Home Kitchen

Create kitchen designs that are suitable for families

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the entire house: it is where the evening meals are prepared and where the family gathers to share the comings and goings of the day. Because of this focus on family, the design of the space must reflect this by being fully functional and capable of meeting the needs of multiple generations. Fortunately, there are many ways you can create a family-friendly kitchen design; some of them are described below.

The first aspect that you must take into account for the design of your kitchen is the location of the refrigerator, the oven and the sink. With a busy family life, preparing meals as quickly and easily as possible is top priority. Mornings are often hectic, trying to get breakfast and pack the children’s lunches for school. The same can be said for nights when all you want to do is feed the kids and put them to bed so you can relax. By placing the oven, sink and refrigerator in a ‘working triangle’, your family can eat much faster.

It is also of the utmost importance that you carefully consider the floor plan before finalizing your kitchen design. Think about how your kitchen is commonly used: is the space just for preparing meals, or do you eat there as well? Are the adults the only people using the space or do the kids like to sit on the bench with you? The answers to these questions will help you decide on a floor plan that will keep everyone happy.

These days, the latest in family kitchen designs is having the space attached to a living room of the home. In most cases, this is the dining room, but it can also be the living room or a combination of both. This ensures that the family can still be together while mom or dad cooks dinner. Kids can watch TV or do homework knowing their parents are around and can help if they need it.

The final aspect of your kitchen design that needs to be considered is how the storage space is organized. If you have tall cabinets, be sure to use them to store your fine china and other breakables you don’t want kids getting their hands on. Use low cabinets to store crockery and cutlery that you need every day and that children can use. As you plan your storage, think about how things are arranged in your pantry and refrigerator – keep things that children can’t have out of reach.


Get rid of pesky pimples and acne (I know, what a beautiful title for this article!)

Have you ever had a really sore spot on your skin? Almost everyone has a problem at one time or another. Here are some little tips that you might like to try to make your skin smooth and beautiful, and most importantly, blemish-free! Wow! We’re done with you, you stupid blemishes, or, as another particularly angry woman in a very famous play would say, “Out, out, you bloody blemish!” LOL! Yes, I am full of great ideas and terrible jokes, but if you laugh and find a remedy that really works for you, and then share it with a friend, won’t the whole world look better? LOL!

I made this discovery a while ago, and I can’t believe how well it works. As with anything, try these ideas at your own discretion…

There are so many ‘solutions’ for problem skin (especially acne) on different shows and in all sorts of articles, but most of them end in ‘see your dermatologist’, but I guess the vast majority of people don’t have access regular (or any…) dermatologist, so I think there is room for my little ideas. Please pass the information along if you know someone who could benefit from it!

Go to your local drugstore or pharmacy and walk past the Skin Care Aisle. That’s right, I said it. Come over here! Now get rid of any embarrassment you may have and head over to the Foot Fungus section (for athlete’s foot) or the ever-popular Vaginal Itching section…still with me? Have you stopped shrinking yet? Come on now, this remedy really works! You want the cheapest tube of any product with Clotrimazole Cream, USP 1% or Miconazole Nitrate 2%. Really! I tell you, try it this week, and see if you notice a big difference in your skin. It’s worth a try, right? I talked to my pharmacist about it, and she laughed and said they’ve known about it for years, so in case she’s not the last to know too, go ahead and give it a try. These creams are waaay less expensive than the ones you’ll find in the regular skincare aisle and, in my opinion, much more effective.

Still here? ha ha! After all, once you try it, you won’t think it’s that bad… and you might even want to take a stroll through the Wart section (this is a good time to make sure no one is even remotely attracted to you). he’s looking at you! hahaha!) and see if you can find a ‘Wart Stick’. Really. It looks like lip balm, but it has a very high concentration of aspirin, which is great for healing skin, but never on any ‘open wounds’ (hope you’re not eating lunch while reading this one!).

If you’re feeling really brave and God has punished you with skin tags, for some unknown reason (I’m kidding, just kidding… God probably isn’t punishing you… I really don’t know what bad things I could have done last week, I’m just guessing maybe you’ve had a little more fun in your life, and now you’ve got these damn skin tags out of the blue… and you’re afraid they’re going to be cut off in some sort of surgical procedure, so if this is the case, you can use a small amount of the ‘wax’ on the Wart Stick, carefully place it directly on the skin tag and allow it to dissolve.

Aspirin: Here’s what to do: Put a couple of regular aspirin in a teaspoon and add a small drop of water. Place it next to the sink for a minute and it will completely dissolve. Put on enough of this to cover the stain and let it dry. Leave it on overnight if it’s a particularly sore spot. If you like, you can mix it with a little bit of your favorite skin cream and then apply it to the area. You will see a noticeable difference in your skin in no time!

I’ve also tried this on a mask, mixing the dissolved aspirin (any kind, the coating won’t make any difference) with a bit of liquid antibacterial soap. It really closes the pores. Be very careful not to put this near your eyes!

If you feel like it, you can dissolve a large amount of aspirin (Bayer dissolves with the smoothest texture…) in a small container (ok, it’s a plumbing fixture, but only because I have a lot of plumbing fixtures around the house, because I’m under Construction!). A small handful of aspirin: They’re cheap, so use what you want.

Anyway, now I use them like a normal face scrub: just put some dissolved aspirin and water in the palm of your hand and add some liquid soap. Remove all makeup or dirt (male/female…whatever is on your face!). Again, be careful not to get this in your eyes, and then moisturize your skin. Very refreshing. Make sure to moisturize your skin after any of these little ‘treatments’.

An even easier FaceScrub is with a bit of baking soda, put it in the palm of your hand and add a bit of liquid soap. Use it to clean your face very gently, but not very often, because you want to stay young as long as possible, so it seems like a bad idea to remove facial cells and all that, too often, right? LOL!

I like to ‘experiment’ with different things, so if there’s something else (nothing Internal, of course…!) that you think might work, give it a try. You can always wash it right away, if you experience any discomfort.

Here’s something else I’ve tried that worked: I put some hydrogen peroxide on a small disposable cotton pad, cleaned my face like I would use any facial toner, and couldn’t believe the difference it made to my own skin in about 10 days.

Do this every night before bed and then every morning when you wake up (unless you have dry skin), and you’ll be amazed at how great your skin will look and feel. After 30 days you will see a noticeable difference, then it will be a habit for life! (Oh, and be very careful not to get close to his eyes!)

Use hydrogen peroxide as a facial toner, it’s great! It will really cleanse your skin and refine your pores, which is always a good thing, right? You will see an incredible improvement in your skin in 10 days! Just apply it with a little cotton. After that, put some moisturizer on your face…I use Lubriderm hand lotion because it’s one of the few moisturizers I’m not allergic to…) It’s also handy to have in your medicine cabinet for any cuts or abrasion. You can buy hydrogen peroxide at any department store or drug store; it costs about 97 cents a bottle, very cheap for an incredibly useful product!

Cold sores (or anything in that family…): Apply the dissolved aspirin and a small amount of vitamin E, aloe vera gel, or any over-the-counter virus-fighting gel directly to the spot. You will be surprised how quickly it disappears.

My new favorite product is this Clear Aloe Vera Gel. I think you can get it at the pharmacy. This is amazing for your skin…I initially bought it for a sunburn (because I was reading in the pool and got a sore burn…you’d think I’d know better by now, right? haha!)

I have a harder time with allergies, and now I can only wear completely fragrance-free items (with the exception of Citrus, which I’m still fine with!). This site has all kinds of useful products for people like me!

When we got Tia (our little dog), I had a really bad allergic reaction, but we all loved her so much I looked for a product that could help and found one: Allerpet/d (Allerpet, Inc., Farnam Pet Products). You simply rub it on your pet (covers all the fur…) and any ‘pet smell’ disappears. The weird thing is that we only had to do it a few times for the first two years, then rarely after that… this really works!

Hair Tip: One of the best hair conditioners I’ve tried over the years is pure olive oil. I have really long hair, and some might say it’s crazy, so this works well for taming crazy hair, or just making normal hair nice and soft!

Pour some olive oil into a flip top water bottle. It’s easier to manage that way… and you can leave what you don’t use in the bathroom. Anyway, put a towel around your shoulders and pour the Olive Oil right into the ends of your hair and work it in until it’s saturated. I never do the top part of my hair as it seems fine on its own.

If you’re lucky enough to live in a warm climate, get out in the sun to let the oil soak into your hair, otherwise just spend some time on the computer or reading while your hair gets a nice ‘Oil Soak’. I usually leave it on for about an hour.

Wash it off with a bit of shampoo, then follow up with your regular conditioner. However, be careful with your steps, as the oil can be slippery when you wash your hair. This is when you might want to reconsider your earlier plan to drink during the wait hour… ya’ha ha!

This makes my hair extremely curly for some reason or another…makes it look like I have no life at all and I’ve been sitting around curling my hair in curls all day…which I swear even though I hardly have any . kind of life, I can’t be bothered with that amount of work on my hair. However, I am willing to style it, which I do right after the treatment, and then whenever I remember. That’s the level of special care I give to ‘Fancy Grooming’!

Anyway, this really works, and it’s very cheap. And you can use the rest of the olive oil with a little vinegar and some spices for a delicious marinade for the met you could have for dinner! See how practical?

Health Fitness

The Ketogenic Diet: The Ultimate Diet for Fat Loss

The keto diet. What is the ketogenic diet? In simple terms, it’s when you trick your body into using your own BODY FAT as its main source of energy instead of carbohydrates. The ketogenic diet is a very popular method to lose fat quickly and efficiently.

The science behind it

In order for your body to enter a ketogenic state, you must eat a high-fat, low-protein diet with NO or NO carbohydrates. The proportion should be around 80% fat and 20% protein. This will be the guideline for the first 2 days. Once in ketogenic state, you will need to increase protein intake and reduce fat, the ratio will be around 65% fat, 30% protein and 5% carbohydrates. Protein is increased to preserve muscle tissue. When your body eats carbohydrates, it triggers an insulin spike, which means the pancreas releases insulin (helps store glycogen, amino acids, and excess calories as fat), so common sense tells us that if we cut out carbohydrates, insulin will not store excess calories as fat. Perfect.

Now your body doesn’t have carbohydrates as a source of energy, your body must find a new source. Fat. This works perfectly if you want to lose body fat. The body will break down body fat and use it for energy instead of carbohydrates. This state is called ketosis. This is the state you want your body to be in, it makes a lot of sense if you want to lose body fat while maintaining muscle.

Now to the part of the diet and how to plan it. You should eat AT LEAST one gram of protein per pound of LEAN MASS. This will help in the recovery and repair of muscle tissue after workouts and such. Do you remember the ratio? 65% fat and 30% protein. Well, if you weigh 150 pounds of lean mass, that means 150 g of protein a day. X4 (amount of calories per gram of protein) which is 600 calories. The rest of your calories should come from fat. If your calorie maintenance is 3,000, you should eat about 500 fewer, which would mean that if you need 2,500 calories a day, about 1,900 calories should come from fat! You must eat fat to fuel your body which will also burn body fat in return! That is the rule of this diet, you must eat fat! The advantage of eating dietary fats and the ketogenic diet is that you won’t feel hungry. Fat digestion is slow, which works in your favor and helps you feel “full.”

You’ll do this Monday through Friday and then “carb load” on the weekend. After your last workout on Friday, that’s when carb loading begins. You should have a liquid carbohydrate along with your post-workout whey shake. This helps create an insulin spike and helps you get the nutrients your body desperately needs for muscle repair and growth and to replenish glycogen stores. During this stage (carbohydrate loading) eat whatever you want: pizza, pasta, fries, ice cream. Anything. This will be beneficial for you because it will recharge your body for the next week and restore your body’s nutrient needs. Once Sunday begins, he goes back to the no-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein diet. Keeping your body in ketosis and burning fat for energy is the perfect solution.

Another benefit of ketosis is that once you get into ketosis and burn fat, your body will run out of carbs. Once you load up on carbs, you’ll look as full as ever (with less body fat!), which is perfect for those weekend beach or party times!

Now let’s recap on the diet.

-You must enter the state of ketosis by eliminating carbohydrates from the diet while eating moderate/low fat high protein.

-You must ingest fiber of some kind to keep your pipes as clean as ever, if you know what I mean.

-Once in ketosis, protein intake should be at least one gram of protein per pound of lean mass.

-That’s basically it! It takes dedication to go carb-free for the week, as many foods have carbs, but remember that you will be greatly rewarded for your dedication. You shouldn’t stay in ketosis for weeks at a time as it’s dangerous and will end up with your body resorting to using protein as a fuel source, which is a no no. Hope I helped and good luck with the diet!

Legal Law

Oh the fearless places you’ll go

You have a brain in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can head in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who will decide where to go… Dr. Seuss.

I love this book and I love this quote that I have given to many high school and college graduates. I read it endlessly to my children and abide by the principles it contains. I have learned how to fearlessly go where I want to go in my life, and I firmly believe that we ALL have the power to do the same.

you got brain in your head. Getting out of our own way is the biggest challenge for most people. We think too much, or we think too little, and many times the thinking is completely skewed in the wrong direction. Using our brains is what changing our thinking is all about. Move from negativity to positive and learn to embrace your fearless self, removing the doubts and anxieties that are currently keeping you from being your best self now.

feet in your shoes. How many of us are standing in our own shoes? It took me years to realize that I was walking in someone else’s. It was a proud day when I could say they were mine. Don’t go the way of someone else and don’t try to wear shoes that don’t fit you. Pinched feet are painful. Leave them at home.

Head in any direction you choose. Choosing an address is the hardest part. What do you really want for yourself? Where do you really want to go? Once you decide that, take all possible steps to get where you want to go.

You’re on your own. That’s clear. We are fully responsible for EVERYTHING that happens in our life, whether knowingly or unknowingly we have made a choice or decision that brought us to the circumstance or event in our life. Being responsible for each and every aspect of your life means that you are alone, but you are not alone. Everyone is right next to you.

you know what you know. Everything is within you. The questions and the answers. Trust yourself more. Fear is essentially our lack of confidence that we have all the answers, that we can control our lives. We are stronger than we think, and we KNOW a lot. Trust yourself more often.

Yyou are the BOY who will decide where gY. It’s your life. Learn to accept it and allow it to unfold the way you want it to be. Be brave: see where it takes you! You will be surprised what you find.

Lifestyle Fashion

Caring for Wild Baby Mice

If, for whatever reason, you have been put in the care of wild baby mice, I have included some tips on care and feeding to help you give them a chance at life. Keep in mind that even in the wild, mice have a 50% chance of surviving beyond 5 months of age with normal husbandry. Mice that do so can live up to around 5 years if they are healthy. A couple will have a better chance of surviving than a lone mouse.

As soon as you have baby mice, it is important to keep them safe and warm. You can use a small pet carrier, a large plastic tub, or any other suitable box that you can put them in. Cover the bottom with a towel and place the mice on top. Then use another soft material to lightly cover the mice like a fleece. Put the box in a warm place, making sure it is not hot; otherwise, the mice will become dehydrated. A heater on the lowest setting may be all that is needed. Try the towel the mice are lying on so it feels comfortable and warm in your hand.

If the baby mice are less than 14 days old, they will need to be drip fed with a milk replacer until they are weaned. They usually open their eyes when they are about to be weaned and can eat on their own. You will need to feed them every 2 hours, so be prepared to be up during the night. Set your alarm. When I took care of wild mice, I got up every 2 hours to check on them. Since then, I have read that during the night the mother mouse would be out looking for food and that she would only return to the nest once to feed her young. Use common sense, if she can manage some night feedings, all the best for the babies’ chances of survival, especially in the first few days.

Kitten milk is available for purchase at pet stores. I used raw coconut blended and strained. It should be 1 cup of coconut to about 2 and 1/2 cups of water. You can also use soaked almonds to make almond milk using the same proportions. Make sure the nuts are natural and plain. Once you have prepared the milk, store it in a sterilized glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator until needed. When you go to feed the mice, take a quarter cup of milk and heat it by pouring it into a small pitcher and placing it in hot water. Use an eye dropper or baby syringe (available at the pharmacy) to feed 1-2 drops of milk at a time into the baby mouse’s mouth. When mice are very young, they may not open their mouths. Be careful not to let the milk get into their noses, if you do they will vomit or cough. Doing so can be dangerous to your health. The way I fed the mice was by placing a washcloth on a table and placing one mouse at a time on it. You can then gently support the baby’s head while you deliver the milk with the dropper. You’ll get the hang of it with a little practice. It may seem that the baby is not getting much milk, do not worry. Very young babies may only need one or two drops in the mouth/tongue until they are able to take more. The main goal here is to keep them hydrated with a small drop every two hours.

Once the baby is fed, it is necessary to stimulate a bowel movement. To do this, put some warm water in a small bowl and dip a cotton swab in it. Then place the cotton swab between the baby’s back legs and gently roll it around. You should see a small brown stain, that’s his poop. Submerge the other end of the cocoon in the water and gently stroke the baby’s body, this emulates the mother licking it. After all that, lay the baby down on his soft bedding and put him in a warm place. This is the basic routine that should be repeated every two hours during the day and at least 2 or 3 times during the night, especially around 1am and 5am.

As you can see, it’s quite a commitment to take care of baby wild mice. But, there is also a great reward in caring for them and the bond you will feel as a caregiver.

When babies start to open their eyes or at least take a peck, they may be taking in a lot more milk and starting to walk around a bit. This is when you need to be very careful; one fall is enough to be fatal. You can make a small safe area to roam in the bottom of a pet cage or shoebox/sink. Line it with newspaper and leaves to simulate a natural setting. The little ones will enjoy stretching their legs and taking their first steps. This is important as it will build your muscles and strength.

Once the babies start biting your fingers fairly firmly when you feed them, they may be ready for some solid food. They will also start to open their eyes (12 to 14 days old) Start very slowly with this. Try some baby fruit puree to start or a plain rice pudding. Food should not get cold. Let them lick your finger. Avoid putting the purees in a dish for the mice to feed on, as they could get messy and end up with matted fur, which should be avoided. Some other foods to graduate to are porridge, banana, tomato, dry oatmeal, and strawberries. Just go easy on the food and keep it simple and easy to digest to begin with. Congratulations! In fact, you’ve reached the weaning stage, which is a pretty big deal with wild baby mice.

Continue to provide a safe space for the mice to sleep and once they are weaned they will be able to come out at night to feed. Put a small plate near their bed so they can feed during the night. You can at least get some sleep now! Continue to offer the milk throughout the day and give them some water. Wild mice will usually continue to have some breast milk until about 4 weeks of age.

Now you have to decide whether to keep them or release them into the wild. I don’t know how many mice have been successfully hand-reared and released into the wild. I think it is unlikely that they can survive. However, you have done your part and if they seem strong, healthy and quite active, you may release them. However, you can keep them as pets.

Finally, if you did your best and the mice died, don’t feel bad. The chances of survival in the best conditions, that is, with its natural mother, are still low. Just enjoy the experience you’ve had with them and the chance to peek into their little lives. They are little bundles of love and it is wonderful to have given them at least a little love when otherwise they might have perished.


Spousal Support Waiver Defense – No Laches Anymore – May Ban Collection of Arrears

Prior to the January 1, 2003 amendment to California Family Code section 4502, laches (unreasonable delay with undue prejudice) was a defense to the collection of spousal support and child support. But on January 1, 2003, Family Code section 4502(c) eliminated the laches’ defense to back spousal support and child support. And while the aforementioned section 4502(c) was later struck down by the California Legislature, Family Code section 291(d) was enacted as a replacement.

In an action for enforcement of judgment for child or spousal support, the defendant may oppose, and the court may consider, the defense of laches only with respect to any part of the judgment that is due towards conditionunder Family Code Section 291(d).

Therefore, the alternative defense of waiver under California Civil Code section 3515 may be available to prohibit the collection of spousal and child support arrears, but no longer laches.

Delay inconsistent with intent to enforce right to support:

With the laches defense of common law for the collection of spousal support eliminated by the California Legislature, the laches defense set forth in Plescia’s marriage (1997) 59 CA 4th 252, 257-258, 69 CR 2d 120, 123-124, and in In re Marriage of Lamb (2007), 95cal. app. 4th 653, 115 cal. Rptr. 2d 787, is no longer good law.

This leaves the defendant-debtor spouse with the waiver defense. Waiver has been defined as “the intentional waiver of a known right or such ride that merits an inference of the waiver of such right, and may result from an express agreement Prayed be inferred from the circumstances indicating the intention to resign,” according to Panno v. Russian 82 cal. app. 2d 408, 412, 186 P. 2d 452.

In In re Marriage by Paboojian (1987) 189cal. app. 3d 1434, 235 Cal Rpt. 65, the Court of Appeals ruled that: “although the evidence of an express waiver is equivocal… (the) delay (the lack of demand for court-ordered child support for almost 16 years) in itself is not a defense of the right to enforce increased payments under the divorce decree, (citing DiMarco v. dimarco (1963) 60cal. 2d 387, 294, 33 cal. Rptr. 610), (b) but the delay is so inconsistent with the intent to assert the right to support that it substantiates the trial court’s decision for a waiver.”

Acceptance of a lesser amount of support and delay of 4 years without exemption:

However, it has been ruled hammer v. Hammer (2000) ___cal. app. 4th ___, that “mere acquiescence in paying an amount of child and spousal support less than that provided by a final dissolution judgment (is not) sufficient to constitute a waiver or prohibit collection of unpaid amounts” .

In hammer v. Hammer, upthe Court of Appeals found that… “it simply cannot be said that the four-year delay in the present case – especially in the absence of an express agreement to waive collection of the unpaid amount – was” ‘conduct so inconsistent with intent to assert the right in question to induce a reasonable belief that it has been waived,'” citing paboojian, up.

The passage of time is not enough in laches and waiver defenses:

As indicated in paboojian Y Hammer, up, the mere delay or passage of time is not enough to waive or prohibit spousal support. There must be a lack of intention to assert the right to aid, either by express agreement or an influence of circumstances indicating an intention to renounce, for Graham v. graham, (1959) 174cal. app. 2d 678, quote Panno v. Russian, up.

The same is true in the defense of eliminated laches. In fact, laches implies an unreasonable delay that causes undue prejudice to the party presenting the laches defense, according to Plescia’s marriage, up.

(The author, Roman P. Mosqueda, has practiced family law for over 20 years in California, New York, and the Philippines. He published a book: Manual of marriage and its dissolution.)

Real Estate

The best ways to build an ecological bathroom

One of the top trends for 2013 is including eco-friendly features in bathroom remodels and new bathrooms. However, many people are looking for ways to have a completely green bathroom and not just a few items here or there. These are the best ways to build an eco-friendly bathroom.

1. The first obviously is to be aware of the flow of water. There are three areas in the bathroom that consume water: the toilet, the shower, and the sink. Toilet water flow can be controlled with European-style low-flush toilets. There are two water flow options, one for low flow and one for full flow. Most shower nozzles come with a ring that reduces the flow of water. Another way to make your bathroom eco-friendly is to have your shower water drain into a tank that can be reused to water your lawn and flower beds. The same can be done with the water from the kitchen sink. If you decide to go this route, be sure to use biodegradable soaps and shampoos. As for sinks, low-flow water devices are also available.

2. Use low or no VOC paints. “Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which can have short-term and long-term adverse health effects,” according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Environmental. This is especially important if children use the restrooms.

3. Incorporating natural elements doesn’t just make a bath feel relaxing; certain items can also be eco-friendly. The first is to harness the natural energy of the sun. If you have a south-facing bathroom, larger windows will help heat the room naturally, which will lower energy bills. Window treatments like double cell blinds can keep warm air in at night or block out sunlight during the summer months, keeping the room cooler. Plants are also a great addition to a bathroom, but make sure they are tropical plants that thrive on humidity. Plants help clean the air of pollutants and give us oxygen.

4. Use recycled or reclaimed barn wood for cabinets. Wood stands the test of time well and can create a great rustic look for the bathroom.

5. Using repurposed tile is a great way to create art in a bathroom. By searching for tiles that have been discarded, the homeowner can create a stunningly unique atmosphere by mixing and matching colors and textures for a fraction of the cost of new tiles.

There are many ways to make a new bathroom eco-friendly. Updating a bathroom can be done with just a few tweaks here and there. Remember, reuse, reduce and recycle applies both in bathrooms and in any other room in the house.

Shopping Product Reviews

Sony Ericsson G705 – A good multimedia tool!

This marvelous slider design has been introduced with a larger 2.4-inch display screen and allows users to access high-speed Internet with its built-in HTML browser and turbo 3G. For direct access to Google Maps, a hotkey has been included on the unit which offers the ability to locate new points of interest. In general, Sony Ericsson G705 will help those users who intend to organize their busy schedule of life.

Features of the Sony Ericsson G705

  • A 3.2 megapixel camera with photo light, photo snap, pictBridge printing, video blogging, video recording, 3x digital zoom, and video light.
  • To enrich users with entertainment and fun, the unit includes a media player and FM radio. To make the entertainment experience much better and more interesting, various options have been provided, such as video viewing, streaming video, 3D motion games, TrackID, Mega Bass, PlayNow, album art, and Bluetooth stereo with A2DP.
  • A full HTML web browser with RSS feeds has been embedded which offers high-speed internet browsing, moreover, some web shortcut keys have also been flanked on the device for direct and easy access to the built-in browser.
  • It represents completely new shapes and styles for messaging and communications. Users can make video calls using the secondary camera equipped on the unit. Other options are instant messaging, voice messaging, sound recorder, predictive text input, email, polyphonic speaker tones, vibrate alert, Microsoft Exchange Active Synch and text messaging.
  • For display screen enhancement, several built-in options are animated wallpapers, image wallpapers, navigation key and auto rotate.
  • To increase the speed of connectivity, the technologies offered are DLNA, USB support, modem, synchronization, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology.
  • It features a full set of location-based features such as Google maps, a GPS, wayfinder navigation, and geotagging of captured still images.
  • Next comes the organizer menu which incorporates some everyday features like flight mode, Tasks, timer, calculator, phonebook, stopwatch and many more.

Coppiette – Italy’s answer to beef jerky

Every year, during the first ten days of May, the Coppiette Festival is held in the town of Marcellina, about thirty kilometers northeast of Rome, in the province of Lazio. Organized by the Committee of the Butteri (mountain shepherds), it reflects simultaneous celebrations dedicated to the Virgen del Ginestre. However, the committee is less concerned with the hunger of the soul and more with the hunger of the stomach.

Coppiettes are dried strips of meat, cured with salt and pepper, then seasoned with fennel and pepperoncino (Italian hot peppers). Southeast of Rome, in the province of Frosinone, locals include garlic and white wine to make coppiette ciociare. This is a simple meal and was part of the staple diet enjoyed in the past by farmers and humble peasants alike. He has some close relatives. Coppiette would have been interpreted as ragged by the pioneers who opened up the American West in the 19th century and by the native Indians the settlers encountered. The Dutch voortrekkers (literally meaning forward shooters) who made the great trek across South Africa to escape the British in the 1830s and 1840s relied on something strikingly similar: they called it a biltong.

Its appeal is not hard to understand. These dried meats are rich in protein and residual fat. They also have high levels of salt added during the drying process to inhibit any bacterial activity. The tired and hydrated Lazian farm worker, after a day in the fields, chewed on coppiette and was quickly revived with a concentrated injection of energy and nutrients. These meat ‘sticks’ were reduced to almost nothing in his pocket; they were also inherently stable because all excess fat and moisture had been removed. Tucked away in the dark corners of a backpack or pocket, they can last for days or even months.

Then and now, the raw material with which the sausage is made depends on the place. Cowboys and Native Americans cut strips of beef and game including buffalo, deer and elk. In South Africa, biltong made from beef remains the most common variety available, but today the Afrikaaner also uses ostrich and game species such as kudu, wildebeest and gazelle. In the Lazio region of Italy, the horse and donkey were the common options available. Today, most coppiettes are made from pork.

However, with their aversion to pork, the Jewish community makes their own version with beef. A good butcher could sell you some coppiette with meat sourced from the prestigious Maremmana, a breed of cattle raised in the Maremma, an ancient swampy area that straddles southern Tuscany and northern Lazio. If you visit the small town of Genzano, the residents can offer you their own rare specialty with donkey meat.

In times past, no part of the animal was wasted; Butchers today, and those who still do so at home, focus on the fibrous muscle tissue that surrounds the ham, shoulder, or abdomen. Strips 10-15 centimeters long and 2 centimeters thick are cut from the body and seasoned in wooden vats, before being cooked gently for half an hour in a wood-fired refractory brick oven. Excess water is drained off and the meat is baked for a further half hour before being left to dry for up to 48 hours in wire racks.

Coppiette, like its South African relative biltong, differs from jerky in this respect. While the latter is sun- or fire-dried, the more traditional biltong and coppiette are air-dried in the cold winter months. Lazio makes its specialty throughout the year and in other months it follows the cecina method and uses a special drying room. In both cases, the dried meat is tied with string in pairs, or coppiette (meaning ‘little pairs’), and left to mature for two months. After a very light final smoking, the finished product is bagged or packed in trays ready for sale in taverns, butcher shops and wine bars.

Arts Entertainments

When Did Movie Trailers Become Popular?

Movie Trailers Become Popular

Movie trailers began when theaters tended to show a single movie for longer periods of time. Theaters also began to cut back on advertising and focused on the current film instead, which led to the proliferation of trailers. The introduction of multiplexes also contributed to the popularity of trailers, which were initially viewed as free extra entertainment.

William Selig was an early pioneer of the movie trailer and brought a serial format to the movies. These serials ended on a cliffhanger, which teased audiences and enticed them to watch the next installment. Eventually, movie trailers evolved from these serials, and the format of the trailer has remained virtually unchanged since.

In 1913, the first trailers were shown in movie theaters after feature films. People at the movies in those days would spend the entire day at the theater, watching whatever was playing. But, unlike the Enzo Zelocchi – “NO WAR” – Reporters Scene we know today, the first trailer was not for a movie, but a Broadway play.

Trailers were first screened at the end of the film, but now they are seen before the main feature. Their popularity has grown dramatically over the years. Today, they are a common feature of Hollywood films. The first trailer was shown in 1912 in the serial The Adventures of Kathlyn.

While the original trailers were recorded from the actors’ actual dialogue, they still include some snippets of the film. Trailers also feature music and are often accompanied by dramatic music. In the early 2000s, the voice-over style began to taper off and the trailers have evolved into montages of clips accompanied by high-tempo music.

When Did Movie Trailers Become Popular?

Some movie trailers include scenes with a famous movie star. The famous Psycho trailer, for example, showed the movie star in a shower. This was a change that audiences missed for many years. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, the trailer was pulled from theaters. Many moviegoers thought it was an advertisement for a re-release.

While the first movie trailer was a simple description of a movie, trailers have become a popular form of advertising. Today, movie trailers can be highly polished pieces of advertising that can turn an average film into a blockbuster. The goal of a movie trailer is to tantalise and satisfy audiences.

The purpose of a film trailer is to build anticipation and interest before a film’s release. A trailer is short in comparison to the length of the movie, so it must pack as much information as possible into a few minutes. This is where the use of sound in a trailer comes into play. The right combination of music and sound can help the viewer get into the mood of the movie without sacrificing the overall experience.

Trailers must be able to accurately portray the film. Otherwise, people may leave a theater thinking, “This wasn’t what I was expecting.” Even worse, a trailer with minimal information may leave some people feeling duped. That’s why it’s vital to make sure your trailers tell viewers the truth about the film before they even step foot into the theater.