Health Fitness

Fructose malabsorption: I’m starving! What can I eat?

When starting a fructose malabsorption diet, you should eat as simple as possible. Give your body time to heal. A simple and delicious recipe, very healing and easy to digest, is steamed fresh spinach and white rice. This is something you will be able to eat every day as long as you keep the portions small. Create a peaceful environment when you eat and never eat more than your belly can handle. Eat slowly. Enjoy every cock. The healing of the body begins from within. Meditate on love and peace in your life throughout the day. Learn proper breathing techniques and use them. Find time to relax each day.

You may or may not be able to eat the following foods. Not everyone can eat the same thing and because there are multiple intolerances that people can have, we are all affected differently by certain foods. This is a guide. Remember to pay attention to your body and write everything down in a journal or food notebook. Spread out meals and snacks throughout the day. Portion sizes are crucial. Sometimes half a serving will be tolerated, but not a whole serving. Never eat more than one serving unless you know you can tolerate it. Start small, think good food. Also, always check the ingredients. Not all products are created equal, and often a product will change ingredients without notice. You should check the labels every time you make a purchase. Many foods and drinks contain HFCS. HFCS is a big no-no for fruitfuls. Remember that FODMAP’s have a cumulative effect on the body. You might be okay with a slice or a meal, but if they get a chance to attack you, they will. Keep them in check by knowing your limits and keeping portions small. You can heal yourself. You are halfway there. Give yourself a gold star. You are on your way to a bright, happy and full belly, rich in nutrition and satisfaction.

meat and protein

All meat is tolerated as there is no fructose or other fermentable carbohydrates present in the meat. Organic meat is a great option because it is not only healthier but also tastes much better. Be aware of additional ingredients, such as breadings, additives, fillings, and sauces, as they may contain FODMAPs. Be aware that some processed meats use lactose in the meats. Check with the deli. Fish and shellfish are safe as long as they do not contain intolerable ingredients. Always check the ingredients. It is best to prepare meals from scratch because then you will know what is in them. Eggs and tofu are adequate protein sources.

Safe Grains and Starches

There are many safe grains and flours that are suitable for the diet. They are often found in health food stores or online, especially in the gluten-free sections. White rice is the safest.

  • rice bran
  • gluten free flour
  • Cornmeal
  • oat bran
  • quinoa
  • dad
  • White rice
  • white rice noodles
  • white rice wrappers
  • gluten free pasta
  • Gluten-free oats or oats (Many prefer gluten-free).


Real sugar, also known as sucrose, is fine in small amounts. Be careful with 100% fruit spreads. They often use pear juice to sweeten them. Best to stay away from these as pears are a big problem for fruitbearers. Again, always check the labels.

  • Peanut butter (peanuts can cause difficulties in people sensitive to Candida).
  • Jam
  • Jam
  • Maple syrup
  • rice syrup
  • Dextrose
  • Smarties and sweettarts made with dextrose (Check the labels on smarties and sweettarts. Sometimes they use HFCS.)

Fresh fruit)

The amount of these fruits is very important. Do not eat more than the serving size of one small orange at a time. Space each serving out by at least two to three hours.

  • all berries; blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.
  • Citric fruit; oranges, lemon, grapefruit, lime, tangelo, etc.
  • Cantaloupe
  • durian
  • papaya
  • Avocado (very small amount)
  • passion fruit
  • Ripe banana
  • jack fruit
  • carabola
  • Kiwi
  • pineapple
  • Rhubarb
  • Guava
  • grapes
  • sweet melon
  • Rhubarb
  • Khaki
  • Lychee


Once again, portion sizes are very important. There are variations between the sensitivities of individuals. This is just a guide. Pay attention to your body and use your food journal.

  • Alfalfa
  • Bamboo shoots
  • shoko
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Pepper
  • carrots
  • Fungus
  • Celery (small amount)
  • Zucchini
  • Tomato
  • choysum
  • Corn (small amount)
  • Cucumber
  • Endive
  • Zucchini
  • Tomato
  • dad
  • Eggplant
  • ginger
  • Sweet potato (small amount)
  • lettuce, iceburger
  • olives
  • Parsnip
  • pumpkin
  • silver beet
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin
  • green beans
  • Turnip

Herbs, Spices and Seasonings

  • thyme
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Rosemary
  • lemon juice
  • lime juice
  • Basil
  • ginger
  • Pepper
  • cane honey
  • pure maple syrup
  • chives
  • asafoetida powder
  • sea ​​salt
  • cilantro
  • Garlic infused oil
  • Parsley


  • Tea
  • Coffee (regular and decaf)
  • herbal teas
  • Hot water with lemon (highly recommended)

Note: Caffeine can be a gastric irritant. You may want to minimize your caffeine intake if you suspect that caffeine is contributing to your symptoms.

Restriction of wheat and fructans

Wheat-based products are only a problem when wheat is the main ingredient.

When wheat is an ingredient in only small amounts, it’s usually not a problem unless you’re gluten intolerant or have celiac disease.

The diet for fructose malabsorption is low in wheat. You can eat rye, oats, barley, and small amounts of wheat or wheat ingredients. Gluten-free products do not contain wheat, so they are suitable for fructose malabsorption; however, you should still be aware of fructose ingredients like onion, honey, and fruit in these products. There are many wheat ingredients that are safe, since they do not contain large amounts of fructans.

These include:

  • Wheat starch
  • wheat thickeners
  • wheat colored candy
  • wheat maltodextrin
  • wheat dextrin
  • wheat dextrose
  • wheat glucose
  • wheat glucose syrup


Some people can tolerate low lactose cheeses. Some low-lactose cheeses include Swiss, Parmesan, Gouda, Colby, Provolone, Cheddar, Muenster, and Monterey Jack. Lactose-free milk and lactose-free cottage cheese are excellent sources of protein and calcium. Rice milk is another lactose-free alternative. Small servings of yogurt or lactose-free yogurt may be tolerable. Remember to use your food diary. You are a researcher and your intention is to find the healthiest diet for your unique body.

breakfast cereals

Remember to check the labels. HFCS is a popular ingredient in many processed foods, especially cereals.

  • Oats, plain (gluten-free if possible but not necessary)
  • Cornflakes
  • rice bubbles
  • rice puff pastry
  • rice flakes

Nuts and seeds (Suitable in very small quantities)

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • pinions
  • sunflower seeds
  • almonds
  • cashew nuts

I wish you a happy and healthy life of love and prosperity.

Health Fitness

New Moms – Take Care

It’s easy for new moms to overlook taking care of themselves after their babies are born, and this is understandable. It’s understandable because they’re busy making sure your little one’s needs and wants are met. However, taking care of themselves is part of caring for the baby. So, here are some simple, time-consuming suggestions that are helpful to new moms in this area.

Eating regularly and properly

Of course, it is always important to eat regularly and properly, but sometimes we may skip a meal here and there and substitute a glass of water for a soft drink. However, doing these things is not a good idea, and should certainly be avoided after delivery, and even more so if you are breastfeeding. Health authorities usually recommend three full meals a day and snacks in between. This is to keep an individual healthy and strong. Foods like fish, liver, berries, nuts, potatoes, water, dark chocolate, spinach, and carrots are just some of the foods that should be part of your regular diet. Eat foods that give you strength and energy for the day, and if necessary, eat foods that help make breast milk. Foods like pumpkin, cabbage, and chicken.

Drink milk, juice, water, soup, while breastfeeding

If you’re breastfeeding, while you’re in the act, drinking milk, juice, water, or soup is healthy and a good way to multitask. Of course, if they prefer to eat immediately before or after feeding the babies, that’s fine. The healthier they are, the better everything is. If a mother is not breastfeeding, she should have milk, juice, water, and soup at any time of the day. They can be eaten as a snack or as part of a larger meal.

use multivitamins

Multivitamins can be purchased over the counter and there are plenty out there. However, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor first before buying any. The doctor may recommend folic acid and vitamins with iron. Of course, they should be used in addition to healthy eating and exercise.

Rest when babies rest

It is very tempting to do anything when babies are asleep. The house may need cleaning, emails and phone calls need to be taken care of, and the list can go on. When babies are awake, it can be a bit difficult to do these things, and therefore the desire to do them when they are asleep. However, it is particularly important to rest when babies are resting because they may not get a chance to do so when they are awake.

There is so much lack of sleep and general lack of care that the body can take before one falls asleep at the most inconvenient time and becomes ill. It is especially important to take care of yourself, especially after giving birth.

Health Fitness

Your vegan breakfast – Easy ideas and recipes to start your morning!

Many people new to the vegan diet find it difficult to think of foods that are tasty and easy to prepare. Often, many people simply don’t have the time or energy to search for easy and healthy vegan recipes. And when it comes to breakfast, they are often stuck in the same eating rut! However, for all you vegans out there, keep in mind that there are many tasty, healthy and easy vegan breakfasts you can make.

Easy and healthy vegan breakfast ideas and recipes:

Fresh juice – If you have a blender, keep in mind that making a vegetable and fruit juice for your breakfast is quick, easy and super healthy. You can juice celery, beets, carrots, apples, ginger, parsley, or any other fruit or vegetable you like.

Vegan Smoothie – This is another easy and healthy vegan breakfast drink, however, do you need a blender.

For chocolate Banana Milkshake, mix 1 cup rice/soy milk, 1 tbsp. cocoa powder, 1 very ripe banana, 2-3 tbsp. soy yogurt, a splash of agave nectar and a pinch of sea salt. Add more milk if the shake is too thick for your liking.

For berry Smoothie, mix 1 cup rice/soy milk, 3-4 tbsp. soy yogurt, ½ cup of fresh or frozen berries, a pinch of sea salt, and a few ice cubes.

TO create your own vegan smoothie, blend your choice of the following: soy/rice/coconut milk, soy/coconut yogurt, dates, raisins, sultanas, goji berries, crushed walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, maple syrup, nectar of agave, sea salt, peanut butter, bananas, grated vegan chocolate, cocoa powder, molasses, berries and some ice cubes.

Fruit in abundance!
You can enjoy your fruit in so many wonderful ways, and if not in a juice or smoothie, then in some other delicious way!

Seasonal Fruit Salad – You can eat a big bowl of fresh single season fruit for a wonderful, fresh and easy vegan breakfast! Or you can spice it up a bit with soy yogurt, chopped walnuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, or almonds, and a drizzle of maple syrup or agave nectar! Your taste buds can really be treated to a gourmet fruit salad!

Fried bananas – Heat a couple of tablespoons. of olive oil in a pan and add some chopped bananas (sliced ​​lengthwise), along with a good drizzle of maple syrup or agave syrup. Fry for 1-2 minutes on each side. Serve hot on top of toast, with some crushed walnuts and an extra drizzle of maple syrup!

vegan cereal – Supermarkets and health food stores offer a wide range of vegan cereals nowadays, so you should try as many as you can and find your favourites! Enjoy your cereal with rice or soy milk and a dollop of yogurt. To make your bowl of cereal healthier, heartier, and more delicious, add your choice of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, goji berries, raisins, sultanas, or chopped dates. This will turn an ordinary bowl of cereal into a healthy (and still easy!) vegan breakfast!

Toast- Many vegans find that they are stuck in a rut when it comes to their morning toast. But keep in mind that there are tons of ingredients to enjoy! You are probably frequently eating your toast with vegan jam and cream. Also try the following ingredients:
– Sliced ​​avocado, sea salt and pepper
– Sliced ​​tomato, sea salt, pepper, vegan cheese (put on the grill or in the jaffle maker to melt the cheese)
– Vegan chocolate cream (from the health store)
– Brazil nut cream, almond cream, cashew cream, peanut butter with a drizzle of maple syrup or agave nectar
– Sliced ​​banana, vegan chocolate spread, peanut butter (all three together = to die for! If you want you can put a slice of bread on top to make a sandwich and toast it. The banana will cook and your chocolate spread will melt into a pool of taste buds darling!)

As you can see, if you let your imagination run wild there is an infinite variety of delicious, healthy and easy vegan breakfast recipes and ideas! Your morning will never have to start boring again! If you’re still out of ideas, you can find a wide range of vegan recipes online, be it on professional vegan recipe websites, blogs, YouTube or eBooks that contain tons of delicious recipes.

Health Fitness

Foods that cure hard stools

Everyone suffers from constipation from time to time. But what do you do if it is a daily occurrence?

The human intestine is most comfortable when it produces feces (bowel movements) of desirable consistency and size. “A brown banana” is a good way to think of the ideal stool: not too hard, not too soft, not too big, not too small. The muscles of the colon are designed to move soft stool the size of a banana. The colon has a harder time passing hard stools, whether small or large.

Although certain diseases and many medications cause constipation, the most common culprit is a lack of fiber in the diet. Civilized man does not eat enough soluble fiber to keep the intestines well regulated. Soluble fiber is the kind that can soak up fluids to soften your stool—think dried beans. Dry, hard beans can turn into mush if they are soaked and cooked long enough to absorb enough water. Soluble fiber is not absorbed in the intestines; it passes through raw, absorbing extra water along the way, just like the gelatin in disposable diapers.

So before you get to the food, don’t forget the water. No matter what food you eat, your stool cannot soften if not enough water passes through your intestine.

Also, food cannot soften stool that has already formed; the fiber just softens the next stool down the road. Think of your intestinal tract as a conveyor belt. You want to keep a good supply of fiber moving throughout the tract to keep all of your bowel movements a good consistency. The hard stools you have now should go away in a day or two. New, higher-fiber stools can then begin to form from an improved diet. Sometimes it takes a while for the intestine to get used to this: it has to stretch out a bit and get used to working properly again. Until then, you may experience gas, bloating, cramping, or mild discomfort.

Remember the proverb, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? That is a good place to start. A medium apple has about 3 grams of fiber. You would have to eat 4 slices of white bread to get that much fiber (and with 4 times the calories).

Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber. In addition to apples, other fruits with a particularly high soluble fiber content are raspberries, blackberries, and pears. Don’t peel the apples and pears; Eat the skin, too, for the highest fiber content. And any fruit is a better food choice than simple carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, sweetened cereals, pasta, white flour, or sugar.

Vegetables that are high in fiber include beans, artichokes (who eats them?), peas, spinach, carrots, and broccoli. Raw vegetables are healthier than cooked ones, however they are somewhat more likely to cause bloating. But any vegetable, cooked or not, is healthier to eat than a simple carbohydrate.

Whole grains are also a reasonable source of fiber. Anything with bran is a good choice. Whole wheat or rye bread is better than white bread. Oats, shredded wheat, brown rice, and peanuts have a good amount of soluble fiber.

Try to eat at least 5 servings a day of these high-fiber foods. Again, it may take a few days or perhaps a few weeks for your colon to adjust to the increase in fiber, but it should be worth it in the long run. An added bonus: Most of these foods are low in calories but packed with vitamins and other nutrients—good for you in every way.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

Health Fitness

How to Train for Baseball with a Bow Flex

Bow Flex has created an extensive line of exercise equipment for the home. They have complete home gyms; tread climbers and even free weights. All of these have a place in a good overall exercise routine; however, some are better for the baseball player than others.


To play baseball well you will need strong legs, back and arms. You’ll also need a fair amount of stamina to go with the strength you build. Each part will need to be properly worked to give you full performance.


In baseball, no matter what position you play, you need a strong arm to throw, however if you’re going to pitch, this is even more true. There are two ways to get the muscle tone you’ll need for throwing, free weights, and the different exercises available with the home gym.

o Triceps Push Down

o Seated biceps curl

o Sitting wrist extensions

o Preacher Curl

or many more

These and other exercises available with the Bow Flex home gym will help you increase your strength and flexibility.


Your back is a very important part of your core and as such should not be ignored during strength and flexibility training. A Bow Flex home gym can also help you strengthen this area of ​​the body.

o Lying side pulls

o Lower back extensions

o Lying Shoulder Raise

o Wide straps

All of these are great exercises to strengthen your back and prepare you for the rigors of baseball.


One of the most important parts of a baseball player’s body is his legacy. They need to be strong and flexible. This means that along with regular training, you’ll also want to stretch. Everyone from the pitcher to the catcher uses their legs quite a bit. Bow Flex Home Gym Exercises:

o Leg extensions

or Squats

or lunge

o Aversion to legs

o Seated hip extensions

leg press

o Eversion of the ankle

o Ankle inversion

These and others are good exercises for building muscle strength and flexibility. However, it is important that you do not focus on building massive muscles, as a ball player you want lean and athletic legs, not a bodybuilder.


Finally, to play baseball you need to be able to run at the drop of a hat, or hit, as the case may be. You can run a little or a lot in a game, the point is you never know, so you’ll need to engage in a good cardio workout to be prepared. Ball players will tell you that most practices you will spend half the time running. Make sure your workouts on the Bow Flex get your heart rate up and give you a cardio workout.


As with any program, all the exercise in the world won’t help much if you don’t eat right and get enough rest, you’re fighting a losing battle. A Bow Flex can help you get into good baseball shape if you wear it often and correctly.

Health Fitness

Is talcum powder the best for removing penis odor?

Strong penis odor can be a source of embarrassment for men, especially during the hot and sweaty months of summer. For some men, a simple application of powder early in the morning is all they do to combat this common problem. But is the use of talcum powder compatible with proper penis care? And, equally important, does it really combat penis odor?

The penis odor dilemma

The smell of penis has existed since men have existed. Yes, our early ancestors ran without clothes and therefore enjoyed the benefits of constantly ventilating the penis. But those same cave-dwellers didn’t have soap either, and they didn’t wash very often, which means their packs had an even higher degree of penis odor than ours.

So why is this particular body part prone to stink? Well, for one thing, it’s usually packed under two solid layers of clothing: pants and underwear. And often those underwear are tight fitting, adding to the warmth quotient. Add to that the fact that unless a man shaves his manhood, it’s topped off by a large layer of insulating hair, in addition to the hair that lines the balls. Finally, men get erections throughout the day, whether they are aroused or not. The erection process consists of enlarging the penis by filling it with blood; this in turn adds even more heat to the area.

Excess moisture is a natural byproduct of all that heat, and sweat tends to bring with it odor-causing bacteria—hence, the scent factory that is a typical man’s crotch.

talcum powder solution

For many years, men have tried to keep manhood odor at bay by strategically sprinkling, or in some cases, liberally pouring, talcum powder on their penises, balls, and crotch. Talcum powder is famous for its use in keeping babies’ bottoms soft and dry, so its use on the penis is understandable. But is it the best solution for penis odor?

Since most talcum powder comes with a scent of its own, it can be effective for a short time in masking odor. The drying qualities associated with the product may also be effective in the short term; but it lacks the staying power needed for a tough case of stink.

More importantly, talcum powder does not contain ingredients that can actively combat the causes of penis odor, especially bacteria. So once the initial benefits wear off and the sweat starts to rain down, the dust just keeps piling up. Therefore, while it may provide some temporary coverage, it cannot by itself provide an effective solution to the problem.

Adding to this issue are concerns expressed by some that prolonged use of talcum powder may have negative health benefits. The problem is that not enough studies have been done to answer this question one way or another, so some doctors advise caution in long-term use of the powder.

beyond the dust

Even men who use talc need to take other steps to combat unwanted odors. Proper cleaning of the area is crucial, of course; so is finding time each day to let masculinity “air out.” (Sleeping naked is one way to achieve this goal.)

Most importantly though, a man definitely needs to go beyond talcum powder and regularly use a superior penile health cream. (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to help with penis odor. To be effective, the cream must absolutely include vitamin A. This vitamin is well known for its antibacterial properties that do a splendid job of actively fighting bacteria that are the main cause of a smelly penis. It is also essential that the cream contains alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant. Alpha Lipoic Acid helps modify the aging process of penile cell metabolism, which in turn keeps penile skin healthier. Healthier penile skin is in a much better position to fight off odor-causing bacteria. With the right cream, penis odor can be effectively reduced.

Health Fitness

Elliptical Trainers – Are You Wasting Your Time?

Elliptical trainers continue to grow in popularity among gym users and people purchasing a residential elliptical trainer to use at home. Commercial gyms and health clubs continue to upgrade to newer models of elliptical trainers and are even getting rid of outdated cardio equipment like older model skiers and stationary bikes to make room for more ellipticals. This is in direct demand by club members for quality cardio equipment. But is the elliptical trainer really just a Trojan horse lulling us into a false sense of fitness while fooling us with any real cardiovascular benefits?

When used correctly, elliptical trainers provide a cardiovascular workout that produces results. The explosive popularity of elliptical trainers is due in large part to the low-impact nature of the workout. People who don’t like or can’t tolerate the pounding of their knees and other joints on a treadmill have eagerly migrated to the elliptical. The lower perceived exertion is also a compelling selling point of elliptical trainers. Low impact makes students feel like they are not trying as hard as they really are. However, this last point and the machine’s hypnotic elliptical motion have a tendency to make people sleepy in very low-intensity workouts.

Combine all of this with the old advice that to burn fat you need to train in the “cardio zone.” You know, the old formula of subtracting your age from 220 and multiplying the result by 60-70%. Too many people are just walking away on elliptical trainers, letting momentum do most of the work and having very little to show for it. The elliptical movement is really a double-edged sword.

To position yourself on the right side of this 2-blade sword, follow the guidelines below:

1. Expend some energy – to burn calories and burn fat, you must eat fewer calories than you need and/or burn additional calories. Your body will quickly adapt to low intensity training and fat loss will slow and eventually stop. Try training in your cardio zone and see what happens. Increase the intensity of your elliptical workouts by increasing both the resistance level and your pace.

2. Wear a heart rate monitor – to keep your heart rate in your cardiovascular zone, you will need to control it. Invest in a Polar(TM) chest strap and wrist monitor. The heart rate monitors on the arms of many ellipticals are not very accurate.

3. Vary your workouts – To avoid becoming stale, try mixing up your elliptical workouts. Many ellipticals have several built-in, customizable workout profiles. The important thing is to get your heart rate up and keep it up for most of your workout.

4. Keep your workouts short and focused. – A 20 minute intense session on an elliptical machine is much more beneficial than a 60 minute sleepwalking session.

5. Use resistance training – Lean muscle burns more calories while at rest. People often forget that elliptical trainers are cardio machines and do little to build muscle. To build muscle and increase your strength, you’ll need to use progressive resistance training. If you can handle it, you should make an effort to include some weight training in your exercise program. You will be pleasantly surprised by the additional benefits.

Elliptical trainers are wonderful cardio equipment and will continue to grow in popularity. At many gyms there are lines during peak hours to get on an elliptical. Get the most out of your elliptical training sessions by following the steps above and you definitely won’t be wasting your time.

Health Fitness

Parallel Bar Dips – The Upper Body Squat

The bench press is often called the king of upper body exercises, but it’s not true. Yes, it’s a great compound movement that works most of your upper body muscles, but it doesn’t really get the job done. The barbell squat is called the king of lower body exercises and this is true while the leg press is also executed. because? For the same reason, the bench press takes a backseat to parallel bar dips.

What Makes Parallel Bar Dips Superior? First of all, parallel bar dips are a balance exercise with only your hands for support, just like barbell squats with only your feet for support.

Second, the entire upper body must work together to stabilize itself as the arms go from straight to full bend and back again, just like in the barbell squat, except that the barbell squat bar force your entire body to move, making you superior in that regard. .

Third, the extreme range of motion possible with parallel bar dips cannot be matched by the bench press, even the dumbbell version, which carries a higher risk of injury because you’re trying to control two heavy dumbbells when you start to swing. get tired and start to lose control of two independent weights. . Parallel dips mimic a barbell squat in its vertical trajectory, extreme extension results in the greatest degree of stretch possible and provides the greatest potential for full development through the full range of motion. This is a very important aspect when choosing any exercise, stretching being just as important as contraction.

Fourth, parallel bar dips are one of the few multi-joint exercises that retain tension in the muscles involved in the movement from extension to lockout, yes I said lockout. Like the barbell squats in the lockout, the upper and lower arm bones lock like the upper and lower leg bones, but unlike the knee joint in which you can lock and hold the weight, even resting for a few more reps, the triceps muscles cannot rest when the arms are locked when doing parallel bar dips like they are when bench pressing.

Because the body is suspended on the hands and the forward pull from this position, the triceps must fight to keep the elbows locked. Also, unlike the bench press, the pecs can never rest, even in the lockout, they contract hard to prevent you from falling forward. The front and lateral deltoid heads are working through the full range and lockout. The amount of muscle fiber stimulation, continuous tension, time under tension, total muscle groups involved, extreme range, and extreme stretch make parallel bar dips the king of upper body exercises. of the body, a worthy equivalent of the barbell squat.

To break down the mechanics of dips and compare them to barbell squats, triceps act as quadriceps, biceps act as hamstrings, forearms act as calves, pecs act as glutes, deltoids act as hips, trapezius act as the lower back, abdominals and spinal erectors act as stabilizers to keep the body still and maintain position and the latissimus dorsi acts as a solid base for driving the upper arms, working the triceps to move the arms into a straight arm position and help the triceps guide the body to the bottom position, acting like a spring that tightens.

The trapezius, latissimus dorsi and triceps work together to pull the body out of the hole and as the body rises the deltoids and pecs assume more important roles, the pecs and trapezius work in unison, the latissimus dorsi supports the deltoids and triceps as they move into Lockout. A truly powerful move.

The strength potential possible with parallel bar dips is considerable, I myself have used over a hundred extra pounds strapped to me for reps. My brother at the top end of the range has parallel bar dipped for five full range reps with front deltoids touching hands on bottom to lock out straight arm with two hundred and five pounds of additional weight strapped to him at a hundred bodyweight. ninety pounds, quite a sight to behold.

As with any exercise, good form is vital to avoiding injury and ensuring full development, especially with an exercise like parallel bar dips. Trust me, you can’t fake heavy dives, you’ll get your ass kicked and quickly shown who’s boss. This is a true power exercise and one that must be respected, you must have full focus the entire time, there is no room for daydreaming or sloppy form, dropping to the bottom position and if you are going to do partial reps, staying close to the bottom. top of the movement so that you can handle some big weights, you are wasting your time and have lost the whole point of doing this movement.

Let’s quickly go over the execution of the movement, starting with your arms locked, supporting your weight, with your hands gripping two bars about two feet apart and at a height where your bent knees do not make contact with the floor at the bottom of the movement, focus fully on staying still and lowering your arms down in a slow controlled manner, keeping them close to your sides, feeling the muscles contract like a spring until you come to a soft stop with your hands in contact with your front deltoids with your arms bent as far as they can bend, feeling the stretch in the pecs and then holding tight, begin to push yourself up, not bouncing off the bottom and keeping your body as still as possible until straight arm lockout.

Don’t let your elbows snap into lockout or come out of lockout on the downward part of the movement, if you’re doing this you’re using too much extra weight and you don’t have weight control.

You may also have heard that there are two ways to do parallel bar dips, leaning forward for the pecs and keeping your body as upright as possible for the triceps. It is best to do parallel bar dips in a natural neutral position that feels comfortable and is easy to maintain.

Doing parallel bar dips with excessive forward lean places negative stress on the elbows and front deltoids, as well as the rotator cuffs.

Doing parallel bar dips with a straight up and down position is hard to sustain as the reps get more difficult, as is the fact that the muscles have enough to contend with to balance on the hands while it is moving.

If you want to focus on the triceps more than the pecs, bench dips are a far superior option as they actually position your upper body in front of your arms, transfer more stress to your triceps, make it easy to hold position so you can focus your full attention on the action of the triceps while still reaping the benefits of extreme range of motion, superior stretching of the triceps and pectoralis, improved shoulder joint mobility even beyond dips regular parallel bar pulls and continuous tension, though it made the lockout easier to hold, so no need to linger on the lockout.

Parallel bar dips fit great into any part of a routine, if you use them early on you could do much worse than parallel bar dips and crossover dumbbell pullovers for increasing the size and power of your pecs, deltoids and triceps in a simple basic mass format.

Performed at the end of the chest portion of your workout, parallel bar dips can push the chest and deltoids hard when more isolated exercises are employed beforehand.

Performed at the end of the triceps portion of your workout, your chest, shoulders, lats, and traps can push your triceps to greater size and development.

If I could only do two upper body exercises, I would choose the shoulder width under chin grip and parallel bar dips, the upper body squat.

Health Fitness

A Weight Loss Diet Review: The MetaBooster Fat Burning Diet

Description – MetaBooster Fat Burning Diet is one of the easy ways to lose weight. It is a low carbohydrate, high protein diet, which is based on eating low GI carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fats.

The MetaBooster Fat Burning Diet claims that you can eat all the protein you want and still lose weight. All you need to do is choose your carbs carefully and use healthy fats to lose weight.

It is claimed to be the fastest way to lose weight and you will be able to consume large amounts of protein while eating small amounts of carbohydrates. It has been compared to the Atkins diet, but with the difference that you are allowed to eat adequate carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and fruit. (On the Atkins Diet, the only carbohydrates you can eat are salads and certain vegetables.)

It is divided into 2 phases, the first phase eliminates all carbohydrates except those present in vegetables, so you eat a lot of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, cheese and eggs. The explanation behind phase 1 is that it is supposed to make your body overcome its addiction to “bad” carbs that spike your blood sugar so fast that you release extra insulin, the hormone that keeps you fat. After week 1 on Carb Wipe Out, you can start eating new carbs and healthy fats; You won’t have sugar cravings as Carb Wipe Out will have kicked your addiction to ‘bad’ carbs, and your insulin resistance will have dropped and you’ll be back to near normal emissions.

Although Phase 1 seems quite restrictive, many people say that since it is only for 7 days, they can follow it quite easily and the rapid weight loss encourages them to complete the course.

You then move on to Phase 2, where you slowly start introducing carbs back into your diet, adding low GI “good” carbs, and staying away from “bad carb” foods that will spike your blood sugar. blood and will cause your body to release more amounts of insulin which in turn causes fat to be retained in the body. However, this phase is much easier to comply with. You’ll be eating plenty of “good” carbs and healthy fats, as well as plenty of lean protein that you can handle. There is no restriction on the amount of protein you consume and you can enjoy dishes like chili con carne, grilled chicken or peri peri, pepper steaks, seasoned and encrusted salmon fillets. You are supposed to lose up to 4 pounds per week on this phase of the diet.

Unlike other diets, this one generally doesn’t focus on calories or portion sizes, but instead focuses on stabilizing blood sugar levels so you don’t crave sugary foods and snacks and don’t release too much sugar. insulin.

The most difficult part of this diet is your degree of self-control and willpower, but even so, the MetaBooster Fat Burning Diet provides a supplement that you can use to help you with the diet if your willpower is weak.

So what are the drawbacks? Based on the feedback, it seems that the biggest hurdle is getting through the first phase, but once the dieter has passed day 3, everything seems to be going smoothly.

Overall, this diet is a healthy way of eating that can be used for weight loss, disease prevention (particularly diabetes) due to its balance of lean protein, ‘good’ carbohydrates, and healthy fats that don’t spike blood sugar levels. blood and are a burden. in the pancreas that secretes insulin. It is a diet that can be used for life.

Health Fitness

Lose Two Inches – How To Lose Two Inches From Your Belly In A Month Without Dieting?

Dieting is not everyone’s cup of tea. You need a lot of self-control and planning. People don’t have the time for it or don’t have the patience to do it. Is there any means that can help you lose two inches from your tummy in a month without dieting? Well you can do it.

Here are some tips to lose 2 inches of belly fat without dieting:

First of all, take dietary supplements like acai. This is a fruit from the Brazilian rainforests that is known to repair the digestive system, eliminate fecal matter, and therefore reduce belly fat naturally and effectively.

· You can continue with your normal diet but try to have it on time. Eating 5-6 short meals throughout the day keeps your metabolic rate up and thus reduces your weight. If you can’t take meals properly on time, make sure you always have a pack of nuts. After every 2 hours chew some nuts. This would be a great help in reducing 2 inches around the belly.

· Walk as much as possible. Even if you can’t go for a morning or evening jog or brisk walk, try to walk at least half the distance you normally would.

Dedicate 10 minutes in the morning to some form of exercise. If nothing, you can try some yoga breathing techniques. This could actually help you lose 2 inches of belly fat alone.

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Replace tea and coffee with herbal teas.

You can replace the milk you drink with soy milk or skimmed milk.

Sleep for a good 6 to 7 hours at night. Proper sleep is also responsible for your weight.

Along with the other tips, losing 2 inches of belly fat would be easier if you drink 10 glasses of water a day.