the pollen will not be transferred to the female flower, so there will be no gourds.
  • Heavy rains can damage the pollen, which means that even if it is transferred by insects, it will not fertilize the flower and therefore will not bear fruit.
  • One trick to try to encourage more female flowers is to cut off the apical (aka terminal) bud (upper growing point) and encourage lateral (lateral) growth.
  • When preparing the bed, be sure to incorporate some potash (it encourages blooms) and don’t put in too much nitrogen, for example. blood and bone, causing excessive leaf growth.

Plagues and diseases

There are the normal pests like slugs and snails that attack the leaves. You can try removing them by hand, especially after rain, or use a snail trap with beer in a glass jar half sunk into the ground. They come in, get drunk, and get drunk. There’s also the circle of finely crushed eggshells, which you place around each plant they hate to crawl on. There is a new pot product, which is a copper strip that goes around the pot. There is also a spray to repel them but I have not tried it.

If you have problems with caterpillars, I suggest you use an organic spray called Dipel, the active ingredient of which is bacillus thuringiensis. It will not harm you, your children, your pets or other beneficial insects. Long-lasting pyrethrum is also good for sap-sucking insects like whiteflies and aphids, but it also kills caterpillars.

When it comes to ladybugs, there are good ones and bad ones. The bad guys are known as the spotted 28 and they eat the leaves, so you have to be careful with them and pick them up by hand.

The disease that pumpkins are most prone to is also powdery mildew and it can spread very quickly in hot, humid conditions. To try to control this disease, cow’s milk can be used, sprayed on the leaves every two weeks with a solution of 1 part cow’s milk to 10 parts water. The good bird ladies are identified by yellow and black bands and will eat mold, so don’t kill them. I also recommend watering in the morning, not watering from above but at ground level to prevent spores from splashing onto the leaves.

Harvest and storage

The best part of growing pumpkins is harvesting them. You have seen them grow, you have nurtured them, they have not contracted pests or diseases and then you think, I do not know when to harvest them. Well, it takes about 3-4 months, they should be a nice color, sound hallowed when you touch them, and the skin should be hard and not show any indentations if you press your fingernails against them. It is very important that you cut them with at least 5-10 cm of the stem attached. This prevents mounds from getting into the gourd and helps lengthen its shelf life.

Choosing the right storage space is essential if you want pumpkins out of season. It needs to be well ventilated, out of direct sunlight and cool. It also needs to dry and not get wet. The squash should also be healthy, with no breaks in the flesh and no signs of mold. If there is, eat it immediately, it will not be stored.

The last piece of advice to help them grow healthy and strong is to feed them fortnightly with a potash drink and liquid manure. It can be cow manure, sheep manure or liquid from worms.

For pumpkins to grow successfully, they need rich organic soil, full sun, good weather, and regular moisture. If you follow these simple guidelines and the weather is even, not too hot and not too cold, you’ll have beautiful, healthy pumpkins that you can store, eat, and eat when it’s out of season.


Above ground pools and how to avoid spending money on kits

Above ground pools are usually made from kits that come in a big box and cost a lot of money. There is a much cheaper way to install a small above ground pool than buying an expensive steel framed model that will eventually rust, even if it was galvanized to begin with. The other problem with above ground pools that are made from kits is that the water filtration and sanitation systems are almost always substandard because most of the money goes into the steel frame and not into pool water care. . Simple above ground pools can be built in more or less any shape using 150mm wide concrete blocks from your local builder’s dealer and waterproofed with a PVC liner and provided with a water treatment system that actually works and ensure that children can use the pool without getting dirty. sick.

Such a pool can be square, round or octagonal. If the walls are about 4 feet or 1.2 meters high, the depth of the water can be 40 inches or about 1.0 m. Concrete block walls will maintain this height of water if they are externally braced by more concrete buttresses that are built at 2 meter intervals around the periphery of the pool. These buttresses only need to be 40 inches or about 1 meter wide and should always be built at right angles (in plane) to the main walls of the pool.

The beauty of this structural system is that the buttresses can be used to support the wooden deck around the perimeter of the pool. Pool walls and buttress walls will need adequate concrete foundations and these should be at least 16 inches or 400mm wide and set through the topsoil into a reasonably hard subgrade. The foundations must be at least 6 inches or 150 mm thick. They can be staggered if the pool is not built on a level site. The pool can also be placed on the ground if necessary to reduce visual disturbance.

The inner side of the cinder block wall facing the water should be flush so that the sides of the pool are smooth. Above ground pools lose the heat received from solar gain very quickly at night and to counteract this effect polystyrene panels can be glued to the inside of the pool walls.

A hobby mason can build one of these pools quite quickly and easily, but care must be taken to ensure the structural integrity of the walls and it may be easier and quicker to involve a professional. It is also necessary to install a skimmer and three water inlets that can be purchased at the local pool store through the pool walls. The skimmer must be installed to maintain the design water level. Two of the water inlets should be installed about 400mm below the water level and the third inlet (which actually functions as a drain) should be installed just above the bottom of the pool. All three should be on the opposite side of the skimmer.

The pool floor can be leveled and covered with sand. Skilled builders may prefer to lay leveling concrete topped with a sand-cement screed.

When the pool is built, measure it (include diagonal measurements at the top and bottom of the pool walls) and order the PVC liner and liner blocking from your local pool store. Calculate the volume of your pool and ask the pool shop to provide you with a pump, sand filter and multi-port valve that will circulate the entire volume of pool water in 4 hours and a circuit diagram. Filtration equipment and plumbing can be located out of the way under the deck around the pool.

I will write another article about taking care of pool water because it is very important to do it right when it is hot.


Find out how to write articles and make money online without a website

Welcome to the world of stress-free earnings using the famous but little understood and underused secret of article writing.

Content writing is one of the cool ways to make money online without a website if you know the secrets. There are many ways to make money online with this writing business. However, for you to make money online with business, you must first understand that content writing is a business in itself and many people make money online every day.

It is one of the freelance jobs available on the internet where you can earn money online as there is a hungry market for the business. The Internet is all about providing information to people. The hundreds of millions of websites and blogs you see everywhere have written content in the form of articles, reviews, sales copy, and profiles.

The goal of most website and blog owners is to make money from their sites by selling products, services, and pay-per-click programs. The good news for you as a good writer is that all the means of making money mentioned above are found in writing articles.

Therefore, judging by the number of articles involved, it is quite obvious that website and blog owners cannot write these articles alone due to lack of time. In fact, they never dare to write the articles themselves, otherwise they may not have time to attend to other important issues. All they do is outsource the article writing work to freelance writers who write for them for a fee. That is why writing has become a means of generating endless income online.

Fortunately, you don’t even need to invest a penny in the business to make money online without a website. All you need to do is spend a few hours a day helping webmasters and blog owners write the articles they need to promote their sites.

The volume of work to be done is unlimited and continuous. This implies that there is always a market for you if you are hardworking and dedicated. For example, a single client can keep you busy for several months. Depending on how fast you are at writing articles, you can earn $2,500 monthly.


1. You can be hired by people to write articles for them.

2. You can create a free blog and add content to the blog from time to time

3. You can write articles to submit to various article directories for money.

Here are some of the ways you can make money when it comes to content writing business.

However, you need to be ready to follow the rules of the game and make a move to make money in this business. Therefore, he should not just cross his arms, dream and relax, but try to realize his dream by working hard. Fond of discovering opportunities in problems and do not be one of those who see problems in opportunities.

You will be in the same place you are for years if you don’t make a move. Hello! Wake up from your sleep now and start writing articles to earn money online fast!


Helping you with planning your birthday party

Many people, especially children, think that birthday parties are the best part of having a celebration, and they may be right. Who doesn’t love to have a particular day where they are honored and maybe even have a special event planned just for them? Many times people worry about whether or not they should worry about planning a particular theme for a party, and if so, what should that theme be? Of course, that usually depends on the age and relationship of the lucky boy or girl.

Some parents may think that throwing such a party for a one-year-old is a little silly, but others feel that the first birthday is very special and usually plan a big party. This may actually be the easiest for a theme since it’s mostly family-focused and new parents have probably planned this for a while. However, even if it’s not for a first birthday, there are different themes you can choose from for just about anyone.

Planning birthday parties for young children is actually quite easy as many of them are just starting out in different sports and a sports theme is usually a safe bet. You have a huge selection of options when it comes to choosing a particular sport; For example, a baseball-themed birthday party is a great option and quite simple to plan.

Consider using party invitations that are shaped like a baseball glove or just a baseball and for refreshments you can always set up your own concession stand along with bowls of peanuts placed around the room. For the birthday cake, consider a glove-shaped cake with a smaller baseball-shaped cake inside the glove. A cut-out baseball diamond is a great place to stack those birthday presents until it’s time to open them.

Of course, there are also many different themes for girls; you can always go with a tea party theme. For the invitations, you can use real tea bags and replace the original tag with one on which you have written all the relevant information. Decorate a fresh white tablecloth with birthday flowers, and as party favors, you can give each girl a small mug with her name on it.

Planning birthday parties makes some people feel tense and anxious, worrying about showing the lucky boy or girl how important they are to you. Just make sure that your efforts come from the heart and you will certainly have the satisfaction of knowing that you have given them a great birthday party that expresses how special they are to you, your family and your friends.


Life is a stage: Grease makeup tips and tricks

Whether you’re thinking of wearing oily makeup for a theatrical event, a special Halloween party, or some other occasion, you need to know what products are out there and how to apply them.

While grease makeup requires more time and preparation than regular water-soluble face paint, it also lasts much longer. Most importantly, grease makeup will not smear or run under hot lights or conditions where you might perspire. With oily makeup you can create a more dramatic and even professional look.

In addition to your grease face paints and pencils, you’ll need:

  • facial cleanser or cleansing cream and/or baby shampoo
  • clean towels or paper towel
  • clothing cover and headbands or shower cap
  • possible shaver for men
  • mirror if you are not working from home
  • good quality paint brush, powder brush
  • professional setting powder, talc or baby powder and applicator (see below)
  • Q-Tips or fine paint brush, tissue paper, paper towel are helpful
  • Other items you might also consider:
  • light moisturizer
  • baby oil (to correct mistakes after the paint has ‘set’)
  • charcoal eye pencil
  • mask
  • sponge
  • mr gold water sprayer
  • glitter and other decoration

Before you start applying makeup, you need to prepare your face so that it goes smoothly. Clean your face thoroughly, pinning your hair up when necessary and, for men, shave. (Men with beards can apply greasepaint makeup, but it can be tricky to keep it off your hair.) Remember that greasy makeup will stain clothes, so wear an old button-up shirt. After your skin dries, apply a very light moisturizer.

Working first with the lightest color, usually white, and a good quality brush or sponge, or your fingers, you can outline the area and then fill it in. Alternatively, you can paint following the contours of your face. Oily make-up may not spread easily if it’s too cold, which can be remedied by putting a small drop of color in the palm of your hand for a minute. After painting, use your fingers to ‘pat’ the makeup into your skin.

Unlike water-based makeup, grease makeup requires you to paint your face and then “set” it with a professional setting powder, or talcum powder or baby powder. (If you choose talcum powder, be sure to confirm beforehand that you don’t have an allergic reaction.) You can ‘set’ grease makeup in stages after the application of each color or at the end of the entire painting. Some people prefer the latter, applying all the colors before setting with powder, because they can more easily correct mistakes. The downside, however, is that you risk accidentally mixing colors and smearing your work.

Whether “set” in stages or at the end, a reliable way to apply the powder is to partially fill a small, clean cotton sock with the powder, tie it off, and then gently rub your face. Let the powder sit for half a minute or so before dusting off the excess with a powder brush. Painted areas should no longer feel wet or sticky; if this is not the case, you probably need more powder. Once the grease makeup has set, it should be fairly smudge-resistant. If you need to correct anything at this point, you can use cotton swabs soaked in baby oil, but remember that neighboring areas could now be stained.

Be careful not to apply greasy face makeup thickly or in layers. If you have too much in one place, press it down with your fingers to smooth it out. Continue to refine your face, using Q-Tips or a fine brush for smaller areas. Grease pencils can also be used for the face, charcoal pencils for the eyes, and don’t forget color for your lips too!

Allow oily make-up to dry completely and apply a final light coat of powder, tapping off excess with a brush or tissue paper. A damp cloth at the end can help remove excess dust or spray with a light mist of water. In warmer climates, you can probably skip this step because the extra powder will absorb perspiration.

If you are applying glitter, you should do it last. Glitter is generally most effective when applied to the eyes or cheeks. A glitter gel is often used instead of dry glitter to minimize the chances of it flaking off the eye. With dry glitter, lightly dampen face and cheeks first, then apply polyester glitter. Remember to let your makeup sit for about half an hour before you go out. If you have paint smudges on your lashes, cover them with mascara.

Available products

For just about any type of face design, you’ll need at the very least a white foundation and a black makeup pencil, but of course there are plenty of colors in between and you’ll probably want to try at least a few of them. The main producers of grease makeup are Mehron and Ben Nye. Mehron Grease Makeup is geared towards theater professionals who want easy application with good coverage. Ben Nye also appeals to the same community, although Ben Nye’s grease makeup is actually a cream. Grease face makeup comes in a variety of forms, from palettes (usually sold as a kit) to individual eyeliners. Pencils, crayons, and sticks are useful for smaller areas of the face. Both Mehron and Ben Nye also make eye shadows, blushes, a range of glitter and setting powders and sealing mists. You may also want to consider sweat-blocking sprays for the face to help preserve oily paint under bright lights or in a hot environment.


Living with a young child in Seoul: 5 things that surprised us

A few years ago, when my son was two years old, we had the incredible opportunity to live and work in Seoul. We discovered so many wonderful things about raising a child in Seoul, including the very safe environment, access to a top-notch education, high-quality and affordable child care, and the abundance of historical and cultural attractions and activities for children. Here are some other amazing observations we made during our stay.

1. A baby/kid-crazy culture. Maybe it’s related to the country’s falling fertility rate, one of the lowest in the world, or maybe it’s just the culture, but everywhere we went, the people (particularly the ajummas, middle-aged Korean women) he flattered our son, giving him any gift. they could find everything from small candies and toys to a giant eggplant. Taxi drivers would search your car to find something to give you, like a banana taken from your packed lunch. A merchant cried every time we visited him. For our son, it was like having a million grandmothers: the world felt kind and loving.

2. Adventurous and kid-friendly food. Korean food may be known for its spicy or unusual dishes (to the Western eye), but the cuisine also abounds in palate-opening foods disguised as sweets (at least in the eyes of our two-year-old). We enjoyed pink and white fish cakes; slightly sweet and chewy dried squid that shreds in your hands; colorful vegetables wrapped with rice in dried and salted seaweed; rice cakes topped with mashed mung beans or filled with red bean paste (a not too sweet treat that I grew up with and my son loves, but my all-western husband thinks is an insult to the word “dessert” ). With more restaurants per capita (or so the locals have told me) than any city in the world, not to mention the thousands of food carts selling street food, you are bombarded wherever you go with surprisingly irresistible Korean food for me. young son!

3. Accessibility of outdoor activities. Seoul is known for its incredible growth and development over the last few decades, which has transformed it into a vibrant and bustling city that never sleeps. With 11 million people in Seoul proper, it has nearly twice the population density of New York City. However, there are extraordinary pockets of undeveloped, unspoiled nature in the city, including at least eight mountains that offer easy access to excursions and day hikes for children. We often spent the day in Bukhansan, located on the northern outskirts of the city, which is a national park with impressive granite peaks, dozens of hiking trails on its three main peaks, and spectacular views of Seoul from the top. Prepare to feel under-equipped as ajummas and ajusshis (middle-aged women and men) run alongside you in the latest high-tech clothing, carbon fiber trekking poles, and state-of-the-art GPS equipment (no matter how smooth the pending), but they will always stop to go ooh and aah over their little ones and offer them some nuts, carrots or another snack.

4. Cheap and easy transportation. As a New Yorker, I am addicted to taxis/Uber and always feel a little guilty (although not enough to curb my addiction) for spending too much money jumping into a cab instead of taking the bus or subway. No blame needed in Seoul! While Seoul has a super-efficient, if often crowded, public transportation system, taxis are so plentiful and cheap that it’s easy to travel with your little one and all the gear and shopping bags you’re likely to have with you. And it’s always a good opportunity to practice your Korean.

5. Fashion K for the little ones. In recent years, Seoul has become a cultural powerhouse whose influence now extends beyond K-pop, K-drama and K-beauty, into fashion. We found that the focus on fashion extends even to those who are too young to dress themselves. We saw children wearing miniature versions of their parents’ couture styles, and even attending shows during Seoul Fashion Week! High-end aside, nowhere else is it so easy or affordable to play dress-up with your child, even the cheapest markets are awash with trendy kids’ fashion (or at least knock-offs). When we first came to Korea, we were fresh from Toronto, a wonderful but elegantly conservative city. It wasn’t until we went out one day with Mason in ripped jeans (a victim of playing in the sandbox too much) and messy hair (some gel fixing a haircut mishap caused by mom) that we activated the street style fashion meter. with universal acclaim!


How to become a successful business person in a few months

How to become a first class entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is described as an individual who engages in a business for the purpose of profit. Furthermore, an entrepreneur can be described as an individual who has decided to take control of their future and become self-employed, either creating their own unique business or working as a member of a team.

What qualities does someone have to possess before he or she can be considered an entrepreneur? Being an entrepreneur is more than just starting a business. It’s about having attitude and the drive to succeed in business. All successful entrepreneurs have a similar mindset and possess several key personal qualities that make them so successful in business. The likes of Jimoh Ibrahim and Richard Brandon have an inner drive to succeed and grow their business rather than having a Harvard Business degree.

All successful entrepreneurs have the following qualities:

First, they have an internal drive to succeed. They see the big picture and are often very ambitious. Entrepreneurs set huge goals for themselves and stay committed to achieving them no matter what obstacles get in their way.

Second, they have a strong belief in themselves. Every successful entrepreneur has a healthy opinion of themselves and often has a strong, assertive personality. They are focused and determined to achieve their goals and completely believe in their ability to achieve them. Their self-optimism can often be seen by others as extravagance or arrogance, but entrepreneurs are too focused to spend too much time thinking about unconstructive criticism.

Third, they look for new ideas and innovation. All entrepreneurs have a passionate desire to do things better and to improve their products or services. They are constantly looking for new ways to improve.

Fourth, they are competitive by nature. Successful entrepreneurs thrive on competition. The only way to achieve your goals and live up to your high self-imposed standards is to compete with other successful companies.

And finally, they are highly motivated and energetic. Entrepreneurs are always on the go, full of energy and highly motivated. They are motivated to succeed and have an abundance of self-motivation.


(1). Reading and studying as many things as possible. You need to research specific information about what you are going to sell. For example, if you want to get involved in the real estate business, you need to study everything about your subject.

(two). Thinking. After you’ve done your study, think long and hard about the solution to that specific problem. So stop and relax. Let your subconscious mind work for you. The idea or solution will come to you at a very unexpected time. To me, the idea or the solution comes to me when I sleep.

(3). Refine your raw idea until it is to your satisfaction. You can always do your own research on the raw idea by asking the target market questions to test the feasibility of the idea and how to improve it further.


In fact, the subject of finance is very serious, especially in Nigeria, where more destined for small and medium-sized companies are kept in bank vaults intact and not used for the purpose for which they were intended. It is in this note, I will share three secrets with you to get an unsecured loan.

(1). FAMILY AND FRIENDS: It is much easier for family and friends to give you 50 naira than when you ask for 1000 naira. All you have to do is make a list of those people you know who can part with a small amount of money without second thoughts and ask them for a small favor.

(two). EXCHANGE YOUR GIFT: Your God-given talent is your best way to get an unsecured loan. Each person has a divine talent from God. Start translating that gift into making money. For example, if you can sing, why not sing at church or birthday parties and collect a token of appreciation?

(3). DAILY CONTRIBUTIONS: This is a process in which you contribute money daily in charge of a trusted person who will in turn return the money to you upon request. It can be your friend or family member but it can be a person who believes in your vision


silent auction supplies

Silent auction is one of the most profitable options to raise funds for some charitable purposes. The success of this auction depends on how well you plan it. You need to find a suitable place for the event, collect useful items and place them attractively. In addition, you should also pay attention to the little things, such as silent auction supplies. Buying all the essential supplies like pens, auction sheets, calculator, tables, and credit card reader in advance can help you avoid hassles at silent auctions. If you don’t keep these supplies readily available, you may lose some bidders.

o Silent Auction Bid Sheets:
Bidding sheets are one of the most important auction supplies. You can select two-sided auction sheets that give you plenty of room to bid on multiple auction items. Blades must be strong enough to withstand wear and tear. In addition to leaving space to include donation notes, item number, item description and value, they should also leave space to show the winning bidder and the amount they bid. If you select the correct bid sheet, hosting a silent auction can be much easier.

o Offer closing time card:
Bid close time cards are another useful auction material that can show the auction close time for each item. These cards are made from thick paper, so you can expect good performance from them.

o Donation request form:
You can purchase these forms to prepare a list of potential donors for your auction event. They include space to fill in information such as the donor’s name, phone number, expiration date reminder, etc.

o Volunteer Registration Form:
Since silent auctions are held for worthy causes, many volunteers are ready to share their work pressures. You can recruit volunteers to host the event and as judges to monitor whether the minimum bid and minimum increments are reached. You may plan to purchase a volunteer sign-up sheet or form so you can thank them later by sending them an email or a letter.

or money box:
Cash boxes play a vital role in silent auctions to keep coin and bill slots safe. Some of the models come with removable trays. You can make use of such silent auction supplies to increase your comfort.

or Bookmarks:
You can find a variety of markers to highlight the important details of the items to be auctioned. You can use quick-drying industrial pen for signs and sizing. You can opt for all-weather markers with a fine tip to write on plastics, vinyl, etc. If you write the name of the item with this pen, it will never fade. You can try using fluorescent colors that glow in the dark for ultra-high visibility.

o Auction Item Display Cards:
Auction item display cards are useful auction supplies that are printed in bright ink with the numbers in large letters. Auction item display tags help keep your silent auction organized and running smoothly. You can select from the different card sizes available.