Health Fitness

Alternative, complementary and natural treatments for high cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in the bloodstream. The liver and various cells in the body produce cholesterol. Certain foods, such as eggs, meat, and dairy products, also contain cholesterol. Cholesterol allows the body to produce vitamin D, hormones, and bile acids that are used in the digestion of fats.

In general, people are more familiar with cholesterol in terms of having “good” and “bad” cholesterol readings. The good cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), helps remove low-density lipoprotein (LDL) from the body. LDL cholesterol is the type of cholesterol that can build up on the inside walls of your arteries, hardening and narrowing them. This condition is called atherosclerosis, which often leads to heart disease.

The cholesterol levels that people have in their bloodstream are influenced by weight, age, heredity, gender, and diet. Medications and medical conditions also affect cholesterol levels. Dietary choices, regular checkups after age 20, and exercise can help keep cholesterol readings at healthy levels.

People who have high cholesterol or who are at risk of developing the condition can control their levels with medications and alternative therapies, such as herbal and nutritional supplements, as well as lifestyle choices.

herbs to lower cholesterol

Certain supplements and herbal extracts show efficacy in lowering high cholesterol levels. If a person decides to use them, they should consult with their physician to determine any contraindications to the use of herbal extracts or supplements.

  • Garlic causes a short-term decrease in total cholesterol. Studies have shown that garlic lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) by up to 10 mg/dL and triglycerides by up to 20 mg/dL. It also contains antioxidants that can prevent oxidation, selenium to cleanse the blood, and vitamin C to reduce LDL cholesterol damage. It also contains the phytochemical quercetin which has been linked to decreased death from heart disease, reduced risk of clotting, and increased flow-mediated dilation of major arteries. Fresh raw garlic also releases a short-lived gas called hydrogen sulfide that acts as an intracellular signaling compound that protects the heart. Raw garlic, eaten shortly after cutting, is best because cooking, processing, and drying destroys this valuable gas.
  • Guggilipid, an Ayurvedic remedy credited with lowering cholesterol; its effectiveness requires further study.
  • Fenugreek has been shown to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol.
  • Policosanol lowers LDL cholesterol.
  • Turmeric appears to lower cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis.
  • Rosemary contains phytochemicals that lower LDL cholesterol.
  • Artichoke leaf extract lowers cholesterol levels, but its impact on LDL cholesterol is inconclusive.
  • Yarrow The plant compounds in yarrow resemble cholesterol and interfere with its absorption by the body.
  • Holy Basil also lowers the overall cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.

Dietary support to lower cholesterol

Many doctors advocate the benefits of a healthy diet that emphasizes plant-based food sources to lower and control cholesterol levels. A high-fiber diet rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and antioxidants helps keep cholesterol levels in a healthy range. According to WebMD, these dietary choices significantly reduce levels of harmful cholesterol.

  • Fiber, especially the soluble fiber in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Walnuts can also lower cholesterol. A daily serving of 1.5 oz. of almonds, pistachios, walnuts or other variety of nuts reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Phytosterols, plant compounds found in small amounts in fruits, vegetables, and unrefined grains, prevent the intestinal absorption of cholesterol. They have been found to lower LDL cholesterol.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids lower levels of triglycerides, the form of cholesterol produced by the liver, keep blood thinning at a healthy level, and prevent plaque from sticking to arteries. They also curb inflammation in the body. Fatty fish like salmon and tuna, as well as flaxseed and walnuts provide these essential omega-3 fatty acids.

exercise and cholesterol

Exercise significantly influences cholesterol levels in the body. It facilitates the movement of cholesterol through the system by stimulating the production of enzymes responsible for moving LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream to the liver.

The liver converts this cholesterol into bile for digestion or it becomes part of the waste excreted by the body. It also increases the size of protein particles, which carry cholesterol in the bloodstream. This increase in size makes it difficult for cholesterol to penetrate the blood vessel walls and stay there, leading to atherosclerosis.

According to WebMD, “Most public health organizations recommend at least 30 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous exercise, such as walking, jogging, bicycling, or gardening,” to reap the great health benefits of low cholesterol levels.

Conclusion and security

Using an alternative and complementary treatment to control high cholesterol is easy to incorporate into a person’s daily regimen. Herbal and nutritional supplements, dietary choices, and exercise offer easy ways to reap the benefits of lower cholesterol relatively quickly.

These methods become more effective when they are implemented synergistically. Of course, a doctor’s recommendation should be considered when engaging in these therapies. Some complementary therapies may not be beneficial for people who are already on a drug regimen or those who may have other restrictions or health conditions.

Lifestyle Fashion

Death Spells – Can Words Really Cause Evil?

What are death spells? Well, as the name suggests, it is a magical spell that could bring another person to death. These types of spells are considered black magic because they can inflict pain, damage, and of course death on the targeted person.

The most common question regarding death spells is do they really work? Now how does this work? How can you kill a person without even getting close to him or her? Magic moves in strange ways. It can cause that person a serious illness, which could lead to death. There is also another method where you can kill using aura. This spell casting method works best when the target person is asleep. First you have to put a black aura around that person. This will prepare his own aura to absorb the destructive aura you created. After doing this, you can now vent your own anger and hate. Visualize that feeling over and over again. Visualize how you want that person to die.

Like all spells, visualization is also an important factor in this spell. And of course, be sure to cleanse your aura and chakras after every job. After all, you just cast a ghastly spell.

Most people try to think of the most effective way to take revenge on their enemies and some of them find solace in casting death spells without even giving it much thought. Then comes the most common feeling after the spell has been cast, regret. Most people feel very bad about themselves after performing the death spell. After all, death spells can’t be reversed; at least not after the person is dead, there is no way you can bring them back. Oh I’m sorry.

Some death spells work slowly. The disease, for example, can be felt for a time before it finally results in death. However, if you have a hunch that someone has put a death spell on you, there are ways to reverse it. However, if the curse or spell was yelled at you, it was most likely just an outburst from that person. It’s possible that he’s just bluffing and doesn’t really know what he’s doing. Spells are performed ritually, not directly shouted at a person. So don’t be afraid if a fake spell caster gets mad at you. However, if you met a real spell caster and you realize that they have put a curse or a death spell on you. Consult a psychic immediately. You can determine who is the person who has put a spell on you and maybe even reverse it.

Finally, belief is almost always the key to understanding magic. It is through visualization that spell casters can gain so much power. In turn, if you truly believe that what you are experiencing are signs of death spells being cast on you, then you will truly feel their effects. If you refuse to believe that you are cursed, chances are there is no curse.


Points to remember before choosing an online pet store

In a pet store you can find all the needs of your animal. There are many people who love to have pets in their home. People love to keep dogs, cats, birds and reptiles as pets. It is very important that you take care of your pet. For a few years now, people are caring more about their pets and taking all possible measures to provide them with a healthy and active life. You can buy all kinds of pet products at an online pet supply store. Most Kelowna pet stores have their websites where you can learn about the products they sell and the benefits of using certain brands. An online pet store is a boon for people looking for pet health care products or food.

If you are planning to buy pet supplies from an online store, you must be knowledgeable about the products you want to buy, as you do not have the opportunity to inspect them before purchasing. Try to get reviews on the products before you buy them. You can get many things for your pet online. There are various accessories available for dogs such as beds, cages, leashes and toys. You can buy litter padding, scratching posts, and catnip for cats. When buying products from an online pet supply store, keep these tips in mind.

Before you buy a product, read reviews from other pet owners to find out if the product you’re buying is of good quality. Different pets have different requirements, so keep that in mind, especially if your pet is brand conscious. Since you are buying the product online, you cannot touch it with your hands, at least you can find a real picture of the items you are buying. If you buy products in bulk, you can save on shipping and handling costs. If you buy just one piece, it can be expensive for the seller to ship and larger packages mean less packaging costs. One more important thing to remember when shopping online is payment. If you are not making your payment via credit card, you can make your payment via PayPal. Please enter the correct shipping address and also provide contact information in case of any issues. If you’re buying pet supplies from an online store, be sure to include specific instructions for the seller, in case you’re stocking up on these items. If you want to buy pet supplies online, check out some of the popular sites. Buying from an online store can be risky, so be sure to ask the store about their return policy for supplies that won’t work. Also ask in store for guarantees. Find out if the online pet store is registered and reputable.

Real Estate

How to Take a Home Insurance Inventory Using Your Camcorder or Digital Camera

If your home and belongings were destroyed by a natural disaster, how easy would it be for you to remember each item in your home? Would you be able to describe each and every possession your family has accumulated over the years and then estimate how much it would cost to replace each item today?

For most of us it would be an impossible task. However, after suffering a loss after a disaster, that is precisely what an insurance company will require you to do if you file a recovery claim.

After your property is destroyed by fire, flood, earthquake, windstorm, or other disaster, you’ll need to help your insurer calculate your loss to maximize your insurance claim. The insurance company will request a detailed inventory of all damaged and/or destroyed property. The list should include a description of the item, how old the item is, and the cost to replace it today.

You will even be required to separate your damaged property from your damaged property. Have you ever considered where you could store all your damaged goods?

After a disaster, you’ll have more important things to worry about than completing a lost and found inventory. The process of searching through all of your broken things is not only tedious; it can be unpleasant and painful.

We recommend an annual family meeting to sit down together and compile or update an inventory of all your possessions. For many people, a good time to do this is the beginning of each year, right after the holidays, when they can have lots of shiny new toys, electronics, jewelry, and other gifts.

You will need to scan each room, identifying each item. To help with this, you can download free inventory list spreadsheets. If you’re using a spreadsheet, you can check off items one by one. It’s a huge time saver and helps you remember to include all the little things you own.

A fun way to accomplish this, and probably the easiest and fastest, is to use a video camera or camcorder to make a video recording of your property. While recording the video, describe to the viewer what they are seeing.

Go room by room. Start in the master bedroom: Open your closets and slowly pan through your clothes, shoes, and other items hanging there. As you look at the contents of the closet, you can elaborate on details like, “Here are five business suits, 12 pairs of pants, and 12 blouses, worth about $2,500.” If you have expensive or hard-to-replace items, be sure to draw attention to them and record a clear image.

Open your drawers and place smaller items like jewelry, watches, and personal items on your bed and photograph them. It’s helpful to have your complete inventory list on hand with detailed item and pricing information. Ideally, one person should operate the camera while the other person reads the list.

· Do not forget the garage or the kitchen. Be sure to get out those prized tools, pots and pans, Christmas decorations, etc., and document them too.

· If you have outbuildings or have invested in landscaping, make sure everything is on video. Open the shed and film or photograph anything inside it.

· There are several technical issues to consider: 1) Make sure there is enough light in the room so all items can be seen properly and that you are close enough to the video camera so your voice can be heard, 2) ) Make sure there is a tape, flash disk, or other storage device in the camera, and 3) Remember to start with a fully charged battery so you don’t have to stop halfway to recharge.

· Make it fun. Get the kids involved. Make it a family project. Make sure they help you when you are in your room by taking videos of your furniture, toys, computers, cameras, and other possessions. You could say, “Santa bought this computer last Christmas for Maria. It would probably cost us about $350 to replace it.”

· When you’re done, watch the video yourself to make sure you haven’t missed anything, the images are clear, and then MAKE COPIES. Burn a few copies to DVD or removable hard or flash drives, and keep them in your safe deposit box, in a secure drawer at work, and maybe send a copy to a family member. You can also post it to an online data storage site. If you’ve completed a written spreadsheet, keep copies off the site along with the video.

Some people feel uncomfortable talking on camera. Keep in mind that you’re not trying to win an award for making a movie. You are only making a documentary record of your possessions. If you make a mistake, you can always re-record it. Hopefully no one will ever have to watch this video again.

Here are some more tips to make the process easier and more effective.

  1. To find out how much it costs to replace items in your inventory list, you can “shop online” to see how much it would cost to buy a similar item now.
  2. Confirm that your homeowners insurance policy contains a replacement cost endorsement for your contents. It only costs a few extra dollars per year and it’s worth it.
  3. If you received a real estate appraisal when you bought your home, make a copy and keep it with your contents inventory information. An appraisal should contain a floor plan as well as descriptions of the floors, ceilings, walls, countertops, and other items attached to your home. This is critical information that the adjuster will need.
  4. Finally, if you have a loss, keep in mind that the insurance company will apply depreciation to each item based on the age of the item. Depreciation will reduce the amount of money you’ll be paid until those items are actually replaced. Once replaced, you will need to provide receipts showing that you spent the replacement cost amount for the items in order to be funded for the difference.
Shopping Product Reviews

Michael Jackson – A Message from the Grave

June 25, 2009 will “go down in history” as the day an American icon breathed her last. As I watch the media regurgitate over and over again the news of Michael Jackson’s untimely, unfortunate and unnecessary death, with an occasional flash of Farah Fawcett’s suffering and death, it takes me back many years to a specialized forensic school where Every day we were challenged to “profile” someone in the news. I can’t help but profile Michael and the personality that resulted in his death. At the same time I am quite sad; not just out of sympathy for the millions of mourners, but out of depth of real truth and the knowledge that, on a far less famous scale, millions will bury family and friends for the same reason. I feel a responsibility to share the truth, to give the uninformed a “warning,” a “profile” of what killed Michael Jackson. Farah’s death is an entirely different story for an entirely different but no less important article, but Michael’s death may serve to save the lives of the millions on their way to join him in death. because his personality is the personality of many millions. Michael won’t be giving live concerts, but in death he may still be an icon…

What really killed Michael Jackson?

The toxicology report isn’t in yet because Michael’s autopsy is being scheduled now, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is the knowledge that a human heart is designed to function well beyond 50 years unless prevented in some way. We know that Michael would have had the best of the best in modern healthcare and heart disease would have been known and cared for. I suspect he has a long-term habit of over-medication, and profiling his reclusive personality corroborates that possibility in my mind. If this is found to be the case, which I suspect it will be, some “in the know” would say certain suicide, and while correct, many would not understand. Some would say that Michael’s blood is in the hands of many personal and paid enablers, and they would be right too. Others would say it was modern medicine and pharmaceuticals, and still others would say it was society’s fault. Everything would be correct. In the hope of keeping the message of Michael’s death from fading away, providing an opportunity that I think he would take if he could, to save millions of lives, those of his friends, family and maybe even his own, let me explain.

It all started many years ago, in fact about the beginning of time. Man has eternally searched for ways to escape from his own mind, ways to depress anxiety and ways to lift from the depths of depression. Ways to strike a balance between the extremism of the two. Throughout history, man has searched and experimented with alcohol and virtually all forms of substances in search of that miracle cure-all to help him avoid the stresses of life; a way to “feel good”. We have witnessed an era where thousands of people decided to “escape reality” by sucking marijuana as a full-time occupation. We are now in an era where many turn to illicit drugs to get through the day. On the other side of this eternal search, we have witnessed the development of multiple models of mental health counseling, from Freud to fraud, which may be the same, and over these many years and developments, we have not been able to find that panacea .

The medical revolution of the 20th century ushered in new hope and what many believed to be the “solution.” When Valium came along, it seemed like the answer to our eternal quest, but the mind has a unique way of coming up with new symptoms in any attempt to avoid self-responsibility. From valium we have gone on to develop countless chemicals to sedate the mind, to block out the reality of our daily demons, to escape from ourselves, our daily stressors or our unhappy lives. I would like to say that believers in the Word are immune to this eternal search and intense need for a way to blunt reality, but unfortunately they are under even greater stress for various reasons that are beyond the scope of this article to discuss. Suffice it to say that the Church is failing in its responsibility to teach the whole Word, and the congregation is not following the same instructions intended to keep them mentally sound. Both believers and non-believers suffer from the stress of being human.

I imagine we will find that Michael Jackson’s untimely death was ultimately fueled by this eternal search for a way to deal with chronic stress, by not being able to take control of his own mind and allow logic to reign over emotion. You see that it is illogical (an emotional act) to abuse medication when the warnings are clear. Michael witnessed the death of Anna Nicole Smith from an overdose, was married to Elvis’s daughter, had knowledge and warning, and ignored the warning. Maybe it was a death wish, maybe just an addiction which is my suspicion, but we’ll never really know the answer to that. He differs from Elvis, the king of rock, only in the fact that he lived 8 years longer. While life for the average human being is stressful, being the “King” understandably adds some degrees of stress. Michael woke up every morning and went to sleep every night as a victim of his fame, and at a great mental cost that led to his physical death. We have witnessed in the last few years of him, through the child abuse trials and financial failure, the disappearance of Michael Jackson. We witnessed a complete transformation from “I’ll be there” innocence to a figure we came to know as “Whacko Jacko.” His personal transformation from King of Pop to Whacko was no doubt the result of his emotional distress, perhaps his inability to find himself as an adult, but his death can be directly attributed to his inability to control that stress, and to those that enabled it.

So who really killed Michael Jackson?

Returning for a moment to the first paragraph of this article, we discussed that man has been searching for a magic pill to control stress since time immemorial. Although we have yet to find it, human greed combined with a true desire to advance medicine has provided a deadly cocktail for those who choose to use and abuse it, but the stress still lingers waiting for us to take responsibility, to face our demons. . First, it would put the blood of Michaels’ death on the “powers that be,” on the government and states that allowed drug companies to advertise to an unwitting public that the latest dangerous chemical is the answer to all problems, and lavish rewards on doctors for prescribing them. This greed for the almighty dollar with carefully orchestrated advertising has turned the American people into a nation of Sheople, seeking medicine to solve all their problems, regardless of personal responsibility.

He would then have to spill Michael’s blood on those who enabled him, they too acted out of greed. Well-paid medical “professionals” knew the dangers, knew what was right and what was wrong, but they didn’t just say no. Lastly, I would have to say that none of this would have mattered and that Michael would probably be alive today if he had taken the responsibility of handling his stress without chemicals.

Michael paid the ultimate price because the government chooses to ignore the millions who die from dangerous drugs in favor of seeking out those that offer natural solutions. He paid the ultimate price due to the greed of the pharmaceutical companies working to convince you that dangerous drugs are the first choice for all human ills, and due to the irresponsibility and greed of the enablers who undoubtedly paid very well to help you. to commit suicide . Michael’s death was by his own hand, facilitated by a very broken society.. Michael has been exonerated, he has paid the ultimate price for his irresponsibility. If we’re going to blame the enablers for him, let’s do it fairly and bring charges against all of the above.

And the Sheople will continue to perish

I offer these thoughts for the many millions who feel they cannot get through the day without drugs to mitigate reality, and especially for the few who might read and choose not to perish due to their own irresponsibility. As long as we remain a nation of followers, believing in science to rid ourselves of self-responsibility, we will continue to perish unnecessarily. The medication promised to set us free, only dilates brains, suppresses logic, and turns masses into a writhing, writhing mass of emotions, a volatile recipe for disaster. Half of our cars are driven by medicated drivers and we have road rage, we have adults walking into schools killing innocents. Half of our families are on medication and we have massive family dysfunction, making dysfunctional children a dysfunctional drug world. For believers, we see in Genesis what happens when we subrogate logic to emotion; It certainly was not an act of logic that started the downward spiral in which we find humanity today, and it is failure to walk in logic that continues to destroy millions. It is not logical to strap a bomb to a child and send him out into a mob to die, it is not logical to believe that this is what God wants for the children he created. Remember Michael, and remember the dangers that lurk beneath high-priced pharmaceutical advertisements, these chemicals do little more than destroy logic. If you’re one of the millions crying one minute and a raving lunatic the next, change your diet, stop using sugar-free chemicals and processed junk, and eat natural, healthy foods. Your hormones will balance as will your temperament. Help your loved ones find help to deal with stress and get rid of daily medications. Stop giving your children a medicated example and teach them logic and self-responsibility, because you are putting them on the path for the rest of their lives. Find safe, natural ways to deal with your stress before it gets the upper hand. Remember that stress is a “state of mind” and you can change that state, or you can allow it to consume you, that is a choice. Remember that your past does not dictate your future, the way you handled the stress of life yesterday does not dictate how you will deal with it tomorrow. Keep in mind that while chemicals can be helpful on occasion, long term use is what happened to Michael and don’t let that happen to you. If you suffer from chronic pain and you weren’t “hit by a truck”, it’s probably just stress and it’s probably in your best interest to stay away from the doctor who only has medicine to offer. Let logic reign, if you can’t avoid the influence of clever TV commercials that promise to eliminate all your problems, leave the fool out the back door and pick up a good book on nutrition, better yet pick up a Bible and look up instructions. ..

Remember Michael, he passed on from us leaving only his music, or in his death he can remain an icon for freeing millions of people from drug commercials and resulting drug dependency. Which one will he be to you?


The connection between Northern European astronomy and its gods and the tree of life

Each generation in a tribe faced numerous challenges that they had to meet successfully, if the nation was to survive. These included clan obligations, religious relationships, camp work, story acquisition, etc. To acquire the necessary vital learning, cultures implement sophisticated systems for the tribe to use. These duties were rooted in his special perspective on the nature of humans and the environment. The ancients considered themselves part of the natural world. They believed that everything came from the same source, so a bear, wolf or fish was our brother or sister and part of the evolutionary tree with a purpose. A bear, being a relative, is much more likely to be treated kindly than an object, most urbanized people have become disconnected from their sibling. The life of the members of a tribe was shared with all of creation in a common world. As they examined the natural world, they discovered in nature its marvelous detail of how it worked. Each tribe reproduced habits of the species it observed so that they would live with the current. In other words, each ‘well’ of the tribe reproduced the teachings of an animal in tribal life and some also began to see the written history of these animal gods in the stars. All ancient mythology is nothing more than the symbolism of a kind of Genealogy of the Tree of Life.

The Magnificent Celtic World Tree attached to the Milky Way as its huge roots stretched down to Earth, it is also what was considered the origin of all peoples, each symbolized by an animal sitting on the tree. Each tribe was descended from these brother animals or gods or from a particular tree, river, etc. And just as the animals were sacrificed in the circle of life, so were they. But everything came from the World Tree, even the winds and other trees. So many tribes chose the tree, the animal, the constellation or the mountain that they would see the most, as their Mother or Father God. Whether the tribe was Japanese, Indian, First Nations, etc., we are all from the same tree. Some tribes had a tortoise instead of a tree, but they all mean the same thing. This is what comprises the universe of the ancients and the understanding of their powers. We can see with this tree, in the Welsh Celts of the Arthurian cults who used their court warriors to help Culhwch (Kul ook) find the ancient animals to search for Mabon: blackbird, deer, owl, eagle and salmon. Ysbaddaden (pronounced-(Is ba thad’n)-meaning Giant Chief.) Gives Culhwch various tasks to win over his daughter Olwen (means “white footprint” because she left white flowers where she walked). It is my opinion, given the knowledge that the Celts well into Roman times had Tree Gods from whom they were descended, that Ysbaddaden could have been the world tree – the “Giant Chief” tree, although I cannot prove this theory. The blackbird replaces the falcon in Norse myths.

in the nordic tree

The Norse settled on the frost giants (being the giants (possibly huge planets) of fire and ice in the voice or ocean space that break up and become earth and planets but also come from the tree with the rainbow bridge ( milky way), and on its branches were also the major similar ancient animals of creation which included an eagle and his lore, a falcon named Vedrfolnir, a squirrel named Ratatosk who runs up and down through the ash tree and carries malicious messages between the eagle and Nidhogg.also four stags run on the branches of the ash feeding on the foliage and represent the four directions.Their names are: Dain, Dvalin, Dunyr, Durathror.Again all these constellations can be found in the sky. The falcon sits on the eagles head in the sky.

Dain (dormant) – One of the 4 deer constellations on the branches of the World Tree, an elven name that probably gave birth to the elves.

Dvalin (sleeper) – one of the 4 deer constellations, a dwarf name, and the second smallest deer is probably the ancestor of the dwarfs.

Duneyr (lop-eared), the second largest deer, could be the ancestor of any mythical creature that had droopy ears.

Durathror (lazy beast) – the largest of the deer. Another constellation long forgotten.

Ratatosk (gnawing tooth) – the constellation of squirrels. They are the main stars of Cassiopeia, with its feet, body, and two stars for its tail visible.

Geirrod: the constellation of the eagle, nameless among the Norse, but whose name we find as “Garuda” in Hindu mythology. Some called it the swan. (We call it Elyrch (meaning swan in Pwkatta – pronounced Eleerpuh)

Vedrfolnir (wind-dried) – constellation of the falcon above the head of the eagle.

Nidhogg (poison biter) – constellation of a serpent at the foot of the root of Yggdrasill. The constellation that some say is the same as Scorpius, which resides right at the base of the root of the tree. But I read many others who say that the snake is like coiled energy and can move up and down the tree. It is the bridge to the knowledge of another world that changes its skin and begins anew in each phase of learning.

In a poem called “Grimnismal”, there are four deer on the lower roots and four deer on the upper branches, turning the wheel 8 times. An eagle at the top of the branches and a snake at the bottom. (The eagle now looks like Cygnus the swan in summer.)

One tells of the thunder god Thor helping the hero Aurvandil by carrying him in a basket from the frozen north. Along the way, his toe slipped and got bitten off by the frost, so Thor broke it off and threw it into the sky to form a star.

An Anglo-Saxon (Celtic/Scandinavian tribe) version of Aurvandil is Earandel, which means ‘morning star’.

A giant named Thiassi, who carried off the goddess Idunn to gain youth from her eternal apples, was killed by the gods after they rescued her. For lazy by this fact, Odin took the eyes of the old giant and threw them into the sky as punishment. These stars could only be the twin stars Castor and Pollux.

Other associations of myths with constellations

Grendel: In mythical terms, he is a main character who disappears under a lake or sea, implying that he is a constellation that sometimes slips under the celestial equator. From the northern regions of Saxony, such as England, a good proportion of the constellation of Scorpio is below the horizon, and one of the zodiacal constellations. Checking the position, I discovered that Scorpius’s position makes it look like he is drowning in the mythical waters. Scorpius is also a clawed creature that loses a claw and his shoulder in the sky, like the same in the Beowulf story.

Grendel’s Mother – There is a small constellation adjacent to Scorpius called Lupus, the wolf. He also ‘drowns’ in the mythical waters just before Scorpius. If we read carefully, there is a reference to her being a “wolf swimmer”. Lupus has associations with Pan and fauns, and in Roman culture, the festival of her survived into Christian times.

Vidofnir – rooster/rooster that is perched on the highest branch of the World Tree would most likely be Polaris, the North Star or magnetic north. It is golden and shines like a storm. An immortal guard who watches over the world. A symbol of the announced ‘solar fire’. On earth, his totem sings at dawn for the victory of light and the return of life. Among the Germanic tribes he is a spiritual guide. This same ‘son’ is also Arthur, the north star who has a chariot or a plow. If we change the V for the W we obtain “Widofnir” which means (Weaver of the winds), the name of the skies of Vanir, considered as the Norse deity of fertility.

Horses from many cultures

Sun/Star Horses – In the Prose Edda, most are described as the mounts of various gods. Horses seem to involve the sun and moon in chasing or leading the sun to the next zodiac sign or adventure. Sleipnir (son of Svadilfari) is the most famous of the horses only because he was Odin’s mount. Goti is Gunnarr’s horse. Grani was Sigurdr’s horse. Gulltopr (also called “Gold-Top”) was Heimdallr’s horse. Hoof-Tosser, Kertr, Slangvir were others. Vakr was the horse of the morning. All-Bright, Alsvidhr, Arvakr, Early-Wake, Gladr, Gullfaxi, Sheen-Mane, Shining-Mane, and Skinfaxi. There are also night horses and some of those names mentioned are Fjarsvartnir – Frosty-Mane.

These can go in any sign as they are always pulling the Sun God or Night Star God in their course. They could be legends of a single tribe. So you can really put any animal for each ‘good’ (smaller groups are part of a larger tribe but also function as a separate unit).

Auriga, the Auriga or Wagoner in the early days the Wainman, is the French Cocher, the Italian Cocchiere and the German Fuhrmann. Its key star was considered a goat and sometimes a unicorn, then the myths turned to the major constellation of Capricorn, the Turks had a mule.

The Sacred Horse is a powerful symbol of intelligence, speed, grace, strength, virility, and fertility. It was once seen in the constellation now called Pegasus. Called Epona to some Celtic tribes and so on. His flowing mane represents the bright rays of the sun as the Horse is a beast that carries the chariot of the Sun, or that of the Moon, across the sky. According to Kristian Kristiansen, in an article called Rock Art and Religion, horses appear in many early Bronze Age rock carvings that show ancient scenes of fertility rites. He/She believes that the Horses were the symbolic twins who would be both ships and horses, night (ship) and day (horses). The horses were consulted by priests who would decipher their movements and sounds. Horses were held sacred in many temples until Christianity, as we see with derisive humor in the movie “A Knights Tale”, defiled a church. The church tried to cover up a lot of things from the pagan past.

Arthurian horses – Spumador (“he who makes foam”, sea foam and cloud); Arthur’s horse.
Bel Joeor – horse – Tristan / Passe-Brewel or Passebreul horse – Tristan.
Berring-horse-Lancelot. Long-necked chestnut horse (Britain’s lively steed) – Kai (Kay).
Cloven-hoofed horse (horse looted from Great Britain) – Owain (Yvain).
Drudwyn Horse – Mabon / Gwynn Dun Mane – Mabon. Dun-Grey (Britain’s workhorse) – Rhydderch Hael.
Gringalet, Gringolets, Gringuljete horse with red ears – Lahelin, Orilus, Urjan, Lischois and Gawain.
Llamrei – Arturo.
Caw of Scotland – Pale Yellow Stud Horse (Awarded Horse of Great Britain) – Lleu.
Passeland-Arthur. Lluagor (the host opener) – Caradawg’s horse.
Arthurian. The word “Nightmares” is a name that was derived from the Celts who thought they were brought by a visiting horse goddess like Epona: the night, the moon, mystery and magic.

Nordic Horses: Gyllir, Blakkr, Hamskerpir, Silfrintoppr, Hrafn, Sinir, Amfaxi, Skeidbrimir, Hoenir, Gardrofa, Glaumr, Tjaldari, Glenr, Lungr, Valr, Marr, Vigg.

In most Celtic myths, the horses are either black or white, providing more evidence of night and day or the dark and light half of the wheel of the year.

So, in conclusion, we see in many cultures that, whether it’s deer, birds, or other animals, they represent the four directions. A First Nations tribe even displayed this at an opening ceremony at the 2010 Winter Olympics in BC Canada – Each animal represented one of the Four Directions constellations, the White Buffalo (north), the Eagle (east) , the Wolf (south) and the Bear (west).

By Brahva Cwmevos

Copyright April 2, 2012

Bibliography –

This article sprung from my head, but over the years I have been influenced by the writings of Kristian Kristiansen, Eddas, and other Celtic scholars such as Mathew and Caitlin, Peter Ellis, JeanMarkale, etc.

Tours Travel

Vietnam – Leadership Lessons

I recently completed a 22-day assignment with a local charity working with children with cerebral palsy (CP) in Vietnam. I was asked to join their international team of health professionals as a videographer for a 30-minute documentary that our local community television station approved several months earlier. I recently started videotaping my speeches to refine them and thought capturing stories on video would make me a stronger speaker. After our early morning 3am arrival and a brief sleep, we all gathered in the dining room as most of us had never seen each other before. After a brief update on our upcoming 2-week mission, our team leader, Laverne Bissky, asked each of us to give a 3-5 minute talk on why we’re here, what we hope to accomplish, and any other whatever comes to mind. I was the last one while I was filming. This allowed me to hear everyone’s story first. It was then that I realized, despite our different backgrounds, we are all the same and we are here together for 1 cause, which is children. I came to capture a story, but what began to unfold before me were examples of real-life leadership lessons. Our first meeting gave me my first lesson.

Lesson #1 – “There is no me in TEAM”

In those presentations, we were also asked to explain what we think our role is or at least what we think our role will be. Most had very simple short descriptions that made it very easy to put the pieces of this mission puzzle together, at least for me as I watched our team fan out and come together in front of me.

Lesson #2: “Keep job descriptions simple; like 2 or 3 lines”

In the following days, while visiting different hospitals, meeting with parents and their children in our revolving mat workshops in hospitals, we all started to help each other, even in the simplest way. While shooting behind the camera, I never saw anyone on our team sit still, simply because that wasn’t in my job description. Everyone contributed when needed without being asked. I too, despite having a camera going, also lent a hand by passing something to our workshop leaders. It was then that I fully understood, we are not working for ourselves, but for the children who attend from 9 months to adolescence.

Lesson #3: “Don’t limit your contribution to your 2 or 3 line job description”

While this was going on, our team leader, Laverne, founder, CEO, and parenting expert, never stayed at the head table for long. She didn’t even stay in the spotlight, as I caught many video profiles where she was intermingled with parents, watching and listening from behind, as if she too was there for the information sessions to take home some paralysis knowledge. cerebral. her child.

Lesson #4 – “Leaders are not always out front”

We were in Vietnam and we totally trusted our team of local translators who spoke very good English. Sometimes I heard 1 English word taking many of its words to translate. I was told that many words have no direct translation, so transcription became the norm. I began to realize that the Vietnamese language is not easy to learn. To connect I relied heavily on making eye contact for several seconds, then I smiled and even nodded. Sometimes he even made gestures to show sincerity and friendship. In his case, I even connected with a handshake.

Lesson #5 – “Don’t underestimate the power of a smile, eye contact or a handshake”

Once out on the street during our breaks and sightseeing, we were obviously the visiting foreigners. Whether passing by shop owners looking to entice us in or a street vendor hoping to sell us a simple trinket, I always felt treated with respect and sincerity. It’s the kind of feeling I rarely remember experiencing back home in the west. It didn’t matter if the item was just a dollar or $50. It didn’t take long for me to feel so special that I just wanted to buy almost anything from the vendors.

Lesson #6 – “Make your customer feel special”

Many times throughout our roadmap workshops behind the video camera, I would capture Laverne having direct one-on-one conversations with members of our team. She sometimes captured her from a distance, so she could only observe facial expressions and body language. Other times she was up close and could hear the argument. Sometimes it was business about our educational workshop and other times it was pure pleasure about a funny incident we may have come across.

Lesson #7 – “Know Your Team Members”

As Laverne has spent extended periods in Vietnam before, she had a repertoire of interesting places for us to see. When a transition or break was needed, we would do a bit of sightseeing at night or while traveling to our next destination. During our trip, we stopped to rest at the roadside markets to try some local fruits or snacks. That gave us a chance to get to know each other better socially, since most of us just met here on this mission for the first time. We even take turns choosing a restaurant each night to eat. For better or worse, even if one didn’t work out, we take it in good humor and use the incident to build a good team relationship.

Lesson #8 – “The leader is not afraid to have fun”

Laverne planned this mission and probably more than 1 year in advance. In my opinion, the ease and smoothness with which our 22-day mission unfolded was remarkable. I doubt that Laverne, the sole organizer, would totally agree that it came together on its own. Logistics planning for a group of 14, traveling from 13 time zones, 5 cities, 5 hotels, team members from 3 other countries, numerous taxis, chartered coaches, flights, visits to an orphanage and various social stops to visit friends locales made from past missions, no small feat. Without a doubt, having such a close relationship with the planning itself, one cannot help but feel that it is perfect and that it cannot be optimized or modified. But last-minute adjustments had to be made, at no great loss to the benefit of the mission as a whole or to accommodate individual team members.

Lesson #9: “Plans are just plans. Let your team member adjust their scope”

Most days we had a quick 30 minute briefing on the day’s workshop activities. These would normally be back at our hotel where we stayed. We all met in the breakfast room, which was quiet as we had it all to ourselves, ordered a drink or snack and then each took 2-3 minutes to give our feedback on the progress of the day, good, bad, lessons learned or otherwise. Some days Laverne would chair, but several times Terry (the other Terry) would chair these briefings. This would give Laverne the opportunity to not only listen, but also focus more on the overall mission content, strategy, execution, and progress.

Lesson #10 – “Good leaders do not lead alone”

Because Laverne had so much to run and follow, she didn’t always lead our daily “lessons learned” and “what worked and what didn’t” roundtable. That’s where others on our team pitched in as well. This gave others the opportunity to “drive the bus.” You don’t want the same person leading the whole thing, as he too needs a “seat in the audience” to reflect on the day and ask questions. I think it also encourages the rest of the team to act like they’re leading sometimes. Actually, when our group sessions were divided into groups, they led their own groups.

Lesson #11 – “Good leaders are also good followers”

Part of our hospital workshop program was to break into groups of 3 or 4 and visit a home where a child with cerebral palsy resided. We would spend about an hour with the family and, using an interpreter, ask the family what challenges they had in managing the special care their child required. Each group had 1 health care expert who would see if any special aids or exercises would help the child. Sometimes we could only get into these places each riding on the back of a motorcycle, as rural streets were sometimes only 6-foot-wide concrete paths. Being March meant daytime temperatures in the mid to high 30s. On one such home visit, one of our health experts saw a quaint little cafe big enough to accommodate all of us and said, “Let’s do our debriefing here over a cold drink.” As he progressed, more of us began to follow him. In fact, it was a really good idea because we still had a 1-hour bus ride back to our hotel, and by then much of what each group observed on their home visit may not have made it into our report. from the hotel, most of us succumbing to fatigue. of a long day and the heat.

Lesson #12: “If a team member has an idea to execute, let him follow it”

Sometimes spontaneous ideas are good as you can see what is happening and what may need to be done or implemented. It also gives your entire team the opportunity to mold and shape your project. If it doesn’t work out completely, it’s good to note that, and why, in your daily “lessons learned” summary. Many ideas can be born first and must be tested somewhere and sometime. There is no better time than the present.

I came to capture a story and learn about videography. I’m leaving with the best seat in the house to watch leadership lessons firsthand. For me, this trip to Vietnam was definitely not an ordinary trip.

You should also watch my short tribute video to our team and our incredible experience: Vietnam is no ordinary trip


Dangerous Prayers To Get Your Husband Back From The Other Woman – Restore Your Marriage Now

This is your chance to restore your marriage to the right position by engaging in some dangerous prayers that will help you get your husband back from the other woman. This is not the time to cry, this is the time to act. But if you are looking for a pushover or timid solution, this is definitely not for you. Prepare for the shocking truth…..

You are going to get your husband back from the other woman by applying a two-pronged approach: spiritual warfare and a dirty psychological approach. When trouble enters your marriage, do these three things: Get alone with God. The psalmist wrote: “In the time of trouble he will hide me in his canopy.” Are you allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by things that don’t really make a difference? Are you upset about things that should be discarded with your inner strength? Get alone with God with these dangerous prayers to get your husband back. No matter what dark powers the other woman possesses, you will win.

At exactly 12 o’clock at night, start the following dangerous sentences and you will surely get your husband back from the other woman:

  1. By fire and thunder, every power disturbs my marriage, what are you waiting for? Die, in the name of Jesus
  2. Every evil power buried in the foundation of my house and marriage, die, in the name of Jesus (pray 3 times)
  3. Every power that disputes for my husband, die, in the name of Jesus
  4. Arrows of the day, arrows of the night, assigned against my marriage, backfire, in the name of Jesus
  5. My husband stolen from my life by this other woman, come back, in the name of Jesus
  6. Spirit of the strange woman, I shoot you down, I set you on fire, in the name of Jesus

God is an expert at turning impossibility into great testimony.

Refuse to live beyond help because you have an image to uphold. He needs help from God and man because he cannot help himself all the time. God has provided help, reach for it!

Be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit because He will constantly remind you of God’s plan and show you how to carry it out to get your husband back from the other woman. Now listen carefully! What has the Lord said to you at this time? You’ve done it? Obedience is your door out of trouble. Don’t take the law into your hands. Do not kill. Just approach this woman with these dangerous sentences and she will surely get her husband back from the other woman.


Fencing Drills – Tactical Analysis Drills

One of the challenges for developing fencers is developing their ability to recognize the actions of their opponents and use that knowledge to gain a tactical advantage. The fencer who has this skill has a significant advantage in combat, but many fencers struggle to develop it. The Tactical Analysis Drill can provide a tool that you, as a coach, can use to help in that fight.

The Tactical Analysis Drill develops the shooter’s ability to recognize and act on the opponent’s actions by presenting the shooter with a series of actions and requiring the shooter to predict what the next action will be. This drill can be performed as a coach and fencer drill in a tail drill format at any level. It can be done as a pair exercise with two fencers, but that format requires higher intermediate or advanced participants.

(1) The coach identifies a set of related actions that the shooter is capable of performing well. At the same time, the coach identifies three cues that reflect reasonable responses to be expected from an opponent the fencer will face. In my experience, three actions work well as a set: two actions don’t provide enough variety, and four or more actions make the exercise cycle too long.

(2) The coach (or fencing partner) decides whether the skills will be presented randomly or only one skill will be presented. For example, the three actions the student is expected to take might be (a) change of contact, direct push if the opponent does not react, (b) change of contact, disengagement against lateral pressure on the blade, and (c) change of contact. commit, counter-disengage against attempting to change commit to its original line.

(3) The shooter and the coach perform three actions. In our example, if the coach wants the fencer to use all three actions, the coach would randomly respond to the change of contact with no reaction, with lateral pressure on the blade, or with an attempt to change contact. The coach uses all three signals or just one signal three times.

(4) The student has to identify if it is a series of all the actions known to the opponent (three different random actions) or if the opponent is repeating a favorite action (three of the same from any of the set of actions). This identification must be completed at the end of the second action.

(5) The student reacts appropriately to each signal.

(6) At the end of the first action, if the learner is willing to take risks, he or she can assess the likelihood of the next action and fully commit to the counteraction. This requires significant risk, as the student doesn’t know if the cycle is three of the same actions or three different actions, leading to a rather complicated set of mental math to determine the best course of action. Alternatively, the student can wait for the second action to fully commit.

(7) At the end of the second action, the student must know for sure what the next action will be and fully commit to the appropriate counter.

The Tactical Analysis Drill does not require students to make and stay with a choice to the degree required in the Analysis/Commitment Drill. His strength is in being able to determine the opponent’s scenario and in recognizing a number of different actions and combinations of actions.

This drill forces the student to keep their eyes wide open for the first and second actions, and helps train the student to recognize specific actions and action sequences. It also helps develop the ability to assess the probabilities of the opponent’s specific courses of action. By focusing on the role of identification and prediction in exercise, the student begins to develop the observational skills necessary to be a successful competitive athlete.

Home Kitchen

How To Find Cheap And Affordable Granite Countertops For Your Kitchen

These days, you will find that granite material is popular with various types of kitchen and bathroom remodeling jobs. The reasons are pretty obvious; they are durable and rich in aesthetic values.

However, you must maintain them regularly and they are available in a limited number of colors. But despite these two main limitations, it turns out to be a popular choice in several ways. At the same time, people find them to be an expensive option; however, it is possible to find cheap and affordable granite countertops for your kitchen. By following the discussed ideas given below, you can certainly get affordable types of countertops made from granite along with affordable kitchen cabinets and have every reason to increase the value of your home.

The first step you will need is to define the type of granite countertop you want, as they are available in various brands, styles, colors, and grades. Once you decide on this factor, you can think about moving them around and checking them out at multiple stores. But be sure to try the places where you get these countertops from wholesalers. In general, reputable stores are expensive and cannot offer you a cheap deal, so stick to wholesalers based on your kitchen cabinet design.

There are several companies that provide you with granite samples to help you match the theme and color of your countertops, others provide you with a software-based virtual design for this purpose.

Try to find a number of wholesalers in the market, either through the Internet or simply by looking in the local phone book. These wholesalers would offer a cheap deal compared to stores near your place and the difference is often substantial. Once you have a list of good wholesalers, visit them in person in the Cabinetry Bay Area, view their collection, and select countertops based on your kitchen theme and color.

Try to compare the number of suppliers and wholesale companies in terms of price and quality along with design, color and other factors. For this, you need to visit all the wholesalers on your list which was made after your careful research and study. Often these companies can offer you a good discount if you show them the other printed quotes, this way you end up getting countertops at an affordable cost. Furthermore, it also helps the wholesale supplier or the company to remain competitive in the market. And you learn new skills to get things at a cheaper cost.

Once you’ve had enough research and market research both online and by physically visiting these places, shop around for a better deal. Be sure to check the warranty the company or supplier provides for any type of damage, including crack and stain issues, in addition to checking installation warranties. So when you are done with all these steps discussed, you are likely to get the best deal or in other words have cheap and affordable granite countertops. Similarly, you can try these ideas to get cheap kitchen faucets and bathroom faucets.