
Correct sizing overview

As client / server technology evolves, the battle cry is now the right size: design new applications for the platform for which they are best suited, instead of using a predetermined location.

An application must run in the most efficient environment for that application. The client / server model allows applications to be divided into tasks and those tasks to be performed on individual platforms. Developers review all tasks within an application and determine whether each task is best suited for processing on the server or on the client.

In some cases, tasks that involve a large amount of numerical processing are performed on the server and only the results are transmitted to the client. In other cases, server workload or trade-offs between the millions of instructions per second server and the millions of instructions per second client, along with communication time and network costs, may not justify usage. server for intensive data. number processing tasks.

Determining how tasks are divided can be the main factor in the success or failure of a client / server application. And if the first client / server application fails, for whatever reason, it may be a long time before there is a second.

Some variations on this theme are:

1. Reduce the size:

A host-based application is downsized when it is redesigned to run in a smaller environment or based on a local area network. Downsizing involves migrating applications from mainframe and mid-range computers to a smaller platform or client / server architecture based on a local area network. Downsizing is not as easy as purchasing and installing hardware and software that are compatible with client / server computing.

2. Increase the size:

Even as companies are downsizing their glass-enclosed mainframes to distributed systems based on local area networks, they are planning for the future by ensuring that these new systems are expandable. When an application exceeds the current environment, the capacity of the environment must be increased or applications must be moved to a larger environment without interrupting users.

3. Smart size

Smart sizing relies on reengineering the business process itself, in contrast to downsizing, which redeploys existing automated systems on smaller platforms or based on local area networks. The reduction is focused on saving costs and increasing current productivity. While the application code can be simplified, little or no thought is given to the process itself.

Smart sizing means that information technology can make the business process more efficient and increase profits. Business reengineering focuses on using technology to optimize internal workflow tasks such as order entry and customer satisfaction. Products can be developed and commercialized more quickly using information technology.

Digital Marketing

Get book reviews

Book reviews are one of the most powerful marketing activities. There is no such thing as having too many reviews. The great thing about a good review is that it tells potential buyers that someone else read and liked the book. A good book review is a powerful marketing tool. You can use it by placing it on your blog. You can also share it through the social media links. Another tactic is to add it to your book page at Amazon Central.

There are several strategies you can use to acquire more reviews.

Goodreads Groups are a fertile area to request reviews. Use these groups as your first resource. Some of these groups are listed later in this chapter.

Another approach is to contact a review site. These come in two flavors. One will review your book, usually for a fee. Desktop Publishing Reviews it is such a place. Be Booklife. Some sites will review your book for free. Reader favorite It is one of those free sites, although it will ask you to upgrade to a paid review.

The second type of review site will not review your book, but will make it available to multiple potential reviewers. I list some of these later in the chapter. There are many more besides the ones I mention, but I only included a few that I am familiar with. A simple search will give you a list of more sites that offer to get book reviews for a price.

Let me be clear: if you use one of these services, you are not buying a review. You are paying for a proofreading service that will put your book in front of many potential reviewers who may or may not choose to proofread your book. The review service does not pay reviewers who choose to read your book. What you pay for when you sign up for a review service is access to all the potential reviewers on your list.

Some of the review services will not deliver the products. They tell a good story about the many reviewers they have on their email list, but you won’t get the number of reviews you signed up for. These sites just don’t have enough readers on their list to deliver the reviews. Others, a small number, are just scammers looking to scam the authors.

Another strategy is to give away copies of your book, hopefully in exchange for a promise to review it. You can use your social media contacts here. Ask if anyone wants a free copy of the e-book review. I found this tactic to be marginally effective. The main reason is that some people ask for a review copy just because it is free and they do not intend to write a review. Also, some readers will not like the book and will not write a negative review. My experience is that around 25% of these readers will write a review. However, sending e-books to potential reviewers costs you nothing, so you will not incur any costs.

My observation is that many people do not write reviews of books that they enjoy because they are not sure how. To alleviate this problem, I wrote a series of questions to help readers write a short and simple book review. There are two versions of this: one for fiction and one for non-fiction. When you ask someone to review your book or when you submit a copy of the e-book for review, please paste the questions in the email or you can create a document and attach it to the email.

Fiction book review questionnaire:

1) On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the highest), how would you rate this book?

2) Did you like or dislike the book?

3) Explain why you answered 2) as you did.

If you liked the book, answer the following questions:

4) Why did you like the book?

4) What didn’t you like about the book?

6) Did the main characters seem real and credible to you?

7) Did you want the book to continue beyond the end?

Use your answers to these questions to write a few sentences about the book. Hint: don’t write a short synopsis.

As an example, here is a review I received of one of my novels:

I enjoyed reading “Falstaff’s Big Wager: A Fantasy Adventure to Spin Shakespeare in His Grave (Gundarland Story Book 2)”. The author has written a fun satire and it is a very entertaining read. I felt that the author was very creative and knowledgeable about the writings of the famous Bard of Avon in writing this light, imaginative, and delightful account.

Nonfiction Book Review Questionnaire:

1) How many stars, from 1 to 5, would you give this book? (Five is the highest rating)

2) What did you like about the book (if you liked anything)?

3) What did you not like about the book (if you liked anything)?

4) Did you get the information that the author promised in the book blurb and other promotional material?

5) Does the book contain information that was not expected or that you did not know?

6) Would you recommend this book to other people?

Use your answers to these questions to write a few sentences about the book.

Here’s an example review of one of my nonfiction books:

FFilled with diagrams and written almost as a step-by-step guide for authors, “Creating Stories” is a must-read book if you are a new author or have had trouble writing your next novel. This is a guide for novel and short story writers. Covers character development, plot development, and more. In fact, it even comes down to the nitty-gritty. I like that it’s even based on things like comedy writing and satire.


Acceptance and understanding of autism

Autism is not a disease or an entity. It is not something we should seek to eradicate. Rather, it is a way of being, a general term to describe how one relates (or does not relate) to the world. If we look at autism as an entity, a “thing”, then this leads us to develop programs that seek to transform the person into something that is not, will not be, and cannot be. It makes us seek to alter the person by force, coercion, and manipulation.

Behaviorism has sought to modify the person, the existential approach rather seeks to understand. The way in which the autistic person behaves should be seen as a form of communication, possibly the only form of communication that they can possess to describe their joys, sadness or anguish. The autistic world is often misunderstood, one can see the person waving their arms and see this as “strange” and in need of suppression. But if we look inward and explore the meaning behind this action, we may find that it is telling us something, it is indicative of how that person feels. It is one of his few ways of being able to share his experience.

I met a 5 year old autistic boy who did not speak. He walked into the office and began tapping on the computer keyboard. The secretary’s immediate response, as usual, was to suppress this behavior and make it go away. Instead, I told him to let him go. We had a ball pit in the center of the room, and I told the boy that if he wanted to keep hitting the keyboard he would have to pick it up and throw it into the ball pit. It continued, and I picked it up and threw it. He got out of the ball pit and went back to the keyboard. This time, he didn’t hit the keyboard, but instead reached out for him and then fell back into my arms for me to throw him into the ball pit. He laughed and laughed and then spoke the words, “do it again.” I was impressed. The relationship was the key to this interaction and an emotional connection was forged. I entered his world, he reciprocated and entered mine.

I worked with an autistic boy who was blind and had leg paralysis. When frustrated and overwhelmed, he sometimes needed a helmet because he hit his head. Many would reject any attempt to relate to him as “too handicapped” or “too worrying.” But even here, he worked on evaluating his surroundings, seeking to alleviate those things that caused him anguish and overwhelming. And emotional connections could be made with him despite their challenges and differences. I let him take the initiative and, at times, he would hold my hand and guide me around his house. Despite his blindness, he knew his surroundings by touch. He enjoyed listening to music and had a game that he played where he covered himself with blankets and laughed. These were important emotional connections that should not be ignored.

A child with cerebral palsy may be autistic, a child placed in sensory deprivation conditions may be autistic, a child exposed to a toxin may be autistic. Autism is simply a term that we have decided to use to label how a person has developed and relates differently to the world. If I am an American and I travel to a foreign country and I don’t know anything about the culture or the language, I am obliged to fight. If I am an American traveling to a foreign country but have learned some of the language and culture, it will be much easier. I think this is the direction in which programs to help autistic people should be heading. Not to alter the person, but to help them be themselves and at the same time have an understanding of the “mainstream” and be able to navigate through it.

Legal Law

The rise of free online college courses

To say that attending college is an expensive process is an understatement. In 2012, total student debt in the United States is believed to have exceeded $ 1 trillion. In 2011, the New York Times reported that average student debt was about $ 26,500 and online college courses aren’t much cheaper. However, the advent of free online college courses, others known as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), could change the face of education forever.

It started as an experiment, but all indications are that it will be a huge success with a large number of public universities willing to offer MOOCs to anyone who applies in the hope that many of the participants will pass the course; Enroll in college and pay the normal tuition fees. In a country where a degree in religious and women’s studies from a prestigious university can cost up to $ 100,000, MOOCs could open up the world of education to students. Why are universities interested in offering these free trial courses? Many American universities are in debt and need some method to attract more students.

Growth of a phenomenon?

The University of Arkansas, the University of Cincinnati, and the State of Arizona are just three of the most respected universities participating in the plan. MOOC growth really skyrocketed in 2012 when startups like Udacity and edX came to light and offered hope to those who previously couldn’t afford education. These courses were founded by professors from top schools like Stanford and Harvard, and millions of people around the world accepted the professors’ offer.

At this stage, one wonders if MOOCs can one day replace college degrees. If this were the case, it would make a huge difference to an incredible number of potential students. One problem was that universities weren’t giving credit for MOOCs, but even this seems to be about to change. Several universities in Austria and Germany are giving credit for MOOCs and this could be extended to American educational institutions, as the state of Colorado has made noise about following the lead of its European counterparts. The University of Washington is also considering this course of action, although university students will have to pay a fee and do additional work with a professor from the institution if it goes ahead with the plan.

The future of MOOCs

These free online courses are no longer a novelty and will continue to be used as a tool to encourage prospective students to enroll in a university. The University of Texas at Arlington has partnered with Academic Partnerships to offer free online college courses to prospective nursing students. To date, more than 80% of those who accepted the free offer returned and paid for the course on campus. At the very least, MOOCs offer students the option to “try before you buy,” a valuable resource when courses are so expensive. Free online college courses could pose a threat to traditional education, but if these institutions find a way to use MOOCs to their advantage, like the University of Texas, giving something for free could be very lucrative.

Lifestyle Fashion

Happy habits for relationships

Romance is a way of expressing your love, the icing on the cake. But don’t wait for special occasions to express your love. Be sure to nurture your love relationship by practicing these basic habits in your daily life. These may seem very basic, but how many do you practice regularly? Don’t despair … it’s never too late to adopt good love habits.

Most of the couples who come to my practice with problems report that their marriage lost its romance a long time ago. It’s easy to feel romantic when you’re living apart and hanging out together, because every moment we spend together is special. From the moment you start living together, those romantic moments are no longer automatic. Instead, they spend a lot of their time together on more mundane things: doing the laundry, doing the dishes, paying the bills, or going to work. Although this may be new, exciting, and fun at first, as soon as the initial novelty of living together wears off, those everyday things are no longer exciting and romantic, and you may worry that your partner is no longer worrying as much or is so excited to be with you.

Developing these good relationship habits will make a big difference to your happiness.

Good relationship habits

1. Don’t resist, listen.

We often have an instinctive negative response to what a partner tells us or wants to do. Instead of answering in the negative, “That won’t work …” “We can’t do that …” I tried listening and thinking for a few more seconds. You may find that your initial response changes, and in any case, listening and understanding is not the same as agreeing. When your spouse feels that you care about what you are saying, the nature of communication will change for the better.

2. Increase the sweetness.

Married life has its inevitable strains and strains. To keep things in balance, we need to put a little energy into increasing the sweetness between us. Consideration, appreciation, and gestures of courtesy and affection are the WD-40 of your marriage. Say “I love you” every day. Keep things running smoothly by remembering to add a little sweetness frequently. You will be surprised how good you feel and how receptive your partner is.

3. Goodbye kiss and hello.

Give him a hug while you do it. Affection keeps the juices flowing and the romance alive.

4. Maintain your courtship behavior.

Treat your partner even better than when you were dating … Remember they are dating. Touch each other. Sit close to your partner and gently place your hand on their shoulder, leg, or arm. If you are in the car, lightly touch your shoulder or arm. You will find that your conversation becomes warmer and more affectionate. If you have been struggling or are willing to forgive each other, confronting and holding both hands will help you feel more connected and calm in a positive way.

5. Don’t worry about the little things.

You can let your bad habits bother you to distraction … or you can accept and avoid them. Leave the toothpaste cap off? Buy separate tubes … Do you leave clothes lying around? Ignore or pick them up, remembering how much it does for you in other ways. Or make it easier for your partner to satisfy you … put laundry baskets and trees within easy reach.

6. Focus on the positive.

Instead of thinking about the ways he / she disappoints you, think about all the positive things about your partner that attracted you in the first place.

7. Take a break when you are angry.

Don’t try to speak when either of you is angry. Take a few minutes to walk around the block, lie down, just walk away from each other so you can regroup. A short break will allow both of you to stay on track and discuss what’s bothering you rather than accidentally making personal insults that you’ll regret later.

8. Don’t use your partner’s secrets or weaknesses against them … ever!

What may seem insignificant, trivial, or cute to you may be serious to your partner. Recognize what is important to your partner and do not discuss it with your friends, your mother, your family, with anyone! And certainly don’t return words to them in an argument. A love relationship is one of the most intimate and trusting that anyone can have.

9. Think of your partner first.

If you both do this, you can’t help but win! Remember that first and foremost, they are partners. Keep this in mind and check back frequently to make sure you are acting as partners and not competitors or evaders. They’re in this together, and partnership is what it’s all about. Say ‘yes’ to your partner as often as possible … go to that sporting event with him, take him out to that golf course because he loves golf, visit his family, make life easier for your partner , and hopefully they will do the same for you! Reciprocity is the key.

10. Respect each other.

Do not speak ill of your partner to anyone, not even joking! Negative words have a habit of sticking around and showing up when things go wrong. When you talk about your partner, let your respect and love shine through. Unless your partner is talking about something really sad (job loss, death, etc.) where a smile would be inappropriate, look him in the eye and smile as you listen. Your partner will automatically feel more understood and cared for, which will change the feeling level of the conversation. This doesn’t mean staring without blinking, but just staring frequently for a few seconds at a time, to communicate your attention.

11. Find a way to regroup every day.

Find out what works well for both of you … eating together, getting together for a happy hour drink, skipping television at night and just laying in bed in the dark, taking a walk around the block, etc. You can even mix things up and vary your routine. If one of you is traveling, call home at night just to hear your voice. The point is to spend time together every day, just talking or breathing the same air, feeling connected. No matter how crazy you are with work, kids, and bills, it’s essential to set aside regular time each week for the marriage. Have a “date night” that includes a discussion about the “state of the union” or take a nice walk or drive. Staying connected means that things don’t turn into a fighting state, and you will remember how great you are together. Don’t forget to celebrate and appreciate each other. Motivation comes from celebration and appreciation, so when you spend some quality time together, you will both be more motivated to make your marriage the best it can be.

12. Try to laugh.

If something frustrating is going on, try easing the tension with a little humor. After a difficult interaction in a store, when you leave, you might say, “It went well.” with a touch of irony. Or, when someone drops something and makes a mess, you could say, “The gremlins are here again,” “It’s always something,” or “It could happen” to trade stress for bullshit. Don’t make fun of your partner, but use shared humor as a way of saying “I know this is hard, but we will get over it.” Your partner will think of you as reassuring and helpful to be around when problems arise.

13. Use pleasant surprises.

Try a love note in your spouse’s briefcase, a post-it with a smiley face on the bottom of the toilet seat, a flower, plant, card or balloon for no reason, or an unexpected soft pat on the butt, a hug or a kiss to say “I’m thinking well of you and I love you.”

14. Remember the good times.

“Remember when …” is a great start to a loving conversation. Create a great feeling by remembering what you were like when you were dating, when you got married, when you bought your home for the first time, when you had your first child, when you received that promotion. Reminding yourselves of your strong history together is one way to increase your bond.

15. Show off to friends in the presence of your partner.

Of course, tell your partner to their face how much you care, but also make sure to tell your friends, while your partner is around, with the great boy or girl you married. “Harold is so considerate. He helped me around the house today.” Or “Sue is a great mom. It really gives the kids the feeling that they are loved and still keeps them on the mark.” Now, “Did you hear? Fred got a big promotion. I’m so proud of him.” Now, “I don’t know what I’d do without Judy. She’s so good with money.” Now, “My darling doesn’t look too good today? I’m very lucky.” Don’t worry if your partner seems embarrassed. He or she will also be pleased and will remember your boast for a long time.

Remember … the more you put into your relationship, the more you earn! Make love and romance a part of your daily life!

Adapted from: How to be happy partners: Working together


Groom your puppy at home like a pro

Bringing home a cute puppy can be one of the memorable moments of your life. But the most difficult thing is to take care of it properly. If you have no previous experience in handling a dog, then it will be a challenging task for you. However, it does not mean that only experienced people have the exclusive rights to have a pet, if you know the technicalities and procedures of proper puppy grooming, you could also become an ideal pet parent and live a happy life with your dog. .

Before giving your puppy the necessary care tips, I want to explain how important it is. If you are not aware of the importance of grooming, you will not find the dedication to do it. So, let’s take a look at the reasons why you should get serious about puppy grooming:

Like human babies, young puppies are very delicate, weak, and cuddly. If they are not cared for properly, they could easily become sick or weak, which could have an adverse effect on their health. Your cute and cuddly fluff ball requires physical maintenance to look, feel, and stay healthy.

Taking care of your puppy also makes the bond between the two of you even stronger. Your puppy begins to recognize you and you become a special person in his life. And this friendship will go on and on.

Regular care of your puppy allows you to identify any health-related problems or abnormalities early, so that you can take preventive measures at the right time before it becomes serious.

Now that you know the value of treating your puppy properly, it’s time to share some of the grooming tips you can take.

Keep your puppy in a clean place The first thing to do after bringing a puppy home is to arrange a clean, hygienic, and spot-free abode for him. In kennels, a puppy lives with several other dogs and puppies in highly unsanitary conditions. Therefore, it is essential to keep your pet in a germ-free and sanitized place. You can easily find specific cleaning products at a dog grooming store to disinfect your furry friend’s home.

Prepare your puppy for grooming sessions. Your pet may not find the cleaning sessions exciting at first, but it is important to introduce him to the cleaning process early, as puppies learn best between 7 and 16 weeks. Keep in mind that you are not putting your pet in a bathtub right away. Get him used to the different cleaning processes gradually and introduce him slowly with clippers, combs, nail clippers, brushes and other cleaning products. Patience is the key to success when cleaning your dog.

Bathing your puppy You cannot give him a bath until he is one month old. After three months, you can bathe him once a week, and according to dog grooming experts, it’s a good idea to bathe your puppy when he’s noticeably dirty or smelly. However, the time between baths will vary from dog to dog. Soak a clean, soft cloth in warm water mixed with shampoo and gently wipe the puppy from head to tail. Do not apply any cleansing agent directly to your skin. After that, use a clean towel to remove excess moisture from the puppy. You can also run a hair dryer to rinse it off. Keep in mind that puppies’ skin is very sensitive, so it is best to use quality cleaning products such as shampoo or soap from a reputable dog grooming store.

Trim nails Trimming the nails is the task that worries most of the dog owners. Although, puppies’ toenails usually don’t grow out, but you need to keep him aware of the process so that in the future when he develops a longer toenail, it will be easier for you to trim them. Take it on your lap and place its paw in your hand without squeezing your toe. Hold the toe firmly and start cutting the nail with a nail clipper. It is suggested to use small size nail clippers for better control.

Regular physical maintenance is an essential part of responsible puppy care. It would be right for you if you set a strategy and do one task at a time, such as bathing your puppy the first day, brushing him the next, and trimming his nails another day.

Arts Entertainments

Famous atheists

Many people throughout history have not believed in a god or gods. Famous atheists like Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins are well known. There are many other famous people who don’t believe in any of the gods either. Below is a short list of famous atheists along with a short biography.

Christopher Hitchens (1949) is an author and journalist. His books include God Is Not Great and The Missionary Position. Hitchens became a US citizen on April 13, 2007. His most recent book is Hitch-22: A Memoir.

Richard Dawkins (1941) is an evolutionary biologist, ethologist, and author. Sometimes referred to in the media as “Darwin’s Rottweiler,” Dawkins is the author of many books, including the best-seller The God Delusion, which argues that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist. In his latest book, The Greatest Show on Earth, Dawkins lays out the evidence for biological evolution. At its annual conference Atheists Alliance International presents the Richard Dawkins Award to an atheist who has been influential in raising public awareness of atheism.

Sam Harris (1967) is an author, neuroscientist, and CEO of Project Reason. His books include The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian. His third book The Moral Landscape Harris argues that science can be a source of morality. Sam writes on many topics including science, religion, philosophy, and morality.

PZ Myers (1957) is a professor of biology and the author of the Pharyngula blog where he addresses topics such as creationism, intelligent design, science education, and atheism. PZ describes Pharyngula as “Evolution, development and random biological ejaculations of an impious liberal”.

Penn and Teller are magicians, comedians, illusionists, and hosts of the television show Bullshit! dealing with topics such as creationism, pseudoscience, alternative medicine, and animal rights.

James Randi (1928) is an author, magician, and founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF). Randi often appeared on The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson and is the author of many books, including The Truth About Uri Geller.

Ricky Gervais (1961) is a comedian, actor, director, and writer. Gervais is the author of several children’s books, including Flanimals.

Jodie Foster (1962) is an actress, producer and film director. Foster has starred in many films, including Contact and The Silence of the Lambs.

Douglas Adams (1952 – 2001) was a writer and author of many books, including The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali (1969) is a writer, feminist, politician and critic of Islam. She is the author of the New York Times best seller Infidel.

Lance Armstrong (1971) is a seven-time Tour de France winner and cancer survivor.

Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) was a professor of biochemistry at Boston University and is the author of many books.

Peter Atkins (1940) is a writer and chemist.

Bruce Lee (1940-1973) was a martial arts expert, actor, film director, film producer, and founder of the Jeet Kune Do marital arts movement.

Dan Barker (1949) was a Christian preacher for 19 years. After leaving Christianity, Barker became an atheist and is the author of the books Godless and Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist. Dan is the co-chair of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

James Cameron (1954) is a producer, film director, editor and screenwriter. Cameron wrote and directed the films Titanic and Avatar.

George Carlin (1937-2008) was a comedian, author, and actor. He won a total of five Grammy Awards and was a frequent actor on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.

Bjork (1965) is a singer, songwriter, music producer, and actress. He has recorded seven solo albums and three albums with the group Sugarcubes.

Sir Arthur Charles Clarke (1918-2008) was a science fiction inventor and writer. Some of his works include 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Fountains of Paradise.

Seth MacFarlane (1973) is a writer, producer, director and actor. Seth is best known for creating the television show Family Guy. Support gay rights and the legalization of marijuana.

Steven Pinker (1954) is a scientist, psychologist, author, and linguist. Pinker has written many books, including Stuff of Thought and The Blank Slate.

Daniel Radcliffe (1989) is an actor best known for his role as Harry Potter in the film series.

Ron Reagan (1958) was a radio host and is currently a political expert for MSNBC.