
Cleaning, Care, and Storage of Your Welbilt Bread Maker

These are the instructions for the care and cleaning of your Welbilt Bread Maker. Please read this carefully to protect your bread maker from damage, a little cleaning and care goes a long way in making your appliance last longer.


To avoid electric shock, unplug the unit before cleaning. Let the Welbilt Bread Maker cool down before cleaning. Do not immerse or splash the body or cap in any liquid, as this may cause damage and / or electric shock.

For best performance and maintenance, clean the Welbilt Bread Machine after each use as follows:

Body, lid and baking chamber:

Clean the cover and the outer body of the unit with a damp cloth or slightly damp sponge. Use a damp sponge or cloth to clean flour, crumbs or other materials from the bake chamber. Dry well.

Baking pan and kneading blades:

Both the baking sheet and the kneading blades have non-stick surfaces. Do not use harsh cleaners, abrasive materials, or utensils that can scratch the surfaces. Over time, the nonstick surface may change in appearance due to moisture and steam. This is normal and has no effect on its use or quality.

Remove the baking sheet and rolling pins from the bake chamber before cleaning. Wipe the outside of the baking sheet with a damp cloth. NEVER IMMERSE THE OVEN TRAY in water or other liquid. Wash the inside of the baking sheet with warm soapy water.

If the rolling blades get stuck, fill the baking sheet with hot water and let it soak for 30 minutes or until they loosen and can be easily removed. If the hole in the kneading blades becomes clogged, clean it carefully with a wooden or plastic toothpick. Take care to prevent the toothpick from scratching the surface of the blade or getting stuck in the blades.

Never use any of the following to clean your Welbilt bread machine:

• Paint thinner

• Benzene

• Steel wool pads

• Polishing powder

• Chemical powder coating

CAUTION: NO Place any part or parts of the Welbilt Bread Maker in the dishwasher.


Be sure to dry all parts of the Welbilt Bread Maker before storing it, including the display window. Close the lid and do not store anything on top of the breadmaker.


For best performance, allow unit to cool completely before starting to bake a second loaf of bread. You can speed up cooling by opening the lid, removing the baking sheet, and allowing the bake chamber to cool.

Health Fitness

Weightlifting For Women – Get Those Sexy Curves!

If you are a woman who wants to change her body, you NEED to lift weights

Weightlifting has long been the preferred method among men to build lean muscle mass, help burn extra calories, and shift their bodies from flabby and smooth to chiseled and toned, but for whatever reason, women have often avoided dumbbells and have mainly stuck to cardiovascular. exercise.

While cardiovascular exercise is effective in burning calories and reducing body fat (which is very important for building muscle definition), it does not help build lean muscle mass. In fact, most of the steady-state cardio performed is actually very catabolic. In other words, it promotes muscle breakdown. This is why many people who do a lot of steady-state cardio find it very difficult to get the muscle definition they want. People often think that this looks “slim” but not “fit”.

So how do you tone, define and look fit? Add resistance training to your exercise regimen! There are many myths about weightlifting, especially those related to women, so the rest of this article will talk about some of these misconceptions and what you need to do to change your body.

Misconception No. # 1: women will get big and bulky when lifting weights

When it comes to lifting weights, the goal is to build lean muscle mass to increase muscle definition. While resistance training burns calories, especially if you use Supersets, Compound Sets, and Tri-Sets (more on that later), its main function is to challenge your body’s muscles enough to grow them.

The process of muscle growth (also known as hypertrophy) is complicated, but one of the main hormonal factors is testosterone. Testosterone is one of the main reasons that weight lifting affects men much more than women. Normal testosterone levels in men are 200-1200 ng / dl, while between 15 and 70 ng / dl are normal in women. This difference is the reason why women simply cannot bulk up in the same way that men can, no matter how they train. Even in men with the highest testosterone levels, it still takes years of intense, strict training and a precise diet to achieve the muscle mass seen in many male bodybuilders. Considering that when it comes to women with average testosterone levels, there is literally no chance of them getting anywhere near that size.

You may have seen female bodybuilders on TV or in magazines with big, bulky muscles. These women are likely taking some form of testosterone or anabolic steroid. Side effects of these medications can be seen relatively easily and include a deepened voice, redistribution of fat storage to a male pattern, facial and chest hair, among others.

Truth n. # 1: women will see better muscle definition when lifting weights

However, women won’t see the same bulk effects as men when lifting weights, however that doesn’t mean they won’t see increases in strength and muscle definition. In fact, the BEST way to get that toned and fit look is to lift weights, more specifically HEAVY weights.

There are numerous research studies showing that women who lift heavy weight during compound multi-joint exercises show impressive improvements in muscle definition and strength, in addition to many other health benefits, such as improved bone density and lower risks of metabolic syndrome. . In other words, if you want more curves, lower the 5-pound dumbbell, stop working with 20+ reps, and start lifting heavy weights. Here are some excerpts that talk about this:

“A June 2013 study published in the journal Diabetes, both men and women became more sensitive to insulin after 12 weeks of strength training, lowering their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.”

“In a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, women who lifted more weight with fewer repetitions burned almost twice as many calories during the two hours after their training as when they did more repetitions with a lighter weight.”

“The University of Alabama study found that women who lifted weights lost more intra-abdominal fat (deep abdominal fat) than those who did cardio alone. This not only helps you lose your belly and look better in a bikini, but it also reduces the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome and some cancers “.

What qualifies as “heavy” weight? Generally, any exercise that you can’t do more than 12 reps is a good starting point. As you build muscle and become more comfortable with the weight, you can start mixing in a heavier weight with 4-8 reps as well.

What are the best exercises to develop those curves?

Building a fit-looking physique requires a combination of resistance training, calorie burning, and nutrition. When it comes to going from flabby and smooth to lean and defined, male or female makes no difference. You should do a lot of multi-joint compound exercises with a lot of weight. As always, form is the number one priority, especially as you lift more and more weights. The more sloppy your form, the less effective any exercise will be and the greater your risk of injury.

Resistance training takes many forms, including machines, dumbbells, weights, and many others. To stimulate change as quickly as possible, stimulate as many muscle fibers as possible. This is done by incorporating the multi-joint exercises that we talked about earlier. Here are some of some must-have compound exercises that will help build that lean muscle mass:

Dead weight

The deadlift is a full-body exercise that hits a ton of muscles, including lats, traps, quads, glutes, hamstrings, abs, and more. You can safely lift heavy weights when performing a deadlift, making it a great exercise for recruiting muscle fibers and building fat-free muscle mass. Deadlift is essential for a well-developed body.


Do you want nice, toned legs and firm buttocks? Then you need to do squats. Squats, more specifically barbell squats, are probably the best exercise for overall leg development. They target the entire upper leg, including the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. They also effectively strengthen the lower back. If you are skipping squats then you are missing some serious muscle definition.

Chest press

The chest press is another great compound exercise that works many of the muscles in your upper body, including the chest, triceps, and delts. The core also works. The chest press is a key exercise for building good upper body strength.

Pull ups

Pull Ups are one of the most important exercises for building strength. They also hit the lats, rear delts, and biceps to give your upper back and arms serious definition. If bodyweight chin-ups are still not possible, try an assisted chin-up machine or use underfoot bands to help.


Like the squat, lunges are another quality compound exercise that will take your legs and glutes from soft to toned and taut. Lunges can be done with body weight to start and with a heavier weight as you go.

Lifestyle Fashion

Main differences between Chinese and Japanese cloisonne

Cloisonne are metal objects made with intricate designs and artwork that have been a unique work of art and creativity since ancient times. It is a unique way of designing metal objects with gemstones, glass materials, enamel paints and other decorative objects that make this art an advantage over other craft materials. The decoration of metallic objects by initially adding compartments to metallic objects with gold and silver threads. After welding, they are finished with enamel paints and then baked in an oven. This work of art has been around since ancient times and has been as old as the 13th century BC. C.

The existence of this work of art has occurred mainly in Europe, Asia and North America. However, this delicate work of art has its existence mainly in China and Japan. Although Chinese and Japanese cloisonne are almost similar, there are some differences that will help you buy the right piece of art.

In this article I will provide you with the common difference between Chinese and Japanese cloisonne.

Keep reading!

1. The simplest and easiest way to differentiate between Chinese and Japanese cloisonne is to look at the edge and edge of the two metal objects. Chinese cloisonne are finished products of smooth and shiny turquoise interior. In contrast, Japanese cloisonne has an orange peel texture on the enamel. Chinese pieces have their edges decorated with Ruyi. Ruyi are colored decorative items that are 1 inch wide. They look like an inverted clover leaf with a dot in the center of each clover. However, Japanese cloisonne does not have such wide edges on its metal pieces. Instead, they use fine decorations on the edge that are mostly reddish brown, blue, or green. These fine decorations are decorated dots on the edges of the metal piece.

2. There is a big difference in the birth of cloisonne objects in China and Japan. Chinese cloisonne was well developed and open to trade before Japan. On the contrary, Japan has always been kept safe and secure from the whole world and therefore they developed this art and started trading a few centuries later. Chinese cloisonne began to develop this work of art as early as 1300 and it was gradually adapted by other artists. Japan also initially adopted the Chinese method of decorating metal vases and bowls in the 1830s, and lately, in the 1870s, they developed their own unique style of creating and finishing the artwork. So, in other words, we can say that the roots of cloisonne are found in China and then other countries. However, the Japanese have proven to be an ace at cloisonne objects.

3. Although Japanese cloisonne came into being late, yet it has overtaken China. And from now on, Japanese cloisonne has a greater variety of cloisonne compared to Chinese cloisonne. The most famous types of Japanese cloisonne are Ginbari, Akasuke, and Totai. What is different in the three styles lies in their finish. Totai was coated with a brown tree bark texture, Ginbari with shiny, translucent enamels, and Akasuke with a light red enamel.

4. The difference also lies in the cloisonné marks or seals of two countries. Chinese cloisonne was often stamped or marked with gloss enamel. The stamp was printed between 1897 and 1921 for the export trade and was often coded “made in china” after 1921 and only “china” from 1897 to 1912. By contrast, the Japanese cloisonné were not marked. nor sealed. This was mainly due to the Japanese cloisonne being exported from local customers who did not require any export brands.

5. There is a slight difference in the cloisonne enamel coating of the two countries. The underside of the Chinese cloisonne is coated with enamel to strengthen it for high oven temperatures. An enamel coat was made to protect the base from cracking or wrapping from excessive heating. Japanese cloisonne had no such enamel coating and were instead decorated with cloisonne wires with orange peel texture coating.

6. The designs of the two artworks were also different. Chinese cloisonne were designed and decorated mainly with symmetrical designs that symbolized nature, such as seasonal flowers or Buddhist lotus patterns or mythical animals such as kara-shishi, winged horse or phoenix. Japanese cloisonne used symbols such as the empress or the symbol of the emperor of Japan. They mainly use asymmetrical designs with a more crowded appearance than Chinese cloisonne. A common design that was used by the two countries was a dragon motif. The only difference in the dragon motif lies in the number of fingers represented. A Japanese cloisonne had three fingers depicted, while a Chinese cloisonne had four or five fingers depicted.

7. Regarding the gilding and finishing of the two cloisonné; Chinese cloisonne uses gilding with gold to protect them from heat. Often the surfaces of Chinese cloisonne are glassy and bright in color. In the case of Japanese cloisonne, all metal objects are not gilded, but instead had a combination of copper, silver, and brass wires.

8. Most of the Japanese cloisonné were unusual in shapes and sizes in contrast to the Chinese cloisonne, which had symmetrical shapes that included a censer, a vase, and two candlesticks.

9. Japanese cloisonne bodies were composed primarily of copper or bronze and Chinese cloisonne had bronze bodies. However, Chinese cloisonne copper sheet bodies were introduced in the early 16th century.

10. Compared with Chinese cloisonne, Japanese cloisonne is more polished and reflects light.

I think the more we know the difference between Chinese and Japanese cloisonne, the better we can differentiate between the two and gather more knowledge when purchasing them. Although there is a difference between the two countries, you will find a wide variety of vintage designs and creativity in both pieces of metal.

Home Kitchen

Prepare your home for "Yourself"

Many people have a horizon of when they will sell their homes. It could be a year, two years, or five years. The family is growing and they need bigger rooms … the kids are older and they want to downsize … the house is too big as they get older … Florida is attractive … or whatever reason. When it’s time to put the house on the market, they go to great lengths to paint, update, and replace.

Why invest all that money, time, and effort in a new owner’s home? Instead, invest that money, time and effort in a home that you will enjoy for as long as you are there. When I prepared houses for clients who are preparing to put their houses on the market, I heard many say, “I wish I had done it sooner so I could enjoy it.” Don’t be one of those people.

Take a good look at your kitchen

An overhaul of your kitchen can be very expensive, but there are a few small changes that will make a big difference.

• The least expensive thing you can do is give your kitchen a fresh coat of paint in a color that matches the color of your countertops and cabinets.

• Replacing cabinets can be expensive. If your cabinets are outdated or in need of a facelift, consider painting them and changing the knobs, handles, and hinges. That alone can make a big difference.

• Countertops can be another expensive investment. If yours is worn or needs to be replaced, consider opting for laminate rather than investing in granite or other high-end countertops. Laminates have come a long way in recent years; they offer a wide variety of colors and textures.

• Remove all clutter from the refrigerator door. A refrigerator door looks cluttered when covered with school schedules, magnets, photos, calendars, or anything else from your child’s school. Instead, place these items inside a door, closet, or closet.

• Organize cupboards and pantry. Eliminate excess material: You know the items you have not used in years and probably never will.

• Choose an attractive centerpiece for your kitchen table. Use a flower vase, a bowl full of fruit, a piece of pottery or glass, or whatever else you like.

• Add a plant or two to spice up the room.

Now take a look at your bathroom

The lure of a beautiful bathroom can remind you of a luxury hotel or a relaxing spa. You can create a sample of that in your bathroom.

• Any bathroom can be instantly transformed by adding beautiful, fluffy towels for decorative display. You can buy a wall wine rack, roll up the towels, and place them where the wine bottles would go. Or you can roll some towels in a basket with scented soaps, bath oils, natural loofahs, and candles to create a spa-like atmosphere.

• Clean counters. That includes toothbrushes, the jar of cotton balls, the roll of paper towels, and everything else cluttering the counter. (Instead of having everything on the counter, go to a store like the Container Store where you will find all kinds of caddies, shelves, holders, and items to order.) Get an attractive soap dish or use liquid soap with a Bathroom Countertop Dispenser.

• If your bathtub is old and worn and the shower tiles are no longer attractive, you can call a company like Bath Fitter to install a new bathtub and wall over the old one. Bath Fitter claims to do the installation in just one day.

• Mirrors often lose silver after years in the bathroom. Replace them, perhaps with mirrors in a charming frame.

• Replace faucets, doorknobs or door handles, and towel racks for a fresh look.

• Include a vase with flowers, willows, or leaves. Pick them from your garden or get some silk ones.

In and around the house

Take a look around your home to see what else you can upgrade or remake:

• If your hardwood floors are worn or dirty from all the years of walking on them, now is the time to sand them down and coat them with polyurethane.

• If your rugs are stained or no longer look clean, it may be time to have them professionally cleaned or replaced.

• If your wallpaper is peeling (and that usually starts at the seams), is it time to remove the paper and re-wallpaper or paint?

• If your walls are covered in children’s fingerprints or the paint doesn’t look fresh and clean, it’s time to repaint.

Look outside

• If your roof shingles are missing, it is time to have your roof checked and maybe redone.

• If your driveway has excessive cracks, it may be time for a top coat or more.

• If you have shutters, make sure the paint is fresh and the shutters are firmly attached to the house.

• If your shingles or anything on the outside creates an eyesore, take corrective action.


Baked salmon patties

For years, fish has been labeled “brain food” and, more recently, nutritionists have added “high in Omega3” and “heart healthy” to the labels. Everything is true! Fish is a good source of protein, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B6, and Omega3 oils. The benefits of eating fish, particularly baked or broiled salmon, three times a week include reducing: the risk of heart disease, blood pressure, macular degeneration, ADHD in children, grumpy adolescent syndrome, dementia in older people and a great number of other ailments and diseases. A recent study from Purdue University found that nearly 30% of Americans studied have non-measurable levels of omega3 fatty acids in their systems, putting them at increased risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia, and heart problems. behavior and learning.

So listen up friends! Adults and children need to eat fish every week. If you think you don’t like fish, start with fish sticks or fish burgers until you like it, then move on to tuna sandwiches, baked and grilled salmon, halibut, and the next thing you know the world will be. your oyster.

This recipe is for canned salmon, which is easy to carry and tasty.

Salmon Cakes


– makes 4 servings

or 1 can (14.75 oz.) salmon and its juice

or ½ cup Italian breadcrumbs

or ½ cup of milk

or 2 tablespoons minced onion

or 2 tablespoons of chopped green bell pepper

or 1 lemon, juice ½ and cut the other half into wedges to decorate

or 2 to 3 pinches of Tabasco sauce

o Freshly ground black pepper, about ¼ teaspoon or 6 to 8 ground

or 1 beaten egg


1. Preheat oven to 350 ° F. Lightly butter 4 small tart or muffin cups.

2. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Use your hands as if you are mixing a meatloaf.

3. Press into prepared molds.

4. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

5. Remove cakes from tins and serve with sauce (recipe below).

Black Olive Tapenade Sauce


or 1 cup black olives, pitted (Greek or Spanish olives are best)

or 2 teaspoons of lemon juice

or 2 teaspoons whole grain mustard

or 1 small garlic clove

or 2 teaspoons capers (or pitted green olives)

or 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary (or ¼ teaspoon dried)

or ¼ cup olive oil

o Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

or 1 cup of plain yogurt


1. Place all ingredients (except yogurt) in a food processor and whisk until texture is just smooth … scrape bowl to make sure all ingredients are incorporated.

2. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.

3. Add 2 tablespoons of the olive mixture to the yogurt. The remaining olive mixture can be served on the side or over vegetables, eggs, meat, and as a sandwich filling.


The ethics of birthday party invitations

One might think that there is nothing more innocent and free-spirited than the act of extending invitations to a birthday party. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Because inside planning children’s birthday parties and offering invitations there is a minefield riddled with ethical hurdles and booby traps. Here are three tips to help you maneuver the maze.

Pointer # 1: An invitation sticks

How tempting it is for a child to toss out a birthday party invitation after friction enters a friendship. “You are no longer invited to my birthday party!” is a common refrain in the schoolyard. However, it is important for your child to know that an invitation, such as a gift, cannot be claimed. It is best to wait up to four weeks before the party date before sending invitations, verbal or written.

It is rare the child who does not realize an upcoming birthday. I once heard Sam’s 9-year-old older sister say, “So Sam, this afternoon you’re going to see all your friends.”

Glanced up. “Why?”

“Today is your birthday party!” she screamed in exasperation.

“Oh,” he said with a shrug. “Right.”

Other young people start seriously planning the next birthday party the moment the ribbons are pulled from the floor of the current holiday. In the middle are children of various inclinations. Here’s your cue: As soon as your child begins to verbalize plans for the next birthday party, say, “Remember, don’t invite anyone until [give a date four weeks before the party or a reference point such as a holiday, beginning/end of school, etc.] You never know who you will remain friends with later on. Because once you give an invitation, it stays. “

Pointer n. # 2: a guest is 100% invited

Layering guests is another common dynamic. Youth will freely announce who is “next in line” for their birthday party. However, lining up a waiting list clearly shows children that they are waiting for their secondary and lower ranking. It is best for your child to understand that if a guest is invited, the guest is 100 percent invited.

Friends who are not invited to the party may ask their child, “How could I not be invited to your birthday party?” or even continue with: “They invited you to mine. “Your child might respond by saying,” I was only allowed to have [#] guests. Do you want to come and play at my house soon? “Then make the date to play.

In the suburbs, it is not uncommon for children to invite a large number of guests to an evening party, and from that group, invite a smaller number of “closest” friends to stay for an evening or slumber party. If your child proposes such an arrangement, don’t believe for a second that guests not invited to stay will not find out about the most desirable after-party. Faster than the speed at which a birthday present is opened, the word will spread. Those uninvited will instantly and sadly notice your diminished stature. On more than one occasion, I picked up my daughter from a birthday party and found her struggling to hold back tears, while close to me, other parents were similarly comforting their children, who had also been left behind, and knew that true the party was just beginning.

Make sure your child understands that when a guest is invited, the guest is invited 100 percent.

Pointer n. # 3: distribute invitations discreetly

Completing and mailing birthday party invitations is an unwanted chore. It’s no wonder parents are tempted to streamline the process by personally delivering birthday party invitations at school.

When my youngest daughter, Hannah, was in preschool, I noticed parents placing birthday party invitations in children’s open cubicles. Although this method did not present a problem when all the children in a class were invited to a party, when some youth were invited and others were not, particularly when the invitations were in brightly colored envelopes, it was too clear to the uninvited that there were no about in its cubicle. In the preschool years, it is best for parents to deliver invitations directly to other parents or caregivers. Or, if that’s not possible due to work schedules, bite the bullet and mail them. Better yet, send the invitations by email if that is an acceptable alternative.

The tendency to hand out invitations in public places is traced through ratings. In the hubbub that followed a high school play, I witnessed a preteen distribute birthday party invitations to an enchanted crowd surrounding her. As I looked around, I noticed that other young people were also observing the emotion and were not so happy with it.

Let these three tips guide you toward defusing ethical pitfalls in the world of birthday party invitations. It is perhaps not too much of a stretch to say that the genre of children’s birthday party invitations represents a microcosm of American ethical practice. Aren’t these everyday interactions of family dynamics the essence of our lives?

So approach those birthday parties with vitality, vigor and knowledge. With your guidance, give your child another type of gift, more lasting.


Recycling TV shows: fact or fiction?

Copyright, laws and patents have slowed down the human race, luckily we still have a chance against nature. Without these limits, the current situation would be much worse. However, these same rules have also slowed down the improvements that could exist if they were not so controlled.

With YouTube types of websites growing like mushrooms, the networks, the music, television, film industries and their lawyers have been busy lately. At long last, the entertainment industry is realizing that it is fighting an uphill battle. The industry has come to understand that it’s time to stop being so uptight and get the coin out of where you wouldn’t get it unless you make a truce and invent some kind of special rules of the web world.

This can still take months, years or two at best, but the main thing is that the old footage is eventually recycled and the people who own the rights get some kind of recognition in the form of copyright payments. How exactly this is done is still unclear, but the good news is that transformation is on its way. Listen to music! It has been recycled; regret, mixed and remixed over and over again.

Now, how could this affect current television programming? It would be unfair and stupid not to use this same transformation on television shows. Channels need programming and escaping the audience leaves a huge cap on the ad revenue that most networks live on.

There are not too many options for the survival of TV channels: try to get your lost part of the web – almost impossible, sell more but less advertising time – already people are bored of seeing the current amount of ads, make cheaper but more interesting or entertaining shows – now we’re definitely on to something …

To produce cheaper, more entertaining, and rating-friendly programming, you need to use viewers as the main ingredient. Reality TV has demonstrated this fact very clearly; from a few program formats in the last decade to about a hundred today. Third, US programming is currently based on Reality TV. No scripts, no actors, no sets, just real life on screen. Competition, skill, fear, family, etc., based on real life entertainment in its purest form.

On the other hand, has this volume of neighborhood faces already bored people? How much more can viewers take? Surely everyone is saying that I – could – should have been there and done so much better in their home capes.

Now this is where it gets interesting. In fact, viewers could participate in different television formats from their sofa at home night after night: they could become respected, rich and famous without looking at a single race, perspective or capacity restrictions, and all of this could go on over and over again. time without any limitation day after day or week after week! Since nothing like this exists, it must be new, right?

How many viewers have thought of doing something different or adding features to a scene when they were watching a movie, a series, a nature documentary, or maybe a daily soup? Spice things up to make them more attractive, entertaining, or scary? Basically, watchers have been making their own “Director’s Cut” in their heads, probably since the dawn of television.

Now think of that laptop, PS3, or digital box in the living room. Instead of imagination, people can edit their own video clip using these portals as tools and post it to the “show forum”, which then decides if they will actually be on a real show that night / week or not. This will not create just a few dozen new formats, but a new culture, also a new concept of television. Without getting down to boring details, the future of television comes down to this:

– Will the owners of the entertainment industry, copyrights and clip libraries understand that it is of the utmost importance to their own name and that of nature to draw up a clear law book of the rules, regulations and prices of rights of Author specified for the use of the Internet and for the new, future way of doing television programming? –

There is a new concept of TV coming to town near you all and the only thing that can slow it down is the future copyright situation. Can we edit the latest TV series on the go? I highly doubt it, but there are still plenty of images to play with.

The date and time for these new look and feel concepts are still open, but if I had to make a guess I’d say 2010, roughly two years from now.

Lifestyle Fashion

Holodynamics: A Simple and Deep Alchemical Approach to Transforming the Mind

I would like to share with you a very powerful form of consciousness work called Holodynamics. First, a brief summary of how I got to this job. In my practice I work with very challenged people. The patterns that cause disease at all levels run quite deep and are often clouded by confusion, stagnation, and imbalance. We detach ourselves from the problem, give it a name, and want a cure. Even with the most sublime techniques and practices, there is information that is deeply ingrained in the mind and is so difficult to access and transform. For those who have awakened to this simple truth, they begin to search for ways to access the depths of their own consciousness to create a transformation. Most of those who suffer deeply know the confusion, fear, anger and hopelessness of trying to solve their problems.

Trauma: the root of all evil  

I have always said that trauma is the root of all evil.. Trauma by definition would not be trauma if you completed your resolution process. The world is a reflection of unresolved trauma and ongoing damaging attempts to mask its origins within each and every one of us. Unresolved trauma keeps one in pain and causes pain all around us. In my holistic practice, I explain to my clients that unresolved trauma can last thirty years, but time is truly an illusion. It means that for thirty years you have not been able to access the skills to obtain a resolution.  

In my practice I learned how to access the depths of the energy body, as this is the central reflection of one’s state of health on all levels. Over and over the emotional trauma was revealed, so I looked for more skillful means of achieving a resolution at this core level. I studied many approaches to working on the mind, including various forms of psychotherapy, hypnosis, shamanic work, and meditation. My intuitive gifts in both music and healing led me to energy psychology modalities such as heart math, eft, tappas acupuncture, aromatherapy, bach flowers, color and sound therapies, energetic nutritional strategies, movement therapies, etc. As a body worker, I found energy systems such as shiatsu, traggering, polarity, chakra / energy body cleansing techniques, and core synchronization (a deeper version of the cranial sacrum) very helpful. I came to see deeply how the mind could alter the energy body and even with skillful loving rebalancing and incredible success I realized that I needed a deeper access to the depths of consciousness. I was looking for a tool that would access both the energy body and one that could penetrate deep into the mind itself. Body work for the mind. How was it possible, knowing how persistent and stagnant the mind becomes, to access and transform those deeper traumas that you knew existed in dimensions of consciousness that seemed inaccessible?

Can you go beyond thought and the energy body and enter a much deeper dimension of reality? Can you take a deeper lens into consciousness itself and transform your own body of consciousness? We could meditate and quiet the mind, but we get activated and the harmful patterns of consciousness return. There is an old Buddhist saying about how to approach the problem of suffering. A Buddhist takes a hair and sticks it in his eye where most feel it as if it is in his hand. The key here is that what we perceive as trauma is an amazing opportunity to resolve suffering at its core, delve into it, and resolve the problem. What are the skills that are needed to achieve this?

Trauma is a reflection of unresolved forms of consciousness that you associate as yourself, so now you feel yourself being that form with all its suffering.Consciousness itself contains many forms that are stuck and cannot solve their own condition. Holodynamics teaches us how to enter the heart of unresolved forms of consciousness (downdraft holodynes) and transform them into useful forms that serve our highest good. Using a skillful and loving dialectical process, we learn how to locate and emerge these stealths as holodynes, get to know them for the first time (some are quite ancient), and then help them transform. These holodynes contain information as old (and new) as consciousness itself and can originate in any form of consciousness over time and in a multidimensional way. They like that we have needs and wants. Holodynes can reflect our deepest fears and problems. Jumping through hyperspace, a holodyne can literally take over our sensory system in an instant affecting our thoughts and feelings and beyond. When we cannot find a way out of a problem, these ways reach the depths of our mind trying to help us.

Even though these holodynes are intended to help us, their actions are often harmful as they don’t really possess the skills to do the job. You can see them as relative to consciousness and we all know the problem that relative brings with it. So we suffer from their limited primitive intelligence. These downdraft holodynes are lost and we are overwhelmed by their futile attempts to help us, thus feeling great pain. We over-identify with these downdraft holodynes because they literally take over our entire system in an overwhelming way.

Why is holodynamics such a powerful healing modality?  

Downdraft holodynes are difficult to access, very hardy, and most people approaching these forms experience tremendous discomfort.Vernon Woolf, the founder of Holodynamics, has created a methodology called “Tracking,” which allows one to access and transform their darkest entities without being sucked into intense negative drama.It is not an easy task. With most of the work, you run for the hills once you start engaging these entities. Or you’re dragging them by your heels so you can feel safe and secure. So what if you can really turn these dark beings into loving helpers? Two very critical pieces allow this to happen. One learns how to get spiritual help in a very pragmatic way (anyone can do this) and one learns that these demonic thought forms, like any other being, have logic in their actions and need help. You learn to see that all the darkest holodynes have a positive intention. The information these holodynes reveal will transform your own understanding of yourself on a very deep level. Discovering its origins and purpose is enlightening. What if you could transform your demons into allies? What if you haven’t seen their healing intent the whole time and, in fact, they’ve been misinterpreted for a long time? What is critical, regardless of your belief system, is that these entities sit deep within the mind and will not transform unless we can learn to access them with love and understanding and help them to empower their deepest intention. And that intention, once truly discovered, is always positive and healing. In Holodynamics we seek the positive intention of all forms of consciousness and we help those who act in harmful ways to find what they are really looking for and help them transform into new forms of healing. Consciousness itself continually seeks resolution.

The second part of the job is the most crucial. You learn to access your spiritual potential and allow you to do the work of transformation. This job teaches one to discover problem solving on a whole new level.From a place of superpositional peace, you discover your spiritual self, your full potential self, and begin to realize your true healing potential. With your guides and your full potential Self in charge, you will be able to solve the deepest problems of your life.Once you experience a “follow-up” or two, you will understand that you can now go deep into your mind and transform the most painful parts of yourself. The beauty of this job is that it works. Go in and begin to clear the most ingrained alchemical patterns of the mind one by one and the mind begins to see its true potential and is renewed and reorganized. You align yourself with your Full Potential Self. Discover the light within the darkness and with the help of the light transform the darkness into light.

Drawing on the latest advances in physics, holodynamics creates a new framework for understanding the nature of consciousness itself. There are many books on the subject. For starters, I would suggest “The Dance of Life” or “Holodynamics” by Victor Vernon Woolf. Dr. Woolf spent many years as a psychotherapist looking for better ways to help his patients and the most challenged populations in need of assistance. Its success with drug populations, mental patients, and inmates is well documented. He worked in Russia for many years helping to facilitate the end of the cold war and has also worked in the Middle East. Holodynamics has been taught to thousands of people and does not require the need for an ongoing therapist. This reminds me of Dr. Bach who wished his flower remedies were available to every home, not just doctors. Once one experiences this work, they can learn it and share it with friends and family. You can create your own healing group and have a continuous way of helping each other and transforming consciousness on a deep level. This work is a wonderful addition to the healing practice. I firmly believe that with simple practice and skillful tools you can achieve great success on your healing journey.


Cats socializing

Burmese cats

I first fell in love with Burmese cats ten years ago when I went to the home of an acquaintance to see his new cat, a beautiful purebred Burmese male named Darshan. Darshan sat majestically atop a very tall cat tree that looked like it was made for a king, alongside another beautiful Burmese woman.

I was captivated by its beauty, and when I learned more about this breed, its folk tradition and its history, I promised myself that my next cat would be a Burmese. However, I put that thought in the back of my mind and finally forgot about it.

How I won the heart of my unsocialized Burmese cat

A few years later, my cat died, and since I always have a cat in my house, I went looking for a new cat companion almost immediately. I strongly believe in adopting shelter or sanctuary pets due to the huge problem of cat and dog overpopulation. So, I started looking on the Pet Finders website and was surprised to see a cat that looked almost identical to the Darshan available at a local pet sanctuary. I immediately got on the phone and asked if he was still available. The owner told me that the cat’s name was Leanne and that it was a Himalayan mix. However, when I went to see her, I could see that she was Burmese.

Purebred Burmese are very expensive and can range from $ 500 to $ 700. I was excited and immediately wanted to adopt her despite the fact that she had a history of neglect and socialization problems; She was extremely shy and hid from people all the time. It was almost impossible to find her when I first came to meet her at the sanctuary, and no one had been able to bond with her after months of trying. The sanctuary director warned that Leanne would never be able to socialize.

When I adopted Leanne, she was two years old, and now at six, she is a fully socialized member of my household who loves my dog, Beardog, greets people who come by, and loves to sit on my lap and sleep with me in the morning. evening. It took me many months to help her out of her shell, and she continued to hide for a long time. But now he has all the wonderful features of Burmese cats. They are friendly cats that generally like people and other animals, they are strong and healthy with few genetic problems, and they are charming and very sociable.

These were my strategies to make Leanne love me and come out of the closet:

I bribed her with toys and playtime. – I found out that if I brought her toys at the end of the day, she was willing to play with me (this was amazing because she absolutely refused to interact with anyone at the sanctuary). Every day when she came home from work, I would bring her some new interactive toy and sit on the floor with her for about an hour while she jumped like any normal kitten who loves to play.

By far the best and best toy I found was Da Bird. A friend who had recently adopted two cats recommended Da Bird, and it really brought her out of her shell. While I was relaxing and watching TV, I kept my unsocialized cat busy, literally for hours, jumping and doing incredible backflips that I didn’t know were possible even for gymnastic felines. The way to my Birman’s heart was gymnastics!

I found some cat furniture that I could call your own. – All cats must scratch to exercise their muscles and sharpen their claws (please don’t remove your cat’s nails!). Therefore, you must provide adequate scratching posts. Found a great post online!

Cats, like dogs, children, and most adults, are easily impressed by treats – Treats are a great way to teach your cat to come when you call. After they know there are treats in a bag, just shake the bag and call, and it can usually make even non-socialized cats appear. Get treats that are good for your cat!

Catnip makes cats happy – Catnip is to cats like chocolate to humans. It makes their brains feel good and seems to elicit a positive response in felines. Buying catnip toys, providing fresh and dried catnip or catnip plants is a great way to show your non-socialized cat that you have a lot to offer and that you are a great provider.

In addition to cat toys, cat furniture, cat treats, and catnip, I also employed some important feline psychology to build confidence in my skittish Birman. Money alone cannot buy the love of an unsocialized cat. Leanne, despite all the treats, toys, and bribes, was still hiding in the basement ceiling more often than she wanted. Here are some tips for developing a long-term, healthy relationship with a cat:

  • Never yell at a cat, it doesn’t work, especially if a cat is already scared.
  • If you must discipline a feline, it is best to clap loudly when he is mischievous so that he associates an awkward sound with his behavior rather than blaming the discipline directly on you.
  • Never hit a cat – Cats will never forgive any kind of physical discipline and they will lose the confidence you’ve worked hard for.
  • Be patient and don’t expect socialization to happen quickly – it took Leanne about 3 months to walk freely around my room and another month before she was able to move freely around my house. For a long time, he would run with his tail down from one hiding place to another, simply going out to play and receive treats and then retreating to his safe hiding places.
  • Don’t take cats out of hiding; let them go out alone when they are ready.
  • Once you’ve set up your litter box and sleeping and eating areas, don’t change them! Cats hate changes and when they are just beginning to socialize, it is best not to make too many changes.
  • Brush your cat frequently and show him as much affection as you can tolerate. Leanne loved being brushed even when she was still in hiding. Grooming is a great way to bond with animals.

It is true that many cats, such as wild ones, cannot socialize and it is not a good idea to bring one home. But there are cats that you find in a shelter that can be very shy, but still have the opportunity to have a happy domestic life. If you have the patience and time to work with such a cat, you can make a wonderful companion. These tips will make a difference.


Social stratification in America

Social stratification in American Society is not clearly defined or determined; however, the social scientist has developed a socioeconomic stratification of American society. Americans believe in a three-class society: rich, poor, and middle class, and most Americans consider themselves middle class. In reality, American society is more diverse and incongruous and there is a vast difference between people. The basic determinants that make up social class are wealth, education, income, and occupation. Some sociologists have divided American society into six distinct categories including: rich or upper class, upper middle class, lower middle class, lower and poor class, and lower class.

People belonging to the same social class are believed to share similar social positions, ways of thinking, and lifestyles; others are opposed to this idea and believe that we cannot generalize the characteristics of people to each other. Social class creates a hierarchy and identity for the people of each class.

One of the indications of social class in the United States is income in terms of the individual or household, and it is one of the most important indicators of social class. Those families with two income earners are in a better position. Per capita income, which means the amount of money allocated to each individual member, is also another important determinant in social stratification. It can be said that families with fewer members are better off.

Another indication of social stratification is education that is related to occupation and income. Higher education itself needs money and tuition, so it is clear that most of the time better-off families can afford a better education for their children: they can afford better schools and private schools, colleges and universities. As a result, there is an interrelation between money and education.

One of the most prominent characteristics of social class is culture: people of the same social class tend to have similar behaviors; although this behavior and culture is not something fixed and changes with social mobility: people who move up or down in their social stratification will acquire the behavior of that social group. But there is also diversity within the same social group. One of the important terms in American culture and literature is the concept of “class descent”: according to this concept, each successive generation will have a higher standard of living than its predecessors. Another important characteristic of American social class is the status achieved in place of the statues described; it means that regardless of your original statues, one can become rich and successful and move up the social ladder. But in reality, this idealistic view cannot be completely true: many people of color still suffer from racial prejudice and, as a result, cannot have the proper education and a good occupation, which is perhaps the most important class component. These people have lower incomes and the cycle will continue into later generations. Despite existing injustice and inequalities, America is seen as the land of opportunity, the land whose streets are paved with gold. Although this belief is exaggerated, Americans have improved their financial situation with their hard work and perseverance.