Digital Marketing

Requirements Gathering: Choosing the Right Tools

The intent of this section is to give you an idea of ​​the various requirements gathering tools available and the factors you should consider when choosing which one to use for your project. You will need to be trained in the use of these tools before becoming proficient in their use.

The nature of the software application or website that will deliver your project will influence your decision about which requirements gathering tools to use. Other factors that will influence your decision are the number and type of business users, customer service representatives, and maintenance personnel and their locations. We will try to describe some of the tools available in this section and describe situations where it would be appropriate to use them.

The contract or statement of work

If your organization has contracted with a third-party vendor to develop the application, you will have a contract that sets out the features and functions that your application or website will have in general terms. If the contract is accompanied by a Statement of Work (SOW), the features and functions can be described in more detail. There will still be work to do to refine the statements in the contract or SOW into requirements, but you should use them to define the boundaries within which the requirements definition should stay.


Brainstorming is perhaps the most widely used tool for soliciting thoughts and ideas. It’s a technique that requires participants to meet in a room to work well (at least I haven’t heard of anyone having success brainstorming via audio or video conferencing). It also depends on the people involved having a common understanding of the problem or solution being discussed.

Brainstorming sessions should focus on the number of ideas, so you need to cultivate an atmosphere that is conducive to everyone in the session talking. If some of the ideas raised in the session are not viable or not covered by a contract or SOW, now is not the time to rule them out. Let the creativity flow. To set up the session, you’ll need to state the problem to trigger creative thinking before people come to the session. You will need a problem statement for each of the groups you are brainstorming with, and if the project has a contract or SOW, you will need to base your problem statements on these.

You should encourage the team to combine ideas or requirements that have affinity with each other; there is no point in capturing the same feature or function in 10 different requirements. The last step in the exercise should be to prioritize the features, using cardinal or ordinal scores for this purpose. This is so that when it comes time to fit development into the available budget, you know which requirements to rule out first. You can try a variation of brainstorming called the nominal group technique to accomplish this.

Brainstorming and the nominal group technique are appropriate when you can bring several people with the same needs for the new application/website together in one room so that their creativity stimulates each other. It could be used when you have a team doing the same work with the app, or at least familiar with each other’s use of the app. It could also be used when you have several different functional groups (for example, sales, customer service, support, etc.) so that you can do one brainstorming session per functional group. Brainstorming is not appropriate when you have a small group of stakeholders with disparate needs, or your stakeholders are geographically dispersed.


The interview allows you to meet with your stakeholders one-on-one and ask focused questions so that the requirements established during the interview are clear and adequately address the needs of the stakeholders. The interview technique will also allow you to scope out grandiose requirements when you are familiar with the nature of stakeholder needs and the cost of developing the functionality to meet a requirement. When you determine that a stated requirement would not be feasible due to the time and effort required for development, ask the stakeholder if “….is there an easier way to do it?”, or “….would be a feature that Did x, y, and z satisfy that need?”

You will perform the analysis, combining similar requirements, and aligning the requirements with the contract or SOW, and you will need to send the results to the interviewees.

This method can be used when you have a relatively small group of disparate stakeholders to request requirements. The advantage of this method is its control over the given requirements, its ability to influence expectations, and its ability to ensure that the requirements are accurately captured. It would not be appropriate for projects where you have a large number of stakeholders to solicit.

Joint Application Development (JAD)

JAD uses workshops to solicit requirements from stakeholders in much the same way as brainstorming. However, there are several key differences, the main difference being the involvement of systems analysts in the requirements gathering process. Workshops require a facilitator to keep discussions on track and focus the team’s efforts on the task of gathering requirements, and a recorder to capture requirements (this is similar to brainstorming). Analyst participation in workshops ensures that the requirements collected will be feasible and will not cost unreasonably in terms of development time or effort. Another advantage of having the analysts on the shop floor will be their ability to offer alternatives that can address the same needs at a lower cost.

JAD will work in the same situations where brainstorming is appropriate, and like brainstorming, it will require the team to be co-located.

Surveys The survey is the same approach as the interview, except that the surveys can be conducted remotely. Information that requested stakeholders will need to enable them to express their needs for your project should be communicated early enough to allow them to respond intelligently. You must provide a response deadline to ensure that you receive responses by the planned completion date, and you will need to perform the analysis, collection, and alignment of responses yourself. The survey will also require you to communicate the results of the survey to your stakeholders (similar to the interview technique).

This technique is appropriate when the stakeholder group being solicited is geographically dispersed, or the number of stakeholders being solicited is too large to employ the interview technique. The technical survey allows you to collect requirements from a large number of interested parties without the overhead of interviewing. Be careful: to achieve any degree of success with this method, you will need to impress upon your stakeholders the importance of your response.

Graphic script

Storyboarding is a means of capturing requirements on a graphic display rather than text. It borrows from the entertainment industry, where the technique was first used in the production of cartoons.

Using storyboards to capture requirements involves the recorder drawing screens on an easel or whiteboard. The screens will contain all the information that will be displayed on the screen, as well as the input fields needed to collect information. The storyboard is used in a workshop setting with a facilitator and a recorder. The facilitator and recorder will begin the session by creating a screen to express the first major need. This could be a login screen or some other screen that captures a critical function. The original screen can trigger subsequent screens to complete the function. For example, the first order entry screen may capture information common to each order and require subsequent screens to capture information that is unique to different types of orders, for example, one screen for each software order, one computer order, and one order. operation manual request. . The storyboard will develop the screens as the group navigates through each feature or requirement.

Since the storyboard can only capture a few states for each screen, it is important that the recorder captures the different states each screen can be in and the behavior of the screen on different inputs (how errors are handled, how error information is checked). entrance, etc…).

An advantage of storyboards is their ability to define the screens that will be a key feature of the application and gain consensus in a group setting for the appearance of each screen. This method is appropriate when the application being developed is GUI-based or for web sites. It is also appropriate to locate the requested stakeholders so that they can participate in the workshop. It will not be appropriate when the stakeholders are geographically dispersed or the application being developed is not based on a GUI.

Health Fitness

Foolproof way to lose weight permanently

Is there a safe and foolproof way to lose weight? Yes there are. Follow the following 4-step process to lose weight.

Make a plan

A plan is important when you set out to achieve something. Whether it’s a major life goal or a minor shopping trip. Weight loss for many is an important goal in life. It’s something people fight for all their lives. You need a plan. To keep your body’s metabolism burning calories to the max, keep your body fueled and well supplied with useful calories. Eat smaller portions more often. Keep track of what you eat by checking food labels. Water is key to weight control. Stay well hydrated at all times. Include plenty of healthy foods like grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, shellfish, poultry, and meats. Avoid processed foods. Include some amount of good fats in your diet, as it will keep you satisfied and full for longer. Include plenty of fiber-containing foods in your diet.

assume the responsibility

Most of the time we blame our parents, genes, social circle, celebrations and everything else for our weight gain. It is time for you to take responsibility for your own actions. Use the apps available on your smartphone or just a little diary to keep track of your calories. Get a support group of friends or family members who will encourage and support you and hold you accountable. If you don’t have those people around you, you may find that there are many online support groups with complete strangers supporting and encouraging each other. These people empower you and keep you motivated even when you want to quit. The whole process of losing weight is long and arduous. You need all the support you can get. Intermittent fasting is another method with which you can control your eating habits. Fasting is hard at first, but over time you learn to ignore the constant need to eat something. Try to lose about 1-2 pounds per week. While it’s tempting to lose more, it’s not feasible in the long run, secondly, you lose bone, muscle, and water weight, which is not what you want on this weight loss journey.

learn about yourself

What makes you want food? What are your triggers? Why do you want to eat? It’s time to learn about yourself and your eating habits. Some people react to stress, some to anger, some to comfort, some to eat out of boredom. Some eat when they are eaten or depressed. If emotions drive you, learn to channel them elsewhere. Pick up some good habit like painting, listening to music, reading or going for a walk, when these emotions hit you. Another reason people eat is due to lifelong conditioning not to waste food, to leave nothing on the plate. If that’s the problem, cook a little less, serve smaller portions, put leftover food in the fridge for the next meal. When you’re offered free food or paid “all you can eat at the buffet,” control your urges and eat just what you need. There is no need to justify the price. Think that you are paying for the atmosphere or the experience. Not for the food.

change what you eat

If you’ve been raised on a diet of processed foods, cookies, baked goods, candy, and fizzy drinks, it’s time to switch to healthier, fresher ingredients. How about more fruits and vegetables in your meals? Switch to whole grains, healthy dairy products, more nuts and seeds, helpful fats and proteins. Make sure your meals are balanced with an adequate combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Choose foods that contain fiber to help you feel full longer and to keep the digestion process running smoothly. Break your meals into 5 smaller meals if you have trouble staying off food between meals. Separate them so you always have access to food when you’re hungry. A good serving of protein will keep you full and satisfied for a long time. Good fats are also similar. Avoid processed carbohydrates, as they often make you hungry.

Lifestyle Fashion

Causes of a red vagina

A red vagina is almost always a sign of irritation. Irritation can come from many things, so it’s sometimes hard to pinpoint the cause. You’d be surprised what some of the most common irritants are.

Vaginal infections like thrush and bacterial vaginosis can cause a red vagina as one of the symptoms. If the cause is an infection, the redness will be accompanied by other symptoms such as burning, itching, and a strong-smelling discharge. Infections occur when something upsets the balance of healthy and unhealthy bacteria in the vagina, so many things that would cause redness on their own can also contribute to infections, which of course will make the problem worse. Treating the infection will relieve symptoms, including the red area in the vagina.

hygiene products
In a perfect world, products designed for use on sensitive areas would actually contain gentle ingredients. However, this is not always the case. Many tampons, pads, panty liners, and other products intended to come in close contact with the vagina contain fragrances and dyes. These are often produced using harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin and cause you to have a red vagina. There may also be itching and burning. Hygiene products that irritate the vagina should be eliminated and replaced with white, fragrance-free products.

Some soaps, usually the fancier varieties, are also irritating. If a soap contains exfoliating pearls, mineral-infused pearls, flower pieces, or something like that, it probably isn’t suitable for use on such a sensitive area. Bubble bath often causes irritation, including a red vagina, in girls. Another aspect to take into account is the type of detergent you use. Highly concentrated detergents can leave residue on clothes even after rinsing. Washing underwear with a strong detergent and then wearing it later can irritate the vaginal area. Troubleshooting any of these products is as easy as replacing them with a milder variety.

get a shower
Douching is meant to be healthy for the vagina. To put it bluntly, it is not. Douching removes bacteria from the vagina, but unfortunately, it removes both healthy and unhealthy bacteria. This can make you more susceptible to infection because there is nothing left to stop the growth of harmful bacteria. The ingredients in some douches can be irritating to the vaginal area itself, causing a red vagina as a symptom.


Pet Supplement Marketing: How To Stand Out From The Crowd

Pet owners are a huge audience. According to Grandview Research, the global pet supplement market was estimated at USD 637.6 million in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7% between 2020 and 2027.

I’ll explain what this strategy is in a moment. Before I do that, let me tell you how it worked for one pet owner in particular: me.


One day not too long ago, my little terrier mix, Dixie, wasn’t looking forward to welcoming the new morning with her usual enthusiasm.

Without wagging the tail.

Without smiling (yes, dogs smile!).

None of his usual zest for life.

None of the “I love you” yawns I was expecting right after I woke up.

And she wouldn’t look me right in the face, none of the “hugging eyes” that dog lovers know so well.

Our vet, bless her heart, immediately diagnosed Dixie’s lethargy as a symptom of pancreatitis.

Astute investigation by the vet identified the cause as a nutritional deficiency. Dixie just wasn’t getting enough food.

That’s when I went into overdrive looking for solutions. Google search results led me to forums and blogs where other dog owners shared similar experiences.

The love and care these people showed for their furry friends really stood out to me. He made his stories come alive in my mind.

It’s like you’re having one-on-one conversations with them.

I felt like I was included in a special inner circle with other like-minded ‘favorite people’.

The bonus was a health tip for Dixie that worked. She now gets a multivitamin mix in her breakfast plate every day. She also receives a special anti-nausea supplement whenever symptoms return.

And their food and treats have been upgraded to ‘premium’ status.

Dixie’s poor nutrition had been a real threat to her well-being. The education I received from other caring dog owners probably saved her despite my ignorance.

Dixie is happy and healthy once again. Months later, she shows no signs of the approaching tragedy that nearly derailed her life.

Because of this experience, I made it a point to spread the word about what I learned and what I did to make sure it never happens again, to Dixie or any other dog.


This happy outcome came about thanks to the input of people I came to trust.

What I experienced is what educators call a teachable moment.

It turned out to be a double whammy for me.

First, I learned how to help Dixie.

Plus, I also learned how powerful that marketing principle I mentioned at the beginning of this article is.

The term for this principle, as cited in the Grandview Research survey mentioned above, is “humanization.”

People humanize their pets. I know what I do.

In fact, the term appears multiple times in the Grandview Research survey.

It was also cited in a recent article in Nutraceuticals World as a driving force behind pet supplement sales during the pandemic.


Using emotions to guide sales is as old as marketing itself. However, this can be taken to the next level when it comes to pets.

Implementing the following three strategies will do exactly that when done correctly. Each step involves acknowledging pets as family.

1) Use the added advantage of social media.

People love to see pet-related posts and images on social media. Nothing humanizes pets better than poignant or humorous photos and videos.

2) Partner with a pet charity.

According to digital marketing company Optimum 7, 63% of shoppers are more likely to buy from companies that support social causes.

Pet adoption and welfare agencies are at the top of the list.

3) Implement consumer-based marketing.

My Dixie story is just one example of how other pet lovers have talked about specific brands of pet supplements.

Incorporating this strategy is a matter of providing the opportunity for consumers to talk about and show off their beloved pets.

Comments on blog posts, social media articles, and forums offer many opportunities for consumers to add “favorite power” to their marketing plan.

Finally, keep in mind that the marketing of pet products should not be the same as for any other type of product. A standard marketing plan will not do the job.

Truly standing out from the crowd means incorporating the humanization of pets into your marketing plan.

That is the common thread of these three strategies.


This is where I would normally sing my own praises as a writer in the alternative health niche. It is a way to attract new customers.

Instead of doing that now, I’ll qualify myself for ‘pet marketing duty’ based on my lifelong love of dogs and cats.

In fact, I humanize my pets.

And like other pet owners, I am subject to persuasive marketing that explains that.

It is the icing on the cake of my professional experience and qualifications.

Instead of overwhelming you with my huzzahs, I’ll just suggest we have a conversation about…well, our pets.

One of the advantages of having pets in the family is being able to show them off to others. So I encourage you to brag about yours to me. (You might even do the same! ALERT: You might also want to talk about another terrier mix, Ellie, and an orange tabby, Dilly. They’re all so adorable!)

If during our conversation we find out how I can help you with pet supplement marketing, then all the better.

I am a game if you are a game. Just call me or send me an email.

Let’s get the (pet) ball rolling today!

Real Estate

Revealing the self-directed IRA

There are 11 types of IRAs; That’s right Eleven! But do you know about self-directed IRA and what are the benefits?

Most investors mistakenly believe they have a “self-directed IRA” when in fact they have one that limits their options to a few investment types. Within your plan, you can choose stocks, mutual funds, or bonds. And while you may have hundreds or even thousands of options for where to put your money within that account, you likely won’t be able to invest in non-traditional retirement assets, especially if your IRA or 401(k) is rolled over to a traditional account. stockbrokers house.

So what is a true self-directed IRA? It is an account that allows you to invest in many other options within your IRA, including:

rental real estate
Set tops to resell at a profit (flip)
Private loans made at higher interest rates to other investors
discounted private notes
Tax liens or tax deeds
Private companies and startups
precious metals
Leases and lease options
Straight options (real estate options, not stock options)

Such investments receive the same tax treatment as more traditional IRA assets. Any tax due is deferred until retirement, usually at age 70½, when you must start withdrawing your savings, or possibly sooner.

This is an account for hands-on active investors with a unique understanding of some of the asset classes on the approved list, not a “set it and forget it” investor.

By using this type of account, it is possible to earn considerable profits with a relatively small amount of money. Here is an example:

You have the opportunity to buy a dilapidated house on a property that you want a quick sale. You determine that the house is worth $200,000, after spending $40,000 on improvements. You contract to purchase the property for $120,000. But lacking the $160,000 to go through with the sale, you hire a partner who agrees to provide the full amount, as long as you handle all the details, including closing, rehab, and resale of the home.

Additionally, you determine that you’d like your portion of the earnings to go into your IRA for the obvious tax benefits. You only have $10,000 in your IRA to invest. The proper move under these circumstances is for his partner to purchase the property in his name or from an entity he controls, such as a limited liability company. You enter into an option agreement to purchase half ownership of this property. You pay $100 from your self-directed IRA and complete the option paperwork and submit all paperwork to your plan administrator.

This deal is now moving forward, and the property is rehabbed and ready for sale in 60 days and is selling quickly and closing for $200,000. He is worth $10,000 in sales and carrying expenses, making a net profit of $30,000 on this deal in five months. The actual owner of the title to the property agrees to pay you $15,000 to close your option. This $15,000 is an investment return on the $100 option and is deposited back into your IRA tax-deferred or tax-free (for a Roth IRA).

Your investor put in $160,000 and received $15,000 for a five-month investment. This represents more than a 20 percent annualized return on his money, which pleases almost all investors. If he used the money from his IRA for this investment, then his earnings would also be tax-deferred.

rental income

Here’s another example: A New York investor became aware of the self-directed IRA and used part of his IRA to purchase four rental houses in Metro Detroit. Each home was purchased for around $55,000 and rents for around $900, with the cash flow returning to the IRA tax-deferred. If he sells them for a big profit a few years from now, that profit will also be tax-deferred.

Be careful: There are also some prohibited investments with your IRA (see IRS Publication 590-B):

No loan of money to you, your spouse, or any family member in your direct linear family chain.
Don’t invest in collectibles.

Your IRA cannot personally guarantee any loan you borrow money on. This means that any money borrowed from your IRA must be a “non-recourse” fund, meaning that only the asset can be pledged as collateral and can be foreclosed on for non-payment. The creditor cannot sue the IRA for any shortfall on the loan that goes into default.

Shopping Product Reviews

How to Develop Flutter App for Beginners and Benefits

There was a time when companies relied on traditional avenues like physical spaces, the phone, and formal letters for sales and service goals. Not anymore! Today, the same commercial entities exploit desktop and laptop computers for such tasks. In fact, even these platforms are shrinking as people around the world have switched to smartphones to purchase products/services and that too with just a few taps. How? Of course through dedicated mobile applications.

It’s no wonder that manufacturing, retail, and service industries are migrating to this intuitive way of engaging customers while quickly interacting with and addressing their issues. While the number of mobile app users in developing countries is growing by double digits each year, developed countries have already reached several milestones in terms of usage. So what makes these apps so popular? There are several reasons, and some of the compelling ones are mentioned below.

– Mobile applications are intuitive.

– Mobile applications are lightweight and therefore do not hog memory.

– Mobile applications are easy to operate.

– Mobile applications are responsive in terms of viewing and performing daily tasks.

In short, they have become an integral part of human life. Whether you want to book tickets, order food at a restaurant, buy products or watch movies online, the buzzword is mobile app.

Some of the business areas where these applications play a crucial role:

Healthcare: Businesses can quickly update, send important messages and reminders to their customers through these applets. Not only is it cost-effective, but it’s also an amazing way to address customer issues in real time.

After Sales Service – This is an area where companies can really make a big impact. By responding quickly to service requests, manufacturing and marketing companies can build a large base of satisfied customers. This, in turn, would provide a lag and peak for future growth.

Standalone App – Standalone mobile apps such as inbound and outbound crms can help businesses seamlessly connect with customers, address bottlenecks, communicate with sales staff, and schedule meetings to meet daily goals. Furthermore, the data from the app can be intelligently exploited to map out future plans.

It is for these reasons that the mobile app market is growing at a dizzying pace, as more and more companies realize the benefits of providing one for their customers. In addition, the applications ensure enormous growth and provide that human touch and link between the company and customers/suppliers. That streamlines business process cycles is yet another feather in your cap.

Interestingly, Flutter Software from the Flutter Development Company makes the app building process less tedious. Here is an example for beginners on how to create a “Hello World” app in Flutter.

Just install the Flutter app after downloading it from the developer’s website and then run the following command. By the way, there is no need for additional compilers or programs.

Check the code here.

So why do we need to start this step? The answer is to know if all the components and dependencies have been registered correctly. Here is a typical output after executing the above command. What you need to remember is that not all components are required, especially the editor, which you can choose according to your taste.

Click the link above to see the code.

Once the desired environment is created, choose a location to build your first app, then run the following:

Click the link above to see the code.

The above command/instruction/code will create the following directories and files

Click the link above to see the code.

Congratulations! The raw shell for the application has been created which, due to its simplicity, uses a single file: main.dart. The next step is to remove the contents of this file and replace it with the following code.

Click the link above to see the code.

So what does the above code mean? The first line of code requests material.dart, a repertoire of various components/widgets existing within the application’s IDE, also called a library. These are buttons, forms, layouts, animations, etc. The following line of code “run application” build a local widget inside the root widget.

As mentioned above, Flutter app development is all about widgets (built-in and custom).

The next two lines specify the state of the widget (stateless or active state) which is typically achieved via createState() method. This application fits into the above category and therefore requires the “compile” command. A stateless application, such as ones with only text or images, is easy to create and run. The final step is to run this code. Fortunately, Flutter does the same thing from the same window and doesn’t require a different compiler/execution platform. Depending on your preferred method and connected device, choose any of the following options.

Click the link above to see the code.

You can also use built-in simulators in case there are no connected devices.

Interestingly, Flutter is based on an object-oriented programming framework that features intriguing concepts in the form of native components that allow programmers to build highly complex, intuitive applications that are flexible, secure, and future-proof, and require a period of time. Ridiculously low development. Tagged as one of the most popular frameworks, Flutter offers amazing application components such as animations, digital motion work, and a host of native features. Also, these apps are responsive and therefore device independent.

Here are some of the quiet features that are sure to make any new application programmer smile.

Cross-platform code – Write a single piece of code for iOS and Android platforms. Yes, Flutter uses a single source code to build cross-platform apps. This not only saves development costs, but also dramatically reduces development time.

built-in widgets – Built-in widgets and customization allow developers to build apps quickly. Materials or widgets form the very essence of Flutter, which is easy to implement and edit.

Quick implementation – Experimentation with various widgets, code and components is super simple. This, in turn, reduces the testing time and therefore the implementation is also fast.

hot refill – This is a feature that makes Flutter stand out from a crowd of other IDEs and development platforms. Reload your app after each bug fix or layout change to see the changes. There is no need for an external compiler or decoding platform.

Hassle-free maintenance – When it comes to app maintenance, Flutter is second to none. Due to its out-of-the-box widgets, code is minimized, which in turn reduces redundancy.

If you are a beginner mobile app programmer or planning to work for a software development company, you should give Flutter a try. It is a future-proof, feature-rich IDE with cross-platform compatibility and easy integration of third-party components.


The Who at the Superbowl 44 halftime show

Super Bowl 44 Halftime with The Who features a group that is one of the most well-known, largest and most dynamic rock and roll bands in the world. They will perform at the Bridgestone Super Bowl XLIV halftime show on CBS Sports at Dolphin Stadium in South Florida on Sunday, February 7. This was announced by the NFL during halftime of the Oakland Raiders-Dallas Cowboys game on CBS. Bridgestone’s Super Bowl Halftime Show is one of the most talked about and anticipated musical occasions of the year. In the US alone, there are about 151 million viewers who watched last year’s show. The Super Bowl and halftime show will be seen around the world in more than 230 countries and territories.

The Who will be part of a respected roster of part-time acts that includes Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band, the Rolling Stones, Prince and Paul McCartney. There were only a few bands that had a more permanent impact on the age of rock and boom culture than The Who. They began to emerge in the mid-1960s as a fueling new force in rock ‘n roll.

The band’s aggressive style and emotional storytelling earned them one of music’s most passionate fans with the renowned group exuding a searing new standard for punk, rock and all. Inducted into the 1990 Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame, the band went on to sell over 100 million records worldwide which placed 27 top 40 singles in the UK and US and scored 17 Top 40 albums. 10 which included 1969’s groundbreaking rock opera Tommy, 1971’s smash hit Live At Leeds, 1973’s Quadrophenia, 1978’s Who Are You and his much-admired Endless Wire. This is their first full-length album using new material after almost twenty years. A year ago, they received the prestigious Kennedy Center Honors. This was a milestone for them as they were the first rock band to receive the award.

ROGER DALTREY, lead singer, and PETE TOWNSHEND, guitarist/songwriter, are the only remaining original members of The Who’s. Once again they are being called upon to represent the rock standard. Daltrey and Townshend began in 1964 with a trio of songs. After that, they have given the world many hits. Their worldwide sold-out album extraordinary order, beginning in 2007 and ending in the second quarter of 2009, reconfirms their position as rock’s most powerful and vigorous performing artists. This year marks the third time the Bridgestone brand has sponsored the Super Bowl halftime show. The Bridgestone Super Bowl XLIV Halftime Show is an NFL Network production and Ricky Kirshner is the executive producer and Hamish Hamilton is the director. So watch Super Bowl 44 Halftime with The Who and enjoy.


How to get the baby to calm himself to sleep?

Self-soothing is a technique to teach your baby how to fall asleep on his own after waking up at night. No matter what your baby’s age, you can teach him and get him into a sleep routine.

Self-soothing also helps the mother to sleep soundly. You can start training your baby to self-soothe using various techniques before the baby becomes dependent on you for sleep.

Avoid comforting your baby too soon

Every time your baby wakes up at night, don’t run to him. Give her some time to calm down and fall asleep. You should avoid picking it up as soon as she gets up; instead, wait for some time and train your baby.

So the question is how to make the baby calm down only to sleep. You can also gently stroke her hair to make her sleep. If the baby does not stop crying, it is a sign that she is hungry or not feeling well. Pick it up and feed it.

Put the baby to bed when he is sleepy

Most parents make this mistake very often. Avoid putting your baby to bed when he is asleep; instead, put the baby to bed when he is drowsy and half asleep. In this way, you can train him and her.

For those wondering how to get baby to soothe himself to sleep, know that you will learn the art of making a habit of soothing yourself.

stop feeding him to sleep

How to make the baby calm down only to sleep? Mothers should feed babies half an hour before putting them to sleep. In this way, you will help the baby to overcome the habit of depending on the mother’s food to sleep. It will also help you to have a sound sleep.

Constant bedtime

Those mothers who are asking to train a baby in a sleep routine should have a regular bedtime routine.

In this way, you will train your baby’s mind to fall asleep at a certain time. Your baby will start this sleeping habit at a specific time, and she will help soothe him to sleep if she tucks him in before bedtime.

A crib with a musical toy

It goes without saying that music has always been a great source of relaxation for children. Music can be an excellent aid for mothers who are learning how to soothe their baby to sleep. You can get a musical crib with a toy that plays music for him or her.

So every time your baby wakes up at night, the crib starts playing soothing melodies and lulls your baby to sleep.


These simple tricks will help your baby develop the habit of self-soothing to sleep. Always remember to be patient with these techniques. The baby will not learn these techniques in a day or two. She will take weeks to calm down just to sleep.

Researchers have found that starting these techniques just after the fourth or fifth week will help train your baby to settle down and go to sleep.

Tours Travel

Beaches of San Juan, Puerto Rico

San Juan is a very large metropolitan area. For tourism purposes, the only relevant sections of San Juan discussed in this article are Old San Juan, Puerto de Tierra, Condado, Ocean Park, and the adjoining Isla Verde neighborhood in Carolina City.

The rules for the beaches


Tourists are often surprised at how alcohol-friendly San Juan is. Alcohol (beer in particular) is sold on virtually every beach. Sunbathers often bring beer, wine, and cocktails to the beach. Not only is it legal to drink on public beaches, it is licensed by the City.


There is no nudity in Puerto Rico. There are no “private” or secluded areas to engage in such behavior in San Juan.


There are no rules regarding the volume of music or the use of electronic equipment on the beach. The only limitations are those that are self-imposed by taste and courtesy.

the neighborhoods

Old San Juan

Old San Juan sits on a cliff facing north and is bordered by a harbor to the south. The only public beach is at the foot of San Cristóbal. This beach is rocky, uncomfortable and difficult to access. In addition, it adjoins two ghettos (La Perla and Puerto de Tierra). This beach should probably be avoided by non-residents unfamiliar with Puerto Rican culture.

land port

Adjacent to the Caribe Hilton is a lagoon and beach popular with locals. Since the area has restrooms, ample parking, and easy highway access, this beach (Escambron) is extremely popular with locals. Tourists rarely venture to this beach, which is often noisy and typically Puerto Rican. It is not dangerous during the day, but caution should be exercised at night due to its distance and proximity to the Puerto de Tierra ghetto.


Condado has several noteworthy beaches. First there is the Playita, a closed lagoon on the edge of the Condado bridge. The lagoon stretches around the bay that separates Miramar from Condado, and is noted for its kayaking, paddling, and calm lake-like qualities. Playita is perfect for young children and is totally safe, day or night.

The beach adjacent to La Concha is known for the promenade that partially encloses the beachfront. There are chairs available, and on Sundays the adjoining Ventana del Mar festivals add excitement to the area. Caution: Tides between La Concha and the outcrop behind Presby Hospital have claimed lives in the past. This area is excellent for wading and swimming close to shore, but caution should be exercised due to frequent rip currents. This beach is also noted for its surfers and bodyboarders due to the waves higher than normal.

The gay beach in front of Oceano and Atlantic Beach Hotel is just after La Concha. This section of San Juan beach has been a gay favorite for decades. Rip currents sometimes pose a problem here as well.

The final stretch of beach behind the Marriott is dotted with rocky outcroppings. There is a surf break right behind the Marriott, but surfers must navigate the rocks to enjoy the waves. Condado beaches are completely safe during the day and generally very safe at night.

Ocean Park

The Ocean Park Beaches are the best in the City of San Juan. The beach begins on the outcropping behind Presby Hospital and after 100 feet of hidden rock obstacles, it smooths out to a calm, typically tropical beach. The mile-long beachfront has volleyball nets, palm trees, street vendors (ice cream, beer, ‘alcapurrias’), and gentle waves. The area just east of Presby Hospital is another favorite with surfers. Ocean Park beaches are totally safe during the day, caution should be exercised at night due to the absence of lighting and foot traffic.

last car

Located between Isla Verde and Ocean Park it is another local favorite. Named for its location as the last stop on the now-defunct San Juan trolleybus, Ultimo Trolley has ample parking and street vendors. The adjoining gazebo and sports stadium are home to salsa bands, artists, athletes, and other locals who visit the beach during the day. The area should be avoided at night.

green Island

Isla Verde is technically located in the City of Carolina. The crescent-shaped beachfront is lined with luxury resorts and hotels. The area is known for its calm waves and safety. The mile-long beach ends at El Ambique, a local favorite with a couple of bars and restaurants lining the beach area. Isla Verde has banana boat rentals, massage chairs, and a variety of other amenities for lovers of luxury.


San Juan is special as it is one of the few cosmopolitan cities in the world that can boast a tropical beach. San Juan has three miles of pristine tropical beaches that are entirely public. The variety of beaches provides opportunities for everyone, from children to thrill seekers.

Arts Entertainments

General guidelines for a healthy diet

The main recommendations of healthier eating are to enable good health, by consuming healthy, nutritious and wholesome foods. A good diet is easy to follow and doesn’t require buying books or special foods. A good diet is one that is flexible and can be followed throughout life. A good diet is one that will keep a healthy and fit body. Good nutrition is the foundation of all good health.

The main healthy eating recommendations are:


  • eat a variety of foods each day
  • breakfast everyday
  • eat regular meals throughout the day to ensure you stabilize your blood sugar levels
  • eat 3-4 fruits a day
  • eat at least 5-7 vegetables of different colors a day
  • eat 1 to 3 servings of dark green leafy vegetables every day (these servings should be part of the 5 to 7 vegetable servings)
  • make sure most servings of vegetables each day are raw, although steaming can be done as it keeps the nutrients in
  • try cooking tomatoes in olive oil, which releases the antioxidant lycopene from tomatoes; studies have found that cooked tomatoes (especially if they’ve been cooked in olive oil) have higher antioxidant content than raw tomatoes, although raw tomatoes are still very good for you too
  • eat lean cuts of meat 3-4 times a week – meat is a good source of quality protein
  • eat eggs several times a week – eggs are highly recommended as an excellent source of protein and the yolk is packed with antioxidants
  • eat oily fish (such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna) three times a week; if you are pregnant, there are certain fish (and shellfish) you should avoid: shark, swordfish, sea bass, tilefish, tuna steaks (these are fish that can have high levels of mercury, which can cause health problems for the fetus)
  • eat lots of whole-grain or whole-wheat breads, cereals, or wheat-free alternatives (for gluten intolerance), such as quinoa, tapioca, soy, grits
  • make sure to include plenty of vegetables like barley, lentils, and chickpeas in your diet every day
  • use olive oil, sunflower oil, or canola oil (check that canola oil is not genetically modified; if it isn’t, it will usually say so on the label) when cooking or in salads; the best are cold-pressed oils that retain all their flavor, aroma and nutritional value
  • eat a handful of nuts and seeds every day – they contain essential fatty acids and various vitamins and minerals needed for good health


  • limit intake of sugar and sugary foods
  • limit intake of fried foods
  • limit alcohol consumption: women are advised to have no more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day and men to have no more than 3 alcoholic drinks per day, with at least 2 alcohol-free days per week
  • Limit your intake of processed foods: Most of the nutrients in these foods have been removed by processing, so you’re eating empty calories that do nothing to improve your health.

For more information on health and nutrition, visit